Mira la imagen, lee y escoge la opción con el verbo conjugado correcto que falta en el espacio en blanco. Look at the image, read, and select the option with the correct conjugated verb for the blank.

A cartoon family eating at 9 p.m. with a cartoon female cat holding a cake

A las nueve de la noche yo ________ el pastel.



Answer 1
It’s ceno because you are using “el”
Answer 2
A las nueve de la noche yo ceno el pastel

Related Questions

Decide whether the command is grammatically correct or incorrect as written. corres rápidamente. correct incorrect





Spanish: Clarify each sentence with a prepositional phrase. Follow the model. ( model is picture shown below )
1. Su casa es muy grande. (ellos)
2. ¿Cómo se llama su hermano? (ellas)
3. Sus padres trabajan en el centro. (ella)
4. Sus abuelos son muy simpáticos. (él)
5. Maribel es su prima. (ella)
6. Su primo lee los libros. (ellos)

- please help me out if you have the chance !!



1La casa de ellos es muy grande.

2¿Cómo se llama el hermano de ellas?

3Los padres de ella trabajan en el centro.

4Los abuelos de él son muy simpáticos.

5Maribel es prima de ella

Fill in with the correct conjugation/for or the -at verbs

1. Usted___ a mi abuela. (visitar)
2. El vestido___ veinte y cinco dólares. (costar)
3. Tú____ la televisión mucho. (mirar)
4. Mis padres___ (hablar)
5. Señor Torres___ la prueba
6. El alumno___ muy bien. (escuchar)
7. Mason, Sergio y yo___ anoche. (estudiar)
8. Mi tio__ muchos regalos(gifts) para los niños. (comprar)
9. Jasmine__ mucho ayer. (trabajar)
10. Yo__ a México el año pasado. (llegar)



A-Yo( compre)una camisa bonita anoche en el almacén .

B- Maria (pago) diez dólares ayer.

C-Mis amigos ( jugaron ) muchos deportes el año pasado.

D- Mis amigos y yo ( buscamos) el regalo perfecto la navidad pasada.


Answers in bold and underlined.

Answer 1: Usted visita a mi abuela.

Translation 1: You visit my grandmother.

Answer 2: El vestido cuesta veinte y cinco dólares.

Translation 2: The dress costs twenty-five dollars.

Answer 3: miras la televisión mucho.

Translation 3: You watch TV a lot.

Answer 4: Mis padres hablan.

Translation 4: My parents talk.

Answer 5: Señor Torres hace la prueba.

Translation 5: Mr. Torres does the test.

Answer 6: El alumno escucha muy bien.

Translation 6: The student listens very well.

Answer 7: Mason, Sergio y yo estudiamos anoche.

Translation 7: Mason, Sergio and I studied last night.

Answer 8: Mi tío compra muchos regalos para los niños.

Translation 8: My uncle buys many gifts for the children.

Answer 9: Jasmine trabajó mucho ayer.

Translation 9: Jasmine worked a lot yesterday.

Answer 10: Yo llegué a México el año pasado.

Translation 10: I arrived in Mexico last year.

Explanation on the subject:

The correct conjugation of these verbs is the infinitive form, since in the given sentences, the verbs are in the third person singular (he, she, you) in the present and past tense. It is important to remember that in Spanish the conjugation of the verb changes depending on the person and the tense. For example, the verb "visit" in the first sentence is in the third person singular (él, ella, usted) in the present, therefore it is conjugated as "visita".




The answer should be "escultura"


Let me translate that sentence for you rq: The sculptor is creating a sculpture of a woman to the classical esolo. The word scuplture in spanish is called "escultura". Hope this helped :)

So I have to write a paragraph in spanish about a prompt. The prompt is that I have a junky car and I have to speak to a mechanic about some issue I’m having with my car ( they can be made up EX: weird noises, smoke from the engine,etc). Please have 7+ short sentences and the word poder must be mentioned at least once. 3 of the sentences have to be describing the car’s issues and the other sentences can just be a greeting to the mechanic and any other dialogue needed.



Tengo un auto viejo y he estado teniendo problemas con él. El motor hace ruidos extraños y sale humo cada vez que lo enciendo. Además, el sistema de frenos parece estar fallando. Me preocupa que no pueda arreglar estos problemas y necesito hablar con un mecánico para ver si pueden ayudarme. Saludo al mecánico y le explico los problemas que estoy teniendo con mi auto. El mecánico me dice que no se preocupe, que va a revisar el auto y ver si puede arreglar los problemas. Agradezco al mecánico por su ayuda y espero poder arreglar mi auto pronto para poder usarlo de nuevo.

