I need a counterargument to why smoking in public should be illegal.


Answer 1

The economic activities generated from the production and consumption of tobacco produce huge tax revenues for most governments as well as employment in the tobacco industry. Thus by banning smoking public, it reduces the number of smokers and thus the industry goes away.

Banning people from smoking in public is a violation of one’s personal liberty as people should have the autonomy to decide on what kind of lifestyle they will have.

Hope that helps!

Answer 2
Public smoking bans seem to be tremendously effective in reducing heart attack and, theoretically, might also help to prevent lung cancer and emphysema, diseases that develop much more slowly than heart attacks. The cardiac benefits increased with longer ban duration

Smoking bans lead to fewer smokers in general

Every year smoking is responsible for 700.000 premature deaths in Europe due to increased risks of cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. To protect citizens from toxic tobacco smoke all EU countries have introduced smoke-free environments, as recommended by the European Council in 2009. This has led to 1.9 million less smokers in the UK alone in the first 10 years since the introduction of the bans.

1. Smoking bans take away people’s freedom

Smoking bans can be seen as an infringement of freedom of choice. Smoking is a legal habit, and 28% of European adults are regular smokers, yet they cannot freely choose where they would like to enjoy their cigarette.

2. Reduces the risk of passive smoking

Toxic fumes don’t only affect the person actively smoking a cigarette – there are significant health risks associated with second-hand smoke as well. Worldwide, second-hand smoke causes more than 1.2 million premature deaths per year. Smoking bans in public places significantly reduce the exposure of non-smokers to toxic fumes.

2. Smoking bans are bad for business

It used to be commonplace for people to smoke in pubs and clubs. But when smoking bans are enforced in public places such as these, smokers seek other places where they can smoke in peace. That means fewer customers and lower profits for pub and club owners.

3. Healthcare costs fall

Smoking is expensive – not just for smokers themselves, but for the general public as well. It is estimated that the treatment of smoking-related diseases, productivity losses to the EU economy and premature mortality amount to €544 billion losses in one year in the EU. By reducing the number of active and passive smokers, smoking bans could thus save European healthcare systems a lot of money.

3. Less tax revenue for governments

There are high taxes on tobacco throughout Europe, though the precise percentage of taxation varies between member states. In this way, governments make a lot of money. If smoking bans lead to fewer cigarette sales, that could mean that governments have reduced revenues from tobacco taxes.

Related Questions

Read the passage.

Robots Are Cool, but AI is the Future

Many people don’t realize that there is a difference between robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). While robots do use AI, the two fields are entirely separate. Robotics is concerned with the building of machines. These machines connect with the real world by using sensors, and they can be programmed to perform tasks. Additionally, robots usually operate independently or semi-independently. AI involves computer algorithms that can learn, perceive, problem-solve, understand human language, and use logic and/or reasoning.

To clarify, a robot can be a human-operated machine arm that is used to weld car parts. AI can, without using the Internet, debate a human opponent on complex topics. Robots carry out instructions. AI mimics human intelligence.

Robots are more a part of our everyday life than ever. They vacuum houses, build cars, perform operations, monitor homes, and assemble furniture. AI is a relatively new invention, but it will soon be a regular part of our lives. So, how will we use it?

We already do!

Virtual “helpers” on our mobile and home devices are one way in which AI has infiltrated daily life. They can operate electronics via voice command. We can ask them to turn lights and faucets on and off, lock and unlock doors, and order food, clothes, and other retail items. Or, we can have them operate smart devices so that they can open and run applications, translate foreign languages, and check email. In addition, we can use artificial intelligence to conduct a search or schedule appointments online, or to use devices to set an alarm or find directions.

Audiobooks: A Case Study

As these applications master the human language, AI will branch out into a variety of human endeavors, including the entertainment industry. Audiobooks (fiction and nonfiction narrated by authors and voiceover actors) are one of the largest-growing markets of the last three years. Once an afterthought of the publishing industry, audiobooks have become an increasingly profitable source of revenue for publishing companies. In 2018, about $940 million in audiobooks were sold—24.5 percent more than the previous year.
However, the process of creating audiobooks is laborious, tedious, and expensive. It can take a narrator several hours to read a single chapter of a book, depending upon its length. Multiply that by the number of chapters in a book, and it could take days to finish recording. Finally, the recorded audio must be edited, processed, mixed, and mastered. In the end, an audiobook can take over a month to produce. On top of that, publishers must pay everybody involved. It could cost thousands of dollars to create a final product.

