Offline, create a complete pictogram that represents:
1. The various sources of energy.
2. The percentage of global consumption for each as shown in the video.
3. What each source is used for (electricity, transportation, heat).
Use the illustration from the video as a guide.
Upload your completed pictogram.


Answer 1

The main sources of energy can be categorized into two groups: non-renewable and renewable.

What is the energy about?

Non-renewable sources of energy include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These sources are finite and cannot be replenished once they are used up. Renewable sources of energy include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. These sources are replenished naturally and can be sustained indefinitely.

According to the video, the breakdown of global energy consumption by source in 2020 is as follows:

Oil: 33.3%

Coal: 27.4%

Natural gas: 24.7%

Renewables: 11.3%

Nuclear: 3.3%

It's worth noting that the exact percentage breakdown can vary depending on the source and year of data used.

Each source of energy has its own unique uses and applications. Fossil fuels are primarily used for transportation and electricity generation, while renewables are increasingly being used for electricity generation, heating, and transportation. Nuclear energy is primarily used for electricity generation as well.

Oil and natural gas are commonly used for transportation, while coal is used for electricity generation in many countries. Renewable sources such as solar and wind are increasingly being used for electricity generation, while biomass is used for heating and transportation. Hydro power is often used for electricity generation as well. Geothermal energy can be used for heating and electricity generation.

Learn more about energy on:


Related Questions

“The Fringe Benefits of Failure”.
What is the 'claim'/'main idea of the speech and how do the two 'main points support the
'claim'/'main idea'?


Rowling aptly named the speech “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination”. In this speech Rowling tries to bring the message that failing can be beneficial or an man or woman and that humans  now not be afraid to use their imagination.

What is the primary intention of fringe benefits?

Fringe benefits serve as additional compensation. Providing special fringe benefits to employees helps the employer stand out from its competitors. It presents a larger possibility to entice high price and talented personnel from faculties or from competing companies.

fringe benefit, any nonwage payment or advantage (e.g., pension plans, profit-sharing programs, holiday pay, and company-paid life, health, and unemployment insurance programs) granted to employees by using employers. It might also be required via law, granted unilaterally via employers, or received through collective bargaining.

Learn more about fringe benefits here:

How did the Civil War and Reconstruction affect the rights of Blacks in the United States? Complete the following statement.
After the Civil War, three amendments to the Constitution __________ civil rights for African Americans. Once Reconstruction ended, however ______________ severely restricted the rights of African Americans, with ______________ states taking the lead in segregating many public facilities.


After the Civil War ended in 1865, some states enacted black laws that severely restricted black rights. Many blacks were enslaved. These codes limited the jobs African Americans could hold and their ability to quit a job once hired.

In some states, they also restricted the types of property blacks could own. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 weakened the Black Code by requiring all states to maintain equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment, especially by allowing black men to vote. (U.S. law prohibited women of all races from voting in federal elections until 1920.)

During Reconstruction, many black men entered politics by voting for public office. Reconstruction officially ended in 1877, after which Southern states enacted even more discriminatory laws. Efforts to enforce white supremacy through law increased, and African Americans sought to assert their rights through legal challenge.

But these efforts led to disappointing results in 1896, when the Supreme Court ruled in his Plessy v. Ferguson case that so-called "separate but equal" establishments, including public transportation and schools, were constitutional made a judgment. From that time he said until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination and segregation were legal and enforceable.  

Know more about Civil War here:


How did the adoption of Shia Islam by the Safavid Empire affect the history of Persia?

Military expansions by the Safavid armies opened new trade routes to the west.Military expansions by the Safavid armies opened new trade routes to the west.

To encourage study of the Koran, the Safavids introduced the art of printing to Iran.To encourage study of the Koran, the Safavids introduced the art of printing to Iran.

The empire’s attempts to expand Shia territory triggered military attacks from the Ottomans, who were Sunni.The empire’s attempts to expand Shia territory triggered military attacks from the Ottomans, who were Sunni.

The imperial court and religious leaders set up two opposing bureaucracies.The imperial court and religious leaders set up two opposing bureaucracies.




