Journal articles can be helpful resources when writing a laboratory report, but it is important to ensure that these references are cited properly. Which components are typically included when citing a journal artide? Select one or more:a. volume or issue number b. author(s) of journal d. commentse. page number(s) f. abstract g. year of publicationh. conclusions


Answer 1

Components that are typically included when citing a journal article are, volume or issue number, author(s), name of journal, page number(s), year of publication are typically included when citing a journal article. The correct choices are a, b, c, d, e.

The abstract, comments, and conclusions may or may not be included depending on the citation style and the specific requirements of the report. When citing a journal article in a laboratory report, it is important to include certain components to provide enough information for the reader to locate the article.

The name of the journal in which the article was published should be included, as well as the volume and issue number (if applicable) and the page numbers of the article within the journal. This information helps to identify the specific article within the publication. The author or authors of the article should also be included, typically in the format of last name followed by initials. The year of publication is also important information to include.

To know more about journal articles, here


Related Questions

If a technician finds that the amount concentration of NaAu(CN)2(aq) is 0.220 mol/L, then the concentration of the cyanide ion, CN-(aq) would be ______ mol/L


The concentration of the cyanide ion, CN-(aq) would be 0.440 mol/L (assuming the stoichiometry of the reaction).

What is the stoichiometry of the reaction between NaAu(CN)2(aq) and CN-(aq)?

The stoichiometry of the reaction is 1:2, meaning that for every 1 mole of NaAu(CN)2(aq) consumed, 2 moles of CN-(aq) are produced.

If the technician finds that the amount concentration of NaAu(CN)2(aq) is 0.550 mol/L, what would be the concentration of gold ion, Au+(aq), assuming the stoichiometry of the reaction?

Assuming the stoichiometry of the reaction, the concentration of Au+(aq) would be 0.550 mol/L.

Since NaAu(CN)2 dissociates to form one Au(CN)2- ion and two CN- ions, the concentration of CN- ions would be double the concentration of NaAu(CN)2. Therefore, the concentration of CN-(aq) would be 0.220 mol/L x 2 = 0.440 mol/L.

Learn more about cyanide ion here:


an equilibrium mixture contains the following partial pressures: pn2 0.021 atm, pf2 0.063 atm, pnf3 0.48 atm. calculate g for the reaction at 800. k.


The change in Gibbs free energy for the reaction at 800K is -14.9 kJ/mol.

At equilibrium, the total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases. In this case, the total pressure of the equilibrium mixture is:

Total Pressure = 0.021 atm + 0.063 atm + 0.48 atm = 0.564 atm

The equilibrium constant for the reaction, K, is given by:

K = (PNF₃)³ / (PN₂ * PF₂)

Substituting the given partial pressures for the gases at equilibrium, we get:

K = (0.48 atm)³ / (0.021 atm * 0.063 atm)

K = 230.57

The change in Gibbs free energy, G, is given by:

G = -RT lnK


R is the gas constant. T is the temperature.

At 800K, G can be calculated as:

G = -(8.314 J/mol.K) (800K) ln(230.57) = -14.9 kJ/mol

Therefore, the change in Gibbs free energy for the reaction at 800K is -14.9 kJ/mol.

Learn more abour equilibrium:


What would the potential of a standard hydrogen (S.H.E.) electrode be if it was under the following conditions?
[H+] = 0.77 M
PH2 = 1.4 atm
T = 298 K


The potential of a standard hydrogen (S.H.E.) electrode under the given conditions is -0.126V.

A standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) is a reference electrode used to estimate the standard electrode potentials (E°) of half-reactions. It is made up of a platinum electrode coated in platinum black (Pt) and a hydrogen (H2) electrode dipping into an acidic solution of HCl. The pressure of H2 is measured at 1.0 atm, and the concentration of H+ is maintained at 1.0 mol/L. The potential of the SHE is set to 0.000 V at all temperatures, and other electrode potentials are compared to it to determine their standard reduction potentials.

Using the Nernst equation, we can compute the potential of the SHE : E = E° - (RT/nF)lnQ, where E is the cell potential, E° is the standard cell potential, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred in the redox reaction, F is the Faraday constant, and Q is the reaction quotient.

The given conditions[H+] = 0.77 MPH2 = 1.4 atm T = 298 K

We can use the Nernst equation to calculate the potential of the SHE under these conditions as follows:

E = E° - (RT/nF)lnQ,

where  E° = 0.000 VR = 8.314 J/(mol*K)n = 2 F = 96,485 J/V*KpH2 = 1.4 atm

Q = [H+]2/[H2]E = E° - (RT/nF)lnQ= 0.000 - (8.314*298/2*96,485)*ln (0.77/1.4^2)= 0.000 - 0.000688= -0.126 V

Therefore, the potential of the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) under the given conditions would be -0.126 V.

