How does the author's use of third-person omniscient point of view affect the story?
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to only see the thoughts and feelings of Meg and Jo.
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to only see the thoughts and feelings of Amy.
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to see the thoughts and feelings of the girls' mother.
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to see all of the girls' thoughts and feelings


Answer 1


Why Use a Third Person Omniscient Narrator? When an author writes in third person omniscient, the audience is able to know and see everything about each character. Because of this, we are able to see into the minds of multiple characters and create a stronger relationship and bond with them

Related Questions

Throughout history, literature has been used as a form of protest. Read Common Sense by Thomas Paine OR The Declaration of Independence. Explain what he was protesting and what rhetorical device he uses to formulate his protest. Be sure to provide examples from the writer's work you studied in this unit.


Common Sense is a 47-page pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775-1776 in support of the Thirteen Colonies' independence from Great Britain.

Summary of "Common Sense"

Thomas Paine makes an independent America case in Common Sense.His argument begins with broad, theoretical reflections on government and religion before delving into the specifics of the colonial situation. Paine begins by distinguishing between government and society. Society, according to Paine, is everything constructive and good that people work together to achieve. Government, on the other hand, is an institution whose sole purpose is to protect us from our own vices. Government is a necessary evil that stems from man's evil. The sole purpose of government, according to Paine, is to protect life, liberty, and property, and a government should be judged solely on how well it achieves this goal.

To know more about Common Sense,click on the link :





can you give us more information to what you’re asking?

Do a character anyalis about Irene on the book passing


Irene Redfield is one of the central characters in Nella Larsen’s novel “Passing.” Irene is an African-American woman who has spent her life living in two different worlds.

What kind of character was Irene?

Born in Chicago, she grew up in a middle-class African American community but later moved to Harlem after marrying her husband, Brian. Irene is a strong, independent woman who values her family and her community, but she is also conflicted about her identity and her place in society.

Throughout the novel, Irene is depicted as a deeply introspective and self-critical person. She is constantly analyzing her actions and motivations, questioning her decisions, and struggling to reconcile her conflicting feelings. Irene is torn between her loyalty to her community and her desire for social mobility. On the one hand, she is proud of her African American identity and feels a deep sense of responsibility to her race. On the other hand, she is fascinated by the world of the white elite and longs for the privileges and opportunities that it affords.

Irene’s complex and conflicted character is revealed through her relationships with the other characters in the novel. Her friendship with Clare Kendry, an African American woman who is passing as white, is particularly revealing. Irene is initially wary of Clare and suspicious of her motives. However, she is also drawn to Clare’s beauty, sophistication, and social status. Irene’s fascination with Clare is complicated by her deep-seated fear and mistrust of the white world. She is conflicted about whether to expose Clare’s secret and protect her community or to keep her secret and risk betraying her race.

To find out more about "Passing", visit:


Mrs. Singh values a stainless steel dishwasher for her new house at $500, but she succeeds in buying one for $425. Mrs. Singh’s willingness to pay for the dishwasher is


Mrs. Singh's willingness to pay for the stainless steel dishwasher is $500, which is the maximum amount that she values it. This means that she is willing to pay up to $500 to acquire the dishwasher.

However, since she was able to purchase it for $425, her actual cost or the price she paid for the dishwasher is $425. This means that she saved $75 ($500 - $425) on the purchase.

It's worth noting that willingness to pay is the maximum amount that a buyer is willing to pay for a good or service. The actual price paid can be lower or higher than the willingness to pay, depending on factors such as market conditions, negotiation skills, and availability of alternatives.

To learn more about actual cost visit;


What was the purpose of the italicized part of the essay, beginning with "Of taxing our absentees..." in "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift?


The italicised portion of the essay seeks to offer a solution to the issue of Irish poverty. Swift recommends taxing persons who leave the country and allocating the proceeds to the needy.

He does this in an effort to lessen poverty and enhance the quality of life for Irish citizens. An illustration of a Juvenalian satire is A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift . A Juvenalian satire is a style of satirical literature that ridicules or criticises a particular feature of social conduct, societal norms, or governmental structure. He published "A Modest Proposal" in an effort to persuade the Irish Parliament to better the living conditions of the underprivileged.

