P2. Charges q and Q are placed on the x-y plane at (0,0) and at (0, 3) m, respectively.
Where q = 50 pC and Q = -40 pC.
a. Draw the situation to solve the next step.
b. Determine the net electric flux through a closed cylindrical surface that has a diameter of 5 ma
a height of 4 m, where the axis of the cylinder is the z axis and its mid-point is at the origin.


Answer 1

(a). Here is a diagram of the situation:

        |           Q (-40 pC)

        |             ^

        |             |

 --------|----------- 3 m

        |             |

        |             |

        |             |

        |             |

        |             |

        |           q (50 pC)

        |_____________|___________> x = 0 m

            3 m

(b).  The net electric flux through the closed cylindrical surface is -100.5 N m^2/C.

We can use Gauss's Law to calculate the electric flux through the cylindrical surface.

Choose a cylindrical Gaussian surface of radius r=2.5 m and height h=4 m, centered at the origin.The electric field at any point on the cylindrical surface due to Q is given by E_Q = kQ/r^2, where k is Coulomb's constant (9 x 10^9 N m^2/C^2).The electric field at any point on the cylindrical surface due to q is given by E_q = kq/r^2.The net electric field at any point on the cylindrical surface is E_net = E_Q + E_q.Since the surface is symmetric around the z-axis, we can assume that the electric field is perpendicular to the end surfaces of the cylinder, so the electric flux through these surfaces is zero.Therefore, the net electric flux through the cylindrical surface is Φ_E = E_net * A, where A is the area of the curved surface of the cylinder.The area of the curved surface of the cylinder is A = 2πrh = 20π m^2.Substituting the values for E_Q and E_q, we get E_net = -1.60 x 10^6 N/C (negative because the electric field due to Q is in the opposite direction to that due to q).Therefore, Φ_E = (-1.60 x 10^6 N/C) * (20π m^2) = -100.5 x 10^6 N m^2/C = -100.5 N m^2/C.

Therefore, the net electric flux through the closed cylindrical surface is -100.5 N m^2/C.

What is an electric flux?

Electric flux is the measure of the total electric field passing through a surface. It is a scalar quantity, and its unit is the volt meter (V m) or newton meter squared per coulomb (N m^2/C).

To know more about gauss's law,visit:



Related Questions

lonie is being pulled from a snake pit with a rope that breaks if tension in it exceeds 755N. If one has a mass of 70kg and the snake pit is 3 Am deep, what is the minimum time necessary to pull out lonie?


The minimum time required to pull out lonie from the snake pit is √(3/4) seconds.

Given: Mass, m = 70 kg Distance, d = 3 m Limiting tension, T = 755N

The minimum time required to pull out lonie from a snake pit, t

Given, mass, m = 70 kg Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m/s²Distance, d = 3 m

Let's assume the minimum time required to pull out lonie from a snake pit is t.

So, using the equation of motion,S = ut + 1/2 at²

Here, S = d = 3m (Distance),u = 0 m/s (Initial velocity),a = g = 9.8 m/s² (Acceleration) and t = time

Substituting the above values in the equation, we get3 = 0 + 1/2 × 9.8 × t² => t² = 3/4 => t = √(3/4) sec

Also, we know that the tension in the rope is given byT = mg + ma

Now, the rope will break when T exceeds 755 N.

So, substituting the values of m, g, and a in the above equation, we getT = mg + ma = 70 × 9.8 + 70 × a

Since the tension in the rope should be less than or equal to 755 N, we have70 × 9.8 + 70 × a ≤ 755 => a ≤ (755 - 70 × 9.8)/70=> a ≤ 3.29 m/s²

Therefore, the minimum time required to pull out lonie from the snake pit is √(3/4) seconds.

for such more question on minimum time



2020 State of the Bay Summary PLS HELP PLS ILYSM IF U DO!!!!

What are your first feelings or impressions when looking at the tables above?

Which indicators do you believe are most important for the health of the Bay? Explain.