To know more about standard hydrogen (S.H.E.) electrode please visit :


Write a Lewis structure that obeys the octet rule for the following species. Assign the formal charge for the central atom of. ClO3-If multiple resonance structures exist, use one that does not involve an expanded valence


The Lewis structure for ClO3- is as follows:






To determine the formal charge of the central atom Cl, we need to calculate the valence electrons and nonbonding electrons present in ClO3-. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons, and each oxygen atom contributes 6 electrons for a total of 24 valence electrons. In this structure, there are 3 lone pairs on each oxygen atom and one Cl-O double bond.

The formal charge of Cl can be calculated as follows:

Formal charge = Valence electrons - Nonbonding electrons - 1/2 (bonding electrons)Formal charge of Cl = 7 - 6 - 4 = -3

The formal charge on the central atom, Cl, is -3. This indicates that Cl has an extra electron compared to its neutral state. The other oxygen atoms have a formal charge of -1 each, indicating that they have an extra electron as well. This arrangement of formal charges indicates that the ClO3- ion is a negatively charged species. The Lewis structure shows that ClO3- obeys the octet rule as each atom has a full outer shell of electrons.

To learn more about Lewis structure, here


Which one of the following compounds is a non-electrolyte when dissolved in water?


The compound that is a non-electrolyte when dissolved in water is CCl4.

When CCl4 dissolves in water, it does not break down into ions, and it does not conduct electricity.What is an electrolyte?An electrolyte is a compound that dissolves in water, and its solution conducts electricity due to the presence of ions. A compound must dissociate in water to produce ions to be considered an electrolyte. The ions can move freely through the solution, allowing for the conduction of electricity.There are three types of electrolytes: strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, and nonelectrolytes. Strong electrolytes dissociate fully into ions in water and conduct electricity very efficiently. Weak electrolytes only partially dissociate, and they conduct electricity less efficiently than strong electrolytes.Nonelectrolytes are substances that do not dissolve in water or dissolve but do not dissociate into ions. Because they do not have ions, they do not conduct electricity. CCl4 is a nonelectrolyte, as it does not produce any ions when it dissolves in water.

For more such questions on Non-electrolyte


According to the following reaction, how many grams of hydrogen iodide will be formed upon the complete reaction of 26.1 grams of iodine with excess hydrogen gas?
hydrogen (g) + iodine (s) hydrogen iodide (g)


According to the following reaction, 26.1 grams of iodine will react with an excess of hydrogen gas to form 27.4 grams of hydrogen iodide:

2HI(g) + I2(s) → 2H2(g) + 2I(s)

To calculate the number of grams of hydrogen iodide formed, use the following equation:

moles of I2 = 26.1g / 126.90g/mol = 0.205 mol I2

Since there is an excess of hydrogen gas, the number of moles of the hydrogen gas used is equal to the number of moles of I2, which is 0.205 mol.

Number of moles of hydrogen iodide formed = 2 x 0.205 = 0.41 mol

Therefore, the number of grams of hydrogen iodide formed = 0.41 mol x 127.90g/mol = 52.6g

Therefore, 52.6g of hydrogen iodide is formed when 26.1g of iodine reacts with an excess of hydrogen gas.

to know more about chemical reactions refer here:


Give the products (if any) expected from the treatment of each of the following compounds with ozone followed by dimethyl sulfide.


The ozonolysis reaction is the reaction between ozone and alkenes followed by dimethyl sulphide treatment. Usually, this reaction breaks an alkene's double bond to produce two carbonyl compounds.

The products generated rely on the beginning alkene's substitution pattern.

Ethene (CH2=CH2)

Ozone cleaves the double bond to form two carbonyl compounds:

H2C=O and H3C-C(=O)-H

Treatment with dimethyl sulfide reduces the carbonyl compounds to the corresponding aldehydes:

H2C=O is reduced to H2C=O (formaldehyde)

H3C-C(=O)-H is reduced to H3C-CH=O (acetaldehyde)

Overall reaction:

CH2=CH2 → H2C=O + H3C-C(=O)-H

H2C=O + 2(CH3)2S → H2C=O + 2(CH3)2S → H2C=O + 2(CH3)2S

learn more about ozonolysis reaction here:


What is [Al(H2O)5(OH) 2+] in a 0. 15 M solution of Al(NO3)3 that contains enough of the strong acid HNO3 to bring [H3O +] to 0. 10 M?