To know more about Jonathan Swift refer to the link below :


3 physical traits of Johnny Turnbull in Virus on Orbis 1



1. Johnny is a large man, standing over six feet tall with broad shoulders and a muscular build.

2.He has a prominent nose, which is described as being "a trifle too big for his face."

3.Johnny has a distinctive tattoo on his left bicep, which is described as a "black bird with outstretched wings, surrounded by a ring of fire."


Which statement BEST tells how Grant uses the structure of his lecture to advance his analysis?

Through examples, he shows how various groups within India have different views of government.

Through comparison and contrast, he shows the strengths and weaknesses of British rule over India.

Through chronology, he shows how legitimate causes for unrest in India have increased over time.

Through problem and solution, he shows the need for a change in British attitudes toward India.


He illustrates with instances how different social groups in India have distinct political ideologies. (Choice A)

What does story structural analysis entail?

The distribution and arrangement of each element of the story might be the focus of the short story's structural analysis. The structure is carried by the plot. The structure of an action is its final form or design, whereas the narrative is the manner in which it takes place. Instead of trying to infer meaning from literature, structuralist literary criticism looks for patterns and structures, if you will, within the texts of a certain literary genre.

To know more about structuralist visit:


D) What is the main way the author organizes ideas in "Carl Spitz,
Star Dog Trainer"?
Sergeant Stubby
Carl Spitz, Star Dog
The author
gives an effect-
Stubby became a
war hero. Then the
author explains the
helped soldiers in
the war
The author lists the
events that led
Spitz to train
Hollywood dogs to
help soldiers on the
The author
explains how
trainers taught
1) dogs hand signals
so they could
appear in
Hollywood movies
The author
describes the
problem the dogs
«) created when they
barked to wam
soldiers on the
The author
compares and
contrasts how
D) Spitz trained dogs
to how dog owners
and other trainers
trained dogs



The author mainly organizes ideas in "Carl Spitz, Star Dog Trainer" by explaining the events that led Spitz to train Hollywood dogs to help soldiers on the battlefield, describing the problem the dogs created when they barked to warn soldiers on the battlefield, and comparing and contrasting how Spitz trained dogs to how dog owners and other trainers trained dogs.

What is the poet's purpose for
writing Morning Dawns?


To promote positive, reflective thinking. Please mark me as Brainliest if possible! Thank you :)

The poet's purpose for writing Morning Dawns is D. to promote reflective thinking.

Question Completion with Answer Options:

A. to describe a sunrise

B. to inspire the reader

C. to encourage goal setting

D. to promote reflective thinking

How do Charles' blindness and Christina's illiteracy impact the plot of the drama?
A. They show the mystery game is not fair. B. They force the characters to give up. C. They create obstacles for the characters. D. They make the characters work faster


Answer:C, they create obstacles for the characters

Explanation: she is blind

Race is a social construct scientist argue essay


Race is a term that has been used for centuries to categorize people based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features. However, over time, scientists have argued that race is a social construct rather than a biological reality.

What is an essay?
An essay is a piece of writing that presents a writer's perspective or argument on a particular topic. Essays are typically written in a formal style and are structured in a way that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction presents the main topic or argument of the essay and includes a thesis statement that summarizes the writer's position. The body paragraphs provide evidence and support for the thesis statement, and the conclusion restates the thesis and summarizes the main points of the essay. Essays can be written on a wide range of topics and are commonly used in academic, professional, and personal contexts.

There is no scientific basis for the concept of race. While there are differences in physical appearance between people from different parts of the world, these differences do not reflect distinct genetic categories. In fact, genetic studies have shown that the vast majority of human genetic variation occurs within so-called "racial" groups rather than between them.

The idea of race as a social construct has gained widespread acceptance in the scientific community. Social construct theorists argue that race is not a fixed, objective category but rather a fluid, socially constructed one that is shaped by historical, cultural, and political factors. Race is a product of human culture, not biology.

Furthermore, social construct theorists argue that the idea of race has been used to justify discrimination and inequality throughout history. By categorizing people into distinct racial groups, societies have been able to justify unequal treatment based on supposed biological differences. This has led to the development of social hierarchies based on race, with some groups being privileged and others being disadvantaged.

