Match the technological improvement with the benefit it brings.
Assembly line
Greater productivity
Improved communication
Faster transportation

Match The Technological Improvement With The Benefit It Brings.InternetCarsAssembly Line???Greater ProductivityImproved


Answer 1

Assembly line=Greater productivity
Internet=Improved communication
Cars=Faster transportation
Answer 2


Assembly line - Greater productivity

Internet - Improved communication

cars - Faster Transportation


it's just what you use the examples for

Related Questions

which of the following statements about self-efficacy is false? a) self-efficacy refers to personal beliefs regarding competencies and abilities. b) m


Magnitude refers to the amount of work a person can do in a given time of the following statements about self-efficacy is false. The option B is correct.

What's self efficacy

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their own abilities to complete a task or achieve a goal. It is a key component of social cognitive theory, which was developed by psychologist Albert Bandura.

Self-efficacy can be influenced by a variety of factors, including past experiences, feedback from others, and emotional states.

A false statement about self-efficacy might be one that contradicts or misrepresents one of these key concepts. It's important to read each option carefully and choose the one that does not accurately describe self-efficacy.

There are a few common misconceptions about self-efficacy that could appear in multiple choice questions. For example, some students might think that self-efficacy is the same as self-esteem or confidence. While these are related concepts, they are not interchangeable with self-efficacy.

Another false statement might be one that suggests that self-efficacy is fixed or unchangeable. In reality, self-efficacy can be developed and strengthened over time through practice, positive feedback, and exposure to new challenges. It is not a fixed trait that someone either has or doesn't have, but rather a dynamic belief that can be influenced by a variety of factors.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is false?

A) Self-efficacy refers to personal beliefs regarding competencies and abilities.

B) Magnitude refers to the amount of work a person can do in a given time.

C) Strength refers to whether the belief regarding magnitude is strong or weak.

D) Generality indicates how generalized across situations the belief in capability is.

E) Beliefs regarding self-efficacy are learned.

Learn more about self efficacy at



1.King and SCLC have launched a series of daily demonstrations outside the Dallas County Courthouse. It has become difficult for SNCC organizers to continue their work. Most local people want to attend or discuss the demonstrations. Much of SNCC’s staff is worried that the demonstrations make people feel good, but won’t accomplish much. Should SNCC join the demonstrations? Should they denounce the demonstrations?

2.In Marion, a town outside of Selma, a night march ended with dozens injured and 26-year-old Black protester Jimmy Lee Jackson shot by a state trooper. SCLC announced plans for a march, with local residents, from Selma to the Alabama capitol in Montgomery. SNCC is worried that this 50-mile march will go through some of the most violent areas of Alabama without organizing long-term in these communities, and that King’s adherence to nonviolence will prevent marchers from defending themselves. Should SNCC support the march? If not, how should SNCC respond?

3.On Sunday, March 7, 2,000 marchers began their trek from Selma to Montgomery. King was busy delivering a sermon in Atlanta but still plans to join the march later, leaving the leadership of the march in the hands of other SCLC and SNCC leaders. At the Pettus Bridge in Selma, marchers were attacked by police. SNCC chairman John Lewis’ skull was fractured in the attack, but marchers regrouped at a church in Selma. Should SNCC encourage the marchers to try again? If not, how should SNCC respond?

4.SCLC plans a second march and has asked a federal judge to issue an injunction to prevent state police from intervening in their right to peacefully protest. The federal judge demanded that SCLC postpone the march as a condition for giving them a hearing in court. But four-hundred and fifty religious leaders from around the country have already joined 2,000 African Americans for the scheduled second march led by King over the Pettus Bridge. Possibly to satisfy the federal judge, and without informing SNCC, King led the group in prayer in front of a police barricade outside of Selma, and then told marchers to turn around and go back. Many SNCC workers, local residents, and out-of-town supporters are angered by this action. How should SNCC respond?

5.Shortly after the second march, local whites attacked three white ministers who had joined the demonstrations killing Unitarian minister James Reeb. In contrast to little media attention the death of Jimmy Lee Jackson received, Reeb’s death attracted major national notice and a few days later President Johnson demanded Alabama Governor George Wallace mobilize the National Guard to protect demonstrators. Should SNCC participate in this third attempt to march from Selma to Montgomery?


