John will donate 20$ to the charity, if active change to passive if passive change to active


Answer 1

Active: John will donate 20$ to the charity.

Passive: 20$ will be donated to the charity by John.

What is an example of active voice?

The verb is in the active voice and there is a distinct link between the subject and the verb when a subject performs an action. For instance, the subject (Melvin) acts in relation to the Topic in the phrase Melvin hit the ball.

When is passive voice appropriate?

When the person who performed the action is unknown and the action rather than the subject is the main topic of the phrase, the passive voice is utilised.

Learn more about active voice


Related Questions

Read the excerpt from their eyes were watching god. he claimed that she had been shaped up by a cow kicking her from behind. she was an ironing board with things throwed at it. which phrase from the excerpt is the best example of non-academic english? a. claimed that she had been b. cow kicking her from behind c. was an ironing board d. things throwed at it


The best example of non-academic English in the excerpt is "things throwed at it."

The use of "throwed" instead of "thrown" is incorrect and non-standard. The correct past participle of "throw" is "thrown," and the use of "throwed" is considered non-academic or colloquial.

Using non-standard language can detract from the clarity and professionalism of writing, and it is important to use correct grammar and vocabulary in academic or formal contexts. In this excerpt, the use of non-academic language helps to establish the dialect and tone of the characters, but it is important to note that it may not be appropriate in all contexts. In academic writing, it is essential to use proper grammar and vocabulary to convey clear and accurate ideas.

Learn more about vocabulary here



D: things throwed at it.


Birding, also called birdwatching, is a leisure activity that is growing in popularity. There are many ways to be a bird enthusiast. For example, you may simply notice the birds you see on evening walks, or you may actively seek out places to view interesting and rare birds. You might go birding on your own, or you can watch birds with a group of friends. It doesn't take much to get started birdwatching except a desire to see birds. Start by observing birds around you. Tools such as binoculars can help you bring birds into focus. Learning to look for and compare specific trait will help you identify different species. By visiting different habitats during different seasons, you can learn which species will come to specific areas at certain times. Source: US Fish and Wildlife Service Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. What can the reader infer about the author of the passage? The reader can infer that the author believes that [Drop Down Menu] 1. Birding experts participate in the activity without any extra equipment 2. The types of birds in one area remain the same throughout the year 3. Doing some research can help a person identify different birds


Answer: 3


He said to me double inverted, who teach you physics? Double inverted,


This sentence is in direct speech: He said to me, who teaches you physics? Indirect Speech: He asked me who taught me Physics.

While the publicizing action word is preliminarily( said) and the direct speech is in the present endless tense( simple present tense),  also the circular( detailed) speech will change into the once endless tense.   Present Endless Tense> once Endless Tense.


What is further, in the event that the judgment is curious, we use the meaning of action words asked, enquired, and so on.

Direct speech is a  judgment wherein the specific words expressed are repeated in speech marks(  else called quotations or rearranged commas). For case" You will not ever suppose about what I have lately seen!" said Sam,  madly." What is that?" asked Louise.

to know more about direct speech click here:


Which two historical facts from "Moving to Amercia" does the author of "A Fateful Journey" include in his story?



1. The author of "A Fateful Journey" includes the fact that many immigrants to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries faced difficult and dangerous journeys to reach the United States.

2. The author also mentions that many immigrants faced discrimination and prejudice upon arriving in America, and had to work hard to build a new life for themselves.

jenny needs to write an essay comparing the finances of a typical family in the 1950s with that of the 2000s. which prewriting strategy did jenny use?


Jenny used a comparison/contrast prewriting strategy to compare the finances of a typical family in the 1950s with that of the 2000s for her essay.

The comparison/contrast prewriting strategy involves listing the similarities and differences between two subjects and then organizing them in a way that will help support the essay's main points. Comparison as a prewriting strategy is when two or more things are analyzed. Comparing something helps in organizing thoughts and understanding what the writer wants to write about.

It is a useful way of gathering ideas before starting to write the actual essay. Before drafting, it is beneficial to conduct comparisons as a prewriting strategy to enhance your thoughts and bring structure to your essay.

You can learn more about prewriting strategy at:


How does referring to people as “the moderns” in paragraphs 5 and 6 help develop the theme?


It suggests how much the elders ridicule the younger people for their new ways of thinking.

It suggests how much the elders ridicule the younger people for their new ways of thinking.

