If you refuse to take a blood urine breath test to determine if you are under the influence


Answer 1
It’s drugs or alcohol

Related Questions

What if . . . you were a judge and you had a repeat offender for purse snatching in your courtroom? This individual has already been on probation and home incarceration. The individual has also spent a couple of years in prison but keeps recidivating. What other sentencing option can you envision that may deter this individual from committing further crimes?


Answer: I’m not in law school nor am I a lawyer, I should probably ask my sis but oh well but um I think I would sent him or her life in prison.


This person had so many chances to turn his or her life around but instead keep coming back which mean he or she don’t mind spending the rest of his or her life there.


Since he was on Probation he would have to finish the remaining time in jail.

He will also receive an extra 3 years, for the purse snatching.  

And face rehabilitation, and therapy.

What is meant by liquidation


Answer: Liquidation in finance and economics is the process of bringing a business to an end and distributing its assets to claimants. It is an event that usually occurs when a company is insolvent, meaning it cannot pay its obligations when they are due.

Juan, a man, thinks a new state law prohibiting abortion is unconstitutional. Which jurisdictional requirement prevents Juan from filing suit to challenge the law?
A: Standing
B: Mootness
C: Ripeness
D: Res Judicata


It’s B moistness lol

Can I sue a teacher if they claim my work for themselves?


Yes that is plagiarism

4. What should you do when you come behind a stopped school bus which is unloading children?

A. Slow down before passing the bus.

B. Make a full stop before passing and move slowly.

C. Stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing.

D. None of the above


C. Stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing.

it’s c

stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing

SOLID YELLOW LINES SEPARATE: A. Vehicles traveling in opposite directions B. Bicycle lanes from regular traffic C. Traffic lanes on one-way streets



A vehicles traveling in opposite direction

what does a paralegal do ?​


common tasks for paralegals include preparing legal documents, including briefs, pleadings, appeals, wills, contracts, and real estate closing statements; meeting with clients and other professionals to discuss details of their cases; preparing for trial by performing tasks such as organizing ...


paralegals perform tasks such as conducting legal and factual research, drafting court documents and correspondence, reviewing and summarizing records, filing documents with the court, maintaining files, and. communicating with clients.

The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment sought to determine the relative deterrent effects of arrest, mediation, and separation in misdemeanor domestic violence incidents. What was one of its findings?



One of the findings was that it was possible to see that prisons were able to reduce the level of violence against women.


The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment sought to stipulate which punishment was most effective in decreasing cases of domestic violence. For this, they will observe the effects of arrests, mediations and separations in incidents of domestic violence, applied to a group of offenders convicted of this type of crime. During the evaluation of the results, it was observed that prisons were more effective in decreasing the rate of repeated domestic violence against women, as offenders who were arrested had the lowest rate of recidivism of domestic violence, in contrast to other punishments.

24. The penalties for a first-time DUI charge include community service for
A. 5 hours
B. 20 hours
C. 50 hours
D. 200 hours
24 40


Answer: B. 20 hours


the first offence is a class c misdemeanor and usually is 20-40 hours of community service given

A prosecutor discovers possible exculpatory evidence about the defendant but decides to withhold that evidence so that the defense will be at a disadvantage. What is a way that some jurisdictions have sought to ensure the fair exchange of information between parties?



Withholding evidence especially from the state is crime; On the calls of Perjury. And the Judge will get to ask for evidence, and the evidence may be leaked publicly over time.

questions for muslium.....



Hadith is a form of Islamic tradition recorded in oral sources. A hadith is usually a short and out of context account of what Muhammad said or did. Usually its purpose was to confirm something in accordance with the law of God.  Together, the hadiths form the sunnah, the most important source of Muslim morality and law after the Qur'an. Initially, they were passed on orally through the chain of messengers. According to the traditional view of Muslim scholars, this contributed to the creation of many false hadiths, which were to support the interests of individual groups, and by about 200 years after the prophet's death, there were already around 200,000 Arab scholars therefore proceeded to a careful study of these messages, checking the chain of transmitters of each hadith. On the basis of this research, they created collections of hadiths believed to be authentic.

13. Supporters of Madison's view about the inclinations of members of Congress could point to which of the follow ing actions ? (A) Members of Congress voting to authorize increased military spending (B ) Members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal money to local projects Members of Congress requiring federal oversight for cleanup of toxic waste sites ( ) Congress authorizing the use of states " National Guard units to patrol the country's borders


Answer: (B ) Members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal money to local projects


James Madison believed in a strong federal government that would yet be balanced by the members of Congress being both loyal to the nation as a whole and to their states.

He believed that state governments should not worry too much about the federal government taking power from them because members of Congress were from various states and would work to advance the interests of those states at a federal level.