Al(NO3)3 solution concentration and the concentration of H3O+ ions in the solution following the addition of HNO3 are given in the problem. We can determine the presence of [Al(H2O)5(OH)2+] in the solution using this knowledge along with the known equilibria for the hydrolysis of Al3+.

For Al3+, the hydrolysis process may be expressed as follows:

Al(H2O)63+ + water becomes Al(H2O)5(OH)2+ + H3O+.

The reaction's equilibrium constant expression is as follows:

Al(H2O)5(OH)2+) = K

Al(H2O)63+ / [H3O+]

We must take into account the dissociation of Al(NO3)3 in water in order to determine [Al(H2O)5(OH)2+] in a 0.15 M solution of Al(NO3)3:

Al3+ (aq) + 3NO3- Al(NO3)3 (s) (aq)

Al3+ has a concentration of 0.45 M (3 times that of the Al(NO3)3 solution) in an Al(NO3)3 solution with a concentration of 0.15 M. H3O+ is present in the solution at a concentration of 0.10 M.

learn more about Al(NO3)3 solution here:


1. In the laboratory, a general chemistry student measured the pH of a 0.587 M aqueous solution of hydroxylamine, NH2OH to be 9.848.
Use the information she obtained to determine the Kb for this base.
2. In the laboratory, a general chemistry student measured the pH of a 0.587 M aqueous solution of morphine, C17H19O3N to be 10.804.
Use the information she obtained to determine the Kb for this base.


1) Kb for NH2OH (hydroxylamine) is 1.08 x 10^-8 mol/L and 2) Kb for C17H19O3N is 7.8 x 10^-10 mol/L

In the laboratory, a general chemistry student measured the pH of a 0.587 M aqueous solution of hydroxylamine, NH2OH to be 9.848. Kb for the base hydroxylamine, NH2OH is given by; Kb=Kw/Ka=1.00×10−14/Ka, Let x be the concentration of OH- ion produced by hydrolysis of the NH2OH base. The Kb expression for NH2OH is: NH2OH(aq) + H2O(l) ⇆ NH3OH+(aq) + OH−(aq)Initial concentration 0.587 0 0. Equilibrium concentration (0.587 - x) x xKb = [NH3OH+] [OH−] / [NH2OH]Kb = x × x / (0.587 - x)Kw/Ka = (x^2) / (0.587 - x) 9.848 = - log[x] => [x] = 1.39×10^-10(1.00×10−14)/Kb = x^2 / (0.587 - x) (with Kb in mol/L). Therefore; Kb for NH2OH is 1.08 x 10^-8 mol/L

In the laboratory, a general chemistry student measured the pH of a 0.587 M aqueous solution of morphine, C17H19O3N to be 10.804. Kb for the base morphine, C17H19O3N is given by;Kb=Kw/Ka=1.00×10−14/KaLet x be the concentration of OH- ion produced by hydrolysis of the C17H19O3N base. Kw/Ka = (x^2) / (0.587 - x)10.804 = - log[x] => [x] = 7.09×10^-11(1.00×10−14)/Kb = x^2 / (0.587 - x) (with Kb in mol/L)Therefore; Kb for C17H19O3N is 7.8 x 10^-10 mol/L

Know more about hydroxylamine here:


mpirical formula for a compound which contains 0.0134 g of iron, 0.00769 g of sulfur and 0.0115 g of oxygen


The empirical formula for a compound which contains 0.0134 g of iron, 0.00769 g of sulfur and 0.0115 g of oxygen is FeS2O3.

First determine the ratio of each element. Divide the mass of each element by its atomic weight and then divide the results by the smallest value obtained.

The atomic weights are: Fe=55.845, S=32.065 and O=16.00. Dividing the mass of each element by its atomic weight gives the following ratios: Fe=0.0240, S=0.0024 and O=0.0072.

Dividing the ratios by the smallest value (0.0024) gives us 10, 1 and 3 respectively. This means that the empirical formula is Fe10S1O3.

We must divide all values by the highest common factor, which in this case is 2. This gives us Fe5S1/2O3/2 or FeS2O3.