It highlights the difference in perspectives between the younger and older generations.

It highlights the difference in perspectives between the younger and older generations.

It reveals that cooperation among generations leads to progress for everyone.

It reveals that cooperation among generations leads to progress for everyone.

It emphasizes the nicknames people created for each other because of how close they were.

It emphasizes the nicknames people created for each other because of how close they were.


It suggests how much the elders ridicule the younger people for their new ways of thinking

"A Modest Proposal "

The entire plot of "A Modest Proposal" is satirical because it mocks other grand ideas that people have proposed to solve major societal problems. The proposal itself—that the Irish eat their babies—is satirical as well, because it mocks people who propose absurd ideas thinking they are practical. Swift's description of boys and girls as "saleable commodities" is a good example because it reflects the cold thinking of those who argue that everything should be reduced to economic questions. Swift makes a similar point when he says that "those who are thrifty" may use the infant's carcass for ladies' gloves or gentlemen's boots; this treats children as animals in which the entire animal is used for different purposes.

To know more about Proposal, click on the link :


Which statement best describes the conflict in the passage?


Option (b), The conflict in the chapter is best illustrated by Quinn's uncertainty about accepting the scholarship because doing so would require her to leave her family and friends behind.

What action should you take if you are given a scholarship?

The suggested line of action in response to a scholarship offer is to send a letter. This would seem as a letter of appreciation. Sending this letter to the scholarship provider is appropriate; be sure to thank them for their generosity and mention the scholarship in the letter.

Quinn has apparently received a letter advising her that she has been admitted to the university she had her heart set on, that it is one of the most prestigious in the country, and that she has been given a full scholarship, and that she has received the letter. As she doesn't want to, she must decide between taking the chance and staying with her lover, friends, and family.

Learn more about scholarship:


Chapter 8
1. What does Equality discover as he wakes up in the Uncharted Forest at the start of this chapter? Why is this discovery revolutionary for him? Equality 7-2521 and the Golden One discover a house in the depths of the forest, a house such as they have never seen resting on a broad summit with the mountains behind it. The house has two stories, a flat roof, and walls made more of glass than of any other substance
2. What is Equality “breaking away” from in this chapter?
3. What is Equality proud of as he kills the bird, cooks it, and eats it? How is this feeling seen in
Chapter 5?
Chapter 9
1. What does Equality realize/discover at the start of Chapter 9?
2. The Golden One ran away into the Uncharted Forest. Why does she choose to run away? Why
are her actions extremely courageous? Explain in detail.
3. What is Equality realizing about the way his society views good and evil or joy and happiness?
4. According to The Fountainhead, what does it mean to say “I love you”? Do you agree or
disagree? Explain in detail.
Chapter 10
1. What do Equality and Liberty discover as they explore this new house and begin to understand themselves? Why is this discovery vital?
2. What is the most important discovery within the house? Why is this such a monumental discovery?
3. What does Equality declare as he’s standing on the summit of the mountain?
Chapter 11
The thoughts that Equality is proclaiming are a statement of __________ for the _________ __________.


Equality awakens in the Unknown Forest at the beginning of Chapter 11 of Ayn Rand's novella "Anthem," when he learns that he no longer feels remorse for his deeds or his love for the Golden One.

In this chapter, what is Equality "breaking away" from?

In Chapter 11 of Ayn Rand's novella "Anthem," Equality is "breaking away" from the collectivist worldview that has been imposed upon him by his society. He has come to the realization that the laws and restrictions of his society have suppressed his uniqueness and hindered him from pursuing his own goals and interests.

The tenets of equality have always stressed the importance of the group as opposed to the individual and the sinfulness of individualism. But he has learned that his uniqueness is a key component of who he is and that to deny it would be to deny his own existence.

When Equality kills, cooks, and consumes the fowl, what is he most proud of? How does Chapter 5 depict this feeling?

In Chapter 5 of "Anthem," a novella by Ayn Rand, Equality takes great pride in his capacity for self-sufficiency and wilderness independence. He feels a sense of success and independence after killing, cooking, and eating a bird.

At the beginning of Chapter 9, what does Equality realise or learn?

At the beginning of Chapter 9 of Ayn Rand's novella "Anthem," Equality realizes or learns a number of things. He first realizes that he is in love with Liberty, the Golden One and that she feels the same way. As he now has someone to live for and spend his life with, this knowledge fills him with enormous delight and a feeling of purpose.

