if you use 75 N of force to lift and object and you do 300 Joules of work how far did you lift the object?​


Answer 1

Given W (work) = 300J

F (force) = 75N

s (displacement) = ?

We know that, W = Fs


300 J = 75N × s

= 300J/75N = s

= 4m = s

So, I traveled 4m.

Related Questions

What type of solution is seltzer water?


Answer: Gas-liquid


Seltzer water is also called “sparkling water” or “carbonated water,” and it refers to the water which has been infused with carbon dioxide gas, which then causes it to bubble.

The type of solution that seltzer water is "gas liquid". Here, the solution is liquid while the solute is gas.


gas - liquid


i took the quiz

What is meant by the statement that a laser beam is coherent, mono-chromatic and parallel?



Laser light however contains only one wavelength. This property makes lasers monochromatic, meaning of one color. Another property of lasers is that all the wavelengths are in phase, meaning they wave together. This property is called coherency. Laser light travels in the same direction, parallel to one another.

helppls!!!!!!!!!!! ​



The acceleration (a) is the gravitational constant (g), so 9.81 or 9.8 or 10 (9.81 in this case)

Final velocity:

Vf = vi (0 in this situation ) + gt

Vf = 9.8 * 260 (time in seconds)

Vf = 2548

(I am not sure why here it is 4.6, but since that is the only option after we answer the other two questions, it is.)

Height: Same formula as previous.

h = 1/2gt^2

h = 331240 meter (a lot) (I converted minutes to second by multiplying 4 my 60 + the other 20 sec) (The answer is a bit different because I used 9.8 as gravitational constant and they used 9.81)

Explain the effect of the multiplier in the conversion of a moving coil galvanometer to a voltmeter.




A galvanometer which is used for the measurement of a very small current can be converted to a voltmeter when it is connected to a high resistance or a multiplier is a series. The purpose of this is to reduce the amount of current that goes through the galvanometer so as prevent full scale deflection.

the same crops are grown in different seasons true or false​


Answer: False


Growing different crops in different seasons in the same field will deplete the soil of nutrients. False. Growing different crops In the same field actually help to improve the fertility of the field.

help me please
only if you really know​


Assume R is measured in meters (m) and M in kilograms (kg). Then

R ² / (GM) = [m]² / ([N•m²/kg²] [kg]) = m•kg / N = m•kg / (kg•m/s²) = s²

so t ² is indeed proportional to R ²/(GM).

A student starts a stop-watch when the bob reaches to point M.He counts each time the bob changes direction and stop the watch on the tenth change in direction.The watch shows a time of 12.0 seconds.calculate the time period






what is the difference between static electricity produced by friction, conduction of electricity, and induction of an electrical charge?



ummm a whole bunch


Atividade 1) A presença do campo magnético terrestre proporciona alguns efeitos interessantes. Dentre eles estão as auroras polares. Faça uma pesquisa e explique como esse fenômeno ocorre. Atividade 2 Utilizando a simulação mostrada na figura abaixo, aproxime o ímã da bússola em várias posições ao longo do plano. a) O que representam as pequenas agulhas ao redor do ímã? b) O que acontece com a agulha da bússola quando o ímã é movimentado ao seu redor? c) Marque a seleção "Mostrar medidor de campo". Movimente o medidor de campo O que você observa em relação ao campo magnético⃗ , quando o medidor de campo se aproxima do imã? c) Marque a caixa de seleção "planeta Terra". Como são mostradas as polaridades do ímã? Por que aparece dessa forma?


The answer is 1 the first one is the only one that makes sense

Which formula is used to find an object's acceleration?
Ο α= Δί - Δν
Ο α= Δv+ Δ
Ο α=Δyl Δί
α= Δ / Δν



4 option is correct ........

Temperature of substance changes from -20 celsius to 20 celsius. What is temperature change in kelvin scale





40 degree celcius plus 273=313K

I have my exam monday I need some help!
A man standing on a dock is watching the waves pass by the end of the dock. He times the passage of the waves as one crest every 2.5 s. He estimates the distance between two crests to be 2.0 m. How fast are the waves moving?




If the passage of the waves is one crest every 2.5 seconds, then that is the frequency of the wave, f.

The distance between the 2 crests (or troughs) is the wavelength, λ.

We want the velocity of this wave. The equation that relates these 3 things is

[tex]f=\frac{v}{\lambda}[/tex] and filling in:

[tex]2.5=\frac{v}{2.0}[/tex] so

v = 2.5(2.0) and

v = 5.0 m/s

You are standing on a sheet of ice that covers the football stadium parking lot in Buffalo; there is
negligible friction between your feet and the ice. A friend throws you a 0.4 kg ball that is traveling
horizontally at 10 m/s. Your mass is 70 kg. If you catch the ball, with what speed do you and the ball
move afterwards?

