in data science, is when a data analyst uses their unique past experiences to understand the story the data is telling.


Answer 1

This involves the analyst using their own knowledge, skills and intuition to interpret the data and draw conclusions. They are also able to identify patterns and trends in the data that may not be immediately obvious.

What is Data science?

Data science is the study of extracting knowledge from data. It involves the application of mathematics, statistics, and computing to uncover the hidden meanings and patterns in data. Data science is a subset of the broader field of data analytics. Data science is used by companies to gain insights about their customers, markets, products, and operations.

The data analyst’s role in data science is to use their unique past experiences to understand the story the data is telling. This requires the analyst to have a deep understanding of the data and to be able to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in the data. This type of analysis requires the analyst to be creative and open-minded in order to make sense of the data. Analysts must also be able to draw meaningful conclusions from the data and make predictions about the future.

Learn more about Data science here:


Related Questions

which of the following is an example of the type of data that advertising networks automatically collect and share with businesses?



The answer would "the cost of each ad you publish".


Please like my answer if you happy and give me a crown

write the pseudocode to represent the logic of a simple input and output program


' INPUT user inputs their name STORE the user's input in the name variable OUTPUT 'Hello' + name OUTPUT 'How old are you? ' INPUT user inputs their age STORE the user's input in the age variable IF age >= 70 THEN OUTPUT 'You are aged to perfection! ' ELSE OUTPUT 'You are a spring chicken! '

(04.01 MC)

The main purpose of an intrusion detection system is to (5 points)

analyze network traffic

block malicious malware

prevent adware

filter and block web browsing activity
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Intrusion detection system sensors are responsible for (5 points)

collecting data on network traffic

determining if intrusion detection has occurred

providing guidance on network breaches

determining if a security breach has occurred
(04.01 LC)

Which logical component of an intrusion detection system is responsible for determining if an intrusion has occurred? (5 points)


Network interface


User interface
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Which of the following captures information from a single host, such as a firewall? (5 points)

Time stamp



(04.02 MC)

Jax is a system administrator and has noticed an increase in false positive alerts from the network IDS. Why are false positives considered dangerous? (5 points)

They can blind Jax from noticing an actual attack.

They lack incident timestamps.

They are usually malware attacks.

They use up system resources.
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Which of the following classifies critical data and identifies violations of policies defined by organizations? (5 points)




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A _________ cyberattack occurs when a flaw or vulnerability is exploited before a patch can be created. (5 points)




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Hailey is an intern for a large technology company and was asked to find a list of IP addresses currently using the network. What type of scanning will Hailey use to do this? (5 points)

Port scanning

Vulnerability scanning

Network scanning

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Which scanning tool can show the MAC address of the interface associated with each IP address the local host has recently communicated with? (5 points)




(05.01 MC)

Which of the following is considered a limitation of virtualization? (5 points)

Fewer servers means greater impact from hardware failures.

It is challenging to test different security situations.

It is harder to alleviate hardware vulnerabilities.

Costs are higher because more devices are required.
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What does a hacker use to run code on a virtual machine to allow an operating system to break out and interact directly with the hypervisor? (5 points)

IP targeting

VM escaping


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Sampson received an instant message from someone claiming to work for her company's HR department. It said the company was updating their software and her account would be suspended unless she provided her personal login username and password. Which type of social engineering scam is this? (5 points)


Quid pro quo


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1.) Analyze network traffic

2.) Collecting data on network traffic

3.) Analyzer

4.) HIDS

5.) They can blind jax from from noticing an actual attack.

6.) DLP

7.) Zero- day

8.) Network Scanning

9.) NMAP

10.) Fewer servers means greater impact from hardware failure

11.) Vm escaping

12.) Phishing

13.) Cyberstalking

true/false. Before OS X, the Hierarchical File System (HFS) was used, in which files are stored in directories (folders) that can be nested in other directories.


The given statement "Before OS X, the Hierarchical File System (HFS) was used, in which files are stored in directories (folders) that can be nested in other directories." is True because, before OS X, the Hierarchical File System (HFS) was used for organizing and storing data.

The Hierarchical File System (HFS) is a great way to store data, as it provides an organized, hierarchical structure to store and access files. This system allows users to create folders and subfolders within folders, and to place items within each folder. This makes it easier for users to locate files, as they can be found within a certain directory. The Hierarchical File System also allows for better data management, as users can create multiple folders to store different types of data.

