Like DNA, RNA follows base-pairing rules. Experiment to find which RNA _____________ on the right side of the Gizmo will successfully pair with the thymine at the top of the template strand of DNA.


Answer 1

Answer: Nucleotide; Adenine

Explanation: RNA Nucleotide contains bases of Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine and Uracil. The Uracil base in RNA, substitute the base Thymine in the DNA base and bonds with Adenine like as seen in DNA base pairing.

Thus, during DNA duplication, the thymine at the top of the template strand of DNA is replaced with Uracil and binds with Adenine.

Related Questions

Can parents with A and B blood type have a baby of O
if yes please state reason ​




so is AB blood type. But someone who has a B and an O version only makes the B protein. They are B blood type but can pass the O onto their kids. So two B parents can make an O child if both parents are BO

Can parents with A and B blood type have a baby of O?

answer : yes

please mark brainliest

Explain how sunlight is the primary source of energy for your own life


Answer: ok...


The continual input of energy, mostly from sunlight, sustains the process of life. Sunlight allows plants, algae and cyanobacteria to use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates. This process is the fundamental source of organic material in the biosphere.

Does religion or evolution explain why we are here. which is right are they both right are both wrong. explain your reasoning

ᴵ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ˢᵃʸ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ.

I will give brainly if your argument is convencing



ok so like i think they do but it also makes things really complicated


becauuuuseeeee its the fact that for me i always think that maybe thats how the world birthed orrrrrrrr that all of this is a made up concept of life cause everything you think about is just another concept. anddddd it could just be like the matrix and its like hard to think about how everything we know couldd just be made up or pointless to the point where there is a point of living ykkkkk.

Mark Brainliest please

My argument runs like this. I’ll construe “science” as the set of tools we use to find truth about the universe, with the understanding that these truths are provisional rather than absolute. These tools include observing nature, framing and testing hypotheses, trying your hardest to prove that your hypothesis is wrong to test your confidence that it’s right, doing experiments and above all replicating your and others’ results to increase confidence in your inference.

And I’ll define religion as does philosopher Daniel Dennett: “Social systems whose participants avow belief in a supernatural agent or agents whose approval is to be sought.” Of course many religions don’t fit that definition, but the ones whose compatibility with science is touted most often – the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam – fill the bill.

Next, realize that both religion and science rest on “truth statements” about the universe – claims about reality. The edifice of religion differs from science by additionally dealing with morality, purpose and meaning, but even those areas rest on a foundation of empirical claims. You can hardly call yourself a Christian if you don’t believe in the Resurrection of Christ, a Muslim if you don’t believe the angel Gabriel dictated the Qur’an to Muhammad, or a Mormon if you don’t believe that the angel Moroni showed Joseph Smith the golden plates that became the Book of Mormon. After all, why accept a faith’s authoritative teachings if you reject its truth claims?

Indeed, even the Bible notes this: “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.”

Many theologians emphasize religion’s empirical foundations, agreeing with the physicist and Anglican priest John Polkinghorne:

“The question of truth is as central to [religion’s] concern as it is in science. Religious belief can guide one in life or strengthen one at the approach of death, but unless it is actually true it can do neither of these things and so would amount to no more than an illusory exercise in comforting fantasy.”
The conflict between science and faith, then, rests on the methods they use to decide what is true, and what truths result: These are conflicts of both methodology and outcome.

In contrast to the methods of science, religion adjudicates truth not empirically, but via dogma, scripture and authority – in other words, through faith, defined in Hebrews 11 as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” In science, faith without evidence is a vice, while in religion it’s a virtue. Recall what Jesus said to “doubting Thomas,” who insisted in poking his fingers into the resurrected Savior’s wounds: “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”

Two ways to look at the same thing, never the twain shall meet. Gabriel Lamza/Unsplash
And yet, without supporting evidence, Americans believe a number of religious claims: 74 percent of us believe in God, 68 percent in the divinity of Jesus, 68 percent in Heaven, 57 percent in the virgin birth, and 58 percent in the Devil and Hell. Why do they think these are true? Faith.

