I need to write a 5 paragraph essays! HELPPPP

I Need To Write A 5 Paragraph Essays! HELPPPP


Answer 1


The core threats to biodiversity are human population growth and unsustainable resource use. To date, the most significant causes of extinctions are habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and overharvesting.

Answer 2


Essay written by Applepi101

Biodiversity, and Humanity's Threat to Life.

A variation in genetics, species, and of course, an ecosystem level, biodiversity is the single most important thing we must preserve in order for the food chain to be in balance, and for one species to not overtake the scale. This is what makes Earth unique from every other planet on the solar system. Biodiversity provides everyone's needs for food and water, shelter and much more. The importance of this single word is astounding, not only because of the fact that it is needed to conserve humans, but all life on Earth. Biodiversity comes from two words. The first part, "Bio" meaning "life" and the second part, "diversity" meaning "variety". Combine the two, and you have the variety of life.

It is important to understand that biodiversity can be studied on a global scale, or microscopically, genetically, or environmentally. One example is genetic biodiversity in the cross-breeding of dogs, and environmental biodiversity is how diverse the ecosystems around us are. Preserving this is what humans have the task of while living on this beautiful planet. Although humans are widely consumer based, taking from the environment, the question is how much longer can the Earth sustain the rapid population increases while taking and modifying the Earth's environment?

Zooming in on our oceans, which cover over 70 percent of the earth's surface, they are becoming increasingly polluted and threatened each year, with climate change, fishing, commercial agriculture, pollution, and oil spills. Studies show that in 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. In the oceans, coral reefs are the most biologically diverse ecosystem in the world, seeing that they have a number of fish communities to tend to. But our reefs are dying, which means less fish, which means less animals that eat the fish, like birds, and less animals that eat the birds, and so on, which I see as a ripple effect, one drop on the pond shakes the whole pond, the whole food chain, the whole scale, but not as much humans.

At the same time, large parts of the Amazon are being cut down and burnt. Tree clearing has cut down the forest by 15 precent already. In Brazil, which has half the forest, 19 percent has disappeared. Those number are just numbers though, but when we have no trees to look at, no flowers to smell, no grass to play in, it will be too late. Many have warned that at one point, the rainforest that contains over 3 million known species, will turn into nothing but a dry scrubland, and we don't have a clue when it will reach it's tipping point.

How can we help? Reducing, reusing, and recycling is just the beginning, started climate strikes, campaigns, and protests is a great way to get started. Volunteering for non-profits that are dedicated to taking young interns to help weed, garden, and grow plants is another effective way. The future depends on us, starts with us, and it is our responsibility to commit ourselves to making sure that we should not need a list to keep track of endangered or extinct species, and we must act now.

Hope this helps!!


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help me.............​




The first two pictures show an ovum and a sperm so it is 1 for both boxes. The third picture shows embedding into the uterus wall and that is 6.




1st pic is an egg so its 1

2nd pic is a sperm so its also 1

3rd pic is attaching 2 uterus wall so its 6

hope u dont mind me double-dipping :)

In the Punnett square, fill in the shaded boxes with the alleles of each parent. Use B for the
dominant allele (black fur) and b for the recessive allele (white fur). THIS ONE IS A SECOND ONE PLEASE HELP



you gotta put the small "b" for the female and all the the box will be "Bb"

The dominant allele (black fur) has alleles B and b for the recessive allele (white fur), so the offspring will all have bodies with black fur.

What is phenotype?

Phenotype is the physical appearance of characters which is the result of genes which express in the cell to give a particular trait in the diagram black is dominant over white so all the offspring show a black phenotype.

Male genotype: BB

Female genotype: bb

Cross: BB X bb

Gametes: B, B, b, b

All progeny will be black having genotype Bb, Bb, Bb, Bb.

The Cross is uploaded in the image below.

Genotype is the genetic appearance of the allele which shows the gene is responsible for a particular trait.

Therefore, the dominant allele (black fur) having allele B and b for the recessive allele is crossed, and all progeny will be black having genotype Bb, Bb, Bb, Bb.

Learn more about alleles, here:



Describe and distinguish between the sources of energy utilised by the brain and heart under well-fed and starvation conditions.



Brain ----- glucose and amino acids.

Heart ------- fatty acids and triglycerides.


The sources of energy utilized by the brain is glucose under well-fed whereas the sources of energy utilized by the heart under well-fed condition is fatty acids. During starvation, the source of energy used by the brain is amino acids from skeletal proteins when glucose is not available while on the other hand, during starvation, the heart utilized triglycerides as a source of energy in the absence of fatty acids.

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Simply put, the property of electron affinity refers to the relative amount of love that a material has for electrons. If atoms of a material have a high electron affinity, then that material will have a relatively high love for electrons. This property of electron affinity will be of utmost importance as we explore one of the most common methods of charging - triboelectic charging, also known as charging by friction or rubbing.

Suppose that a rubber balloon is rubbed with a sample of animal fur. During the rubbing process, the atoms of the rubber are forced into close proximity with the atoms of the animal fur. The electron clouds of the two types of atoms are pressed together and are brought closer to the nuclei of the other atoms. The protons in the atoms of one material begin to interact with the electrons present on the other material

Mark me brainlist

The radiometer is designed to be placed in a sunny window and as the sun's rays strike the blades, they spin. Which kind of energy powers this device?​



Solar energy.


