Joan displays anxiety, irritability, inability to concentrate, and apathy. She also reexperiences a disastrous event through nightmares and vivid memories. Joan is experiencing


Answer 1

Joan is experiencing Post-traumatic stress disorder in the type of situation depicted in the question.

What is Post-traumatic stress disorder?

This is defined as a disorder which is characterised by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.

Joan experiencing anxiety and reexperiencing the disastrous event through nightmares best explains post-traumatic stress disorder.

Read more about Post-traumatic stress disorder here

Answer 2

Joan is experiencing Post-traumatic pressure disease withinside the form of state of affairs depicted withinside the question.

What is Post-demanding pressure disease?

This is described as a disease that is characterized via way of means of failure to get better after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying occasion.

Joan experiencing tension and re-experiencing the disastrous occasion thru nightmares pleasant explains post-traumatic pressure disease.

To read more about post-traumatic pressure refer link :


Related Questions

Frances was recently in a roller coaster accident and was admitted to a hospital for multiple fractures. What type of drug is most likely to be prescribed to alleviate frances’s pain?


The type of drug that is most likely to be prescribed to alleviate Frances's pain is an opioid (opiate).

What is an opioid?

An opioid is a natural drug that can be extracted from the poppy plant, which is able to alleviate pain.

Opioid drugs are able to modify the neurochemical signals in the brain to control and modulate painful signaling.

Opioids are widely used in cases as above described (patients with multiple bone fractures).

Learn more about opioids here:

The type of drug that is most likely to be prescribed to alleviate Frances’s pain is Opioid analgesics.

What do you mean by Drugs?

Drugs may be defined as any chemical substance that is used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition.

The drug opioid analgesics is considered one of the most pain-relieving medications. This medication is extracted from the poppy plant.

It performs its function by stimulating neurochemical signals that govern the controlling of painful signaling from the brain.

Therefore, the type of drug that is most likely to be prescribed to alleviate Frances’s pain is Opioid analgesics.

To learn more about Drugs, refer to the link:


Morphine and codeine are the chief mind-affecting chemicals in the pain-relieving drug __________


Answer is Methadone, Heroin and Opium

If the patient weighs 55kg, how much cefuroxime will the patient take each day?


The dose is usually 20-30 milligrams per kilogram weight divided into two doses

3. describe the three types of formed elements.

4. understand how leukocytes, nonspecific chemical defenses, inflammation and fever contribute to our second line of defense against pathogens.

5. what are the different types of leukocytes and their functions?

6. which leukocytes are involved in the second line of defense?

7. describe the three types of cells that kill extracellularly.

8. list and describe the nonspecific chemical defenses of the second line of immune defense.

9. understand the steps of the inflammatory response.

10. describe the relationship between gram-negative bacteria and fever.

11. describe three characteristics of the epidermis that make it an intolerable environment for most microorganisms.

12. describe the physical components of the nonspecific 1st line of immune defense.

13. describe the chemical components of the nonspecific 1st line of immune defense.

14. how does the 1st line differ from the 2nd line of immune defense? (make sure to give a detailed response that states basically what both line of defense do.)

15. describe each of the nonspecific chemical defenses of the 2nd line of immune defense.

16. describe the cellular components of the nonspecific 2nd line of immune defense.

17. name and differentiate between the different types of granulocytes and agranulocytes.

18. describe the major events in the inflammatory response including the stimuli, physiologic reactions and symptoms.

19. describe the events that give rise to macrophages.



According to all known laws

of aviation,


there is no way a bee

should be able to fly.


Its wings are too small to get

its fat little body off the ground.


The bee, of course, flies anyway


because bees don't care

what humans think is impossible.


Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.


Ooh, black and yellow!

Let's shake it up a little.


Barry! Breakfast is ready!




Hang on a second.




- Barry?

- Adam?


- Oan you believe this is happening?

- I can't. I'll pick you up.


Looking sharp.


Use the stairs. Your father

paid good money for those.


Sorry. I'm excited.


Here's the graduate.

We're very proud of you, son.


A perfect report card, all B's.


