Macbeth is shocked to receive the news that King Duncan has named him the new Thane of Cawdor, an announcement that validates the witches’ prophecy. He says, "This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good. " What do you think? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for Macbeth to listen to the witches’ fortune-telling? Explain your choice


Answer 1

I think that given the fact that the fortune telling of the witches has come to pass it would be a good thing for Macbeth to listen to the witches.

The reason why Macbeth has to listen to the witches

After Ross had brought in the news that Macbeth had been made the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth remembered the saying of witches then he realized that they were telling the truth.

He was given this title because the person that held the post had been executed for treasonable reasons.

Read more on Macbeth here:

Related Questions

Make a title about the short paragraph and write a statement that is your own opinion about the paragraph



The Colonialism


Cause the topic is about Colonialism

Romeo Character Trait quotes
Juliet Character Trait quotes


“O me, what fray was here?
Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all.
Here’s much to do with hate, but more with love”

Please help!!

Gather and read research material about shepherds and the occupation of shepherding. Use the encyclopedia and the Bible for part of your information. You may also use information you have learned in this unit.

You may choose to write about the history of the sheepherding using a chronological outline which tells the past and present condition of the profession. You might even predict the future of sheepherding

Or you may write your report using a compare and contrast format. In this type of report you might compare sheepherding to another profession or career. Outline main ideas and supporting details. Write a three- or four-paragraph report (at least 150 words) using your outline as a guide. Remember to give credit to your sources.



what do you mean about this i can not do this


what who do you think is going to do this for you yeah nobody

Fix the one word that is used incorrectly.



of is the answer for this question

Make a title about this short paragraph and write a statement that is your opinion about the paragraph



Colonies in the 15 and 16th centuries

Many colonies formed in the 1670-the 1700s and were a great advancement for English colonists.


The title is a summary sentence of this paragraph, and the opinion sentence is about how good the colonization was.


coloines in the 15 and 16th centuries


The tittle is a summary sentence of this paragraph and the opinion sentence is about

How good the colonization was.

Tell me is it’s correct if not write down the right answer, thank you .
The sentence is :
Lunch for the guests ( was or were ) prepared yesterday.

Note : its a passive voice.



You would use was.


Using "were" in this sense, while it is past tense, doesn't make sense. It is not grammatically correct. If you notice "lunch" is not plural, meaning "were" would not fit it. You would use "was" for it to be grammatically correct.

Here's what the sentence would look like if you used were: "Lunches for the guests were prepared yesterday."

If you were to use "was", the sentence would be: "Lunch for the guests was prepared yesterday.", because the "lunch" is singular. Making this the correct sentence.

I hope this helps!

(Sorry for the mess up!)

-No one

Many wild theories were put forward. It was thought that the plaques must have come from ancient Egypt, or perhaps that the people of Benin were one of the lost tribes of Israel. Or the sculptures must have derived from European influence (after all, these were the contemporaries of Michelangelo, Donatello and Cellini). But research quickly established that the Benin plaques were entirely West African creations, made without European influence. The Europeans had to revisit, and to overhaul, their assumptions of easy cultural superiority. –A History of the World in 100 Objects, Neil MacGregor Which idea from the text is best supported by details in the passage? "Modern British life and culture now have a strong African component. " "All European visitors were struck by the Oba’s position as both the spiritual and the secular head of the kingdom. . . " "This plaque is dominated by the majestic figure of the Oba himself. " "[The plaques] changed European understanding of African history and African culture. ".


The Benin plaques tested Europeans' convictions about West Africa.The extract makes sense of that Europeans accepted that the Benin plaques more likely than not been propelled by the Europeans or Egyptians.

What is history of Egyptians?

In any case, these convictions were demonstrated inaccurate when obviously the plaques were altogether West African manifestations.

Numerous wild hypotheses were advanced. It was felt that the plaques more likely than not come from antiquated Egypt, or maybe that individuals of Benin were one of the lost clans of Israel.

Or then again the models more likely than not got from European impact all things considered, these were the peers of Michelangelo, Donatello and Cellini.

In any case, research immediately settled that the Benin plaques were totally West African manifestations, made without European impact. The Europeans needed to return to, and to update, their presumptions of simple social predominance.

For more information about Europeans, refer the following link:





Nutrients from deceased animals and plants feed producers ______ completes the cycle of the food chain






I have to create a short story to read to the entire class by next Tuesday what should it be about. NO INAPPROPRIATE ANSWERS!!!!



World War II was considered to be the bloodiest conflict in recorded history. When surrounded by more death than is realistically imaginable, one soldier was able to use music as a way to communicate what no words could.

On a muddy evening two weeks after D-Day, Jack Leroy Tueller and his crew were waiting anxiously for the last German sniper that was watching them be eliminated. Feeling stressed, Tueller pulled out his trumpet to calm down, despite the wishes of his Commander.

