How does the author build suspense as Bim & Bawn relate the story of Keesh's hunting techniques?


Answer 1

Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

The suspense in a narrative is built through a strong discretion of elements of the setting and the story itself. This is because it is the description, through the use of specific adjectives, that creates a dark, sinister atmosphere that permeates the suspense in history, since it leaves the readable and involved in an unpredictable narrative.

Related Questions

What were two reasons that many Americans began to fear the French during the 1790s?


The French had offered aid during the war

i need ideas on writing a story that involves a character new to the area.. please help :0



They could have a special secret that boone not even their parents know about. They could also know someone from the past that just so happens to be in the new area they are going.

Just some ideas. Hope the story goes well. Also hope this helped!!


well you could do a mystery romance thingy.

Good girl moves to a small town. She doesn't know anyone. She goes to church and people think she's a goody goody.

She's a freshman or sophomore.

She meets this Junior boy at her church so she thinks he's good.

she falls for him because he's hot.

she gets to know him and he turns out to be a bad boy. bad reputation.

he never tells her stuff even though they have become friends, but people give her weird looks and her new friends try to warn her.

weird things start happening.

kids die at a party the boy went to.

girls go missing, etc.

girl feels like she's being stocked or something.

more weird stuff.

he looks super suspicious.

find out in the end, it was just this "invisible" kid who was always lurking in the background looking innocent but he wasn't innocent.

the bad boy was innocent. and he turns out to just be really broken.

he falls for the new girl.

the end.


i don't know what level you are as a writer or your grade or anything. but this was just an idea based on real life, minus the bad stuff happening.

write a letter in a role of a soldier from world war 1 about your wartime experiences

PLS i needed fast i give 30 points



Dear Mr Welsh,

We were only out here a matter of a few hours before we went into the trenches; we were there for eight days and then came on to what is called a Rest Camp. I suppose it is called that to distinguish it from the trenches because the men are at work all day road and trench making and it comes under both rifle and artillery fire. We got here at 7 o’clock yesterday morning and were shelled at 9 o’clock.

The country is really quite pretty and just like the hills and valleys of South Wales, but there are no brooks or rivers. It rains hard for a month each year usually about this time and then there is no more until the next rainy season. But although it is so gloriously sunny something is wrong with the place and it really isn’t as healthy as it looks. I think the flies have something to do with it as well as the heat and the still unburied dead bodies about. There are millions and millions of flies here and they are all over everything. Put a cup of tea down without a cover and it is immediately covered with dead ones, they are all round your mouth and directly you open it to speak or to eat in they pop. It is a game. We have all got nets of course, we should have been worried, no medicine by now if we hadn’t.

We live in dugouts built up the reverse sides of the hills. They are just holes really, but all the same they can be made very comfortable with a bit of digging and a few waterproof sheets. They are not shell proof by any means and the one I slept in during my first night here was knocked in completely by a shell pitching right into it. Fortunately I was not at home at the time. We have another now and I must try and get a photo of it and let you see what it is like. I must send you one of our

Mess dugout too.

Everything here is named after the Regiment responsible for the making or taking. For instance the road we made from our trenches to this camp is called “New Bedford Rd” and the ridge we took and now occupy is called on the army maps, Bedford Ridge. I have just been filling in and colouring my map and find it is one of the most, if not the most, advanced line of the lot. Standing on that ridge it is possible to see what a lot of country we have taken and now hold, but there is nothing to get wildly excited about. Each position is strengthened as much as possible before another attempt is made to push on and the whole thing is just steady progress. Something might happen suddenly, I only hope it does.

We have had some very big ships out here and they have been bombarding the forts heavily now for some few days, and there are cruisers, monitors etc. standing in the bay helping the land batteries to shell the trenches. You see a flash and then wait a long time before hearing the boom and the shriek of the shell passing over our heads, almost together, then look round quickly and see the burst of the shell in or over the trenches sometimes before hearing the explosion. The first we know of shells aimed at us is the bang of the explosion, and it is too late to get out of the way. Three officers were laid flat on their backs the other day without any hurt except to their dignity and farther on six men were buried without one being injured. It isn’t always like that though.

