in the context of the gang types identified by sociologists richard cloward and lloyd ohlin, which of the following types of gangs emerges in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities?


Answer 1

In the context of the gang types identified by sociologists Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin, the type of gang that emerges in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities is the conflict gang.

Conflict gangs are a type of gang that emerges in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities. These gangs are created to fill the void of opportunities that do not exist in the community. They are composed of individuals who are frustrated and angry about their inability to find a way to better their lives.

They are also characterized by their use of violence as a means of gaining power and respect in their communities. This violence can be directed towards rival gangs, as well as towards individuals who are not part of the gang. The Cloward-Ohlin theory suggests that different types of gangs emerge in different communities based on the availability of opportunities. The theory identifies three types of gangs: criminal, conflict, and retreatist.

Your question is incomplete. The completed version should be:

In the context of the gang types identified by sociologists Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin, which of the following types of gangs emerges in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities?

Retreatist gangCriminal gang.Conflict gang.

Learn more about Cloward-Ohlin theory at


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what the diff genomic differences between individuals in populations result


The genomic differences between individuals in populations are the result of various factors, including:

Genetic variation: This refers to differences in the DNA sequence of individuals. These variations can be single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, or structural changes. Genetic variation can occur spontaneously, or it can be inherited from parents.

Mutations: Mutations are changes that occur in the DNA sequence of an individual's genome. These changes can be caused by errors in DNA replication or exposure to mutagens such as radiation, chemicals, or viruses. Mutations can be harmful, beneficial, or have no effect on an individual's phenotype.

Recombination: During meiosis, genetic material is shuffled between homologous chromosomes, resulting in new combinations of genetic information. Recombination is a major source of genetic diversity within a population.

Gene flow: Gene flow occurs when individuals from different populations interbreed, resulting in the movement of genes between populations. This can increase genetic diversity within a population and reduce genetic differences between populations.

Genetic drift: Genetic drift refers to random fluctuations in the frequency of alleles within a population due to chance events, such as founder effects or genetic bottlenecks. Genetic drift can result in the loss of genetic diversity within a population.

Overall, these factors can lead to genomic differences between individuals in populations, which can contribute to variations in phenotypic traits, such as physical appearance, disease susceptibility, and response to environmental factors.

To learn more about genomic refer to:


During the World war I the Ottoman forces reorganized as a Turkish army that consolidated the territories of the Ottoman Empire. What were change seen at that time.


The Ottoman Empire entered World War I as a Central Power.

What exactly is the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottomans entered World War I as a result of two newly purchased ships of its navy, still manned by German crews and commanded by a German admiral, carrying out the Black Sea Raid on October 29, 1914. A number of factors accused of conspiring to impact the Ottoman authorities and encourage it to join the war. The political motivations for the Ottoman Sultan's involvement in the conflict are debatable, as well as the Ottoman Empire was an agrarian state in an era of industrial warfare. Furthermore, the expense of the Interwar Period of 1912 and 1913 depleted the empire's economic resources. The motivating factors of the Ottomans were not clear exactly.

There have been hopes and anxieties that non-Turkish Muslims might well side with Ottoman Turkey, but some historians believe that the appeal did not reach "the Muslim world," and Muslims failed to take on their non-Muslim commanding officers in the Allied forces.

to know more about the Ottoman forces visit :


what is an individual taxpayer identification number


An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who are not eligible to obtain a Social Security number (SSN).

ITINs are used for federal tax reporting purposes only and do not authorize an individual to work in the United States or provide eligibility for Social Security benefits. They are typically issued to nonresident aliens who receive income from U.S. sources, resident aliens who are not eligible for an SSN, and dependents or spouses of U.S. citizens or resident aliens.

ITINs are nine-digit numbers that begin with the number "9" and are formatted like SSNs. They are used to file tax returns, claim tax treaty benefits, and apply for certain types of loans and credit cards.

To learn more about Internal Revenue Service refer to:


the difference between well-defined and ill-defined problems is that for well-defined problems, the information necessary to solve them is . (choose every correct answer


The correct answers for the given question are: Not clear and unavailable and Unavailable.

The difference between well-defined and ill-defined problems is that well-defined problems have clear goals, starting conditions, and methods for reaching the goal, whereas ill-defined problems do not. In the case of ill-defined problems, the information necessary to solve them is often not clear or not available, which makes them more difficult to solve than well-defined problems. In contrast, well-defined problems have a clear understanding of what is being asked, what information is available, and what the correct solution looks like. All of the information needed to solve a well-defined problem is available and clear, which makes them easier to solve than ill-defined problems.

