lewis and clark needed to trade with the shoshone because the corps


Answer 1

Lewis and Clark needed to trade with the Shoshone because the corps needed horses to cross the Rockies and the Shoshone had them .

Gaining the support and friendship of these tribes was crucial for both economic and military and political reasons. Therefore, President Jefferson gave Lewis and Clark the directive to befriend these Indians, establish trading contacts with them, and gather scientific and military data about them.

The Shoshone greeted Lewis, but they were wary. Another tribe had recently raided them. The Shoshone were concerned that Lewis may be tricking them when he requested them to travel to meet the remainder of his expedition crew. Lewis eventually won them over.

To know more about Shoshone visit :



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What might have caused their disapproval of Emperor Leo’s removal of icons from the church


The emperor viewed the icons as a belief in false gods

Throughout the Civil War the Confederate government experienced financial difficulties. What were the results of these financial problems?*The Confederate government enacted a property tax to raise revenue.*Confederate soldiers began deserting because they were not receiving pay, and many were starving.*Many Confederate citizens began to resent the Confederate government and blamed it for the food shortages that occurred.


Answer: All of the options are correct. The financial difficulties experienced by the Confederate government during the Civil War had a significant impact on both the military and civilian populations. The government was forced to enact a property tax and issue paper money, which rapidly depreciated in value. As a result, soldiers were not receiving adequate pay and many began deserting, while civilians experienced food shortages and inflation. These conditions led to widespread resentment towards the government and contributed to the eventual defeat of the Confederacy.


frederick douglass had to move to ________ to escape from being captured as a fugitive slave. the people there raised money to purchase his freedom.


Frederick Douglass had to move to Great Britain to escape from being captured as a fugitive slave.

Where did Frederick Douglass feel to ?

In 1845, Douglass published his autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" which became a best-seller and brought him fame in the United States. However, the publication of his book also put him at risk of being recaptured and returned to slavery.

To avoid this, Douglass traveled to Great Britain and Ireland for two years, where he gave lectures and speeches about his experiences as a slave and advocate for abolition. The people of Britain and Ireland were sympathetic to Douglass's cause and raised money to purchase his freedom from his former slave owner.

Find out more on Frederick Douglass at https://brainly.com/question/25670254


why many people in the united states wanted america to become a colonial power at the end of the 19th century.


Many people in the United States wanted America to become a colonial power at the end of the 19th century because of several reasons. This includes the belief in the idea of manifest destiny, the need for new markets, and the desire to spread American values and culture.Manifest Destiny is the idea that the United States is destined to expand its territory from coast to coast. This idea was especially popular among religious groups, who saw expansion as a way to spread Christianity.

Supporters of this idea believe that the US has a right to spread its values and institutions throughout the world. As a result, many Americans saw overseas expansion as a natural extension of manifest destiny.New MarketsAt the end of the 19th century, many American businesses were looking for new markets for their goods. The United States had a surplus of goods, and manufacturers needed new markets to sell their products. Many people saw overseas expansion as a way to open up new markets for American goods.Spread American Values and CultureLastly, some Americans saw overseas expansion as an opportunity to spread American values and culture. Many people believed that American culture was superior to other cultures and that it was the duty of the United States to spread its values and institutions throughout the world. This idea was especially popular among religious groups, who saw expansion as a way to spread Christianity.

For more such questions on United States



The ideas of the Jacksonian Democrats are best represented by the phrase,

A. *politics for the "common man."
B. "opportunity for immigrants."
C. "politics for the under represented."
D. "voting rights for women *



A. *politics for the "common man."

What was the importance of the Jacksonian democracy?

The importance of Jacksonian democracy lies in all of its deep contradictions. It managed to be both democratic and anti-democratic at the same time. Which is largely why it has not been a valued governance model since the beginning of it’s end, with the Civil War. The more perduring positive legacy of it would be civic engagement in campaigns, at least; and to a lesser extent, state and local processes and policies. There were serious negative legacies it left, as well.

