



Answer 1

Frederick Douglass - It served for the purposes of remembering history, celebration, expressing emotions, communicating codes from one group to another, The use of the Big Dipper to help locate the North Star.

What matches other terms?

Monkey Wrench - A signal used to alert other enslaved people that it was time to gather the tools needed for their journey on the Underground Railroad.

Safe house - A safe house or place where escaping enslaved people could rest and get food.

Conductor - Someone who guided enslaved people escape to the North or Canada.

Harriet Tubman - An escaped enslaved person who led about 300 enslaved people to freedom. Called the "Moses of Her People".

Fugitive Slave Act - Was nicknamed the "Bloodhound Law".

Agent - Men who were paid to travel in the North to find and bring back runaway enslaved people.

Months in jail or a large fine for helping runaway enslaved people - Penalties faced by those who aided fugitive slaves.

The North Star - Published an anti-slavery newspaper called The North Star.

Slave catchers - individuals or groups hired to capture and return escaped slaves.

Follow the Drinking Gourd - Music that was used as a coded message to help enslaved people escape to freedom.

learn more about Frederick Douglass:


The text format of the question:


Frederick Douglass

It served for the purposes of remembering history. celebration, expressing emotions, communicating codes from one group to

another, The use of the Big Dipper to help locate the North Star.

Monkey Wrench- A signal used to alert other enslaved people that it was time to gather the tools needed for their journey on the

Underground Railroad.

A safe house or place where escaping enslaved people could rest and get food.

Men who were paid to travel in the North to find and bring back runaway enslaved people.

Someone who guided

enslaved people escape to the North or Canada.

An escaped enslaved

person who led about 300 enslaved people to freedom. Called the "Moses of Her People".

Was nicknamed the

"Bloodhound Law"

1. Harriet Tubman

2. abolitionist

3. conductor

4. passenger

5. station

6. Fugitive Slave Act

7. Agent

8. months in jail or a large firm for helping runaway enslaved people

9. Published an anti-slavery newspaper called The North St.

10. slave catchers

11. Follow the Drinking Gourd



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why do you think the kkk experienced a resurgence in the 1920s?


The Ku Klux Klan was a deeply racist white supremacist organization that first arose in the South after the end of the Civil War. Its members opposed the abolition of slavery and sought to keep African Americans in permanent submission to whites.

During Reconstruction, the Klan used violence and terror in hopes of overthrowing Southern Republican governments and preserving the pre-war racial hierarchy.

The first Ku Klux Klan declined in his 1870s. This was in part due to the passing of a federal law prosecuting Klan members for their crimes. Jim Crow's institutionalization of racism in the South also meant that the KKK's desire to preserve its pre-war racial hierarchy had come true.

The KKK was revived in the South by 1915, but it was only after the end of World War I that the organization was revived nationwide. The KKK's membership surged from a few thousand to over 100,000 in just ten months.  

Know more about Ku Klux Klan here:


what was “containment”



please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer


Containment was a geopolitical strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II.

In 3 to 5 sentences, explain why enslaving the indigenous peoples of the Americas was largely unsuccessful in filling the need of the plantations. Support your answer by using one piece of qualitative, and one piece of quantitative information from La casa‘s writing.



In 3 to 5 sentences, explain why enslaving the indigenous peoples of the Americas was largely unsuccessful in filling the need of the plantations. Support your answer by using one piece of qualitative, and one piece of quantitative information from La casa‘s writing.


Enslaving the indigenous peoples of the Americas was largely unsuccessful in filling the need of the plantations due to several reasons. Qualitatively, Bartolome de las Casas observed that the native population was not well-suited to the harsh labor demanded by plantation work, and were not familiar with the types of crops being cultivated. Quantitatively, Las Casas estimated that the native population of Hispaniola declined from an estimated 3 million before the arrival of the Spanish to only 500 by 1542 due to the harsh working conditions and diseases brought by the Europeans. Therefore, enslaving indigenous peoples was not a sustainable solution for the labor needs of plantations, as it caused a significant decline in the native population and did not provide the efficient workforce that European colonizers sought.

If you can, give me brainliest please!

culture difference in east berlin and west berlin


From 1949 to 1990, East Berlin served as East Germany's (GDR) de facto capital. Originally, it was the 1945-established Soviet section of Berlin. West Berlin was the term used to describe the American, British, and French sectors.