I really need help for

Las notas culturales y las estadísticas
Completa cada oración con la opción correcta de acuerdo con la información en la sección Panorama.

5. Los parques nacionales fueron establecidos (established) para proteger ____ del país.
las plantaciones de café
la democracia
la biodiversidad
el volcán Irazú
6. Los ecoturistas visitan ____ para ver cataratas (waterfalls), montañas, plantas exóticas y animales.
los parques nacionales
los museos ecológicos
San José
las plantaciones de café
8. Hoy día, más de 50.000 costarricenses trabajan en ____.
el cultivo de maíz
el cultivo de café
el ejército de Costa Rica
el sistema de parques nacionales



5. la biodiversidad

6. los parques nacionales

8.el cultivo de café

So I have to write a paragraph in spanish about a prompt. The prompt is that I have a junky car and I have to speak to a mechanic about some issue I’m having with my car ( they can be made up EX: weird noises, smoke from the engine,etc). Please have 7+ short sentences and the word poder must be mentioned at least once. 3 of the sentences have to be describing the car’s issues and the other sentences can just be a greeting to the mechanic and any other dialogue needed.



Hola, necesito hablar con un mecánico sobre mi coche. Mi coche es viejo y tiene varios problemas. Últimamente ha estado haciendo un ruido extraño cuando lo enciendo y también he notado humo saliendo del motor. También el coche tiembla cuando acelero. ¿Podría por favor revisarlo para ver qué está pasando? Estoy preocupado de que pueda ser algo grave. ¿Podría darme una cotización para arreglarlo? Muchas gracias.

6. (secarse/
Mamá y Papá 1. (levantarse/acostarse) primero y van al baño. Papá 2. (maquillarsel
afeitarse) y Mamá 3. (maquillarse/afeitarse) la cara. Yo 4. (despertarse/dormirse)
lentamente. Entonces voy al baño y 5. (cepillarse/ducharse). Después yo
ducharse) rápidamente con una toalla y 7. (ponerse/lavarse) la ropa. Por la noche
nosotros siempre 8. (secarse/cepillarse) los dientes y luego 9. (acostarse/
10. (despertarse/
levantarse). Yo leo un poco en la cama, y por fin apago la luz y


1. Se levantan
2. papá se afeita
3. Mamá se maquilla
4. Yo me despierto lentamente
5. Ducharme
6. Yo me seco
7. Ponerme
8. Siempre nos cepillamos
9. Nos acostamos
10. Duermo

If you can help me with my Spanish homework


1. D
2. F
3. E
4. B
5. A
6. C

Part 2:
(1) llego
(2) adelante
(3) puente
(4) calle
(5) Izquierda
(6) dirección
(7) Cuadras
(8) esquina
(9) Catedral
(10) derecho

Hope this helps!

30 La ensalada de frutas
Leamos/Escribamos Graciela ayuda a su hermano a preparar
una ensalada de frutas. Completa sus oraciones con el mandato
informal (informal command) correcto. Luego pon las oraciones
en orden.
(Servir) la ensalada fría.
(Lavar) las frutas.
(Probar) la ensalada para ver qué tal está.
(Añadir) un poco de azúcar (sugar) a las frutas.
(Cortar) las frutas en trozos (pieces) con el cuchillo.
(Poner) los trozos en un plato hondo.
(Tener) cuidado con el cuchillo.
(Mezclar) las frutas con un poco de jugo de naranja.



1. Lava las frutas

2. Corta las frutas en trozos con el cuchillo

3. Ten cuidado con el cuchillo

4. Pon los trozos en un plato hondo

5. Añade un poco de azúcar a las frutas

6. Mezcla las frutas con un poco de jugo de naranja

7. Prueba la ensalada a ver qué tal está

8. Sirve la ensalada fría

What are each of these people doing?


Answer: #1 pintando/dibujando #2 Tecleando #3 escribiedo #2 Hablando/conversando

I'm not sure in the 2nd one but hope that helps you a bit


2nd could be “usando la computadora”

Samuel Delgado: ¿Cómo le va?
Profesora González:


The following dialogue in Spanish can be completed as follows:

Samuel Delgado: ¿Cómo estás?Profesor González: Estoy muy bien, ¡gracias! ¿Y tu?How to write a dialogue in spanish?

You must follow a script of a conversation between two or more people with questions and answers that can be developed on a certain subject. For this, remember to use the correct vocabulary, verb conjugation and grammar.

Therefore, you can develop this dialogue between Samuel Delgado and Professora González in a creative way, approaching different subjects, with variable questions about classes, about tests, etc.