Solar energy is the kind of energy that powers the devices when the solar radiations strike on the blades of the radiometer. The device has the ability to change or convert solar energy into mechanical energy. Solar radiation is a natural resource from which clean energy can be formed that can be used for different activities in our daily life. There are certain cells that are present on the body of radiometer that produces energy needed for its running.

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Photosynthesis is a process where plants and other organisms convert energy from the sun into a chemical energy that through cellular respiration can be later released in order to fuel the organism's metabolic activities.

The energy which is stored in the form of sugar is broken down into starch entering the mitochondria to produce energy. The energy is stored in the chemical bonds. To obtain the energy, organisms take energy-rich compounds such as glucose and breaks them down to release their energy. The organism traps the released energy and stores it in a form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP.


Name at least three neuromitters and state the roles of these neuronmitters in human body ? Except acetylcholine, (GABA)and domanine. Please help as soon .





The chemical messengers present in the body are known as neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals that the nervous system uses to send and receive information between neurons and muscles. A neurotransmitter can have one of three effects on a neuron:

Excitatory effect, Inhibitory effect, and/or Modulatory effect.

The list of neurotransmitters and their roles are as follows:

Glutamate: This is present in amino acid compounds which are located in the synapses. It functions as an excitatory neurotransmitter, causing neurons to discharge instructions when stimulated in the central nervous system.

Adrenaline: It helps to respond to body's psychological stress and protection mechanism. They are positioned above the kidney and are created by the adrenal glands. They operate throughout the central nervous system and swiftly increase your heart rate and provide oxygen to your muscles.

Serotonin: Serotonin is a crucial brain neurotransmitter that also has a role in the small intestine. In your digestive tract, serotonin increases feelings of contentment after eating and controls your appetite. When you eat anything that doesn't agree with your stomach, serotonin assists your body in getting rid of it.

How is plate tectonics involved in ocean expansion?



The movement of tectonic plates, which determines the distribution, size, and depth of ocean basins, influencing how water is distributed around the continents.


Match the type of adaptation to the correct example



hope this helps you! :)




1. Juan es un estudiante joven que hace poco se mudó a su propio departamento. Realiza actividad física desde siempre pero últimamente nota que se cansa más rápido, tiene poca fuerza y ha perdido algo de peso. No entiende la causa porque sigue comiendo en forma abundante. Visita a su médico, quien le informa que tiene pérdida de masa muscular y le pregunta si está alimentándose correctamente. ¿Por qué le hace esta pregunta? ¿Qué tiene que ver la comida con el músculo?



Es posible que Juan sospeche que no está alimentándose correctamente (comer en grandes cantidades no significa estar bien alimentado)


Las proteínas representan un macronutriente esencial que debe ser consumido a través de la dieta para crecer en masa muscular y también para mantener la masa de los músculos. Las proteínas están compuestas por muchos tipos diferentes de aminoácidos (los bloques de construcción de las proteínas), pero solamente 20 aminoácidos conforman las proteínas que se encuentran en el cuerpo humano. Los aminoácidos esenciales son aquellos que el cuerpo no puede sintetizar por sí solo. Estos aminoácidos esenciales son: histidina, fenilalanina, treonina, lisina, metionina, triptófano, valina, isoleucina y leucina. El consumo diario recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) de proteínas en un hombre adulto es 0,8 a 1 gramo por kilogramo de peso corporal. Además, es posible que el cansancio que experimenta Juan se deba a alguna deficiencia en micronutrientes esenciales, es decir, debido a la falta de vitaminas y minerales, los cuales también deben ser consumidos a través de la dieta. Por ejemplo, la fatiga puede deberse a la falta de hierro, un mineral fundamental cuya deficiencia lleva a cuadros severos de anemia. Similarmente, la deficiencia en vitamina D puede también causar agotamiento o fatiga crónica, entre otros síntomas (por ej., abruptos cambios en el estado de ánimo, debilidad ósea en los huesos, daño en el estómago, etc). Por otra parte, es importante remarcar que no se debe descartar la posibilidad de que el cansancio experimentado por Juan se deba a un cuadro de estrés y/o algún otro tipo de problema de salud, siendo por lo tanto necesario una descripción más detallada del cuadro clínico para obtener una conclusión más precisa de su situación.