It was a process that engendered antagonism among Iran's Sunni neighbors, most notably the Ottoman Empire. The conversion also secured the Twelver sect's supremacy within Shi.ism over the Zaidiyyah and Isma'ilism sects, each of which had previously had eras of power within Shi'ism.


Brainliest pls

Which statement is a main idea of "Bears on the Lewis and Clark Expedition"? While Native Americans hunted with bows O and arrows, members of the expedition chose to use rifles. Lewis kept a journal of the events that occurred on the expedition, including encounters with bears. Lewis jumped into a river for safety when approached by a grizzly, but was surprised when the bear did not follow him into the water. Even though the Native Americans warned the Corps about the danger of grizzly bears. the men thought their guns would protect them.​


Members of the corp discovered the significance of being prepared for endure attacks.

What was the motive of Lewis and Clark Expedition?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806) was once a federally funded mission to discover the North American West. The expedition's most important goal was to survey the Missouri and Columbia rivers, locating routes that would join the continental interior to the Pacific Ocean.

They traveled with his list of goals: To set up a alternate network throughout the country, to befriend the American Indians encountered, and to affirm or deny the concept of an all-water Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean.

Learn more about Lewis and Clark Expedition here:

What is a tyrannical government ?



Definition of tyrannical in the dictionary. Meaning of tyrannical. What does tyrannical mean? ... regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government" Wiktionary


Question 4
20 pts
How enthusiastic were some Protestants in removing what they saw as idols in
Very. Many art works were smashed, destroyed, or shattered
O Not very. They carefully removed the art works and returned them to the Catholics



Very. Many art works were smashed, destroyed, or shattered.


The Protestant Reformation during the 16th century in Europe almost entirely rejected the existing tradition of Catholic art, and very often destroyed as much of it as it could reach.

Essay on how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism​


There are several steps to follow when writing an essay on how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism.

How to write the essay ?

Here are the steps you can follow to write the essay on how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism:

Introduction: Begin your essay with a brief explanation of what eurocentrism is and how it affects our understanding of history. Then, introduce the idea that cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories can challenge eurocentrism by highlighting the contributions of non-European cultures to global knowledge.Historical Context: Provide some background information on the Mongol Islamic territories and the period of history you will be discussing.Scientific Exchanges: Discuss the scientific achievements of the Mongol Islamic territories and their contributions to global knowledge.Cultural Exchanges: Discuss the cultural exchanges that took place in the Mongol Islamic territories and their impact on global culture. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism. References: Make sure to provide references for any sources you used in your essay to support your arguments.

I cannot write the essay for you as this could be considered academic dishonesty. But I believe these guidleines will be helpful.

Find out more one essays at


3 How did their different ideologies help Cause the Cold war ? 4. What happened at the Tehran Conference in November 1943?​




The Cold War was primarily caused by the ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States was a capitalist country that promoted democracy and individual freedom, while the Soviet Union was a communist country that emphasized state control and the collective good. These ideological differences led to a deep mistrust between the two nations, with each side seeing the other as a threat to its way of life. The United States feared the spread of communism, while the Soviet Union feared the encroachment of capitalist ideas on its people. This ideological divide eventually led to a standoff between the two nations, with each side engaging in a competition for power and influence around the world.The Tehran Conference was a meeting between the leaders of the Allied powers during World War II. It was held in Tehran, Iran, in November 1943 and attended by President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain, and Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. The conference was held to discuss the coordination of military strategy and to plan the final phase of the war against Germany. The main outcome of the conference was the agreement to launch a joint offensive against Germany in the summer of 1944, which became known as Operation Overlord. The conference also marked the first meeting between the leaders of the three major Allied powers and was seen as an important step towards the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.

what was the economic and employment situation like after 1865



Image result for what was the economic and employment situation like after 1865

The aftermath of the war left portions of the Confederacy in ruins, and with little or no money to rebuild. State governments were mired in debt, and white planters, who had most of their capital tied up in slaves, lost most of their wealth.