In conclusion, race is a social construct rather than a biological reality. While physical differences between people from different parts of the world exist, these differences do not reflect distinct genetic categories. Instead, race is a fluid, socially constructed category that is shaped by historical, cultural, and political factors. By recognizing race as a social construct, we can challenge the discriminatory attitudes and practices that have arisen from the idea of race throughout history.

To know more about genetic visit:

Which selection from the section "Self-generation" BEST shows how proteins help organisms self-generate?

Proteins come in particular shapes.They have bumps and cracks.
Proteins are like puzzle pieces. The bumps stick out, and the cracks are the holes.
They combine to form the chemical structures that make up a cell.
Most parts of a cell are made from proteins. Second, proteins serve as enzymes.


The selection from the section "Self-generation" BEST shows how proteins help organisms self-generate in option D. Most parts of a cell are made from proteins. Second, proteins serve as enzymes.

In the section "Self-generation," the author describes how organisms can produce themselves. Proteins play a crucial role in this process by serving as building blocks and enzymes. Option D, "Most parts of a cell are made from proteins. Second, proteins serve as enzymes," best shows how proteins help organisms self-generate. This selection highlights two significant functions of proteins: forming the basic structure of a cell and catalyzing chemical reactions.

Proteins are complex molecules composed of long chains of amino acids. They are essential building blocks for life and perform a wide range of functions within organisms. For example, they help transport oxygen in the blood, act as hormones, and facilitate the immune response. Additionally, proteins can catalyze reactions by reducing the activation energy required for a reaction to occur.

You can learn more about proteins at:


Instructions: For this assignment, you will come up with a thematic statement that
relates to the Jewish culture. You will trace that theme throughout the novel to get a
better understanding of Elie Wiesel's culture, and you will make some connections to
your own culture.
First, you will read a quote from Chapter 5 about Yom Kippur (a Jewish holiday - for
more information see the "cultural context" below).
Then you will write a thematic statement, find two other quotes that show your theme,
and complete a personal reflection. Please read the quote and respond to all of the
prompts that follow.
Cultural context: Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central
themes are atonement and repentance. Jewish people traditionally observe this holy day
with a day-long fast, confession, and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in
synagogue services. (Wikipedia)
Note: If you do not want to use this quote to develop a thematic statement, feel free to
find another quote related to Elie's cultural identity. Think of quotes that relate to
cultural themes like family, community, faith, etc. Just replace the quote below with
your quote and cite the page number.

Write a thematic statement that relates to Elie Wiesel's culture
Find 1 quote from Chapters 1-2 that also connects to this thematic statement. Cite the page number.
Explain why you chose this quote and how it relates to Elie Wiesel's culture in 2 or more sentences.
Find 1 quote from Chapters 6-9 that also connects to this thematic statement. Cite the page number
Explain why you chose this quote and how it relates to Elie Wiesel's culture in 2 or more sentences.
Explain your understanding of how this General
Theme (Topic) ha2 developed from the beginning of the book until the end




when did christianity become the official religion of rome


Christianity become the official religion of Rome in 313 AD.

Christianity was declared the official religion of Rome in 313 AD, when the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted Christians the right to practice their faith without fear of persecution. The edict also made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, although it was not until 380 AD that Christianity was declared the state religion of the empire by the Emperor Theodosius I.

The edict was issued in 313 AD, during the reign of Emperor Constantine I, and is considered to be one of the most important documents in the history of Christianity. It granted religious freedom to all people, regardless of their faith, and allowed Christians to practice their religion openly without fear of persecution. The edict also forbade the persecution of Christians and granted them certain legal rights, such as the right to own property and to be involved in political life.

To learn more about Rome link is here


Physical size is often a determinant of power; however, what are some other factors, physical or otherwise, that enable a select group of people to have power over others? Referring to Gulliver’s experiences in Parts 1 and 2, discuss as a group the characteristics, traits, and so on that make one group or species more powerful than another. What do you think Swift is trying to say about the nature of power in this section? Your response should draw upon evidence from the text for support.