There is quite good bathing here when we can find time to go. As the beach is in full view of the enemy, and comes under their shell fire, it would not appeal to the nervous. We never keep closer together than ten yards when we are undressing and swimming in hopes that the Turk will not consider one man worth the price of a shell. We have had some casualties through the men keeping too close together, but after washing out of a teacup for a week or more it is worth a bit of risk to get rid of some of the trench dust and smell and feel and look clean again. And really is the best bathing I’ve ever had. The water is quite warm and clear.

All the hospital work is done on board a ship that stands in the bay. If the cases are serious or lengthy they are transferred to one of the hospital ships that calls daily and then go to either one of the bases or back to England. We land troops night or day in spite of the fact that they come under fire so it is possible for a man to be on his way back wounded, by the same ship that bought him from the base, without ever having landed.

We had a grand voyage out. All the officers had either staterooms or 1st Class cabins and the food mostly was just the same as we should have had on an ordinary cruise to India or Australia, wherever it is that the Cruise Line calls. The usual cabin stewards and waiters were in attendance and it was difficult to remember that we were not exactly on a pleasure trip. We did enjoy those two weeks…

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

H.W. Cronin, Lieutenant.

I am acting as captain until some of the others come back from hospital.


Hope it helps

Pls mark me brainliest

Thank you

Which group of sentences best uses a variety of sentence patterns to convey meaning and the relationship between ideas?

Although no one was behind him, he jumped because of a sudden noise. He thought he was alone. Because he was afraid, he kept walking.

He jumped at the sudden noise, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure he was alone.

He heard a noise and jumped, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, but he was afraid. So he glanced backed over his shoulder, but he was alone.

There was a sudden noise. He jumped. No one was behind him. He kept walking. He glanced back over his shoulder. He was alone. He was afraid.



He jumped at the sudden noise, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure he was alone.


B... He jumped at the sudden noise, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure he was alone.


How should a reader find the central idea of a piece of writing?

A) Write to the author for clarification.
B) Identify and organize the key points.
C) Read other authors' works on the topic.
D) Take time off from reading to do other things.



Identify and organize the key points.

why is desirable to control deer numbers? Explain in your own words.
Pls pls tell me


Answer: Deer management is the practice and philosophy of wildlife management employed to regulate the population of deer in an area. The purpose of deer management is to regulate the population's size, reduce negative effects of population on the ecosystem, and maintain the integrity of other populations.


how can I twist a story that the heading is based of the " the dream has come true" and how can in start the story as well, if you have any idea please let them below.


A twist could be a dream not coming true
You can start by making it feel like the dream is becoming a reality and tell the readers the dream he or she has. Hope this helps.

First-person point of view is the most objective.






how has poetry transformed into the " spoken word ? "​



Vachel Lindsay helped maintain the tradition of poetry as spoken art in the early twentieth century.

Explanation: ... Some American spoken-word poetry originated from the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance, blues, and the Beat Generation of 1960s. Spoken word in African-American culture drew on a rich literary and musical heritage.

Write few sentences about RDJ​



Born in New York City on April 4, 1965, Robert Downey Jr. began acting as a young child. He made his first film appearances and was a cast member on Saturday Night Live in the 1980s, but his growing success was marred by years of struggles with drug abuse. ... Robert Downey Jr. in an 'Iron Man' publicity still.


Can an argument use more than one strategy (logos, ethos, pathos) at once? Explain your answer in one or two sentences.





You can use more than one strategy for an argument because for example, say you're in an argument with a sibling, a parent, etc. In an argument you can use many strategies like maybe you write an argument essay you could use many strategies as long a you argue about the topic you can use as many as 6 strategies at once.

What does it mean?

"If you come to a negotiation table saying you have the final truth, that you know nothing but the truth and that is final, you will get nothing."



Negotiations are meant to have leeway; all parties must be willing to give up something to come to an agreement. If you go to negotiate with the mindset that you won't accept anything less, that you wont give up anything to get the other party to agree, then they wont agree and you will get nothing out of it.

Joshua, with his members, __________ really well.


Joshua, with his members, we're

really well

17) The purpose of this passage is
to relate a humorous story.
to explain the beginning of the NAACP.
to describe the life of a famous person.
to describe the progress of civil rights.



to relate a humorous story

Does anyone know how to write an essay about the time you were proud?