What are culture difference in east berlin and west berlin?

The two Germanys under their occupying administrations took quite different directions. West Germany developed into a market economy, western capitalist nation, and ally of the U.S., U.K., and France. East Germany, on the other hand, came under the communist regime and was linked with the Soviet Union.

The Berlin Wall separated the city from 1961 until 1989, entirely enclosing its western portion. As a result, a city with a unique governmental standing and a highly distinctive way of life emerged as a historical anomaly.

Berlin is regarded as a global hub for the arts and creative sectors. Many cultural institutions, many of which are well-known internationally, are showcasing the city's rich legacy. a large number of youth, cultural entrepreneurs

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What advice does Mr. Kunstler offer to the Black Panthers?


Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton, who had met at Oakland's Merritt College, created the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (BPP) in October 1966.

What advice does Mr. Kunstler offer to the Black Panthers?

It was a revolutionary group that promoted Black nationalism, socialism, and the use of weapons for self-defense, particularly in the face of police brutality. It was a component of the Black Power movement, which diverged from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Southern Christian Leadership Conference's integrationist objectives and peaceful protest strategies.

The black panther, a recent emblem of the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, an independent Black political party in Alabama, served as the inspiration for the name of the BPP. In order to launch national African American community survival initiatives, establish alliances with progressive white radicals, and other groups of people, the Black Panther Party outlined a Ten Point Program, similar to those of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and Nation of Islam.

Learn more about the Black Panthers:


Help! 50 points + Branliest!
Explain how the policy of appeasement leads to Hitler’s taking of the Sudentenland in Czechoslovakia and how this lead to the beginning of World War II. (200 Words)



The policy of appeasement was the approach taken by Britain and France towards Nazi Germany in the years leading up to World War II. Instead of confronting Adolf Hitler's territorial ambitions in Europe, these nations sought to appease him by making concessions with the hope of avoiding war. This policy, however, ultimately failed and contributed to the outbreak of World War II.

One of the most notable examples of appeasement was the Munich Agreement of 1938, in which Britain and France allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. This was done without the consultation of the Czechoslovakian government and was an attempt to appease Hitler's territorial demands. The British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, famously declared upon his return from Munich that he had achieved "peace for our time."

However, Hitler's occupation of the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 demonstrated the failure of the policy of appeasement. This aggression led to Britain and France realizing the futility of appeasement and declaring war on Germany on September 3, 1939, beginning World War II.

The policy of appeasement ultimately failed because it gave Hitler the impression that he could act aggressively and that the other European powers would not respond. It also allowed Hitler to re-arm Germany and consolidate his power without opposition. The failure of appeasement taught the world a valuable lesson that aggressive dictators cannot be appeased, and that the only way to stop them is to confront them directly.

Which of these types of films emerged to offer new narratives of race and provide less stereotypical views


Option D. Independent film. It emerged to offer new narratives of race and provide less stereotypical viewpoints.

Independent film emerged to offer new narratives of race and provide less stereotypical viewpoints. Unlike mainstream media or consumer film, which often perpetuate stereotypes and adhere to traditional Hollywood storytelling, independent films are typically made by filmmakers outside of the Hollywood system and are often characterized by their innovative and diverse perspectives. Independent filmmakers have been instrumental in offering fresh, nuanced narratives that challenge mainstream representations of race and offer a wider range of voices and experiences.

Learn more about stereotyping here:


Complete question:

Which of these types of film emerged to offer new narratives of race and

provide less stereotypical viewpoints?

A. Assimilated film

B. Consumer film

C. Mainstream media

D. Independent film

the mexicans posed the strongest objection for those who settled mexico prior to the mexican war over which issue?


The Mexicans posed the strongest objection to the issue of the annexation of Texas by the United States, which led to the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

Texas had been a part of Mexico, but in 1836, American settlers in Texas declared their independence from Mexico and established the Republic of Texas. In 1845, the U.S. Congress voted to annex Texas as a state, which Mexico vehemently opposed.

Mexico viewed the annexation of Texas as a violation of its sovereignty and a hostile act by the United States. The Mexican government refused to recognize Texas as an independent nation and warned that any attempt by the United States to annex Texas would be considered an act of war.