SNCC should carefully consider the implications of joining or denouncing the demonstrations. Joining the demonstrations could bring much-needed attention to their cause.

What is demonstrations?

Demonstrations are public displays of opinion or sentiment. They are often held in public places, such as streets, parks, or other public spaces, and can take a variety of forms, including marches, vigils, protests, and rallies. They are usually organized by a group of individuals in order to voice their collective dissatisfaction with an issue or to advocate for a cause.

SNCC should carefully consider the implications of joining or denouncing the demonstrations. Joining the demonstrations could bring much-needed attention to their cause, but it could also distract from their work in the community. Denouncing the demonstrations could alienate other civil rights activists, but it could also allow SNCC to focus on their local work.

SNCC should not support the march if they believe it will not bring about any meaningful change. SNCC should instead focus on organizing long-term in the communities they are marching through, and on developing strategies to defend themselves against violence.

In response to the second march, SNCC should condemn King’s decision to lead the marchers in prayer and then turn them around. This decision was made without consulting SNCC or local residents, and it undermines the work SNCC has done to empower local people.

SNCC should consider participating in the third march from Selma to Montgomery, as it has the potential to bring about meaningful change. The fact that the National Guard has been mobilized to protect the demonstrators should also provide a measure of security for the marchers.

To learn more about demonstrations


patient s.p., who had bilateral damage to the amygdala, participated in a study involving the pairing of a blue square with an electric shock. s.p.'s skin conductance response (scr) and verbal report indicated thatA. she could report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square and did show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning.B. she did not report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square but did show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioningC. she could report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square but did not show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning.D. she did not report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square and did not show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning.


The answer is: She did not report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square but did show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning.

A patient s.p., who had bilateral damage to the amygdala, participated in a study involving the pairing of a blue square with an electric shock. s.p.'s skin conductance response (SCR) and verbal report indicated that the answer is: She did not report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square but did show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning. A patient s.p. underwent a study with an electric shock with the blue square. The SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning was noted, but the patient did not report any shock that would occur after seeing the blue square.

In this study, the blue square was a conditioned stimulus (CS), and the electric shock was an unconditioned stimulus (UCS). The patient's skin conductance response (SCR) indicates whether or not they show a conditioned response (CR) to the conditioned stimulus (CS).A key point to note in this study is that the patient did not report that the shock would occur after seeing the blue square. It implies that the amygdala plays an essential role in associating the CS with the UCS, and it is not necessary for conscious awareness to form this association.

However, s.p. did show signs in the SCR recording of fear/threat conditioning, indicating that there was still some form of fear conditioning present despite the lack of conscious awareness. Therefore, it can be concluded that while the amygdala may not be required for fear conditioning to occur, it does play a vital role in associating the CS with the UCS.

For such more questions on  fear conditioning


the people who work to produce goods and services are known as


Answer:  The people who work to produce goods and services are known as producers. Producers are people who make or grow goods and provide services. Sometimes they are called workers, and they help us do things.


Final answer:

The individuals who work to produce goods and services are known as the labor force or workers. They contribute to the economy by creating the goods and services that people need and want. These individuals may work in various sectors such as manufacturing, retail, and healthcare.


The people who work to produce goods and services are known as labor force or workers. They play a pivotal role in the economy as they help in the creation of goods and services that people need and want. These could be individuals working in various sectors such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and the like. For example, a worker in a car factory who assembles parts is contributing in the production of the final good, the car. Similarly, a doctor treating patients is providing a service. It's important to understand that these workers, or labor force, are a crucial part of any business or industry.

Learn more about Labor Force here:


Can someone please help me with this question (Just question 1)



The movement of the Germanic tribes shown in Document 1 was primarily caused by the push of the Huns from Central Asia. The Huns' movement towards Europe caused a domino effect of migrations as various Germanic tribes, such as the Visigoths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, and Franks, were displaced and forced to migrate in search of new territories to settle. The western Roman Empire's weakened state and inability to defend its borders also contributed to the ease with which these tribes were able to migrate into the region. The map highlights the various routes and directions of these migrations, which ultimately led to the establishment of new kingdoms and states in Europe.