Therefore, the empirical formula for a compound which contains 0.0134 g of iron, 0.00769 g of sulfur and 0.0115 g of oxygen is FeS2O3.

to know more about empirical formula refer here:


for this investigation, you used commercial juices. the juices are known to contain appreciable amounts of malic acid. the malic acid in the juice sample will [ select ] . this means the volume of [ select ] used in the neutralization reaction is [ select ] what it should have been, making it appear like there are [ select ] present. therefore, the calculated concentration of the [ select ] in the juice samples will be [ select ] the actual concentration in the commercial juices.


For this investigation, you used commercial juices, which are known to contain appreciable amounts of malic acid. The malic acid in the juice sample will undergo neutralization.

This means the volume of base used in the neutralization reaction is less than what it should have been, making it appear like there are more moles of malic acid present.

Therefore, the calculated concentration of the malic acid in the juice samples will be greater than the actual concentration in the commercial juices.

This means the volume of NaOH used in the neutralization reaction is less than what it should have been, making it appear like there are more malic acids present.

What is neutralization?  Neutralization is the chemical reaction between an acid and a base to produce a salt and water.

This chemical reaction takes place between hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

The main aim of neutralization is to balance the acid and base's pH level.

When the pH value is around 7, it means that the acid and base are neutralized.

For more information about neutralization refer here


What temperature is needed to dissolve twice as much potassium nitrate as can be dissolved at 10°C in 100 grams of water?




Solubility is the maximum amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature.




Describe how to prepare 15 ml of a 0.25 M CaCl, solution using deionized water and CaCl2 salt. The molecular weight of CaCl, is 110.98 g/mol. Show your work. (Recall: M = mol/L) (1 point)


The amount of Calcium chloride required to prepare 15 ml of 0.25 M CaCl₂ solution using deionized water and CaCl₂ salt is 0.415 grams. Thus can be calculated by using molarity.

What is the weight of CaCl₂ required?

The calculation to prepare 15 ml of a 0.25 M CaCl₂ solution using deionized water and CaCl₂ salt is given below:

To make a 0.25M CaCl₂ solution, the molar mass of CaCl₂ must be calculated first.

Molar mass of CaCl₂ = 1 × 40.08 + 2 × 35.45= 110.98 g/mol

The calculation of number of moles is given as:

Number of moles = Molarity × Volume (L)

Number of moles of CaCl₂ = 0.25 × (15/1000) = 0.00375 moles

Number of grams of CaCl₂ = Number of moles × Molecular weight

Number of grams of CaCl₂ = 0.00375 × 110.98= 0.415g

So, to prepare a 0.25M CaCl₂ solution with a volume of 15 ml, 0.415g of CaCl₂ needs to be added to 15 ml of deionized water.

Learn more about Solutions here:


how many different alkenes will be produced when each of the following substrates is treated with a strong base?
a) 1-Chloropentane
B) 3-Cholorpentane
c) 2-Chloro-2-methylpentane


When 1-chloropentane, 3-chloropentane, and 2-chloro-2-methylpentane are treated with a strong base, two different alkenes will be produced each time. For 1-chloropentane, the two alkenes produced are 1-pentene and 2-pentene; for 3-chloropentane, the two alkenes produced are 2-pentene and 3-pentene; and for 2-chloro-2-methylpentane, the two alkenes produced are 2-methyl-1-pentene and 2-methyl-2-pentene.

Explanation: The substrates 1-chloropentane, 3-chloropentane, and 2-chloro-2-methylpentane are to be treated with a strong base to determine how many different alkenes will be produced. Here's the answer to the question:The presence of strong bases is required to promote the E2 (bimolecular elimination) reaction, which results in the formation of alkenes. E2 is a form of elimination reaction in which two species are removed from a molecule, with the simultaneous formation of a double bond. The number of alkenes produced in this reaction is determined by the total number of α-protons on the substrate.1-chloropentaneWhen 1-chloropentane is treated with a strong base, two different alkenes are produced. 1-pentene and 2-pentene are the two alkenes produced.3-chloropentaneWhen 3-chloropentane is treated with a strong base, three different alkenes are produced.1-pentene, 2-pentene, and 3-pentene are the three alkenes produced.2-chloro-2-methylpentaneWhen 2-chloro-2-methylpentane is treated with a strong base, only one type of alkene is produced. 2-methyl-2-pentene is the only alkene produced. Therefore, the number of different alkenes produced is dependent on the number of α-protons present in the substrate.