Learn more about goals :


The complete question is :
The difference between well-defined and ill-defined problems is that, for ill-defined problems, the information necessary to solve them is what? (Choose every correct answer.)

-- not clear and unavailable

-- available

-- unavailable

-- clear

How do you think Booker T. Washington's childhood as a slave might have affected his ideas regarding race relations between blacks and whites?



Since he grew up as a slave, he may have seen whites to have more power and be superior to blacks. It also would make him feel a sense of comfortableness toward whites and maybe even resent blacks for allowing themselves to become slaves to others. Besides that he may have also have sympathy for both whites and blacks. Blacks because they were living in awful conditions and were used for others profit and whites because they would later lead to a generalization of all being bad as well as them not realizing what they are doing is taking away a humans rights and freedom.

I hope this helped & Good Luck <3!!!!

What are women at a higher risk of becoming HIV/adis positive than men?
-What steps can be taken in your school to help reduce combat HIV/ADIS?
-How do you combat HIV/ADIS?
-HOW Do you care public property?​




Why are women at a higher risk of becoming HIV/AIDS positive than men?

Women are at a higher risk of becoming HIV/AIDS positive than men due to various biological, social, and economic factors. Biologically, women are more susceptible to contracting HIV/AIDS during sexual intercourse than men. This is because women's genital tracts are more prone to tearing and bleeding during intercourse, which increases their exposure to the virus. Additionally, women are often in a subordinate position in many societies, which limits their access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, making it harder for them to negotiate safe sex or access preventive measures such as condoms or HIV testing.

What steps can be taken in your school to help reduce combat HIV/AIDS?

Schools can take various steps to help reduce and combat HIV/AIDS, such as providing comprehensive sex education that covers information on safe sex, condom use, and HIV prevention. Schools can also offer HIV testing and counseling services to students, as well as provide access to condoms and other preventive measures. Schools can also organize awareness campaigns and events to promote HIV/AIDS education and reduce stigma and discrimination against those who are living with the virus.

How do you combat HIV/AIDS?

There are various strategies to combat HIV/AIDS, including promoting safer sex practices, such as the use of condoms and regular testing for HIV. Education and awareness-raising campaigns can also help to reduce stigma and discrimination against those living with the virus. Access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is also critical to the management of HIV/AIDS, as it can suppress the virus, prevent the progression of the disease, and reduce the likelihood of transmitting the virus to others. It is also important to promote policies that support people living with HIV/AIDS and provide access to healthcare and other social services.

How do you care for public property?

To care for public property, it is important to follow guidelines and rules set forth by the relevant authorities, such as not littering, damaging, or defacing public property. Public property should be used responsibly and with care to ensure its longevity and usefulness for the community. If you see public property that is damaged or in need of repair, report it to the appropriate authority so that it can be addressed promptly. Additionally, it is important to recognize that public property belongs to everyone in the community, and we all have a responsibility to care for and maintain it.

Women are at a higher risk of becoming HIV/AIDS positive than men because of biological and social factors. Biologically, women are more vulnerable to HIV infection because of the larger mucosal surface area in the vagina and the presence of cervical cells that are more susceptible to infection. Socially, women may face gender inequality, gender-based violence, and limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, which can increase their risk of HIV/AIDS.
To help reduce and combat HIV/AIDS in schools, several steps can be taken, including:
Providing comprehensive sexuality education that includes information on HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention
Ensuring that condoms and other forms of contraception are available and accessible
Encouraging students to get tested for HIV/AIDS and providing information on testing options
Offering support and counseling services for students who are HIV-positive or affected by HIV/AIDS
Promoting a safe and inclusive school environment that supports students of all genders and sexual orientations
To combat HIV/AIDS, a multi-pronged approach is needed, including:
Education and awareness-raising campaigns to promote HIV/AIDS prevention and reduce stigma
Increased access to HIV testing, treatment, and care
Prevention measures such as the use of condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
Addressing social determinants of health, such as poverty, gender inequality, and discrimination, which can increase the risk of HIV/AIDS
Promoting and protecting the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS
To care for public property, it is important to:
Use public property responsibly and respectfully
Report any damage or maintenance issues to the appropriate authorities
Follow rules and regulations regarding the use of public property, such as keeping parks clean and not littering
Respect the rights of others to use public property, such as not monopolizing public spaces or blocking access to public facilities
Encourage others to care for public property and take responsibility for its upkeep

According to the article, why did Atlanta benefit more than other cities that have hosted the Olympics?
Atlanta hosted the Olympics without having to spend much money.
Atlanta gained new structures but did not spend taxpayer money to build them.
Atlanta had to make very few changes to its infrastructure to host the Olympics.
Atlanta gained more worldwide recognition from hosting the Olympics than other cities.

