José had looked forward to his first day of high school for as long as he could remember. Not only would he get to experience interesting classes and a stimulating social life, but he would also be able to enlist in the Student Activities Coordination Committee, which his older sister had been raving about for years.
On the first day of day of school, José spied a banner for the Student Activities Coordination Club and rushed over to investigate. He found a sign-up sheet for the group and scrawled his name on the list, pondering which activities he wished to plan.
At the committee’s annual inaugural meeting, the president and committee officers introduced themselves and detailed their plans for many of the committee’s regular activities. Then the president announced that she wanted to create a new activity this year, something to get the group more involved with volunteering and with the community. José inquisitively listened to the president’s request.
The president asked the members to think of a few ideas to tell at another meeting later in the week. José departed from the meeting pondering how his group could positively affect the community. José and his family had volunteered many times in the past. His parents had always instilled in him the idea that volunteering is invaluable because it makes the community a better place.
José tried to draw on his volunteering experiences to help him think of an activity for the committee. José reminisced about the time he doled out piping hot meals at a soup kitchen. He contemplated the time he and his dad had planted lush, green trees in the park. Suddenly, José recalled another volunteering experience. A number of years ago, he and his family had volunteered at the Bristol County Animal Shelter. While volunteering there, José had prepared food, washed animals, and cleaned the cages. He remembered that it was one of his favorite volunteering experiences.
José realized that the shelter had meager operating funds and that it relied on the generosity of the public to survive. This gave José a wonderful idea. He decided to suggest that the committee commence a walk-a-thon to raise money for the animal shelter!
At the committee meeting, members presented their ideas to the group. José wasn’t certain that his idea would be chosen because there were so many worthy causes mentioned by other students. When José had his chance to speak, he relayed his experiences volunteering at the shelter and gave a brief overview of his idea for the walk-a-thon; everyone adored his idea.
Upon hearing the news of the committee’s plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed. They asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, José led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.
On the day of the event, hundreds of people—and a few animals—arrived at the school’s track field to complete the walk. The turnout alone almost took José’s breath away, not to mention the enormous sum of money raised for the animal shelter; the event was a huge success. At the end of day, José gazed at the scene before him and smiled with pleasure, wondering if anything to come during the rest of his high school career could possibly provide him with a more valuable experience.
Upon hearing the news of the committee’s plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed, and they asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, José led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.
1) Read this paragraph from the draft. Which would be the appropriate ending for this paragraph?
A) José was excited that the workers were attending the event, and he hoped to see some of his friends from the shelter.
B) The plans for the walk were coming together, and José and the other committee members waited with anticipation.
C) Some of the committee members put together a radio ad about the walk and played it on local stations.
D) The committee decided to have some food and drinks available at the walk for the participants.


Answer 1




i believe after analyzing the story that this is the outcome

Related Questions

Read the following excerpt from an argumentative essay. Answer the question that follows:
Critics might say that smartphones in the classroom cause too many distractions. A 2009 article in Education Magazine made just such a claim. Although cell phones can certainly cause distractions, current research suggests that teachers and students are putting phones to better use. A 2013 Educator Insider poll reveals that 67% of high school instructors now encourage students to use phones in the classroom setting. Students without phones are actually at a disadvantage in the classroom. The poll lists Internet access, spell checks, and collaboration as three key uses of smart phones in an educational setting.

How does the author handle the counterclaim?

The author chooses to concede the point and offers no rebuttal.
The author offers an opinion discounting the counterclaim.
The author ignores the counterclaim and avoids responding.
The author supplies a rebuttal that quotes more current research.


D would be the answer as the author uses the counterclaim to show how phones have now better improved students behaviors with cellphones and no longer as seen as distractions but rather as advantages for the classroom setting
The answer is D
The author supplies a rebuttal that quotes more current research

What type of figure of speech are each of these?

"Even become his own rain cloud and somehow has stormed on him flooding him in sweat and swelter and his skin got a dull gleam to it, like it's glowing"

"Like trying to hide thunder under thankful"

"Like trying to mute the blues trumpet

"And it's more like he's swallowed the sun and it's burning bright"


The fourth awnswer. Simple as that

What is the best objective summary of the passage "Oblomov" by Ivan Goncharov?
Although Oblomov has nothing to do, he decides that pursuing a project is not worthwhile. He continues being a loafer.
A man with nothing to do tries to come up with something to do in his life. He is unused to effort and does not succeed.
A man named Oblomov provides a picture of an idle and lazy gentleman. His soul seems vacant.
A young man spends most of his days doing nothing. He does not exercise his mind or his body.


