In the first inaugural address president ronald Reagan argues that action is greatly needed during a difficult time. What statement is irrelevant to that claim


Answer 1
Answer:“I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.” Explanation:i took the test

Related Questions

underline the verb and write which tense it is in the space provided.
a. she will not be going to the hospital today.
b. sharmila has eaten all the apples.
c. Tarun is not as tall as his sister.​


Answer:The answer is option a.It is in future continuous.

Explanation:Option a. is correct because going is a verb.

Which word in this sentence is a linking verb?
Ryan feels sad that he lost his watch, and he hopes that I will help him find it.
A. feels
B. lost
C. hopes
D. will help



feels is the linking verb


Write a sad poem an elegy about losing a friends



Ok i have lost many freinds :D


Oh please forgive me

My heart is broke

You can fix it

Just dont poke

ESSAY: SHORT STORY REWRITE Imagine yourself in any one of the three stories you have just read. You may take the place of one of the existing characters, or you can simply insert yourself into the story. What would have been different if you were the character or if you were there? OBJECTIVES Write a 250-word story. Instructions: Choose any one of the stories, following the major events that take place in them, but change the actions and characters in the story. For example, what would you have differently if you were in Della's position? Or how would you have defeated General Zaroff? Write a story of at least 250 words.


We can rewrite "The Gift of the Magi" from Della's perspective and change her actions so that she and her husband will not choose the wrong gifts for each other.

What can we do in Della's position?

This question requires you to write a story as if you were one of the characters. Let's work with the short story "The Gift of the Magi," where Della and her husband Jim end up buying Christmas gifts that the other cannot wear.

You can rewrite the story as if you were Della. Rather than going out and selling her hair, she could go and see Jim where he works. They could talk and decide that, taking their financial situation into consideration, it is better not to spend any money on gifts at all.

By doing so, their suffering and final decision would be prevented, and the couple would still be happy, since they love each other so much.

Learn more about "The Gift of the Magi" here:


Read the excerpt from Act II of Hamlet.

Ophelia: Alas! my lord, I have been so affrighted.

Polonius: With what, in the name of God?

Ophelia: My lord, as I was sewing in my closet,
Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbrac'd;
No hat upon his head; his stockings foul'd,
Ungarter'd, and down-gyved to his ancle;
Pale as his shirt; his knees knocking each other;
And with a look so piteous in purport
As if he had been loosed out of hell
To speak of horrors, he comes before me.

What is the most likely reason Shakespeare included this passage?

He explains Hamlet’s behavior through Ophelia’s dialogue, thereby tying up loose ends in the plot.
He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.
He characterizes the relationship between Ophelia and Polonius, thereby adding to the exposition in the plot.
He describes the background between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby escalating the tension to its highest point in the plot.



He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.


Suspense is created, rising action, climax, and then the resolution.

The most likely reason Shakespeare included this passage is:

B. He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.

Based on the given text, we can see that there is the narration about the relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet and this makes the readers aware of the true situation of things.


This refers to the disagreement between characters in a play or between a character and himself (internal conflict)

As a result of this, we can see that the main reason why Shakespeare included the passage was to introduce the conflict between Ophelia anfd Hamlet and also add to the suspense.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B

Read more about suspense here:

When a conflict arises, why is it important to seek the other person’s views?

A. So you know how to win the conflict
B. So that you can use their own words against them
C. So you can fully understand their point of view
D. In order to come up with arguments to what they say


C. Because you want to understand the other persons point of view


C. So you can fully understand their point of view


When a conflict arises, its important to fully understand someone's views in order to understand why they respond the way they do. Think of it in this example: imagine a dog that has been abused for most of its life. When someone goes to pet that dog, the dog may be quick to bite or growl at the person. This isn't because it's necessarily a bad dog, but rather because the dog assumed it was going to be harmed because that's what it has experienced in life. People are the same way. To fully understand someone's choices, we have to understand what has happened to that person, or their views, in order for them to make the choices that they do.

Identify the proper synonym for the expression in italics.
Outside of algebra, I like all my classes.
In addition to
Except for


Except for, as ‘outside of’ means you are excluding algebra.

Years of living on the East Side teaches you how to _____. If you didn't, you would explode. You learn to cool it.