Believing that the sniper was likely feeling just as scared and alone as they were, he decided to play out a famous German love song to try and ease the mutual tension. Sure enough, a military police truck drove up to their camp the following morning containing some recently captured prisoners, one of which was the last sniper. After inquiring about who the trumpet player was, he explained that the song made him think about his family back home in Germany, and he could not bring himself to fire after hearing it and gave himself up instead.

Music, it seems, can heal and inspire more than one type of mind wound. It strengthens the mind, inspires memories, and comforts the distressed.


Hope this helps :)


history of art ( to be specific literature)


you can mention people like shakespare or victor hugo.

Give a SHORT description of the image below.



Society nowadays gives to charities and poor people which is great but when you put on line it makes you look like your looking for followers or fans and don't actually choose to give money to the poor because you wanted to be a good person but because you wanted something in return.


So I have to do a book project. (This is my 4th one this year)
Any ideas for a book?? It can't be too long!!



The Hate You Give - Angie Thomas

Lamb to the Slaughter - Roald Dahl

The Yellow Wallpaper -  Charlotte Perkins Gilman

or I recommend my all time favorite book -

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury



just do one for a diary of a wimpy kid book


A letter to the town planner in your local municipality and propose to use a vacant piece of land as a tourism spot for the benefit of the community growth at large


This is a formal letter. Formal letter is a business letter. it is a letter to the people in authority.

Formats if a formal letter

Writer's addressDateRecipient's portfolioRecipient's addressSalutationTitle or Heading of the letterBodyConclusionComplementary closeSignatureFull Name

Ensure the language is strictly formal. the language should be suitable for official purpose.

learn more about formal letter:

What do you think is the importance of following rules? Why do we also need to follow rules in Grammar? Answer the question in 5-10 sentences or more.



We need to follow rules because they help keep society in order. Rules like the law keep everyone in check and safe. We need to follow grammar rules because they make writing less ambiguous. Readers better understand the piece of writing as they would also use the same principles.  This makes the piece of writing more clear to them.

Has the idea of "freedom from fear" changed over time? compare and contrast both speeches to answer this question.


Freedom from fear was a speech given by Franklin Roosevelt. The idea of freedom from fear was the same, but the directed groups differed.

What is Freedom of fear?

"Freedom of fear" or the  "Four Freedoms Speech" was the annual message speech delivered by the American President Franklin Roosevelt, while “Welcoming Remarks” was the speech by President Barack Obama.

In Roosevelt's speech the freedom of expression, want, religion, and fear were expressed to a particular group. In Obama's speech, freedom from fear of attack was talked about.

Therefore, Franklin's speech was directed to comfort people, while Obama's speech was directed to people who were afraid of terrorism.

Learn more about Freedom of fear here:

I need Story plots essay 5 paragraphs please help






Use the following guidelines to help you write your critical response essay.

Please read all of these instructions very carefully before you begin writing your essay.

Make sure you understand what is required for each part of this essay (Introduction,

Body, and Conclusion) before you begin writing. It is a good idea to make notes for each

section or to create a short outline to help organize your thoughts.

Please follow these steps when completing the Critical Response Essay in Unit 4.

1. Reading

Read the stories “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury and “Nethergrave” by

Gloria Skurzynski very carefully, making sure you have a thorough understanding

of each. This may mean reading both stories more than once.

2. Reflect

Think of the literary elements in each story such as plot, setting, characterization,

dialogue, point of view, tone, and especially theme. Also, consider how both

stories fit into the genre (category) of science fiction.

3. Thesis Statement

Your essay will begin with an introduction. This will include a thesis statement

that says which of the stories you think is the best and WHY you feel this way. An

example of a thesis statement would be as follows:

“Ray Bradbury’s story “A Sound of Thunder” is a stronger work of science

fiction than Gloria Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave” because it involves time

travel, has better characterization, and its theme reveals how even the

smallest act can have an impact on the future of mankind.”

(This is an example of a thesis statement. Please do NOT use this in your


Remember, your thesis statement should be clear and valid. This means your

thesis is easy to understand and that you will be able to prove it through the

explanations you provide in the body of your paper. Your introduction will also

briefly state the main points you will cover throughout your essay.

4. Body

The body of your paper should be divided into three paragraphs. Each

paragraph will fit in with the claims you made in your thesis statement. You will

use examples from both stories to provide support.

Paragraph 1 – Discuss how each of these stories fit into the genre of

science fiction. What elements or events in EACH story make it science

fiction? This can include the story’s setting, types of technology used,

events from the plot of the story, etc. Make sure you mention elements

from BOTH stories as you will be comparing and contrasting.

