In a paragraph, choose and describe one landmark court ruling during the Civil *
Rights Movement.


Answer 1


One landmark court ruling during the Civil Rights movement was Brown v. Board of Education (1954). In this case, the United States Supreme Court declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). The Court held that segregation in education created a feeling of inferiority among African American students and violated their right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling marked a significant victory for the Civil Rights movement, and set the stage for further legal challenges to segregation and discrimination in other areas of society.


Related Questions

all of the following countries helped the american revolutionaries win their revolution against britain except


All of the following countries helped the American revolutionaries win their revolution against Britain except Russia. (Option 1)

During the American Revolution, several countries provided support to the American Revolutionaries, including France, Spain, and the Netherlands. France was the most significant ally, providing financial aid, military support, and a navy that played a crucial role in the Revolutionary War.

Spain and the Netherlands also provided financial and military aid to the American cause. However, Russia did not provide any support to the American Revolutionaries. Instead, Russia remained neutral throughout the conflict, maintaining trade relations with Britain and avoiding any involvement in the war.

Learn more about the revolution


Complete Question:

all of the following countries helped the american revolutionaries win their revolution against britain except___.


what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the office of price administration and civilian supply ?




The Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS) was an American federal agency that was responsible for regulating prices and rationing scarce goods and supplies during World War II.

The SPICE acronym stands for Social, Political, Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic outcomes, which are broad categories used to analyze historical events. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the OPACS:

Social outcomes: The end of the OPACS meant that civilians had more freedom to purchase and consume goods without restrictions. This may have led to a sense of relief and gratitude among the American public, who no longer had to worry about rationing or price controls.

Political outcomes: The end of the OPACS signaled a shift away from government intervention in the economy, which was a controversial issue during World War II. Some Americans may have seen this as a victory for free market capitalism, while others may have been concerned about the potential for inflation or price gouging without government oversight.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the OPACS may have sparked debates among economists and policymakers about the effectiveness of government intervention in the economy during wartime. Some may have argued that the OPACS was necessary to prevent hoarding and price gouging, while others may have criticized the agency for stifling innovation and market competition.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the OPACS may have affected American popular culture in subtle ways, such as through advertising and media. Companies may have used the lifting of price controls as a marketing strategy to promote their products, while filmmakers and writers may have incorporated themes of economic freedom or government intervention into their work.

Economic outcomes: The end of the OPACS had significant economic implications. With price controls lifted, some goods may have become more expensive or scarce, which could have impacted different sectors of the economy in various ways. Overall, the end of the OPACS signaled a transition to a post-war economy and the challenges that came with rebuilding after the war.

the negative effects of gridlock?



In politics is a situation when there is difficulty passing laws that satisfy the needs of the people. A government is gridlocked when the ratio between bills passed and the agenda of the legislature decreases.

Gridlock can occur when two legislative houses, or the executive branch and the legislature are controlled by different political parties, or otherwise cannot agree.

How has archaeology helped historians leam so much about the ancient Greeks? What are two examples of
things historians know about the ancient Greeks because of archaeological discoveries? Answer these
questions in a short essay.

Remember: short ESSAY. I don’t want 2-1 sentence replies.



Archaeology has played a crucial role in helping historians learn about the ancient Greeks. It has provided them with physical evidence of their civilization that otherwise may have been lost to time. Through the study of artifacts, buildings, and other remains, archaeologists have pieced together a wealth of information about the ancient Greeks, from their daily life to their religion and politics.

One example of what historians have learned about the ancient Greeks from archaeological discoveries is their religious practices. Archaeologists have uncovered temples, shrines, and other religious sites, as well as numerous offerings and votive objects. Through these finds, historians have been able to piece together the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Greeks, such as the importance of sacrifice, divination, and the worship of various gods and goddesses.

Another example of what historians have learned about the ancient Greeks from archaeological discoveries is their daily life. Archaeologists have uncovered homes, public buildings, marketplaces, and other structures that provide insight into how the ancient Greeks lived. They have found evidence of food and drink consumption, hygiene practices, and leisure activities, among other things. This information has helped historians understand the social and economic structures of ancient Greek society.

