In a short response, determine which line of "If" Atticus would most likely impart on Jem or Scout. Persuade the reader by explaining why the line you chose reflects the best advice. Provide at least two relevant details from the texts to support this claim.
Good response gets 20 dollar gift card.


Answer 1

An "if" line that gives Scout good advice is:

"First of all, if you learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."

How is this line significant?It shows how empathetic Atticus is.It shows how understanding and empathy are essential in society.It shows how we can't just make pre-determined judgments.

Atticus presents this advice to Scout to reinforce the idea that unfounded judgments should not be strengthened among people. He claims that what we think about someone may be incorrect and we will only know this by getting to know the individuals and putting ourselves in their shoes.

This question is about the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" and you can learn more about it at the link:

Related Questions

How are an author's motivations tied to his or her values?


they incorporate their beliefs into their piece, which alters their purpose of writing it

Look at these details from a paragraph about the same topic:
Before a tornado, the sky may turn very dark and sometimes green.
When a tornado is near, you may hear a loud roaring sound that lasts a long time.
There can be hail or very heavy rain before a tornado strikes.
Choose the main idea that ties all the details together.



it is al about what happens during/before a tornado


Why is it relevant that the Finch children sit with the Black community rather than the other white people?



It symbolizes their solidarity with black people at the time.


Hope this helps!

Can someone please help me? :(





Credible sources are written by authors respected in their fields of study. Responsible, credible authors will cite their sources so that you can check the accuracy of and support for what they've written.

Which central idea does zora neale hurston develop in "the inside search"?

because of zora's ability to read well, two white women invite her to their hotel.
zora is a voracious reader who loves going to school and learning.
because of the gifts zora receives from the women, her classmates ridicule her.
zora discovers that by using her intelligence, doors of opportunity open for her.


The theme of the story is that even the lowliest of people did not stay humble and meek. Anybody can rise to fully realize their dreams and ambitions. Hence, the sentence that depicts this is that zora discovers that by using her intelligence, doors of opportunity open for her.


The theme of any literary work is the central idea or the controlling idea in such literary work. The theme is the topical ideas in a literary work.

learn more about theme:

Answer: zora discovers that by using her intelligence, doors of opportunity open for her.


took the test :)

Say a few words about the energy problems in your country.

1. Which of the kinds of energy are used in your country now? 2. Are nuclear power stations the only way out for Armenia?

3. Which kind of energy do you think is the best for your country? worst? most practical? least practical?



Crude and electricity. No


I think solar energy is the best for my country. The sun is always blazing in the country and such energy can be transformed to solar panels, to help save cost

Can someone please help me :(





What role did the music play in the movie “Soul”?


(Assuming you're referring to the movie Soul by Disney.)

The music played an important role in the movie "Soul" as it was a foremost theme and the characters used the music to express themselves and what they wanted to be. The role of the music made you feel empathy with the characters and understand their emotions and feelings.

i want your opinion

Subconscious Means of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings Like a dream.

What is something that you do or did in your subconscious, that you would not normally do in your conscious mind?



Most people feel braver, or sometimes they have no logic to their actions.


For example, sometimes if im ever half awake, or between slepping and awake, my mind starts to just have weird thoughts, like stuff I wouldnt do, like fight someone, or just randomly ask someone out.

tell me some words so i can translate them



Mi alma....nd Mi tonto



hey kid i got some candy asking for a friend


preferably in Spanish

First answer that is right gets brainliest
Choose the adverb in the sentence.

When he looked into the backyard, Josh noted his brother and sister happily playing.





adverbs deal with where, how, when, how often, and how much. The one that makes the most sense is Backyard.

Make a title about this short paragraph and write a statement that is your own opinion about the paragraph



The of Guinea and West India


A that hired J.Iversen to govern Saint Thomas Island which was one of the small islands it had colonized after receiving a charter to do so.

This german postcard was created in 1899. it says ""flight machines in the year 2000."" why do you think it is so difficult to make accurate predictions about future technology? check one reason. people do not have the knowledge to accurately predict what will happen. people’s imaginations are more powerful than scientific realities. people imagine future technologies based on the technology they currently have.


Technology is the continually developing result of accumulated knowledge and application in all techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in industrial production and scientific research.

What predictions can you make about future technology?

10 tech predictions for 2022

Hybrid cloud adoption grows in the hybrid work era.

New hybrid workforce tools emerge.

More choices for multi-cloud deployments.

Kubernetes and AI/ML get together for next-wave applications.