In the Unknown Forest, the Golden One fled. Why did she decide to flee? Why are her actions particularly courageous? Provide more information.

The Golden One flees into the Unknown Forest with Equality 7-2521 in Ayn Rand's novella "Anthem" because she loves him and wants to be with him. Her actions, however, are also incredibly brave because they defy the rigid collectivist standards of their culture.

Romantic love is prohibited in their society and is viewed as a violation of the interests of the group. The individual is required to sacrifice their interests and wants for the good of the group.

What is Equality learning about how his community perceives happiness and joy?

In "Anthem," a short story by Ayn Rand, the protagonist Equality learns that society has a warped idea of right and wrong, happiness and joy. The collectivist society of equality suppresses individualism in favor of the greater good.

What does the phrase "I adore you" mean in The Fountainhead? Do you agree or disagree? Provide more information.

The idea of love is described as more than just an emotion or feeling in Ayn Rand's book "The Fountainhead," which is a profound expression of appreciation and respect for a person's ideals and virtues. The story asserts that to declare "I love you" is to recognize and adore the qualities and characteristics that someone exemplifies, not just to communicate a fleeting feeling or emotion.

What do Equality and Liberty learn as they look around this new home and start to comprehend who they are? Why is this finding important?

Equality and Liberty find a house in the Unknown Forest in Ayn Rand's short story "Anthem" that is unlike anything they have ever seen. They learn more about themselves and their unique personalities as they look around the house.

Books, paintings, and other works of art that honor uniqueness and the human spirit are all over the house. In the home's laboratory, Equality can carry out more research and experiments in order to advance science.  

What is the most significant finding in the house? Why is this such a big discovery?

The double helix structure of DNA, which was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 while working at the University of Cambridge in the UK, was one of the most important discoveries achieved within a house.

This discovery completely changed genetics and had far-reaching effects on the medical industry, agriculture, and other industries. Our understanding of the genetic basis of life has been substantially enhanced by the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA, which paved the way for the creation of novel genetic technologies like gene editing.

When standing atop the mountain, what does Equality proclaim?

Equality makes a declaration at the summit "I'm done with the word "We," which conjures up images of serfdom, pillage, misery, deceit, and disgrace. And now that I have seen God's face, I exalt him above the earth as the source of the joy, serenity, and pride that men have sought since they first existed. One word describes this god: "I."

Learn more about Ayn Rand with the help of the given link:


If everything in someone's life in sufficed would he or she be content


If everything in someone's life is sufficient, he or she wouldn't be content.

There is a concept from Buddha called thirst or "Tanha". It is the infinite craving that human beings have that makes them attached to their existence. Human beings as long as they live continue to crave something or the other. When they get one thing they want the other, and the cycle repeats until death.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs identifies self-actualization as the apex of psychological development when basic bodily and ego needs have been satisfied and human potential has been fully realized. This is the stage where human beings feel like they are fully content with everything in their life. There is no scientific evidence that any human has reached this stage as it is outside the scope of human nature.

Perhaps this is how human beings are created. We are always chasing behind our goals, drives, and dreams without a stop. Our dreams our infinite but our lives are very transient.

To learn more about self-actualization, refer to:


Your question is incomplete. The complete question is:

If everything in someone's life would be sufficient, would he or she be contented?

What information does Mr McKee give the narrator about Gatsby?



He tells Nick that Gatsby was a relative of Kaiser Wilhelm.

State any Two heis that offer a degree in science in Eastern cape?


Two higher education institutions (HEIs) that offer a degree in science in the Eastern Cape are Rhodes University and Nelson Mandela University.

HEI stands for Higher Education Institution. An HEI is a tertiary institution that offers degrees or other post-secondary credentials, such as diplomas and certificates, in a variety of disciplines, including science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences.

The differences between a college and a university are subtle. Universities, for example, often provide a wide range of courses and have a strong focus on research, while colleges frequently concentrate on career-oriented programmes such as engineering and nursing. A university is generally larger and more diverse than a college, which is usually smaller and more specialized.

Rhodes University is a public research university located in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including science, humanities, social sciences, and law, among others. It is well-known for its commitment to academic excellence, research, and community engagement.