But different religions make different – and often conflicting – claims, and there’s no way to judge which claims are right. There are over 4,000 religions on this planet, and their “truths” are quite different. (Muslims and Jews, for instance, absolutely reject the Christian belief that Jesus was the son of God.) Indeed, new sects often arise when some believers reject what others see as true. Lutherans split over the truth of evolution, while Unitarians rejected other Protestants’ belief that Jesus was part of God.

And while science has had success after success in understanding the universe, the “method” of using faith has led to no proof of the divine. How many gods are there? What are their natures and moral creeds? Is there an afterlife? Why is there moral and physical evil? There is no one answer to any of these questions. All is mystery, for all rests on faith.

The “war” between science and religion, then, is a conflict about whether you have good reasons for believing what you do: whether you see faith as a vice or a virtue.

Compartmentalizing realms is irrational

So how do the faithful reconcile science and religion? Often they point to the existence of religious scientists, like NIH Director Francis Collins, or to the many religious people who accept science. But I’d argue that this is compartmentalization, not compatibility, for how can you reject the divine in your laboratory but accept that the wine you sip on Sunday is the blood of Jesus?

Why is Glucose added to the fermenter with bacteria Becillus magaterium



porque la glucosa genera mas desechos de alcohol y CO2.

Medio mínimo salino en que se reemplaza la glucosa por diferentes fuentes.

Medio de melaza de caña de azúcar 40 g/1 y urea 1,2 g/1 para fermentador.

producido por bacterias, como Bacillus subtilis en laboratorio bajo condiciones .


6. Which generations saw a population altering incident? Use your imagination to invent a
possible environmental incident that could have caused this shift in populations.



Generations 1 and 6.

Some ideas for incidents might include a forest fire, lack of snowfall, flooding, earthquake, etc.



Which of the following statements about survivorship curves is correct?



A survivorship curve reflects the relationship of survival rate with age. best curves the statement about survivorship.


heyy mate! hope this helped you!

A survivorship curve is a graph that shows the proportion of individuals in a population surviving at different age intervals. The correct statement is that survivorship curve describes the pattern of mortality in a population over time. The correct option is C.

What is Survivorship curve?

Survivorship curve describes the pattern of mortality in a population over time. The survivorship curve is divided into three types, i.e., Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Survivorship curve type 1 represents a high survival rate throughout the lifespan of the population. It shows that most individuals survive until old age, and the mortality rate increases at the end of the lifespan.

Survivorship curve type 2 shows a relatively constant rate of mortality throughout the lifespan of the population. It indicates that the probability of survival remains the same throughout life.

Survivorship curve type 3 represents high mortality rates among young individuals in a population. It shows that most individuals die young, and only a few individuals survive to adulthood.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Survivorship curve here:

Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Which of the following statements regarding survivorship curves is correct?

a) survivorship curves are graphs that plot number of survivors (Nx) against age (x)

b) In type III curve, most individuals in the population die at the very early age

c) Survivorship curve describes the pattern of mortality in a population over time.

d) K-selected species typify populations that follow a type I curve

Phân tích các yếu tố cho thấy ĐẤT là môi trường đa dạng nhất về các loại sinh vật?


.... what you wrote isn’t a question.... you wrote a statement.....

Here is what you wrote translated to English

Analysis of factors shows that SOIL is the most diverse environment in terms of organisms?


I don't no answer sorry



Explain Okazaki fragments as applied in DNA replication​


Answer: Okazaki fragments are short sequences of DNA nucleotides (approximately 150 to 200 base pairs long in eukaryotes) which are synthesized discontinuously and later linked together by the enzyme DNA ligase to create the lagging strand during DNA replication.


Hope it helps you if not sorry

what are some of the actions that the somatic nervous system does?


Mark Brainliest please


It regulates voluntary activities.
It relays information to and from skin and skeletal muscles


The somatic nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system (part of the nervous system consisting of nerves and ganglia, and whose essential role is the transmission of information between the central nervous system - brain and spinal cord - and organs). It intervenes in the voluntary control of movements (or involuntary movements in case of reflexes, but this is different from the involuntary activities) (efferent fibers) and in the perception of external stimuli (afferent fibers).