AI, however, is revolutionizing the process. Every day, AI algorithms learn how to speak like real human beings. They learn new words, languages, dialects, and accents. They can mimic natural breaths and pauses. Currently, AI can duplicate English spoken by a woman from India or a man from London. All anybody would need to do to produce an audiobook is feed the text into a computer. Instead of a week to create a final product, the “performance” could take an hour or two. The editing step would be unnecessary, so the audio could go straight to mixing and processing. With AI, the whole project could be completed in a fraction of the time it would take with humans—at a fraction of the cost.
Increasing the Quality of Human Life
Reading all those books will naturally make AI smarter, and when it does, it could relieve humans from tedious chores. Cooking, cleaning, driving, shopping, teaching, and even farming could be managed by AI. Humanity could enter a time of unprecedented peace.
This will allow people the freedom to do whatever they want. Did you always want to be a mountain climber, become a novelist, explore the galaxy, study languages, or learn how to make pottery? AI could not only allow it to happen but could also be a significant factor in successfully achieving those goals. Mountain climbers could use AI to choose the best routes, novelists could use AI to help develop plots, and students could use AI to increase comprehension and fine-tune skills. And those galaxy jumpers? Of course, AI would accompany them on their trips to the stars.
There are many predictions as to when AI will become powerful enough to really take off and outperform humans in a variety of capacities. Some believe it will happen soon; others think it will take much longer. Right now, AI continues to impact human beings in a variety of positive ways, from technological innovation to economics to creativity. The prospects for the future are exciting!



this is a very long question

Voiceover is spelled like either voiceover or voice-over. It probably should be hyphenated in a school paper, but that was your only mistake. Other than that you’re paper was great!

Read the passage.

A Flag with 50 Stars

The first American flag to have red and white stripes and white stars on a blue field was flown in 1776, shortly after the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. Legend has it that a Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross was hired by George Washington himself to create this flag. There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes. However, we know for a fact that the first flag to have 50 stars—the one we have today—was designed by a high school student.

In 1958, Bob Heft was a 17-year-old student at Lancaster High School in Ohio. At that time, the United States had only 48 states but was on the verge of accepting two more: Alaska and Hawaii. The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly? This was the question that Bob’s history teacher posed to the class.

The teacher gave the students an assignment: design a flag with 50 stars. Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right. He was pleased with his solution to the problem, but his teacher found it less than perfect and gave him a B minus. Outraged, Bob told his teacher that he was going to send his design to his member of Congress, Walter Moeller. His teacher replied that if Bob’s design was accepted as the new flag, he would be more than happy to change the grade to an A.

A year later, Bob had graduated and was working as a draftsman when he received a call at work. He never would have imagined a call from President Eisenhower—but that's who it was! Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag. Bob Heft was invited to Washington, D.C., for a ceremony during which his design was officially adopted as the new flag of the United States.

Which statement best describes the author’s viewpoint toward Bob Heft in “A Flag with 50 Stars”?

Bob should not have contacted a member of Congress about a trivial matter.

Bob was not a very good student at Lancaster High School.

Bob should not have spent so much time on his project.

Bob's grade did not reflect the outcome of the story.


Bob's grade did not reflect the outcome of the story.

A) is incorrect, as the passage takes a generally positive attitude towards his success. There is no particular part of the passage that expresses negative sentiment towards his actions.

B) is incorrect, as the author does not mention anything about Bob's grades other than the passing mention of his less than satisfactory mark on the flag assignment. It is not the main focus of the passage.

C) is incorrect, as Bob's success gives justification for his long work time. In addition, the author does not make any sort of derogatory mark towards his efforts.

D) is correct. As Bob had received only a B for his hard efforts, yet his flag had actually been selected to represent the US in a real-life setting (proving the highest mark of distinction), the grade did not reflect the end of the story.


Bob's grade did not reflect the outcome of the story. 


Why shouldn't kids play competitive sports essay.. Help asap. <3



  Did you know that studies show that  competitive sports for young children can lead to painful injuries? However some people may point out the benefits of children participating in competitive sports, despite any of the points people make none of them is worth the big risk. When kids play in competitive sports it can cause them to be stressed and mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. Also, when sports become super competitive and only about winning, it can cause them to lose interest in the sport because it's no longer fun. The point of this essay is to argue that children shouldn’t take part in competitive sports.

  Importantly, children's involvement in competitive sports  can be mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting. On page 2 of the passage “Pushing too hard too young” it states that children that take part in competitive sport are at risk for emotional burnout. But also children can get injuries that affect them for life. This shows that young kids that play in competitive sports are being cheated out of their childhood. Also, too much stress and pressure can affect their emotional, mental, and physical health, and can lead to many dangerous risks.

