Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.


Answer 1

Covenants of peace reached in an open manner, following that there will be no secret international agreements of any kind and all diplomacy shall be conducted publicly and in the presence of the public.

What does it mean to reach open agreements of peace?

No more international deals that are kept secret. Communication shall be accessible across the globe.

Outside of territorial waters, there is complete freedom of navigation in both peace and conflict, unless the seas are closed entirely or in part through international action to uphold international treaties.

The elimination of all trade restrictions and the creation of fair trade conditions for all countries that agree to peace and work together to ensure its maintenance.

To know more about Covenants visit:


Related Questions

I need the answer for that ​


1. Site of the egg fertilization - Fallopian tube,  I

2. Structure where sperm cells are produced - Testis, D

3. Structure where the fertilized egg is developed - Uterus, K

4. Structure which deposit semen into the va-gi-na - Pe-nis, C

5. Structure which produces fluid that nourishes and transports sperm cells - Prostate gland, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral gland. A, E, F

6. Structure where egg cells are produced - Ovary, J

7. Structure which temporarily stores sperm cells - Epididymis, H

8. Structure which transports sperm cells to the urethra - Vas deferens, G

9. Structure which transmits urine and semen out of the pe-nis - Urethra, B

10. Structure which receives the male pe-nis of the male individual - Va-gi-na, M

What are some key differences between a male and female reproductive system?

There are several key differences between the male and female reproductive organs:

Anatomy: The male reproductive system consists of the testes, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, pe-nis, and prostate gland, while the female reproductive system consists of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, va-gi-na, and vulva.

Gametes: The male reproductive system produces sperm cells, while the female reproductive system produces eggs or ova.

Hormones: The male reproductive system produces testosterone, while the female reproductive system produces estrogen and progesterone.

Fertilization: In the male reproductive system, fertilization occurs when sperm cells combine with an egg cell in the female reproductive system. This occurs in the fallopian tubes.

Pregnancy: The female reproductive system is responsible for carrying and nourishing a developing fetus during pregnancy.

Menstruation: Only the female reproductive system experiences menstruation, which is the shedding of the uterine lining in the absence of fertilization.

Size and shape: The male reproductive organs are generally external, while the female reproductive organs are generally internal. Male reproductive organs are usually smaller in size and more compact, while female reproductive organs are usually larger and more spread out.

Overall, the male and female reproductive systems are different in terms of their anatomy, function, and reproductive processes.

The above answer is in response to the full question in the excerpt as stated below;

1. Site of the egg fertilization

2. Structure where sperm cells are produced

3. Structure where the fertilized eggs is developed

4. Structure which deposit semen into the v-agi-na

5. Structure which produce fluid that nourishes and transport sperm cells

6. Structure where egg cells are produced

7. Structure which temporarily stores sperm cells

8. ................. transport sperm cells to the urethra

9.  ..................... transmit urine and semen out of the pe-nis

10. Structure which recieves the male pe-nis of the male individual.

Find more useful information on reproductive systems;


match each concept related to cultural specificity of emotional expression to the correct definition. read all of the concepts and definitions carefully before matching them, as some may be closely related.


The following concepts related to the cultural specificity of emotional expression are matched with their correct definitions:

An emotion that promotes important cultural principles that are valued and will tend to play a more prominent role in the social lives of individuals. Correct label: ideal emotion.An emotion that is especially common within a particular culture. Correct label: focal emotion.A culturally specific tenet that governs how, when, and to whom people express emotion. Correct label: display rule.A specific way people from different cultures express a particular emotion. Correct label: emotion accent.

Emotions are universal experiences, but their expression and significance can vary across cultures. Understanding cultural specificity in emotional expression is essential to comprehend and appreciate different cultural norms and behaviors.

The ideal emotion refers to emotions that align with the cultural values and beliefs of a society and play a more prominent role in social interactions. Focal emotions are those that are particularly common and salient within a specific culture. Display rules govern how, when, and to whom people express emotions in a culture.

