Name two of Andrew Jackson's military successes?


Answer 1


Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. Known as the "people's president," Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native American:

Answer 2


Jackson was elected as the seventh president of the U.S. in 1828.  Andrew was known as the "people's president," Andrew Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the U.S., founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty, and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans:

Related Questions

when president woodrow wilson presented the treaty of versailles to the senate



Well first of all they rejected the treaty of versaillles for the first time in the senates history, rejected a peace treaty.



On July 10, 1919


F. What change was each of these reformers responsible for?
Upton Sinclair:
John Muir:



Upton Sinclair:

The Jungle was written by Upton Sinclair to illustrate the dreadful working conditions in the meatpacking business. His description of diseased, rotten, and contaminated meat astounded the public, prompting the creation of new federal food safety regulations.

John Muir:

Muir's efforts were instrumental in the establishment of numerous national parks, including Sequoia (1890), Mount Rainier (1899), and the Grand Canyon (1877). (1908). He argued that "only Uncle Sam" could safeguard our country's land for future generations to enjoy, a concept that led to the National Park Service's establishment in 1916.


John Muir (April 21, 1838, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland—December 24, 1914, Los Angeles, California, United States), Scottish-born American naturalist, writer, and campaigner for U.S. forest conservation who was instrumental in the creation of Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks in California. The Jungle was written by Upton Sinclair to illustrate the dreadful working conditions in the meatpacking business. His description of diseased, rotten, and contaminated meat astounded the public, prompting the creation of new federal food safety regulations. Progressives had begun to target large firms like Standard Oil, U.S. Steel, and the Armour meat-packing industry for their unethical practices before the turn of the century. The progressives exposed how these corporations stifled competition, imposed exorbitant prices, and treated employees like "wage slaves." A substantial reform movement had formed in the United States prior to the start of the twentieth century. The reformers, also known as progressives, were reacting to the issues brought by the fast rise of manufacturing and cities. Progressives first focused on improving the lives of those living in slums and eliminating government corruption.However, progressives disagreed on how to effectively govern these large corporations. Anti-monopoly laws were proposed by some progressives as a way to break up huge firms. Others thought state or federal government regulation would be more effective. A rising number of people advocated for socialism, or public ownership of businesses. All of these recommendations were rebuffed by the owners of huge enterprises, who insisted that they be left alone to manage their firms as they saw proper. Theodore Roosevelt was the president when the progressive reformers were gathering strength. Assuming the presidency in 1901 after the assassination of William McKinley, he remained in the White House until 1909. Roosevelt favored large-scale enterprises. "The corporation is here to stay," he declared. But he favored government regulation of them "with due regard of the public as a whole." Roosevelt did not always approve of the progressive-minded journalists and other writers who exposed what they saw as corporate injustices. When David Phillips, a progressive journalist, wrote a series of articles that attacked U.S. senators of both political parties for serving the interests of big business rather than the people, President Roosevelt thought Phillips had gone too far. He referred to him as a man with a "muck-rake." Even so, Roosevelt had to admit, "There is filth on the floor, and it must be scraped up with the muck-rake." The term "muckraker" caught on. It referred to investigative writers who uncovered the dark side of society. Few places had more "filth on the floor" than the meat- packing houses of Chicago. Upton Sinclair, a largely unknown fiction writer, became an "accidental muckraker" when he wrote a novel about the meat-packing industry.

Where is your spain located?



The answer is at the southwest of Europe.


It is on the Iberian Peninsula

-Hope this helps!


What were the effects of the Scientific Revolution?
Group of answer choices
Select All that apply

helped shape a different society that changed popular belief

areas of life which would lead to the movement called the Enlightenment The decline of feudalism

Other scholars and philosophers also applied a scientific approach to other

New discoveries were made



The Scientific Revolution led to the creation of new knowledge systems, social hierarchies, and networks of thinkers. It also affected production and distribution.


please help me. its my homework due at 11:59. realy need help well get a A+



I cannot really see all the picture very well, from what I can see:

A. Sahara

B. Sahel

I know Madagascar is mostly a Tropical Rainforest

and I believe the bottom one at the end of Africa is the Kalehari Desert.

The generation of children born between 1946 and 1964 is referred to as.



baby boomer


What terms did the missouri compromise impose on any newly created western territories? they should allow slavery. they should ban slavery. the southern half should permit slavery, and the northern half should be free.


In order to maintain the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states, the Missouri Compromise, which admitted Missouri as a slave state and Admitted as a free state, was adopted in 1820.