When the United States annexed Texas, it led to a territorial dispute between the two countries over the boundary between Texas and Mexico. The dispute eventually escalated into a full-scale war, with the United States ultimately emerging victorious.

The war resulted in Mexico losing about half of its territory, including California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The annexation of Texas and the Mexican-American War remain significant events in the history of both countries, and their legacies continue to shape their relationship to this day.

Learn more about the Mexican war:


which was the most important factor contributing to the population shift in georgia after wwii?


Many variables affected Georgia's development between 1945 and 1970. After World War II, a greater proportion of people lived in cities due to the transition from rural agriculture to manufacturing work.

What is meant by Georgia's development?Georgia is a unitary parliamentary republic with representative democratic government. The Human Development Index for this emerging nation is exceptionally high. Since independence, economic reforms have reduced corruption measures, decreased poverty, and increased unemployment while also increasing levels of economic freedom.Georgia has continuously ranked at the top of the World Bank's index measuring the ease of doing business, earning the title of the world's top economic reformer in 2007 and other accolades.In order to help farmers across the state, the Georgia Development Authority offers loans that can be used for a range of costs, including the establishment of livestock enterprises as well as the purchase of land and equipment.

To learn more about Georgia's development, refer to:

Florida Acquisition (1819)
How was this territory acquired?



The Florida Acquisition of 1819 was a treaty between the United States and Spain, in which the United States acquired Florida and its surrounding territory from Spain. The acquisition was finalized with the signing of the Adams-Onís Treaty on February 22, 1819. The United States sought to acquire Florida to gain control over its ports and establish a clear boundary between Spanish and American territory. Spain ceded Florida to the United States in exchange for the U.S. government assuming $5 million in debts owed by Spain to American citizens. This acquisition marked an important milestone in the territorial expansion of the United States and helped to establish the United States as a dominant power in the Americas.


The Florida Acquisition of 1819 was a treaty between the United States and Spain, in which the United States acquired Florida and its surrounding territory from Spain. The acquisition was finalized with the signing of the Adams-Onís Treaty (also known as the Transcontinental Treaty) on February 22, 1819.

The treaty was negotiated by U.S. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams and Spanish Foreign Minister Luis de Onís. The negotiations were complicated, as both sides had different objectives and concerns. The United States sought to acquire Florida in order to gain control over its ports, which were used by pirates and smugglers to prey on American ships. The U.S. government also wanted to establish a clear boundary between Spanish and American territory, as there were disputes over the border between Louisiana (which the United States had acquired from France in 1803) and Spanish territory.

Spain, on the other hand, was concerned about American expansionism and wanted to protect its remaining territories in the Americas. In the end, the treaty satisfied both sides: Spain ceded Florida to the United States in exchange for the U.S. government assuming $5 million in debts owed by Spain to American citizens. The treaty also established the boundary between Louisiana and Spanish territory, which would become the southwestern boundary of the United States.

The Florida Acquisition of 1819 marked an important milestone in the territorial expansion of the United States. It expanded the country's borders further south and helped to establish the United States as a dominant power in the Americas.


The Florida Acquisition of 1819 was the acquisition of Florida by the United States from Spain. The acquisition was made through a treaty called the Adams-Onís Treaty, also known as the Transcontinental Treaty, which was signed on February 22, 1819.

Under the terms of the treaty, Spain ceded Florida to the United States in exchange for the United States renouncing its claims to Texas and assuming $5 million in debts owed by Spain to American citizens. The treaty also established a boundary between Spanish and American territories, and provided for the joint occupation of the Oregon Country by both nations for a period of ten years.

The Florida Acquisition was an important milestone in the expansion of the United States, as it added a significant amount of territory to the nation's southeastern borders and removed a potential source of conflict with Spain.

Please help. Why did the Ghana empire collapse


Answer: Civil war, new trade routes, and drought

Explanation: "The Ghana Empire crumbled from the 12th century CE following drought, civil wars, the opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of the Sosso Kingdom (c. 1180-1235 CE) and then the Mali Empire (1240-1645 CE)."


The Ghana Empire crumbled from the 12th century CE following drought, civil wars, the opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of the Sosso Kingdom (c. 1180-1235 CE) and then the Mali Empire (1240-1645 CE).


should help

mary kies was the first woman to be granted a u.s. patent. what did she invent?