Very proud.


Ma! I got a thing going here.


- You got lint on your fuzz.

- Ow! That's me!


- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.

- Bye!


Barry, I told you,

stop flying in the house!


- Hey, Adam.

- Hey, Barry.


- Is that fuzz gel?

- A little. Special day, graduation.


Never thought I'd make it.


Three days grade school,

three days high school.


Those were awkward.


Three days college. I'm glad I took

a day and hitchhiked around the hive.


You did come back different.


- Hi, Barry.

- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.


- Hear about Frankie?

- Yeah.


- You going to the funeral?

- No, I'm not going.


Everybody knows,

sting someone, you die.


Don't waste it on a squirrel.

Such a hothead.


I guess he could have

just gotten out of the way.


I love this incorporating

an amusement park into our day.


That's why we don't need vacations.


Boy, quite a bit of pomp...

under the circumstances.


- Well, Adam, today we are men.

- We are!


- Bee-men.

- Amen!




Students, faculty, distinguished bees,


please welcome Dean Buzzwell.


Welcome, New Hive Oity

graduating class of...




That concludes our ceremonies.


And begins your career

at Honex Industries!


Will we pick ourjob today?


I heard it's just orientation.


Heads up! Here we go.


Keep your hands and antennas

inside the tram at all times.


- Wonder what it'll be like?

- A little scary.


Welcome to Honex,

a division of Honesco


and a part of the Hexagon Group.


This is it!






We know that you, as a bee,

have worked your whole life


to get to the point where you

can work for your whole life.


Honey begins when our valiant Pollen

Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.


Our top-secret formula


is automatically color-corrected,

scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured


into this soothing sweet syrup


with its distinctive

golden glow you know as...




- That girl was hot.

- She's my cousin!


- She is?

- Yes, we're all cousins.


- Right. You're right.

- At Honex, we constantly strive


to improve every aspect

of bee existence.


These bees are stress-testing

a new helmet technology.


- What do you think he makes?

- Not enough.


Here we have our latest advancement,

the Krelman.


- What does that do?

- Oatches that little strand of honey


that hangs after you pour it.

Saves us millions.


Oan anyone work on the Krelman?


Of course. Most bee jobs are

small ones. But bees know


that every small job,

if it's done well, means a lot.


But choose carefully


because you'll stay in the job

you pick for the rest of your life.


The same job the rest of your life?

I didn't know that.


What's the difference?


You'll be happy to know that bees,

as a species, haven't had one day off


in 27 million years.


So you'll just work us to death?


We'll sure try.


Wow! That blew my mind!


"What's the difference?"

How can you say that?


One job forever?

That's an insane choice to have to make.


I'm relieved. Now we only have

to make one decision in life.


But, Adam, how could they

never have told us that?


Why would you question anything?

We're bees.


We're the most perfectly

functioning society on Earth.


You ever think maybe things

work a little too well here?


Like what? Give me one example.


I don't know. But you know

what I'm talking about.


Please clear the gate.

Royal Nectar Force on approach.


Wait a second. Oheck it out.


- Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!

- Wow.


I've never seen them this close.


They know what it's like

outside the hive.


Yeah, but some don't come back.


- Hey, Jocks!

- Hi, Jocks!


You guys did great!


You're monsters!

You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!


- I wonder where they were.

- I don't know.


Their day's not planned.


Outside the hive, flying who knows

where, doing who knows what.


You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen

Jock. You have to be bred for that.


While reading a client's history, the nurse notes that a client has a colostomy. When assessing
the client, the nurse notes that the output is formed stool. What should the nurse do?



Document the output, this is normal


Which is a common side effect of weight loss medication?
increased blood pressure
OB. vomiting
all of the above



D. all of above


Which of the following athletes is known for his serve? Andy Roddick Rafael Nadal Roger Federer None of the above



The correct answer is Andy


What can cause a person to feel nauseous while eating?



Common causes of nausea after eating include food allergies, stress and pregnancy.