In conclusion, archaeology has been invaluable in helping historians learn about the ancient Greeks. It has provided them with a wealth of information that would have otherwise been lost to time. Through the study of artifacts, buildings, and other remains, historians have been able to piece together a comprehensive understanding of ancient Greek civilization, including their religious practices, daily life, and social and economic structures.

this earl nola artist lived out his final years in france where there was less segregation and he regularly performed for large crowds


The Earl Nola artist that lived out his final years in France where there was less segregation and he regularly performed for large crowds was Sidney Bechet.

Sidney Bechet (1897-1959) was a clarinetist, saxophonist, and composer from the United States. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and was known for his improvisational skills and technical virtuosity in jazz music. He was one of the first jazz musicians to achieve international recognition, and his music had a profound influence on the development of jazz in the 20th century.Sidney Bechet was a self-taught musician who began playing the clarinet at the age of six. He later switched to the soprano saxophone and became a virtuoso on the instrument. He was a member of several important jazz bands, including the New Orleans Rhythm Kings, Duke Ellington's Orchestra, and Benny Goodman's Orchestra. He also performed as a soloist, and his recordings of songs such as "Summertime" and "Blue Horizon" are still popular today.In the 1950s, Sidney Bechet moved to France, where he was more widely appreciated and less constrained by the racial segregation that he experienced in the United States. He lived in France until his death in 1959, and he continued to perform for large crowds throughout his life. In addition to his music, Bechet was also a prolific composer, and he wrote more than 100 songs during his career. He was posthumously inducted into the Down Beat Jazz Hall of Fame in 1971.

for more such question on segregation


What is one negative result of American Imperialism? Briefly explain.



One negative result of American Imperialism is the exploitation and oppression of colonized peoples and their resources. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States pursued an imperialistic foreign policy that involved expanding its political and economic influence beyond its borders. This led to the colonization of various territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

In these territories, the United States implemented policies that were meant to benefit American interests, but often had negative consequences for the local populations. For example, the U.S. government imposed taxes on Puerto Rican sugar exports, which hurt the island's economy and led to widespread poverty. In the Philippines, the U.S. military engaged in brutal suppression of Filipino independence movements, resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians.

Moreover, American Imperialism had long-term effects on the colonized nations, including the erosion of traditional cultural practices and the suppression of local languages. The imposition of American values and systems also disrupted local economies, creating a reliance on foreign imports and leading to a loss of indigenous knowledge and skills.

Overall, American Imperialism had negative consequences for the people and lands that were colonized, and its legacy continues to shape global power dynamics and social issues today.

Which of the following would be the best primary source to include in an analysis of the early Virginia colony? a. James P. P. Horn, The Land as God Made it: Jamestown and the Birth of America b. An interview with Professor Jack P. Greene, who has written more than ten books on colonial America c. A collection of letters and memoirs by John Rolfe d. A essay on colonial Massachusetts


The best primary source to include in an analysis of the early Virginia colony would be option C: a collection of letters and memoirs by John Rolfe.

John Rolfe was an English settler who played a significant role in the early history of the Virginia colony. He is known for introducing a strain of tobacco that was successfully cultivated in Virginia, which became a major cash crop for the colony. His letters and memoirs would provide firsthand accounts of the early days of the Virginia colony, including the interactions between the English settlers and the native Powhatan people.

Option A, James P. P. Horn's book "The Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America," could also be a useful source, but it is a secondary source and not a primary source.

Option B, an interview with Professor Jack P. Greene, could also be informative, but it is not a primary source.

Option D, a Wikipedia essay on colonial Massachusetts, is not relevant to the early Virginia colony, which was a separate and distinct colonial entity.

To know more about James P. P. Horn here


the offenses for which americans got arrested under the espionage and sedition acts of 1917 included all of the following, except


The Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 were laws passed by the U.S. government during World War I that prohibited certain kinds of speech, including the expression of anti-war sentiments, criticism of government officials, and support for the enemy.

The offenses for which Americans got arrested under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 included:

- Expressing opposition to the war or the government's actions

- Publishing, printing, or distributing materials that were deemed critical of the war or the government

- Supporting or advocating for the enemy

- Refusing to serve in the military or comply with the draft

Therefore, all of the above were offenses that could lead to arrest and prosecution under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917. It's important to note that these laws were controversial at the time, and many people argued that they violated the First Amendment right to free speech.