Finally, emotion accents are the cultural variations in how a particular emotion is expressed, such as through facial expressions, body language, or tone of voice. Recognizing and respecting these cultural differences is crucial in promoting intercultural understanding and communication.

Learn more about emotional expression


In addition to the rending of the altar, another clear sign from the Lord to ___ was the withering of his ___.


In addition to the rending of the altar, another clear sign from the Lord to Jeroboam was the withering of his hand.

Jeroboam is a Biblical figure, the son of Nebat, and the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel.

He was once a servant of King Solomon but rebelled against him and the United Monarchy after the king's death.

Jeroboam turned to idolatry, building a Golden Calf to represent Yahweh, and other gods to tempt the people away from Jerusalem, which he thought would undermine his political and religious authority.

According to 1 King, God gave Jeroboam a sign by withering his hand when he was about to kill a prophet who had foretold the end of his dynasty.

Thus, the withering of his hand was a clear sign from the Lord to Jeroboam.

Learn more about Jeroboam here:


The term in the multiple regression model that accounts for the variability in y that cannot be explained by the linear effect of the p independent variables is the:
response variable, .
leading coefficient, .
correlation coefficient, r.
error term, .


The term in the multiple regression model that accounts for the variability in y that cannot be explained by the linear effect of the p independent variables is the error term.

The regression model is a mathematical model used to describe the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

In the multiple regression model, a dependent variable is related to two or more independent variables.

A multiple regression model equation can be represented as follows: y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bpxp + ε

y is the dependent variable, x1, x2, ..., x

p are independent variables

a is the intercept or constant, b1, b2, ..., b

p is the regression coefficients

ε is the error term.

The term ε represents the difference between the actual value of y and the predicted value of y. It is also known as the residual term or error term.

It is a random variable that accounts for the variability in y that cannot be explained by the linear effect of the independent variables.

Therefore, the correct option is D. error term

Learn more about the regression model here:


In response to use of force issues, the ______ came up with a list of suggestions to effectively manage police use of force


In response to use of force issues, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) came up with a list of suggestions to effectively manage police use of force.

What is police use of force?

Police use of force refers to the application of force in situations where non-violent alternatives have failed, and is sometimes necessary to restrain or subdue an unruly suspect. It's crucial to be mindful of the legal restrictions that govern the use of force by police officers, since the use of excessive force is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to police misconduct.

Adopting use of force policies that are comprehensive and clearly establish guidelines on the use of force by officers should be considered. Every police department should have policies in place that detail the use of force, as well as adequate training programs to ensure that officers have a solid understanding of the rules. The creation of an early warning system to track and monitor police use of force is essential to assess police department performance and discover areas of concern.

To avoid incidents of excessive force, using de-escalation techniques in potentially dangerous circumstances should be encouraged. Officers must be trained to prioritize de-escalation and try to solve issues using a minimum level of force possible. The use of less lethal force options like tasers or pepper spray should be encouraged when possible. Whenever possible, the use of less lethal alternatives must be considered since they may be safer for the police and the public.

Learn more about Police use of force here:


_____ is a process where an existing conditioned stimulus can serve as an unconditioned stimulus for a pairing with a new conditioned stimulus.


The process described in the question is called higher-order conditioning.

Higher-order conditioning occurs when an existing conditioned stimulus (CS1) is paired with a new neutral stimulus (NS), resulting in the NS becoming a conditioned stimulus (CS2). In other words, the CS1 becomes an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) for the CS2. The result is that the CS2 elicits a conditioned response (CR) similar to that elicited by the original conditioned stimulus (CS1).

For example, if a dog has learned to associate a bell (CS1) with food (UCS) and salivates (CR) at the sound of the bell, higher-order conditioning can occur if a light (NS) is paired with the bell (CS1) repeatedly. Eventually, the dog may salivate (CR) at the sight of the light (CS2) alone, even without the presence of food.