The high-level theory of Jacksonianism implies a government by, for and of the people. Versus and in contrast to: a government led by aristocracy, oligarchy, elitism, etc. Jackson believed less power in the hands of the latter would insure less corruption, and, more, well, ‘we the people’ -style democracy. It was much about a rejection of the one-(First) party Thomas Jefferson administration that largely limited political power to a limited cohort of East Coast elites. The Jacksonian ‘Second Party’ System sought to break the mold and intentionally engage the ‘common man.’

Most of us learn that democracy is about the fair and equal rights and inputs of all—including, ostensibly, the populist (simply: non-government employed population). The reality was (and remains) that democracies—from the Roman Empire to the British Empire (as well as to many American administrations from both parties, including the current Trump Administration)—often were anything but, in practice, solely or even primarily: ‘for the people.’

From this perspective Jackson’s iteration of democracy was radical—but, only to a point. He wasn’t an extremist. With the most unmistakable evidence he wasn’t being that Jackson—and the whole concept of Jacksonian democracy, was, in truth, a poor model for political equality and equitable power.

Blame it on the times if you like, but, the fact is that by ‘the people’ Jackson really meant only ‘white men.’ All others—Native Americans, Mexicans, blacks, women, etc., were left out in theory and ideology (though some unspoken). and especially in policy and practice—to the point that his Congress had a gag rule against discussion of slave policy.

Beyond those glaringly incongruent exceptions, Jackson was considered a ‘new federalist’ due to his straddle of the federalist system as well as some parts of the anti-federalist paradigms. He was a fan of short term limits, protective of states rights and promoted individual rights. The catch is he also managed to expand the executive/president’s office, reduce the potency of the legislature/Congress, all but failed at ‘draining the swamp’ (other than of his political foes who he hastened to remove in wide swaths and whom he replaced with supporters), endorsed slavery, and pulled in the federal reigns over states during the nullification crisis.

Beyond this all, is a theme abundantly demonstrated in the Donald J. Trump presidency. Jackson was a fan of patronage—appointing your friends and allies to political positions—and, (though it’s unknown if Trump will follow through with this part of it): rotating new ones in after four years, apparently to keep the system fresh.

Keeping this relevant background and context in mind, here are some key features of the Jacksonian doctrine, largely in theory again, not necessarily practice—-

Suffrage/Voting rights

Rhetorically Jackson elevated and espoused the concept of ‘majority’ rule. Towards that end one notable battle he took on was an attempt at the abolishment of the Electoral College, part of representative democracy, with their party-appointed representatives (elector(s)) for each state serving as proxies of sort for ‘the people’s’ presidential vote. Jackson felt the electors and Electoral College process was incongruent with the ‘one (white) man, one vote,’ process of the popular vote/majority rule system.

Manifest Destiny

Jackson wanted to ‘expand freedom’ geographically. This was related to both his agrarian ideals—which he boosted with supporting the distribution of land to individual citizens—and, also to the destruction of first nation Native American tribes, an anti-freedom (for non-whites) policy which led to the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears, both under his watch.

In the spirit of the entitlement ethos known as American exceptionalism (or, more literally: ‘Romantic’ nationalism), Jackson was a proponent of both (white) citizens and the government exploring and taking control of the of the American frontier, beyond the colonized East. The ‘destiny’ part comes from the belief that this was settlers’ God-given right. As though God Him/Herself gave white (male) citizens of the U.S. more favor than the land’s indigenous citizens to the North, West and South.

who opposed the war, who favored it; how the war of 1812 was fought and the basis on which the peace was concluded.


The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain. Those who opposed the war included Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, while those who favored it included John Adams and Henry Clay. The Treaty of Ghent was the basis for the peace concluded at the end of the war.