Overall, the Hierarchical File System (HFS) is an efficient way to store and organize data. It is a great way to organize data in an organized, hierarchical structure, which makes it easy to locate files and access data quickly. It also provides better data management, as users can create multiple folders to store different types of data, and better security, as users can set access rights for each folder and its contents.

Know more about Hierarchical structure here :


Differentiate between ICT and ICTs​


ICT refers to the field of information and communication technologies as a whole, while ICTs refer to the individual technologies within that field such as computers, smartphones, and the internet.

What is internet?
The internet is a global network of interconnected computers and servers that communicate with each other using standard communication protocols, allowing people to access and share information and communicate with each other across geographical distances.

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology, which is a term used to describe the combination of technologies used to manage and communicate information.

ICTs, on the other hand, stands for Information and Communication Technologies, which refers to the specific devices, tools, and technologies used for communication and information management, such as computers, smartphones, the internet, and various software and applications.

In summary, ICT is a broader term that encompasses various technologies used for managing and communicating information, while ICTs are specific technologies that fall under the ICT umbrella.

To know more about software visit:


The provided code is suppose to be for a guessing game between two players. In this game, player 1 picks the number of guess attempts and a whole number value to be guessed. No indication is given if player 2 has gotten the value guessed correctly, as player 2 is expected to make all of the guesses and find out if they got it right at the end.

However the code provided does not function as expected. The expectation is that the function check_guess() will allow enable to get the value from player 1 and player 2 and return 1 if the value matches and 0 if it does match.

Player 1 will give a specific number of attempts to guess the number and the number being guessed can be any value as represented by the first two numbers entered into the input. The remaining inputs represent the guess of the values by player 2.



There seems to be an error in the provided code. Specifically, the condition in the while loop is incorrect: while count >= guesses should be while count < guesses. This is causing the loop to never execute, so only the initial values of player1 and found are being checked, which is why the output is always "Player 2 Did Not Guess the Number".

Here's the corrected code in pseudo code:

Function check_guess(integer player1, integer player2) returns integer answer

  if player1 == player2

     answer = 1


     answer = 0

Function Main() returns nothing

  integer player1

  integer player2

  integer guesses

  integer found

  integer count

  guesses = Get next input

  player1 = Get next input

  found = 0

  count = 0

  while count < guesses

     player2 = Get next input

     if found != 1

        found = check_guess(player1, player2)

     count = count + 1

  if found == 1

     Put "Player 2 Found the Number: " to output

     Put player1 to output


     Put "Player 2 Did Not Guess the Number: " to output

     Put player1 to output

With this corrected code, the output for the provided inputs will be as follows:

Input: 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Expected Output: Player 2 Found the Number: 5

Input: 7 -7 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Expected Output: Player 2 Found the Number: -7

Input: 8 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Expected Output: Player 2 Found the Number: 0

Input: 9 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 1.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5

Expected Output: Player 2 Found the Number: 1

When removing curNode from a doubly-linked list with at least 2 elements, the list's tail may be assigned with _____


The prior node of the curNode, which would become the new tail node if cur Node, may be allocated to the list's tail when cur Node is removed from a doubly-linked list with at least two members.

What is necessary to remove a node from a doubly linked list?

When removing a node from a doubly linked list: The prior node that has to be erased must be located. It is necessary to modify the previous node's next. It is necessary to release the memory of the node that has to be destroyed.

What is the time complexity of removing a node from the link list's end?

Space complexity is O(1) and temporal complexity is O(N), where N is the total number of variables.

To know more about curNode visit:-


Convert totalseconds to hours, minutes, and seconds, finding the maximum number of hours, then minutes, then seconds. Ex: If the input is 25274 , the output is: Hours: 7 Minutes: 1 Seconds: 14 Nole: An hour has 3600 seconds. A minule has 60 seconds.


totalSeconds have been converted to hours, minutes and seconds=7hr 1min 14sec

Code of the problem

int main()


int totalSeconds;

int numHours;

int numMinutes;

int numSeconds;

cin >> totalSeconds;

// total number of hours.

numHours = totalSeconds / 3600;

totalSeconds %= 3600;

// total number of minutes

numMinutes = totalSeconds / 60;

totalSeconds %= 60;

// total number of seconds

numSeconds = totalSeconds;

cout << "Hours: " << numHours << endl;

cout << "Minutes: " << numMinutes << endl;

cout << "Seconds: " << numSeconds << endl;

return 0;


To know more about Hour,click on the link :



numHours = totalSeconds/ 3600;

numMinutes = totalSeconds % 3600 / 60;

numSeconds = totalSeconds % 60;


The average of three numbers, value1, value2, and value3, is given by (value1 + value2 + value3)/ 3.0. Write a program that reads double variables value1, value2, and value3 from the input, respectively, and computes averageOfThree using the formula. Then, outputs "Average is " followed by the value of averageOfThree to four digits after the decimal point. End with a newline.