If your nausea lasts for more than two days or is resistant to home remedies, see your doctor. To treat nausea after eating, chew ginger, drink cold water slowly, and limit your physical activity

There are many conditions that cause nausea, and this could make it hard to discern its precise cause.

What is nauseous?

Nausea will have reasons that are not because of underlying disease. Examples encompass movement which includes taking capsules on an empty stomach, consuming an excessive amount of or too little or ingesting an excessive amount of alcohol.

Some not unusual place reasons might be associated with stress, meals allergies, meals poisoning, undesirable aspects resulting from medications, taking too many dietary supplements or vitamins, or pregnancy, to call only a few. Gallbladder, liver or pancreatic disease, or diabetes and thyroid problems also can make a contribution to feeling ill after chowing down to your favorite foods.

To learn more nauseous refer link :


The __________ abuts the lumen of the alimentary canal and consists of epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosae.





I hope I helped

Have an AMAZING day. :)

An infection characterized by high fever and severe gastrointestinal symptoms followed by rapid death, first observed in 2013, was caused by the


Ebola virus is characterized by high fever and severe gastrointestinal symptoms followed by rapid death.

What is a Virus?

This is defined as an infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria.

Ebola virus was first observed in 2013 and was characterized by high fever and severe gastrointestinal symptoms.

Read more about Virus here

An infection characterized by high fever and severe gastrointestinal symptoms followed by rapid death, first observed in 2013, was caused by the Ebola virus.

What is ebola virus?

Ebola is an endemic that reasons troubles with how your blood clots. It is called a hemorrhagic fever virus, due to the fact the clotting troubles cause inner bleeding, as blood leaks from small blood vessels on your body.

The virus additionally reasons infection and tissue damage.The biggest Ebola outbreak thus far became a virus in West Africa from December 2013 to January 2016, with 28,646 instances and 11,323 deaths. On 29 March 2016, it became declared to now not be an emergency. Other outbreaks in Africa started out withinside the Democratic Republic of the Congo in May 2017, and 2018.

To read more gastrointestinal refer link :


link in the chain of infection a round object a method to clean sterilize a phase of healing process what the answer


answer explanation: The six links include: the infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host. The way to stop germs from spreading is by interrupting this chain at any link.

The term _ describes an inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth.


The term is Stomatitis
the correct term would be stomatitis


Dr. Martin has diagnosed Maude Crawford in the past with congestive heart failure and diabetes mel-

litus type 2 (insulin-dependent, long-term). She comes to the clinic today complaining of chest pain and

has a fever of 101. 8° F. Code all of these conditions. In which order should these codes be sequenced?







In this case, medical codes include I50.9 (heart failure), E11 (diabetes mellitus type 2) Z79 (insulin-dependent) and finally R07.9 (chest pain, unspecified).

What are medical codes?

Medical codes are different codes used to classify diseases and/or health conditions, which are listed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A medical code always starts with a letter, which is followed by two numbers, where three characters represent the categories.

For example, ICD-9-CM codes are different codes for diagnoses and/or procedures used in hospital/clinical settings.

Learn more about medical codes here:

multiple myeloma usually affects what type of bone



It affects the skull, ribs, and even the pelvis.

As a first responder, you don't have much control over the lamp color or the type of light on your response vehicles — those decisions are made by the state and by _________ administrators.


Those decisions are made by the state and traffic and law enforcement administrators.

Who is a Responder?

This refers to someone who answers a question or who acts quickly in response to some event.

The lamp color or the type of light on your response vehicles are usually decided by traffic and law enforcement administrators.

Read more about Responders here

The nurse is caring for a client admitted for treatment of active sarcoidosis. What is the nurse’s best approach to assessing this client?


The nurse is caring for a client admitted for treatment of active sarcoidosis. What is

The nurse’s best approach to assessing the client with active sarcoidosis is to perform

a complete head-to-toe assessment.

What is Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis serves as a disease which brings about the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in any part of your body.

This can be felt in the lungs and lymph nodes, that is why the nurse needs to perform

a complete head-to-toe assessment.