The somatic nervous system controls the movements of skeletal muscle (which are generally voluntary) and the environmental perception, (think to the arc reflex).

The involuntary activities (proposition 1) mean automatisms like the heartbeat, respiration, secretions of hormones or sweat




join now only............. it's running

If you walk through a busy crowd and feel a few different people bump and push past you as they walk by, which skin receptors would be activated?



Mechanoreceptors would be activated


The skin is a complex organ that is found covering the entire surface of the human body. The mechanoreceptors are responsible for the sense of touch, that is, the capture of pressure on the skin. They are the Meissner corpuscles and the Vater-Pacini corpuscles, which are made up of nerve endings and connective tissue, in other words, they are receptors that are stimulated by muscle contraction and pressure on the joint elements. It allows to know the position of the body and the degree of contraction of the muscles.

A cell has twice as many mitochondria as a typical cell. It also has a large amount of rough ER. What functions
might that cell have?





Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in any normal human cell, the first ____ pairs provide directions for an individual's body and brain development. Scientists now estimate that about half of a person's _____________ can be traced to genetic influence and that psychological disorders arise from the interactions of many genes.



Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in any normal human cell, the first 22 pairs provide directions for an individual's body and brain development. Scientists now estimate that about half of a person's personality traits and cognitive abilities can be traced to genetic influence and that psychological disorders arise from the interactions of many genes.


Chromosomes are small molecules that have the ability to carry all the genetic information needed to form a living being. These chromosomes are donated by an individual's parents and are used to form 23 pairs that determine all the internal and external characteristics of an organism. Among these 23 pairs, one pair will be responsible for determining the individual's gender, and the other 22 pairs will be responsible for the instructions that will make up the entire body and brain of the individual. Many scientists believe that chromosomes are responsible for even a part of a person's personality traits and that the genes they carry are directly related to the existence of psychological disorders.

The correct fillers for the given statements are: "22" and "personality and cognitive abilities"

Chromosomes are thread-like minute structures found in the nucleus of the plant and animal cells. These are the structures that help in transferring genetic information from one generation to another. Half chromosomes come from the mother and half come from the father's reproductive cells.

Humans have 23 chromosome pairs in their cells, one out of 23 pairs is responsible for the gender of the human embryo or child.the other initial 22 pairs are responsible for providing directions for an individual's body and brain development.On the basis of studies, many scientists say that almost half of the traits of personality and cognitive activities or mental processes to learn or acquire activities are due to chromosomes.

Thus, the correct answers are : "22" and "personality and cognitive abilities"

Learn more about chromosomes:

High altitude adaptation is a complex physiological process that involves an increase in both the number of Hb molecules per erythrocyte and the total number of erythrocytes. It normally requires several weeks to complete. However, even after one day at high altitude, there is a significant degree of adaptation. This effect results from a rapid increase in the erythrocyte BPG concentration.

a. Try to do this without looking at the graphs. If oxygen-binding curves for both high altitude adapted hemoglobin and normal, unadapted Hb were plotted together, would the curve for high altitude adapted Hb be to the left of, to the right of or the same as the curve for unadapted Hb? Explain.
b. Is the oxygen binding affinity of high-altitude adapted Hb higher, lower, or the same as that of unadapted Hb? Explain.



a. To the right

b. higher


From the information given:


The oxygen-adsorption curve of the elevated high altitude modified the hemoglobin and this will move to the right because there is a reduced amount of oxygen available at high altitude, as well as an increase in carbon dioxide and H+ ion concentration, temperature, and all of which raise pH and shifts the curve towards the right.


As there is a low relative partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude, the oxygen-binding attraction of high altitude adaptable hemoglobin is greater and higher than that of unadapted hemoglobin under pulmonary oxygen loading. This is important to optimize the oxygen concentration levels in blood circulation and blood tissues.

Các enzyme xúc tác phản ứng thường có cấu trúc bậc mấy? Tại sao?