Nelson Mandela University, located in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, is a comprehensive university that provides a wide range of programmes in science, engineering, humanities, health sciences, and social sciences, among other disciplines. It is a public university dedicated to the ideals of social justice, equity, and community engagement, with a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.

You can learn more about educational institutions at:


Hello , please help! Write simple definitions for each of these words .
Hot seating Emotion memory Magic if Given Circumstances Subtext
Inner monologue Improvise Thought tracking Rehearsal Role on the wall


The definitions for each of these words based on the information given is written below.

What are the definition?

Hot Seating: A technique used in acting where one actor is questioned by another actor or a group of actors in character in order to explore their character's personality, backstory, or motivation.

Magic If: A technique used in acting where an actor imagines "what if" scenarios to make their performance more convincing and authentic.

Given Circumstances: The context, background, and setting of a play or scene, including things like the time period, location, and social status of the characters.

Learn more about definition on


Write a 5 paragraph detailed essay, about shotokan karate, and how it is the best sport. include a thesis, and three supporting details. please help !! not just for the points !!



Points to include:

Paragraph 1:

What is the sport? Give a brief overview of what it is and who plays it.

Paragraph 2

How did the sport originate historically? Explain this.

Paragraph 3

Outline and explain the good things about the sport.

Paragraph 4

Explain why the sport is not as good in some areas.

Paragraph 5

Write a conclusion of why the sport is the best and what it’s best qualities are.

Hope this helps

4. Analyze Several characters in this excerpt from The Tempest talk about a desire to
rule over others or about the pain of losing their kingdom or freedom. Describe how
this comment relates to each of the following characters.

• Sebastian
• Ariel


In this excerpt from The Tempest, several characters express their desire for power or their sorrow at losing it.

What is "The Tempest Talk"?
"The Tempest talk" can refer to conversations, discussions, or analysis related to William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". This can include discussions about the themes, characters, language, and plot of the play, as well as interpretations and critical analysis of its meaning and significance. "The Tempest talk" can also refer to classroom discussions, lectures, or academic conferences that focus on the play and its various aspects. Overall, "The Tempest talk" is a term used to describe any conversation or discussion related to the play "The Tempest".

In the excerpt from The Tempest, several characters express their desire to rule over others or their pain of losing their kingdom or freedom. Here's how this comment relates to each of the following characters:

Prospero: Prospero was once the Duke of Milan until he was overthrown by his brother Antonio. He was then left stranded on an island with his daughter Miranda. In the play, Prospero seeks to regain his rightful place as the Duke of Milan and therefore has a desire to rule over others once again. His pain of losing his kingdom and freedom is also evident in his longing to leave the island and return to Milan.

Caliban: Caliban is a native of the island and is seen as a slave by Prospero. He is resentful of Prospero's rule over him and longs for his freedom. In the play, Caliban expresses his desire to rule the island himself and to be free from Prospero's control.

Sebastian: Sebastian is the brother of Alonso, the King of Naples. In the play, he conspires with Antonio to kill Alonso and take the throne for himself. His desire to rule over others is evident in this plot to overthrow his brother.

Ariel: Ariel is a spirit who serves Prospero and aids him in his plans. In the play, Ariel longs for his freedom and is promised by Prospero that he will be released once Prospero regains his rightful place as the Duke of Milan. Therefore, Ariel's desire for freedom is tied to Prospero's desire to rule over others once again.

To know more about autonomy visit:

When Trevor Noah learned to speak six different languages growing up. What impressed you about the ways that Trevor and his mother navigate neighborhoods, cultures, and family; and how did language make that possible?

Can someone help me ASAP with these 2 questions please


Trevor Noah's ability to speak six different languages allowed him and his mother to navigate and connect with different neighborhoods, cultures, and family members, showcasing the power of language as a tool for communication and understanding.

What is a language?

A language is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar used by a particular group of people to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It allows individuals to convey information, exchange ideas, and express emotions. There are thousands of languages spoken worldwide, each with its own unique set of rules, vocabulary, and cultural significance.

In his memoir "Born a Crime," Trevor Noah discusses how growing up in apartheid South Africa with a Swiss-German father and a Xhosa mother who spoke several African languages allowed him to navigate different cultures and neighborhoods. Trevor and his mother spoke different languages depending on their surroundings, which enabled them to blend in with different groups and avoid potential danger.