Answer is
B) Atlanta gained new structures but did not spend taxpayer money to build them


Atlanta acquired new buildings without using taxpayer funds to pay for their construction.

How did Atlanta benefit from the 1996 Olympics?

With 18 Fortune 500 companies, Atlanta became the Southeast's business hub as a result of the Games. After the Games, Atlanta saw new expansion as more businesses and bright individuals relocated there. Atlanta attracted attention from around the world by holding the Olympic Games successfully.

Atlanta benefited from the Olympics, right?

In fact, Centennial Olympic Park, which replaced a destitute region and was financed with $75 million in private donations, has emerged as Atlanta's crown jewel. Also, the games generated a $10 million profit.

To know more about construction visit:-


the early research on lmx theory was called group of answer choices group classification theory vertical dyad linkage theory didactic linkage theory horizontal dyad linkage theory


The early research on lmx theory was called vertical dyad linkage theory. The Vertical Dyad Linkage theory is an early theory of leadership that concentrates on the interconnection between leaders and followers.

Vertical dyad linkage theory

The Vertical Dyad Linkage theory suggests that there are two groups of followers: in-group and out-group. In this theory, a leader establishes two types of relationships with their followers:

(i) In-group relationships are those that are strong, more dependable, and consistent. They typically have the same view and ideas as the leader.

(ii) Out-group relationships are those that are weak and untrustworthy. They do not support the leader in the same way as the in-group. The most promising concept of LMX Theory is the notion that leadership is not just the function of the leader, but it also depends on the nature of the interaction between the leader and each of the followers.

Learn more about Vertical Dyad Linkage here:


janelle wants to learn about the psychological impact of war on combat veterans, so she conducts an in-depth interview with her grandfather who served in the vietnam war. what type of research approach is janelle using?


Janelle wants to learn about the psychological impact of war on the combat veterans, so she conducts an in-depth interview with her grandfather who served in the Vietnam war. Qualitative research approach is used by Janelle.

What is Qualitative research?

Janelle is using a qualitative research approach. Qualitative research refers to research in which the researcher collects data through interviews, observations, focus groups, or other non-numerical methods. Qualitative research is typically used when the researcher is interested in exploring complex social phenomena, and when the researcher wants to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences and perspectives of the participants in the study.

In this case, Janelle is conducting an in-depth interview with her grandfather who served in the Vietnam War. She is interested in learning about the psychological impact of war on combat veterans, which is a complex social phenomenon that cannot be easily quantified. By conducting an in-depth interview with her grandfather, Janelle will be able to gain a detailed understanding of his experiences and perspectives as a combat veteran, which will help her to explore the psychological impact of war on combat veterans in more depth. Therefore, the research approach that Janelle is using is qualitative research.

Learn more about Qualitative research here:


student a sprayed perfume in a cold room and it took 30 seconds for it to disperse throughout the room. student b sprayed perfume in a heated room and it took 10 seconds for it to disperse throughout the room. based on the kmt, compare these two rooms with respect to temperature, kinetic energy, particle motion and velocity.


Based on the Kinetic-Molecular Theory (KMT), in the cold room the particles of the perfume will have less kinetic energy and move slower than particles in the heated room. The lower temperature means that the molecules of the perfume will move at a lower velocity. Additionally, the molecules in the cold room will experience less particle motion than those in the heated room.

Student A and Student B sprayed perfume in two different rooms, one cold and the other heated. The cold room took 30 seconds for the perfume to disperse, while the heated room took 10 seconds. As per the Kinetic-Molecular Theory, the following are the differences between these two rooms with respect to temperature, kinetic energy, particle motion, and velocity.

Temperature: The room in which the perfume dispersed more quicker had a higher temperature than the other room. The perfume molecules in the heated room had more kinetic energy, and they collided with each other more frequently.