Một phản ứng enzym thường bao gồm một chuỗi các bước như liên kết cơ chất không hóa trị, cấu hình lại hình học của enzym ở trạng thái liên kết, sự biến đổi hóa học của cơ chất thành sản phẩm và giải phóng sản phẩm. (Xin lỗi, tôi không giỏi tiếng Việt lắm nhưng tôi đang cố gắng nên tôi hy vọng điều này sẽ giúp bạn một chút)

Select the correct answer.
How much has the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased since 1750?
А. 10%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 40% ​



The answer is C. It has increased about 50% since 1750.

C might be the answer.

__________ law, which helps explain the critical closing pressure, states that the force that stretches the vascular wall is proportional to the diameter of the vessel times the blood pressure.



Laplace law


Have a nice day :)

Communication in the nervous system is called electrochemical. Why is this so?​



The movement of the action potential down the length of the axon is an electrical event, and movement of the neurotransmitter across the synaptic space represents the chemical portion of the process.

A person launches two model rockets, which reach the same altitude. One
rocket weighs 1.5 N, and the other weighs 3.2 N. How does the mass of the
rockets relate to the force of gravity on them?
A. The mass of the 1.5 N rocket is less than the mass of the 3.2 N
B. The 1.5 N rocket and the 3.2 N rocket have the same mass before
they are launched
C. The mass of the 1.5 N rocket will be the same as the mass of the
3.2 N rocket when they reach the same altitude.
D. The 1.5 N rocket has more mass than the 3.2 N rocket.


A person launches two model rockets, which reach the same altitude. One rocket weighs 1.5 N, and the other weighs 3.2 N.

The mass of the rockets relate to the force of gravity on them, the mass of the 1.5 N rocket is less than the mass of the 3.2 N


Option A is correct.

What is  mass?

Mass can be described as the amount of matter present in any object or body.

Weight on the other hand is a measure of force that is equal to the gravitational pull on an object.

Mass is independent of location, while weight depends on location.

In conclusion, the force of gravity on the two rockets is proportional to their mass.

Learn more about mass at:


Respond to the following based on your reading.

What's the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond?

An electric current is trying to move through an atom. How do protons and electrons impact the movement of electricity?

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right.

Term Definition

3. Carbohydrate
a. Molecule that's a source of energy in the body

4. Nucleic acid
b. Many structures and enzymes in the body are made of these

5. Lipids
c. One substance that makes up cell membranes

6. Proteins
d. The molecule that carries the genetic material in the cell



1. In an ionic bond, the electrons are lost or gained between atoms. In a covalent bond, the electrons are shared between atoms.

2. Protons and electrons both have an electric charge. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. This means that their charges are equal and opposite. The nature of the charge influences how electricity moves through an atom.

3. a

4. d

5. c

6. b


The ionic bonds are formed between the metal and nonmetal with the opposite charges, whereas the covalent are between the nonmetals. The electricity is influenced both by the electron (negative) and protons (positive) of the atom.

What is an atom?

An atom is made of subatomic particles with different charges. The electron is negative and protons are positive charge particles that affect the movement of the electric current as their charges influence the electric charge.

The matches for the macromolecules with their definitions are given as,

Carbohydrates are the macromolecules involved in the storage of energy. Hence, option a is correct.

Nucleic acids are molecules consisting of DNA and RNA that act as genetic and heritable material. Hence, option d is correct.

Lipids are involved in the structural composition of the cell membrane and store energy. Hence, option c is correct.

Proteins make various enzymes and structures in the body that plays the most crucial role. Hence, option b is correct.

Learn more about atoms here:


I need a little help



do i look like a genes


cant help

Check all statements you agree with regarding the
purpose section of Proposal A.
This project will do a good job revealing the
effect of pesticides on honeybees.
It will help to establish a baseline for historical
comparison, a long-term benefit.
Society will benefit because the project will
indirectly increase the supply of honey and
other agricultural production.
The honey and agricultural industries will
benefit because bees will face fewer threats



And will also reduce unemployment and also reduce morbidity

I am sorry I wanted just wanted point for my answer I am sorry

If you chemically synthesized the DNA molecule ATGCCGAATG from individual nucleotides, what would be present in solution besides the DNA?

A. phosphate


C. lipids

D. glucose






c. lipids


Consider the factors that affect muscular strength. Read each scenario and identify whether each would result in a stronger or weaker muscle contraction.