Mary Kies was the first woman to be granted a U.S. patent. She invented the process of weaving straw with silk to make hats.

A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state or intergovernmental organization to an inventor or assignee for a limited period in exchange for detailed public disclosure of an invention. A patent application is the initial step in obtaining a patent for an invention.

Once granted, the patent provides its owner with the exclusive right to prevent others from producing, selling, or using the invention for a set period, which is typically twenty years from the filing date. The process of weaving straw with silk to make hats was invented by Mary Kies.

Women had been making straw hats in the United States for a long time, but they had to import the silk that was used to make them more stylish. Mary Kies' technique made it possible to manufacture the hats in the United States without relying on foreign imports. She was granted a patent on May 5, 1809.

For more such questions on U.S. patent, click on:


what were three methods the suffrage movement used to gain support?


The suffrage movement used a variety of tactics to gain support, including public speeches, pamphlets, and marches.
In addition, suffragists also used lobbying and civil disobedience to pressure lawmakers into granting voting rights to women. Finally, suffragists held hunger strikes and refused to pay taxes to demonstrate their commitment to the cause.

The suffrage movement used three methods to gain support, which are mentioned below:

1) Mass meetings and rallies Organizing mass meetings and rallies was a popular method used by the suffrage movement to gain support. These events were typically held outdoors in public spaces such as parks and streets, attracting large numbers of people who were interested in the cause. By delivering speeches and other forms of public address, leaders of the suffrage movement were able to persuade many individuals to join their cause.

2) Lobbying by politicians and government officials The suffrage movement used lobbying to persuade politicians and other government officials to support their cause. They sought to educate politicians and public officials about the importance of granting voting rights to women, highlighting the fact that women made up half of the population and were just as capable of making informed political decisions as men. This method was especially effective at the local and state levels, where politicians were more likely to be accessible to grassroots organizations such as the suffrage movement.

3) Press and media campaigns The suffrage movement also utilized the press and media to gain support for their cause. They used newspapers, magazines, and other forms of mass media to publish articles and editorials in support of women's suffrage. Additionally, they produced posters, leaflets, and other printed materials to distribute to the public, which helped spread awareness of their campaign and recruit new members.

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1. According to the document, why was the deposed Shah allowed to come into the United States?



1. According to the document, why was the deposed Shah allowed to come into the United States?


Based on the information provided in the question, I cannot determine which document you are referring to. Please provide more context or information so I can better understand and provide an accurate answer.

which historical figure was the first king of israel?


The first king of Israel was Saul, a Biblical figure who reigned from around 1020 to 1000 BCE.

He was anointed by the prophet Samuel, who had been chosen by God to appoint a king over Israel.Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin and was initially chosen as king because of his physical stature and military prowess. However, he eventually disobeyed God's commands and was rejected as king.

David, another famous Biblical figure, succeeded him as king.There is some debate among scholars about the historical accuracy of the story of Saul and his reign. Some believe that he may have been a real person who was later mythologized in the Bible, while others argue that he is purely a fictional character. Regardless of the historical accuracy of his story, Saul remains an important figure in the religious and cultural history of Israel and the Jewish people.

For such more questions on Saul:


3. Look at the graph's 1959 totals. What does the 4.30 level indicate?
What does the 4.60 indicate?
What does the 1.66 indicate?


The 4.30 level indicates the percentage of Americans in 1959 who had at least some college education. The 4.60 indicates the percentage of Americans in 1959 who had at least a bachelor's degree.

What is education?

Education is the process of learning and acquiring knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It is a process of growth and development of the individual and the society. Education is a social process and can be obtained from many sources such as family, school, college, workplace, or through self-directed learning. Education is an important tool for the development of human potential, both for the individual and for society. It helps to develop life skills, knowledge and understanding of the world, and to foster social and economic growth. Education can help to shape values, beliefs, and attitudes, and can help to shape the future of a society.

The 4.30 level indicates the percentage of Americans in 1959 who had at least some college education. The 4.60 indicates the percentage of Americans in 1959 who had at least a bachelor's degree. The 1.66 indicates the percentage of Americans in 1959 who had completed at least a master's degree.

To learn more about education


this is due soon!!!!!!!!



The correct answer is C. receive a college education.