1.02 m/s

0.06 m/s

0.02 m/s

0.12 m/s




This is a classic Law of Momentum Conservation problem. For us the equation will look like this:

[tex][(m_yv_y+m_bv_b)]_b=[(m_y+m_b)v_{both}]_a[/tex] Filling in with our given info:

[tex][(70.0)(0)+(.40)(10.0)]_b=[(70.0+.40)v_{both}]_a[/tex] and

4.0 = 70.4v and

v = .06 m/s

value of the refractive index of lens is 2.5 The curved surfaces are having The radius of curvature 10 cm and -12cm Out The focal length of the lens respectively find out the focal length of the lens?​




dhsfb ffhgchbvffffggcg




What is the gravitational force between two objects?​



Gravitational force -an attractive force that exists between all objects with mass; an object with mass attracts another object with mass; the magnitude of the force is directly proportional to the masses of the two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects.


hope it helped

Gravitational force

Give atleast (5) etypes of cleaning tools , equipment,supplies, and materials that you can find either in your home or school. Identify each use


Answer and Explanation:

Cleaning tools, equipment, supplies, and materials that can be easily found in a school in one each are: scrub brush, sponges, buckets and brooms.

These equipments are essential to promote a clean, organized and safe environment and for this reason, they can be easily found both at school and in a home, since the cleanliness of these two places is essential for the well-being, proactivity and health of the people who attend them.

Which will a positively charged object attract


Positively charged objects and neutral objects attract each other. hope this helped!

List two applications of an echo? ​



I think the echo sounds do not depend on the direction of the sound and sound the same as the original sound


An echo is defined as a sound that is produced when a sound wave is reflected back from any hard surface and repeated.

Two major application of echo include:

- Bats, fisherman, and dolphins use echoes to detect or identify any object /obstruction.

- Echo is widely used in medical science applications for imaging of human organs such as echocardiography and ultrasound.

I hope this help you!:)

A 1-m3 tank holds a two-phase liquid-vapor mixture of carbon dioxide at – 17 °C. The quality of the mixture is 70%. For saturated carbon dioxide at – 17 °C, vf = 0.9827×10-3 m3/kg and vg =1.756×10-2 m3/kg. Determine the masses of saturated liquid and saturated vapor, each in kg. What is the percent of the total volume occupied by saturated liquid?



a)  [tex]m_v= 56.16 Kg[/tex]

    [tex]m_l= 14.04 Kg[/tex]

b)  [tex]\mu=1.37\%[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Volume of tank [tex]V_t=1m^3[/tex]

Temperature of [tex]CO_2=-17^oC[/tex]

Quality of the mixture [tex]Q= 70%[/tex]

Specific Volume constants at [tex]-17^oC:[/tex]

 [tex]v_f = 0.9827*10^{-3} m3/kg[/tex]

 [tex]v_g =1.756*10^{-2} m3/kg.[/tex]

Generally the equation for Specific Volume is mathematically given by

 [tex]v = v_f + x (v_g -v_f)[/tex]

 [tex]v= (0.9827 * 10^{-3} ) + 0.8 * (17.56 * 10^{-3} -0.9827 * 10^{-3})[/tex]

 [tex]v= 0.014244 m3/Kg[/tex]

Generally the equation for Mass is mathematically given by



 [tex]m=70.20 Kg[/tex]

Generally the Mass of saturated Vapor is mathematically given by

 [tex]m_v=0.8 * (70.202)[/tex]

 [tex]m_v= 56.16 Kg[/tex]

Generally the Mass of saturated Liquid is mathematically given by

 [tex]m_l = (70.20 Kg)-(56.16 Kg)[/tex]

 [tex]m_l= 14.04 Kg[/tex]


Generally the equation for Volume is mathematically given by

 [tex]v_l = m_l x v_f[/tex]

 [tex]v_l= (14.04 Kg) (0.9827 x 10{-3} m3/kg)[/tex]

 [tex]v_l= 0.01379 m^3[/tex]

Therefore Percentage of liquid

 [tex]\mu = \frac{v_l}{v} * 100 \%[/tex]

 [tex]\mu= [(0.01379 m^3)/(1 m^3)] *100 \%[/tex]


A construction worker is carrying 40kg if he travels a distance of 50 meters how much work is being done



Workdone = 19600 Nm


Given the following data;

Mass = 40 kg

Distance = 50 meters

We know that acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s².

To find the work done;

First of all, we would determine the force being exerted by the construction worker.