You can learn more about higher-order conditioning at


Laura had a personality quite different from that of her husband, who often was __________ from the very dramatic social situations in which she wanted to be involved.
Possible Answers:
A. perturbed
B. aloof
C. morose
D. vexed


Laura had a personality quite different from that of her husband, who often was aloof from the very dramatic social situations in which she wanted to be involved. Therefore, option B, aloof is the correct answer.

Aloofness is defined as the quality or state of being emotionally reserved, or distant.

A person is aloof when they seem uninvolved or remote, and don't show warmth or friendliness.

For example, Laura is passionate about being at the center of attention at social events, but her husband is aloof from such dramatic social gatherings.

Laura had a personality quite different from that of her husband, who often was aloof from the very dramatic social situations in which she wanted to be involved. Therefore, option B, aloof is the correct answer.

Learn more about aloof here:


one's own temptation to misrepresent creates a sulf-fulfilling logic in which one believes one needs to misrepresent because the other is likely to do it as well


This is an example of self-fulfilling logic. Thus, the statement is true.

Self-fulfilling logic occurs when one's own temptation to misrepresent creates a belief that one needs to misrepresent because the other is likely to do it as well.

This creates a cycle where misrepresentation becomes normalized and perpetuated.

However, it is important to note that self-fulfilling logic is a logical fallacy as it is based on a circular argument. This means that it is not based on evidence or reason and is therefore flawed.

Being factually accurate, professional, and friendly is essential when answering questions. In addition, being concise and avoiding irrelevant information is crucial to ensure that the answer is clear and easy to understand.

Learn more about self-fulfilling logic here:


in the role-development process, the phases are the role-taking phase, the role-making phase, and the: a. role-routinization b. role-faking phase c. role-development phase d. role-securing phase


In the role-development process, the phases include the role-taking phase, the role-making phase, and the role-routinization phase. Thus, the correct option is a.

What is role development?

Role development refers to the progressive modification of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values, which individuals utilize in their social relationships or professional activities. Role development is shaped by personal and environmental factors. The role development process refers to the different phases that individuals go through as they acquire a new role or modify an existing one.

The role development process consists of three phases: Role-taking phase, Role-making phase, and Role-routinization phase. Below are the explanations for each of the phases: Role-taking phase: In this phase, individuals observe other individuals in their new role and try to understand the role's expectations, behaviors, and attitudes.

Role-making phase: In this phase, individuals try to modify the role's expectations, attitudes, and behaviors to better suit their personality, skills, and preferences.

Role-routinization phase: In this phase, individuals have already adopted the new role's expectations, attitudes, and behaviors, and they have internalized them. The role's expectations, behaviors, and attitudes become part of their daily routine, and they have become comfortable and proficient with their new role.

Therefore, the correct option is a.

Learn more about Role development here:


What was the term given to
northern people who were
traveling to the south after the
Civil War?


Answer:Es un duro relato de esclavitud -demoledor y sensible a partes iguales- y a la vez una fantástica narración cinematográfica llena de magia visual.

Esta trama de ficción está basada en un episodio real de la historia estadounidense del siglo XIX que, aunque hoy se enseña en escuelas del país norteamericano, sigue siendo un misterio para muchos.

Explanation:es pero te ayude

The term given to northern people who were traveling to the south after the Civil War was "carpetbaggers."

True or false: Anti-suffragists we’re against the temperance movement





the anti suffragists were not against the temerance movement

The answer for your question is false.

Know the apomorphies:
"Comb jellies"
apomorphies: complete gut (the gut has two opening, a mouth and anus), and determinate cleavage (the condition whereby if a cell is removed from the early four-celled stage and allowed to develop on its own, it will NOT be able to form a complete, viable embryo).


CTENOPHORA or Comb jellies are characterized by the presence of apomorphies which are complete gut and determinate cleavage. The complete gut consists of two openings, a mouth and anus, and determinate cleavage is the condition whereby if a cell is removed from the early four-celled stage and allowed to develop on its own, it will NOT be able to form a complete, viable embryo.