In Gulliver's Travels, physical size is indeed a primary determinant of power, as seen in the encounters between Gulliver and the Lilliputians and then the Brobdingnagians. However, Swift also highlights other factors that enable one group to have power over another.

In the case of the Lilliputians, their power comes from their unity and organization. Despite being small in stature, they are able to control Gulliver through their military and political might. On the other hand, the Brobdingnagians are physically larger than Gulliver but also possess a moral superiority over him. They view Gulliver as a curious specimen rather than a threat and are able to dominate him through their intellect and ethical standards.

Swift is trying to illustrate that power is not just determined by physical size, but also by other factors such as unity, organization, intellect, and moral standards. He is suggesting that those who possess these traits can gain power over those who do not, regardless of physical size. Additionally, Swift is criticizing the arbitrary nature of power and the ways in which it is often abused by those who possess it.

With all the things you learned today, write an essay on why you need not buy or buy a product even though its a very famous one


In purchasing an item, we need to consider some factors;

- is it necessary?

- what is its purpose?

- will it last long?

- will I use it?

The choice is on the buyer if they really like this famous product or not. According to the Diderot Effect, acquiring a new item frequently sets off a consumption spiral that encourages the purchase of more new items. As a result, we find ourselves spending money on items we never required to feel content or happy before. The only thing they have to take notice of is the value of the item they are willing to purchase. It would be wise if it will serve you a generous amount of happiness if you decide to take it. One reason why you should not buy this product is that it is not a necessity.

Learn more about Buy a Product here:


Which of the following quotations best represents the thesis statement of the passage?
"But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyrant—society collectively over the separate individuals who compose it—its means of tyrannising are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries." (paragraph 1, sentence 2)
"Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling . .." (paragraph 1, sentence 4)
"But though this proposition is not likely to be contested in general terms, the practical question, where to place the limit—how to make the fitting adjustment between individual independence and social control—is a subject on which nearly everything remains to be done." (paragraph 2, sentence 1)
"All that makes existence valuable to anyone depends on the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people." (paragraph 2, sentence 2)
"No two ages, and scarcely any two countries, have decided it alike; and the decision of one age or country is a wonder to another." (paragraph 2, sentence 5)


The quotation that best represents the thesis statement of the passage is: "Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling . .." (paragraph 1, sentence 4).

Step by step explanation:

This quotation outlines the main idea of the passage, which is that protection is needed not just from the tyranny of the magistrate, but also from the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling.

This is the main thesis of the passage, and the other quotations in the question are related to this idea but do not directly represent it.

Learn more about thesis, quotation at : 'Formulate a thesis statement'


Fill in the blanks using prepositions

1. My mom parked the car and waited _______ the parking lot.

2. This summer, I’m taking a math class _______ the local high school.

3. I will read the author’s new book _______ winter break.

4. We will sell our old toys and clothes _______ our front yard Saturday.

5. She ran _______ the curb with her bike.


My mom parked the car and waited at  the parking lot.

What Exactly Is a Preposition?

A preposition is a short word used in sentences to show the relationship that nouns, pronouns, or phrases have with other parts of the sentence. Prepositions are typically found at the end of a sentence, but before a noun or pronoun.Preposition Definition:A preposition is defined as "a word that connects a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun to another word, esp. to a verb, another noun, or an adjective", according to the Cambridge Dictionary. A preposition, according to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary, is "a word or group of words, such as in, from, to, out of, and on behalf of, used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time, or method."They are used to show the direction of something.

To know more about preposition, click on the link :


How does accomodating skills might resolve conflict and contribute to harmonious relationship during your grade 12 academic year


By utilizing accommodating skills, grade 12 students can effectively resolve conflicts and promote harmonious relationships.

Accommodating skills can be an effective way to resolve conflicts and promote harmonious relationships during the academic year in grade 12. Accommodating skills involve being flexible and willing to compromise with others, even if it means sacrificing one's own interests or preferences.

In the context of grade 12, conflicts can arise between students due to differences in opinions, goals, and expectations. For example, students may disagree on how to complete a group project, which classes to take, or what extracurricular activities to participate in. If conflicts are not resolved, they can escalate and lead to negative consequences such as stress, resentment, and reduced academic performance.