Force = mass * acceleration due to gravity

Force = 40 * 9.8

Force = 392 Newton

Next, we would determine the work done;

Workdone is given by the formula;

[tex] Workdone = force * distance[/tex]

[tex] Workdone = 392 * 50 [/tex]

Workdone = 19600 Nm

Ball X has a mass of 8kg and is moving toward ball Y (which is sitting still) at 2m/s. After they collide, ball X is
sitting still. How fast is ball Y moving after the collision if it has a mass of 4kg?



v = 4 m/s


Given :

Ball X :

Mass, m1 = 8kg ;

Initial Velocity, u1 = 2 m/s

Final velocity, v1 = 0

Ball Y:

Mass, m2 = 4kg ;

Initial Velocity, u2 = 0 m/s

Final velocity, v2 = v

(m1u1 + m2u2) = (m2v2 + m1v1)

(8*2 + 4*0) = (4*v + 4*0)

16 + 0 = 4v + 0

16 = 4v

v = 16 / 4

v = 4 m/s



This is the Law of Momentum Conservation which for us looks like this:

[tex][m_xv_x+m_yv_y]_b=[m_xv_x+m_yv_y]_a[/tex] and that should look familiar to you if this is what you are doing in physics. Filling in our particular info:

[(8.0 × 2.0)+ (4.0 × 0.0)] = [(8.0 × 0.0) + (4.0v)] and

16 + 0 = 0 + 4.0v and

16 = 4.0v so

v = 4.0 in the direction of ball X

The spring in the toy is compressed 0.070 meter by using a downward force of 12.0 newtons. Calculate the spring constant, in N/m, of the spring.



The spring constant is 171.43 N/m.


compression in spring, x = 0.07 m

force, F = 12 N

Let the spring constant is K.

Use the formula of the restoring force of the spring

F = K x

12 = K (0.07)

K = 171.43 N/m  

A series circuit is shown in the diagram below. What is the potential drop
across Rg? (Ry - 200, R2-40 Q, R3-60 , V = 60 V) (Ohrris law: V-IR)



Option C. 20 V


We'll begin by calculating the equivalent resistance of the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Resistor 1 (R₁) = 20 Ω

Resistor 2 (R₂) = 40 Ω

Resistor 3 (R₃) = 60 Ω

Equivalent Resistance (R) =?

R = R₁ + R₂ + R₃ (series arrangement)

R = 20 + 40 + 60

R = 120 Ω

Next, we shall determine the current in the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Voltage (V) = 60 V

Equivalent Resistance (R) = 120 Ω

Current (I) =?

V = IR

60 = I × 120

Divide both side by 120

I = 60 / 120

I = 0.5 A

Finally, we shall determine the potential drop across R₂. This can be obtained as follow:

Current (I) = 0.5 A

Resistor 2 (R₂) = 40 Ω

Voltage (V) =?

V = IR₂

V = 0.5 × 40

V = 20 V

Therefore, the potential drop across R₂ is 20 V

with respect to air the refractive index of ice is 1.31 and that of rock salt is 1.54 calculate the refractive index of rock salt with respect to ice​





Given that,

The refractive index of ice wrt air = 1.31

The refractive index of rock salt wrt air = 1.54

We need to find the refractive index of rock salt with respect to ice.

We know that,

refractive index = (speed of light in air or vaccum)/( speed of light in that medium)


The speed of light in ice = c/(1.31)

The speed of light in rock salt = c/(1.54)

So, the refractive index of rock salt with respect to ice​ is :


So, the required refractive index of rock salt wrt ice is 1.17.

The force of friction acting on a sliding crate is 223 N.
How much force must be applied to main- tain a constant velocity?



Friction Opposes Motion of an Object.


To get the Net force that Moves an Object and causes acceleration....You subtract the Frictional force

Net force = Pushing Force - Frictional Force


Net Force; F=Ma

Ma = P - Fr

Now the question asked for How Much force Must be applied to Maintain a Constant velocity.

In a Constant Velocity Motion... Acceleration do not change... Its Zero

So Putting this into the formula above

M(0) = P - Fr

0=P - Fr

Fr = P.

This means

That The force needed to keep this object Moving at Constant Velocity Must be equal to its Frictional Force

Since Frictional Force; Fr =223N

The Applied Force(Pushing Force) Must be equal to 223N too.

how do you do question 1?







Ok, so at point 20 on the x axis you put 12 on the y-axis, then draw a line from 0, 0 to that point, this demonstrates the acceleration to 12 m/s.

Next, calculate the time he cycled for if he suckled the distance of 4800m :

4800/12 = 400 s

Put a dot at 400, 12. The time changed but the speed remained constant, line is horizontal.