What are Apomorphies?

Apomorphy is a characteristic of a group of organisms that have evolved after the group they belong to. This implies that all species within that group share that particular characteristic. It distinguishes it from other organisms, either living or extinct, and can be used to identify the evolutionary history of the group.

learn more about CTENOPHORA  here:


The demand curve of a firm that is monopolistically competitive is downward sloping. This implies that the quantity demanded of a good rise due to a decline in the price of that good. On the other hand, the demand curve for a firm that is perfectly competitive is perfectly elastic, that is, a horizontal line.


Monopolistic competition is a market structure in which there are many producers, but the products they sell are differentiated. As a result, each firm has a distinct demand curve, and the industry is monopolistically competitive.

This means that the quantity demanded of goods rises due to a decrease in the price of that goods.

The main feature of monopolistic competition is product differentiation.

This feature implies that there is a great degree of product differentiation between the products of the different firms in the industry.Because of this product differentiation, the different firms have distinct demand curves.

As a result, each firm has a monopoly on its own product. Because of this, each firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve. In this case, a decrease in the price of goods results in an increase in the quantity demanded. In the long run, the industry will be in a state of equilibrium, with firms earning normal profits.

Learn more about monopolistically at:


in the passage from othello: act ii, scene iii, which of the following rhetorical devices does iago use to emphasize the severity of his intentions?


Iago uses a metaphor to emphasize the severity of his intentions in Act II, Scene III of Othello. He states, “I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/For daws to peck at.”

This metaphor suggests that Iago's true feelings and intentions will be plainly visible to all, making them vulnerable to attack.

The metaphor is effective in emphasizing the gravity of his feelings and intentions because it paints a vivid picture of his emotions being exposed to the world, thus making them very real and undeniable.

Additionally, this metaphor alludes to the idea that Iago is no longer able to hide or disguise his intentions, thereby further emphasizing their importance.

To know more about metaphor click on below link:


State your own position on this specific problem in south Africa. ​


Poorly located and inadequate infrastructure limits social inclusion are the  specific problem in south Africa .  ​

The poor continue to be marginalized by spatial issues. South Africa's growth trajectory is unsustainable because it uses a lot of resources. An enormous disease burden confronts the weak public health system.

Millions of people who are struggling to make ends meet are suffering from poverty and unemployment even as the economy recovers from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Corruption "has eaten away at our nation's soul" and has seriously weakened the social contract between the state and its citizens.

To know more about inadequate infrastructure visit :


a group of persons elected by the stockholders to govern a corporation is called


A group of persons elected by the stockholders to govern a corporation is called a Board of Directors.

A board of directors is a group of executives that jointly oversees an organization's operations. This organization could be for-profit or nonprofit, such as a company, nonprofit, or government agency.

Governmental rules, including the corporate law of the applicable jurisdiction, as well as the organization's constitution and by-laws, set down the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of a board of directors. These authorities may stipulate the number of board members, the process for selecting them, and the frequency of their meetings.

The legal obligations of boards and board members change depending on the type of organization and the applicable jurisdiction. These obligations are often far more demanding and difficult for businesses with publicly traded shares than for businesses of other types.

To learn more about Board of Directors, click here:


reading comprehension is difficult to assess through formal testing alone. T/F


The given statement "Reading comprehension is difficult to assess through formal testing alone", is true as formal testing might shed light on reading comprehension abilities, it is not the most reliable method.

A variety of cognitive processes are required for reading comprehension, making it a difficult talent to master. It entails not only being able to read and comprehend the material but also being able to connect the dots between various textual elements, draw conclusions, and deduce the author's intentions.

Formal testing might not give a thorough picture of a student's skills because they sometimes concentrate on just one or two components of reading comprehension. Formal assessments are frequently delivered in a controlled environment which might not fully duplicate the kinds of reading circumstances kids encounter in real life, therefore they may not represent a student's real-world reading abilities.

Know more about Reading comprehension here


knowledge of decision-making styles can assist managers in many ways except for which one of the following?


