Order the expressions from least to greatest.

Order The Expressions From Least To Greatest.


Answer 1
2^1+3^1, 2^3-^1, 3^2

Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

the ink dried up.he couldnot study .compound sentence​



Convert the following compound (double) sentence to simple sentences.

1. My friend arrived and we went for a walk.

2. The servant brought the lamp and I began my homework.

3. The ink had dried up and I could not write.

4. I have a lot of work and must do it now.

5. We must hurry and we shall escape the rain.

6. He has an unpleasant duty and must perform it.

7. He not only pitied him but relieved him.

8. He did this and so offended his master.

9. He had read the book carefully and could tell the story in his own words.

10. His object became known and everybody tried to help him.

o save time and characters, when cell phone users want to say "bye," they type ____.






What saves time and characters, when cell phone users want to say "bye," they type "DND."

This is because DND in texting means "DO NOT DISTURB" This shows the conversation has ended for the moment and the other party or recipient of the message should not disturb the messenger with additional text.

A3 in texting means: Anywhere, Any Time, Anyplace. This is not the correct answer

A2 in texting means Alpha 2

TMB in texting means: Text Me Back.

How does Cal respond to the sweat lodge ceremony?

plz help



A fire is lit directly outside the lodge, tended by a highly trained firekeeper who heats the stones that are used to keep the lodge hot. The firekeeper places the stones in a hole in the center of the lodge, often adding tobacco, cedar, or sweetgrass as an offering.


A fire is lit directly outside the lodge, tended by a highly trained firekeeper who heats the stones that are used to keep the lodge hot. The firekeeper places the stones in a hole in the center of the lodge, often adding tobacco, cedar, or sweetgrass as an offering.


the answer is ok


3. Scientists working away from the station often get their water by breaking up chunks of ice. What
does this tell you about the ice in Antarctica?


They are comaparing the water from other places


1. Why does the narrator lie to his daughter, and how does he justify it? Do you think she will ask him the same
question when she's older? Why/Why not?
2. The narrator "keeps(s) writing war stories." What does he expect the writing to do? Do you think it is working?
3. Why doesn't the narrator let the soldier pass? How do you think you would have reacted in a similar situation?
4. Why do you think the narrator focuses on the gory details of the soldier's death?​


1. The narrator's nine-year-old daughter, knowing that her father writes war stories, asks him if he has ever killed anyone. The narrator says no but resolves to tell her the truth when she is grown (so yes she might ask the same question when she is older.)
2. because he wants his writing to be heard.
3. because it was his thing to kill anyone he saw, so his body reacted way before he has time to think whether or not he should kill or not. I probably would’ve done the same.
4. he focuses on the deaths because those thoughts aren’t easy to go away.

The narrator lied to his daughter but asked her to ask the question when she is older. His justification is that she is still too young to understand.

What does the narrator expect the writing to do?

The narrator keeps writing war stories because he believed that they were stories that deserved to be told and heard.

Why doesn't the narrator let the soldier pass? How do you think you would have reacted in a similar situation?

The narrator killed the soldier because it was already wired into his reflexes to kill an enemy.

It is not possible to say how one might react in a similar situation except one can lay claim to the same training and experiences that the narrator has been through.

Why do you think the narrator focuses on the gory details of the soldier's death?​

The narrator's focus on death is because he has seen too much of it and they are difficult to wipe away from his mind.

Who is the narrator?

A narrator is a person who tells a story from his or her own point of view. in some cases, the narrator themselves are part of the story.

Learn more about narrators at:

What is a tornado?
a sensor that measures wind speed, temperature, pressure, and direction
a first-floor room without windows in the middle of a house
a person who studies winds and shares his or her findings with others
spinning wind that forms a funnel and can cause a lot of damage


Answer: D!!

spinning wind that forms a funnel and can cause a lot of damage

Spinning wind that forms a funnel and causes lots of damage

Choose the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a taste.

Josie's soccer game was canceled due to a fire.

She hadn't understood the logic of that, since she was miles away.

But, that afternoon when she went outside, she got a big mouthful of that sooty, smoky ash flavor from the fire.

Josie hoped the firefighters got the fire under control soon.