I'd suggest taking some time to reflect on a moment when you truly felt proud. Think of a memory you love to look back on, or one that fills you with confidence.

Begin with the thesis statement. An Introductory paragraph detailing what's about to come. Spend your time (or the next one or two paragraphs) describing the event and especially how it made you feel.

Usually, the fourth paragraph of an essay is reserved for the rebuttal section. This is where you make a counter-argument contradicting what you have written, but also using it to boost your point, emotions, and story further.

Then, write the conclusion. Take a while to look back on what you have written and briefly describe it (and why it matters to you, and why it fits the theme/prompt, etc.)

— I hope this helps :] Brainliest appreciated

Albert Einstein publish his special theory of relativity while working as
a patent clerk in 1905. Since then, science has became so
professionalized that its almost unthinkable for patent clerk or other
nonexpert too get a scientific paper publish.


Answer: It’s C.


Its the only question that spells published right.

Baton Race

The day of the big race had finally come. This was a team race in which everyone on the team played an important role. The first runner would sprint down the track to the next runner. Once the first runner reached the next team member, they would then pass the baton to the next runner. This process continued until all four runners had worked together successfully, passing the baton to the following team member. The blue team took off — running as fast they could. But unfortunately, the second runner dropped the baton, which meant he had to stop and pick it back up before continuing to run. Despite losing time, the third and forth runners for the blue team amazingly not only regained the lost time, but actually finished ahead of the other teams. The crowd cheered wildly, as they had never seen such a remarkable recovery.

1. Choose the best summary of the story.
A baton race has a team of runners where each member runs one at a time then passes the baton to the next runner. But the blue team lost time because one of their runners had dropped the baton and had to stop to pick it back up.
The baton race is a team race where all runners must complete the course. The blue team did an amazing job of passing the baton and won the race. This was the most exciting race the crowd had seen.
A baton race is exciting because it has an entire team running together to finish the race. However, the blue team was unsuccessful because one of the runners dropped the baton, which caused the crowd to roar.
The baton race has four team members who run the race together, each passing the baton to the next runner. The blue team had dropped the baton, losing time, but to the crowd’s delight, won the race anyway.



The answer to the question is D

The evidence in Sentence 3 is-
(1) The school tardiness policy needs to be revised. (2) Students should not 1 point
be punished for circumstances that are out of their control. (3) For
instance, the city buses tend to run late in the wintertime. (4) Students
should not be forced to wake up an hour early just to be sure that they're
not five minutes late. *
a quote
a statistic
an example
an anecdote



An example.


Sentence three is an example of why the school tardiness policy needs to be revised. Sentence three backs up this idea by providing an example of why that policy needs to be changed.

The sentence that  the steady proof is, understudies who regularly show up later than expected will get up before and venture out from home sooner.

What is message for students in this excerpt?

Sentence three is an illustration of why the school lateness strategy should be updated. Sentence three backs up this thought by giving an illustration of why that strategy should be changed.

Update is the activity or interaction of looking into, altering and moving along

Following this explanation, the choice gives us the best a legitimate request right now of introducing the contention and the supporting proof as a most probable aftereffect of the proposition.

For more information about students, refer the following link:

Myrtle's sister Catherine blamed everything on Gatsby .
False or True​


Answer:  True

Explanation:  She said that Myrtle had never seen Gatsby, That her sister was completely happy with her husband, and that Myrtle had been up to no mischief whatsoever

Which of the following describes a Works Cited list?
A. It lists all the sources you read.
B. It contains all the sources you quoted.
C. It has sources that are not found online.
D. It suggests sources for additional reading.


Answer: B. It contains all the sources you quoted.

Explanation: A works cited list basically just gives the person who is reading what you've written an idea of where you got the information that you put in your essay. It is not the sources you have read, it is the sources that you have used information in your essay or work from.

Hope this was helpful! :)~

The answer is B. Your works cited list should list all of the works you quoted. The purpose of the works cited list is for other people to do more research on the topic you wrote about.

AYUDAA¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOY CORONA


Whats your name? My name is Cecilia.
How old are you? I’m tan years old.
Where are you from? I’m from Spain.
Where do you live? I live in Sevilla.
What’s your favourite subject?
My favourite subject is maths.
Do you like pizza? No I don’t.
Have you got a pet? Yes, I’ve got a cat.