Expanded use of analytics in digital transformation.

Open source experimentation grows.

For more information about Technology, refer to the link:-


People imagine future technologies based on the technology they currently have.


hi can someone help me answer this question pleaseee

1. Why are the two dialogue bubbles on the bottom right hand of page 82 overlapping?

(story: Anya's ghost)​​



He interrupted her.


The two dialogue bubbles are overlapping because he interrupted her (he started talking before she was finished talking).

Sarah grows rosebushes that she decided to sell online. She ships them using an airline. Suppose Sarah was actually acting on behalf of a known florist but did not disclose this to anyone. Who would be liable for a dead rosebush?

the airline carrier
the airline carrier


the florist
the florist

both Sarah and the airline carrier





Dear Mayor Thomson, As you know, our town just passed a new law. Kids can no longer ride skateboards on our town’s streets and sidewalks. This is unfair. Our town does not have a skate park, and not everyone has a driveway. This means that some of us can’t ride skateboards at all. 2You spoke about this new law last week at a town meeting. You said that riding skateboards on streets is dangerous. You are worried that kids will be hit by cars. However, we have many small side streets in our town. Cars rarely drive on these streets. It is safe to ride a skateboard on a side street in our town. 3You said that people walking on sidewalks are afraid of skateboarders. They think that skateboarders might crash into them. This is not true. My friends and I have never crashed into someone walking on a sidewalk. We slow down when we see people. We smile and say hello. 4You also said that kids riding skateboards make too much noise. You believe that the people of our town want peace and quiet and do not want to hear us clang our skateboards on curbs. But children are rarely ever quiet when they play. Kids playing in yards make noise. People driving cars honk their horns. Skateboarders are not the only people who make noise. 5You also said that riding a skateboard is dangerous and kids could fall and be seriously hurt. I wear a helmet in case I bump my head. I also wear knee and elbow pads. My friends do this, too. This will keep us from being seriously hurt if we fall. 6Please change this law, Mayor Thomson. It is unfair to the children in our town. Many of us ride skateboards to get from place to place. We also ride them for fun. We are not hurting anyone and we are careful. Sincerely, Reginald Carter

In which argument is the slippery slope fallacy used to oppose the argument in this text? Use the table shown. A) The kids want the right to skate on any private or public property they choose. B) Reginald Carter is just a kid, he does not really understand what a mayor does. C) The mayor knows what is right for the kids, Reginald is too young to realize that. D) If we let kids start doing whatever they want, they will all just drop out of school.





it makes the most sense regarding to the table.

I need your help!!
Ex 5




The word "that" is the extra word on example 5.

Read the quotation from paragraph 6...Bottom line—I wanted it over as soon as possible, whether they did it or I did it...This quote from Adam shows that he began to feel


The sentence shows that Adam began to feel uncomfortable and anxious.

How can Adam's feeling be perceivable?He wants to finish an activity quickly.The activity is not being satisfactory.He wants the activity to end more than he enjoys its execution.

Adam is anxious for a particular activity to come to an end, as performing it makes him uncomfortable. For that reason, he wants to finish it as soon as possible.

This is a way of characterizing Adam indirectly, as it shows how uncomfortable he is with negative feelings.

More information about indirect characterization is at the link:

Choose the correct answer. Most paragraphs have a ___ that ties the paragraph together.

A) main idea

B) supporting idea

C) line space

D) group of different ideas


Im pretty sure its a) main idea

Choice A.

Most paragraphs have a main idea that ties the paragraph together.

Neil Armstrong was the first man ______ on the moon.
A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. has walked


The answer is A. "To walk."

Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969. He and Aldrin went for a three-hour walk.

Briefly describe Portal video calling device and how it works. Do you think using Portal puts a user's privacy at risk? Why or why not?



yes but I don't know why


i don't know what to say about the explanation

Truth and Identity 1

Part A

In "Homesick," what is Lin Nai-Nai's viewpoint about her role as a woman in Chinese society?

O She believes in traditional marriages in which husbands have several wives

She believes that women deserve respect and true love from one person.

She feels that only women born into the serving class should work for others.

She believes that no woman should be forced to be a servant to others.

Part B

Which quotation from the text helps readers distinguish Lin Nai-Nai's viewpoint from the viewpoint of others


Lin Nai-Nai's viewpoint about her role as a woman in Chinese society is that D) She believes that no woman should be forced to be a servant to others.