Ex: If the input is 2.25 2.0 1.75, then the output is:

Average is 2.0000
Please help!



#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

  double value1, value2, value3;

  double averageOfThree;

  /* Read 3 double values */

  scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &value1, &value2, &value3);

  /* Compute the average */

  averageOfThree = (value1 + value2 + value3) / 3.0;

  /* Output the average */

  printf("Average is %.4lf\n", averageOfThree);

  return 0;


Which of the following is a measurement of the maximum amount of data that can be transferred over a particular network segment?



When you purchase bandwidth, a specification for the volume of data transferred over time, such as Mbps, gigabits, etc., is typically included. That is the speed in theory. Measure the actual speed.


Network bandwidth refers to the maximum rate at which data may be transmitted via a wired or wireless communications link in a specific amount of time. The amount of bits, kilobits, megabits, or gigabits that can be transmitted in a second is typically used to describe bandwidth.

if you happy for my answer please like and give me a crown :)

Which of the following is one way that a company could enhance their security and privacy to protect their intellectual property?



There are several ways that a company can enhance its security and privacy to protect its intellectual property. One possible way is to implement a multi-layered approach that includes the following:

1. Implementing strong access controls: The company should restrict access to intellectual property to only those employees who need it to perform their job duties. This can be achieved by implementing role-based access controls, two-factor authentication, and other security measures.

2. Encrypting sensitive data: The company should encrypt all sensitive data, such as intellectual property, both when it is stored and when it is transmitted. This can help prevent unauthorized access and ensure that only authorized users can access the data.

3. Regularly monitoring and auditing access to intellectual property: The company should regularly monitor and audit access to intellectual property to detect any unauthorized access or misuse. This can help identify potential security breaches and enable the company to take corrective action before any damage is done.

4. Educating employees on security best practices: The company should educate all employees on security best practices, such as creating strong passwords, avoiding phishing scams, and reporting suspicious activity. This can help create a security-conscious culture within the company and reduce the risk of human error leading to a security breach.

5. Using security tools and technologies: The company should use a range of security tools and technologies, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and anti-virus software. This can help protect the company's intellectual property from external threats, such as hackers and malware.

By implementing these and other security measures, a company can enhance its security and privacy to protect its intellectual property from theft or unauthorized use.

Which of the following redirection operators appends a program's standard output to an existing file, without overwriting that file's original contents?


The ">>" operator is the correct answer when it comes to the following redirection operators that append a program's standard output to an existing file without overwriting that file's original contents. Therefore the correct option is option E,

Output redirection is the process of directing the output of a command or script to a file instead of the screen. This could be useful for preserving output data for future reference or for processing by other programs, among other reasons.

The '>' operator: This redirection operator overwrites a file's current content with the command's output. The operator does not append to the end of a file but instead replaces it with the current command's output. In general, this redirection operator creates a new file if the specified file does not exist.

In other words, it can be used to capture all errors generated by a command so that they can be saved for later analysis.>> operator: This redirection operator is used to append output from a command to the end of a file rather than overwriting the entire contents of the file, as the '>' operator does.

This redirection operator appends to the file specified in the argument rather than replacing it.

For such more question on operator:


Write a program that prompts an SPC grad to enter her hourly pay rate and weekday (M-F) hours worked, and weekend hours worked last week. All three values might not be integers.
Understanding that "time and a half applies to weekday hours in excess of forty, and that
"double time" applies to any weekend hours, calculate and print the grad's regular pay, overtime pay, weekend pay, and total pay for the week. Outputs should display currency format with S signs, two decimals, and commas for thousands. Write a program using python


Below is a Python program that does what you've described:


# Prompt the user to enter pay rate and hours worked

pay_rate = float(input("Enter your hourly pay rate: "))

weekday_hours = float(input("Enter the number of weekday hours worked: "))

weekend_hours = float(input("Enter the number of weekend hours worked: "))