Supporters of this view would point to members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal funding. A process which allowed Members of Congress to fund projects in their home states directly from federal funds which showed that the members of Congress were advancing state interests at a federal level.

When used on a regulatory sign, the color red indicates __________ .

A. a prohibition

B. a severe penalty

C. a set of instructions





It’s A.a prohibition

why the Third Circuit Court of Appeals found that there was sufficient evidence to uphold the Defendant’s conviction for securities fraud/insider trading



The law of insider trading has been called everything from a "theoretical mess" to "astonishingly dysfunctional," with calls for change from Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission to clarify the scope of the prohibition. But is the law really so bad? The elements are now well established, despite gray areas around the edges like other white collar crimes. Congress and the general public have embraced insider trading as something clearly wrongful. If the law needs to be changed, the most likely push would be to expand it by adopting the possession theory of liability used in Rule 14e-3 for tender offers and the European Union that makes trading on almost any confidential information subject to prosecution.

a personal experience where you overcome your difficulties by by trying to pray namaz under all circumstances whatever our state.



I want to share with you what we've learned about having faith in God through difficult times.


“I am Loved” 4-Week Bible Study Course

Experience confident joy as God's love renews your mind.

Find peace as god's love helps you let go of worry and fear.

Rediscover hope as God's love offers a new perspective on trials.Explanation:

Let God know exactly where you're failing to let go and let God handle the situation. Make your request before the Lord, and then leave it at His feet. Give it to God by turning it over to Him and trust that He will help you throughout the circumstances. Allow Him to exchange your worry and fear with His peace.Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.

Which service provides an online citator?
A. Westlaw
B. Lexis
OD. All of the above
E. (A) and (B) only



All of the above


All of the sites create a citation for the legal information they provide

The discovery step of civil cases is where.



each party gathers info from each other

What is the administrative law?



Administrative law is the law that governs the administrative actions. ... It governs the executive and ensures that the executive treats the public fairly. Administrative law is a branch of public law. It deals with the relationship of individuals with the government.



Administrative law is the law that governs administrative actions. It governs the executive and ensures that the executive treats the public fairly. Administrative law is a branch of public law. It deals with the relationship of individuals with the government.


100% on Edge. 2022

号 Which of the following can be inserted on the Insert tab? Borders Excel spreadsheets Captions Headers and footers​



Headers and footers


The insert tab can the found on the ribbon of word processing programs, excel spreadsheets as they contain commands which allows the insertion of objects such as illustrations, tables, charts hyperlink, pictures, text boxes, Footers and headers. In a word processing program too, the insert tab also contains these elements. Therefore. From the question given, the feature from the given options which can be inserted from the insert tab is the Footer and Header. Which allows allows users to add information at the top and bottom areas of a page.

What are some specific criminal justice policies that can be analyzed based on the death of George Floyd?



George Floyd's death occurred on May 25, 2020, when Derek Chauvin - a white police officer - arrested Floyd and knelt on his neck for approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds after he was handcuffed and lay face down on the floor.

The incident was filmed by several attendees who asked Chauvin to remove his knee from Floyd's neck. Likewise, the police officers were wearing body cameras, which also recorded the entire interaction with Floyd. Although the footage from operated body cameras was eventually also released, this did not happen until months after the incident itself and the publication of the private video footage. The day after the arrest - after several eyewitnesses had released their video footage of the incident - all four police officers were fired. Two autopsy reports subsequently found that Floyd had been killed, although the conclusions of the two reports as to the cause of death are not conclusive.

The incident, including in particular various video recordings, created a great deal of attention worldwide. In the United States, the incident led to large-scale demonstrations organized by Black Lives Matter around various American cities. Several of the demonstrations in the United States were accompanied by various forms of swelling, violence, street fighting and other forms of crime. President Donald Trump in several cases ended up approving the deployment of extra police officers to reduce the violence that ensued following the demonstrations. The case was a wake-up call to American society regarding institutional racism, especially in police agencies, as well as a sign of their brutality.

¿Cuáles de los siguientes son ejemplos de influencias domésticas en la política exterior de los Estados Unidos?Marque todo lo que corresponda. medios de noticias alianzas activistas ambientales amenazas de seguridad moneda fuerte relaciones comerciales



Medios de noticias y activistas ambientales.


Se entiende por influencia doméstica en política exterior a todo evento o grupo que, a causa de su accionar (sea este voluntario o no) produce un cambio en las distintas políticas llevadas a cabo por el gobierno federal en materia de política exterior, es decir, con naciones extranjeras. Así, no puede catalogarse de influencia doméstica a aquellas cuestiones que surjan del propio accionar gubernamental, como pueden ser las alianzas bilaterales, las relaciones comerciales o una política monetaria determinada; ni aquellas que provengan exclusivamente del extranjero, como las amenazas de seguridad.