The quotation that helps readers distinguish Lin Nai-Nai's viewpoint from that of Chinese society is that B) "She shrugged. 'English lesson?' she asked, smiling."

What is the Homesick all about?

The Homesick is basically about the Chinese society and the culture of the society.

Lin Nai-Nai which is character gave her view point about the culture if the society, especially how the society sees women.

Learn more about Homesick at;

Which of the following events happened first in the novel? touching spirit bear


Since i can’t see the options, is it
Garvey used cake ingredients as an analogy for life?

What was the original meaning of the word ""appreciate""?.


Answer: To value or appreciate


How does the radio communication from the Mothership affect the story?

It foreshadows the frightening experience the children will have exploring the new planet.

It explains the work that was done to make the landing on the new planet possible.

It gives background information about the children's lives before landing on the new planet.

It gives Maria the strength to be the first to leave the ship to explore the new planet.

First Steps


As the lander hit, Maria drew a jagged breath, and her chest muscles clenched tight with anxiety. Captain Curran, the group leader, turned around and smiled at Maria and her five friends.

“All right,” he said with forced joviality. “Who wants to be the first of the generations born in space to set foot on a real planet?”

Maria waited for someone else to speak or raise their hand. Next to her, Allen just stared at the floor of the lander muttering, “Not me, not me.”

She glanced at Lily, who Maria had always known to be fearless, but Lily bit her lip and turned away. Javier looked positively gray, and the twins buried their faces in their hands. Someone would have to be first. Maria closed her eyes and took a few meditative breaths, waiting for someone else to volunteer, but the lander was silent.


The radio crackled to life. “Lander one, this is Mothership, do you copy?”

“Yes,” Captain Curran answered. “We’ve landed safely and are waiting to exit the lander, but there’s just a little…disagreement…over which pioneer wants to be the first to set foot on our new home.”

“Tell them there’s plenty for everyone to see, and they’re going to love it out there,” the voice on the radio responded. “I wish it were me instead of you; I miss the feel of real air on my face.”

Captain Curran flipped off the microphone. “You six have lived your entire lives in space, and it’s a great privilege to be the first of your generation to see a new planet. The others are watching; if you’re afraid, they’ll be afraid. Can’t any of you find the courage to set an example?”

Maria shifted uncomfortably in her seat and thought of her parents; they had traveled across the galaxy to find their family a new home, with clean air and good soil, and she knew this planet was for them. “I’ll do it, Captain,” she mumbled as she slipped out of her harness and rose out of her seat. Maria couldn’t shake the feeling of trepidation as she stood and watched the doors of the lander slide open.


A burst of air hit Maria in the face. She scrunched up her nose as an unfamiliar assortment of odors hit her nostrils. Some smelled sweet, some disgusting, and some were just strange. There were never strange smells on the ship; everything was always the same there. What was it going to be like to live where things changed? The rest of the children gathered around the opening as she climbed down the ladder, and Maria tried to smile as she met their worried eyes. Then, suddenly, something crunched underneath her boots; she was standing on the surface of the planet, and it felt nothing like the smooth metallic halls that she’d known all her life.

Without letting go of the ladder, she turned around to look at the world around the lander. The soil was full of shapes and textures; there were some small, grainy pieces, then larger clumps that she could break with the toe of her boot. One piece was hard and smooth, and she let go of the ladder to pick it up. “Captain,” she called, “I think I’ve found a rock!”

The air was moving, and long, thin, green things bowed and danced. “Grasses,” Maria whispered to herself, remembering the videos in her science lessons. She let go of the ladder and took soft, slow steps and realized her arms and legs felt like they were full of lead. “Natural gravity,” she whispered to herself. She started to walk a little more quickly, getting used to the new sensation. She was doing what others had previously thought impossible—taking steps on a new world.

A creature with gossamer wings landed on her nose, and she crossed her eyes trying to get a good look at it. Something small and furry scurried across her feet as she spun in a slow circle. Inspired, she ran as fast as she could across the foreign soil; she’d never seen somewhere so big, and it was thrilling. Suddenly, a deep, low sound echoed around her.

“That’s the call of a hornbeast,” Captain Curran shouted from the bottom of the ladder. Maria glanced back and saw that he was helping her friends take tentative first steps in the new world. “Walk to your left a little, and there should be a stream—flowing water on the ground; they often go there to drink, the explorers say.”

She started to run in that direction and then paused. “Hurry up!” she yelled, unable to contain her enthusiasm. “Our new home is extraordinary!”