C is the answer. It describes how the ash from the fire taste

How is this case literally about black and white? How is this case black and white, figuratively speaking? please help



It is easy to tell the difference between the colors black and white, just like it is easy to tell that Tom Robinson is not guilty

Atticus simply means that the case is pretty straightforward.


Answer. When Atticus says, “This case is as simple as black and white,” he is referring to the racial aspect of the case, as well as Tom’s obvious innocence (Lee 124). Throughout the trail, there was no evidence presented that would have proved that Tom Robinson was guilty of assaulting and raping Mayella Ewell.

Fill in The Blank

The magician had what appeared to be a(n) _____ talent for reading people's minds. Actually, his ability was easy to explain—he picked his audience's pockets and used that information in his act.

A. venial
B. scrupulous
C. supercilious
D. uncanny


i believe the correct answer choice is “d. uncanny”


Select the correct answer
I will tell you a story that is only half true. I first went out of
the country when I was about 20 years old. Some friends and
went to Hawan on a vacation. During our trip, we spent most of
the time lying around the beach
One night, we went on a moonlight cruise. The boat we
went on had a glass bottom, so we could see all the beautiful
sea life floating underneath us. The moonlight would hit the
glass just so, causing shadows to appear and the sea
creatures to seem almost mythological I think it's one of the
most beautiful things I have ever seen So enraptured with
nature were we that we didn't see the boat approaching ours
Imagine my surprise when our boat tour was boarded by
pirates. We were literally scared speechless. Luckily, they didn't
speak a language we could understand anyway Everyone had
to surrender all of their valuable items I lost my camera with all
of my pictures from our trip, the diamond studs I had received
as a high school graduation present, and my favorite watch
But thank goodness that was all I lost And the story I lived to
tell was more than worth it
This story is written for entertainment purposes. Which sentence from the passage best supports the author's
purpose for writing
The moonlight would hit the glass just so, causing shadows to appear and the sea creatures to seem
almost mythological
OB. I lost my camera with all of my pictures from our trip, the diamond studs I had received as a high
school graduation present, and my favorite watch.
OC i will tell you a story that is only half true.
I first went out of the country when I was about 20 years old.





The statement that depicts the author's purpose for writing the given text is in option C.

As it is stated that the given text is written for entertainment purposes, the line where the author says that he is telling us a story that is only half true supports this claim. The statement itself claims that the story is hal true which means there is some fictional dosage added into it, and when a writer adds fiction to his/her story the purpose of the text serves to be entertainment.

Therefore, option C is correct.

A character’s experiences can shape their view of the world around them. The same is true of authors. Understanding an author’s background can help a reader infer themes in a text. Think about one issue from Wells’ time from the slideshow that you can connect with the novel. Then, create a cluster diagram or concept map that connects the historical issue with two or three details from the book. After looking at the connections, write a brief paragraph about how The First Men in the Moon alters history?


Answer: Plz mark brainleist

Explanation: The same is true of authors. ... A character's experiences can shape their view of the world around them. ... Understanding an author's background can help a reader infer ... one issue from Wells' time from the slideshow that you can connect ... Then, create a cluster diagram or concept map that connects the ..reader


give the other person brainly


n the second and third sentences of the second paragraph, the author implies which of the following about the differences between men and women?





Differences between men and women exist but are limited only to particular attributes.

Women tend to be more contrasted and are more outlandish with stroll up and to talk somebody contrasted with men contrasts among men and women exist.

How men are differnt than women?

In Ancient Greek men were occupied with legislative issues and public occasions, while women were urged to remain at home.

Likewise the Olympic Games were just for men at that point. The women worked at the house cooking and cleaning while men then again got to do numerous things.

Presently everything orientations can take an interest in the Olympic Games. We as a whole can work for similar measure of cash and we don't need to remain at home as a housewife as we are allowed to do anything that we want.

Other than actual contrasts, men and women are different on account of the various parts of affection, Men are solid, defensive, and the firm side of adoration while women are the milder side, seriously mindful, thoughtful.