What animal has to stay in perpetual motion to breathe?


There are different animals that have to stay in perpetual motion to breathe, and some of these animals include sharks and rays. These animals have gills that extract oxygen from water, which means they have to keep moving to force water over their gills to extract the oxygen they need to survive.

Sharks are a type of fish that have been around for more than 400 million years and are known for their distinctive features such as their powerful jaws and sharp teeth. They are known to be one of the most efficient swimmers in the ocean and have a variety of adaptations that enable them to live in different environments.

Rays, on the other hand, are cartilaginous fish that have a flattened body and can be found in different bodies of water such as rivers, oceans, and estuaries. Like sharks, they have gills that extract oxygen from water, which means they have to keep swimming to breathe. They have a unique way of swimming that involves flapping their wings, which creates a current of water that passes over their gills and enables them to extract the oxygen they need to survive. In summary, sharks and rays are animals that have to stay in perpetual motion to breathe because they extract oxygen from water using their gills.

For such more questions on animals


what motivates us to conquer feelings of uncertainty?this further shows that soper was motivated because


Conquering feelings of uncertainty can be motivated by a few different things.  One of the most common motivators is a sense of accomplishment, as you have a sense of pride when you overcome a difficult situation. Other motivators include a desire for growth, understanding of the risks involved, and personal values.

Understanding the underlying reasons for feeling uncertain can also help motivate you to tackle the situation. Additionally, having a supportive group of friends or family members who can encourage and provide advice can be a huge help in challenging situations.

TO KNOW ABOUT Conquering:


in which stage of motivational readiness (stage of change) is a person who is an irregular exerciser?


The stage of change of a person who is an irregular exerciser lies in the preparation stage of motivational readiness. The preparation stage of motivational readiness is when a person starts to plan and prepare to initiate a new behavior that will help them achieve their goals, such as regular exercising.

The stages of change are five stages that describe a person's readiness to change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. People who exercise irregularly or occasionally, fall under the preparation stage of motivational readiness or the stage of change, where they have already made up their minds to change their behavior and begin exercising regularly. In this stage, the person has already made up their mind and started to create plans for change. The person in the preparation stage starts to explore different ways of achieving their goal and might seek external help like buying exercise gear or seeking support from a fitness trainer. In this stage, a person is not yet exercising regularly but is starting to make plans and prepare for the change of behavior.

For more information on 'stage of change', visit


Which of the following events occurred first, and helped lead to the outbreak of the Civil War?
im running out of points answer fast pls

A) secession of Texas

B) secession of Arkansas

C) the creation of the Whig Party

D) the raid at Harper’s Ferry



this question is particularly a little difficult as there were multiple reasons why the civil had started but A would make the most sense, arkansas seceded after the civil war started so a would be the most logical. (I know this might be a little late)

what respiratory event occurs when intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure?




When intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure, the air is forced out of the lungs and exhalation occurs. This is also known as expiration or exhalation.

During normal breathing, inhalation occurs when the diaphragm contracts and the ribcage expands, which creates negative pressure in the lungs. This negative pressure draws air into the lungs, and the air flows from an area of higher pressure (outside the body) to an area of lower pressure (inside the lungs).

During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and the ribcage returns to its original position, which decreases the volume of the lungs and increases the intrapulmonary pressure. This increased pressure forces air out of the lungs and into the atmosphere.

Overall, inhalation and exhalation are the two phases of the respiratory cycle that ensure the exchange of gases between the lungs and the environment.

abraham maslow believed that group of answer choices :a. most people do not want to become self-actualized b. most people are self-actualized c. few people are self-actualized d. most people can become self-actualized


According to Abraham Maslow, most people can become self-actualized. For tthat reason, the correct option is D.

This is an idea that comes from humanism, a branch of psychology that focuses on people's innate goodness and potential to grow and develop throughout life.