# Calculate regular pay

if weekday_hours <= 40:

   regular_pay = pay_rate * weekday_hours


   regular_pay = pay_rate * 40

# Calculate overtime pay

if weekday_hours > 40:

   overtime_hours = weekday_hours - 40

   overtime_pay = pay_rate * 1.5 * overtime_hours


   overtime_pay = 0

# Calculate weekend pay

weekend_pay = pay_rate * 2 * weekend_hours

# Calculate total pay

total_pay = regular_pay + overtime_pay + weekend_pay

# Display results

print(f"Regular pay: S{regular_pay:,.2f}")

print(f"Overtime pay: S{overtime_pay:,.2f}")

print(f"Weekend pay: S{weekend_pay:,.2f}")

print(f"Total pay: S{total_pay:,.2f}")

What is the program  about?

The way that the code above works is that:

The program prompts the user to enter their pay rate and the number of weekday and weekend hours worked.The program calculates the regular pay, which is the pay rate times the number of weekday hours worked, unless the number of weekday hours worked is greater than 40, in which case only the first 40 hours are paid at the regular rate.

Therefore,  program calculates the overtime pay, which is time and a half (1.5 times the pay rate) for each weekday hour worked in excess of 40.

Learn more about python from


Put the steps in order to produce the output shown below. Assume the indenting will be correct in the program.


1. Line 1
print (answer)
2. Line 2
return strFirst[0] + strLast
3. Line 3
def username (strFirst, strLast):
4. Line 4
answer = username ('Joann', 'Doe')



1. Line 3

def username (strFirst, strLast):

2. Line 2

return strFirst[0] + strLast

3. Line 1

answer = username ('Joann', 'Do')

4. Line 4

print (answer)

Output: JDo

Write a program that inputs the value 437 using each of the scanf integer conversion specifiers. Print each input value using all the integer conversion specifiers.


Here's an example C program that inputs the value 437 using each of the scanf integer conversion specifiers and prints each input value using all the integer conversion specifiers:


int main() {
int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5;
printf("Enter the value 437 using the %%d conversion specifier: ");
scanf("%d", &num1);
printf("Input value using %%d: %d\n", num1);
printf("Input value using %%i: %i\n", num1);
printf("Input value using %%o: %o\n", num1);
printf("Input value using %%u: %u\n", num1);
printf("Input value using %%x: %x\n", num1);

printf("Enter the value 437 using the %%i conversion specifier: ");
scanf("%i", &num2);
printf("Input value using %%d: %d\n", num2);
printf("Input value using %%i: %i\n", num2);
printf("Input value using %%o: %o\n", num2);
printf("Input value using %%u: %u\n", num2);
printf("Input value using %%x: %x\n", num2);

printf("Enter the value 437 using the %%o conversion specifier: ");
scanf("%o", &num3);
printf("Input value using %%d: %d\n", num3);
printf("Input value using %%i: %i\n", num3);
printf("Input value using %%o: %o\n", num3);
printf("Input value using %%u: %u\n", num3);
printf("Input value using %%x: %x\n", num3);

printf("Enter the value 437 using the %%u conversion specifier: ");
scanf("%u", &num4);
printf("Input value using %%d: %d\n", num4);
printf("Input value using %%i: %i\n", num4);
printf("Input value using %%o: %o\n", num4);
printf("Input value using %%u: %u\n", num4);
printf("Input value using %%x: %x\n", num4);

printf("Enter the value 437 using the %%x conversion specifier: ");
scanf("%x", &num5);

6. Create a java application that will predict the size of a population of organisms. The user should be able to provide the starting number of organisms, their average daily population increase (as a percentage), and the number of days they will multiply. For example, a population might begin with two organisms, have an average daily increase of 50 percent, and will be allowed to multiply for seven days. The program should use a loop to display the size of the population for each day.

Input validation: Do not accept a number less than 2 for the starting size of the population. Do not accept a negative number for average daily population increase. Do not accept a number less than 1 for the number of days they will multiply.