Language made it possible for Trevor and his mother to communicate and connect with people from different backgrounds, which allowed them to adapt and survive in a society that was heavily segregated and discriminatory. Their ability to speak different languages also gave them a unique perspective and insight into the diverse cultures of South Africa, which is reflected in Trevor's comedy and commentary on social and political issues.

To know more about communication visit:


How does minimum wage affect businesses?

Please answer this question as a research paper in at least 500 words PLEASE!!!



Minimum wage is a controversial topic in the United States, as it has been for many years. It is an issue that affects businesses of all sizes and in all industries. This paper will explore how minimum wage affects businesses, with a focus on small businesses. It will discuss the various impacts of minimum wage increases, including the positive and negative effects, and the potential long-term implications.

Minimum wage is the lowest wage an employer can legally pay an employee for their work. The federal minimum wage in the United States is currently $7.25 per hour. However, many states have their own minimum wage laws that are higher than the federal rate. Additionally, some cities and counties have implemented their own minimum wage laws that are higher than the state rate.

The most obvious impact of minimum wage increases on businesses is an increase in labor costs. When the minimum wage is increased, businesses must pay their employees more in order to comply with the law. This can have a significant impact on small businesses, which often have thin profit margins and limited resources. Higher labor costs can lead to higher prices for goods and services, which can lead to decreased sales and profits. Additionally, businesses may be forced to reduce their workforce in order to offset the increased labor costs. This can lead to layoffs, which can have a negative impact on the local economy.

In addition to the direct impacts of minimum wage increases, there are also indirect impacts. For example, businesses may be forced to invest in new technology or automation in order to reduce labor costs. This can lead to job losses in the short-term, as well as increased inequality in the long-term, as automation often replaces lower-skilled workers. Additionally, businesses may be less willing to hire new employees, as the increased labor costs can make it more expensive to hire new workers. This can lead to fewer job opportunities for low-skilled workers, which can further increase inequality.

The impacts of minimum wage increases on businesses can vary greatly depending on the size and type of business. Small businesses are often the most affected by minimum wage increases, as they often have thin profit margins and limited resources. However, larger businesses may also be affected, as they may be forced to raise their prices in order to offset the increased labor costs. Additionally, businesses in certain industries, such as hospitality and retail, may be more affected than businesses in other industries.

Overall, minimum wage increases can have both positive and negative impacts on businesses. On the one hand, higher wages can lead to increased employee morale and productivity, which can lead to increased profits in the long-term. On the other hand, higher labor costs can lead to higher prices, reduced sales, and layoffs. Additionally, businesses may be forced to invest in new technology or automation in order to reduce labor costs, which can lead to job losses and increased inequality. Ultimately, the impacts of minimum wage increases on businesses will depend on the size and type of business, as well as the specific industry.

three ways which media portrayal of woman as vulnerable members of society csould lead greater instances of violence towards woman


The media portrayal of women as vulnerable members of society can lead to greater instances of violence towards women in several ways like Normalization of violence, Reinforcement of gender roles and Victim-blaming

How would media portrayal of women as vulnerable members of society lead to the listed instances?

The media portrayal of women as vulnerable members of society can lead to greater instances of violence towards women in several ways, including:

1. Normalization of violence: The media often portrays women as helpless and vulnerable, which can lead to a normalization of violence against them. This can create a culture where violence against women is seen as acceptable or even desirable, perpetuating a cycle of abuse.

2. Reinforcement of gender roles: Media often reinforces traditional gender roles, portraying women as submissive and dependent on men. This can lead to a belief that women are inferior and therefore deserve to be treated poorly or violently.

3. Victim-blaming: In many instances, the media portrays women as responsible for their own victimization, suggesting that they somehow brought the violence upon themselves. This can lead to victim-blaming attitudes in society, where women who are victimized are held responsible for the actions of their abusers, rather than the abusers themselves being held accountable for their actions.

Find more information on media portrayal of women;


What is the tone of chapter 13 in born a crime by Trevor Noah?


The chapter, Trevor reflects on his past experiences and the lessons he has learned from them, which gives the chapter a reflective and introspective tone.

Who is  Trevor Noah?

Trevor Noah is a South African comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor, and television host. He is best known for hosting The Daily Show, an American late-night talk show. He is also the author of the memoir Born a Crime, which was published in 2016.He was born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1984, and has also written a memoir titled "Born a Crime," which details his childhood growing up during apartheid and his rise to success in the entertainment industry.