To know more about espionage and sedition acts 1917 -


Why would the Nazis start taking over the civil service first in order to control the government




The Nazis took over the civil service in order to control the government for several reasons. Firstly, the civil service played a crucial role in the day-to-day operations of the government, including the administration of laws, the collection of taxes, and the management of public services. By controlling the civil service, the Nazis were able to exert influence over the workings of government and ensure that their policies and agenda were implemented.

Secondly, the civil service was a symbol of stability and continuity in German society, and its members were seen as being non-partisan and committed to serving the state. By taking over the civil service, the Nazis were able to project an image of legitimacy and stability, which helped to reinforce their power and influence.

Thirdly, the civil service was an important source of information and intelligence, and its members had access to sensitive and confidential information about the government and society. By controlling the civil service, the Nazis were able to gather intelligence and monitor potential threats to their power and influence.

Finally, by taking over the civil service, the Nazis were able to remove potential opponents and critics from positions of power and replace them with loyal supporters. This allowed the Nazis to consolidate their control over the government and suppress dissenting voices.

Overall, the takeover of the civil service was a key step in the Nazi's efforts to control the German government and society, and it helped to pave the way for the establishment of their totalitarian regime.

Which of the following was among the first results of the European Industrial Revolution in other parts of the world?
a) The beginning of the transatlantic slave trade
b) Increased demand for commodities such as cotton and palm oil
c) The search for oil in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
d) Construction of textile factories in Africa and Asia


One of the earliest effects of the European Industrial Revolution outside of Europe was an increase in demand for goods like cotton and palm oil.

The first Industrial Revolution was what?

When invention made it possible to produce goods in large quantities on a large scale using machines, the first Industrial Revolution got its start in Great Britain in the middle to late 1700s.

What results did the Industrial Revolution produce?

Agriculture and handicrafts-based economies were replaced during the Industrial Revolution by economies based on large-scale manufacturing, automated production, and the factory system. New machinery, energy sources, and organizational strategies boost the production and efficiency of well-established enterprises.

To know more about Revolution visit:-


Drag the correct labels to the box. Not all labels will be used.
Earth's changing climate was a challenge for all hominids, but only Homo sapiens survived. Identify the traits and abilities that made Homo sapiens
much more adaptable than other hominids.
the ability to communicate and pass down
knowledge through generations
long and powerful arms that allowed them
to jump between trees
powerful eyesight that made it easier to see
in dull and dark conditions
a lighter body that allowed for swifter movement
the ability to adapt to different environments
Homo sapiens


The traits and abilities that made Homo sapiens much more adaptable than other hominids were:

Ability to communicate and pass down knowledgeLighter body for swifter movementAbility to adapt to different environments

How were Homo Sapiens much better at adapting ?

Homo sapiens, or modern humans, are believed to have emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa, and over time, they spread to other parts of the world. One of the key factors that contributed to the success of Homo sapiens compared to other hominids was their ability to communicate and pass down knowledge through generations.

Another advantage of Homo sapiens was their ability to adapt to different environments. They were able to live in a wide range of habitats, from forests to deserts to the Arctic tundra. They adapted to different climates, changing diets, and new challenges such as disease and predators.

Find out more on Homo Sapiens at


list 10 Things in Martha Ballard’s world super different from our world ?



Martha Ballard lived in the late 18th century and early 19th century, so there are many things in her world that were very different from ours today. Here are ten things that were different:

Transportation: In Martha Ballard's time, there were no cars or airplanes. People traveled by foot, horseback, or horse-drawn carriage.Communication: There were no telephones, radios, or computers. Communication was done by letter, in-person conversation, or through town criers.Medicine: Medical knowledge and practices were not as advanced as they are today. There were no antibiotics, and surgery was risky and often resulted in infection or death.Hygiene: Personal hygiene practices were not as advanced as they are today. People bathed less frequently, and there were no antiperspirants or deodorants.Lighting: There was no electricity, so people relied on candles, oil lamps, or fireplaces for light.Education: Education was not mandatory, and many people, particularly women, did not receive formal education.Work: Most people worked on farms, and there were few opportunities for women to work outside the home.Clothing: Clothing was handmade and practical. Women wore long dresses and men wore suits, even for manual labor.Entertainment: There were no televisions or movies, and entertainment was often local and community-based, such as barn dances or town hall meetings.Slavery: Slavery was legal and common in Martha Ballard's time, particularly in the southern states. It was abolished in the United States in 1865.