What is self-actualization?

Self-actualization is the process by which a person develops and realizes their full potential, achieving a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. It is the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is a framework for understanding human motivation and behavior.

The key characteristics of self-actualized people include a strong sense of autonomy and independence, a deep appreciation for life and the world around them, and a desire to make a positive impact on others. They are also known for their exceptional creativity, problem-solving skills, and judgment.

Abraham Maslow said that all people have the potential to become self-actualized, but only a few actually do so. The reason for this is that many people are held back by external factors such as poverty, illness, or discrimination, while others are simply not interested in pursuing self-actualization.

Learn more about Abraham Maslow:


Assume that a star behaves as a blackbody. If the surface temperature of that star doubles, the wavelength at the maximum intensity will be ____ than the original wavelength.


If the surface temperature of a star, which behaves as a blackbody, doubles, the wavelength at the maximum intensity will be half than the original wavelength.

What is a blackbody?

A blackbody is an idealized physical body that fully absorbs and emits radiant energy of all wavelengths. A blackbody is a physical body that emits electromagnetic radiation with a curve of a specific form that depends only on the temperature of the body and the properties of its emitting surface.

A blackbody does not exist in practice because no physical body can completely absorb or emit radiation at all wavelengths, but many objects can be treated as if they were blackbodies if their emissivity is high enough. These include stars, planets, and carbon black, among others.

To know more about blackbody, refer here:


The student has quoted dialogue from the 1972 film The Godfather, starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The film was distributed by Paramount.
A. Coppola, Francis Ford, dir. The Godfather. Perf. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972.
B. The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972.


Answer: B. The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972.

The Godfather (1972) is an iconic American crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. It was distributed by Paramount Pictures and follows the story of the Corleone family's rise to power in organized crime in the 1950s. The film is noted for its complex character development, visual motifs, and memorable performances from its leading actors. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest films of all time and is often credited for popularizing the gangster genre of film. It has become an iconic part of American culture and a classic of modern cinema.

Explanation: When the title of the source is long or when there are multiple sources with the same name, it's necessary to identify which one is being referred to. It's done through the use of specific information such as the author, director, actor, and year of publication or release. The dialogue from the 1972 film The Godfather, which starred Marlon Brando and Al Pacino and was directed by Francis Ford Coppola, was quoted by the student. The movie was distributed by Paramount. The correct citation for the film is: B. The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972.

For such more questions on Godfather


what is the major difference between positive and negative feedback?



The key difference between positive and negative feedback is their response to change: positive feedback amplifies change while negative feedback reduces change.

In 1401 an important competition was held to determine the design of the Baptistery doors for the Cathedral of Florence. Even at this early date Renaissance traits were evident. Which of the following is one of those traits?
a. Adherence to the 14th century frame b. A new pictorial illusionism c. Maintaining artist anonymity d. Humility of civic pride


The competition held in 1401 for the design of the Baptistery doors for the Cathedral of Florence featured Renaissance traits such as A new pictorial illusionism.

This was a style of art that made use of perspective to give the illusion of a three-dimensional scene on a two-dimensional surface.

This style of art was a break from traditional Gothic art and made use of techniques such as atmospheric perspective, foreshortening, and the use of contrasting light and dark values to create a sense of depth and distance in the painting.

This was a major step in the development of Renaissance art, which focused on the power of human reason, the artistic and scientific accomplishments of the classical past, and the exploration of the individual's place in the universe.

To know more about Renaissance traits click on below link:


which theoretical perspective would agree with the following statement about gender role conformity: gender role conformity is neither good nor bad.gender roles are socially constructed, therefore these roles are constantly evolving and negotiated between men and women. thus, it depends on how individuals interpret the meaning of gender roles


The theoretical perspective that would agree with the statements about gender role conformity above is Symbolic interactionism.

Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical approach in sociology that emphasizes the role of symbols and social interactions in shaping reality, social construction, and individual behavior. Symbolic interactionism emphasizes the significance of symbols in people's everyday lives and how people create and make meaning through these symbols. The approach is based on the idea that people's actions are influenced by the social and cultural norms they've learned through interaction with others.