For more information about men and women, refer the following link:


opposite word of distracted​


Paying attention or interested
the answer is focused

Excerpt from The Fortune Teller
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis
Hamlet observes to Horatio that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy. This was the
selfsame explanation that was given by beautiful Rita to her lover, Camillo, on a certain Friday of November, 1869, when Camillo
laughed at her for having gone, the previous evening, to consult a fortune teller. The only difference is that she made her
explanation in other words,
"Laugh, laugh. That's just like you men; you don't believe in anything. Well, let me tell you, I went there and she guessed the
reason for my coming before I ever spoke a word. Scarcely had she begun to lay out the cards when she said to me: 'The lady
likes a certain person ... 'I confessed that it was so, and then she continued to rearrange the cards in various combinations, finally
telling me that I was afraid you would forget me, but that there were no grounds for my fear."
From the information in these paragraphs, what conclusion might one draw about the culture in which this story is set?
Women in this culture are beautiful.
People in this culture are very easily bored.
Women in this culture laugh more than men.
Men in this culture are more skeptical than women,



D. Men in this culture are more skeptical than women.


In this time of changes, migration, unemployment, and pandemic, do you agree with Evangelista that the world shall be borderless


yes the world shall be borderless.

For this question , you will need to refer to both sources A and B.
Compare how the two writers convey their different attitudes to manners and politeness.
In your answer, you should:
● comparetheirdifferentattitudes
● comparethemethodstheyusetoconveytheirattitudes ● supportyourideaswithquotationsfrombothtexts.
Source A - 19th century etiquette guide Source B - 21st century newspaper article
The way you behave when out in society is paramount. It is essential that you show the highest level of social refinement possible. For example, if someone offers you their hand, take it. Always remove your hat when entering a building. Be punctual to all social events to which you are invited.
Anyone who’s ever taken a ride on the London Underground will know that there are some real nuisances out there. All too often, I’ve seen people refusing to give their seat up to an elderly passenger. I mean, it’s just common courtesy, isn’t it? Is it really so difficult to just be a little more civil towards other people?



yes i do not know what u r speaking


The mangoose and the shake were the two
gredt flighters Describe
the fight​



The cobra and mongoose are considered to be the greatest enemies of the time because their food depends on each other means they are dependent on each other to get their food and that reason is enough for two to become enemies


The cobra and the mongoose got ready for a fight in a clearing beneath the Banyan tree. On seeing the mongoose, the cobra made a hissing sound and its forked tongue darted in and out while it raised its body six feet off the ground and spread the broad hood. The mongoose brushed its tail and the long hair on its spine stood up as it got ready for the fight. At first, the cobra tried to mesmerize the mongoose into making a false move by swaying from side to side very slowly. But the mongoose very cleverly avoided meeting the snake's eyes. It fixed its gaze at a point just below the cobra’s hood and moved forward to attack. With very quick movements the mongoose bit the cobra on the back and darted away to escape. The cobra tried to strike the mongoose but failed. A crow and a myna were watching this fight from a cactus tree. They hurled at the cobra the moment he struck, but ended up colliding heavily in mid-air. The mongoose then sprang aside and bit the cobra again. The crow and the myna also dived at the cobra but bumped into each other. The mongoose attacked the cobra for the third time. This time the cobra struck the crow when it tried to interfere again and it died. When the mongoose and cobra returned to fight, the cobra was tired and weak. The mongoose went near the cobra fearlessly and raising itself on its short legs, it snapped the snake by the snout. The cobra writhed and lashed about in a frightened manner. It even tried to coil itself about the mongoose but failed. The mongoose hung on to the snake's snout until it ceased to struggle. He then gripped the snake round the hood and dragged it into the bushes.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

“This case is as simple as black and white.”
How is this case literally about black and white?



I don't know which case you're talking about but it's most likely suggesting that the sides in this case are easily distinguishable.


I think your question is incomplete. Is there more to it that helps explain the actual question? Either way, something being "as simple as black and white" means that it is obviously different than it is perceived due to human error (most of the time)


what is Situational irony please help



Situational irony is a literary technique in which an expected outcome does not happen, or its opposite happens instead. Situational irony requires one's expectations to be thwarted and is also sometimes called an irony of events. The outcome can be tragic or humorous, but it is always unexpected.



Situational Irony occurs when actions or events have the opposite result from what is expected or what is intended.