The War of 1812 was fought along the US-Canadian border, the Great Lakes, and the Atlantic coast. The British forces had some victories, including the burning of Washington D.C. However, the US forces won some significant battles, including the Battle of New Orleans, led by Andrew Jackson.

The Treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24, 1814, in Ghent, Belgium. The treaty ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo ante bellum. In other words, it returned the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom to what it was before the war. However, some issues, such as impressment and trade disputes, were not resolved in the treaty.

Learn more about the War of 1812 at https://brainly.com/question/14301560


who was the only eligible incumbent u.s. president not to be his party nomination for a second term


President Franklin Pierce  was the only eligible incumbent u.s. president not to be his party nomination for a second term.  It had been widely expected that no important competitor would have the necessary majority, and that the election would end in a deadlock.

Democrats were divided over the issue of slavery as the presidential election neared. President Franklin Pierce had support in his particular region and territory, but struggled to be chosen because he had been out of power for an extensive period and didn't have the support of the entire country. Significant damage was done to Franklin Pierce's reputation with many North the Democrats by his backing for the slave trade in the South.

Learn more on   president



corinth was a city of commerce primarily due to what feature?


Corinth was a city of commerce primarily due to its location. Corinth is an ancient city that lies between the cities of Athens and Sparta, in the northeastern region of Peloponnese.

Corinth, one of the most flourishing cities of Greece, stood on the Isthmus of Corinth, which connects the Peloponnese to the mainland of Greece.

Cities of ancient Greece were built around important land features such as mountains, sea routes, and rivers, that made them prosperous. Corinth was one of the most prosperous cities in Greece because it was a crossroads for the movement of goods. The geography of the city played an important role in its prosperity.

Corinth was built on the narrow isthmus, which means it was located on a narrow strip of land that connects two larger pieces of land. It was also located between two important seaports, Cenchreae to the east and Lechaeum to the west. The Corinth Canal was constructed in 1893 AD and it is an artificial waterway.

It connected the Saronic Gulf to the Gulf of Corinth and separated the Peloponnese from the rest of Greece. As a city-state, Corinth also had a strong navy, which was important for protecting its trade routes from pirates and raiders.

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How does others show support to Bobby Seale in the trial of the Chicago 7


Despite the fact that he was never found guilty in the case, Judge Hoffman sentenced Seale to four years in prison on November 5, 1969, for 16 charges of contempt, each carrying a three-month term, as a result of his outbursts throughout the trial.

How do people support Bobby Seale during the Chicago trial?

Charles Garry, however, was unwell and was unable to represent Bobby Seale during the trial. Bobby Seale had to be transported to Chicago from California after Judge Hoffman granted Garry's motion to postpone the Black Panther leader's portion of the trial.

The Black Power Movement was a social movement that promoted black people's right to self-advocacy and altered the course of the movement by putting an emphasis on Black power. People's perception that the African American Civil Rights Movement was not succeeding in society also contributed to the social movement.

Learn more about Bobby Seale:



What is the subject of post colonialism?


Post colonialism is a critical theory that focuses on the cultural and political legacy of colonialism and imperialism. It is the subject of postcolonialism, which is the study of the effects of colonialism on cultures and societies around the world.

In other words, postcolonialism is concerned with how colonialism has affected cultures and societies around the world. It seeks to understand how colonialism has shaped the way people think and act, and how it has impacted their cultural and political systems.

Postcolonialism has become an important subject in many academic disciplines, including literature, history, sociology, and anthropology.

It has also been applied to various fields, such as architecture, film, and art. Postcolonial theory is used to examine the cultural, political, and economic relationships between former colonial powers and their former colonies.

TO KNOW ABOUT cultural:



president herbert hoover believed that the great depression could be ended by doing all of the following exceptdirectly assisting businesses and banks.lending federal funds to feed farm livestock.keeping faith in the efficiency of the industrial system.


President Herbert Hoover believed that the Great Depression could be ended by doing all of the following except lending federal funds to feed farm livestock.Keeping faith in the efficiency of the industrial system, directly assisting businesses and banks were some of his initiatives to end the great depression.