The statement "gender role conformity is neither good nor bad, gender roles are socially constructed, therefore these roles are constantly evolving and negotiated between men and women. thus, it depends on how individuals interpret the meaning of gender roles" expresses the core beliefs of the symbolic interactionism theory. It highlights that gender roles are socially constructed and that people's behavior is determined by the meanings they ascribe to different symbols or roles. It also states that these roles are negotiated and that the interpretation of these roles is subject to change over time as individuals interact with one another.

Therefore, according to symbolic interactionism, gender roles are neither inherently good nor bad; rather, their value depends on how people interpret them.

Learn more about Symbolic interactionism at


collecting new data for the purpose of answering a specific question or set of questions is known as research


Research is the process of collecting new data to answer specific questions or a set of questions. Research involves the systematic and scientific investigation of a particular phenomenon to understand and interpret it.

Research is conducted to identify and solve problems, to generate new knowledge, and to test theories and hypotheses.Research can be carried out using a variety of methods, such as qualitative or quantitative methods, depending on the nature of the research question.

Qualitative research is used to explore and understand complex phenomena that cannot be quantified, such as emotions, experiences, and attitudes. On the other hand, quantitative research is used to collect numerical data that can be analyzed statistically.

Research is a critical component of the scientific process, as it provides a rigorous method for answering questions and testing hypotheses. Research also contributes to the development of new theories, ideas, and techniques in various fields, such as medicine, engineering, and psychology.

Research findings are often published in academic journals, which serve as a platform for sharing knowledge and promoting innovation. Research is a continuous process, and new questions and problems often arise as a result of previous research.

As such, research is an ongoing process of discovery, learning, and improvement. It involves a systematic and logical approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation, and requires the use of critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

To learn more about Research here:


a group of people join a group to combat climate change, organized around the idea of improving the environment. the group members are in pursuit of a goal that is important to them. which benefit is more closely associated with membership in this group? a. informational benefits b. material benefits c. purposive benefits d. solidarity benefits


If two groups of people come together and pursue a goal that is important to both of them, the benefit associated with membership in this group is the purposive benefits. Alternative c is correct.

What is a purposive benefit?

The purposive benefit is one of the four primary reasons people join groups, and it refers to a desire to work towards a common goal or purpose. This is one of the most important and essential benefits, as it is what draws people together and keeps them working towards a shared objective.

In the situation above, people are joining the group to combat climate change and improve the environment. This goal is important to them, and it motivates them to work together to make a difference. As a result, they are pursuing purposive benefits, which is the most closely related benefit to group membership.

In conclusion, Alternative c. purposive benefits is correct.

See more about purposive benefits at


the two contingencies of reinforcement that are designed to decrease undesired behaviors are punishment and extinction. negative reinforcement and extinction. punishment and positive reinforcement. punishment and performance-avoid orientation. negative reinforcement and performance-avoid orientation.


The two contingencies of reinforcement that are designed to decrease undesired behaviors are negative reinforcement and extinction.

Therefore correct answer is option b.

Reinforcement through example mean?

Positive reinforcement has things like giving a kid chocolates if he cleans his room. If a youngster smashes a window, spanking him or her is a good punishment. Negative punishment is taking away a child's toys for misbehaving.

Why is reinforcement employed?

Reinforcement can be used to improve proper behaviors, teach new abilities, or teach a substitute behavior for an interference-causing activity.

To know more about Reinforcement visit:


n MacPherson v. Buick Motor the court held for MacPherson for injuries caused by defective wheels on his Buick. This case allowed for negligence for product liability:
(A) with privity
(B) with exception
(C) with implied warranty
(D) without privity
(E) without exception


In MacPherson v. Buick Motor, the court held for MacPherson for injuries caused by defective wheels on his Buick. This case allowed for negligence for product liability without privity.

What is negligence for product liability?

Negligence for product liability is a legal concept in which a manufacturer or seller of a product is held responsible for the safety of its product for the end-user. A manufacturer can be held liable for any injuries, damages, or losses that the end-user incurs as a result of a defect or flaw in the product that the manufacturer created.