For more such questions on 1-chloropentane


An experiment on the vapor-liquid equilibrium for the methanol (1) + dimethyl carbonate (2) system at 337.35 K provides the following information:
x1 = 0.0, y1 = 0.0 and P = 41.02 kPa
x1 = 0.20, y1 = 0.51 and P = 68.23 kPa
x1 = 1.0, y1 = 1.0 and P = 99.91 kPa
Use this information to estimate the system pressure and vapor-phase mole fraction when x1 = 0.8. Use the 1-parameter Margules equation.


To estimate the system pressure and vapor-phase mole fraction when x1 = 0.8, we can use the 1-parameter Margules equation.

This equation assumes that the vapor-liquid equilibrium is a linear relationship between the mole fraction of each component.

Since the given experiment gives us three points, we can use linear interpolation to estimate the parameters of the Margules equation.

From the given experiment, we know the values for x1, y1, and P when x1 = 0.0, 0.2, and 1.0 respectively. Therefore, we can calculate the slope and y-intercept of the Margules equation as follows:

Slope = (P2 - P1)/(y2 - y1) = (68.23 - 41.02)/(0.51 - 0.0) = 68.23

y-intercept = P1 - (slope * y1) = 41.02 - (68.23 * 0.0) = 41.02

Using these values and the x1 value of 0.8, we can then estimate the system pressure and vapor-phase mole fraction as follows:

System Pressure = (slope * 0.8) + y-intercept = (68.23 * 0.8) + 41.02 = 78.2 kPa

Vapor-phase Mole Fraction = (System Pressure - y-intercept) / slope = (78.2 - 41.02) / 68.23 = 0.80

Therefore, the estimated system pressure and vapor-phase mole fraction when x1 = 0.8 is 78.2 kPa and 0.80 respectively.

For more information about Margules equation refer here


Using your knowledge of periodic properties and trends, how would these elements BEST be classified and why?O A Elements W and Z are metals, Elements X and Y are nonmetals, but Element X is in Group 18 (noble gas).O B. Elements W and Z are nonmetals, but Element w Is In Group 17 (halogen). Elements X and Y are metals.C. Elements W and Z are nonmetals, Elements X and Y are metals, but Element Y is in Group 1 (alkall metal)© D. Elements W and Z are metals, Elements X and Y are nonmetals, but Element Y is in Group 18 (noble gas).


The correct response is D. Elements W and Z are metals, Elements X and Y are nonmetals, but Element Y is in Group 18 (noble gas).

What is element?

A substance is considered to be an element if it cannot be chemically reduced to a simpler form. Every atom in an element has the same amount of protons in its atomic nucleus, and as such, the element is made up of identical atoms.

In general, elements in the same group of the periodic table exhibit comparable chemical and physical properties due to their similar electron configurations.

Option D proposes that Elements W and Z are metals, which frequently lose electrons to create positive ions and have poor electronegativity. In contrast, Elements X and Y are nonmetals, which tend to have strong electronegativity and tend to gain electrons to create negative ions. This grouping makes sense as metals and nonmetals have extremely different properties, and elements that are close each other in the periodic table tend to have different properties.

Noble gases are known for their unreactivity and non-reactive character due to their stable electron configurations, so this classification makes sense as well.

To know more about elements, visit:


Pls help if u cannn!!



proofs attached to answer


proofs attached to answer

use the atomic spectroscopy interactive to answer the question. identify the wavelengths (in nanometers) of the absorption features in the sun's spectrum. list them from shortest to longest.
Wavelength 1 : ____
Wavelength 2 : ____
Wavelength 3 : ____
Wavelength 4 : ____
Wavelength 5 : ____
Wavelength 6 : ____


The H-alpha line at 656.28 nm, the H-beta line at 486.14 nm, the H-gamma line at 434.05 nm, the H-delta line at 410.17 nm, and the H-epsilon line at 397.00 nm are some of the most noticeable Fraunhofer lines in the sun's spectrum.

The Balmer series of hydrogen, which gave rise to these lines, is honored in their namesake.

Sun spectrumThe emission of light from the sun's surface, which is subsequently filtered via the sun's atmosphere, produces the sun's spectrum. Hydrogen, helium, calcium, iron, and other elements are among those found in the sun's atmosphere. Some of the light emitted by the surface of the sun is absorbed by these substances as it travels through the atmosphere, producing dark absorption lines in the spectrum.Each element has its own set of energy levels that map to particular light wavelengths that can be absorbed. The photons in the light may be absorbed when light with these particular wavelengths travels through the element, elevating the electrons' energy levels.

learn more about the sun's spectrum here


The H-alpha line at 656.28 nm, the H-beta line at 486.14 nm, the H-gamma line at 434.05 nm, the H-delta line at 410.17 nm, and the H-epsilon line at 397.00 nm are some of the most noticeable Fraunhofer lines in the sun's spectrum.