Find out more about spanish vocabulary on:



La semana pasada yo
(ir) al centro comercial, pero yo no
(encontrar) una camiseta de mi talla porque soy grande. Mi mamá también buscó la
(costar) mucho dinero. Recientemente, me
camiseta ayer pero
(probar) una camiseta apretada y no me gustó. Esta mañana nosotros.
(despertarse) temprano para ir de compras. ¡Qué bien, porque yo
(volver) a la tienda y compré mi camiseta!


Las oraciones se pueden completar con verbos en modo indicativo de la siguiente manera:

FuiEncontréCostosProbéDespertamosVolví¿Cuál es el modo indicativo del verbo?

Corresponde a uno de los modos verbales cuyo objetivo central es indicar una acción que ocurrió en el pasado o que es probable que ocurra en el presente o futuro.

Por lo tanto, el modo indicativo del verbo se usa para demostrar acciones verbales que ya han ocurrido o que pueden ocurrir según el tiempo y el contexto.

Encuentre más sobre el modo indicativo en:



Ud. _____
(bailar) muy bien.


Answer: baila

Explanation: Usted baila muy bien.

usted *baila* muy bien

Limpiamos Fill in the blanks Activity
Completa. Everyone has a chore to do in Puerto Rico. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb limpiar.



limpia, limpian, limpiamos, limpian, limpian, limpias



El piso de la oficina ________ ciento sesenta mil dólares. (20 points)
cuesta; 170.000
cuestan; 160.000
cuestan; 170.000
cuesta; 160.000


La respuesta es 160.000


cuesta 160,000


Ayúdenme please No entiendo este trabajo y la profe no lo explico

B. Ejercicio de homosintaxis

-A palabras necias, oídos sordos.
-No hagas a otros lo que no te gusta que te hagan.
-No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.
-Nadie sabe lo que puede hasta que lo intenta.
-No van lejos los que van delante, si los de atrás corren bien.
-El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta.
-El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta.
-El puerco sabe dónde se rasca.
-En casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo.
-Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda.


El ejercicio de homosintaxis consiste en identificar las oraciones que tienen la misma estructura gramatical. En el ejemplo que proporcionas, todas las oraciones son de estructura similar. Cada oración tiene un sujeto y un verbo, seguido de un complemento. Además, todas las oraciones son refranes populares con un significado o moraleja.

What are the words about?

This appears to be a list of Spanish proverbs or sayings. Each one is a short, wise statement that expresses a general truth or a piece of practical advice. The proverbs use figurative language and often rely on comparisons to make their point.

Therefore, Some examples include "A palabras necias, oídos sordos" (to foolish words, deaf ears), which means that it's a waste of time to argue with someone who is not willing to listen, and "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta" (he who embraces too much, grips too little), which means that people who try to do too many things at once often don't do any of them well.

Learn more about  Spanish words from



Write an original sentence with each of the following. Give as much information as possible:



Ella toma su medicina en las noches.
El come frutas todos los días.
Ella bebe jugo de naranja.
El vive en la casa detrás de la escuela.
El recibe puntos altos en todas sus clases.
La cena estaba muy deliciosa.

Help Please fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I need an explanation to help you.

Que significa Latinx ?


Answer: una persona que proviene de latino america o de raices. / a person who comes from latin america or has family from there


Una manera de clasificar latinos (sudamericos) inventado por nortemericanos para referirse a ellos sin usar genero. No es una manera popular con latinos / a way to classify latinos (south americans) created by north americans to refer to them in a genderless form. It is not commonly used by latinos.

Write the indicated form of the verb in parentheses:​




1.Los alumnos comen aquí.

2.Yo bebo mucha agua.

3.¿Tu crees eso?

4.Papa lee el periódico.

5.Mis hermanas y yo aprende ruso

6. ¿Ustedes comen en casa?

7.Ellas leen las noticias.

8.¿Vosotros beben café aquí?

9.¿aprendieron ustedes las palabras?

10. Mi primo vende flores allí.

This is all I can do, goodnight!

How do you say "please" in spanish? tal vez pronto por favor todavilla



por favor


please in Spanish is por favor

Por favor :)))))) that means please in Spanish

i need help more in pfp


Hope this will help

Spanish: Clarify each sentence with a prepositional phrase. Follow the model. ( model is picture shown below )

1. Su casa es muy grande. (ellos)
2. ¿Cómo se llama su hermano? (ellas)
3. Sus padres trabajan en el centro. (ella)
4. Sus abuelos son muy simpáticos. (él)
5. Maribel es su prima. (ella)
6. Su primo lee los libros. (ellos)

- please help me out if you have the chance !!