By using accommodating skills, students can approach conflicts in a positive and constructive way. This may involve actively listening to others' perspectives, finding common ground, and being open to alternative solutions. When conflicts are resolved in a respectful and collaborative manner, students can build stronger relationships based on mutual understanding and trust.

Furthermore, by practicing accommodating skills, students can develop important social and emotional competencies such as empathy, communication, and problem-solving. These skills can be valuable not only during grade 12, but also in future academic and professional contexts where collaboration and conflict resolution are essential for success.

Learn more about the accomodating skills here:


Superstition is prevalent in Every Walk of life ? essay ​


One could argue that superstition does exist in all facets of existence. There are superstitions in almost every culture and group in the globe since they are a frequent component of human conduct.

Superstition is common because it gives people a sense of security or control in circumstances that may be unsettling or beyond their comprehension. When faced with the uncertainty, superstitions can provide people a sense of optimism or reassurance as well as a sense of significance or purpose. In addition, social or cultural pressures to adhere to the customs and beliefs of one's community may serve to promote superstitions. Superstition is also very common since it is frequently deeply embedded in human nature. Many superstitious practises and beliefs have their origins in instincts or wants that are fundamental to humanity, such as the desire for security.

Lean more about Superstition here:


is grendel evil or is he pushed into becoming evil by circumstances why does the funeral fire enrage him how does the singing effect him


Rendel is indeed an evil character, but his evil is partly driven by the circumstances he is forced into. The funeral fire enrages him because it reminds him of his mortality and that his life has no meaning.

About Grendel

Grendel is not a character who was pushed into becoming evil by his circumstances. He was already evil by nature. He has been described as a descendant of Cain, who was a Biblical character and committed a great sin. Therefore, it can be assumed that his evil nature is inherited from his ancestry.

The singing effect is significant because it reveals Grendel's humanity. Although he is depicted as a villain, he is not entirely immune to human emotions. He longs for companionship and acceptance but is unable to find it due to his evil nature. Therefore, it can be argued that Grendel's character is complex and multifaceted, rather than one-dimensional.

Learn more about Grendel evil character here:


Grendel is considered evil in the novel because of his actions, but the reason behind his actions is rooted in his isolation and alienation from human society.

He is pushed into becoming evil by his circumstances, as he is unable to find acceptance or belonging among humans.

The funeral fire enrages Grendel because it represents the community and the sense of belonging that he has always denied.

The singing of the community, on the other hand, brings Grendel a sense of belonging and community that he has always longed for.
Grendel can be considered evil due to his actions of attacking and killing innocent people.

However, his behavior might also be a result of his isolation and circumstances. The funeral fire and the singing enrage him because they represent the joy, companionship, and culture he is excluded from, which intensifies his feelings of isolation and resentment.

Learn more about Grendel evil here:


from "The Two Brothers"
by Leo Tolstoy

Two brothers set out on a journey together. At noon they lay down in a forest to rest. When they woke up they saw a stone lying next to them. There was something written on the stone, and they tried to make out what it was.
"Whoever finds this stone," they read, "let him go straight into the forest at sunrise. In the forest a river will appear; let him swim across the river, to the other side. There he will find a she-bear and her cubs. Let him take the cubs from her and run up the mountain with them without once looking back. On the top of the mountain he will see a house, and in that house will he find happiness."

Q.Based on the mood of this excerpt, what type of story should the reader expect?
A.a family history
B.a fairy tale or legend essay
D.a biography or autobiography



Based on the mood of this excerpt, the reader should expect a fairy tale or legend. The story includes elements of magic and adventure, as well as a clear goal or quest for the characters to undertake. Additionally, the mysterious appearance of the stone and the cryptic message it contains are common tropes in fairy tales and legends.



The correct answer is B.

A fairy tale or legend.

In the context of visual perception, the _____ suggests that people in Western cultures focus more on representations on paper than do people in other cultures, and in particular spend more time learning to interpret pictures. a) vertical-horizontal line theory
b) symbolizing three dimensions in two theory
c) foreign concept theory
d) carpentered world theory


In the context of visual perception, the (d) carpentered world theory suggests that people in Western cultures focus more on representations on paper than do people in other cultures, and in particular spend more time learning to interpret pictures.