He does spend most of his days doing nothing
D would be the correct answer to your response

what type of figurative language is "its not wondering what I breathe in, but who, that threatens to choke me"?



What is Hyperbole?: It is an exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
The person above me is right, it is a Hyperbole. An Exaggeration of figurative speech. Here’s what to look for when you’re trying to identify what type of figurative speech is in a certain poem or passage. A simile used “like” or “as”. A metaphor uses “is” and “a”. A Hyperbole uses exaggerated sentences expressing how hungry someone is or how angry another person could be. It’s generally used in our language today because most of the youth is dramatic.

According to the author...
society focuses on the risks of sports rather than the benefit of sports.
society should create more opportunities for youth to engage in sports.
society focuses on the physical rather than the psychological risks and benefits of sports.
society focuses on the psychological rather than the physical risks and benefits of sports.
How do sports present risk to self-esteem in kids?

Kids will only feel good when they win.

Kids won't learn lessons from losing or failing.

Kids might base their self-esteem on performing well or winning.

Kids need reinforcement from coaches and parents that they are always winners.
The author says adults should…

financially invest in their child's athletic career.

advise coaches on how to support youth.

not become too invested in winning.

not allow youth to accept losing.
Sports can help youth…

improve relationships with adults.

learn how to better accept failures in life.

improve their chances of earning a scholarship.

accept feedback and develop a positive attitude.
Who is the intended audience of this article?



young athletes

college athletes



[1] society focuses on the physical rather than the psychological risks and benefits of sports.

[2] Kids might base their self-esteem on performing well or winning.

[3] not become too invested in winning.

[4] accept feedback and develop a positive attitude.

[5] parent



According to the author...

society focuses on the risks of sports rather than the benefit of sports.

society should create more opportunities for youth to engage in sports.

society focuses on the physical rather than the psychological risks and benefits of sports.

society focuses on the psychological rather than the physical risks and benefits of sports.

Answer: society focuses on the physical rather than the psychological risks and benefits of sports.


How do sports present risk to self-esteem in kids?

Kids will only feel good when they win.

Kids won't learn lessons from losing or failing.

Kids might base their self-esteem on performing well or winning.

Kids need reinforcement from coaches and parents that they are always winners.

Answer: Kids might base their self-esteem on performing well or winning.


The author says adults should…

financially invest in their child's athletic career.

advise coaches on how to support youth.

not become too invested in winning.

not allow youth to accept losing.

Answer: not become too invested in winning.


Sports can help youth…

improve relationships with adults.

learn how to better accept failures in life.

improve their chances of earning a scholarship.

accept feedback and develop a positive attitude.

Answer: accept feedback and develop a positive attitude.


Who is the intended audience of this article?



young athletes

college athletes

Answer: Parents



Which digital text feature shows a moving illustration?

Interactive elements





just like a cartoon, it is animation because someone drew that, and then now it's a character that moves. ur welcome

it’s Animation
Just Trust me

GIVING BRAINLIEST! Pic included!!! Please help me! ( There is 2 pics )



Is the corrects answer 100%

Answer: D I believe they're rooting with the mayor rather than going against passages 2 and rooting against the mayor to save the Wetlands area.

Explanation: Sorry if i'm wrong. PLease mark me brainliest :)

What is the theme of the poem “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkins?
Margaret, are you grieving
Over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leaves like the things of man, you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! as the heart grows older
It will come to such sights colder
By and by, nor spare a sigh
Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie;
And yet you wíll weep and know why.
Now no matter, child, the name:
Sorrow’s spríngs are the same.
Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed
What heart heard of, ghost guessed:
It is the blight man was born for,
It is Margaret you mourn for.
A. Nature outlasts man.
B. Everything has a meaning.
C. All things must pass away.
D. Children are close to nature.


D. Children are close to nature.
The one above me is correct.

Hey peeps someone helppp meeeeee



Deception Island has become a popular tourist stop in Antarctica because of its several colonies of chinstrap penguins, as well as the possibility of making a warm bath by digging into the sands of the beach. Mount Flora is the first site in Antarctica where fossilized plants were discovered.