1. Describe President Andrew Jackson's actions surrounding the Second National Bank. Your
response should identify Jackson's position on a national bank and explain his reasoning. Then
describe the effect Jackson's position on the bank had on the nation's economy. (4 points)


The Bank War was once the political war that ensued over the fate of the Second Bank of the United States throughout the presidency of Andrew Jackson. In 1832, Jackson vetoed a bill to recharter the Bank, and commenced a marketing campaign that would subsequently lead to its destruction.

What did Andrew Jackson do with the second National Bank?

Shortly after the election, Jackson ordered that federal deposits be eliminated from the second National Bank and put into nation banks. Although Jackson's order met with heavy criticism from participants of his administration, most of the government's money had been moved out of the Bank by means of late 1833.

President Andrew Jackson, like Thomas Jefferson earlier than him, was once relatively suspicious of the Bank of the United States. He blamed the bank for the Panic of 1819 and for corrupting politics with too a great deal money. After congress renewed the bank charter, Jackson vetoed the bill.

Learn more about President Andrew Jackson here:

evaluate the extent to which europeans justified their colonization of africa in the 1750 to 1900 time period dbq


In the 1750 to 1900 time period, Europeans justified their colonization of Africa based on several reasons including religion, economic interests, and cultural values.

However, it is important to note that these justifications were largely self-serving and did not take into consideration the interests of the African people. Religion played a significant role in justifying colonization, with Europeans seeing their mission as a divine one to spread Christianity and save souls.

Economic interests also drove colonization as European powers sought to exploit the natural resources of Africa, including rubber, ivory, and minerals.

Cultural values were another justification used by Europeans, with many believing that they were superior to the Africans in terms of civilization and that it was their duty to "civilize" them. This led to the imposition of European languages, customs, and institutions on African societies.

In evaluating the extent to which Europeans justified their colonization of Africa in this time period.

It is important to consider the negative impact that colonization had on African societies, including the loss of independence, the exploitation of natural resources, and the imposition of European values and institutions.

Therefore, while Europeans may have justified their actions based on religious, economic, and cultural reasons, the reality is that colonization was largely driven by self-interest and had devastating consequences for the African people.

Evaluate the extent to which europeans justified their colonization of africa in the 1750 to 1900 time period document based question.

For more such questions on colonization


which of the following describes the trend in crude oil imports to the united states from 1950 to 1970 as depicted in the graph?


The given trend shows the rapid rise in import of crude oil from 1948. But later on it declined from 1980 due to oil war with the Arab countries.

Why is it so?

By 1948, demand for oil exceeded supply and the United States was able to begin importing oil. As a result, the country quickly became a major importer of oil rather than a major exporter.

In 1952, the United States and Great Britain cut fuel supplies for commercial flights by 30 percent of hers due to a strike by US refinery workers, while Canada suspended all commercial flights. By the 1960s, oil prices were relatively stable, and the world market was able to meet the excess demand for oil in the United States. 

To know more about oil import of US -


Which of the following accurately describes the significance of the Hagia Sophia?

a. It ensured that Christianity would always be the primary religion in the region.
b. It showed that the Byzantines would resist Roman influence on their Greek art and architecture.
c. It demonstrates the fusion of Greek, Roman, and later Arabic cultures in the city.
d. Its destruction in the Nika Riots symbolizes the fragile peace of the Byzantine Empire.


c. "It demonstrates the fusion of Greek, Roman, and later Arabic cultures in the city" is accurately describes the significance of the Hagia Sophia.

The Hagia Sophia, located in Istanbul, Turkey, was initially constructed as a Christian church in the 6th century by the Byzantine Empire. Later, it was converted into a mosque during the Ottoman Empire and has since been turned into a museum. The architecture of the building reflects a blending of Greek, Roman, and Islamic influences, making it an important symbol of cultural fusion in the region.

What is church?

A church is a building used for public Christian worship and other religious activities, or a body of believers that meets for religious worship and activities. Churches are typically led by a religious leader, such as a priest, minister, or pastor, and serve as a place of community and spiritual support for their members.