Kinetic energy: The amount of kinetic energy in a gas is proportional to its temperature. As a result, the heated room had more kinetic energy than the cold room.

Particle motion: The perfume molecules in the heated room moved faster than those in the cold room. This was because the perfume molecules in the heated room had higher kinetic energy, and they collided with each other more frequently.

Velocity: The velocity of the perfume molecules in the heated room was higher than that of the perfume molecules in the cold room. This was due to the increased kinetic energy of the perfume molecules in the heated room.

For more information on Kinetic Molecular Theory, visit


What is the process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired called?


The process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired is called recruitment and selection.

This process typically involves identifying job openings, advertising those positions to potential candidates, reviewing resumes and applications, conducting interviews and assessments, and ultimately selecting the most qualified candidate for the position. Recruitment and selection is a critical process for organizations, as it directly impacts the quality and effectiveness of their workforce.

What is resume?

A resume is a document that provides a summary of an individual's education, work experience, skills, and achievements. Resumes are typically used as part of the job application process, and they are intended to provide potential employers with a quick and concise overview of the applicant's qualifications and suitability for the position.

What is job?

A job is a specific task or set of tasks that an individual performs in exchange for compensation, such as a salary or wages. Jobs can vary widely in terms of the skills required, the level of responsibility involved, and the industry or sector in which they are located.

To know more about resume, visit:


Jennifer is a single mom of two who is working and taking college classes at night. The demands of work and her work projects are stressing Jennifer out, which results in a. job satisfaction. b. workplace role ambiguity. c. work-family conflict. d. downsizing.


Jennifer, a single mother of two, is stressed out by the demands of work and her work projects. As a result, she experiences work-family conflict. Thus, option (c) is the correct answer.

What is work-family conflict?

Work-family conflict, also known as work-family interference, is a situation where the demands of one's work life are incompatible with those of one's family life. It can result in a variety of negative consequences, including stress, depression, job dissatisfaction, and decreased productivity, among others.

It is common in situations where individuals are trying to balance work and family responsibilities, such as Jennifer's. Working a full-time job while attending college classes at night, especially as a single mother of two, can be challenging and stressful. As a result, it is not surprising that she is experiencing work-family conflict.

In conclusion, option c. work-family conflict is the correct answer.

See more about work-family conflict at


name the threee principals ways in which a load may be applied to a specimen enter words in alphabetic order


There are three principal ways in which a load may be applied to a specimen in materials testing:

Axial loading:

Axial loading involves applying a force parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen. This type of loading is commonly used in tensile and compressive testing, where the goal is to measure the response of the specimen to tension or compression along a single axis.

Bending loading:

Bending loading involves applying a force perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, causing it to bend. This type of loading is commonly used in flexural testing, where the goal is to measure the bending strength and stiffness of a material.

Torsional loading:

Torsional loading involves applying a twisting force to the specimen around its longitudinal axis. This type of loading is commonly used in torsion testing, where the goal is to measure the shear strength and stiffness of a material.

Each of these loading methods has its own specific testing apparatus and procedures, and the choice of which method to use depends on the properties of the material being tested and the goals of the testing.

To know more about Specimen Testing , visit :


an individual involved in political groups because he or she enjoys meeting interesting like-minded people is involved in politics because of


An individual involved in political groups because he or she enjoys meeting interesting like-minded people is involved in politics because of socialization and companionship.

What is politics?

Politics is the use of power by people or groups to achieve their objectives. It entails making decisions that apply to group members, making strategic plans that set the course for the group's future, setting objectives, defining and regulating society's relationships with other groups, and making trade-offs between competing values or goals.

Among the numerous reasons that motivate individuals to become involved in politics, socialization and companionship are included. Politics serves as a means of connection for individuals interested in public affairs.

They meet with like-minded people who share their opinions and passions by engaging in political activities. It also provides people with a sense of belonging and purpose as they work together to achieve a common objective.

Therefore, it's socialization and companionship that encourages individuals to become involved in politics.

To know more about socialization, refer here:


You are analyzing Barroz Corporation and Newton Corporation and have concluded that Barroz has a higher operating leverage factor than Newton. Which one of the following choices correctly depicts (1) the relative use of fixed costs (as opposed to variable costs) for the two companies and (2) the percentage change in income caused by a change in sales? Relative Use of Fixed Percentage Change in Costs as opposed to | Income Caused by a
Variable Costs Change in Sales A. Greater for Barroz Greater for Barroz B. Greater for Barroz Lower for Barroz C. Greater for Barroz Equal for Both D. Lower for Barroz Greater for Barroz E. Lower for Barroz Lower for Barroz


From the above statement the correct choice is D. Lower for Barroz Greater for Barroz.