I fr made this long time algo, hoped this helped

I'll give brainiest




Mansion=Most Positive

Dump=Most Negative

House=Somewhat Positive

Hut=Somewhat Negative

Palace=Most Positive

I think this is right

adapted from White Fang
by Jack London

And then she found the thing for which she sought. It was a few miles up a small stream that in the summer time flowed into the Mackenzie, but that then was frozen over and frozen down to its rocky bottom—a stream of solid white from source to mouth. The she-wolf was trotting wearily along when she came upon the overhanging, high clay-bank. . . The wear and tear of spring storms and melting snows had under-washed the bank and in one place had made a small cave out of a narrow fissure.
She paused at the mouth of the cave and looked the wall over carefully. Then, on one side and the other, she ran along the base of the wall to where its abrupt bulk merged from the softer-lined landscape. Returning to the cave, she entered its narrow mouth. . . It was dry and cozy. She inspected it with painstaking care, while her companion, who had returned, stood in the entrance and patiently watched her. She dropped her head, with her nose to the ground and directed toward a point near to her closely bunched feet, and around this point she circled several times; then, with a tired sigh that was almost a grunt, she curled her body in, relaxed her legs, and dropped down, her head toward the entrance. . . Her own ears laid their sharp points backward and down against the head for a moment, while her mouth opened and her tongue lolled peaceably out, and in this way she expressed that she was pleased and satisfied.

Which is the best summary of the passage?
The stream is frozen over and frozen down to its rocky bottom. This allows the wolf to cross over where she finds a hidden cave to rest.
The wolf, needing a place to rest, comes upon a cave hidden near a stream. After careful inspection of the cave, the wolf relaxes, and lays down to face the entrance of the cave.
The wolf, traveling upstream, comes to the source of the river. The river is covered in snow. The wolf finds a hidden place to rest.
The cave is hidden near the mouth of the stream. The wolf inspects the wall of the cave and decides that the cave is exactly what she was searching for.


Honestly bro, do you.
C is what is was on mine

How does Oberon's character change from the beginning to the end of the play?



hope it's helpful to u

and drop some thanks

Oberon, the king of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream, is a powerful strong-willed character that believes he can do whatever he wants and who knows how to get his way. He and his wife, Titania, are in conflict over her adopted Indian boy whom Oberon wants to turn into his personal henchman.

It becomes more personal as it gives more of a heartfelt feeling, meaning the audience can relate more and creates a slight connection between the speaker and audience!



A poem


most poems are made to have inner meaning and hidden messages

Answer: poem
A poem is a form of literature

Need help now !!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 Even after two years, no one can explain the strange phenomenon that occurred in my little town. I don’t need an explanation, though. The warm summer winds are starting to blow, and I can’t wait to see what comes behind them. A synonym for the word phenomenon in paragraph 9 is A) carnival. B) occurrence. C) realization. D) celebration.



B - occurence


A synonym for the word phenomenon would be, occurence because it is something that happened.

It’s b I did this earlier

HELPP!! I need a headstart on having an argumentative essay !!


I suggest writing about climate change, and the other pov that there isn’t any need to do anything about it. There is so much information out there that you can easily paraphrase. Make sure to cite sources no matter the subject (teachers love that)


Graphic Organizer.


Argumentative Writing Essay -- Planning:  

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Hook/Attention-Grabber (1-2 sentences)Use a statement, question, quote, fact, etc., related to the topic to grab your readers' attention

Background Information (2-3 sentences)Give context to your readers. What do they need to know about school and your topic to understand your argument?

Main Argument/Claim (1 sentence)State your opinion clearly in a single, complete sentence. Don’t put any reasons for your opinion yet.

How does the author develop the idea that the Cuban treefrog threatens Florida's ecosystem and biodiversity?
A. The author describes the treefrog, notes the treefrog's qualities, and how it affects wildlife habitats.
B. The author describes the differences between the Cuban treefrog and native treefrogs.
C. The author describes the treefrog, where it can be found, what it looks like, and how it is an inexpensive pet.
D. The author describes the impact that treefrogs have on many of the ecosystems on Caribbean mainlands.


Answer: I think the answer is A but I could be wrong

Explanation: I hope this helps!