Here's a Java application that predicts the size of a population of organisms based on user inputs:


import java.util.Scanner;

public class PopulationPredictor {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

       // Get user inputs

       int startingSize;

       do {

           System.out.print("Enter the starting size of the population (must be at least 2): ");

           startingSize = scanner.nextInt();

       } while (startingSize < 2);

       double dailyIncrease;

       do {

           System.out.print("Enter the average daily population increase as a percentage (must be non-negative): ");

           dailyIncrease = scanner.nextDouble();

       } while (dailyIncrease < 0);

       int numDays;

       do {

           System.out.print("Enter the number of days the population will multiply (must be at least 1): ");

           numDays = scanner.nextInt();

       } while (numDays < 1);

       // Calculate and display population size for each day

       double populationSize = startingSize;

       System.out.println("\nDay 1: " + populationSize);

       for (int day = 2; day <= numDays; day++) {

           populationSize += (populationSize * dailyIncrease) / 100;

           System.out.println("Day " + day + ": " + populationSize);





The program first prompts the user to input the starting size of the population, the average daily population increase (as a percentage), and the number of days the population will multiply. It then uses a series of do-while loops to validate the user inputs according to the requirements stated in the prompt.

Once the user inputs are validated, the program calculates the size of the population for each day using a for loop. The population size for each day is calculated by multiplying the previous day's population size by the daily increase percentage (converted to a decimal), and adding the result to the previous day's population size.

The program then displays the population size for each day using println statements.

A company needs to send information about a new product to customers around the world. What protocol would you use to ensure reliable transmission and why?



Routing Information Protocol ( RIP ) is the most reliable one out there because it is a lot of

find the smallest positive integer not relatively prime to 2015 that has the same number of positive divisors as 2015.


The smallest positive integer not relatively prime to 2015 that has the same number of positive divisors as 2015 is $\boxed{4225}$.

We know that $2015 = 5 \cdot 13 \cdot 31$, and $2015$ has $2^2 \cdot 4 = 16$ positive divisors.

To find the smallest positive integer not relatively prime to 2015 that has the same number of positive divisors as 2015, we can factor the number into its prime factorization, and multiply some powers of those primes together.

For example, we could take $5^2 \cdot 13 = 325$, which has $(2+1)(1+1) = 6$ positive divisors, just like $2015$. However, 325 and 2015 are relatively prime.

To fix this, we need to multiply by a factor that shares a prime factor with 2015. The only primes we have to work with are 5, 13, and 31. We can't multiply by 5 or 31, because then our number would be greater than 2015.

However, we could multiply by 13. Taking $325 \cdot 13 = 4225$, we have a number with the same number of positive divisors as 2015.

Note that $(2+1)(1+1)(1+1) = 12$, which is different from 16, but we're looking for the smallest such number, and this is the best we can do.

Therefore, the smallest positive integer not relatively prime to 2015 that has the same number of positive divisors as 2015 is $\boxed{4225}$.

For such more question on integer:


What is information


Information is/are processed data which is output. When they say information it simply means that the outcome of what you have imputed into the computer

Aiden wants to be able to tap or wave his phone at the point of sale terminal sensor to complete purchases. which tool should he use?
mobile transfer


Aiden should use mobile payments or mobile wallet tool to be able to tap or wave his phone at the point of sale terminal sensor to complete purchases.

A mobile wallet is a software application that stores sensitive personal and financial information, such as credit card numbers, electronic cash, and bank account information, on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. They're also known as electronic wallets, mobile payments, or digital wallets.

There are several types of mobile wallets: Mobile payments or mobile wallets are used for tap-to-pay transactions and in-app purchases. A consumer adds a credit or debit card to their mobile wallet by entering the card details or taking a picture of the card. The mobile wallet then generates a unique code or token that is used instead of the card data for transactions.

For more such questions on terminal sensor


The remove function in the following program _____.

>>> aList = [9, 2, 3.5, 2]
>>> aList.remove(2)
removes all occurences of a 2 from a list.
removes the first occurence of 2 from the list
removes the item with an index of 2 from the list
removes all data values from the list


def removing (aList, a 0): >>> removing ( [7, 4, 0]) [7, 4, 0] >>> myList=[7, 4, -2, 1, 9] >>> removing (myList) # Found (-2) Delete -2 and 1 [7, 4, 9] >>> myList [7, 4, -2, 1, 9] >>> removing([-4, -7, -2, 1, 9]) # Found (-4) Delete -4, -7, -2 and 1 [9] >>> removing([-3, -4, 5, -4, 1]) # Found (-3) Delete -3, -4 and 5. Found (-4) Delete -4 and 1 []

What is the difference between phishing and spoofing?​



Phishing and spoofing are two common types of online scams that are used to deceive people into giving away sensitive information. Although both terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct types of attacks.