What is mosque?

A mosque is a place of worship for followers of Islam. It is a building designed to accommodate large congregations of Muslims for prayer, and it typically features a dome, minaret, and a prayer hall facing Mecca, as well as other architectural and decorative elements that reflect Islamic culture and traditions.

To know more about mosque, visit:


Is Power
Elect representatives
Create jobs
Which of the following BEST completes the blank line in diagram above?
A. Build strong communities
B. Organize events
Citizens of
a Nation



C. Vote in elections


This best completes the diagram as it fits with the theme of empowering citizens to maintain freedom and elect representatives. Voting in elections is a crucial aspect of a democratic society, allowing citizens to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives and to hold their representatives accountable. It is a way for citizens to exercise their power and participate in the functioning of their government.

Interconnectedness and Interdependence
What problems were faced by builders of the transcontinental railroad?
Select the two correct answers.
Olack of funding
Ofrequent flooding
attacks by Native Americans
blasting through mountains



Blasting through mountains,
Hostility of Native Americans


Took the quiz

Answer: Attacks by Native Americans and Blasting through mountains

Explanation: I took the K12

TRUE/FALSE.marcus aurelius believed that if you work hard and never give up, only then can you experience great happiness at the end of your life.


It is FALSE that Marcus Aurelius believed that if you work hard and never give up, only then can you experience great happiness at the end of your life.

While Marcus Aurelius emphasized the importance of hard work and perseverance, he did not believe that great happiness could only be experienced at the end of one's life. Instead, he believed that happiness and fulfillment could be found in the present moment, through acts of virtue and the pursuit of inner peace and tranquility. In his book "Meditations," he wrote extensively about the need to cultivate inner strength, resilience, and mindfulness in order to find meaning and purpose in life.

To know more about Marcus Aurelius


A map titled Europe in 1871. Bosnia and Herzegovina are bordered by the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and the Adriatic Sea.

This map shows the borders of European countries in 1871. Why was the location of Bosnia and Herzegovina important to conflicts and alliances in Europe?

Bosnia and Herzegovina was located near the sea and important for trade.
Bosnia and Herzegovina was located between France and Germany and could be a valuable ally.
Bosnia and Herzegovina bordered Russia, which was a valuable ally.
Bosnia and Herzegovina bordered Germany and Austria-Hungary, and it needed an ally for protection.


Russia, a vital partner, shared borders with Bosnia & Herzegovina. (Option C)

Why is Bosnia and Herzegovina at war?

The dissolution of the Yugoslavian Socialist Federal Republic led to the war in the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a consequence of the demise of the confederational structure after the Cold War, a crisis developed in Yugoslavia.

Serbia was at war with Austria-Hungary as of July 28. As of this point, it was aware that taking significant action against Serbia would put it at risk of going to war with Russia, which was Serbia's ally. Austria-Hungary knew it could count on German support, so it was willing to take a chance in a conflict. A conflict in all of Europe was now in danger due to the Balkan problem.

To know more about Bosnia visit:


A similarity between the separation of power the system of checks and balances and federalism is that they


A similarity between the separation of power, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they are all structural features of the United States Constitution. They were designed to distribute power and prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. Each of these features helps to ensure that the government operates within the bounds of the Constitution and that no one person or group can control the entire government. Additionally, they are all designed to protect individual rights and promote the common good. Overall, these features of the Constitution work together to create a system of government that is stable, effective, and accountable to the people.

how did haji khalil define his universe of obligation


Haji Khalil defined his universe of obligation as the people for whom he felt responsible or accountable.

Who was Haji Khalil ?

In the book, Haji Khalil's universe of obligation was defined by his identity as a Muslim and his role as a community leader. He felt responsible for the safety and well-being of his fellow Muslims in Goražde, regardless of their ethnicity or nationality.

This included not only the members of his own community, but also other Muslims in the area who were affected by the war. However, Haji Khalil's universe of obligation was not limited to Muslims alone.

Find out more on Haji Khalil at


Which inference can be made based on the information in the excerpt?​



The Americans were persuaded to join the war against Germany after seeing the telegram.


On April 6, 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war on Germany and its allies. This was after the telegram was received, which was on February 24th.