United States:

After the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the country experienced a period of rapid industrialization and economic growth known as the Gilded Age.

The expansion of railroads, mining, and manufacturing led to job growth and increased demand for labor.

However, this period was also marked by income inequality, as the benefits of economic growth were not evenly distributed and many workers faced low wages and poor working conditions.


After the Napoleonic Wars ended in 1815, Europe experienced a period of relative stability and economic growth known as the "long 19th century."

The period from 1865 to 1914 saw continued economic growth, with advances in technology and transportation leading to increased trade and industrialization.

However, this period was also marked by social and economic inequality, with many workers facing poor living conditions and low wages.


In Japan, the period after 1865 saw the Meiji Restoration, a series of reforms that led to rapid modernization and economic growth.

In China, the Qing dynasty was struggling to maintain power and faced economic and social challenges, including the impact of foreign trade and the Opium Wars.

In India, the British Raj continued to exert economic and political control over the country, leading to widespread poverty and economic inequality.

Overall, the period after 1865 saw significant changes in the global economy, with some regions experiencing rapid growth and others facing significant challenges.


which of the following statements about mischel's experiments on the self control of children at stanford in the 1960s is true?


Mischel's experiments on the self-control of children at Stanford in the 1960s provided a significant contribution to the understanding of the human psyche.

These experiments were conducted on preschool-age, and the research findings were later published in a book named "Cognitive and attentional mechanisms in delay of gratification."In Mischel's experiments, the preschoolers were offered the choice of a small reward immediately or a more significant reward if they waited for some time. The small reward was presented immediately, whereas the more significant award was presented if they could delay their gratification. The children were observed to determine their capacity for self-control in delaying gratification.Over time, the study concluded that children who could resist the temptation of small rewards were more likely to be successful in life. These children demonstrated better academic performance, better stress management, and improved emotional intelligence. The ability to delay gratification has a crucial role in a person's life, and it is considered an essential characteristic of successful individuals.Mischel's experiment on the self-control of children has become a cornerstone in the field of psychology, and it provided a more in-depth understanding of the human psyche. The study concluded that self-control is not an inherent trait but is a learned skill that can be improved over time. Therefore, individuals can train themselves to develop better self-control skills to become more successful.

for more such question preschool-age


which of these categories best describes woodrow wilson's justification for us entry into world war i?


The category that best describes Woodrow Wilson's justification for US entry into World War I is "making the world safe for democracy."

Wilson believed that the United States had a moral obligation to promote democracy and protect human rights around the world. He saw American entry into World War I as an opportunity to help defeat the authoritarian German and Austro-Hungarian empires and create a more democratic and peaceful world order.

This idea was encapsulated in his famous "Fourteen Points" speech, in which he outlined a vision for post-war international relations based on principles such as self-determination, open diplomacy, and disarmament. While Wilson's idealistic vision ultimately faced significant challenges and criticisms, his "safe for democracy" rationale for US entry into the war remains a key part of his legacy.

Learn more about world war I


Complete Question:

which category best describes woodrow wilson's justification for us entry into world war i?

Which one of the following ancient religious concepts is considered by many scholars to be the source of the Christian concept of hell?
A. The Egyptian underworld
B. The ancient Greek world of Hades
C. The Sumerian afterlife
D. The Norse world of Hel


B. The Ancient Greek world of Hades

“Incarceration Nation”: Watch this video and write 750 words summarizing in detail the argument made by Michelle Alexander and what you think should be done.


Michelle Alexander, a civil rights lawyer-

Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, argues in the video “Incarceration Nation” that the United States has become a prison state, with over two million people incarcerated and millions more under criminal supervision.

She contends that the War on Drugs and tough-on-crime policies have led to a massive expansion of the criminal justice system, and that this system is racially biased and perpetuates social inequality.

Alexander argues that the criminal justice system perpetuates social inequality by creating a permanent underclass of ex-offenders, who face discrimination in employment, housing, and voting rights.

Ultimately, I agree with Alexander that we need to shift from a punitive to a restorative justice model, one that emphasizes healing and reconciliation rather than punishment and revenge. This will require a major shift in our values and priorities, but I think it is necessary if we want to create a more just and humane society.