In MacPherson v. Buick Motor, the court held that negligence for product liability could be applied without privity. The principle of privity of contract meant that the liability for a defective product only extended to the parties involved in the contract, such as the buyer and the seller.

In the case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor, the court's decision meant that a manufacturer could be held liable for any injuries or damages caused by a defective product, even if the injured party did not purchase the product directly from the manufacturer.

Learn more about Negligence for product liability here:


Emma has been hired to promote a membership-only genealogical website, which provides demographic information on over one billion people. She has gathered all the relevant environmental information and has studied the project closely. Meanwhile, she is also assigned another project. She decides to work on the new project and put the genealogical project completely out of her conscious mind, so that ideas can materialize in the meanwhile. Emma is in the _____ step of the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas.


Emma is in the Incubation step of the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas.

The incubation stage is a passive process that allows the mind to wander and generate novel solutions. During the incubation period, an individual's subconscious mind works on the problem, generating novel ideas and breakthroughs that are often elusive during active efforts. The incubation period is an essential part of the creative process because it allows the individual to take a step back and view the problem from a fresh perspective.

You can learn more about creative process at


Research suggests several qualities to look for when choosing a spouse. Which of the following is NOT one of those qualities?
A. a physically attractive, healthy person
B. a socially responsible, respectful, and emotionally supportive mate
C. someone who demonstrates good communication and problem-solving skills
D. someone who is committed to the relationship and to the value of marriage itself


Answer:     A


If Descartes were ranking the idea of a flower, the idea of a dog and the idea of a human being with respect to their comparative degree of formal reality, which of the following would Descartes say?A.The idea of the flower has the lowest degree of formal reality.B.The idea of the dog has the highest degree of formal reality.C.The idea of the human being has the highest degree of formal reality.D.All three ideas have the same degree of formal reality.


if Descartes were ranking the idea of a flower, the idea of a dog, and the idea of a human being with respect to their comparative degree of formal reality, then he would say the idea of the human being has the highest degree of formal reality.

The degree of reality that an idea possesses on its own is referred to as formal reality. Descartes had the idea that there were three different levels of reality: the idea or concept, the existence of the object, and the existence of the object through itself.

He ranked them in the order listed, with ideas being the lowest level of reality and existence through itself being the highest level of reality. Descartes believed that some things had more formal reality than others because some things had more existence than others.

Animals and plants, according to Descartes, had less formal reality than people because they had fewer innate properties than people.

Therefore, if Descartes were ranking the idea of a flower, the idea of a dog, and the idea of a human being with respect to their comparative degree of formal reality, then he would say the idea of the human being has the highest degree of formal reality.

To know more abouit Descartes refer here:


The tything system which was used in early England made all citizens responsible for law and order in each community


The tything system was a system used in early England. All citizens in each community were responsible for law and order under this system. They were to keep the peace, catch criminals, and make sure that everyone adheres to the law.

What is the tything system?

In medieval England, the tything system was a form of community policing that was implemented. It was divided into 10 families or households who shared a responsibility for each other's behavior.

If a person of that tything committed a crime, the other members of the tything would be held accountable to the victim to maintain law and order. The tything system was part of the Anglo-Saxon social system.

It was a division of a hundred in which ten households would agree to cooperate in the pursuit of justice and the maintenance of the peace within the Hundred.

It was called the "tything" in Old English, meaning "group of ten."Therefore, the tything system was a form of local government that was accountable for upholding law and order in early England. Its operation was instrumental in reducing crime and disorder by engaging citizens in law enforcement roles.

To know more about Anglo-Saxon social system refer here:


what was the significance of the naval quarantine of cuba?



After many long and difficult meetings, Kennedy decided to place a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba. The aim of this "quarantine," as he called it, was to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies. He demanded the removal of the missiles already there and the destruction of the sites.


follow nalang po hahaha

hope its helps you

According to your textbook, the social construction of racial groups illustrates which steps in the process of social identity construction?


According to the textbook, the social construction of racial groups illustrates the invent steps in the process of social identity construction which means option A is correct.