Learn more about Sarcoidosis at:

Nursing is a very humble job in which nurse assist and take care of the patients. The nurse’s best approach to assessing the client with sarcoidosis is complete body assessment.

What is sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is a disease that brings about the growth of collections of tiny inflammatory cells aslo called as granulomas in any part of your body.

It occurs most commonly in lungs and lymph nodes but also eye, skin, heart and other organs.

A nurse which is caring for the patient having sarcoidosis must approach for a complete body assessment. It also includes the test such as blood and urine test along with a CT scan.

Thus, the nurse’s best approach to assessing this client is to have a complete body assessment.

For more details about sarcoidosis, visit:


When shadowing doctors can you hear the cases of details



It depends


It all depends on what the case is, if its simply someone who passed out then yes but if someone lets say tried to check out of life early then probably not just due to it being a much more serious case.

When shadowing doctors can you hear the cases of details shadowing method, in particular, looking at the physician-affected person interaction

What is difference between scientific volunteering and shadowing?

The primary distinction among scientific volunteering and shadowing is that volunteering is presenting unpaid paintings to deal with or take care of patients, while shadowing is a possibility to study a scientific expert as they offer take care of patients.

It will provide you with a glimpse of the character of a physician's normal day, and assist you turn out to be acquainted with one-of-a-kind scientific and studies settings. Additionally, it'll provide you with the danger to talk about your packages and interviews for scientific school, and the advantage private perception into doctors' lives out of doors of paintings.

Read more about shadowing doctors in the link:


Dr. Martin asks you to retake Ms. Patel's pulse and respirations. You count her puise as 41 in 30 seconds and her
respirations 9 in 30 seconds. You would document the rate of these vital signs as:


We can confirm that when taking the pulse and respiration rates and measuring the numbers listed, we would document these vital signs as slightly elevated.

Why are these vitals elevated?

This has to do with the normal resting rates for pulse and respirations in an individual. One would expect the pulse to be roughly 30 in 30 seconds, at 41 the rate is still within the normal rate but slightly elevated. The same is the case for the respirations, which should be closer to 6 in 30 seconds instead of 9.

Therefore, we can confirm that when taking the pulse and respiration rates and measuring the numbers listed, we would document these vital signs as slightly elevated.

To learn more about vitals visit:

What component of muscular fitness training is the equivalent of intensity in aerobic fitness training





The nurse reviewed laboratory values for a client with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The client's hemoglobin a1c (hba1c) is 9 percent. What is the priority action for the nurse?


The client's hemoglobin a1c (hba1c) is 9%. the priority action for the nurse is the transfusion of red blood cells, which should be considered because the patient has severe and/or symptomatic anemia.

What does hemoglobin 9 mean?

With hemoglobin between 6 and 9 g/dL, there is tachycardia, dyspnea and fatigue at the slightest exertion. With hemoglobin below 6 g/dL, symptoms are present even in sedentary activities, and when below 3.5 g/dL, heart failure is imminent and all activity is impossible.

With this information, we can conclude that a client has type 1 diabetes mellitus. The client's hemoglobin a1c (hba1c) is 9%. the priority action for the nurse is the transfusion of red blood cells, which should be considered because the patient has severe and/or symptomatic anemia.

Learn more about anemia in

Hemoglobin is required for transport of oxygen in body. As the client's hemoglobin a1c is 9%, the nurse should go for blood transfusion, as the patient has severe anemia.

What is the normal range of hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is iron-containing substance that binds to oxygen and helps in its transport.

The normal levels of hemoglobin are:

For women, it is 12-16g/dL.For men, it is 14-17.4g/dL.For children, it is 9.5-24.5g/dL.

Any changes in these reference values are considered a defect. If the hemoglobin level decreases, it leads to anemia.

Anemia is characterized by fainting, weakness, slow breathing, etc.

Thus, as in the given case, the client should be given a blood transfusion by the nurse because it can be a case of severe anemia.

For more details regarding hemoglobin, visit:


Why is negative staining useful in transmission electron microscopy-based visualization of viruses?



well you see, negative staining of viral suspensions provides detailed information of virus particles' structure. It is a technique that can be quickly performed and is able to accommodate the highest magnifications of virus particles.