Fundamental definition of civil rights?

Civil rights are individual rights that are sure and safe by the United States Constitution and federal legislation passed by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

What do civil rights kinds mean?

The right to personal security, which includes safe for those who have been accused, and the prohibition of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, and gender are among the most frequent civil rights.

To know more about Civil Rights visit:


Please review the political cartoon below. In Chapter 28, you have studied imperialism. Who does the man in the hat
represent, what places is he grabbing, and what do you think this cartoon means?



The Man in the hat represents Imperialist England/the British Empire, the cartoon is showing how they are spreading out and grabbing land to build their empire


The Mediterranean region gave rise to a new form of slavery, called chattel slavery. Which of the following situations describes chattel slavery?
a wealthy merchant invests in 15 slaves at the local market, then rents them out to a copper mine fifty miles away and uses the income to help support his other business ventures


The situation that describes chattel slavery is: a wealthy merchant invests in 15 slaves at the local market, then rents them out to a copper mine fifty miles away and uses the income to help support his other business ventures.

Chattel slavery is a system of slavery in which an individual is recognized as a personal possession, chattel, or an article of trade or commerce. It is characterized by the legal right of the slave owner to possess, buy, sell, and otherwise dispose of a person as they would any other property.

In chattel slavery, the enslaved person is treated like personal property, with no rights, privileges, or protections. They are born, sold, and owned as property, and can be sold, inherited, or exchanged at any time, much like any other object.

In the given situation, a wealthy merchant invests in 15 slaves at the local market, then rents them out to a copper mine fifty miles away and uses the income to help support his other business ventures. This situation describes chattel slavery.

For such more question on business:


who do citizens vote for in a parliamentary system?



Prime Minister


The speaker nominates a candidate, who is then elected to prime minister (statsminister) by the parliament if an absolute majority of the members of parliament does not vote against the candidate (i.e. they can be elected even if more members of parliament vote No than Yes). Direct election by popular vote.

the house of burguesses was the reprensentive body of



Virginia General Assembly


I remember learning this in History class. The House of Burgesses was formed in 1642. It is a representative body of the Virginia General Assembly.


Virginia General Assembly


The Virginia General Assembly

The House of Burgesses /ˈbɜːrdʒəsɪz/ was the elected representative element of the Virginia General Assembly, the legislative body of the Colony of Virginia. With the creation of the House of Burgesses in 1642, the General Assembly, which had been established in 1619, became a bicameral institution.

Hope it helped! :)

Explain ONE economic motivation for developing navigational technology.



Explain ONE economic motivation for developing navigational technology.


One economic motivation for developing navigational technology is to improve transportation and trade routes, which can lead to increased economic growth and prosperity. Before the development of navigational technology, travel by sea was often dangerous and time-consuming, limiting the amount and speed of trade. With improved navigational tools, ships were able to travel further and more efficiently, leading to the expansion of trade routes and the growth of industries such as shipping, fishing, and international trade. Additionally, navigational technology allowed for more accurate maps, making it easier to identify and access new resources and markets. Overall, the development of navigational technology played a significant role in facilitating global economic growth and development.

Question 6 of 27
Which industry most likely considered the Pure Food and Drug Act to be
excessive federal regulation?
OA. Ranching
OB. Farming
OC. Meatpacking
OD. Milling





they profited off of lax regulations

List 4 battles in the American Revolution but in order.

Bunker Hill
Fort Ticonderoga


Answer: Boston


Bunker Hill

Fort Ticonderoga

History is my specialty (:


boston is the answer

In a paragraph, describe the economic, social, and political changes in the U.S.
after World War II.