What was the Great Depression?The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that lasted from 1929 to 1939. The depression began in the United States of America after the stock market crashed on October 24, 1929. Following the crash, the stock prices fell significantly, and many people were left with enormous debts that they could not repay.What were the initiatives taken by President Hoover to end the Great Depression?President Hoover tried to end the Great Depression by taking several initiatives. Some of these initiatives are as follows:Keeping faith in the efficiency of the industrial system, i.e., the Hoover administration believed that the economy would naturally right itself after a period of correction.Directly assisting businesses and banks- Hoover signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff in June 1930 to protect American manufacturers and farmers from foreign competition. He also supported a series of measures that would provide relief to the banking industry.Lending federal funds- President Hoover authorized the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to give financial assistance to state and local governments, as well as to banks and other businesses.The only initiative that President Herbert Hoover didn't believe would help end the Great Depression was lending federal funds to feed farm livestock.

for  more questions on  Great Depression



4. How does Gen Scott attempt to relate to the Cherokee?



4. How does Gen Scott attempt to relate to the Cherokee?


In his address to the Cherokee people in 1838, General Winfield Scott attempted to relate to the Cherokee by portraying himself as a friend and ally of the Cherokee people. He acknowledged the difficult situation the Cherokee were facing as they were being forcibly removed from their ancestral lands and urged them to accept the terms of the Treaty of New Echota, which would require them to move westward to Indian Territory.

Scott also attempted to present the forced removal as a humane and necessary measure to protect the Cherokee from violence and retaliation by white settlers who were encroaching on Cherokee lands. He emphasized that the U.S. government was providing assistance and provisions for the Cherokee during the journey, and he assured them that they would be able to build a new home in Indian Territory.

Despite these efforts to relate to the Cherokee, many viewed Scott as a symbol of the oppressive policies of the U.S. government and resented his role in carrying out the forced removal.

Why did some Europeans believe that relinquishing political control of colonies in Asia and Africa during the twentieth century could be beneficial?


Some Europeans believed that relinquishing political control of colonies in Asia and Africa during the twentieth century could be beneficial for several reasons. These reasons include Economic Reasons, Ideological Reasons, Nationalism International Relations

1. Economic Reasons: With colonies came the expense of administration and defense, which could be costly. As a result, some people believed that giving up colonies would save money and resources.2. Ideological Reasons: Many Europeans believed that it was their duty to spread their culture, language, and religion to other countries. However, this idea became less popular in the twentieth century, with many people believing that it was not appropriate to impose their ideas on others.3. Nationalism: During the twentieth century, nationalism became increasingly important. People felt more connected to their nation, and some believed that having colonies was a distraction from national unity. In addition, the idea of colonization became increasingly unpopular, with many people believing that it was unfair to exploit other countries for their resources.4. International Relations: The creation of the United Nations and other international organizations meant that there was more cooperation between countries. As a result, some people believed that it was more appropriate for countries to work together rather than one country controlling another.

For more such questions on Europeans



who was the first woman to win a grand slam title in tennis


The first woman to win a Grand Slam title in tennis is Suzanne Lenglen.

Suzanne Lenglen, nicknamed "La Divine," was a French tennis player who is widely regarded as one of the greatest in history. She is most known for winning the women's singles title at Wimbledon six times between 1919 and 1925.Suzanne Lenglen also won six French Open singles championships in a row from 1920 to 1925. She won 81 consecutive matches before retiring at the age of 27 due to illness.

She revolutionized the sport with her unorthodox style, which included a backhand that was often hit with one hand and a volleying technique that was ahead of its time.Lenglen's career was a significant part of tennis history. She was the first player to have an all-encompassing playing style, as well as the first to wear a skirt that showed her calf muscles, as well as the first to use a metal racquet. Despite the fact that she retired at a young age, she left an indelible impression on the sport of tennis.