Multiple Choice 32. What size (internal diameter) endotracheal tube should be used to intubate a newborn with an estimated gestational age of 26 weeks (estimated birth weight of 0. 8 kg)





Transformation is the process where dna is extracted from a plasmid. False true



yes it is true that when a dna is extracted from a plasmid it is called transformation

The statement transformation is the process where DNA is extracted from a plasmid is definitely true.

What do you mean by Plasmid?

A Plasmid may be defined as a small circular DNA molecule found in bacteria and some other microscopic organisms.

Transformation is considered one of the key steps in the process of DNA cloning. Plasmid or vector transformation is the process by which the exogenous DNA is repositioned into the host cell.

Therefore, the statement transformation is the process where DNA is extracted from a plasmid is definitely true.

To learn more about Transformation, refer to the link:


Which heterotrophic bacteria(anaerobic) is harmless to human?



Clostridia tetani

Some of the heterotrophic bacteria (anaerobic) which are harmless to humans are Pelobacter, Malonomonas, and Desulfurella.

What do you mean by Heterotrophic bacteria?

Heterotrophic bacteria may be defined as microorganisms that cannot synthesize their own food, instead of bringing nutrition from other sources of organic carbon, mainly plant or animal matter.

The heterotrophic bacteria which are harmless to humans can not able to cause disease and infection. Since, they help in many ways such as the production of biogas, providing inorganic nutrients to plants, etc.

Therefore, some of the heterotrophic bacteria (anaerobic) which are harmless to humans are Pelobacter, Malonomonas, and Desulfurella.

To learn more about Heterotrophic bacteria, refer to the link:


How many cups of vegetables per day are recommended by USDA's MyPlate for someone on a 2000-calorie diet


2 1/2 cups.

For example, for 2,000 calories the USDA MyPlate Plan recommends: Grains 6 ounces. Vegetables 2½ cups. Fruits 2 cups.

Forearm skin was locally exposed to the LE-30 lamp during 5 (five) minutes. Barely perceptible reddening (erythema) appeared under the second window of Gorbachov’s biodosimeter after 20 hours. Calculate the UVR intensity in biological, photochemical, physical measures. What are physiological and preventive doses in these measures?





we request you to it because not many people can find that answer in time/easier

The infant weighs 7 lb 4 oz (3,300 g) at birth. if the infant is following a normal pattern of growth, what would be the expected weight for this child at the age of 12 months



The expected weight for the infant at 12 months would be 20 pounds.

Hopefully this helps! have a great day :)

A nurse is caring for a client who is nauseated and unable to eat after taking her antibiotic. Identify the steps the nurse should take to address the nausea


Few steps the nurse should take to address nausea are:

Avoid mixing hot and cold foodTaking clear or ice-cold drinksAvoiding activities after eatingAvoid sweet or fried foods

What is nausea?

Nausea simply means a urge to vomit or a feeling of sickness with an inclination and tendency to vomit.

However, nausea is commonly caused by

Food poisoningStomach flu

In conclusion, avoiding activities after eating, taking clear or ice-cold drinks and avoidance of mixing hot and cold food are some few ways to address nausea

Learn more about nursing care:

Some of the steps that the nurse should take to address the nausea are given below:

Drink beverages very gradually and continuously. Do not mess with hot and cold foodstuffs.Avoid the activity of overeating. Avoid fried, greasy, and sweet meals. Eat gradually and smaller.

What do you mean by Nausea?

Nausea may be defined as a feeling of sickness with a predilection to vomit. It is the condition where a patient undergoes dehydration due to excessive vomiting.

During the treatment of nausea, both nurse and a client work synergistically to overcome the situation.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Nausea, refer to the link:


Typically, a person with bulimia nervosa might consume ______ calories in one sitting during a binge.



2,000 calories


a 50 year old is diagnosed with lung cancer. the health history includes a 30-year history of smoking, exposure to air pollution, asbestos, and radiation. what had the greatest impact on the development of his cancer?





The ciggarette smoke.

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