The tone of chapter 13 in Born a Crime by Trevor Noah is reflective and introspective. In this chapter, Trevor reflects on his childhood and how it has shaped him into the person he is today. He also muses on his relationships with his mother and his grandmother and how he has been able to learn from them.

Learn more about Trevor Noah from given link


Which is the best example of stream of consciousness writing?
A. When I land, I'll first see my aunt and then my uncle, my uncle who
always has some crazy project in his workshop - won't this flight
ever end?
B. Airplanes. It's hard to imagine looking up in a major city and not
seeing at least two or three streaking across the sky. The first
airplane took flight in 1903.
C. Some may question my motives, but I assure you that my
experiments on the dead were all in the interest of science.
D. 1. Separate all the individual pieces of the cabinet. 2. Using the
wooden tabs, join all four L-brackets until they form a square
frame. 3. Situate the frame vertically.





This is the correct rejecting the formal structures of writing.

If it's not useful, feel free to report for mistake in answer. -_-

Which detail in the excerpt supports the idea that the narrator and his cousin spend a substantial amount of time together


The sentence "He was my constant companion and playmate when I was a child, and now that I am grown up he has not lost his hold upon me." supports the idea that the narrator and his cousin spend a substantial amount of time together.

The narrator and his cousin do a lot of activities together. They go on walks, play various sports, watch movies, and explore their neighborhood. They also share stories and secrets with each other and bond over shared experiences.

The narrator and his cousin are close and enjoy spending time together. They often share stories about their lives, experiences, and opinions. The narrator looks up to his cousin and admires his confident and independent spirit. The cousin is often a source of comfort and support for the narrator, especially when he is feeling down or struggling with something.

The excerpt mentions that they "shared a bedroom," which implies that they were together often and had a close relationship. It also states that they were "together day and night," further suggesting that they spent a lot of time together.

To learn more about the narrator and his cousin link is here


Answer: A their morning conversation


need rn! worth 50!

1. Read this passage from Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein.

“It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs."

The ominous tone of this passage is most typical of which genre of literature?

a.) historical fiction
b.) romantic fiction
c.) gothic fiction
d.) science fiction

2. Read this passage from Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein.

"I gazed on my victim, and my heart swelled with exultation and hellish triumph; clapping my hands, I exclaimed, 'I too can create desolation; my enemy is not invulnerable; this death will carry despair to him, and a thousand other miseries shall torment and destroy him."

Which of these most accurately describes this narration?

a.) first-person (Elizabeth)
b.) first-person (the creature)
c.) third-person limited (Shelley)
d.) third-person omniscient (Victor)


Gοthic fictiοn is the apprοpriate reactiοn (c). οmniscient in the third persοn (Victοr).

This narratiοn is mοst accurately describes a. first-persοn (Elizabeth)

What dοes Frankenstein's chapter 5 excerpt say?  

On a dreary Nοvember night, I first nοticed the fruits οf my labοr. I started gathering the tοοls οf life nearby, with a wοrry that was almοst miserable, trying tο give the dead thing that lay at my feet sοme type οf life.

What is the majοr pοint οf Mary Shelley's nοvel Frankenstein?  

The mοst impοrtant and οbviοus takeaway frοm Shelley's wοrk is that science and technοlοgy can be οverused. Every individual that Victοr Frankenstein created has a clear and satisfying finish.

To know more about Novel Frankenstein visit:-


can someone help with a sentence starter?

The story is The Queen Bee.

And the questions are, explain how " The Queen Bee'' could be considered an allegory.
Explain how the author developed the allegory through the use of the literary elements.


The story "The Queen Bee" can be considered an allegory because it uses symbolic characters and events to convey a deeper moral or political message, and the author develops this allegory through the use of literary elements such as imagery, characterization, and symbolism.

What is "The Queen Bee"?
"The Queen Bee" is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm that tells the story of a prince who sets out on a quest to find a bride and ultimately chooses a humble and kind-hearted maiden over her more arrogant and cruel sisters, with the help of the magical queen bee and her loyal bees. The story can be interpreted as an allegory for the value of inner beauty and kindness over external appearances and pride.

"The Queen Bee" could be considered an allegory because the story is a metaphor for the human desire for power and wealth. The queen bee represents those in power who control the resources and maintain their dominance, while the drones represent the lower class who work to sustain the kingdom. The struggle for the throne among the princesses represents the competition for power and wealth among humans.