For such more questions on grand slam title:



Identify the winning side of each battleSides:Allied victoryGerman victoryBattles:First battle of el alameinOperation torchBattle of tobrukBattle of tunisia


The winning side of each battle are 1. First Battle of El Alamein: Allied Victory. 2. Operation Torch: Allied Victory. 3. Battle of Tobruk: German Victory. 4. Battle of Tunisia: Allied Victory.

The Battle of El Alamein, which was a turning point in World War II's North African campaign, was fought between 23 October and 4 November 1942. An Axis force commanded by General Georg Stumme attempted to invade Egypt, but it was repulsed by the Allied forces, which were led by General Bernard Montgomery. Allied victory in the Battle of El Alamein was a crucial step toward the eventual defeat of the Axis in North Africa.

Operation Torch was an Allied invasion of French North Africa during World War II that began on November 8, 1942. The operation was a joint effort between the United States and the United Kingdom, and it was aimed at eliminating the Axis forces from North Africa. Despite some initial setbacks, the Allied forces were successful in their efforts, and the Axis forces were pushed out of North Africa.

The Axis powers won the Battle of Tobruk, which took place in Tobruk, Libya, from 10 April to 27 November 1941, during World War II. The battle was fought between German and Italian forces, who were trying to capture the city, and Australian and British forces, who were attempting to hold it. Despite the Allies' best efforts, the Axis forces eventually prevailed and captured Tobruk.

The Battle of Tunisia was a series of battles that took place between November 1942 and May 1943 during World War II. It was fought between the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Vichy France) and the Allies (United States, United Kingdom, and Free France). The Allies eventually prevailed, with the last Axis troops surrendering on May 13, 1943.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Identify the winning side of each battle. Sides: Allied victory and German victory. Battles: First Battle of El Alamein, Operation Torch, Battle of Tobruk, and Battle of Tunisia.

Learn more about Operation Torch:



in 1938, germany succeeded in anschluss, or union, with a neighboring country, which was strictly against the treaty of versailles. with what country did germany unite?


In 1938, Germany succeeded in Anschluss, or union, with a neighboring country which was strictly against the Treaty of Versailles. The country with which Germany united was Austria.

In 1938, Germany succeeded in Anschluss, or union, with the neighboring country of Austria, which was strictly against the terms outlined in the Treaty of Versailles.

The move sparked international outrage as the Anschluss violated a core clause of the Treaty and was seen as an aggressive attempt by Germany to increase their territorial control in the region. This ultimately set in motion the Second World War, which would end with the complete devastation of Germany and its allies.

To know more about Versailles, click here.



what happened to the german sphere of influence in china after world war i ended? a the league of nations governed it as a mandate. b it was given to japan. c germany turned it into a colony. d china regained control.


After the end of World War I, the German sphere of influence in China was given to Japan.

The German sphere of influence in China was made up of the Shandong Province and other territories in northern China. Japan fought on the side of the Allies during World War I and was given the right to manage these territories in northern China at the Treaty of Versailles. This infuriated the Chinese, and there were protests all over the country. They were already angry because they had been promised at the Treaty of Versailles that they would regain control of their own country, but Japan's occupation of northern China was seen as an infringement of their sovereignty.

This statement is backed up by answer B

learn more about  World War I here:



Which of the following was a result of the boom in agricultural production of the eighteenth century?a.large numbers of people began leaving cities to move to farmsb. people had more money to spend on manufactured goodsc. people put more money into banks for savingd. families began to stockpile foodstuffs for shortages


The result of the boom in agricultural production of the eighteenth century is: b. People had more money to spend on manufactured goods.

The 18th-century agricultural revolution increased the efficiency and output of farms. Advances in land use and crop rotation, as well as the introduction of new crops from the Americas, such as maize and potatoes, increased yields.

The increase in food production allowed for the growth of the population, as more individuals had access to affordable and dependable nutrition. The increase in food supply also meant that people had more money to spend on manufactured goods.