Years of living on the East Side teaches you how to shut off your emotions. If you didn't, you would explode. You learn to cool it

Answer: how to shut off your emotions

Explanation: i took the OLS test and read the book

What are some obstacles college students face in finishing their classes and what are some effective strategies to overcome the obstacles?



procrastinación, falling behind

How did the Whether Man explain The Land of Expectations?

Question 1 options:


A place where all your dreams come true.


A place where an insane little man lives.


A place you must always go to before you get to where you are going.


A place to get a coat and umbrella.


Answer: your answer is C.

I hope this helps!! :)


Answer: The answer is C) The Whether Man explain The Land of Expectations is a place you must always go to before you get to where you are going. I hope my answer is very helpful to your own English question and have a great day. :)


Jason Ta,

The ambitious of Brainly and the role of the TDSB and WHCI Student of the high school.


please connect researched-based teaching from project-based learning.

Thank you for the help.​



The required speech is as follows :


"Whoever controls media, controls mind". A very hearty Good Morning to one and all present here ! Respected Principal Sir, worthy teachers and all my dear fellow mates. Today I Aurora, of class XYZ is standing before you in this frizzy winter to deliver a short speech on the topic 'How media influences public opinion'.

Dear friends, first of all I would like to ask you all a question, 'What do you think is our media for ?' Most of us will reply that they are for our entertainment, fun and even unfortunately some will reply 'for movies and Bollywood'. Now if we look back at our history during 18th century we see that even first newspapers were started for spreading information in mass. Earlier literacy rate of India was very low.

A single person used to first read the newspaper and then shared the information to the gathered people around. But that time was different. Now nearly every person has a mobile phone, TV, PC and what not. Has this increased public participation in Democracy ? Yes indeed it has done that. On one single click we get information of our surrounding at a faster pace. As a fourth pillar of Democracy it makes our mindful of different social, political and financial exercises around us.

If we take current situation, most of the election popularisation works in different states is being managed by mass media only due to its advancements. Media makes participation of people in political activities even at grass - root levels. This efficiency enhances the Federalism of India. Media has many roles in shaping public opinion in our society. Let's discuss them one by one. In economic terms, media shows the expenditure, budgets and taxes to the citizens of a nation.

It makes people aware of the different types of money related issues that they have to face. Even it checks that no people are harassed by fake news on balances. Its makes people rise over their concern directly to the government so that actions can be taken for them. In social terms, media promotes the functioning of the government. It helps people to convey their social problems to the government. Even many NGOs and Human Rights Organizations take help of medias to make people aware of their rights.

Commonly Media acts as an inference or better to say 'compass' which gives direction to the views of people. It organises the vast multitudes of opinions into a single issue which can be beneficial to all the groups of society. It works 24 × 7 and makes people get in touch with latest developments. As 'Opposition' in Politics, media acts as a hub where the opposition party by taking views of public claims the wrong decisions of Ruling Party.

Also, during elections media shows mirror about different parties to people so that we can make right decision in voting. All these were some positive aspects of media's influence on public opinions. Now let's discuss about some negative aspects also. Nowadays its a common seen trend that media enlarges a short issue just to gain popularity. This results in riots, violence, protests, etc. because the issue which could have been solved by a single subtle discussion, now has been made a larger issue.

Let me present an example. I have a friend, Cupicake. She remains quite much familiar with medias. Some days ago, she received a post which asked her to share the image attached with it to her other friends. That image was of a case where Police was beating a few groups of people. She has shared that. This led a immediate violence in that region and finally it was known that Police was beating a few robbers. Now who to put blame of that riot ? Of course we are the one who done it.

At last I would like to conclude my speech by just saying that, it is the duty of media to transfer right and reliable information to people and its duty of people to share and trust upon right information from a good source. In this way the world and the nation would be leaded to right path.

Thank you one and all.


★ More to know :-

Format of Speech :

*Note - Here I used name as Aurora. You can use any according to your choice and class also according to the situation.


does horses Paddock or do they run?​



Often referred to as the parade ring, the horse paddock is where the runners in the forthcoming race are paraded for racegoers to get a proper look at them. The parade also gets the horses moving and relaxed.


Please follow me and give brainlist




have a good day!