Knowledge of decision-making styles can assist managers in many ways except for increasing the biases of the manager toward their favorite style.

Many people believe that personality influences decisions more than strategic ones. Having said that, executives must realize that personality cannot get in the way of making important organizational decisions. Effective leaders can modify their decision-making process to meet the requirements of various business conditions.

Based on what they already know, directive decision-makers often weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a situation. Decision-makers who make directive decisions are very rational and do not tolerate uncertainty well. Instead of seeking further information from others, their conclusions are based on their knowledge, experience, and reasoning. Before acting, analytical decision-makers carefully review a lot of data. For instance, analytical leaders base their judgments on personal experience, statistics, and facts.

To learn more about Decision-making styles, click here:


Claiming there is no rule against an unethical behavior, no one will ever know about the unethical behavior, or everyone else does the unethical behavior are rationalizations for trying to make this unethical behavior seem to be ethical.TRUE or FALSE


The statement "Claiming there is no rule against an unethical behavior, no one will ever know about the unethical behavior, or everyone else does the unethical behavior are rationalizations for trying to make this unethical behavior seem to be ethical" is TRUE.

What are rationalizations? Rationalizations are various ways to explain why something that seems wrong is really right. People make up rationalizations in order to feel better about themselves or to convince others that they are correct in their actions. Claiming that there is no rule against an unethical behavior, that no one will ever find out about the unethical behavior, or that everyone else is engaging in unethical behavior are examples of rationalizations for making unethical behavior appear ethical.

In conclusion, the given statement "Claiming there is no rule against an unethical behavior, no one will ever know about the unethical behavior, or everyone else does the unethical behavior are rationalizations for trying to make this unethical behavior seem to be ethical" is true.

Learn more about  unethical behavior and the rationalizations people:


In general there are three types of swimmers in distress or drowning victims. List each type with three observable characteristics for each.
- May be able to keep their face out of the water
- May be able to call or wave for help
- Floating, sculling, or treading water
- Not able to call for help
- Has extended their arms to the side or front, pressing down for support
- Is positioned vertically with an ineffective kick
- Might float face down at or near the surface or might sink to the bottom
- May be limp or have slight convulsive-type movements
- Has no defined arm or leg action, no locomotion, and no breathing


There are three types of swimmers in distress or drowning victims: Swimmers in Distress, Drowning Victim-Active, and Drowning Victim-Passive.

The list for each type with three observable characteristics for each:

(1) Swimmers in Distress:

May be able to keep their face out of the waterMay be able to call and may be able to wave for helpFloating, sculling, or treading water

(2) Drowning Victim-Active:

Not able to call for helpHas extended their arms to the side or front, pressing down for supportIs positioned vertically with an ineffective kick

(3) Drowning Victim-Passive

Might float face down at or near the surface or might sink to the bottomMay be limp or have slight convulsive-type movementsHas no defined arm or leg action, no locomotion, and no breathing

Drowning is a serious risk for swimmers, and it's important to know the signs of distress or drowning in order to respond appropriately. Swimmers in distress may be able to call for help or keep their face out of the water, but still need assistance.

Active drowning victims are unable to call out for help because their focus is on getting a breath, and may be in a horizontal face-down position. Passive drowning victims are not able to take action due to a medical emergency. Understanding the signs of each type of victim can help prevent drowning and save lives.

Learn more about drowning victims


How does this legislation address the need to equip these new soldiers?



It gives the president the authority to equip soldiers in whatever way he sees fit.

The most common way to collect job information is _____.
a. to interview incumbents
b. to ask incumbents to fill out a questionnaire
c. to ask supervisors to fill out a questionnaire
d. to observe the person at work and take notes when on what is being done


The most common way to collect job information is to A) interview incumbents.

About collecting job information

Collecting job information is a vital part of human resource management, where it serves to provide the necessary information to employees about the available positions and the expectations associated with each job.