Farmers who had benefited from the agricultural revolution could now purchase items they previously couldn't afford. As a result, the agricultural revolution resulted in a surge in demand for manufactured goods.

This surge in demand allowed for the growth of the factory system, which enabled the mass production of goods at a lower cost than previously.

To Know more about agricultural production refer here;



match the event with the correct date. 1 . a.d. 70 constantine becomes emperor of rome 2 . a.d. 1948 jerusalem destroyed 3 . a.d. 313 hitler becomes chancellor of germany 4 . a.d. 1933 israel becomes a nation


In AD 70, the Roman army, led by Titus, sacked and burned Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jewish temple. In 1948, Jerusalem was destroyed again due to the Arab-Israeli war.

AD 70: Constantine becomes Emperor of Rome Constantine was the Roman emperor from AD 306 to 337. He was the first Roman emperor to embrace Christianity and played a crucial role in establishing the Christian religion in the Roman Empire. AD 1948: Jerusalem destroyedJerusalem is a holy city for Muslims, Jews, and Christians. In AD 70, the Roman army, led by Titus, sacked and burned Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jewish temple. In 1948, Jerusalem was destroyed again due to the Arab-Israeli war.

AD 313: Hitler becomes Chancellor of GermanyAdolf Hitler was appointed as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 after he and his Nazi Party won the parliamentary election. AD 1933: Israel becomes a nation The State of Israel was established on May 14, 1948, in the wake of World War II and the Holocaust.

Learn more about Rome Constantine : brainly.com/question/24737666


What city in Spain is surrounded by medieval walls?


Ávila is a city in Spain that is surrounded by medieval walls.

Located in the autonomous community of Castile and León, Ávila is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, including its fortified walls that date back to the 11th century. The walls of Ávila are made of granite and stretch for over two kilometers around the old town, with 88 towers and nine gates. The walls were built to protect the city from invaders, and their impressive size and structure reflect the importance of the city during the Middle Ages. Today, the walls of Ávila are a popular tourist attraction and have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

To learn more about medieval walls refer to:



Why might have the promises of the Bolsheviks have been appealing to the Russian people?


The promises of the Bolsheviks have been appealing to the Russian people Lenin promised peace, land, and bread to the Russian people .

The Bolsheviks would evolve into the Soviet Union's Communist Party.  They backed a tiny group of ardent revolutionaries who were prepared to give their all to bring about dramatic change. Because Lenin was a skilled organizer and a brutal dictator, the Bolsheviks' ideologies were appealing to the Russian working class.

Peasants and industrial workers made up the bulk of the population in Russia, or bolshe. They opposed the new, noble-led administration. These working class Russians were drawn to the communist principles of the Bolshevik Party, which was led by charismatic attorney Vladimir Lenin.

To know more about  Russian revolution visit :



how was reconstruction changed by the assassination of president abraham lincoln?


With the removal of Lincoln from office, the course of Reconstruction was changed, and the presidency passed to Andrew Johnson. Johnson was not supportive of the measures taken to ensure that former slaves had the same civil rights as white Americans, and so the Freedmen’s Bureau, which provided aid and assistance to former slaves, was weakened.

Reconstruction, the period of rebuilding the Union following the American Civil War, was profoundly impacted by the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.  Johnson also resisted civil rights legislation, including the Fourteenth Amendment. This meant that African Americans were denied their right to vote, further marginalizing them and preventing them from participating in the political process.

In addition, Johnson’s leniency towards the former Confederate states led to the passing of “black codes”, which further restricted African Americans’ rights. Thus, the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln had a significant impact on Reconstruction, leading to a setback in the process of securing civil rights for African Americans.

For such more questions on abraham lincoln:



how did the communist party control artistic expression


The Communist Party controlled artistic expression by creating censorship policies and promoting socialist realism as the only acceptable style of art. This was done to ensure that art served the ideological goals of the party and reflected its values and beliefs.