Using five or more sentences to write in detail, write a short narrative including EACH of the
following words: Helicopter * Disease * kitten * cactus * desert.



The answer is below


Having "Disease" is common to both humans and animals. Such was the disease affecting one of the human favorite animals known as "Kitten."

According to scientific research, the remedy to such disease has been found in the "Cactus" plant. Many of these cactus plants are found in the "Desert."

A few months ago, a group of scientists has been sent by the government using "Helicopter" to harvest some of these cactus plants.

The passage emphasizes a parallel between the narrator's unexpected experience of finding himself outside the building and his



C : sense of temporarily existing outside everyday time and space


It makes the most sense




Similar to the answer above, It makes the most sense and relates to the story.

Read the excerpt from “The Monkey's Paw.”
Mr. White took the paw from his pocket and eyed it dubiously. "I don't know what to wish for, and that's a fact," he said, slowly. "It seems to me I've got all I want."
"If you only cleared the house, you'd be quite happy, wouldn't you?" said Herbert, with his hand on his shoulder. "Well, wish for two hundred pounds, then; that'll just do it."
His father, smiling shamefacedly at his own credulity, held up the talisman, as his son, with a solemn face, somewhat marred by a wink at his mother, sat down at the piano and struck a few impressive chords.
"I wish for two hundred pounds," said the old man distinctly.
A fine crash from the piano greeted the words, interrupted by a shuddering cry from the old man. His wife and son ran toward him.

Which phrase indicates a change in mood within the excerpt?

“struck a few impressive chords”
“smiling shamefacedly at his own credulity”
“a fine crash from the piano”
“interrupted by a shuddering cry”



interrupted by a shuddering cry


hope this helps




Can you answer this question for me please
1.what can you see in the picture?
2. What do you think the artist is trying to tell us in the painting?
3. Describe the artist character in three words


1. You see a man alone with a pure blue background, he has no facial expressions
2. He could be trying to tell you that he feels alone or lost because of the lack of facial expression and background
3. I would describe his character as somber, quiet, and aloof

in gullivers travels, Which country represents what Swift thinks England should be?





In "Gulliver's Travels" we can see that Liliput represents England and the way the writer sees it as England and the English position themselves. Guliver see Lilliputians as full of pride and considering themselves very important, but insignificant compared to the rest of the world. He presents Lilliputians as the smallest race in the world, but big in vanity and full of arrogance.

What is a theme in the poem "In Spite of War"?

A.Life is best when it is not complicated.

B.Natural beauty can be found everywhere.

C.One should focus on beauty rather than misery.

D.One should dwell on life's sorrows.


One should focus on beauty rather than misery (C)

Answer: C


Based on its use in the sentence, what is the meaning of the word desolate?

After the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Ukrainian city of Pripyat became a desolate wasteland.










Desolate means deserted.

Deserted, Replace desolate with every available answer, only Deserted makes sense.

Please help me!!! It is from Wonder

Share your thoughts about this precept: "Be the person that can smile on the worst day"​



My perceptionn or thoughts on "Be the person that can smile on the worst day" is that be a person who can smile in any stuation even though that day isin't the best .  (This is my opinion on  what it means and I hope I could help :D )

even though Explanation:



I think this means be happy in the darkest moments because  Auggie is always happy even thought people make fun of hum for the way he eats and how he looks he doesn't take this to heart because he really doesn't care what they say

Do you blame Monica for breaking her "promise" to Isaac? Why or why not?



yes beacose promeses shouldever be broke



I don't blame Monica  because she may have had a emergency situation that couldn't wait. For example: Her mother could have gotten sick or hurt. That's more important than whatever plans or promise she had with Isaac. Family comes first.