En cambio, sí pueden considerarse como tales la labor de los medios de noticias, que pueden influir en la opinión pública referida a un determinado tema de política exterior; o bien la labor de activistas ambientales, que puede influir en el desarrollo de políticas internacionales ambientales, como la firma de tratados o determinadas sanciones ante incumplimientos de regulaciones ambientales.

Which level of gov relies the most on income tax? Federal ,state ,local





Taxes go straight to your local government then up to county, state, then federal. Local government is where taxes first end up and that is why local government relies on taxes the most.



Explanation: Local governments mostly rely on the income from local properties, such as from the land they own and lease. The income tax, in contrast is the main source of the revenue of the federal government




Aggressive driving has been a problem on our roadways for a while, and it seems to only be getting worse. Incidents of screaming, rude gestures, and sometimes even violence are reported frequently on our roadways to the point where it has earned its own name: road rage. Learn what causes road rage, whether you are prone to it, and how you can help to keep our roads safe by not giving in to road rage.

Why do you think a credit card company would agree to lend people money to buy things before they p ay for them


Because of interest. When we ask for money, we have to pay an extra amount per month, week, year (interest) That’s how your bank, card company etc makes money. It’s off of your money.




Bạn nên hỏi bằng Tiếng Anh ấy ạ. Sẽ có nhiều người dễ chỉ hơn ạ. Đa số người nước ngoài, hỏi Tiếng Việt họ không hiểu đâu ạ.

Suppose a plaintiff alleges that a North Carolina campaign-financing law violates his First Amendment (to the United States Constitution) free speech rights. This case _____, and it falls under _____ jurisdiction



raises a federal question; concurrent


A plaintiff is a party or an individual who files a case against another party in the court of law.

The [tex]\text{First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America }[/tex]prevents the Government or the Congress to make any law that regulates the establishment of any religion or it prevents the free exercise of any religion or abridge the freedom of press or of speech and he right of people for peaceful assembly.

Concurrent jurisdiction exits where more than one court is involved and where the hearing is done in two or more courts together and simultaneously over the specific case.

In the context, a person files a case against a campaign-financing law of North Carolina stating that the law violates the plaintiffs First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

Thus his lawsuit raises a federal question and the case falls under a concurrent jurisdiction where more than one court will have jurisdiction over the case.

Georgio listed his property for sale with Tony Principi, principal broker for Principi Realty. Georgio decides to seek a tenant for his property rather than sell, so he asks Tony to remove the property from the market. If Tony agrees to release Georgio from his obligations under the contract, agency has been terminated by:_______.



Georgio listed his property for sale with Tony Principi, principal broker for Principi Realty. Georgio decides to seek a tenant for his property rather than sell, so he asks Tony to remove the property from the market. If Tony agrees to release Georgio from his obligations under the contract, agency has been terminated by:rescission.


Rescission is the action of nullifying a contract or legal act. In this way, the obligations and / or rights of the parties cease to be in force. In other words, a rescission is a formal act by which a legal relationship ceases to have validity or, simply, is annulled. A rescission constitutes one of the types of contractual ineffectiveness, that is, the lack of production of all or part of the effects of a contract.

If a married couple decides to get a divorce, what kind of law will handle their case?



In Shah Bano case, the Supreme Court held that, it is the responsibility of the husband during the divorce to make a reasonable and fair provision to maintain the former wife under Section 3(1Ha) of Muslim Women(Protection of rights on Divorce Act, 1986.


Family law  


Family Law court handles divorce, child support, child custody, and adoptions.

It is often stated that the United States does not have two systems of courts (i.e. State and Federal), rather, we have 51, because each State has its own system and then there is the Federal system. Discuss two pros and two cons of our current court system and then detail how having 51 "systems" may impact the idea of equality under the court of law in your opinion. Be sure to use resources to back up your opinion.



it is


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail about Stephanie mentioned in the passage below may give Stanley a reason to exclude her as a juror using a challenge for cause?
Stephanie is part of a jury pool. Stanley, a defense attorney, has interviewed Stephanie to see if she can qualify as one of the twelve jurors for an upcoming criminal trial. During the interview, Stanley learned various details about Stephanie. She is a 27-year-old US citizen. She does not have much knowledge of the criminal trial in concern. She has not come across any media reports about this trial. She has been a victim of a similar crime in the past. Lastly, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature.



The correct answer is "She has been a victim of a similar crime in the past." due to the fact she might have a prior bias in the situation

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