Social construction refers to the process by which people, places and things are classified based on how people need them, use them or even discard them. In racial notions, it means that society has created certain barriers which tend to make some castes, racial groups better than others and this advantaged position is often misused for personal use.

Though social groups and racial groups are made by society yet it is still a means of showing privilege, cases of marginalization, etc. There are three features of social construction namely Externalization, Objectivation and Internalization, which relates the society, human and God.

Learn more about social construction at:


Refer to complete question below:

According to your textbook, the social construction of racial groups illustrates which steps in the process of social identity construction?

Inventdivide stereotyperank

Comparing the theories of personhood developed by English and Warren, which of the following traits does English posit as relevant to being a person that Warren does not so posit?a. Biological features.b. Rationality or reasoning capacity.c. Consciousness or self-consciousness.d. Perception of objects.e. Both thinkers posit all of these traits as relevant to being a person.


English and Warren have developed different theories of personhood.

personhood of English and Warren

According to English, the relevant traits to being a person are biological features, rationality, consciousness or self-consciousness, and perception of objects. On the other hand, Warren's theory of personhood focuses on five criteria, including consciousness, reasoning capacity, self-motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, and the presence of self-awareness.

Comparing the two theories

we can see that English posits biological features as a relevant trait to being a person, while Warren does not include it in her criteria. Instead, Warren focuses on self-motivated activity and the capacity to communicate, which are not explicitly mentioned in English's theory.

Overall, while there are similarities between the two theories, there are also differences in the traits that they posit as relevant to being a person.

To know more about Personhood , visit :


______ describes individuals who feel unique and respected but who also feel left out and not a part of the in-group. a. Exclusion quadrant b. Differentiation quadrant c. Assimilation quadrant d. Inclusion quadrant


Differentiation quadrant describes individuals who feel unique and respected but also feel left out and not a part of the in-group. The correct answer is Option B.

What is differentiation?

In biology, differentiation refers to the process through which cells obtain distinct structures and functions as they grow and develop to become a more complex organism. Differentiation is also referred to as the gradual change of cells from being generic stem cells to specialized cells in multicellular organisms.

In the social sciences, differentiation refers to the way that people are divided into groups based on certain characteristics or attributes such as age, gender, or social status. The process of differentiation involves the creation of these social categories or boundaries, which can be formed through a variety of means such as language, cultural practices, or social institutions. For example, the differentiation of genders into male and female can be based on biological differences, cultural norms, or social roles.

Learn more about differentiation here:


According to research by Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen, which of the following are possible reasons that parent should stay in unhappy, conflicted marriages?A. If conflict among family members would increase after the divorceB. If conflict between the couple would increase after the divorceC. If parenting would become more inept after the divorce


The conflict among family members and the conflict between the couple would increase after the divorce, would increase after the divorce, and parenting would become more inept after the divorce. So, options A, B, and C are correct.

A conflicted marriage is one in which the couple frequently experiences conflicts or disagreements, which can lead to emotional distance, poor communication, and other issues that can strain the relationship.

According to Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen, staying in unhappy, conflicted marriages can be beneficial for children if conflict among family members or between the couple would increase after the divorce.

It also depends on how parenting would be after the divorce.

If parenting becomes more inept after the divorce, staying in the marriage could be beneficial for the children.

Staying together, however, should not be the only goal. Efforts should be made to improve the quality of the relationship and reduce the conflict between partners.

Therefore, it is important for couples to work together to improve the quality of their relationship and reduce the conflict between them.

So, all the options A, B, and C are correct.

Learn more about conflicted marriage here:


Not wanting to disappoint the boss, Carl paid ___ attention to detail.


Carl paid close attention to detail in order to avoid disappointing his boss.

He made sure that each task was completed precisely and with accuracy. To make sure he didn't miss anything, he took extra time and care when finishing the job. He made sure to follow instructions, check the work for errors, and double check for accuracy.

He went the extra mile and paid close attention to every detail to avoid making mistakes and not letting his boss down. He took care of the small details as if it were a big part of the task, making sure that the job was done as best as possible.

To know more about close attention click on below link:


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