The following methods are used to collect job information:

Interviewing incumbents:

This is the most common method of gathering job information, and it involves holding interviews with people who currently hold the positions or similar positions to collect information about the job. It is an efficient method of gaining a deeper understanding of the job, its specific requirements, and the employees' expectations.

Additionally, the interview provides insights into the employee's performance, the challenges they face, and their ideas for improving the job.

Asking incumbents to fill out a questionnaire:

This method is a useful tool to complement the data collected through interviews. It allows employees to provide additional information about the job they perform and to identify areas where they need improvement.

The questionnaires are often standardized, and they help provide information on a broader range of topics than the interviews would cover.

Asking supervisors to fill out a questionnaire:

This method involves asking supervisors to provide information about the job's requirements and expectations, the employee's performance, and the level of difficulty of the job.

Observing the person at work and taking notes on what is being done:

This is the least common method, but it is still useful for collecting job information. It is a time-consuming process that requires a trained observer to watch the employee perform their job, taking notes on what is done and how it is done. This approach provides insights into the job's physical requirements, the tasks performed, and the work environment.

Learn more about Human Resource Management


In the United States, ____ has traditionally provided a convenient starting point when estimating the interest charges associated with maintaining inventory.
a. Gross Domestic Product growth
b. Consumer Price Index
c. The prime rate of interest


The prime rate of interest has traditionally been used in the United States as a starting point when estimating the interest charges associated with maintaining inventory.

The prime rate of interest is the rate of interest that banks charge their most creditworthy customers, such as large corporations, governments, or other financial institutions, for loans. It is frequently used as a benchmark for other rates, such as interest rates on credit cards or mortgages. The prime rate of interest has traditionally provided a convenient starting point when estimating the interest charges associated with maintaining inventory. The correct answer is c. The prime rate of interest.

For more information on prime rate of interest, visit


why is the Bill of Rights important for South Africa? give four reasons​


1)    Protection of individual rights: The Bill of Rights protects individual rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and association. It provides a framework for citizens to enjoy their basic human rights and freedoms, without fear of persecution or discrimination.

2)    Limitation of government power: The Bill of Rights also limits the power of government by outlining the responsibilities and obligations of those in authority. It ensures that government officials and institutions operate within the law, and citizens can hold them accountable for any violations.

3)    Promotion of social justice: The Bill of Rights promotes social justice by ensuring that all citizens are treated equally under the law. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, and other factors, and requires the government to take steps to address historic inequalities.

4)    Safeguarding democracy: The Bill of Rights safeguards democracy by ensuring that citizens have a voice in government and the ability to participate in the political process. It guarantees the right to vote, access to information, and the freedom of the press, all of which are essential components of a healthy democratic system.

Overall, the Bill of Rights is important for South Africa because it provides a foundation for democracy, protects individual freedoms, and promotes social justice and equality for all citizens.

Identify stressors which families have experienced during 2020 lockdown.


The most common stressors families have faced since COVID-19 pandemic are social isolation, financial stress, increased caregiving responsibilities amongst others.

What are the stressors which families have experienced since 2020 lockdown?

The 2020 lockdown, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in a range of stressors for families, including:

1. Social Isolation: The lockdown measures have resulted in reduced opportunities for social interaction and support, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

2. Financial Stress: Many families have been affected by job losses, reduced income, and economic uncertainty, which can lead to financial stress and strain on family relationships.

3. Increased Caregiving Responsibilities: With schools and daycares closed, many parents have had to take on additional caregiving responsibilities for their children, which can be stressful and exhausting.

4. Disruption to Daily Routines: The lockdown measures have disrupted daily routines and activities, leading to feelings of uncertainty and stress.

5. Mental Health Issues: The pandemic has resulted in increased anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, which can be particularly challenging for families.

6. Uncertainty about the Future: The ongoing nature of the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding the future can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress for families.

7. Limited Access to Healthcare: Families may have limited access to healthcare services, including mental health services, due to the pandemic, which can result in increased stress and anxiety.