Situational Irony occurs when actions or events have the opposite result from what is expected or what is intended.

What does the masquerade mentioned in line 9 represent in the poem



The word "masquerade" represents the people who stand behind a false mask, who pretend and put up appearances for others to see while hiding their true selves, feelings behind a mask.


Nikki Grimes' poem "Jabari Unmasked" revolves around an unnamed speaker's frustration at the injustice her people are treated with. The poem is a strong expression of discontent of discrimination and the efforts of the blacks to try to blend in while hiding their true feelings just to evade any trouble.

In line 9, the speaker says "We despise the masquerade". The masquerade here seems to suggest the 'made-up' appearance, the fake show that the people have to put up to hide their true feelings. The word also represents the people who had to put on a pretend face for others to see, hiding their true selves behind a mask.

Figuratively, it says, "His body seemed to have not only the weakness of a jelly, but it's translucency." In what sense is he now translucent?


he’s weak and doesn’t feel stable i hoped this helped bc there’s no answer choices

Read this excerpt from "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower” in The People Could Fly

"Ai, ai! Make of me an ant

That goes where nobody knows."

The ant went under the father's bed.

The girl came there to her father. She asked him, "My father, where is your life?"

Her father said, "Why do you ask me? It is for some bedevilment."

"No, I only want to know," she said.

"Well," he said to her, "my life is inside the belly of a hog in my garden. Inside the hog's belly is an egg. Inside the egg is my life."

The ant that was Anton had been listening, and he said,

"Ai, ai! Make of me a boy."

How does Manuel behave similarly in "Manuel Had a Riddle”?

Manuel hides from his enemies to discover their intentions.
Manuel tricks his enemies with magic and cunning.
Manuel defeats his enemies by destroying their lives.
Manuel becomes friends with his enemy’s daughter.





Manuel behave similarly in "Manuel Had a Riddle” as Manuel defeats his enemies by destroying their lives.

What is the theme of "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower”?

The theme of the story is that by helping someone you may not even know, they will return the favor.

Both Anton and Manuel defeat their enemies. Both characters try to outwit their opponents by using cunning strategies. In both stories, the antagonists make an effort to keep what they have and  succeeds in their mission.

To learn more about "Manuel Had a Riddle” and "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower” here



Select the answer from the drop-down menu that BEST describes the figure of speech.
Bill is the best tennis player alive; he never loses.
This is an example of
I am as hungry as a horse.
This is an example of (Select)
David is a bundle of joy.
This is an example of (Select)


1 : hyperbole
2 : simile
3 : metaphor

from “A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People”
by Charles Lamb
As a single man, I have spent a good deal of my time in noting down the infirmities of Married People, to console myself for those superior pleasures, which they tell me I have lost by remaining as I am.
I cannot say that the quarrels of men and their wives ever made any great impression upon me, or had much tendency to strengthen me in those anti-social resolutions, which I took up long ago upon more substantial considerations. What oftenest offends me at the houses of married persons where I visit, is an error of quite a different description;—it is that they are too loving.
Not too loving neither: that does not explain my meaning. Besides, why should that offend me? The very act of separating themselves from the rest of the world, to have the fuller enjoyment of each other’s society, implies that they prefer one another to all the world.
But what I complain of is, that they carry this preference so undisguisedly, they perk it up in the faces of us single people so shamelessly, you cannot be in their company a moment without being made to feel, by some indirect hint or open avowal, that you are not the object of this preference. Now there are some things which give no offence, while implied or taken for granted merely; but expressed, there is much offence in them. If a man were to accost the first homely-featured or plain-dressed young woman of his acquaintance, and tell her bluntly, that she was not handsome or rich enough for him, and he could not marry her, he would deserve to be kicked for his ill manners; yet no less is implied in the fact, that having access and opportunity of putting the question to her, he has never yet thought fit to do it. The young woman understands this as clearly as if it were put into words; but no reasonable young woman would think of making this the ground of a quarrel. Just as little right have a married couple to tell me by speeches, and looks that are scarce less plain than speeches, that I am not the happy man,—the lady’s choice. It is enough that I know I am not: I do not want this perpetual reminding.
The display of superior knowledge or riches may be made sufficiently mortifying; but these admit of a palliative. The knowledge which is brought out to insult me, may accidentally improve me; and in the rich man’s houses and pictures,—his parks and gardens, I have a temporary usufruct at least. But the display of married happiness has none of these palliatives: it is throughout pure, unrecompensed, unqualified insult.
Marriage by its best title is a monopoly, and not of the least invidious sort. It is the cunning of most possessors of any exclusive privilege to keep their advantage as much out of sight as possible, that their less favoured neighbours, seeing little of the benefit, may the less be disposed to question the right. But these married monopolists thrust the most obnoxious part of their patent into our
Nothing is to me more distasteful than that entire complacency and satisfaction which beam in the countenances of a new-married couple, in that of the lady particularly: it tells you, that her lot is disposed of in this world: that you can have no hopes of her. It is true, I have none; nor wishes either, perhaps: but this is one of those truths which ought, as I said before, to be taken for granted, not expressed. The excessive airs which those people give themselves, founded on the ignorance of us unmarried people, would be more offensive if they were less irrational. We will allow them to understand the mysteries belonging to their own craft better than we who have not had the happiness to be made free of the company: but their arrogance is not content within these limits. If a single person presume to offer his opinion in their presence, though upon the most indifferent subject, he is immediately silenced as an incompetent person. Nay, a young married lady of my acquaintance, who, the best of the jest was, had not changed her condition above a fortnight before, in a question on which I had the misfortune to differ from her, respecting the properest mode of breeding oysters for the London market, had the assurance to ask with a sneer, how such an old Bachelor as I could pretend to know any thing about such matters.