Phishing is a type of scam that involves the use of fraudulent emails, text messages, or websites that are designed to look like legitimate communications from reputable companies or individuals. The purpose of phishing is to trick people into providing personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers. Phishing scams can be quite sophisticated, often using social engineering tactics to gain the trust of their victims.

Spoofing, on the other hand, is a broader term that refers to any act of impersonation or deception. In the context of online security, spoofing can refer to several types of attacks, including email spoofing, IP spoofing, and website spoofing. Email spoofing involves sending emails that appear to come from a trusted source, while IP spoofing involves changing the source IP address of a network packet to hide the true origin of the communication. Website spoofing involves creating fake websites that mimic legitimate sites in order to deceive users into giving away personal information.

Phishing is a specific type of spoofing that involves using fraudulent communications to trick people into giving away sensitive information. Spoofing, on the other hand, is a broader term that can refer to any act of impersonation or deception, including phishing.

Phishing is a type of cyber attack that involves sending fraudulent emails or messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

What is cyber attacks?

Any offensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, computer networks, infrastructures, personal computer devices, or smartphones is referred to as a cyberattack.

Both phishing and spoofing are types of cyber attacks used to steal sensitive information or money from unsuspecting victims. While they are similar in nature, they have some significant differences.

Phishing attacks frequently appear to be from legitimate sources, such as banks or social media platforms, and will frequently include a sense of urgency to compel people to act quickly.

Spoofing, on the other hand, is a type of cyber attack in which a malicious entity or individual impersonates a legitimate entity or individual in order to gain access to sensitive information or carry out malicious activities.

Thus, the main difference between the two is that phishing involves tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information, while spoofing involves impersonating a legitimate entity or individual in order to gain access to sensitive information or to carry out malicious activities.

For more details regarding cyberattacks, visit:


TRUE/FALSE. when you get and transform data from an external source, you must add it to a worksheet without any changes.


The statement "when you get and transform data from an external source, you must add it to a worksheet without any changes" is false.

When you import and transform data from an external source, you can add it to a worksheet with or without modifications.The following are the steps to add the transformed data to a worksheet.

Step 1: To transform the data, choose a data source and transform the data to fit your specifications in the Power Query Editor.

Step 2: Choose Close & Load from the Close & Load drop-down list in the Close & Load drop-down list in the Close & Load group on the Home tab on the Power Query Editor ribbon.

Step 3: The Load To page is where you can specify how the query results are displayed in the Excel workbook. Select Table, PivotTable Report, or PivotChart Report from the options.

Step 4: Select Existing worksheet and choose the location on the worksheet where the data should be placed from the options available.

Step 5: To finish the wizard and add the transformed data to the worksheet, click OK.This process saves a lot of time and helps to keep the data up to date with the source. Data should be updated on a regular basis to keep it current and to aid in making critical decisions based on accurate and current data.

For such more questions on worksheet :


how can website be used to increase ingagement in a business​



A website can be a powerful tool for increasing engagement in a business in several ways.

- Providing useful and relevant content.

- Making each visitor's experience personalized.

- Encourage visitors to share your content on social media.

- Offering rewards to customers who engage with your business.

- Creating fun and interactive elements on the website.

Which of the following foods will take longer to digest?
a. Bread
b. Candy
c. Apple
d. Milk





because of fibre

We need to speak with senior executives in France who are involved in the selection (e.g. Purchasing) and / or implementation, follow up of digital transformation projects together with IT engineering consulting providers. We are looking for people who work at clients of companies such as Cap Gemini, Accenture, ATOS, Sopra Steria. NOT the IT engineering consulting companies themselves (we may want to interview those companies as well, but as a second step / not the focus for today). These clients are Societe Generale, Barclays, Santander


To speak with senior executives in France who are involved with the said projects, we suggest reaching out to Societe Generale, Barclays, and Santander directly.

Why is this so?

These companies are clients of major IT engineering consulting firms such as Cap Gemini, Accenture, ATOS, and Sopra Steria.

It may also be helpful to contact industry associations and networking groups for IT professionals in France to gain access to additional senior executives in this field.

Hence, in the selection and implementation of digital transformation projects with IT engineering consulting providers, reach out to Societe Generale, Barclays, and Santander directly.

Read more about engineering consulting here:


Which of the following describes a text file containing multiple commands that would usually be entered manually at the command prompt?