Overall, the 2020 lockdown has resulted in a range of stressors for families, highlighting the importance of social support, financial stability, and access to healthcare services during times of crisis.

Learn more on family stressors here;


the metaphor that describes your brain as being like a computer with numerous folders filled with files about related concepts, memories, experiences, individuals, and thoughts is used to explain the concept of:


Answer: Schemas

Explanation: I just did the hw

In order to give an interesting, engaging speech, you should not only follow the guidelines for informative speaking but also be ______ and use language imaginatively, descriptively, and clearly.


In order to give an interesting, engaging speech, you should not only follow the guidelines for informative speaking but also be creative and use language imaginatively, descriptively, and clearly.

A speech is a kind of formal address given to an audience for a specific reason, such as a lecture or a discourse. The aim of the speech is to educate, persuade, entertain, or inspire the listeners. The speech could also be informative, persuasive, or entertaining.

The speaker must ensure that the speech is compelling and that the audience is captivated. This can be accomplished by being creative and using language imaginatively, descriptively, and clearly in addition to following the rules of informative speaking. Informative speaking is a type of speaking in which the speaker's aim is to educate the audience. It usually involves providing information about a topic, and it's critical that the speaker keep the audience's interest. The most effective way to do so is to be imaginative and engaging and to avoid being dull and monotonous.

Learn more about speech at


According to Erikson, people who fail the adolescence stage develop _____ and enter adulthood without a solid sense of who they are or what they think is the meaning of their lives A. Guilt B. A sense of mistrust C. A sense of inferiority D. Role confusion


According to Erikson, people who fail the adolescence stage develop Role Confusion and enter adulthood without a solid sense of who they are or what they think is the meaning of their lives . (D)

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, during adolescence (12-18 years old), individuals go through a process of identity vs. role confusion. (D)

During this stage, individuals explore who they are and where they fit in, while simultaneously trying to develop a sense of self. Those who are unsuccessful at this stage will enter adulthood without a solid sense of who they are or what they think is the meaning of their lives, leading to role confusion.

Role confusion is a state of not having a clear understanding of one's identity or sense of self, and not having a clear purpose in life.

To know more about psychosocial development click on below link:


among girls in premier ballet academies, there are such strong social pressures to look prepubescent that breast development evokes distress. according to the text, this tends to support the idea that ____ . please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices A. in general, u.s. culture tends to view larger breasts on women as better than smaller breasts B. children's reactions to puberty depend on their unique environment C. children's reactions to puberty and menstruation are genetic D. u.s. girls feel proud of their developing breasts


The answer is A. In general, U.S. culture tends to view larger breasts on women as better than smaller breasts.

The strong social pressures in premier ballet academies for girls to look prepubescent and distress over breast development suggest that there is a cultural bias towards smaller breasts in the United States. This pressure can lead to negative body image and self-esteem issues for young girls, and highlights the importance of promoting body positivity and diversity in media and society.

What is cultural bias?

Cultural bias refers to the tendency of people to judge or evaluate other cultures based on the values and beliefs of their own culture, often leading to misunderstandings or negative perceptions. It can be seen in various aspects of society, including education, media, and social interactions. Cultural bias can also be a form of discrimination and can lead to stereotypes and prejudice.

To know more about the breast, visit:


Complete question is: among girls in premier ballet academies, there are such strong social pressures to look prepubescent that breast development evokes distress. according to the text, this tends to support the idea that in general, u.s. culture tends to view larger breasts on women as better than smaller breasts.

Juan believes that the prefrontal cortex is responsible for consciousness. Pierre disagrees,saying that no single area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, and that insteadspecific areas process certain types of information. Pierre most likely believes in the__________ model of consciousness.
a. dissociation
b.activation synthesis


"Juan believes that the prefrontal cortex is responsible for consciousness. Pierre disagrees, saying that no single area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, and that instead specific areas process certain types of information. Pierre most likely believes in the Global Workspace model of consciousness." Option D is correct.