Variable costs are costs that vary in proportion to business activities. Variable cost is the sum of the marginal costs of all units produced. This is also the normal price. 

The correct choice is D. Lower for Barroz Greater for Barroz. This is because the operating leverage factor for Barroz Corporation is higher than that of Newton Corporation, which means that Barroz has a lower relative use of fixed costs (as opposed to variable costs) and a greater percentage change in income caused by a change in sales.

Learn more about Variable costs:


Jennifer is fourteen years old and practices her favorite sport,...
Jennifer is fourteen years old and practices her favorite sport, archery, every day at a local archery range. Although children are generally not allowed to use a bow and arrows unaccompanied by an adult according to the posted rules of the range, Jennifer has a special relationship with the owners of the course, who consider her to be of unusual maturity and talent. She is generally allowed to use the archery range without an adult supervising her as long as she makes a personal appearance for the range on certain "Hunger Games" promotional nights. One day, while shooting her arrows, Jennifer was distracted by a very noisy crow in the middle of drawing her bow, became annoyed, lost her concentration, and let her arrow fly off course, leaving the range property, striking a power transformer for the neighboring subdivision, causing it to cease operations. The neighborhood Home Owners Association that installed the transformer had failed to attach the required protective arrow-proof padding screen on the transformer that had been required when it received the permit for installing the transformer next to an archery range.
Lawrence lives in the affected neighboring subdivision. He relies on a constant supply of electricity in order to stay alive. When the transformer was shut down, Lawrence's equipment stopped supplying the needed electricity, and he suffered serious physical damage to a number of vital organs.
What possible tort causes of action does Lawrence have against Jennifer?
Question 1 options:
A) Strict Liability
B) None, as Jennifer is a minor
C) Assault D) Negligence


Lawrence may have a tort cause of action against Jennifer for: Negligence.

Negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another. In this case, Jennifer was distracted and lost her concentration when shooting her bow and arrow, resulting in the arrow flying off the range and striking a power transformer, which caused the equipment Lawrence relied on to cease operations.

Since the Home Owners Association had failed to attach the protective arrow-proof padding screen to the transformer, as had been required in the permit, Jennifer could be held liable for Lawrence's resulting damages. However, it is important to note that as Jennifer is a minor, she may not be held liable in the same manner as an adult.

To know more Negligence, refer here:


Working during junior high or the early high school years increases the chances that poor minority youth will drop out of school and engage in problem behavior. (true or false)


The statement, "Working during junior high or the early high school years increases the chances that poor minority youth will drop out of school and engage in problem behavior," is true.

In this article, I will discuss the reasons why this is the case and what can be done to address the issue. One of the main reasons that working during junior high or early high school increases the chances of dropping out of school is that it can interfere with school attendance and academic performance. When students have to work, they may have less time and energy to devote to their studies, leading to lower grades and reduced motivation.

Furthermore, working students may find it difficult to keep up with school assignments and deadlines, which can increase stress and anxiety. Another factor that contributes to the link between working and dropping out of school is that students who work during these years may be exposed to negative peer influences and risky behaviors. For example, working students may be more likely to associate with peers who engage in problem behaviors such as smoking, drinking, or drug use. Additionally, working students may feel pressure to engage in these behaviors in order to fit in with their peers or cope with stress.

However, it is important to note that not all students who work during junior high or early high school are at risk of dropping out of school or engaging in problem behavior. Students who work part-time jobs while still maintaining good grades and positive relationships with their families and peers can actually benefit from the experience, as it can teach them important life skills such as time management, responsibility, and financial literacy.

To address the issue of students dropping out of school or engaging in problem behavior as a result of working during junior high or early high school, it is important for schools, families, and communities to work together to support these students. Schools can provide resources such as tutoring, academic counseling, and career exploration programs to help working students balance their schoolwork and job responsibilities. Families can provide emotional support and guidance to their children, as well as help them set realistic goals and priorities. Communities can offer job training and mentorship programs to help students gain skills and experience that will benefit them in the future.

Overall, it is important to recognize the challenges that working students face and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed both in school and in life.