During the mid-19th century, women were increasingly able to receive a college education. While women's colleges had been established in the United States in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, their curriculum was often limited and focused on domestic skills. However, during the mid-19th century, women's colleges began to offer a more rigorous academic education, including courses in mathematics, science, and literature.

This increased access to education helped to pave the way for the women's suffrage movement, which sought to give women the right to vote in federal elections. Women also began to enter professions such as teaching, nursing, and social work, and to advocate for other forms of political and social equality.

How was the South Carolina constitution of 1868 different from previous state constitutions?A-Woman lost their right to own property.B-Representation was based on population alone.C-Counties and districts were organized into parishes.D-Education became the responsibility of the local governments.Is it B?    asked by ?February 26, 2016


The 1868 constitution was groundbreaking because it included numerous democratic ideals that had not been present in earlier constitutions. The new document stipulated that population alone should determine House representation, not money or a combination of wealth and population.

What was the purpose of the 1868 Constitution?The Fourteenth Amendment, which was approved by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later on July 9, 1868, extended the protections of the Bill of Rights to the states and gave citizenship to anyone "born or naturalized in the United States," including people who had previously been held as slaves. The amendment gave the government the right to proportionally lower the representation of those states in Congress which restrict people' ability to vote. It prohibited anybody who "engaged in insurrection" against the US from holding elected or civil office without the consent of two-thirds of the House and Senate. The amendment forbade the ex-Confederate states from paying back their war debts and compensating former slave owners for the release of their slaves.

To learn more about 1868 constitution, refer to:

why did mexican americans form the league of united latin american citizens?


Mexican Americans form a united coalition of Latin American citizens to desegregate in schools and accept unfair conditions in immigrant camps.

The mission of the National League of Latin American Citizens is to advance the economic well-being, education, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.

The Latin American Citizens League was a Mexican-American civil rights organization founded in Texas in 1929. Focused on ending segregation in homes, public institutions and schools.

The National League for Latino Citizens, one of the oldest and largest Latinx organizations in the United States. Since its founding in 1929, it has focused on Hispanic education, employment and civil rights.

The League of Nations (1920-1946) was the first intergovernmental organization established to "promote international cooperation and achieve international peace and security". 

Know more about Mexican Americans here:


Evaluate the extent to which the Progressive movement fostered political change in the United States from 1890 to 1920.Suggested thesis formula =Although X, because A & B, therefore YX = counter argumentA & B = specifıc historical evidence (named)Y = YOUR argument if this thesis frame does not work for you, use whatever does! As long as it answers all parts of the question!


The Progressive movement fostered political change in the United States from 1890 to 1920. The Progressive movement, which began in the late 19th century, sought to reform the country's political, social, and economic systems in order to create a more equitable society.

The Progressive movement was a reaction to the excesses of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of big business, which had created an unequal and unfair society. The movement was driven by a belief in the power of government to regulate business and promote the common good .Although there were some who opposed the Progressive movement, its advocates were able to achieve significant political change.

For example, the Progressive movement led to the creation of the first federal income tax in 1913, which helped to fund the government and reduce wealth inequality. The Progressive movement also led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, which helped to stabilize the economy and prevent future financial crises. The movement also led to the passage of laws that protected workers' rights, such as the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, which prevented companies from engaging in unfair competition and monopolies.

The Progressive movement also had a significant impact on American politics. The movement helped to shift the balance of power away from the wealthy and towards the middle class and working people. The movement led to the establishment of the direct election of senators, which gave citizens a greater voice in government. The Progressive movement also helped to increase voter participation and led to the adoption of the secret ballot, which helped to prevent voter intimidation and fraud.

To know more about Progressive movement, refer here:


which best describes timbuktu? responses a.the ancient homeland of the people of ghana b.the ancient homeland of the people of ghana a center of islamic learning in africa c. a center of islamic learning in africa d.the city to which muslims make the hajj e.the city to which muslims make the hajj a farming village on the niger river in west africa


The correct option is c. a center of Islamic learning in Africa.

Timbuktu is a city in the West African nation of Mali that was once a center of Islamic learning.

What is Timbuktu?

Timbuktu was a significant city in ancient times that was situated on the southern edge of the Sahara desert in what is now Mali. Timbuktu was founded as a trading center by the Tuareg people in the 11th century.