It can be used to automate repetitive tasks, elimination the need to manually type in the same commands repeatedly. The commands are stored in the text file, and then the batch file is executed.

This allows the user to perform a task quickly and easily by simply double-clicking on the file. The commands stored in the batch file can include any valid command line instructions, including running programs, copying files, deleting files, and so on. To create a batch file, the user first creates a text file using any text editor. The commands that the user wants to be included in the batch file are then entered into the text file, one line at a time. The file must then be saved in a specific format, usually with a “.bat” file extension. This format tells the computer that the file contains executable commands, as opposed to just a text file. The file is then double-clicked to execute the commands stored in the batch file. Batch files can be used to quickly perform tasks such as creating backups, installing programs, running programs, and so on. They can be used to automate complex or repetitive tasks, saving time and effort. Batch files are also useful for creating shortcuts for frequently used commands.

for more such question on elimination


difference between multimedia and ordinary text​



Multimedia uses a combination of different forms of media such as text, images, audio, video, and animations to communicate information and engage an audience, while ordinary text only uses written or typed words. Multimedia is often more engaging and immersive, while ordinary text is more straightforward and accessible. The choice between multimedia and ordinary text depends on the context, audience, and purpose of the content.


Multimedia refers to any content that uses a combination of different forms of media such as text, images, audio, video, and animations to convey information or engage an audience. In contrast, ordinary text refers to content that consists of words and sentences that are written or typed.

The key differences between multimedia and ordinary text are:

Types of media used: Multimedia combines different types of media, including text, images, audio, video, and animations. In contrast, ordinary text only uses written or typed words.

Communication of information: Multimedia is often used to communicate complex ideas or information in a more engaging and interactive way. Ordinary text is typically used to convey information in a more straightforward and concise manner.

Engagement: Multimedia content is often more engaging than ordinary text because it appeals to different senses and offers a more immersive experience. It can capture the attention of the audience and hold their interest for longer periods. Ordinary text, on the other hand, may be less engaging and may require more effort on the part of the reader to maintain interest.

Accessibility: Ordinary text is typically easier to access and consume than multimedia content, as it only requires basic reading skills. Multimedia content, on the other hand, may require more advanced technology and skills to access and use.

In summary, multimedia offers a more dynamic and engaging way to communicate information, while ordinary text is a more straightforward and accessible method for conveying information. The choice between multimedia and ordinary text will depend on the context, audience, and purpose of the content.

Which of the following statements about the guarding against overestimating variable consideration under U.S. GAAP and IFRS is true?
Under IFRS, sellers only include an estimate of variable consideration to extent it is "probable" that a significant reversal of revenue recognized to date will not occur.
Under U.S. GAAP, sellers only include an estimate of variable consideration to extent it is "probable" that a significant reversal of revenue recognized to date will not occur.
U.S. GAAP and IFRS convey the same likelihood with regards to the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration.


The statement  is true because regarding U.S. GAAP and IFRS when it comes to guarding against overestimating variable consideration is that "Under IFRS, sellers only include an estimate of variable consideration to extent it is "probable".

IFRS requires that estimates of variable consideration be included only when the likelihood of significant reversal of revenue is “probable”, and this is a stricter standard than the “reasonably possible” standard under U.S. GAAP.

Under U.S. GAAP, estimates of variable consideration are only included when the amount of the estimate is both “reasonably possible” and “probable”. Therefore, U.S. GAAP and IFRS do not convey the same likelihood when it comes to the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration.

Under IFRS, the seller must be more certain that there will not be a significant reversal of revenue before including the estimate, while under U.S. GAAP, the seller only needs to be reasonably certain that there is a possibility of a significant reversal.

For more such questions on revenue


complete the sentences describing a cycle. during the step, the cpu gets the instruction from memory.


The CPU begins by retrieving certain information and commands (programmes) from main memory and storing them in its own internal temporary memory sections. "Registers" are the name for these memory locations.

What phases comprises a CPU processing cycle?

The most fundamental CPU function can be carried out at millions of machine cycles per second by today's CPUs. Three typical steps make up the cycle: fetch, decode, and execute. In some circumstances, the cycle also includes a store.

What are the 4 steps in a CPU process, and what do they do?

A processor's four main tasks are fetch, decode, execute, and write back. Fetching is the process of retrieving instructions from system RAM into programme memory.

To know more about CPU visit:-


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