My name is Karen
I live in London
I am from England
I am twelve years old
I’ve got two brothers
My favourite colour is red
I don’t like football
I’ve got blond hair
I can play the guitar

My name is David.
I live in New York, but i’m from Germany.
I’m thirteen years old.
I’ve got two sisters and one brother.
My favourite colour is blue.
I like pizza, but I don’t like hamburgers.
I’ve got black hair and green eyes.
I can play the piano.
My favourite subject is science.

I hope this helps!




Commonlit Everday use
What is the answer



I took this so here is the Answer; Let me know if you need help with any others!!! :)


can you answer this please
1. from the letter, we know that
A. sheila was lost
B. cindy met sheila and her friends
C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays
D. Sheila didn't want to meet Rose
E. Rose hated to meet Sheila with Cindy
2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...
The DEFINITE word has similar in meaning to
A. right
B. fuzzy
c. sharp
d. insure
e. certain
3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with
A. regards
b. yours sincerely
c. dear
d. hopefully
e. lots of love​



1. C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays.

2. E. Certain.

3. E. Lots of love.


1. From the letter, we know that Rose could meet sheila on her holidays because she's aware that there is a possibility that Sheila would be in town again during the next holiday.

2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...

The DEFINITE word is similar in meaning to certain. Both words simply means for an event or a thing to be sure, positive and based on facts.

3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with lots of love​. Cheers is a word that is typically used to express a strong emotion of happiness, love and joy.

He ....... for three hours. (read)[correct form of verb]​


The correct answer is READ (pronounced red)

bronx masquerade unit test worksheet/ questions answers


Answer: 1. 1. Which words from paragraph 2 help the reader understand what tirade means? he'll snap

2.Which factor contributes most to Diondra's inner conflict in the story?

Pressure to be an athlete

3. After viewing Raul's self-portrait, how did Diondra change her opinion of sharing her artistic side?She decided she was tired of hiding who she really was

4. How does the setting contribute to Devon's conflict in the story?Devon embraces who he really is after he is spotted in the library

5. What does grief mean n paragraph 15?

Trouble or annoyance

6. Through each narrator's experience, the author explores the theme of-

embracing who you are

7. The organization of this selection allows the author to-compare the different viewpoints and personalities of the students in one class

8. Which two reasons tell why this story benefits from having the point of view of multiple narrators?The reader knows what multiple characters are thinking

and The reader can see the same event through multiple characters

9. Which element identifies the genre of the passage as realistic fiction?

The lifelike conflict

10. Which two elements reveal the nonlinear plot structure of this selection?

Organized themeatically and

Multiple protagonists


Imagine that your parents were arranging a marriage for you. How would you feel? Why?



It would depend on the person. If I liked that girl/guy I wouldn't mind. Let's say I didn't like them then I would be mad, and ask my parents if they could rerrange with someone else, or let me choose.


Can someone write all these topics as a thesis statement please????



Topic 1: People should not consume french fries because its not healthy, gain weight, and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Topic 6: The amount of sleep does affect academic performance because of the lack of sleep quality, affecting their academic goals, and hard time learning throughout the day.


The bolded syllables are "Once", "on", "mid", "drear", "while", "pon", "weak", and "wear".

Read the following passage from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.” Which sound device is expressed by the bolded syllables?

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered,
weak and weary …

A. alliteration

B. rhythm

C. rhyme

D. refrain



B. rhythm


The passage is the opening verse from “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. As you read it, analyze the poem for its rhythm of accented syllables, or meter. Remember to read it quietly.

Notice that the first line of the poem has a very strong rhythm of stressed syllables that follow this beat: dah de dah de dah de dah de.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

I think the correct answer is a rhyme

I saw Denise today in Geography class.

She was sitting on the other side of the room.

"You're trying to start a war," she said, "giving secrets away to the Enemy. Why can't you keep your big mouth shut?"

I didn't know what to say.

I gave her a packet of tomato seeds and asked her to plant them for me, told her when the first tomato ripened she'd miss me.

- "In Response to Executive Order 9066," Dwight Okita

As you read, record any details that relate to the topic of American identity.​





It differs the behaviour of an individual




Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam-l-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-l-am.


why the answers are weird
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