Will Give Brainliest!! Pic included... PLEASE HELP ASAP.
I need help deciding on a text. Please list some texts...



i would say like bud, not buddy if you can find it. If not then do a child called it.



i would recommend a poem by edgar allan poe


he has a few of them and some are convertial so they would not be hard to wright about

what was Socrates's speech "apology" about


Answer:The Apology of Socrates written by Plato, is a Socratic dialogue of the speech of legal self-defence which Socrates spoke at his trial for impiety and ...

Explanation:Hope it helps.


not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of AthensAthens

Very epic cool person if help very,

Read the excerpt from "We Are All Bound Up Together” by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper.

In advocating the cause of the colored man, since the Dred Scott decision, I have sometimes said I thought the nation had touched bottom. But let me tell you there is a depth of infamy lower than that. It is when the nation, standing upon the threshold of a great peril, reached out its hands to a feebler race, and asked that race to help it, and when the peril was over, said, You are good enough for soldiers, but not good enough for citizens.

What is emphasized by Harper’s word choice and syntax in the underlined portion of this excerpt?

the danger faced by Black soldiers
the bravery of the Black soldiers
the unfairness of the way Black Americans are treated
the anger of Black Americans after they return from war



I thibk the answer is C


If the underlined part was this "You are good enough for soldiers, but not good enough for citizens. " I think the answer is The unfairness of the way black americans are treated because Its not fair that they were used for something and then they were not good enough anymore after they helped

I’m pretty sure the answers c tell me if you get it right

Which quotation represents the author’s viewpoint of Gibb?



Barry Gibb is a fellow of the British Academy of Songwriters Composers and Authors. In 2007 Q magazine ranked him number 38 on its list of the 100 Greatest Singers.


hope this helps if not let me now

Answer: Barry Gibb is a fellow of the British Academy of Songwriters Composers and Authors. In 2007 Q magazine ranked him number 38 on its list of the 100 Greatest Singers


Use context clues to identify the meaning of the figure of speech you chose. In a 100-word paragraph, explain its meaning and list the type of context clues you used to find the meaning. Use examples from the text to support your explanation.
I CHOSE From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,

Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.

"Kill him! Kill the umpire!" shouted some one on the stand;

And it's likely they'd have killed him had not Casey raised his hand.



he Outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day:

The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.

And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same,

A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game.

A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest

Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;

They thought, if only Casey could get but a whack at that –

We’d put up even money, now, with Casey at the bat.

But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake,

And the former was a lulu and the latter was a cake;

So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,

For there seemed but little chance of Casey’s getting to the bat.

But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all,

And Blake, the much despis-ed, tore the cover off the ball;

And when the dust had lifted, and the men saw what had occurred,

There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third.

Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty yell;

It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;

It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,

For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat.

There was ease in Casey’s manner as he stepped into his place;

There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile on Casey’s face.

And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,

No stranger in the crowd could doubt ’twas Casey at the bat.

Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;

Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt.

Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,

Defiance gleamed in Casey’s eye, a sneer curled Casey’s lip.

And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air,

And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.

Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped-

“That ain’t my style,” said Casey. “Strike one,” the umpire said.

From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,

Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.

“Kill him! Kill the umpire!” shouted someone on the stand;

And its likely they’d a-killed him had not Casey raised his hand.

With a smile of Christian charity great Casey’s visage shone;

He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;

He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the spheroid flew;

But Casey still ignored it, and the umpire said, “Strike two.”

“Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered fraud;

But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed.

They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,

And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball go by again.

The sneer is gone from Casey’s lip, his teeth are clenched in hate;

He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate.

And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,

And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey’s blow.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;

But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out.


hope this helps

Why is transmission successful for Gabriel but not for Lilly?
book: the giver



Jonas tries to transmit memories of an elephant to Lily and Father but it turns out unsuccessful. however, Jonas was able to successfully transfer a memory to Gabe and this was because It has something to do with his eyes.

Jonas tries to transmit memories ot an elephant to lily and father but it turns out unsuccessful. However, Jonas was able to successfully transfer a memory to Gabe and this was because it has something to do with his eyes.