  Others may argue that competitive sports are good for children because there are many positive benefits of children playing in competitive sports. One reason for this argument is that it helps with physical health. However you don’t have to play in competitive sports to benefit physically. You can do non competitive sports and it will help your physical health. Although some children can handle the pressure from competitive sports some children do not do too well with pressure. The passage ‘Pushing too hard too young’ states “kids with a strong internal drive may thrive on the competition. But the pressure can be too much for others”. Overall it would be best for children's mental, and physical health if they don’t play competitive sports.

  Even though others argue that there are benefits with competitive sports, eventually the children will not even enjoy the sport anymore. On page 2 of the passage “Pushing too hard too young” it states that children that take part in competitive sport are at risk for emotional burnout. But also children can get injuries that affect them for life. As a result of competitive sports it causes children to lose excitement in the sport. It will also force them to lose interest in the sport because it's not about the fun and anymore it's mostly about winning.

  In conclusion, there is a lot of evidence that proves children shouldn’t play competitive sports. Competitive sports can lead to depression and massive stress, and it can also lead to life long injuries. Is any benefit worth the life long damage competitive sports can do to a child?


You read this poem at the beginning of this module. Read it again, looking for examples of internal rhyme.
I am glad daylong for the gift of song,
For time and change and sorrow;
For the sunset wings and the world-end things
Which hang on the edge of to-morrow.
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
Are the entrance-place of wonders,
Where dreams come in from the rush and din
Like sheep from the rains and thunders.

George Reginald Margetson

Which lines from this poem include internal rhymes? (Select all correct answers.)
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
Are the entrance-place of wonders,
Like sheep from the rains and thunders.
Where dreams come in from the rush and din



Have a good day!


Later or tommorow
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
For the sunset wings and the world-end things
Where dreams come in from the rush and din

Rebecca would like to add a direct quotation about voting to her narrative. Which is the BEST choice to include?
A) "The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office." - Will Rogers
B) "Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong." - Richard Armour
C) "Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. " - George Bernard Shaw Eliminate
D) "The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predicated on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well." -Alan Keyes



Your answer would be:

D) “The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predicated on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well.” -Alan Keyes


Have a great rest of your day

The answer is D
“The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predictable on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well”


Read the fable The Fox and the Stork by Aesop to complete the activity.

At one time the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends. So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow dish. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking." "Pray do not apologize," said the Stork. "I hope you will return this visit and come and dine with me soon." So a day was appointed when the Fox should visit the Stork; but when they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar.

Write a paragraph identifying and explaining the theme present in this passage and how it relates to any universal themes. (4 points)



u want me to wright ur paragraph for u

worth 15 pionts

Which letter shows the land first settled by the Inca?





The first settled around the left middle/bottom

The answer is Point A

examine figure 1 below. For each numbered location, identify which part of photosynthesis it represents, then discribe how each part enters or exits the plant



Light (From the Sun) Plant turns light (and others) into chemical energy and sugar with chlorophyll.

Oxygen After the plant turns light (and others) into chemical energy, oxygen also comes out.

CO2 CO2 is one of the other energies that gets turned into sugar.

Moisture and nutrients (From the soil) Gets absorbed by roots to be delivered to the other organs.

Argumentative Writing:

If the Apollo 11 moon landing is real, what would be your counterargument?



Yes, the Apollo 11 moon landing is real. I am not going to argue with your statement because I know you are correct.



Yes, the Apollo 11 moon landing is real. .


What is the predicate, subject, direct object, indirect object, and object of preposition in this sentence
“Throughout human HISTORY, progress is inevitable.”
(Their might not be an object of preposition but I just want to know which ones are there)30 POINTS



"Throughout human history, progress is inevitable"

Subject = progress

Predicate = inevitable

Direct object = inevitable

Object of preposition = human history

Indirect object = N/A


These answers should be correct! Good luck

Predicate; Inevitable
Subject; Progress
Direct object; Inevitable
Indirect object; (none)
Object of preposition; Human history




I'm sure it's a


you plan everything and the detail of what paragraphs are going to be about.

What do the underlined words and words suggest about LIDAR technology?



LIDAR technology is currently too dangerous to be used wisely.


The word unproven means not demonstrated by evidence, so it could not be safe.

“Lidar technology is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to mesure ranges (variable distances) to the earth.”

can someone help me with a book review of the secret garden?