In particular, the Communist Party in the Soviet Union created strict censorship policies that prohibited the production and distribution of any works of art that were deemed harmful to the interests of the party or the state. This included anything that could be seen as critical of the government, religion, or any other aspect of Soviet society.

Additionally, the party promoted the style of socialist realism, which was an art form that celebrated the achievements of the Communist revolution and the accomplishments of the Soviet state. This style was seen as a means of promoting Soviet propaganda and of presenting an idealized image of the country to the world.

For more such questions on Communist Party, click on:



The probable question may be:

how did the communist party control artistic expression? explain

in 1928 and 1929, the federal government’s tightening of the money supply was one of the policies that contributed to the great depression. T/F


in 1928 and 1929, the federal government’s tightening of the money supply was one of the policies that contributed to the great depression. T/F

In the 1930s Japanese nationalists sought to correct the ill effects of the Great Depression by employing which actions?by negotiating trade agreementsby expanding democratic principlesby adopting free-market capitalismby seizing foreign territories with valuable resources


In the 1930s, Japanese nationalists sought to correct the ill effects of the Great Depression by seizing foreign territories with valuable resources.

During the Great Depression, Japan faced significant economic challenges, including a decrease in exports and a rise in unemployment. To address these issues, Japanese nationalists believed that the country needed to expand its access to resources and markets, which could be achieved through territorial expansion.

In the early 1930s, Japan began to pursue an aggressive foreign policy, which included the invasion and occupation of Manchuria in 1931 and the subsequent establishment of the puppet state of Manchukuo. This was followed by Japan's invasion of China in 1937, which marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. These actions were driven in part by a desire to secure access to natural resources and markets in China and other parts of Asia.

Overall, the Japanese nationalists sought to address the economic challenges of the Great Depression by expanding Japan's access to resources and markets through territorial expansion, rather than by negotiating trade agreements, expanding democratic principles, or adopting free-market capitalism.

To learn more about nationalists refer to:



who is the youngest person ever to win an academy award? tatum o’neal


Tatum O'Neal is the youngest person ever to win an Academy Award. At the age of 10, she won the Best Supporting Actress award in 1974 for her role in the movie "Paper Moon." She played the role of Addie Loggins, the daughter of a con artist who becomes a father figure to her after her mother's death.

"Paper Moon" was directed by Peter Bogdanovich and starred Tatum O'Neal's father, Ryan O'Neal, in the lead role. Tatum O'Neal's performance in the film was widely praised and she became the youngest person ever to win an Academy Award, a record she still holds to this day. Tatum O'Neal had a promising start to her career, but she struggled with addiction and personal problems as she got older.

She has made occasional appearances in movies and television shows over the years, but she is perhaps best known for her role in "Paper Moon" and for her record-breaking achievement as the youngest Academy Award winner.

For more such questions on Academy Award



. How do you think Cherokee Chief John Ross responded upon receiving this address? What options were available to him?



. How do you think Cherokee Chief John Ross responded upon receiving this address? What options were available to him?


It is difficult to know for certain how Cherokee Chief John Ross responded upon receiving the address without knowing more specifics about the address in question. However, based on historical context, it is likely that he would have responded with a mixture of frustration, anger, and sadness.

During the mid-1800s, the United States government implemented a policy of Indian removal, which sought to forcibly relocate Native American tribes from their ancestral lands to reservations in other parts of the country. The Cherokee Nation, of which John Ross was the principal chief, was one of the tribes affected by this policy. In 1838, the U.S. government forcibly removed the Cherokee people from their land in what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Given this context, it is likely that any address received by John Ross from the U.S. government would have been seen as an attempt to further erode the sovereignty and autonomy of the Cherokee Nation. Options available to John Ross would have been limited, as the U.S. government had significant military and political power at the time. He could have chosen to resist the government's policies through legal means, such as appealing to the Supreme Court, as the Cherokee Nation had done in previous cases. However, given the history of forced removal and violence against Native American tribes, it is understandable that Ross and other Cherokee leaders would have been skeptical of the U.S. legal system. Alternatively, Ross could have sought to negotiate with the U.S. government for more favorable terms. However, given the power imbalance between the two parties, such negotiations may not have been successful. Ultimately, the options available to John Ross and the Cherokee Nation would have been limited by the larger historical and political context of the time.

although the british won the french and indian war, there were significant challenges ahead. complete the passage to describe some of the issues the british faced after the war.