The Radiocommunication from the Mothership affected the story because: It gives Maria the strength to be the first to leave the ship to explore the new planet.

What is a Radio Communication?

Radio communication is a form of wireless communication between two people. Most times, radio communication covers a wide range and is able to reach people very far.

From the passage, we see that the use of radio communication gave Maria the strength to be the first to leave the ship to explore the new planet. Everyone on the ship wanted to get to be the first to land on the new planet.

Learn more about Radio Communication here:


It gave Maria the strength to be the first to leave the ship to explore the new planet


I copied from the guy above so he gets credit but he made the answer super long so I thought it would be easy to read this instead

Question 8 of 10
Which of these words best describes someone who deserves blame?
O A. Wanton
B. Acrimonious
C. Reprehensible
D. Candid





Huffington is the best way for you

90% of water travels to the atmosphere through evaporation. Yes or no



the answer is false. water doesn't lose 90% through evaporation

A. a cluster
b. a gap
c. low frequency
d. symmetric



A. cluster


Which best describes the data for June, July, and August?  

Climate change conclusion with a paragraph



need to take part and try to stop global warming and other effects on climate change

What do you need to do before drafting an informational report?
Learn about a topic and think about how you might organize information.
Create a detailed, exact outline of how your report will go.
Identify your final ideas about the topic.
Nothing, just get started writing.



gather as much knowledge as you possibly can, use technical terms and add a good hook.


Other Questions
which event did the soviet union fear during the cold war? A real estate agent is working for a developer who claims that the average commute time to downtown is 20 minutes with a standard deviation of 7 minutes. Stephon is an independent real estate agent and wants to check the times for his client. He took a random sample of 15 commute times and found an average of 26 minutes. He did hypothesis testing using a significance level of 5%. Which conclusion could he make? The z-statistic is 0. 22, so the null hypothesis should not be rejected. The z-statistic is 1. 69, so the null hypothesis should not be rejected. The z-statistic is 3. 32, so the null hypothesis should be rejected. The z-statistic is 3. 67, so the null hypothesis should be rejected. Why might policymakers feel that the fight to stop pollution is Sisyphean Which material would most likely contribute to the formation of humus? A. basalt B. granite C. grass D. salt 653005 number with commas as per the international number system : WHAT ROLE DID SOUTH AFRICAN WOMEN PLAY AGAINST THE VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS FROM THE 1950s TO 1960s? Which phrase best describes the relationship indicated by the scatter plot? A. Constant correlation B. negative correlation C. Positive correlation D. no correlation which of the following best explains why top predators can have up to 60 times as much of persistent organic pollutants as their prey and up to 600 times as much of the pollutants as producers ? What is black and white and has lots of problems worksheet answers Choose the correct form of the verb INTERESAR with the accompanying appropriate indirect object pronoun.*A Nosotros los idiomasA. Nos interesa B. Les interesamosC. Les interesa D. Nos interesan The figure below consists of a square and a right triangle. Find the missing length x. The interior of a refrigerator has a surface area of 2. 6 m2. It is insulated by a 4. 5 cm thick material that has a thermal conductivity of 0. 0098 J/m s C. The ratio of the heat extracted from the interior to the work done by the motor is 4. 4% of the theoretical maximum. The temperature of the room is 37. 7 C, and the temperature inside the refrigerator is 3. 7 C The 92 children who were asked when they took their first lesson Which of the following examples is a non-renewable source of energy?woodnatural gashydroelectricwind can you give me a real life example of a single replacement? Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. 1. the patco strike involved 2. the workers who refused to return to the job were 3. sandra was the first woman to serve as a supreme court justice. 1. Are we limited to using a trigonometric function only in cases of an object that has a cyclical behavior? Is it possible to model physical, permanent, structures using the trigonometric functions? 2. Why can the movement of a yo-yo be modeled by a sinusoidal curve? For each material listed in the table, find the mass for cm3 in grams and kilograms. Then find the weight in pounds. ill give brainliest For the text portion of this assignment you will type out a smallblurb as if there was a book being published on a scientific theoryfrom module 5.03 for the first time Most blurbs on the back ofnovels 100-200 words and will typically aim to "sell the book" andhelp promote the main idea. Your blurb should also aim to discussthe "author" or inventor and present relevant backgroundinformation such as professional experience. You will also be askedto come up with a book title for the author as wellPlease be sure to include an interesting image or illustration in the Write the equation of a line in slope-intercept form that is parallel to y = 2x and goes through the point (1, 9).this is geometry