Paragraph 2 – Next, choose ONE literary element (characterization,

point of view, tone, etc.) and explain how the authors use this literary

element in each story. Do not choose theme for this section as you will

use this in your third body paragraph. Which story do you think uses this

element more effectively and WHY do you think this? Only use ONE

literary element and apply this to both stories. For example, you would

talk about Tone in “A Sound of Thunder” and Tone in “Nethergrave.” You

are comparing and contrasting the two stories and will apply the same

literary element to each.

Paragraph 3 – In your last body paragraph, you will discuss the themes

found in each story. Remember, the theme is the message the author

wishes to convey. It is what he or she wants you to learn or to take away

from the story. What are the themes of “A Sound of Thunder” and

“Nethergrave?” Which theme do you think is more effective and WHY?

You will compare/contrast ONE theme from EACH story.

5. Conclusion

In the conclusion of your paper, you will restate your thesis from the

introduction. Restating the thesis means that you will say it in a different way. Do

not simply copy and paste the thesis statement from your introduction. You will

elaborate on your opinion as to which story you think is better and why you feel

this way. Also in your conclusion, you will briefly sum up the major points of your

paper, highlighting what you feel is most important.

Note: When writing Critical Response Essays, always use present tense, even if

the story is written in past tense. For example, in your essay you would say, “Eckles

steps off the path on his way back to the time capsule” rather than “Eckles stepped

off the path on his way back to the time capsule.” Use the present tense of verbs

when referring to the events in the stories.




What do you notice about the growing diversity in women's roles?


Answer: Below


They've started to take upon more physical roles, such as construction working or athletics, policing , or firefighting.

What is one way that economics can influence your daily life?

by forcing a decision on a career path
by limiting your ability to save money
by helping you understand that every choice has a tradeoff
by determining if goals are actually worthwhile



by helping you understand that every choice has a tradeoffExplanation:

One way that economics can influence your daily life is by helping you understand that every choice has a tradeoff.

What is economics?

Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources to satisfy their wants and needs. In everyday life, we are constantly making choices that involve tradeoffs.

For example, choosing to spend money on a night out with friends means sacrificing the opportunity to save that money for a future goal. Understanding these tradeoffs can help individuals make informed decisions about their spending and saving habits, which can have a significant impact on their overall financial well-being. Therefore, economics plays an important role in shaping our daily decisions and behaviors.

Learn more about economics, here:


Find the mistakes. 9 total:

On sunday, Anthony went over to Nicks house to play basketball. They played a gam of one-on-one. Anthony made six baskets, bute nick made eight Nick was the winner. After the game, both boys whent in side to have some snack's and watch television.​



Answers are in bold and underlined.

On Sunday, Anthony went over to Nick's house to play basketball. They played a game of one-on-one. Anthony made six baskets, but Nick made eight baskets. Nick was the winner. After the game, both boys went inside to have some snacks and watch television.


Answers are in bold and underlined.

On Sunday, Anthony went over to Nick's house to play basketball. They played a game of one-on-one. Anthony made six baskets, but Nick made eight baskets. Nick was the winner. After the game, both boys went inside to have some snacks and watch television.

What is an error in English language?

In laid linguistics, an error is an forced variation from the intrinsic rules of a language type made by a dual language student. Such mistakes result from the students lack of knowledge of the right rules of the target language variety.

Thus, this could be the answer.

To learn more about error in English click here:


1. What river did Texas and President Polk regard as the Texas-Mexico border?



Those who supported the president shared Polk’s belief that the United States should extend from sea to sea — from the Atlantic to the Pacific. What was the boundary between the US and Mexico? The United States felt it was the Rio Grande river as agreed to by Mexico in 1836 when Texas won its independence.

Part B
Creating a Thesis

As you choose your topic, develop the thesis on that topic. Make sure your thesis allows you to argue a specific point. For instance, if you choose postmodernism for your topic, a proper thesis could be “self-reflexivity in postmodern literature came about as writers began to doubt whether literature could truly be objective.” As you research your topic, keep in mind how you could build a proper, relevant thesis.

Type your developed thesis in the space provided.

My topic is postmodern literature.



Post Modern literature is one of the literature who is characterized by by use of unreliable narration which traumatizes historical issues.

Joseph Heller is the post modern American author who has written many novels.

His best work was Catch 22 in 1961 in which he has demonstrated the impacts of war. Catch 22 mainly focuses on the John Yossarian who was bombarded at 12th air force in the Mediterranean during world war II.

The novel impacts the reader how a soldier struggles to survive during the war as everyone was trying to kill him.


Learn more at

1. What do we learn about Vicki Koob from the
details she notices about Lawrence's home?
Explain, supporting your answer with evidence
from the text.


One of the things we can learn or infer about Vicki Koob from the literature is that Vicki is very dedicated to doing her work effectively. Notice that the text says:

"Not one thing escaped Vicki Koob's trained and cataloging gaze."

What is an Inference in literature?