Pierre most likely believes in the Global Workspace model of consciousness, which suggests that consciousness arises from the widespread exchange of information among specialized brain regions. According to this model, no single area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, but rather it is the result of the integration of information processed in specialized areas.

The prefrontal cortex is one such specialized area, but it does not solely account for consciousness. Instead, conscious experiences arise from the widespread and dynamic communication among different brain regions, which form a global workspace that enables flexible, integrated processing of information.

This model offers a more distributed and dynamic view of consciousness, in contrast to the dissociation model, which posits that consciousness can be selectively impaired without affecting other cognitive processes.

This question should be provided as:

Juan believes that the prefrontal cortex is responsible for consciousness. Pierre disagrees, saying that no single area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, and that instead specific areas process certain types of information. Pierre most likely believes in the__________ model of consciousness.

a. dissociationb. activation synthesisc. restoratived. Global workspace

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The following items appear on the balance sheet of a company with a two-month operating cycle. Identify the proper classification of each item as follows: Cif it is a current liability, Lif it is a long-term liability or Nif it is not a liability.1. Sales taxes payable.2. Notes payable (due in 6 to 12 months).3. FUTA taxes payable.4. Notes payable (due in 120 days).5. Accounts receivable.6. Current portion of long-term debt.7. Accrued payroll payable.8. Notes payable (mature in five years).9. Wages payable.10. Notes payable (due in 13 to 24 months) (a) Predict the identity of the precipitate that forms when solutions of BaCl2 and K2SO4 are mixed.(b) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.(a) BaSO4 is insoluble and will precipitate from solution.(b) BaCl2(aq) + K2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2 KCl(aq) NEED THIS DONE BY TODAY !!! ILL SELL MY SOUL FOR SOMEONE TO ANSWER IT PLEASEE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE although some people let fear run their lives, stacey does not. in fact, no matter what situation she is in, stacey feels no fear. according to aristotle, does stacey have the virtue of courage? why or why not? How many pounds of eroded material does the verde riveer carry past given point in 1/4 of a day How can we use liquid nitrogen? What are the purposes of using liquid nitrogen? Explain the basics of surfing, include properties of waves as well as important properties of surfboards. true or false the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for web accessibility is the web accessibility initiative. 26. Paul, Raul, and Saul had a competition to see who could pick the greatest amount of strawberriesin three minutes. Paul picked 1 pounds of strawberries, Raul 1 pounds, and Saul 1 pounds.Who came in second? Show your work. What is the probability that a 43% free-throw shooter will miss her next free throw? Which is a kingdom ?A. MolluscaB. ArthropodaC. PlantaeD. Mammalia The first step in the recording process is toa. prepare financial statements.b. analyze each transaction for its effect on the accounts.c. post to a journal.d. prepare a trial balance.A complete journal entry does not showa. the date of the transaction.b. the new balance in the accounts affected by the transaction.c. a brief explanation of the transaction.d. the accounts and amounts to be debited and credited. Enter the correct answer in the box.Write this expression in simplest form.Dont include any spaces or multiplication symbols between coefficients or variables in your answer. which of the following scenarios illustrates business marketing?A) Molly, a university student buys a book to gift her friendB) tom, the accountant at Martel inc buys a pair of shoes for his daughterC) mark a school student purchases a laptop for his personal useD) Jenny the manager of ikon inc purchases a set of printers for her officeE) none of the above When performing vertical ventilation, extend ground ladders at least _____ rungs above the edge of the roof or top of the parapet wall.Select one:a.threeb.fourc.fived.two how many inches are in 1 1/2 yards using quicksort, if the pivot is [ 28 ], which values are found to be in the wrong partition after the first pass across the array? 28 17 45 51 35 14 88 24 Mary has been prescribed XX tablets and is to take I PO BID. How many days will her prescription last? How does policy instability in a parliamentary system and gridlock in presidential system eompare? Rewrite the equation to substitute for the variable(x):[Do not find a solution for x]x + y = 15