The carpentered world theory is a theory of perception that argues that the environment that a person grows up in influences the manner they perceive space. This theory is founded on the idea that the environment is constructed with rectangular items such as furniture, doors, windows, and walls.

According to the carpentered world theory, the brain receives visual data and interprets it based on previous experience with the built environment's rectangular shapes. This theory has been utilized to describe why people from Western cultures are more susceptible to optical illusions that depend on the context of the lines that make them up.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about context:


How did people, events, and ideas influence Muybrige's plans?


Thomas Edison's development of the motion picture camera was significantly influenced by Muybridge's research on animal mobility. The most noticeable effect of Muybridge was on artists who used animals as their subject matter.

His research on horses in motion gave him insights that influenced the representations of these creatures by Edgar Degas and Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier. In 1879, Muybridge created the zoopraxiscope, a device that allowed him to display up to 200 distinct images on a screen. He became known as the "father of motion pictures" when, in 1880, he offered his first audience a projection of moving images on a screen at the California Academy of Fine Arts.

To learn more about influenced click here.


Please help me on this!! Highlighted section!! Due in 30 mins!!! Help needed!! If you want text me at (661) 437-0946


In 4 - 6 sentence, A mutually accepted understanding between all parties participating in communication is known as shared meaning. Shared meaning is crucial to communication because it ensures that the intended message is correctly understood

What are other benefit of shared meaning in communication?

Communication that has a common meaning develops clarity, encourages productive teamwork, and improves connections between people or groups.

In the absence of shared meaning in communication, messages can be misunderstood, misinterpreted or ignored, leading to confusion, conflict, and breakdown of communication. The receiver may interpret the message differently from the sender, resulting in a lack of understanding and ineffective communication. This can lead to frustration, mistrust, and damaged relationships. In a professional setting, lack of shared meaning can lead to mistakes, misunderstandings, and reduced productivity. Therefore, shared meaning is essential for effective communication, mutual understanding, and successful outcomes.

Ultimately, shared meaning is crucial for effective communication and is necessary for fostering rapport, trust, and understanding between communicators.

The above answer is in response to the question in the excerpt;

What is shared meaning and why is it important to communication.

Find more useful information on shared meaning in communication;


Four possible obtacles you may face in trying to achieve a career as your life-goal


Answer: As you pursue a career as your life goal, there are several potential obstacles that you may face. Here are four possible obstacles:

1. Lack of experience or qualifications: One of the biggest obstacles to achieving your career goals can be a lack of experience or qualifications. If you're starting out in a new field or trying to move up to a higher position, you may find that employers are looking for candidates with more experience or education than you currently have.

2. Competition: Another obstacle you may face is competition from other job seekers. Depending on the field you're interested in, there may be a lot of competition for a limited number of job openings. You may need to work harder to stand out from other candidates and prove that you're the best fit for the job.

3. Economic and industry shifts: Economic and industry shifts can also pose a challenge to achieving your career goals. If the job market in your field is unstable or if technological advancements are rapidly changing the industry, you may need to adapt to these changes and update your skills to remain competitive.

4. Self-doubt and fear of failure: Finally, one of the most significant obstacles to achieving your career goals can be your own self-doubt and fear of failure. If you don't believe in yourself or if you're afraid to take risks and pursue your dreams, you may hold yourself back from achieving your full potential. It's important to develop a growth mindset, believe in yourself, and be willing to take risks and learn from failure in order to overcome this obstacle.


mrs. homer's usually incorporates literature that reflects various cultural and literary traditions into literacy instruction for her english language learners. which of the following is the greatest benefit to this practice? A. Students are better able to understand perspectives, values, and beliefs beyond those that are familiar.
B. Students are exposed to repeated and meaningful vocabulary.
C.It helps maintain the students' interest in literature study by continually presenting them with new settings, characters, and situations.
D. It promotes the students' critical thinking skills by encouraging them to analyze the author's purpose, point of view, and voice.