The complete sentences would look like this: 1. La casa de ellos es muy grande, 2. ¿Cómo se llama el hermano de ellas?, 3. Los padres de ella trabajan en el centro, 4. Los abuelos de él son muy simpáticos, 5. La prima de ella es Maribel, 6. El primo de ellos lee los libros.

How to write sentences correctly?

To write the prepositional phrases correctly we must use a preposition before the noun of each sentence. In this case we must use the nouns shown in parentheses.

According to the above, the complete sentences would look like this:

1. La casa de ellos es muy grande.

2. ¿Cómo se llama el hermano de ellas?.

3. Los padres de ella trabajan en el centro.

4. Los abuelos de él son muy simpáticos.

5. La prima de ella es Maribel.

6. El primo de ellos lee los libros.

Learn more about prepositional phrases in: https://brainly.com/question/17542837


x 3.
Tú ?


Tú eres un conductor, it’s not showing what to Answer so I just went with that

¿qué papel juega la ética en los avances científicos?


In english it’s what role does ethics play in scientific advances? y la respuesta a tu pregunta es la conducta ética es importante para fomentar la colaboración, cooperación y confianza entre científicos

Que similitudes y diferencias encuentras en cuanto al motivo lirico de los tres poemas.


Answer: why bro


Please translate all this into English.


You must use your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and verbal agreement to translate this poem from Spanish to English, using materials such as software and dictionaries to support this task.

What is the English translation?

Analyzing the textual cohesion and coherence, the poem will be correctly translated as follows:

Everyone asks mewhat do i want to beWhen I grow up I'll decide...While that arrives I want to have funDreaming so many things I will feel happyPay attention to what I tell youBecause I don't know how to answer...If you wanted to sing with meWill you help me choose!I want to be an astronautand reach the starsI want to be an admiralthe seven seas sailI want to be an engineerAnd pretty houses to makeI want to be a gardenerAnd make peace flourishI want to be!I want to be!Everyone asks meI want to be a singerto sing my songI want to be an artistto paint the illusionI want to be a nurseto heal the painI want to be an inventorTo create more loveI want to be!I want to be! that, all together!I want to be! stronger as well!I want to be!I want to be an astronaut, admiralI want to be a gender, gardenerI want to be a singer, an artistI want to be a nurse, an inventorI want to be!

Therefore, we can see that when translated, the poem loses the effect of the rhymes created by the phonetics of words in Spanish, which is a resource used in poems to create rhythm and stylism to poetry.

Find more about Spanish vocabulary at:



Just need help with Spanish



1. caballero; 2. almacen; 3. vitrina; 4. vitrina; 5. zapateria; 6. dulce; 7. monedas


Hay mucha gente hoy en el centro comercial. Un (1) caballero elegante esta entrando a un (2) almacen para comprarse una corbata. Unos chicos estan mirando la (3) vitrina de la papeleria pero no quieren entrar. Al otro lado del (4) corredor, una señora esta comprando unos tenis en la (5) zapateria. En la dulceria, un niño va a comprar un (6) dulce. El tiene dos (7)monedas en la mano.

P.D: Disculpa la falta de ortografia

Which verb form correctly completes this sentence?

Anteayer, mi hermano y yo ___________ en el parque.


the answer is fuimos :)
Necesito más contenido o más sobre lo que escribiste, pero yo soy un ispano te dire lo que yo se y como se escuchará bien, pero te dire de nuevo nose si te lo dire bien por qué necesito las contexto del tema.