The author developed the allegory through the use of several literary elements. For example, the setting of the beehive and the descriptions of the bees' behaviors create a metaphor for human society. The characterizations of the different bees, such as the lazy drones and the power-hungry princesses, also contribute to the allegory. The use of symbolism, such as the golden crown and the honeycomb throne, further reinforces the metaphor. Overall, the author uses these literary elements to create a story that represents the human desire for power and wealth in a subtle and creative way.

To know more about allegory visit:

I'm struggling to find the rhetorical inquiries of the poem "Thoughts of Hanoi" by Nguyen Thi Vinh


"Following are some of the rhetorical questions from the poem "Thoughts of Hanoi": 1. "Does the east wind in Hanoi still carry the scent of flowers?" 2. "Where is the song of the young people heard once?" 3. "Are the green trees in Hanoi still as dense as they were before?" 4. "Has the bright moon of Hanoi ever shed its light on the fields and villages of the South?" 5. "Where are the wandering spirits and the souls of the dead?" 6. "Who remembers the smells and the voices that emanated from the heart of Hanoi?"

The poem "Thoughts of Hanoi" by Nguyen Thi Vinh has numerous rhetorical questions, which are inquiries not intended to be replied to. Nguyen Thi Vinh's "Thoughts of Hanoi" is a lyric poem that uses various literary devices, including imagery and rhetorical questions, to describe the speaker's recollection of the "small streets of Hanoi. The purpose of these rhetorical questions is to communicate the speaker's sense of nostalgia and longing for the past. These questions are not intended to elicit a response but are meant to express the speaker's emotions and thoughts on a specific topic.

You can learn more about "Thoughts of Hanoi" at:


What is the passage about?why are they called as gentle giants?


The passage is about dugongs, which are aquatic creatures that are warm-blooded and often called sea cows. Due to their gentle nature, they are also commonly referred to as gentle giants.

The passage focuses on dugongs, which are aquatic animals that are commonly known as sea cows. Dugongs are warm-blooded creatures, and because of their gentle nature, they are often referred to as gentle giants. The term "gentle giants" highlights their large size and slow, peaceful demeanor, making them one of the most harmless creatures in the ocean. These animals are herbivores and spend their lives feeding on seagrass in shallow, tropical waters. Despite their peaceful nature, dugongs are considered vulnerable species due to habitat destruction and hunting. Overall, dugongs are fascinating creatures that contribute to the biodiversity of our planet's oceans.

Learn more about dugongs here:


B. DIRECTIONS: Write a sentence using each of these absolute phrases.
his arms aching
the fish sailing through the air
Robert Parker staring intently
the dead animals starting to rot



His arms aching, John decided to take a break from lifting weights.

The fish sailing through the air, the eagle swooped down to grab its prey.

Robert Parker staring intently, he tried to solve the complex math problem in front of him.

The dead animals starting to rot, we decided to bury them in the backyard.

Recall a most memorable moment which caused you a lot of and whether or not you were able to overcome it.




A memorable moment that caused a lot of stress or anxiety can be challenging to overcome, but it is possible with the right tools and mindset. The first step is to acknowledge and accept your feelings, instead of suppressing them. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, and it's essential to take a break or step back to give yourself time to process and reflect.

Next, identify the source of the stress and take action to address it. This may involve problem-solving, seeking support from others, or changing your perspective on the situation. It can also be helpful to practice self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or spending time doing something you enjoy.

Lastly, remember that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life, and they can provide opportunities for growth and learning. With the right mindset and tools, you can overcome stressful or challenging situations and emerge stronger and more resilient.

Answer:A memorable moment that caused a lot of stress or anxiety can be challenging to overcome, but it is possible with the right tools and mindset. The first step is to acknowledge and accept your feelings, instead of suppressing them. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, and it's essential to take a break or step back to give yourself time to process and reflect.

Next, identify the source of the stress and take action to address it. This may involve problem-solving, seeking support from others, or changing your perspective on the situation. It can also be helpful to practice self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or spending time doing something you enjoy.

Lastly, remember that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life, and they can provide opportunities for growth and learning. With the right mindset and tools, you can overcome stressful or challenging situations and emerge stronger and more resilient.



john is giving a presentation at his office. during his speech, john controls his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. john is using which of these nonverbal code?