Hope it helped! :)

Which of the following best explains why many Europeans maintained a belief in the benefits of scientific progress throughout the twentieth century? New technological developments made significant material improvements in the lives of most Europeans.


The majority of Europeans' lives have significantly improved because to new technology advancements.

What effects did new technological developments have on European exploration?

The advent of new technology also made room for European discovery and travel New maps showed latitude and the direction of the ocean current. Innovations like the magnetometer and astrolabe made navigation simpler.

Why did Europe have technology that was more advanced?

It is difficult to pinpoint a single cause, but probably one of the major factors is capitalism and, more broadly, the social context that allowed for this evolution to occur in Western Europe in the Sixteenth century.

To know more about technology visit:


which of the following statements best describes the impact of the voting rights act on voter registration in southern states?


The Voting Rights Act had a significant impact on voter registration in southern states. This act was established to prohibit racial discrimination in voting and to ensure that every citizen has an equal right to vote

The following statements best describe the impact of the Voting Rights Act on voter registration in southern states:1. The Voting Rights Act led to an increase in African American voter registration. This act prohibited discriminatory practices that had previously prevented African Americans from voting, such as literacy tests and poll taxes. As a result, more African Americans registered to vote, and their participation in elections increased.2. The Voting Rights Act resulted in a decline in the use of discriminatory voting practices. The act required southern states to obtain approval from the federal government before making any changes to their voting laws. This prevented states from using discriminatory practices to prevent African Americans from voting.3. The Voting Rights Act led to a significant increase in voter turnout among minorities. Since the act prohibited discriminatory practices, minority voters were no longer intimidated or discouraged from voting. This led to a significant increase in voter turnout among minorities, which has helped to increase their political power and influence.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 has significantly impacted voter registration in southern states. This act has led to an increase in African American voter registration, a decline in the use of discriminatory voting practices, and a significant increase in voter turnout among minorities.

for more such question on discrimination


Does pandora use any Digital Rights Management (DRM) to control or limit what you can do with the content it provides you access to?



Yes, Pandora does use Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to control and limit what users can do with the content it provides. The use of DRM helps to protect the rights of content creators and prevent unauthorized copying or sharing of their intellectual property.

Specifically, Pandora uses DRM to encrypt and protect the music and other content it streams to users. This encryption helps to prevent users from downloading or saving the content locally, and also prevents users from sharing or distributing the content in any way.

While this may be frustrating for some users who would like more control over the content they access, it is a necessary step to protect the rights of content creators and ensure that they are fairly compensated for their work.


Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology that is used to control and restrict the use of digital content, such as music or movies, in order to prevent unauthorized copying or distribution. DRM is often implemented through software that is built into the content, or through hardware such as special chips in media players.

Pandora is a music streaming service that provides access to a large catalog of songs, albums, and artists. In order to use Pandora, you must create an account and agree to their terms of service. The terms of service state that you are only allowed to use Pandora for personal, non-commercial purposes, and that you are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, or modify the content in any way.

While Pandora does not use DRM technology to control or limit what you can do with the content it provides, they do have restrictions in place to ensure that users are not sharing or distributing copyrighted material. For example, Pandora may limit the number of times you can skip songs, or may prevent you from accessing certain songs or albums if you are located in a region where they do not have the necessary rights to distribute that content.

Overall, while Pandora does not use DRM technology to restrict or control the use of their content, they do have measures in place to prevent unauthorized use or distribution of copyrighted material.

At the end of the play, both Anthony and Octavius
Select one:
a. condemn Brutus
Ob. speak highly of Brutus
Oc. regret the battle
d. rejoice that the traitors are dead.


A. Condemn Brutus

Good Luck

FILL IN THE BLANK. By the end of the war (1945), more than 19,000,000 ___________ were working, accounting for more than 29% of the total work force.


By the end of the war (1945), more than 19,000,000 women were working, accounting for more than 29% of the total work force.

Which war is being referred to above?

The war being referred to in this statement is most likely World War II. During the war, many men were drafted into military service, creating a labor shortage in many industries.

As a result, women entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers to help fill the gap. This change in the workforce was significant and had lasting effects on gender roles and expectations. Franklin Roosevelt's policies and programs, such as the Women's Army Corps and the National War Labor Board, encouraged and facilitated women's employment during this time.