What is the 1850 Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise had resolved the question of slavery's geographic reach inside the Louisiana Purchase areas by outlawing slavery in states north of 36°30′ latitude, and Polk wished to extend this line into the newly acquired region.

Thus Option C is the term the Missouri compromise imposes.

For more information about Missouri Compromise refer to the link:

Answer: Its C


just took the test.

The Carlisle Indian School was not federally funded.

True or False?





trust me its right

When did the europeans first become exposed to rockets.


The rocket seems to have arrived in Europe around 1241 A.D. Contemporary accounts describe rocket-like weapons being used by the Mongols against Magyar forces at the battle of Sejo which preceded their capture of Buda (now known as Budapest) December 25, 1241.

Evaluate the degree to which Third World countries were successful in their quest to end colonialism and establish new ways of serving their populations.


To a very great extent the third world countries were able to push for an end to colonialism and imperialism in their regions.

What nations are referred to as third world countries?

These are the countries that are mostly in Africa. These countries have experienced very poor leaderships and were mostly under the rule of the white man.

From the 1950s most of the countries started to push for self governance. An example is a country in West Africa. They got their independence in the year 1960.

Read more on colonialism here:

Who was president during japanese internment camps




President Roosevelt


The attack on Pearl Harbor also launched a rash of fear about national security, especially on the West Coast.

Study the political cartoon from July 1914.

A political cartoon from July 1914. Men with sashes label the country they are from and each have their hand on the other. From left to right is Serbia, Austria, Russia, Germany, and France. A caption says,

Which cause of World War I is illustrated in the cartoon?



the cartoon illustrates alliances


hope that helps

What caused the fall of the Roman Empire?



✏️ Answer

Invasions by Barbarian tribes

The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders.


Hope it's help



Do you think was most influential in leading to the holocaust



Antisemitism was one of the most fundamental causes of the Holocaust. The rise of antisemitism over the course of the early twentieth century was extremely dangerous. It allowed an overtly antisemitic party such as the Nazis to come to power in 1933.

Name two other events that were taking place at the same time as the Scientific Revolution.



The Discovery of Jupiter's Four Moons

Isaac Newton's Creation and Development Of The Rules of Modern Day Physics and Calculus.


The Scientific Revolution began in 1543 and ended in 1687 (144 years total). The Scientific Revolution was the emergence of modern science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, medicine, and chemistry transformed views of society and nature. The Scientific Revolution forever changed the world. With improved medicine, more people survived diseases. The scientific revolution also set the bases for modern technology such as computer, phones and the likes.  


Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 - 8 January 1642) often known as Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations and support for Copernicanism. Galileo is best known for two things during his career. First, he discovered four moons of Jupiter with his better telescope of his invention. Secondly, he is also known for his conflict with the Roman Catholic Church who placed him under house arrest for the last few years of his life which marked the most dramatic disagreement between the science and church community.

Isaac Newton:

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 - 20 March 1727) was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book ''Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'', first published in 1687, laid the foundations for most of classical mechanics. Newton also made seminal contributions to optics and shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the invention of the infinitesimal calculus.Sir Issac Newton is best known for creating the rules of classical physics and calcus. He also best known for his rules of gravity which stood unchallenged until Einstein changed the field in the 20th century.

1. Law of Inertia (rest... stays in rest)

2. f = ma

3. = and opp reaction

Why did the Founding Fathers include the Preamble in the Constitution?

To limit the rights of the American people
To make the document longer and harder to read
To define the intentions and meaning of the Constitution
To give unlimited rights to the American people



Your answer would be:
C.) To define the intentions and meaning of the Constitution

The Preamble communicates the intentions of the framers and the purpose of the document. The preamble is an introduction to the highest law of the land. It does not define government powers or individual rights.


Have a great rest of your day

While europeans were exploring the americas, the reformation was going on at the same time. compare and contrast the effects of exploration and the reformation on early modern european society


Europeans were motivated to explore for several reasons. First, they wanted to control trade with Asia. Since the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Europeans had to trade with Muslim middlemen, making it much more expensive to buy goods from Asia. They wanted to find a quicker way to the east so they could trade directly with the far eastern Asian powers. Second, they were motivated to explore because they had the technology that made it possible in the fifteenth century. They had the astrolabe, compasses, and the caravel, which all made long-distance navigation by sea possible. Third, they wanted to expand their empires, especially to spread Christianity. This was especially true of Spain, which saw exploration as an extension of the Reconquista.