This book is a classic that your parents have probably read, but don't let that put you off! It is an intriguing read, despite the few slow bits in the book. I would probably give it 8.5 out of ten. It is not a fancy book for girls, despite the title.

hey so I wrote an essay on this for my class and got an A….So first I said something like “This unit we read and discussed the book The Secret Garden. The story shows us how much people can change through love, nature, and friendship.” Then I did a quick summary…you can find some on good reads or spark notes…. then I said what I thought about the book….I hope this helps :))))

How many years does a welder do in college?



you just need your post - secondary welding training that takes 7 months to 2 years & on job training and lastly a welding certificate so not that long to no college really


my uncle does welding as his job

About 2-4 years in college

Complete sentence with the correct words


Answer:sorry i can only answer those ones






1 propose
2 kidnap
3 confirm
4 custom
5 superstition
6 throne
7 swear
8 store
9 execute

Is there a degree in welding ?


I think there is a degree in welding but if not I know there's a degree in mechanics.
You don’t need a degree for welding but if you do happen to want on go to a trade school.

IDENTIFY what figure of speech each of these sentences/phrases have in them?

"Even become his own rain cloud and somehow has stormed on him flooding him in sweat and swelter and his skin got a dull gleam to it, like it's glowing"

"Like trying to hide thunder under thankful"

"Like trying to mute the blues trumpet

"And it's more like he's swallowed the sun and it's burning bright"



personification, simile, simile, simileExplanation: :)

(30 POINTS PLS HURRY) Look at these two photos from the text. Explain what facts or details the photos help you better understand about the place shown.



Photo #1 looks to be set in a warm climate in a forested area. the picture was taken in a cave formation.

Photo #2 looks to be in a colder climate with a frozen lake, little to no visible vegetation, and mountainous landscapes.


not sure if this is the correct answer for you but I hope I was of help.

Answer: Is shown below


Picture #1 has lots of trees most likely is a tropical forest, Judging by the sunlight it most likely warm all year in this place. It also seems to have a lot of small cliffs so it is most likely in a state possibly in the South region.

Picture #2 Has like no  trees at all and seems deserted and judging by the snow on the mountains it is most likely cold all year and i'm guessing almost no warm blooded animals could even survive a week in this kind of climate. But the funny thing about these 2 pictures is that they are complete opposites!


Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in person
A. If one follows the directions carefully, you should be able to find the location without getting lost.

B. When I asked my best friend for twenty dollars, he gave it to me without hesitation.

C. The film maker made a documentary about butterflies and hoped it would receive good reviews.

D. For the first time, our school's baseball team won all of its games this season.


A- if one follows the directions carefully, you should be able to find the location without getting lost
The answer is A. It follows the directions carefully

Fill the gaps with the correct preposition


1. out

4. on

5. in

6. for

7. to

8. to

This verb means to separate a whole into its parts and then look more closely at those parts.
What's the word
Please Hurry
20 points and BRAINLEST



The answer is to analyse


The deffinition of analyse is to separate a whole into its parts and then look more closely at those parts.


The answer is Analyze. It is a verb and it is breaking things into parts and looking more closing. Analyzing takes a whole and breaks it down.


An example of analyzing would be writing an essay on turtles for example. You would analyze, break it down into parts, where turtles are located, their eating habits, species, various kinds, etc.

Hope this helps you!


Read the selection from the section “Types Of Myths.”

Some perform superhuman actions, usually in an effort to save the world from evil and destruction. Many hero myths contain fantastical details. They feature characters who are larger than life and who are often fatally flawed.

What does using the phrase “fantastical details” suggest about the types of myths?

A. Some of the myths include events and characters could not realistically exist.

B. Some of the stories in myths include events that do not have happy endings.

C.Most of the descriptions in the myths are written with great skill and talent.

D.Most of the heroes in myths are based on true historical facts and figures.

Read the following sentence from the section “Types Of Myths.”

Icarus's excitement at his achievement compels him to fly closer and closer to the sun.

Which of the following words, if it replaced the word "compels" in the sentence above, would CHANGE the meaning of the sentence?






i don't know but it is d

icarus's excitement at his achievement compels (causes) him to fly closer and closer to the sun.

Icarus's excitement at his achievement compels him to fly closer and closer to the sun. if it replaced the word "compels" in the sentence above, would CHANGE the meaning of the sentence, option D is the correct answer.

What is sun ?

Sun, star around which Earth and the other components are revolve, is the dominant body of the system, constitute more than 99 percent of its entire mass.

The Sun is the source of a large  amount of energy, a portion of which provides Earth with the light and heat necessary to support life.

The Sun is classified as G2 V star, where G2 is the second hottest stars of the yellow G class where the surface temperature about 5,800 kelvins and the V representing a main sequence, or dwarf, star, the typical star for this temperature class.