1- Potassium accumulate in the sarcoplasm
2- Increase in muscle belly circumference
3- Lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibres
4- Begin contractions with muscle already 50% contraction
5- Lower sarcoplasm pH
6- Increased stimulus frequency.
7- Circular arrangement of muscle fascicles
8- increased requirement.


Muscles are required in breathing, talking, running, walking, and any body movement. Actin and myosins are protein filaments present in muscle cells that help to contract and relax or change the shape of muscles. Muscles are responsible for the movement or motion of organisms. Joints are the connection between two or more bones. Most joints are mobile.

Muscle strength is determined by several factors. Some of those are the physical shape, size, and innervation of the muscles.  

Weak contraction

Potassium accumulates in the sarcoplasm. Contracted lower sarcoplasm pH.Begin contraction with muscle already 50%. The circular arrangement of muscle fascicles.

Stronger contraction

Increase in muscle belly circumference. A lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibers. Increased recruitment. Increased stimulus frequency.

Fill in the blanks

a. In general, ____________ moisture levels are associated with lower microbial diversity.
b. Bacteria in the small intestine thrive in _____________ pH than stomach bacteria.
c. The likelihood Of colonization by skin pathogens is ____________ when normal microbiota are present.
d. The occurrence of opportunistic infections ___________ in immunocompromised patients.

1. Higher
2. Lower



a. lower





Moisture is a great environment for bacteria to grow, the moister the environment is the more the bacteria will thrive, thinking about this lower moisture levels will result in lower microbial diversity.

The small intestine has higher ph than the stomach, this means that the bacteria there thrive in higher ph than the stomach bacteria.

Normal microbia in the skin usually acts as the first barrier against pathogens, while we have normal microbia it will protect us and will be less likely to get skin pathogens.

Immunocompromised patients are people that have received treatment to reduce their immunological system capacity, this means that even though this is done to battle a disease, another opportunistic infection can appear and take advantage of the fact that the defenses are low.

Which process results in the formation of two identical daughter cells


Explanation: During mitosis, a eukaryotic cell undergoes a carefully coordinated nuclear division that results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. ... If all conditions are ideal, the cell is now ready to move into the first phase of mitosis.


answer is D

answer is mitosis


hope this helps!

If producers receive 1,000kcal of energy from the sun, what would the tertiary consumers in that energy pyramid receice? (draw a pyramid to assit you)
A.100 kcal
B.100,000 kcal
C.10 kcal
D.1 kcal



D. 0.1kcal

hope it helps?

If producers receive 1,000kcal of energy from the sun, the energy received by the tertiary consumers in that energy pyramid is 1kcal. So, the correct option is D.

What is the food web?

When many food chains of an ecosystem are interconnected with each other to make a complex web-like structure is known as the Foodweb.

Lindeman gave the 10% law which means at each step of the food chain when food energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next trophic level, only about 10% of energy is passed on to the next trophic level.

Producers (100%) → Primary consumer (10%) → Secondary consumer(1%) → Tertiary consumer (0.1%).

Therefore, If producers receive 1,000kcal of energy from the sun, the energy received by the tertiary consumers in that energy pyramid is 1kcal.

To learn more about the Food web, refer to the link:

All of the following are correct about the typical American diet except that it is ?

A. High in sodium

B. Low in fiber

C. High in Calcium




I believe the answer is the last one. The average intake in 2010 was 1030 mg approximately and that, according to experts is not enough.  

The American diet is very high in sodium which is not good for your blood pressure. It was, some time ago, recommended that the average intake of Sodium should be about 2 grams. Two hamburgers will shoot that number to the moon, so now it is 4 grams. which if 2 grams was high, 4 grams is super high. Junk food prevails in America.

Fiber is true. It is low. The American Heart Association recommends 25 grams of Fiber a day. The average American takes in 15 which is only 60% of the recommended amount.

B. Low in fiber. This is incorrect. The correct answer would be HIGH in fiber, so therefore the answer is B.

Amino acids are the building blocks of which class of macro molecules






they can also form enzymes ( all enzymes are proteins)

The attraction forces between atoms or molecules of a liquid become ______ during turbulent flow.


The answer to this question is separated
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