Sure hope this helps you :)


Byzantine Empire



Treaty of Tordesillas

John Cabot



Great Dying



Europeans were motivated to explore for several reasons. First, they wanted to control trade with Asia. Since the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Europeans had to trade with Muslim middlemen, making it much more expensive to buy goods from Asia. They wanted to find a quicker way to the east so they could trade directly with the far eastern Asian powers. Second, they were motivated to explore because they had the technology that made it possible in the fifteenth century. They had the astrolabe, compasses, and the caravel, which all made long-distance navigation by sea possible. Third, they wanted to expand their empires, especially to spread Christianity. This was especially true of Spain, which saw exploration as an extension of the Reconquista.

Europeans were motivated to explore for several reasons. First, they wanted to control trade with Asia. Since the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Europeans had to trade with Muslim middlemen, making it much more expensive to buy goods from Asia. They wanted to find a quicker way to the east so they could trade directly with the far eastern Asian powers. Second, they were motivated to explore because they had the technology that made it possible in the fifteenth century. They had the astrolabe, compasses, and the caravel, which all made long-distance navigation by sea possible. Third, they wanted to expand their empires, especially to spread Christianity. This was especially true of Spain, which saw exploration as an extension of the Reconquista.




The source of government power is known as *

-Popular sovereignty.

-Limited government.


-Separation of powers.


Answer:A. POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY. The people are the ultimate source of the authority of the government which derives its right to govern from their consent.



Fighting Corruption

In the late 1800s (1) __often controlled local government.

By 1917 (2)___governed nearly 400 cities. President

Rutherford B. Hayes tried to change the spoils system by

reforming the (3)___. In 1883 Congress passed the (4)___

which established the Civil Service Commission to set up

competitive examinations for federal jobs.

Controlling Business

In 1890 Congress passed the (5)_ the first federal law

to control trusts and (6)___. In 1887 Congress passed the

(7)_, which required railroads to charge and publish "rea-

sonable and just" rates

The New Reformers

(8)__believed a nation's resources and major industries

should be owned and operated by the government on behalf

of the people. (9)__ believed that society was obligated to

protect and help all its members. Journalists who brought to

light the dirt and corruption underlying society were called

(10)__. Congress passed the (11)__requiring accurate

labeling of food and medicine and banning the sale of

harmful food

Expanding Democracy

Oregon reforms included a direct primary election and the

initiative, the referendum, and the (12)_. In 1912 Congress

passed the (13)_, which provided for the direct election

of senators.

Word bank:

Pure food and Drug act

Sherman Antitrust Act

Seventeenth Amendment

Interstate Commerce Act


civil service


political machines


Pendleton Act





We can answer the questions in the following way:

In the late 1800s political machines often controlled local government.By 1917, commissioners governed nearly 400 cities. President Rutherford B. Hayes tried to change the spoils system by reforming the civil service. In 1883 Congress passed the Pendleton Act which established the civil service to set up competitive examinations for federal jobs.In 1890 Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, the first federal law to control trusts and monopolies.In 1887 Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act which required railroads to charge and publish “reasonable and just” rates.Socialists believed a nation’s resources and major industries should be owned and operated by the government on behalf of the people. The Progressives believed that society was obligated to protect and help all its members. Journalists who brought to light the dirt and corruption underlying society were called muckrakers.Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act requiring accurate labeling of food and medicine and banning the sale of harmful food.Oregon reforms included a direct primary election and the initiative, the referendum, and the recall.  In 1912 Congress passed the Seventeenth Amendment which provided for the direct election of senators.

What is the Pendleton Act?

The Pendleton Act sets up a  system of selecting government officials on the basis of merits and was signed by President Chester A. Arthur on January 1883.

Learn more about the Pendleton Act at


How did the Industrial Revolution change America?

A. There were changes in the way workers were hired and contracts were written.

B. Machines were used to produce goods on a large scale.

C. A system of master craftsmen and apprentices was set up.

D. Workers took over the management of the factories from the owners


Answer: A)

During this time work conditions were unsafe and inhumane. Causing workers to strike and form unions. These unions changed the treatment, pay, contracts, and the hiring of workers.

How do you think Japanese Americans felt about it



about what?? u didnt even ask a real question


Under the homestead act, who was responsible for giving free land grants to settlers?​



President Abraham Lincoln's signing of the Homestead Act on May 20, 1862 granted Americans 160-acre plots of public land for the price a small filing fee.


i had the same question nd this is the one they said was right


The Government


Just did it.