For more details sun,  visit



How does the author develop the idea that suffrage is not a right?
A. The author supports the claim by detailing why politics is not a place for women but that the home is.
B. The author describes the challenges of politics and the problems that arise when women take part in elections.
C. The author describes the balance that is necessary in politics by showing the pros and cons of women voting.
D. The author supports the claim by expressing how women are better suited for politics than housework.


The author develop the idea that women's suffrage was not the only issue being confronted by Chinese women in America is. The author develops the idea by describing why Mabel Lee’s family was an exception to the exclusion act.

What is women's suffrage?

The right for women to vote in elections is known as women's suffrage. Some individuals began pushing for changes to the voting laws to let women to vote at the beginning of the 18th century.

Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote in elections. Beginning in the start of the 18th century, some people sought to change voting laws to allow women to vote.

Following the passage of the 19th Amendment, liberal political parties would offer women the right to vote, expanding their potential voter bases.

We see that there was a period when women weren't allowed to vote or be voted for. But the women's suffrage movement helped to change the narrative.

Which of the following statements is true about calcium? (Select all that apply.)
Calcium helps to give the plant structure.
Calcium is a macronutrient.
Calcium aids in chlorophyll production.
Calcium is a micronutrient.



The first answer


The primary function of calcium in plant growth is to provide structural support to cell walls. Calcium also serves as a secondary messenger when plants are physically or biochemically stressed–which is why it always smell different after you cut your lawn! It's actually a signal of danger to all other surrounding plants.


Calcium helps to give the plant structure, Calcium is a macronutrient, Calcium is a micronutrient.


Calcium does not aid in chlorophyll production. Manganese aid in this. Chlorophyll production does increase the availability of calcium though.

what does MALALA YOUSAFZAI mean when she thanks her father for " not clipping my wings and for letting me fly" and how does this contribute to the overall meaning of the text?



She means that he did not restrict her and allowed her to prosper. This statement establishes the reason for Malala's success/motives and helps us understand why it is so essential to protect girls' right to an education.


Hope this helps!

She means that she is grateful that her father never restricted her or held her back, he let her explore and do amazing things in life. This statement leads to
Malalas future and the reason she went on to protect women’s rights and spark feminism for woman all over the world.

Hope this helps!

When writing a descriptive essay, what writing practices should be used?

O Include quotes

O Include dialog

O Include sensory words

O Both A and B​



i think that the answer would be c include sensory words

Both A and B,
Include quotes
And include dialog

Match each statement with the part of the blog's viewpoints it represents



Claim - Communities should encourage young people to volunteer

Reason - Volunteerism actually makes people feel good about themselves

Rebuttal - Connections are created by joining together to solve common problems

Evidence - Statistics show that many connected communities require volunteerism

Counterclaim - Volunteerism is a waste of time, and people dislike it

Rebuttal- 2
Evidence- 1
Counterclaim- 3

in the book "Anything but typical" does it seem that jason has a hard time understanding what other people are doing or asking for him give an example

40 points



Jason Blake is anything but typical. He tells his story in his own language, that of an autistic twelve-year-old boy. He is intelligent and sensitive, with many special gifts, and he is different. We learn of his sensitivity and “differentness” as he writes about his life and describes his world.



Jason Blake is anything but typical. He tells his story in his own language, that of an autistic twelve-year-old boy. He is intelligent and sensitive, with many special gifts, and he is different. We learn of his sensitivity and “differentness” as he writes about his life and describes his world.


Pls help i need this fast Which prompt would be best addressed with a cause-and-effect structure?





You explain the cause of the great depression, then relay the effects of it.

Read the sonnet.

Sonnet XII

by William Shakespeare

When I do count the clock that tells the time,
And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;
When I behold the violet past prime,
And sable curls all silvered o'er with white;
When lofty trees I see barren of leaves
Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,
And summer's green all girded up in sheaves
Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard,
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;
And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence
Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.

Question 1
Part A

What can be inferred from Shakespeare's "Sonnet XII"?

Time passes quickly for youths.

Dying young is a waste of life.

Everything that lives ages.

Animals and plants live without fear.
Question 2
Part B

Which pair of lines from the sonnet best support the answer in the Part A?

"Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,"

"When lofty trees I see barren of leaves
Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,"

"When I do count the clock that tells the time,
And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;"

"When I behold the violet past prime,
And sable curls all silvered o'er with white;"



Part A: Everything that lives ages.

Part B: When I behold the violet past prime,  And sable curls all silvered o'er with white.

Hope this helps!

Other Questions
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