For the last one, he had to decelerate at an equal speed. Since there is 100 s left of the journey at that stage, You need to draw a straight line from the previous point to 500, 0. So at time 500 he was not accelerating at all, he came to rest.

a) ?

b) -0.16 meters a second acceleration

Please help me find the answers!



1. T₁ is approximately 100.33 N

T₂ is approximately -51.674 N

2. 230°F is 383.15 K

3. Part A

The total torque on the bolt is -4.2 N·m

Part B

Negative anticlockwise


1. The given horizontal force = 86 N

The direction of the given 86 N force = To the left (negative) and along the x-axis

(The magnitude and direction of the 86 N force = -86·i)

The state of the system of forces = In equilibrium

The angle of elevation of the direction of the force T₁ = 31° above the x-axis

The direction of the force T₂ = Downwards, along the y-axis (Perpendicular to the x-axis)

Given that the system is in equilibrium, we have;

At equilibrium, the sum of the horizontal forces = 0


T₁ × cos(31°) - 86 = 0

T₁ = 86/(cos(31°)) ≈ 100.33

T₁ ≈ 100.33 N

Similarly, at equilibrium, the sum of the vertical forces = 0

∴ T₁×sin(31°) + T₂ = 0

Which gives;

100.33 × sin(31°) + T₂ = 0

T₂ = -100.33 × sin(31°) ≈ -51.674

T₂ ≈-51.674 N

2. 230° F to Kelvin

To convert degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to K, we use;

[tex]Degrees \ in \ Kelvin, K = (x^{\circ} F + 459.67) \times \dfrac{5}{9}[/tex]

Pluggining in the given temperature value gives;

[tex]Degrees \ in \ Kelvin, K = (230^{\circ} F + 459.67) \times \dfrac{5}{9} = 383.15[/tex]

230°F = 383.15 K

3. Part A

Torque = Force × perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force

Therefore, the clockwise torque = 9 N × 0.4 m = 3.6 N·m (clocwise)

The anticlockeisre torque = 13 N × 0.6 m = 7.8 N·m (anticlockwise)

The total torque o the bolt = 3.6 N·m - 7.8 N·m = -4.2 N·m (clockwise) = 4.2 N·m anticlockwise

Part B

The torque is negative anticlockwise.

What is a temperature of 40 K equivalent to in degrees Celsius?


The answer is -233.15° C



We know,

0 Kelvin = -273.15° C

So, 40 K = (-273.15+40) = -233.15° C

If my answer helps then please mark me brainliest.




As a sample's temperature increases, which two factors also increase?
A. Particle size
B. Particle boiling point
DC. Particle kinetic energy
D. Particle speed​


particle kinetic energy and particle speed

15. You are watching a baseball game on television that 15

being broadcast from 4500 km away. The batter hits

the ball with a loud "crack" of the bat. A microphone

is located 22 m from the batter, and you are 2.0 m from

the television set. On a day when sound travels 343 m/s

in air, what is the minimum time it takes for you to hear

the crack of the bat after the batter hits the ball?



t_total = 6.99 s


It asks us how long it takes to hear the sound, for this we must look for the time (t₁) it takes for the sound to reach the microphone, the time it takes for the video signal (t₂) to reach the television and the time (₃) it takes for the TV sound to reach us, so the total delay time is

         t_total = t₁ + t₂ + t₂

we look for t1, it indicates that the distance x = 22m

          v = x / t

           t = x / v

           t₁ = 22/343

           t₁ = 6.41 10-2 s

time t₂

          t₂ = 4500 103/3 108

          t₂ = 1.5 10-5 s

time t₃

          t₃ = 2/343

          t₃ = 5.83 10⁻³

Total time is

         t_total = t₁ + t₂ + t₃

         t_total = 6.41 10⁻² + ​​1.5 10⁻⁵ + 0.583 10⁻²

         t_total = 6.99 s

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If we place the origin at the nest and extend the + x-axis to the release point, what was the birds average velocity in m/s: a. for the return flight b. for the whole episode, from leaving the nest to returning 5n+15 as an undistributed expression The information below applies to a competitive firm that sells its output for $40 per unit. When the firm produces and sells 150 units of output, its average total cost is $24.50. When the firm produces and sells 151 units of output, its average total cost is $24.55.How does the firm's marginal revenue (MR) compare to its marginal cost (MC) when it increases its output from 150 units to 151 units?a. MR exceeds MC by $7.95. b. MR exceeds MC by $11.05. c. MC exceeds MR by $11.05. d. MC exceeds MR by $13.50. Yes, she had changed her mind after sixty years and she would like to see George. I want you to find George. Find him and be sure to tell him I forgot him. 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