The city grew quickly, becoming a significant trade center for salt, gold, ivory, and slaves.Timbuktu was renowned as an Islamic learning center in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Thousands of Islamic scholars and students came to Timbuktu to study in the city's numerous universities, libraries, and mosques.The city's main mosque, the Djinguereber Mosque, was established in the 14th century and is still in use today.

In addition to its religious and educational significance, Timbuktu was a thriving trade center, with goods such as gold, salt, cloth, and books being traded all around the globe. It was known as the "city of 333 saints" and has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1988.

To know more about  Islamic learning refer here


John Deere engaged in ______ when it developed an inexpensive tractor for farmers in India and then found a market for the tractor in the United States. A. Disruptive innovation B. reverse innovation C. an ambidextrous approach


The situation described in the question is an example of "reverse innovation."

Reverse innovation is a strategy where a company develops a product or service to meet the needs of customers in an emerging market and then finds ways to bring that product or service back to its home market. In the case of John Deere, the company developed an inexpensive tractor for farmers in India and then found a market for that tractor in the United States.

Reverse innovation is different from disruptive innovation, which refers to the process where a company introduces a new product or service that disrupts an existing market by offering greater convenience, accessibility, or affordability. An example of a disruptive innovation would be the introduction of smartphones, which disrupted the market for traditional cell phones.

Finally, an ambidextrous approach refers to a strategy where a company simultaneously focuses on both incremental improvements to existing products or services (exploitation) and the development of new products or services (exploration). This allows a company to maintain its existing market position while also exploring new opportunities for growth.

To learn more about reverse innovation refer to:


Following the
assassination of
Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, what
nation came to
the aid of Serbia?
A. Russia
B. Germany
C. France



france is the correct


What is the purpose of each plant structure?
transports water and nutrients
transports foo



transports water and nutrients

What type of government does Belarus have?


The Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic exists as a government in exile since then. The Bolsheviks created a puppet Soviet government of Belarus in Smolensk. In 1924, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus joined the USSR together with Soviet-controlled Russia, Ukraine and Transcaucasia.

How did the detonation of the Soviet Union's first atomic bomb impact people in the United States?

A: Many people became fearful of Soviet spies living within the United States

B: American politicians attempted to get the United Nations to ban development and use of nuclear weapons

C: People started to move to rural areas in preparation of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union

D: The United States and Soviet Union began talks to reduce the number of nuclear weapons

2. How did the idea of mutually assured destruction impact the relationship between the United States and Soviet Union?

A:The United States attempted to influence protests in European countries controlled by the Soviet Union

B:The Soviet Union attempted to defeat the United States economically instead of through the military

C:Each side started to negotiate a reduction in nuclear arms

D:Both sides fought proxy wars in former colonies instead of fighting each other directly

3. How did the communist Cuban revolution impact tensions between the United States and Soviet Union?

A:The Soviet Union attempted to force the United States to stop the Marshall Plan under threat of nuclear war

B:The United States responded by placing nuclear missiles in Turkey

C:An American blockade of Cuba almost led to nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union

D:Both sides started to fund radicals around the world in order to gain an advantage over the other country

4. How did President John F. Kennedy resolve the Cuban missile crisis with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev?

A:The United States promised to end Marshall Plan funding in Eastern Europe

B:The United States removed missiles from Turkey

C:The United States gave the Soviet Union more voting power in the United Nations

D:The United States lifted the embargo on Cuba and other communist nations

5. How did the American response to the Berlin Wall's construction impact the Soviet Union?

A:The Soviets continued to spread communism to places like Cuba, Korea, and Vietnam

B:The Soviets started to build up their nuclear arsenal in an attempt to overpower the United States

C:The Soviet Union gave Eastern European countries more self rule

D:The Soviet Union restricted any western goods from entering communist markets


The correct answers to the given questions are:

D: The United States and Soviet Union began talks to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.

C: Each side started to negotiate a reduction in nuclear arms.

How did these happen?

The detonation of the Soviet Union's first atomic bomb led to the United States and Soviet Union beginning talks to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. This was due to the fear of a potential nuclear war between the two countries.

The idea of mutually assured destruction led to each side negotiating a reduction in nuclear arms. Both the United States and Soviet Union recognized that a nuclear war between the two countries would result in mutual destruction, leading to talks about reducing the number of nuclear weapons.