(Hatchet By Gary Paulsen) 1-6 chapters
Pick 6 words from the story that you dont really here daily
if correct brainlest












Can Some One Help Me With This Question





Formality isnt something you use in a text or quickly jotted notes but in buisness or any other formal environment it is always best to use formality

B. Because in this particular case the other options are less formal.

Hi, someone, please help me if possible by creating an outline, for my story. I know that it must incllude the following paragraph (my attatchement) in it at some point, but I am unsure of what to do for the rest of then story. If you could possibly write a list of 10 quick short bullet point events that would outline my story, that would be much appreciated. I would then just slightly tweak them with my own twist. I am blank of ideas right now! Thank you


I’m commenting so you can make the other person brainliest!!

please answer
question below


Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in NUMBER. Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. The dog loves people. singular subject singular verb correct!

how do you tell if a poem is a lyric poem



See below


A lyric poem is a poem with song-like qualities, usually told in the first person. You may see a specific rhythm, meter, or other literary devices in a lyric poem


A lyric poem is short, highly musical verse that conveys powerful feelings. The poet may use rhyme, meter, or other literary devices to create a song-like quality. Unlike narrative poetry, which chronicles events, lyric poetry doesn't have to tell a story. A lyric poem is a private expression of emotion by a single speaker.

A group of women wanted to stop buying things from England.

Read the revised sentence: The Daughters of Liberty decided to boycott products such as tea from England.

Why did the writer revise the sentence in this way?

To make the sentence longer
To include a transition word
To add specific factual details
To put ideas in a logical order


to add specific factual details


the other person is right


what is the word abduct



to carry off or lead away (a person) illegally and in secret or by force, especially to kidnap.


(61 points!) Why does Frederick Douglass describe the songs that the enslaved people sing, and how they sing them, so carefully?