After World War II, the United States underwent significant economic, social, and political changes. The economy experienced a period of prosperity and growth, fueled by increased consumer spending and government investment in infrastructure and education. This led to the rise of the middle class and a shift towards a consumer-driven economy. Socially, the country saw significant changes in civil rights, with the beginning of the civil rights movement and efforts to address issues of racial inequality and discrimination. Women also entered the workforce in greater numbers, leading to a shift in gender roles and expectations. Politically, the United States emerged as a global superpower, with increased involvement in international affairs and the establishment of the United Nations. The country also saw the rise of the Cold War and tensions with the Soviet Union, leading to increased military spending and the establishment of a permanent military-industrial complex. Overall, the post-World War II period in the United States was marked by significant changes in all aspects of society, leading to a more prosperous, diverse, and globally engaged nation.


The United States experienced significant economic, social, and political changes in the aftermath of World War II. Economically, the country saw a period of growth and prosperity as a result of increased industrial production, stimulated by the war effort. The GI Bill provided financial assistance to veterans, leading to increased access to education and home ownership. Socially, the country saw a shift towards consumerism and the rise of the middle class, fueled by increased wages and access to credit. This period also saw the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, as African Americans and other minorities began to demand equal rights and opportunities. Politically, the U.S. emerged as a world superpower, leading to increased involvement in international affairs and the Cold War. The post-war era also saw the rise of McCarthyism and the Red Scare, characterized by government investigations into alleged communist activities and the blacklisting of suspected communists. Overall, the period following World War II brought significant changes to the U.S. that shaped the country's trajectory for decades to come.

Is it true or false?





A millennium =  1,000 years

Why was the American Declaration of Independence used in other revolutions around the world?


Because it was one of the most trusted and was seen to be the suited Act as America themselves gained independence
It was used as an announcement of a new nation's founding, as a diplomatic appeal for recognition, as a statement of political philosophy and as a call to defend liberty at home and abroad.

Examine the cartoon and complete the paragraph that follows.

a cartoon showing Andrew Jackson as a king

This cartoon of Jackson was released when he vetoed an attempt by Congress to renew the charter for the Second Bank of the United States in 1832. The bank provided economic services to wealthy, upper-class Americans. Jackson felt that the bank
. The illustration of him dressed as a king holding a veto implies that he considers himself to be
Reset Next




A cartoon showing Andrew Jackson as a king above the law and acting as a monarch rather than a democratically-elected president.

This was a reference to the controversy over his use of executive power to veto the bank's charter, which many saw as an overreach of his authority. By depicting Jackson as a king, the cartoonist is suggesting that he is behaving like a tyrant and disregarding the will of the people. The cartoon reflects the ongoing debate during Jackson's presidency over the role of the federal government in regulating the economy, and the tension between the power of the president and the power of Congress.

Answer:its c


FILL IN THE BLANK ____ is defined as a dimension of justice that reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes.


Procedural justice is defined as a dimension of justice that reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes.

Procedural justice refers to the justice that governs the procedures used by the government and the judicial system to enforce laws and ensure the protection of human rights. It refers to the procedural dimension of fairness, where the decision-making process is fair, impartial, and free of bias.

Procedural justice is based on the principle of fairness in the decision-making process, which is characterized by neutrality, transparency, and accountability. It is concerned with the impartiality and consistency of the procedures used to make decisions.In addition, procedural justice is a fundamental concept in the rule of law and the administration of justice. It is a critical aspect of a democratic society because it ensures that the law is applied fairly and impartially to all citizens, regardless of their race, gender, or social status.

For more such questions on Procedural justice , Visit:


A. Judaism is the most important influence on Christianity. How does Christianity build on the basis of Judaism? Or utilize another influence on Christianity and explain its influence.
B. Virgil's Aeneid reflects the history of Rome, but the major structural elements of the narrative are from Homer's work. Does this matter?
C. What was the primary cause of the fall of the Roman Empire in your opinion?
D. Explain the development of Islam and its interaction with the West.


A. We can see here that Christianity builds on the basis of Judaism by sharing many of the same fundamental beliefs, including the belief in one God and the importance of the Ten Commandments.

What is Judaism?

Judaism is a monotheistic religion and the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, which also include Christianity and Islam. It is based on the belief in one God, who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets.

Jesus Christ, who is at the center of the Christian faith, was himself Jewish and his teachings and life were heavily influenced by Judaism.