What most motivated hernando desoto to leave florida and move north into georgia?.


Answer:What MOST motivated Hernando DeSoto to leave Florida and move north into Georgia? He wished to avoid conflict with the larger English and French colonial armies in Florida. He heard stories about large gold deposits further north and went north to search for them.

Explanation: hope this helps!! -marina mae:)

Hernando DeSoto was motivated to leave Florida and move north into Georgia because he heard stories about large gold deposits further north and went north to search for them.

Who was Hernando DeSoto?

Hernando De Soto was born on c. 1496/97, Jerez de los Caballeros, Badajoz, Spain. He was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who participated in the conquests of Central America and Peru and, in the course of exploring what was to become the southeastern United States, discovered the Mississippi River.

In April 1538 De Soto embarked from the port of Sanlucar de Barrameda in command of 10 ships and 700 men. After a brief stop in Cuba, the expedition landed in May 1539 on the coast of Florida, at a point somewhere between present-day Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. After spending the winter at the small Indian village of Apalache de Soto moved northward and through Georgia and then westward through the Carolinas and Tennessee, led by native guides whom he abducted along the way. Though he did not find the gold he was looking for, he did collect a valuable assortment of pearls at a place called Cofitachequi, in present-day Georgia or South Carolina.

De Soto died on May 21, 1542, along the Mississippi River.

Learn more about Hernando, here:


Who did Canada side with during the Revolutionary War?



neither they were neutral


The American invaders had expected French Canadians to pick up arms against the British and fight alongside them, but they badly misjudged Canadian sentiment. Most ordinary habitants remained determinedly neutral – refusing to take up arms against either their British rulers, or the American rebels.

hope that helps

What is one way employers get employees to participate in a 401k? by requiring them to participate unless they opt out by requiring them to opt in if they want to participate by giving them an annual pay raise by giving them a signing bonus when they participate


The one way employers get employees to participate in a 401k by requiring them to participate unless they opt out.

What is 401k section about?

401k is the name given to a plan in which a piece of the worker's paycheck for his retirement saving is saved and invested before taxes are taken out.

Taxes are paid once the money is withdrawn from the account. A possible way for employers to get their employees participate is to require them to do it except in the cases that they opt no to participate. Employees can opt not to participate in their employer's plan.

Learn more about 401k, refer to the link:


By requiring them to participate unless they opt out


Correct on edg 2022

I need a Current event for history


The war between Russia and Ukraine would be a great concept for that.

Explain some of the positive OR negative effects of imperialism on China. Your response should be 2-3 sentences.




Imperialism in China had a negative effect on both the economy and the well being of the Chinese population through uprisings, opium, and trade disadvantages for the Chinese people.

Positives In China would be, Defensive networks are created through imperialism, Agriculture production is improved and, Healthcare access is improved through imperialism.


How was the Soviet orbital flight in 1961 related to the Apollo program? It inspired the United States to establish the Apollo program. It was the premier mission of the Apollo program. It was inspired by the triumphs of the Apollo program. It used technology that had been developed by the Apollo program.


The soviet orbital flight in 1961 is related to the Apollo program because it inspired the United States for establishing the Apollo program.

What is the Apollo program?

An apollo program was the first project that got successful in landing the humans on the moon. This program is executed by NASA.

The Soviet orbital flight in 1961 relates to the Apollo program due to the given inspiration to the united states by establishing the Apollo program.

Therefore, A is the correct option.

Learn more about Apollo Program here:

Why did William T. Allen make his statement "cruelty was the rule, and kindness the exception" to those at abolitionist meetings


The reason why William T Allen made this statement was in order to show the manner of cruelty with which the blacks were being treated in the country.

How the Slaves were treated

The slaved men and women were exposed to a lot of cruelty in the United States by their owners.

Most of them were used to work in plantaions. They were beaten, injured and starved. The whitemen did not treat them like they were humans in any way.

Read more on slavery here:

The vietnam war differed from the korean war in that the vietnam war.




There are a few differences between the Vietnam War and the Korean War such as:

The Vietnam War resulted in an increase in territory for communist forces, but the Korean War did not.The Vietnam War was fought by nationalists, while the Korean War was fought by foreign forces.The Korean War was largely a war between two countries, while the Vietnam War was more of a conflict within the country of South Vietnam.The Vietnam War and the Korean War ended differently because Vietnam was united, while Korea remained divided.

Hope this helps ^_^

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