The communist Cuban revolution led to an American blockade of Cuba, which almost led to nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, leading to a tense standoff between the two countries.

President John F. Kennedy resolved the Cuban missile crisis with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev by removing missiles from Turkey. The United States had secretly placed missiles in Turkey, which had led to the Soviet Union placing missiles in Cuba. Removing the missiles from Turkey was a concession that allowed both countries to avoid war.

The American response to the Berlin Wall's construction was to continue to contain the spread of communism. The Soviets continued to spread communism to places like Cuba, Korea, and Vietnam in response to the United States' efforts to contain it.

The other answers are:

C: An American blockade of Cuba almost led to nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union.B: The United States removed missiles from Turkey.A: The Soviets continued to spread communism to places like Cuba, Korea, and Vietnam.

Read more about communism here:


How did workers respond to the negative effects of industrialization?



There are numerous ways they responded to these effects.

That being said the two most common ways of response were...

Labor Unions: Workers created unions to jointly bargain for higher pay, favorable working conditions, and other benefits. Workers were able to advocate for improvements that would enhance their lives and have a louder voice at work thanks to labor unions.Political activism: Several employees joined political campaigns to support legislation ensuring the rights and welfare of workers. This might entail encouraging the creation of social welfare and labor regulations. Political participation allowed workers to campaign for changes that would benefit all workers in society, not just those in their particular workplace or industry.

What was the main purpose of the United Nations?

A. Stopping the spread of communism
B. Stopping the spread of capitalism
C. Helping former colonies develop
D. Preserving a lasting peace


D. Preserving a lasting peace.

D communism was just another goal the west had

The Constitution provides that the _____________ will be allocated electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Select one:

a. State of Virginia

b. State of Washington

c. U. S. Territory of Puerto Rico

d. District of Columbia


The correct option is d. District of Columbia. The Constitution of the United States provides that the District of Columbia (DC) will be allocated electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College.

This means that during presidential elections, DC residents are able to participate in the electoral process and cast their votes for the President of the United States. The allocation of electors to DC is based on the same formula as for states, with DC being granted three electors. This provision was established through the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution in 1961, which granted residents of DC the right to vote in presidential elections.

Learn more about The Constitution here:


3. How might the government have used spending policies differently during the 1800s to try to end the brutal
practice of slavery long before the Civil War?


From the early 17th century, African People had been held as slaves in what would eventually become the United States.

Before the Civil War, how may the government have tried to put an end to the cruel institution of slavery by using spending policies in a different way throughout the 1800s?

Yet, by 1800 or thereabouts, slavery had once more become a thriving institution, particularly in the South of the United States. The development of the cotton industry and its quick distribution among the population were two of the main factors that contributed to the resurgence of slavery. With the use of this machine, Southern farmers were able to grow a particular kind of cotton, known as short staple cotton, which was ideal for the region's climate. The work required to separate the seeds from the plants, which was the bottleneck in growing this crop. Even so, slavery was truly a fading institution even by time of American Revolution as well as the eventual approval of the constitutional Amendment in 1787.