The Balmer series of hydrogen, which gave rise to these lines, is honored in their namesake.

The emission of light from the sun's surface, which is subsequently filtered via the sun's atmosphere, produces the sun's spectrum. Hydrogen, helium, calcium, iron, and other elements are among those found in the sun's atmosphere.

Some of the light emitted by the surface of the sun is absorbed by these substances as it travels through the atmosphere, producing dark absorption lines in the spectrum.

Each element has its own set of energy levels that map to particular light wavelengths that can be absorbed.

The photons in the light may be absorbed when light with these particular wavelengths travels through the element, elevating the electrons' energy levels.

Learn more about the sun's spectrum here:


Which stressor causes high concentrations of abscisic acid to travel from the roots to the shoot? a. Drought b. Flooding c. Salinity d. Heavy metal toxicity


a.) The stressor that causes high concentrations of abscisic acid to travel from the roots to the shoot is drought.

An essential element of a plant's reaction to abiotic stress, particularly drought, is played by the hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Drought causes plants to create large amounts of ABA, which is then transferred from the roots to the shoot. Many physiological reactions result from this, including the closing of stomata, which lowers water loss through transpiration, and the activation of genes that encourage the manufacture of proteins that shield cells from dehydration-related cell damage. In addition, ABA causes inhibition of root development, which enables roots to sever deeper layers of soil in quest of water. In general, ABA production and transport play a key role in how plants manage drought stress and keep their water balance.

learn more about abscisic acid here:


Enzyme A has a very broad pH optimum and exhibits the same catalytic activity at pH 6.5, as at pH 8.5. However, a competitive inhibitor, X, is effective at pH 6.5, but not at pH 8.5. Explain this observation. NOTE: Your answer must include potential effect(s) of pH 8.5 on X.


Enzyme A has a broad pH optimum, which means that it is able to function at a wide range of pH levels. Its catalytic activity is the same at pH 6.5 as it is at pH 8.5. A competitive inhibitor, X, is able to stop the enzyme from functioning at pH 6.5, but not at pH 8.5. This is because the environment at pH 8.5 is different from that at pH 6.5, and the pH 8.5 environment is not conducive for X to interact with the enzyme and block it from functioning.

At pH 8.5, the inhibitor X is less active because the higher pH causes the inhibitor to become more positively charged, thus making it less able to bind to the active site of the enzyme. Furthermore, the increased pH causes the enzyme to become more positively charged, reducing the electrostatic attraction of the inhibitor. As a result, the enzyme is able to function at pH 8.5, even in the presence of the inhibitor X.

In summary, the broad pH optimum of enzyme A means that it can remain active at both low and high pH values, while the competitive inhibitor X is only active at lower pH levels due to its reduced ability to interact with the enzyme at higher pH.

To know more about competitive inhibitor visit:-


If more solvent is added to a solution: a. The solution's molarity decreases. B. The solution becomes more concentrated C. The solution becomes supersaturated D. The solution's molarity increases


Option (A) is correct. If more solvent is added to a solution the solution molarity decreases as it increases the volume of the solution but the moles of the solute remains same.

The molarity of a solution is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in one liter of solution. In order to calculate the molarity of a solution, we divide the moles of solute by the volume of the solution expressed in liters.

  Molarity = moles of solute / volume of the solution

When more solvent is added to an aqueous solution, the molarity of that solution decreases. The molarity decreases because the number of moles of the solute does not change but the total volume of the solution increases. On adding more solvent to a solution it allows more solutes to dissolve in the solution and makes the solution unsaturated. It is called dilution process. In the dilution process the amount of solute remains constant but the total amount of solution increases by decreasing the final concentration.

To learn more about Molarity


A chemist prepares a solution of iron(III) bromide, FeBr3, by measuring out 0.59 kg of iron(III) bromide. Calculate the concentration (in mol/L) of the chemist's iron(III) bromide solution.


The concentration of the chemist's Iron(III) bromide solution is 2.147 mol/L.

Iron(III) bromide, also known as ferric bromide, is a coordination compound with the formula FeBr₃. It is a powerful Lewis acid and has an octahedral molecular geometry.

It is a potent catalyst for organic reactions and is used as a starting material for the synthesis of other compounds. The chemical formula for iron(III) bromide is FeBr₃.