Inferences are useful because they help to reveal hidden messages in a text or literature. It is also referred to as reading between lines.

When a conclusion is arrived at by adding one or more logical facts together, an inference has been made.

Learn more about Inference at:

The desk for Caron’s new office weighs 500 Newtons. What would be the impact of an applied force that pushes from below at 475 Newtons?


The impact of the applied force that is applied on the object that pushes it from 475 Newtons is 25N.

What is an applied force?

This is a force that is applied on an object by a person or by another force. In this question, the impact of the force can be solved in the following way

500N - 475N = 25N

Therefore the impact of this force is going to be 25 Newtons when it is applied from below.

Read more on applied force here:

In a well-developed paragraph, explain how Roosevelt’s letter shows an understanding of his son as the audience. Using examples from the text to support your answer, analyze how Roosevelt’s syntax, diction, and use of comparisons show an understanding of his son’s values, beliefs, and needs.


The use of syntax and diction can be shown in the following ways:

The diction that was used in the text would tell about the choice of words that Roosevelt used in his letter.The syntax would show the wway that he used phrases, punctuations and clauses in the formation of sentences.

What is Roosevelt's letter to his son?

These were the letters that Theodore Roosevelt wrote showing the deep love and the care that he had for his children.

In general Roosevelt had used these rules of writing in English to show that he had a proper understanding of what his son needed.

Read more on Theodore Roosevelt here:

Answer: The use of language and tone in Theodore Roosevelt's letter to his son shows that he recognized his son as the intended audience. His language is encouraging of his son's desire to participate in sports, and he speaks in a soft, caring tone. The tone is frequently playful and lively, which indicates that he is close to his son and gets along with him well.

Explanation: you might want to add some more but this will get you started. Please also rephrase so you don't get cited for plagiarism.

Find 5 errors in the passage please.

After reading the great new
book, the movie based on it is sure to be exiting. I don't usually have no time to go to movies but I am going to make sure to find time for this one. Because it's going to be an amazing movie. I plan to go with my friend Sally, she absolutely loves the novel



After reading the great new

book, the movie based on it is sure to be exiting. I don't usually have no time to go to movies but I am going to make sure to find time for this one. Because it's going to be an amazing movie. I plan to go with my friend Sally, she absolutely loves the novel (No punctuation at the end)


(This is the rest of the poem)
Now, in the moonlight, he sits here and sings.
A thrush is singing, then a thrasher, then a jay—
Then, all at once, a cat begins meowing.
A mockingbird can sound like anything.
He imitates the world he drove away
So well that for a minute, in the moonlight,
Which one’s the mockingbird? which one’s the world?



Its C


because the main theme of the poem is coexistence of good and evil. It shows the theme by nature.

How does alan weisman most clearly use text structure to prove his points?
a. he writes descriptively about nature's beauty.
b. he discusses the problem of human destruction of nature and
gives solutions to prevent it.
c. he speculates on what might happen at given points in the future
in a world without people.
d. he compares nature's harmony with humans now and with
humans in the future.



C: He speculates on what might happen at given points in the future

in a world without people.

He discusses the problem of human destruction of nature and giving solutions to prevent it to prove his points.

Weisman's book, "The World Without Us," explores what would happen to the natural world if humans suddenly disappeared. However, throughout the book, he also discusses the ways in which humans have already caused damage to the environment, and offers suggestions for how we can minimize our impact and preserve the natural world.

By providing examples of the destruction we've already caused and outlining steps we can take to prevent further harm, Weisman uses this text structure to make a persuasive argument for environmental protection.

Learn more about Alan Weisman, here:


Can someone please help me? :(





Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
A. If you could start life over, what would you change!
B. How are you enjoying your new life?
C. Why won't you leave me alone.
D. He looks like death warmed over in that color?



The answer is B


Hope this helps:)....if not then sorry for wasting your time and may God bless you:)

The sentence that tells what the paragraph will discuss is called the _____________ . A) topic sentence B) indentation C) supporting detail



a. topic sentence

hope this helped ♡

Chloe surveyed her classmates on their favorite sports. She
discovered that 1 out of every 20 classmates liked football
best. What percent of Chloe's classmates liked football best?
C 5%
D 200%


the answer would be B, 10%

The percent of Chloe's classmates liked football best is 5%. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What is percentage?

A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100 in mathematics. The percent sign, "%," is commonly used, but the abbreviations "pct." and sometimes "pc" are also used. A percentage is a number with no dimensions. It has no unit of measurement.

If 50% of the total number of students in the class are male, that means that 50 out of every 100 students are male. If there are 500 students, then 250 of them are male.

Chloe surveyed her classmates on their favorite sports. She discovered that 1 out of every 20 classmates liked football best.

The percentage of students who liked football is  1÷ 20 × 100 = 5%.

Therefore, only 5% students liked football.

To learn more about percentage, click here:


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