1. The first person to observe cells was?



robert hooke


The answer is Robert Hooke.

what is the difference between plant cells and animal cells


A plant cell contains a large, singular vacuole that is used for storage and maintaining the shape of the cell. In contrast, animal cells have many, smaller vacuoles. Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. ... Animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.


a plant cell contains large cells and animals cells contain larger amount of vacoules

I need help please answer this. whoever does this will be marked as brainlest


there no radius for diagram

how dose sickle cell anemia affect platelets


Sickle cell anemia causes elevated platelets

[tex]\textrm{how does sickle cell anemia affects platelets}[/tex]


Sickle cell disease is a long-term inflammatory condition marked by elevated levels of acute phase reactants and platelet activation. Activation of platelets and platelet-derived chemicals that enhance cellular adhesion both increase during a vaso-occlusive crisis. a. Markers of inflammation produced by platelets


[tex]\textrm{HOPE IT HELP}[/tex]

[tex]\textrm{HAVE A GREAT DAY!!}[/tex]

A certain stem cell produces only muscle cells. What kind of stem cell is this?
A. Pluripotent
B. Unipotent
C. Totipotent
D. Multipotent


the answer is (B. Unipotent)


B) unipotent


Unipotent stem cells come from multipotent stem cells which can only become a few different cell types. Unipotent stem cells can be programmed to be only a specific cell type. They will only follow that one genetic path, thus the name "uni".

Where does the emulsification of fat occur?



The emulsification of fat occurs in the liver.

The long black hair of a cat is part of its








phenotype is the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.

genotype is the genetic constitution of an individual organism.

Hope this helps

Gina is studying a cell under a powerful microscope. The cell does not contain membrane-bound organelles.
Which cell is Gina most likely studying?
an animal cell
a bacterial cell
a plant cell
a protist cell


A Bacterial cell because it’s a prokaryotes cell and those don’t have membrane bound organelles


A Bacterial cell


because it’s a prokaryotes cell and those don’t have membrane bound organelles

Which type of current occurs when surface water on the ocean becomes denser than the water below it and sinks?


Q. A deep ocean current forms when ocean water becomes denser and sinks. The figure shows a deep ocean current.

possible solution of making new friends at universities​


Be yourself. No matter which college you go to, there will be people who share your interests and personality. ...
Use the dorm to your advantage. ...
Be interesting. ...
Do extracurriculars. ...
Try to know a little about everything. ...
Find common ground. ...
Eat meals with people. ...
Ask the usual questions.
Make as much friends in the subject class you’re taking as possible.
Ask them about the subject
Sit around them during lunchtime

Place the events in the transmission of an action potential in the correct order. 1. An action potential begins in the receiving neuron. 2. Neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft. 3. An action potential arrives at an axon terminal. 4. Calcium ions enter the axon terminal. 5. Sodium ions diffuse into the receiving neuron. 6. Synaptic vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane. 7. Neurotransmitter molecules bind to the membrane of the receiving neuron.
A. 1,2,6,7,4,3,5
B. 3,5,6,2,7,4,1
C. 3,4,6,2,7,5,1
D. 2,3,6,7,4,5,1
E. 7,6,5,3,4,2,1





name of a gland which act as mixed gland __





Since the pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions, it is therefore a mixed gland. Its endocrine secretions are the hormones insulin and glucagon

Pancreas is a heterocrine gland as it acts both as endocrine and exocrine gland. It secretes insulin hormone into blood and act as endocrine gland and when it secretes digestive enzymes and juice through pancreatic duct, it acts as exocrine gland.
Hence, pancreas is a mixed gland.
So, the correct answer is 'Pancreas'.

What environmental Factor would likely lead to an increase in genetic variation in a population of squirrels





different predators or weather conditions within the environment if the environment were to change they would adapt to it as well

Draining wetlands for housing is a form of stewardship.
- True
- False


Answer: True

Explanation: stewardship is the act to maintain or manage something. Draining wetlands is an act of maintaining.

Which of the following is true about lethal alleles? Group of answer choices
A They can kill an organism before birth.
B They can be dominant or recessive.
C They can alter the number of offspring the organism has.
D All of these are true.





They can be dominant or recessive.

B, it is the answer, finally

Which process involves glucose reacting with oxygen to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water?




Which describes a way in which phosphorus may enter into the phosphorus cycle?
Earthquakes release phosphorus.
Phosphorus is carried in the rain that was evaporated from lakes.
Human use of fertilizers release phosphorus into the groundwater.
Phosphorus is transpired from the leaves of plants.



I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. A way in which phosphorus may enter into the phosphorus cycle is that when human use of fertilizers release phosphorus into the groundwater. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

Human use of fertilizers releases phosphorus into the groundwater is a way in which phosphorus may enter into the phosphorus cycle. Therefore, the correct statement is option C.

What is the use of phosphorus?

Phosphorus is a nutrient needed by plants to grow, and it is added to soil in the form of fertilizers. When it rains, the phosphorus is washed away from the soil and carried into nearby rivers, lakes, and groundwater.

The phosphorus is then taken up by plants or become part of the sediment at the bottom of bodies of water.

Phosphorus can be transformed from there and recycled through the different parts of the phosphorus cycle, such as weathering, erosion, and sedimentation. Phosphorus can also be released from the decomposition of organic matter.

Therefore, human use of fertilizers releases phosphorus into the groundwater is a way in which phosphorus may enter into the phosphorus cycle.

Learn more about phosphorus here:



What is the RNA sequence that corresponds to this DNA sequence? ACC GCG





All mutations result in lethal diseases like Tay Sachs, sickle-cell anemia and color-blindness. Group of answer choices
True or false





Not all mutations result in lethal diseases. Some mutations, like green eyes, are completely harmless.

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