Mrs. Homer usually incorporates literature that reflects various cultural and literary traditions into literacy instruction for her English language learners. The greatest benefit to this practice is that (A) Students are better able to understand perspectives, values, and beliefs beyond those that are familiar.

Mrs. Homer's technique of incorporating literature from various cultures helps students to better understand their language and to understand the language and cultures of other countries in a more complex and meaningful manner. Students will be exposed to new phrases, phrases, and ideas as a result of this strategy.

This technique of incorporating literature from various cultures into literacy instruction for English language learners exposes students to new contexts, characters, and situations, enabling them to learn and gain from the experiences of people in other cultures.

Thus, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about literature:


How does the author organize the selection?

o A. By explaining the origin of the Keep Calm

motto and its current popularity, the author

emphasizes how the motto's use has changed

over time.

o B. By comparing the way the Keep Calm motto

was used during World War II with the way it is

used today, the author suggests that the

motto's effectiveness has diminished.

C. By describing in detail each reason the Keep

Calm motto has become an important part of

popular culture today, the author identifies why

the motto's popularity has increased.

D. By stating the cause of the development of the

original Keep Calm motto, the author shows

how the motto has become an answer to many



The author organize the selection, "A. By explaining the origin of the Keep Calm motto and its current popularity, the author emphasizes how the motto's use has changed over time."

The selection begins with the history and origin of the Keep Calm motto during World War II, and then transitions to its current popularity in popular culture. The author describes the various ways in which the motto has been used over time, from its original purpose of boosting morale during the war to its current use as a trendy slogan on merchandise.

This organizational structure allows the reader to understand how the Keep Calm motto has evolved and adapted to different contexts, highlighting its enduring relevance and appeal.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

To learn more about World War II here:


The given question is incomplete the complete question is:

Based on the way the Keep Calm motto continues to be

received by the public, How does the author organize the selection?

o A. By explaining the origin of the Keep Calm

motto and its current popularity, the author

emphasizes how the motto's use has changed

over time.

o B. By comparing the way the Keep Calm motto

was used during World War II with the way it is

used today, the author suggests that the

motto's effectiveness has diminished.

C. By describing in detail each reason the Keep

Calm motto has become an important part of

popular culture today, the author identifies why

the motto's popularity has increased.

D. By stating the cause of the development of the

original Keep Calm motto, the author shows

how the motto has become an answer to many


Can someone please write a 5 paragraph story about a family member that drives you crazy and give details and examples on why



Once upon a time, there was a family member who drove everyone crazy. His name was Joe and he was the youngest of four siblings. Joe was always getting into trouble and making a mess of things. He was always talking too much, interrupting conversations, and not listening to anyone.

Joe would often forget to do his chores and leave his messes around the house. He would never take responsibility for his mistakes and would always blame someone else. He would also constantly ask for money and never return it. Everyone in the family was frustrated with Joe’s behavior and it seemed like he was never going to change.

One day, Joe’s older brother had enough and decided to take him aside and have a serious talk with him. He explained to Joe that his behavior was unacceptable and that he needed to start taking responsibility for his actions. He also explained that if he didn’t change his ways, he would not be welcome in the family anymore.

Joe was taken aback by his brother’s words, but he knew that he had to make a change. He started to take responsibility for his actions and started to show more respect to his family members. He also started to help out more around the house and even returned the money he had borrowed.

Joe’s transformation was remarkable and everyone in the family was proud of him. Joe had finally realized that he had to take responsibility for his actions and that his family was not going to put up with his bad behavior anymore. He had finally become the person everyone wanted him to be and the family was back to being happy and harmonious.

re-read the poem the red wheelbarrow by william carlos williams and answer the question that follows: so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens what type of figurative language is being used?


The type of figurative language is being used is imagery.

What is the figurative language used?

The figurative language used in "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams is imagery. The poem paints a vivid picture of a scene with a red wheelbarrow, rainwater, and white chickens, using sensory details to create a visual image in the reader's mind.

The use of the phrase "glazed with rainwater" adds a sense of texture and shine to the image, making it more vivid and memorable. Overall, the poem is a great example of how effective imagery can be in creating a powerful and evocative piece of writing.

Learn more about figurative language on;


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