B. The fact that Virgil's Aeneid uses major structural elements from Homer's works does matter, as it shows the continuity and evolution of literary traditions over time. Virgil was consciously emulating and building on the epic tradition established by Homer, while also adapting it to suit the needs and values of Roman society.

C. The primary cause of the fall of the Roman Empire is a complex and debated topic among historians. Some of the main factors that contributed to the decline and eventual collapse of the Roman Empire include political instability, economic problems, military overexpansion, and the arrival of invading barbarian tribes.

D. Islam developed in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century AD, when the Prophet Muhammad received divine revelations that formed the basis of the Islamic faith. The religion spread quickly throughout the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, eventually becoming a major world religion with significant cultural and political influence.

Learn more about Judaism on


During the Middle Ages, which religious organization wielded the most power in regions formerly under the rule of the Roman Empire?
the Roman Catholic Church


The Roman Catholic Church was the most powerful religious organization during the Middle Ages in regions formerly under the rule of the Roman Empire.

During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church wielded the most power in regions formerly under the rule of the Roman Empire.

The Roman Catholic Church is a branch of Christianity that is headquartered in Vatican City, Rome. It is the world's largest Christian church and is led by the Pope, who is the Bishop of Rome. Since the 1st century AD, the church has been around, and it is thought to have been established by the apostle Peter in Rome.

For such more question on Catholic:


Which of the following people called on all Christian warriors to fight against the Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land?





The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The best known of these military expeditions are those to the Holy Land in the period between 1095 and 1291 that were intended to conquer Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Muslim rule.

Are political parties becoming less popular and less important in the United States and other Western
democracies? What is the evidence on both sides of that question?



Political parties in the United States and other Western democracies may be becoming less popular and less important. Evidence suggests that there is a decline in party identification and an increase in political polarization, which may lead to a sense of political disengagement and a rise in non-traditional political movements and candidates. However, parties remain important in shaping the political landscape through organizing elections, mobilizing voters, providing a platform for political representation, and shaping political identities and ideologies. While party identification may be declining, people continue to hold strong ideological and policy preferences, which suggests that parties still play a role in shaping political preferences and values.

The future role of political parties remains uncertain and will likely depend on a range of factors, including demographic trends, technological developments, and evolving political and social norms. Nonetheless, parties are likely to continue to play a significant role in the political process, albeit in different ways than in the past.


Will give a 5 star rating and brainliest. Be specific.

What does the three fifths compromise has to do with the constitution and what is one way we can improve the constitution for that?


it determining a states' population in the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives to gain Southern support for the Constitution.

slavery should had been given a new life,a political life.
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Answer in m/s2 considering a pig, how does the location of the umbilical cord compare to the spine? a uniform meter stick supported at the 25 cm mark is in equilibrium when a 1 kg rock is hung from the 0 cm end is the mass of the meterstick greater than, equal to, or less than the mass of the rock? according to the department of homeland security, quantum computing advances by whom pose a threat to the breaking of current cryptographic standards? write a demand and a supply curve expressed in the form of an exponential and logarithmic functions respectively Linux. An employee named Bob Smith, whose user name is bsmith, has left the company. You've been instructed to delete his user account and home directory.Which of the following commands would do that? (choose 2)(8.9 #3)userdel bsmithuserdel bsmith; rm -rf /home/bsmithuserdel -r bsmithuserdel -h bsmith What kind of works are protected under copyright?Question 2 options:Business worksLegal worksPublic worksCreative/works of the mind what is hamilton's rule? view available hint(s)for part a what is hamilton's rule? a. br > c, meaning altruism occurs when its benefit to a relative times r, the coefficient of relatedness between the relative and the actor, outweighs the costs to the actor b. fr < fa, meaning the fitness of relatives is worth less than the actor's fitness, so altruism should never occur. c. an animal should help (be altruistic to) any infant regardless of whether they are related. d. altruism should only occur in certain species that meet key criteria. A country's currency that strengthened relative to another country's currency by more than that justified by the differential in inflation is said to be ________ in terms of PPP.A. Overcompensating B. Overvalued C. 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