The molar mass of FeBr₃ is: 55.85 + 79.90 × 3 = 274.55 g/mol

The number of moles of FeBr₃:

mass of FeBr₃ = 0.59 kg = 590 g number of moles of FeBr₃ = mass / molar mass

= 590 / 274.55

= 2.147 mol

Thus, the concentration of the chemist's iron(III) bromide solution is 2.147 mol/L.

Learn more about Iron(III) bromide solution problems here:


How do you know if a substance is both a reducing and an oxidizing agent? which is both a reducting and an oxidizing agent? F2 Na2S KMnO4 KNO2 ​


Depending on the circumstances of the reaction and the other reactants involved, a chemical can behave as both a reducing agent and an oxidizing agent.

What is oxidising agent?

A substance is considered an oxidizing agent when it takes electrons from another substance and then undergoes reduction. Contrarily, an oxidizing agent accepts electrons from another substance and is subsequently reduced.

Only KMnO4 of the chemicals is both a reducing and an oxidizing agent. Due to its ability to receive electrons from other substances and undergo reduction, KMnO4 can function as an oxidizing agent. Due to its ability to donate electrons to other substances and undergo oxidation, it can also function as a reducing agent.

F2 is an oxidizing agent because it takes electrons from another chemical and becomes reduced. Because it transfers electrons to another molecule and undergoes oxidation, Na2S is a reducing agent. Because it transfers electrons to another molecule and undergoes oxidation, KNO2 is a reducing agent.

To know more about oxidising agent, visit:


For your indicator, what is the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ph < 4. 00 solution? what is the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ph > 10. 00 solution? what colors correspond to these wavelengths? how do the observed colors of these solutions relate to the colors at their absorbance maxima?


For our indicator, the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ph < 4.00 solution is equals to the 450 nm and the color correspond to this wavelength is yellow. the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ph < 10.00 solution is equals to the 590 nm and the color correspond to this wavelength is purple. The colors of these solutions relate to the colors at their absorbance maxima is observed due colors complementary nature of observing colour with color of the wavelength that is being absorbed.

The color of bromcresol violet changes from yellow in its acidic form to purple in its basic form. After we make all of the experiment we should obtain a graph similar to the one which present above figure 2. Now, to select the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the pH < 4.00 solution pick the line of the graph traced at pH 4. This line has a maximum around 450 nm (look closely at the graph). The color in this case is yellow. To determine the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the pH > 10.00 solution pick now the line traced for the solution at pH 10. The maximum curvature should be around 590 nm. The color for this wavelength is purple. For the last question, is about the observation of the colors of these solutions relate to the colors at their absorbance maxima. The observing colours are complementary to the color that is measured the absorption wavelength. We can say that 590 nm is the wavelength of the red color. Since the red hue is the absorbed color, the reflected color is what we see, the complementary color. The same goes for yellow. Therefore, yellow is a complementary color of the wavelength that is being absorbed.

For more information about wavelength, visit :


Complete question:

For your indicator, what is the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ph < 4. 00 solution? what is the wavelength of maximum absorbance for the ph > 10. 00 solution? what colors correspond to these wavelengths? how do the observed colors of these solutions relate to the colors at their absorbance maxima?See the above figure.

a burette has an initial reading of 3.50 ml. an experimenter opens the stopcock and after some time closes it recording a new burette reading of 12.75 ml. the experimenter repeats this two more times recording new readings of 15.60 ml and 17.25 ml. what is the total ml of titrant that has been dispensed from the burette.


13.75 mL of titrant were released from the burette as a whole.

To determine the total volume of titrant dispensed from the burette, you need to subtract the initial reading from the final reading for each trial and add up the results.

For the first trial:

Final reading = 12.75 mL

Initial reading = 3.50 mL

Volume of titrant dispensed = Final reading - Initial reading = 12.75 mL - 3.50 mL = 9.25 mL

For the second trial:

Final reading = 15.60 mL

Initial reading = 12.75 mL

Volume of titrant dispensed = Final reading - Initial reading = 15.60 mL - 12.75 mL = 2.85 mL

For the third trial:

Final reading = 17.25 mL

Initial reading = 15.60 mL

Volume of titrant dispensed = Final reading - Initial reading = 17.25 mL - 15.60 mL = 1.65 mL

The total volume of titrant dispensed from the burette is the sum of the volumes from each trial:

Total volume = 9.25 mL + 2.85 mL + 1.65 mL = 13.75 mL

Therefore, the total volume of titrant dispensed from the burette is 13.75 mL.

To learn more about burette  refer to


a 1.0 canister holds 2.00 moles of gas at 22.3°C whats the pressure in the can


The pressure in the can that holds 2.00 moles of gas at 22.3°C is 48.49atm.