Learn more about Women in War on:


complete the statement describing what life was like for newly emancipated slaves in indian territory.


Life for newly emancipated slaves in Indian Territory was challenging and often marked by struggles for survival and freedom.

Although they were technically free, they faced widespread discrimination and hostility from many white settlers in the area, who resented their presence and sought to limit their opportunities for advancement. Many newly freed slaves were forced to work for very low wages or to farm land that they did not own, while others found themselves living in poverty and struggling to access basic resources like food, shelter, and medical care.

Despite these challenges, however, many former slaves were able to build new lives for themselves in Indian Territory, often by forming tight-knit communities with other African Americans and by drawing on their own resourcefulness and resilience to overcome the obstacles they faced. Over time, many also played important roles in the development of the region, contributing to its economy, culture, and social fabric in a variety of ways.

Learn more about newly emancipated


Which group of immigrants came to the US in the 1800s to escape economic and political unrest?



In the decade from 1845 to 1855, more than a million Germans fled to the United States to escape economic hardship. They also sought to escape the political unrest caused by riots, rebellion and eventually a revolution in 1848.




Explanation:Jewish immigrants came to the US in the 1800s to escape economic and political unrest.

Other Questions
complete the following sentence on what will happen to the two elements in this model. the two elements select one bond in a one-to-one ratio. ges saved1. A rock is dropped from a height of 100 feet. Calculate the time between when the rock was dropped and when it landed. If we choose "down" as positive and ignore air friction, the function ish(t)=25-81.O t=3.24 secondsO t=9 secondsO t=1.8 secondsO t=6.48 seconds Which of the following factors does not affect the work done against gravity when a person climbs a staircase?A) the person's speedB) the height of the staircaseC) the person's massD) acceleration due to gravity could ya please help me? A building supply has two locations in town. The office receives orders from two of its best customers, each requiring 3/4-inch drywall board to be delivered. Customer A needs at least one hundred sheets delivered and Customer B needs at least one hundred-forty sheets delivered.Deliveries can be sent from either of the supply companies' warehouses. The warehouse on the north side of town has one hundred-sixty sheets in stock; the south-side warehouse has ninety sheets in stock. Delivery costs per sheet are as follows: $1.50/board from the northern warehouse to Customer A,$1.20/board from the northern warehouse to Customer B, $0.80/board from the southern warehouse to Customer A, and $1.10/board from the southern warehouse to Customer.1. Find the shipping arrangement which minimizes costs.2. What will be the minimum cost?3. Will there be any product left in either warehouse after fulfilling the orders? crm systems incorporate solicitation, sales, relationship management, and customer support applications. true or false A hydroelectric station is designed to operate at a gross head of 205 m and fed by a reservoir having a catchment area of 1000 km2 with an annual rainfall of 125 m of which 80% is available for power generation. Allowing a head loss of 5 m and assuming efficiency of turbine and generator to be 0.9 and 0.95 calculate suitable MW rating of the power station. Comment on the type of turbine to be used The American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) On-Line Discount Broker Survey polls members on their experiences with electronic trades handled by discount brokers. As part of the survey, members were asked to rate their satisfaction with the trade price and the speed of execution, as well as provide an overall satisfaction rating. Possible responses (scores) were no opinion (0), unsatisfied (1), somewhat satisfied (2), satisfied (3), and very satisfied (4). For each broker, summary scores were computed by computing a weighted average of the scores provided by each respondent. A portion the survey results follow (AAII website, February 7, 2012).BrokerageSatisfaction with Satisfaction with ExecutionOverall Trade PriceSatisfaction withSpeed of Electronic TradesScottrade, Inc. Schwab3.23.33.4Fidelity Brokerage Services3.13.43.9TD Ameritrade2.83.63.8E*Trade Financial2.93.22.9(Not listed) Brokerage Services2.63.82.8USAA Brokerage Services2.43.83.6Thinkorswim2.62.62.6Wells Fargo Investments2.32.72.3Interactive Brokers3.74.04.0Zecco.com2.52.52.5Firstrade Securities3.02.94.0Banc of America Investment Services4.01.02.0(a)Develop an estimated regression equation using trade price and speed of execution to predict overall satisfaction with the broker.Let x1 represent satisfaction with Trade Price.Let x2 represent satisfaction with speed of execution.If required, round your answers to four decimal places. For subtractive or negative numbers use a minus sign even if there is a + sign before the blank. (Example: -300)= _____+_____ x1 +______ x2What is the coefficient of determination?If required, round your answers to four decimal places.