Anteayer, mi hermano yo pasamos tiempo en el parque

Other Questions
The new-accounts officer at the Buzz Bank enrolls all new customers in checking accounts. During the 3 week period in August encompassing the beginning of the new school year at GT, the bank opens a lot of new accounts for students. The bank estimates the arrival during this period will be Poisson distributed with an average of four students per hour. The service time is exponentially distributed with an average of 12 minutes per student to setup a new checking account. The bank manager doesnt want a customer to wait more than 50 minutes to be served. The bank wants to determine the operating characteristics for the system and determine if the current officer is sufficient to handle the increased traffic.Is 1 officer sufficient for this demand? a. Yes, average time in line is less than 50 min b. No, average time in line is more than 50 min c. Yes, productivity is 80% d. No, productivity is 80% Pentagon ABCDE is rotated 90 degree clockwise about the origin to form pentagon A'B'C'D'E'. what unique feature of mrna is exploited to create cdna libraries why do ralph, piggy, and samneric lie about their part in simon's death, or use the darkness as an excuse? Raphael and his four friends are having lunch. They agree to split the bill evenly at the end after adding a 20% tip. If the total bill is $85.60, how much will each person end up paying? A. $25.68 B. $20.54 C. $18.68 D. $17.12 Your Task: Using the maps labeled Source A and Source B, write a paragraph that responds to the following 4 bullets about the Roman and Chinese Empires.In your paragraph, include the following:Compare the geographic features (mountains, bodies of water) of the Roman and Chinese Empires.Describe the relative locations of the two Empires. (Reminder: relative location means comparing one location to the other location)Within each Empire, how easy or difficult do you think it would be to communicate between different regions? Defend your claim with evidence from the maps.Do you think the Roman and Chinese Empires had many opportunities to interact with each other? Defend your claim with evidence from the maps. joe has chronic renal failure. he is at risk of having _______. The Winking Lizard restaurant has now celebrated its third anniversary - a milestone for most restaurants (as many close within two years of opening). Business is still heavy on many days and evenings. You've now hired a marketing research intern, who is eager to use some advanced statistical analyses to measure the success of the restaurant. Please provide a one-to two-paragraph response for each questions below, integrating course materials with hypothetical examples and concepts fitting the scenario: a. How could you use Discriminant Analysis to study the success of a "Half-Priced Appetizer" night? b. How could you use Factor Analysis to better understand who returns to watch Monday Night Football? c. What are a few attributes that you would use to apply Conjoint Analysis to your neighbor's choice of restaurants? d. In the end, which of the above statistical techniques would be most valuable for you to use? Why? T/F. joint ownership of assets is an effective substitute for a will. Each year, over million people in the United States become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. In particular, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention has launched studies of drug-resistant gonorrhea (CDC.gov website). Of cases tested in Alabama, were found to be drug-resistant. Of cases tested in Texas, were found to be drug-resistant. Do these data suggest a statistically significant difference between the proportions of drug-resistant cases in the two states? Use a level of significance. What is the -value, and what is your conclusion?Test statistic = (to 2 decimals)p-value = (to 4 decimals) How much heat in kJ must be transferred to 10 kg of air to increase the temperature from 10C to 230C if the pressure is maintained constant? a.2310 b.1980 c.1650 d.2200 Will Kodak able to deliver performance in the generic drug industry? Why or why not?Given that Kodak needed to follow a low-cost strategy, was it justified in issuing stock options to Continenza? Critically analyze this situation. One large jar and three small jars together can hold 14 ounces of jam. One large jar minus one small jar can hold 2 ounces of jam. A matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns, where row 1 is 1 and 3 and row 2 is 1 and negative 1, is multiplied by matrix with 2 rows and 1 column, where row 1 is l and row 2 is s, equals a matrix with 2 rows and 1 column, where row 1 is 14 and row 2 is 2. Use matrices to solve the equation and determine how many ounces of jam are in each type of jar. Show or explain all necessary steps. If the electron is continuing in a horizontal straight line, express the magnitude of the magnetic field in terms of v and e. what role do digital tools play in tesla's retailing strategy? why is coal typically found at mid-latitudes and not evenly distributed across the globe? 3. A student connects a Cd2+ (0.20 M)|Cd(s) half cell to a Cu2+(1M)|Cu(s) electrode. When the red lead is attached to the Cu electrode, the cell potential read by the voltmeter (Ecell) is +0.77 V. a.Write the expression for the thermodynamic reaction quotient, Q, and calculate its value for this cell. b. Use the Nernst equation to find the standard cell potential, Ecell . c. Knowing that the standard reduction potential of the Cu half cell is +0.34 V, what is the potential for the cadmium half cell? Is this Ered or Eox? gregory runs at a constant speed and travels 10 meters in 4 seconds. a. If Bil runs for 8 seconds at this constant speed, how far will he travel? ___ meters b. If gregory runs for 1 second at this constant speed, how far will he travel? ___ * meters c. What is the constant speed that gregory runs at? ___ |* meters per second Preview d. If gregory runs for 2.4 seconds at this constant speed, how far will he travel? ___ * meters The development of the Athenian agora as a public space differed substantially from the Forum of Trajan in that the agoraevolved gradually over centuries in response to political changeincorporated buildings dedicated to secular and religious functionsserved as the primary residential sector for the citys aristocracyused axial planning to highlight a series of military monuments If the quantum fluctuation imprinted on the dark matter halos at the time of the formation of the cosmic microwave background radiation were 10 times larger, galaxies would likely be: _____