How to calculate pressure?

The pressure in a container can be calculated by using the following ideal gas law expression;

PV = nRT


P = pressureV = volumen = no of molesT = temperatureR = gas law constant

According to this question, a 1.0L canister holds 2.00 moles of gas at 22.3°C. The pressure can be calculated as follows:

P × 1 = 2 × 0.0821 × 295.3

P = 48.49atm

Therefore, the pressure in the canister is 48.49 atm.

Learn more about pressure at:


many soap recipes call for the addition of 5% excess fat. explain the benefit of using excess fat.


Answer:Superfatting is done for two reasons. The first is that extra oils add more moisturizing qualities to your soap (sometimes referred to as emollients). The second is that the common 5% superfatting allows you to a bit more leeway with your lye.

Explanation:What Are the Benefits of Using Excess Fat to Make Soap?

Written by Mustiin Soap

Handcrafted soaps with a little touch of essential oils and sweet, subtle fragrances can offer you a powerful bathing experience. While aroma enriches your mind, the excess fats, on the other hand, are the ones that enhance the overall impact on your skin. Whether made by a hot or cold process, adding fats is essential.

Adding excess fat or superfatting of soap benefits the soap’s moisturizing ability. Another significant benefit is its compatibility with the skin’s pH. As the soap has a pH of about 9.5, and the skin’s pH varies between 4.5-6. Superfatting is used to make the soap more skin-friendly.

Can any help with this chemistry question?? I have an exam tomorrow




To calculate the standard enthalpy of formation for TICL(I), we need to use the given thermochemical equations and Hess's law. The equation for the formation of TICL(I) is:

C(s) + TiO₂ (s) + 2Cl(g) → TICL(I) + CO(g)

Using the given equations for the formation of CO(g) and TiO2(s), we can manipulate them to get the necessary reactants for the formation of TICL(I):

Ti(s) + O₂(g) → TiO₂(s) (reverse the equation)

C(s) + 1/2O₂(g) → CO(g) (multiply by 2)

Adding these two equations, we get:

Ti(s) + 2C(s) + O₂(g) → TiO₂(s) + 2CO(g)

This equation is the reverse of the equation given for the formation of TICL(I), so we need to flip its sign to get the correct value for the enthalpy change:

TICL(I) → C(s) + TiO₂ (s) + 2Cl(g) + CO(g)

ΔH° = -(-394 kJ/mol + 286 kJ/mol + 0 + (-221 kJ/mol))

ΔH° = -(-329 kJ/mol)

ΔH° = +329 kJ/mol

Therefore, the correct value for the standard enthalpy of formation for TICL(I) is +329 kJ/mol, which is option D.

How many covalent bonds are generally formed by atoms with five valence electrons?


Atoms with five valence electrons typically form three covalent bonds.

This is because atoms tend to form enough bonds to complete their outermost shell, which typically requires eight valence electrons (the octet rule). In the case of an atom with five valence electrons, it needs to gain three electrons to complete its outer shell. However, it is often easier for the atom to share three electrons with other atoms through covalent bonding, resulting in three covalent bonds being formed. This is commonly seen with elements such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), which have five valence electrons in their outermost shells.

To know more about electrons click here:


If the reaction quotient (Q) is smaller than the equilibrium constant (K) for a reaction then which way will the reaction proceed? a. The reaction is at equilibrium and the reaction will proceed at equal rates in the reverse and forward direction. b. The reaction will proceed to the right (products side) c. The reaction equation is required to answer this question d. The reaction will proceed to the left( reactants side)


If the reaction quotient (Q) is smaller than the equilibrium constant (K) for a reaction, then the reaction will proceed towards the right, i.e., in the direction of the products. The correct option is (b).

This is because the forward reaction is favored over the reverse reaction as there is less number of products present, and the system tends to minimize the stress caused by an increase in the number of reactants. Here, stress refers to the difference between Q and K.

In other words, if Q < K, then the system has less number of products than it should at equilibrium. Hence, the reaction proceeds in the forward direction to increase the number of products until Q = K. After this point, the reaction reaches equilibrium, and the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal.

In contrast, if Q > K, then the system has more products than it should be at equilibrium. Hence, the reaction proceeds in the reverse direction to decrease the number of products until Q = K. After this point, the reaction reaches equilibrium, and the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer. The reaction will proceed to the right (product side) if Q is smaller than K.

To know more about equilibrium constant, refer here:


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