A. to criticize the use of music to keep enslaved people submissive

B. to demonstrate how well he recalls his days in enslavement

C. to show that enslaved people excel at singing and songwriting

D. to correct the misunderstanding that enslaved people sing because they are happy



To correct the misconception that slaves sing because they are happy

It’s D :) (the fourth option)
Other Questions
Asap help it's for an essay, 3 reasons why online learning is more beneficial than physical learning This figure represents a flower box.How much soil will it take to fill the flower box?Enter your answer in the box. inThree-dimensional figure that could be formed by placing two rectangular prisms together to form an L shape where the longer part of the L is on the bottom and the shorter part of the L extends up from the left side. The longer part of the L has a length of 20 inches, a width of 9 inches, and a height of 9 inches. The shorter part of the L extends 10 inches above the longer part of the L and has a length of 5 inches. Find the surface area of the cone. Use 3.14 for it.The surface area is about in.2.look at the picture Which of the following are characteristics of stratovolcanoes? Select all that apply.More common near convergent boundariesMore common at hotspotsEffusive eruptionsExplosive eruptionsHigh viscosity magmaLow viscosity magma Which line of poetry includes the best example of consonance?"Gr-r-r-there you go, my heart's abhorrence!""The clinching interlocking claws, a living, fierce, gyrating wheel""But get thee back. My soul is too much charged / With blood""Love gave the wound, which, while I breathe, will bleed" which change of state is shown in the photo A) Liquid to solid B) Liquid to gas C) Gas to liquid D) Solid and liquid Resuelve los siguientes problemas de transmisin hereditaria. 1. el tomate saladette est determinado por un gen dominante (g) y el tomate cherry por un gen recesivo (g). determina las proporciones de los genotipos y fenotipos de la primera y segunda generacin. 2. en los hmsteres el pelaje crema (c) es dominante sobre el pelaje chocolate (c). determina las proporciones genotpicas y fenotpicas si se cruzan un hmster macho pelaje crema heterocigoto con una hembra pelaje chocolate homocigoto. 3. rolando tiene cataratas en los ojos (heterocigoto), caracter que est determinado por un gen dominante (c). su esposa martha tiene ojos normales, ellos tienen dos hijos; daniel que tiene cataratas y marcela de vista normal. cul es el genotipo de cada uno de los miembros de la familia de rolando? rolando: ___ ___ martha: ___ ___ daniel: ___ ___ marcela: ___ ___ 4. en la calabaza el color blanco de la fruta est determinado por su gen dominante (b) y el color amarillo de la fruta por su gen recesivo (b). determina las proporciones genotipos y fenotipos si se cruzan dos variedades puras de calabazas; una blanca y otra amarilla. What might happen if the president had to manage local issues, like potholes, in addition to running an army? Maana rewrite the sentences using ir a + [infinitive] to say that these people will do the same activities again tomorrow. follow the model. Match these items.1. disease fightermakes bile2. carry oxygenred blood cells3. renincarries blood back to the heart4. gall bladderexchange oxygen for carbon dioxide5. veinsstores bile6. type of bloodwhite blood cells7. lungsenzyme to digest milk8. livercarries blood away from the heart9. arteriesAB Sodium hypochlorite, naocl, is the active ingredient in household bleach. what is the concentration of hypochlorite ion if 20.00 ml of bleach requires 32.00 ml of 0.500 m hcl to reach the equivalence point? Underapplied factory overhead represents unfavorable total factory overhead cost variance. b.actual factory overhead. c.a favorable total factory overhead cost variance. d.None of these choices are correct. Can you find the missing side length? How do you write 1.27 repeating as a fraction btw the repeating part is 7 how do i solve this and whats there answer? how do you make the perfect sandwich? (preferably heathy) In your own words define reciprocal and describe how to find the reciprocal of a fraction. Use 3/6 as an example in your explanation. What do you think influences how fast a river flows? Please see attached. Read the passage.Robots Are Cool, but AI is the FutureMany people dont realize that there is a difference between robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). While robots do use AI, the two fields are entirely separate. Robotics is concerned with the building of machines. These machines connect with the real world by using sensors, and they can be programmed to perform tasks. Additionally, robots usually operate independently or semi-independently. AI involves computer algorithms that can learn, perceive, problem-solve, understand human language, and use logic and/or reasoning.To clarify, a robot can be a human-operated machine arm that is used to weld car parts. AI can, without using the Internet, debate a human opponent on complex topics. Robots carry out instructions. AI mimics human intelligence.Robots are more a part of our everyday life than ever. They vacuum houses, build cars, perform operations, monitor homes, and assemble furniture. AI is a relatively new invention, but it will soon be a regular part of our lives. So, how will we use it?We already do!Virtual helpers on our mobile and home devices are one way in which AI has infiltrated daily life. They can operate electronics via voice command. We can ask them to turn lights and faucets on and off, lock and unlock doors, and order food, clothes, and other retail items. Or, we can have them operate smart devices so that they can open and run applications, translate foreign languages, and check email. In addition, we can use artificial intelligence to conduct a search or schedule appointments online, or to use devices to set an alarm or find directions. Audiobooks: A Case StudyAs these applications master the human language, AI will branch out into a variety of human endeavors, including the entertainment industry. Audiobooks (fiction and nonfiction narrated by authors and voiceover actors) are one of the largest-growing markets of the last three years. Once an afterthought of the publishing industry, audiobooks have become an increasingly profitable source of revenue for publishing companies. In 2018, about $940 million in audiobooks were sold24.5 percent more than the previous year. However, the process of creating audiobooks is laborious, tedious, and expensive. It can take a narrator several hours to read a single chapter of a book, depending upon its length. Multiply that by the number of chapters in a book, and it could take days to finish recording. Finally, the recorded audio must be edited, processed, mixed, and mastered. In the end, an audiobook can take over a month to produce. On top of that, publishers must pay everybody involved. It could cost thousands of dollars to create a final product.AI, however, is revolutionizing the process. Every day, AI algorithms learn how to speak like real human beings. They learn new words, languages, dialects, and accents. They can mimic natural breaths and pauses. Currently, AI can duplicate English spoken by a woman from India or a man from London. All anybody would need to do to produce an audiobook is feed the text into a computer. Instead of a week to create a final product, the performance could take an hour or two. The editing step would be unnecessary, so the audio could go straight to mixing and processing. With AI, the whole project could be completed in a fraction of the time it would take with humansat a fraction of the cost.Increasing the Quality of Human LifeReading all those books will naturally make AI smarter, and when it does, it could relieve humans from tedious chores. Cooking, cleaning, driving, shopping, teaching, and even farming could be managed by AI. Humanity could enter a time of unprecedented peace. This will allow people the freedom to do whatever they want. Did you always want to be a mountain climber, become a novelist, explore the galaxy, study languages, or learn how to make pottery? AI could not only allow it to happen but could also be a significant factor in successfully achieving those goals. Mountain climbers could use AI to choose the best routes, novelists could use AI to help develop plots, and students could use AI to increase comprehension and fine-tune skills. And those galaxy jumpers? Of course, AI would accompany them on their trips to the stars.There are many predictions as to when AI will become powerful enough to really take off and outperform humans in a variety of capacities. Some believe it will happen soon; others think it will take much longer. Right now, AI continues to impact human beings in a variety of positive ways, from technological innovation to economics to creativity. The prospects for the future are exciting!