For such more questions on minority


mariah and jennifer are both famous and wealthy. mariah likes furs. therefore, jennifer probably likes furs, too. what type of fallacy is this?multiple choice question.


Mariah and Jennifer are both famous and wealthy. Mariah likes furs. Therefore, Jennifer probably likes furs, too.The type of fallacy is False Analogy

What is a False Analogy?

False Analogy is a fallacy in which an analogy is used to explain or support a point that it does not properly explain or support. A fallacy is an error in reasoning that detracts from the argument's integrity or validity. False analogies are not the same as metaphors or similes, which are forms of language that provide a comparison between two items.

An analogy is an assertion that since two things are alike in one or more respects, they must be alike in some other way as well. It is frequently utilized in discussions, but it is not always a solid foundation for argumentation. False Analogy occurs when two things are compared, but they are not truly comparable in the way that is claimed, thus the inference is flawed.

In conclusion, Mariah and Jennifer being famous and wealthy, and Mariah liking furs does not necessarily imply that Jennifer enjoys furs as well. Hence, the statement "Mariah likes furs. Therefore, Jennifer probably likes furs too" is a false analogy.

Complete question:

Mariah and Jennifer are both famous and wealthy. Mariah likes furs. Therefore, Jennifer probably likes furs, too. What type of fallacy is this?

Multiple choice questions.

False causeFalse dichotomyFalse analogy

The correct answer is option 3.

Learn more about False Analogy at


Which of the following is least likely to be considered by the auditors considering engagement of an information technology specialist on an audit? Multiple Choice a. Complexity of the client's systems and IT controls. b. Number of financial institutions at which the client has accounts. c. Client's use of emerging technologies. d.Extent of the client's participation in electronic commerce.


The option that is least likely to be considered by the auditors considering the engagement of an information technology specialist on an audit is the b) number of financial institutions at which the client has accounts.

An information technology specialist is a professional who specializes in information technology auditing, which is a specialist practice that involves the use of technical equipment and software to analyze, measure, and control the effectiveness and efficiency of data systems.

The auditors considering engagement of an information technology specialist on an audit should consider the following factors:

a. Complexity of the client's systems and IT controls.

b. Client's use of emerging technologies.

c. Extent of the client's participation in electronic commerce.

d. Number of financial institutions at which the client has accounts.

So, from the above options, the option that is least likely to be considered by the auditors considering engagement of an information technology specialist on an audit is option b, which is the number of financial institutions at which the client has accounts. Therefore, the correct answer is option b.

Learn more about Technology specialist:


mia's high school classmates are all planning on taking a day off from school next week to go to the beach. mia wants to skip school and go to the beach too. then she remembers that her parents constantly tell her to make good decisions and act responsibly. mia decides that it would be wrong to just skip school, but she compromises by asking her parents if she can take the day off school to be with her friends. according to freud, the part of mia's personality that acted as her conscience to make her realize that skipping school is wrong is the


According to Freud, the part of Mia's personality that acted as her conscience to make her realize that skipping school is wrong is the superego.

Personality is defined as a set of character, emotional, and behavioral patterns that develop during childhood and shape throughout one's life. It's what makes you who you are and how you interact with others. This makes personality important because it influences our perspectives, emotions, and behavior towards ourselves and others.

The superego is the third component of personality in Freud's psychodynamic theory. It is responsible for controlling our internalized moral standards and ideals. It is the component of personality that serves as our conscience and influences us to follow societal norms and moral principles.

When Mia thought about skipping school to be with her friends, her superego acted as her conscience, making her realize that it would be wrong to do so. She then decided to ask her parents if she could take the day off school, making her actions more responsible and acceptable.

Learn more about personality theories:


[gender and gender roles part 2] based on the slide about the importance of terminology, what statement is the most accurate and demonstrates use of the most inclusive terminology?


Based on the slide about the importance of terminology, the most accurate statement that demonstrates the use of the most inclusive terminology is “gender is not binary and exists on a spectrum.”It is important to use inclusive terminology to ensure that all people feel represented and respected.

What is Gender?

Gender is an ever-evolving concept that encompasses many forms of identity, expression, and behavior, and each person has the right to define and express their gender in a way that is meaningful to them. In terms of gender and gender roles, it is important to understand that gender is not binary and exists on a spectrum.