All the following are mocked in the passage EXCEPT
intelligence gained as a result of marriage
undisguised preference of married couples for their spouse
condescension of married females to bachelors
married individual’s presumptive knowledge
overt cruelty of married couples to unattractive unmarried females

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






Bring out gerrards intelligence , presence of mind and sense of humour. How did these traits help him


Being an intelligent person, Gerrard did not show even the slightest of nervousness at the sight of the gun-toting criminal. He knew that his cool-headedness and presence of mind would not only help him to manage the crisis but would also contribute towards unnerving the intruder, who too must be having some fear lurking in his mind. Keeping the atmosphere light and lively with his sense of humour and funny remarks, Gerrard instantly cooked up a story about his criminal background. Convincing the intruder that the police would arrive any minute to nab them, he impressed upon the intruder that they would have to escape immediately. Cleverly, he made him peep into a cupboard saying that it was an escape route. The moment the intruder leaned forward to inspect it, Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard and knocked the revolver out of his hand. He then closed and locked the door. Thus, his intelligence, sense of humour, and presence of mind turned the tables on the intruder.

When would a beginner swimmer be promoted to a 50m pool?​


Answer:When they get better at swimming they going to move to different levels , keep getting better keep leveling up and getting promoted  


Cycle is a ______ a)noun b) adjective
C) proverb


Answer: noun


noun. any complete round or series of occurrences that repeats or is repeated. a round of years or a recurring period of time, especially one in which certain events or phenomena repeat themselves in the same order and at the same intervals. any long period of years; age. a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle, etc.

What do paragraphs 1–3 mainly reveal about Runt and his siblings?
A how safe they feel
B how rough they are
C how skillful they are
D how lonely they feel



Its how safe they feel.


B D is obvisouly not it which means its between A or C

Put the steps in order to show how to solve ethical dilemmas.
Make a decision.
Consider the effects of each choice.
Identify the ethical dilemma.



Identify the ethical dilemma.

Consider the effects of each choice.

Make a decision.


It's the steps of probleming solving





1.  Identify the ethical dilemma.

2. Consider the effects of each choice.

3. Make a decision.


You'll want to identify the ethical dilemmas then consider the effects so you can make decisions later on.

Read the following claim. Is it supported or unsupported? Explain why or why not.
According to a recent survey of students, incidents of bullying at our school have dropped 27 percent in the past three





The defintion of a supported claim is (A supported claim is a statement of truth that has evidence to show the audience that the statement is valid. It's something that the audience can believe in). The claim has support from a survey from students about incidents of bullying and has a percentage over amount of time.