After the British won the french and indian war, a part of the seven years war, they faced significant economic issues due to the costs of the war.

The British encountered various issues, despite their triumph. The economy of the thirteen colonies had taken a severe blow, which was one of the biggest difficulties they encountered after the war.

The history of the french and indian war

The British found it difficult to impose and enforce the tax legislation that was passed to help finance the expense of the war. The french and indian war was a critical event in the history of the United States.

The war began in 1754 and concluded in 1763, at the end of the seven years war. It was a battle between the british and french over control of land in North America.

The victory of the british over the french gave the british considerable control over land in the United States. The victory over the french and the gain of more land by the british, however, did not imply that the british could control this land quickly or effectively.

The land had already been colonized by the french, so there was a high demand for development and colonization to take place in these areas. There was an economic problem caused by the conflict's costs, as well as the demand for colonizing the new land, and the expense of protecting it from any enemy threats.

Learn more about the french and indian war: https://brainly.com/question/3223999


when did prostitution reach its height in the united states?


Prostitution in the united states reached its peak throughout the late nineteenth century, specially in city areas with massive populations of single, immigrant guys.

The rise of industrialization, urbanization, and migration brought about a shift in gender roles and the breakdown of conventional family systems, growing a market for commercial sex.

Prostitution was tolerated and regulated by means of the authorities in lots of cities, and brothels operated openly. however, the practice was additionally stigmatized and associated with vice, disorder, and immorality, leading to campaigns for its abolition.

The modern era noticed the passage of legal guidelines that criminalized prostitution and empowered law enforcement to crack down on it, however the alternate persisted underground and persisted to be a significant social difficulty.

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In the mid-1930s, for the first time in American history, the left-an umbrella term for socialists, communists, labor radicals, and many New Deal liberals-enjoyed a shaping influence on the nation's politics and culture. Identify the statements that specifically describe the communist movement in America.


Statements that specifically describe the communist movement in America are a. Popular Front and its focus on civil liberties helped to create understanding of Americanism. b. The Communist Party sought to ally themselves with socialists

The first statement, that the Popular Front and its focus on civil liberties helped to create a more pluralistic understanding of Americanism," alludes to a political tactic used by the Communist Party USA in the middle of the 1930s in order to advance their political goals by forming alliances with other progressive organisations. The Communist Party stressed its support for civil freedoms as part of this policy, which contributed to the development of a more varied and inclusive conception of American nationality.

The second statement, that during the Popular Front, the Communist Party tried to align itself with socialists and New Dealers," similarly captures the Communist Party's efforts to join forces with other progressive organisations at this time. To further their common objectives of economic justice and social reform, the Communist Party in particular wanted to cooperate with socialists and New Dealers.

Complete Question:

In the mid-1930s, for the first time in American history, the left-an umbrella term for socialists, communists, labor radicals, and many New Deal liberals-enjoyed a shaping influence on the nation's politics and culture. Identify the statements that specifically describe the communist movement in America.

a. The Popular Front and its focus on civil liberties helped to create a more pluralistic understanding of Americanism.

b. The Communist Party sought to ally themselves with socialists and New Dealers during the time of the Popular Front.

c. It prominently features African-Americans, thus demonstrating the Communist Party's commitment to supporting people of all races.

d. It depicts working Americans united under the American and Communist flags, emphasizing the Americanization of the movement.

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