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Other Questions
The base of a triangle is 3 inches shorter than its height. Its area is 275 square inches. Set up a quadratic equation and solve to find its base and height. Consider all four-digit numbers that can be created from the digits 0-9 where the first and last digits must be even and no digit can repeat. Assume that numbers can start with 0. What is the probability of choosing a random number that starts with 2 from this group? Enter a fraction or round your answer to 4 decimal places, if necessary The assembly line enabled the Ford Motor company to increase its _________ dramatically, which resulted in lower automobile prices and increased sales the sliding filament theory states that during contraction ____ . multiple choice question. A. sarcomeres shorten because myosin myofilaments slide past actin myofilaments towards the m line B. sarcomeres shorten because actin myofilaments slide past the myosin myofilaments C. sarcomeres shorten because myosin myofilaments become shorter as subunits are added to actin myofilaments D. sarcomeres shorten because actin myofilaments become shorter as subunits are added to myosin myofilaments There are two types of motivation:external and internalWhich is an example of internal motivation?!!!!!"I am determined to pass my math class" !!!!!!"My English professor is making me write a paper""My boss says I can't be late anymore""My parents want me to go to college" according to matthew 16:24-26, jesus tells us that those who spend their life attempting to keep it and make themselves significant actually lose their life. group of answer choices true false Which of the following provides additional security by determining whether packets are part of an ongoing dialogue between a sender and receiver? 1) NAT 2) Packet filtering 3) Deep packet inspection 4) Stateful inspection 5) Application proxy filtering 4) Stateful inspection Which of the following is true about Maven?- Maven is a project management and comprehension tool.- Maven provides developers a complete build lifecycle framework.- Both of the above.- None of the above. Juan is constructing picture frames to create a collage on his bedroom wall. He constructs a square frame with side lengths of x inches. He constructs another frame with the same length, but a width that is 3.5 inches longer than the square frame. The area of the new, rectangular frame can be determined by the following expression.please look at the picture attached then answer!Select the best description of the term 3.5x. A. the area of the original picture frame B. the area of the new picture frame C. the width of the new picture frame D. the increase in area of the new frame 9. Jess spins a pointer 25 times and finds anexperimental probability of the pointer landingon 3 to be 25, or 16%. The theoretical probabilityof the spinner landing on 3 is , or 25%. Whymight there be a significant difference betweenthe theoretical and experimental probabilities? How to find heat capacity of calorimeter with hot and cold water? What were the terms of the agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union that resolved the Cuban missile crisis and its surrounding tensions?- The Soviet Union would remove its missiles in Cuba.- The United States would sell the Soviet Union its surplus wheat.- A "hotline" would be installed between Washington and Moscow for instant contact between leaders.- The United States would make a public pledge not to invade Cuba.- The United States would remove U.S. missiles from Italy and Britain.- The United States would agree in secret to remove its missiles from Turkey. Which of the following incorrectly shows the bond polarity? Show the correct bond polarity for those that are incorrect.a. +HFb. +ClIc. +SiSd. +BrBre. +OP write an equation, in terms of the variables in the problem statement, for the amount of work required to compress the spring from the origin to x4. The polarization of a partially polarized beam of light is defined asp=(Imax-Imin)/(Imax+Imin)where Imax and Imin are the maximum and minimum intensities that areobtained when the light passes through a polarizer that is slowly rotated. Such lightcan be considered as the sum of two unequal plane-polarized beams of intensitiesImax and Imin perpendicular to each other. Show that the light transmitted by apolarizer, whose axis makes an angle f to the direction in which Imax is obtained, hasintensityI(f)=(1+pcos2f)Imax/(1+p). How did Reagan try to make the government smaller? Check all that apply. He cut funding for drug programs and federal drug-control agencies. He eliminated government programs to address money mismanagement. He decreased spending on nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles. He proposed cutting funding to certain government agencies and groups. He reduced government regulations on business. Consolidating entries (market value differs from book value)Assume that on January 1, 2013, an investor company acquired 100% of the outstanding voting common stock of an investee company. The following financial statement information was prepared immediately after the acquisition and presents the acquisition-date balance sheet for the pre-consolidation investor company, the investee company and the consolidated financial statements for the investor and investee.Invest Investee ConsolidatedCash & receivables $500,000 $62,500 $562,500Inventory 375,000 156,250 531,250Property & equipment $1,437,500 $500,000 2,000,000Investment in investee $437,500 _ _Identifiable intangible _ _ 68,750Goodwill _ _ 30,000Total assets $2,750,000 $718,750 $3,192,500Current liabilities $250,000 $125,000 $375,000Accrued expenses 187,500 _ 187,500Bonds payable _ $312,500 317,500Common stock 1,043,750 62,500 1,043,750Additional paid-in capital 893,750 78,125 893,750Retained earnings 375,000 140,625 375,000Total liabilities and equity $2,750,000 $718,750 $3,192,500In preparing the consolidated financial statements, what is the amount of the debit or credit made to the "investment in investee" account as part of the [A] consolidating entry? (Recall from the chapter that the [A] consolidating entry reclassifies the acquisition accounting premium from the investment account to the individual net assets that require adjustment from book value to fair value.)A. $30,000B. $161,250C. $156,250D. $437,500 Juan guitar aeropuertos If a drug has a concentration of 5.315 mg per 3.743 mL, how many mL are needed to give 4.719 gram of the drug? Round to 1 decimal. if tom were married and his spouse was not working for pay, what would his 2022 taxable income be considering the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly is $25,900?