Other Questions
[T]hey raised their eyes to heaven, their hands clasped high above their heads, and stood straight and perfectly still, invoking the power of the Great Spirit to allow them to see and talk with their people who had died. . . .They would go as fast as they could, their hands moving from side to side.What is Parker describing in this quotation?the ritualized movements of Sioux Indians during a Ghost Dance ceremonythe horrified response of Cheyenne Indians after the Sand Creek Massacrethe celebratory reaction to the signing of the Treaty of Fort Laramiethe anger and fear of white settlers that began after the Battle of Little Bighorn Forensic scientist Bennet asks his technician for the scalar quantity of fingerprints found at his crime scene. What would be the technician's most likely answer? There were 13 fingerprints found at the crime scene. There were fingerprints in the hallway facing the direction of the kitchen and fingerprints in the kitchen pointing toward the door handle. There were individual prints dusted at the crime scene, but they have not been identified yet. There were fingerprints found in the bedroom, some that look like they are sliding down the hallway, and prints leading to the refrigerator. Store A sells boxes of rice for $2.50 each.Store B sells rice by the pound for $2.50 per pound.The cost of an amount of rice at either store can be modeled by the function c(n) = 2.5n, where n is the number of boxes for Store A and n is the number of pounds of rice for Store B.The domain of c(n) = 2.5n is all the real numbers.For each store, drag the restriction needed on values of n for c(n) to model each situation. Find the volume and explain your answer round to the nearest tenth!! similarities of ancient and modern philosophy A certain town never has two sunny days in a row. Each day is classified as being either sunny, cloudy (but dry), or rainy. If it is sunny one day, then it is equally likely to be either cloudy or rainy the next day. If it is rainy or cloudy one day, then there is 60% of chance that it will be the same the next day, and if it changes then it is equally likely to be either of the other two possibilities. In the long run, how frequent are we observing a day for which it is rainy and the next two days are also rainy what is the area of a rectangle whose length is (2x-1) cm and whose width is (X+2) cm?help. PLS HELP ASAP! GIVING BRAINLIST! In which situation would a system of currency exchange be necessary? A. A person in Nigeria trades his bicycle for his friends new skateboard. B. A business in Egypt pays its workers their wages at the end of the week. C. A person in Kenya pays the taxes she owes to the local government. D. A business in South Africa buys automobile parts from a business in China. Montana, Idaho, and ______ grow sugar beets. New Mexico Arizona Colorado Nevada write briefly about your house how are you this which are the rooms of your house write five or six complete in spanish A 2.00 g sample of ammonia (NH3) reacts with 4.00 g of oxygen (O2) according to the equation 4NH3+5O24NO+6H2O. How much excess reactant remains after the reaction has stopped ( knowing that NH3 is the excess reactant )? find the difference between (14-3x) and (-9x+7) 0.6 + 15 b + 4 = 25.6. There are 20 girlsand 12 boys in a class.What would be the probability ofrandomly selecting a girl? (Decimals please) alfred hershey and martha chase designed an experiment to determine the chemical makeup of griffith's transforming principle. define the term bacteriophage and explain why this organism was a good choice for this particular experiment. describe the procedure of the experiment using the terms bacteriophage, DNA, and proteins in your answer. Describe the results of the experiment and connect them to hershey and chases conclusion What does a model of the carbon cycle show? A. The amount of Earths carbon is constant. B. The amount of Earths carbon cannot be determined.C. The amount of Earths carbon decreases.D. The amount of Earths carbon increases. I think its A Read this excerpt from "A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change."Climate change will lead to more hot days and more heat waves. As a result, people will need to use more air conditioning to stay cool. As people use more air conditioning, electricity shortages and blackouts could increase. Because most electricity is currently produced by burning fossil fuels, using more electricity to run air conditioners will also add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.What problem does the excerpt present? There will be more hot days and heat waves in the future. People will need air conditioning more often in the future.Power shortages and blackouts may increase.Greenhouse gases are being added to the environment. WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!I MET a traveller from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;And on the pedestal these words appear:"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"Nothing beside remains. Round the decayOf that colossal wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away.Select one piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem.A Nothing beside remainsB I met a travelerC Its sculptor well those passions read When is season 4 of star coming out can someone look it up please