This means that there are not just two genders (male and female), but rather many different gender identities that individuals may identify with. Using language that acknowledges and respects this spectrum of gender identities is crucial in creating a more inclusive society.

learn more about Gender here:


explicit behavior definitions are important in research of applied behavior analysis for all of the following except


Explicit behavior definitions are important in research of applied behavior analysis for all of the following except careless examination of research methodology.

Behavior analysis is an area of research that focuses on the study of behavior, behavior change, and behavior measurement.

Explicit behavior definitions, on the other hand, are important because they enable precise and accurate measurement of behavior. Furthermore, they make it easier to replicate studies and validate findings.

Therefore, it is imperative that behavior analysts clearly define behavior in their studies. In summary, explicit behavior definitions are important in research of applied behavior analysis for all of the following except careless examination of research methodology.

Learn more about behavior analysis at:


why has crooks been able to accumulate more personal items than the other ranch hands?


In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Crooks, the African American stable buck, has been able to accumulate more personal items than the other ranch hands because he is not allowed to stay in the bunkhouse with the other workers due to his race.

Instead, he is forced to live alone in a separate room in the stable, where he has been able to accumulate his personal belongings over time. Since he is not allowed to spend time with the other workers in the bunkhouse, he spends most of his free time in his room, reading books and tending to his personal belongings. Additionally, Crooks has been with the ranch for a long time, and he has likely accumulated his personal belongings over the years. The other workers, on the other hand, move from job to job, so they do not have as much opportunity to accumulate personal belongings.

To learn more about accumulate refer to:


Decide whether each of the following descriptions is something that the democratic peace and commercial peace theories have in common or where the two theories differ.something democratic and commercial peace theories have in common:A. ocuses on characteristics of states that may make them more or less likely to go to warB. favored by liberal theorists something democratic and commerical peace theories differ on:C. focuses on the government structure of a stateD. focuses on economic interactions between states


Democratic peace and commercial peace are two theories in international relations that have some things in common, such both of them are focused on characteristics of states that may make them more or less likely to go to war, and differ on the focus of the state.

What are the similarities between democratic peace and commercial peace theories?

Democratic peace theory and commercial peace theory share commonalities in that they both concentrate on the characteristics of states that may make them more or less likely to go to war. The theory that states with similar political systems and a strong economic interdependence between them are less likely to engage in war is the democratic peace theory. Similarly, the commercial peace theory proposes that states with more robust economic interactions between them are less likely to engage in war, while economic interdependence promotes peace.

What are the differences between democratic peace and commercial peace theories?

Democratic peace theory and commercial peace theory differ in their focuses. The democratic peace theory is centered on the government structure of a state, and it is based on the belief that democratic countries are less likely to engage in war. It is grounded on the idea that when countries have a say in their governance, there is less likelihood that leaders will engage them in the perils of war.

Commercial peace theory, on the other hand, is centered on the economic interactions between states. This theory argues that trade promotes peace between states because of the economic interdependence between them. It is believed that war can be costly to economies, which could discourage trade and investment, and a strong economic interdependence between countries could result in their interdependence.

More about International Relations


Signs that a learner is suffering from low self esteem due to discrimination


Signs that a student is experiencing low self-esteem as a result of prejudice feeling down. social scenarios to avoid. a sense of inadequateness. adversely contrasting oneself with others.

raise the probability of depression and induce anxiety, stress, and loneliness. generate issues in romantic and interpersonal relationships. severely hinder work and academic performance. increase a person's susceptibility to drug and alcohol misuse.

unhappy childhood marked by harsh criticism from parents or other important figures like teachers. Lack of confidence brought on by poor academic performance in school. ongoing stressful life situation, such as a failed relationship or money problems.

Read more about signs discrimination at


The main three goals of philosophy include all of the following EXCEPTA. to understand the individual ethics of those who participate in physical activityB. to better understand the world and our lives in itC. to understand the nature and value of physical activity, particularly in the form of exercise, sport, games, play, and danceD. to understand what a person is and the role that physicality and movement play in how we come to know ourselves and our world



A. To understand the individual ethics of those who participate in physical activity


The three main goals of philosophy are:

A. To better understand the world and our lives in it

B. To understand the nature and value of physical activity, particularly in the form of exercise, sport, games, play, and dance

C. To understand what a person is and the role that physicality and movement play in how we come to know ourselves and our world

The option that is NOT one of the main goals of philosophy is:

A. To understand the individual ethics of those who participate in physical activity

What are the dimensions of organizational climate?