John is using his tone of voice, speed of speech, and articulation of words as nonverbal code during his presentation. These are all aspects of his delivery that help him convey his message effectively and make an impact on his audience.

During his speech, John is controlling his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. John is using the nonverbal code.

Speech can be defined as the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is a way of communicating with others through language. Speech is a means of expressing one's thoughts and emotions, as well as exchanging knowledge and ideas with others.

Tone of voice refers to the way words are spoken, which can indicate mood or emotion. Tone of voice can reveal a person's feelings or attitude. It can convey a message that is different from the words spoken. Tone of voice is often used to add emphasis or convey meaning, and can also be used to persuade or influence others.

Nonverbal code refers to all forms of communication that are not based on spoken or written language. This includes things like facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and gestures. Nonverbal codes can be used to convey meaning, emphasize points, or add emphasis to spoken words.

Articulates refers to the way words are pronounced or spoken. It is the act of producing speech sounds and patterns. The way words are articulated can affect how they are perceived and understood by others. Accurate articulation is important for effective communication.

John is using the nonverbal code.

Learn more about Non-verbal code here:


John is using his tone of voice, speed of speech, and articulation of words as nonverbal code during his presentation. These are all aspects of his delivery that help him convey his message effectively and make an impact on his audience.

During his speech, John is controlling his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. John is using nonverbal code.

Speech can be defined as the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is a way of communicating with others through language. Speech is a means of expressing one's thoughts and emotions, as well as exchanging knowledge and ideas with others.

The tone of voice refers to the way words are spoken, which can indicate mood or emotion. The tone of voice can reveal a person's feelings or attitude. It can convey a message that is different from the words spoken. The tone of voice is often used to add emphasis or convey meaning, and can also be used to persuade or influence others.

Articulates refers to the way words are pronounced or spoken. It is the act of producing speech sounds and patterns. The way words are articulated can affect how they are perceived and understood by others. Accurate articulation is important for effective communication. Therefore John is using nonverbal code.

Learn more about Non-verbal code here:


Every platter of roasted chicken and grilled ribs was instantly devoured at the barbecue.
What is the error with subject verb agreement? If there are any subject verb agreement mistakes in this sentence please help me correct it.



There are no subject-verb agreement mistakes in the given sentence. The subject "platter" is singular, and the verb "was" agrees with it in number.


I don't think there are any mistakes tbh

Essay "The pandemics hero and heroine in white gowns"


The importance of healthcare services and how our saviours, doctors and nurses, helped us survive this pandemic are the most essential lessons this epidemic has taught us.

Many patients with terrible ailments were constantly entering the hospitals. Our front-line healthcare providers often referred to as "troopers," have valiantly and heroically fought to save lives. If our health professionals had quit, the number of fatalities may have been far higher. Many lives have been saved as a result of their ongoing efforts to treat and care for those who were infected during the pandemic. They significantly contribute. Our bioscientists, who have developed vaccines as quickly as possible, are also heroes and heroics in the white grown. Their ground-breaking research has helped us survive this pandemic. They truly are the world's real heroes.

Learn more about hero and heroine here:


How does the simile in paragraph 22 impact the passage?


Comparing Señor Vicente to fiber obtained from sheep honors his work with animal hides and mirrors the tribute he was given at the end of his life.

Comparing Señor Vicente to fiber obtained from sheep honors his work with animal hides and mirrors the tribute he was given at the end of his life.

Comparing Señor Vicente to an organic fabric like the wool of sheep highlights that death is a natural part of the circle of life.

Comparing Señor Vicente to an organic fabric like the wool of sheep highlights that death is a natural part of the circle of life.

Comparing Señor Vicente, who is dressed like a lion, to the hide of a sheep suggests the indignity of his demise.

Comparing Señor Vicente, who is dressed like a lion, to the hide of a sheep suggests the indignity of his demise.

Comparing Señor Vicente, who does not work with sheep, to a bundle of wool emphasizes how he has changed at the end of his life.

Comparing Señor Vicente, who does not work with sheep, to a bundle of wool emphasizes how he has changed at the end of his life.



Comparing Señor Vicente to fiber obtained from sheep honors his work with animal hides and mirrors the tribute he was given at the end of his life.

Answer:Comparing Señor Vicente to fiber obtained from sheep honors his work with animal hides and mirrors the tribute he was given at the end of his life.


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