________Interpret the coefficient of determination. If required, round your answer to one decimal places.The regression model explains approximately _______ % of the variation in the values of overall satisfaction in the sample. Please HELP me write a five sentence letter to the Supreme Court about the Dred Scott Ruling !!!!! Colonial State College is considering building a new multipurpose athletic complex on campus. The complex would provide a new gymnasium for intercollegiate basketball games, expanded office space, classrooms, and intramural facilities. The following activities would have to be undertaken before construction can begin.ActivityDescriptionImmediatePredecessorTime(weeks)ASurvey building site5BDevelop initial design9CObtain board approvalA, B13DSelect architectC3EEstablish budgetC5FFinalize designD, E14GObtain financingE11HHire contractorF, G9A) Draw a project network. (Submit a file with a maximum size of 1 MB.)B) Identify the critical path. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)C)Develop the activity schedule for the project.ActivityEarliestStartLatestStartEarliestFinishLatestFinishSlackABCDEFGHD) Does it appear reasonable that construction of the athletic complex could begin one year after the decision to begin the project with the site survey and initial design plans? What is the expected completion time for the project?The expected completion time is ____ weeks, which is (less /greater) than 1 year Management at a local company asked employees if they were interested in obtaining job training. Responses are summarized by employment type (salaried or hourly), and whether the employee is interested (yes or no) in job training.SalariedHourly (next ----> total)Yes1889107No4471115Total62160222Compute the probability that an employee is salaried. Give your answer as a decimal, precise to at least three decimal places.P(salaried)=P(salaried)=Next, compute the probability that an employee who is interested in training is salaried. Gives your answer as a decimal, precise to at least three decimal places.P(salaried yes)P(salaried | yes) =Finally, use the results from the two preceeding calculations to determine whether or not employment type and interest in training are independent.Yes, the two events are independent.No, the two events are not independent. describe how the russian revolution had similar characteristics to the french revolution. bolditalicunderline (20 points total) Consider a capital budgeting problem with five projects from which to select. Let us define binary variables xi 1 if project 1 is selected, o otherwise; x2 1 if project 2 is selected, o otherwise and so on Write the appropriate constraint(s) for each condition a, b, c, d, e and the objective function for part f. a. (3 points) Choose no fewer than three projects. b. (4 points) If project 3 is chosen, project 4 must be chosen. c. (4 points) If project l 1s chosen, project 5 must not be chosen. d. (3 points) Projects cost $100, 200, 150, 75, and 300 (in thousands) respectively. The budget is $450,00o. e. (3 points) No more than two of projects 1, 2, and 3 can be chosen. f. (3 points) If the revenues generated by the projects are $400, 100, 265, 80 and 100 (in thousands), write an objective function which maximizes profit. 7. Select all expressions which give the measure of angle A. (A.) arccos (28/53)(B.) arccos (45/53)(C.) arcsin (28/53)(D.) arcsin (45/53)(E.) arctan (28/45)(F.) arctan (45/28) T/F: cell division in both bacterial and eukaryotic cells produces genetically cells. what is the longest and oldest canal in the world? A line that includes the points (n, 6) and (3, -2) has a slope of 8/5. What is the value of n? what do financial markets do other than take capital from the rich and lend it out to everyone else? The data below represent a demand schedule. Product Price Quantity Demanded$30 1025 2020 3015 4010 50Using the midpoint approach, determine the price elasticity of demand between each of the following prices:Instructions: Round your answers to two decimal places. Enter your answers as a positive value (absolute value). a. Between P1 = $30 and P2 = $25, Ed= b. Between P1 = $25 and P2 = $20, Ed=c. Between P1 = $20 and P2 = $15, Ed= d. Between P1 = $15 and P2 = $10, Ed= | consider the specific example of a positive charge q moving in the x direction with the local magnetic field in the y direction. in which direction is the magnetic force acting on the particle?