The dimensions of organizational climate are autonomy, support, structure, responsibility, recognition, conflict, identity, communication, innovation, and equity.

Organizational climate refers to the overall atmosphere or environment within an organization, which is influenced by a variety of factors such as leadership style, communication patterns, reward systems, and organizational structure.

There are several dimensions that are commonly used to describe organizational climate, including:

Autonomy: the extent to which employees are given freedom to make decisions and take initiative.Support: the degree to which employees receive emotional, instrumental, and informational support from supervisors and colleagues.Structure: the degree to which policies, rules, and procedures are in place to guide behavior and decision-making.Responsibility: the level of accountability and ownership that employees have for their work and the organization's goals.Recognition: the extent to which employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.Conflict: the level of interpersonal tension or disagreement that exists within the organization.Identity: the extent to which employees identify with the organization's mission, values, and culture.Communication: the quality and frequency of communication within the organization.Innovation: the degree to which the organization encourages and supports creative thinking and experimentation.Equity: the perceived fairness of the distribution of rewards and opportunities within the organization.

Learn more about organizational climate here:


______ is a process whereby secondary deviance pushes offenders out of the mainstream of society and offenders begin their escalating cycle of deviance.


Deviance amplification is a process whereby secondary deviance pushes offenders out of the mainstream of society and offenders begin their escalating cycle of deviance. This process is a feedback loop that leads to more serious forms of deviance and further marginalization from the mainstream of society.

What is Deviance amplification?

The terms "deviancy amplification spiral" and "deviancy amplification" are employed by interactionist sociologists to describe how society responses to acts of deviance themselves can raise the levels of deviance or crime.

This might refer to anything from less serious offences such as vandalism to more serious ones like theft. Deviance is frequently amplified by adolescent deviant behaviour.

Sometimes, local media would report on something like a "new teenage drinking game," giving the impression that it is a widespread practice rather than the behaviour of a certain group.

Learn more about Deviance amplification here:


the corinthian messenger believes he is bringing good news to oedipus. explain why he thinks it is good news but why it turns out to be terrible news.


The Corinthian messenger believes he is bringing good news to Oedipus in Sophocles' play Oedipus Rex. He believes that the message he has for Oedipus is good news because it concerns the death of Oedipus' father, Polybus.

It turns out to be bad news for Oedipus because it reveals that he is not only the murderer of his father but also the husband of his mother. The messenger is initially overjoyed to bring Oedipus the news of Polybus' death because he believes it will relieve Oedipus of his fear of killing his father. The messenger believes that Oedipus will be relieved to learn that he cannot have killed his father because Polybus has died of natural causes. In his message, the messenger tells Oedipus that he was adopted as a child by Polybus and his wife, Merope, but that he is not their biological child. The messenger believes that this news will bring relief to Oedipus, but it only serves to deepen his agony. The messenger tells Oedipus that he was not born in Corinth, but instead he was found abandoned as an infant and taken in by Polybus and Merope. This means that Oedipus is not only not the biological son of Polybus and Merope, but he is also not even from Corinth. The messenger's good news turns out to be terrible news for Oedipus because it leads to the revelation of the truth about his past. Oedipus realizes that he is the murderer of his father, King Laius, and that he has married his mother, Queen Jocasta. This realization leads to his self-imposed exile and his blinding. Oedipus' story serves as a warning about the dangers of hubris and the consequences of ignoring fate.

Read more about  "Oedipus Rex" here:


At common law, it was felt that there was no way to ensure the trial presence of one who was charged with capital offense, so ______________ was denied to that type of offender.


At common law, it was felt that there was no way to ensure the trial presence of one who was charged with capital offense, so bail was denied to that type of offender.

The law was applied in the medieval period in England that was thought to be crude in its nature. Under common law, bail was a common practice for ensuring the attendance of a defendant who was accused of a minor crime. However, for those who were charged with capital offenses, bail was often denied.

It was because the defendant, once convicted, could face the death penalty, and there was a high likelihood that the person would flee to escape the punishment. Therefore, to ensure that the offender would be present at the time of the trial, bail was not granted to that type of offender.

In modern times, the legal system has changed, and now it is common to grant bail even in capital offenses, with some restrictions to ensure the attendance of the defendant. This allows the defendant to continue with their daily routine until the trial begins. However, these are applied in rare cases and after careful consideration.

Learn more about capital offenses here:


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