Hope this Helps!!!!:D


In which sentence is the adverb clause punctuated correctly? A. We'll go to the gas station when we finish washing the car. B. We'll go to the gas station, when we finish washing the car. C. When we finish washing the car we'll go to the gas station.​



I would choose A


A girl named Mary Richards, who was thought remarkably pretty at the workhouse, and was not quite 10 years of age, worked at a drawing frame. Below the machine, and about a foot from the floor, was a horizontal shaft, by which the frames above were turned. It happened one evening, when her apron was caught by the shaft. In an instant the poor girl was drawn by an irresistible force and dashed on the floor. She uttered the most heart-rending shrieks! The floor manager ran towards her, an agonized and helpless beholder of a scene of horror. He saw her whirled round and round with the shaft - he heard the bones of her arms, legs, thighs, etc. successively snap asunder, crushed, seemingly, to atoms, as the machinery whirled her round, and drew tighter and tighter her body within the works, her blood was scattered over the frame and streamed upon the floor, her head appeared dashed to pieces - at last, her mangled body was jammed in so fast, between the shafts and the floor, that the water being low and the wheels off the gear, it stopped the main shaft. When she was extricated, every bone was found broken - her head dreadfully crushed. The poor girl was carried off quite lifeless. Directions: After reading the story, type your answer or use the highlight tool to mark the correct answer. Which adjective best describes the factory in which the girl works


This question is missing the options. I've found the complete question online. Since the text is exactly the same, I will omit it.

After reading the story, type your answer or use the highlight tool to mark the correct answer.

Which adjective best describes the factory in which the girl works:

a. safe

b. hazardous

c. bright

d. fun


The adjective that best describes the factory is:

b. hazardous.


According to the text, this factory employed children, which is nowadays considered an absurdity in itself. But besides that, it is an extremely dangerous place. The child whose brief story is told, Mary Richards, had her apron stuck in a terribly unsafe machine - a machine that can kill her by crushing her bones. And that is precisely what happens. There is nothing safe about a factory in which it is so easy to die. Certainly, safety measures were not a concern when poor Mary suffered this accident.

Having all that in mind, we can easily choose letter B. hazardous to describe the factory. "Hazardous" is a synonym for "dangerous" or "unsafe".

5 examples of too broad



rasin bread and white bread


Toward the end of the final paragraph, the author begins a sentence with “Yet it must not be supposed” in order to

A. issue a disclaimer about the validity of his observations

B. highlight an assumption that he initially made about emigrants

C. signal a shift in his perspective on his fellow emigrants

D. sharpen a contrast between two types of emigrants he observed

E. warn his audience against the folly of judging others





Just took it

Toward the end of the final paragraph is that the author begins a sentence with “Yet it must not be supposed” in order to:

C. Signal a shift in his perspective on his fellow emigrants

Final Paragraph

Toward the end of the final paragraph that  the author begins a sentence with “Yet it must not be supposed” in order to signal a shift in his perspective on his fellow emigrants.

An emigrant could be a individual who has emigrated or is emigrating permanently taking off domestic in one nation or locale to settle in another.

The act or event of emigrating is called resettlement.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

Learn more about " Emigrated":

7. Cite Evidence in his preface to Leaves of Grass, Whitman describes the American
poet: “His spirit responds to his country's spirit... he incarnates its geography and
natural life ... For such the expression of the American poet is to be transcendant
and new ... He is the equalizer of his age and land..."How well does Whitman
live up to his own description? Bring in specific examples from "Song of Myself" to
support your ideas.


Restate: How well does Whitman live up to his own description?

Answer: Whitman live's up to his own description By doing the thing he loved until Mar 26, 1892 when he died.

In the poet it said, "His spirit responds to his country's spirit and he incarnates its geography and natural life.


That proves My answer.

Btw I used R.A.C.E

Give the definition of Root Word, in your own words.


My definition for root word is a word that’s got 2 or three letters before or behind it that makes it a different tense.

Why does Sir Thomas’s friend send his first letter?



he learned Sir Thomas Browne, Knt.,. M.D., late of ... death by tuberculosis that Sir Thomas has ... A letter to a friend (xxxiii, 148). The first argument is based tenuously on a single phrase. ... tion; but whatsoever the hand of Heaven sends.


why conflict confrontation is not healthy for sustaining positive relationships? ​


Conflict confrontation is not healthy to sustain positive relationships, because there is hostile behavior.

Conflict and confrontation

In conflict, people are willing to defend their points of view, but always with the intention of preserving the continuity of the relationship. In confrontation, there is always the hostile component, in which people oppose each other on a personal level.

With this information, we can conclude that this type of confrontation will not be healthy because there will always be disagreements between them.

Learn more about relationships in

Please please help me please



a force is a push or pull and if the earth wasnt a thing the moon would not orbit around it. that's all i can help with buddy


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