Chesapeake Bay Report Grade vs. Year Graph

From your viewpoint, 1) what does the graph reveal about the current state of the Chesapeake Bay? 2) Do you believe your community contributes to the Chesapeake Bay’s condition? Explain your answer.


There is likely to be eutrophication in the water

There are less turbid substances deposited in the water within the time.

The decrease of water grasses means the primary productivity reduced.

What does increase in nitrogen and phosphorus content mean for Chesapeake Bay ?

An increase in nitrogen and phosphorus content in Chesapeake Bay can have significant environmental impacts. Chesapeake Bay is an estuary that is highly sensitive to nutrient pollution, which can cause the growth of harmful algal blooms and oxygen depletion in the water.

When excess nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers, animal waste, and sewage enter the Bay, they can cause an overgrowth of algae. As these algae die and decompose, they consume oxygen in the water, leading to low oxygen conditions known as "hypoxia" or "dead zones". This can harm fish, shellfish, and other aquatic life, and can also have economic impacts on the fishing and tourism industries.

Learn more about Chesapeake Bay:https://brainly.com/question/14295402


A proton moves along the x-axis with v_x=1.0×10^7m/s. As it passes the origin, what are the strength and direction of the magnetic field at the (0 cm, 1 cm, 0 cm) position? Give your answer using unit vectors.


Here ya go! i think this will help!

In the circuit in the figure, a 20-ohm resistor sits inside 104 g of pure water that is surrounded by insulating Styrofoam.
If the water is initially at temperature 11.8 C, how long will it take for its temperature to rise to 57.1 C?
Use 4190 J/kg.C as the heat capacity of water, and express your answer in seconds using three significant figures.


The time taken for the water to raise its temperature from 11.8[tex]C^o[/tex] to 57.1[tex]C^o[/tex] is 987 s.

[tex]t = \frac{mc(\theta_1 - \theta_2)}{I^2R_1}\\= \frac{(0.104kg)(4190/kg.C^o [(5.71C^o) - (11.8C^o)])}{(1.0A)^2(20.0)}[/tex]


Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance or system. In simpler terms, it is a way of measuring how hot or cold something is. The unit of measurement for temperature is typically degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F), although other units such as Kelvin (K) may also be used.

Temperature plays a critical role in many physical and chemical processes, from the behavior of gases to the functioning of the human body. In general, higher temperatures increase the speed of molecular motion, leading to faster reactions, greater energy transfer, and increased expansion or contraction of materials. Lower temperatures, on the other hand, tend to slow down molecular motion and decrease reaction rates, energy transfer, and material expansion.

To learn more about Temperature visit here:



by how much should lower the pressure at the top of the straw to have the lemonade rise 5 cm above the surface


The lemonade rise 5 cm above the surface, you must lower the pressure at the top of the straw by [tex]49 N/m^2[/tex] (or Pascals).

Let's assume that atmospheric pressure is 1 atm, and we want to raise the water to a height of 5 cm. Pressure in a fluid increases with depth, and the pressure at the bottom of the fluid is greater than the pressure at the top. Consider a horizontal straw filled with water that is open at both ends.

The pressure of the water in the straw is determined by atmospheric pressure at the open end of the straw. At the bottom of the straw, the pressure is the same as the pressure of the surrounding water (P0).

Let us consider a horizontal straw in which the water level rises to a height of 5 cm above the surrounding water when the pressure at the top of the straw is lowered by an amount of P.

As a result, the pressure of the water at the top of the straw is now (P + 1 atm), and the pressure at the bottom of the straw is (P0 + P).

Because the pressure at the bottom of the straw (P0 + P) is equal to the pressure of the surrounding water (P0), we have:

P0 + P = P0 + ρgh.

Solving for P, we get:

P = ρgh

In this case, h = 5 cm,

ρ is the density of lemonade, and

g is the acceleration due to gravity.

The value of g is [tex]9.8 m/s^2[/tex] on average.

[tex]ρgh = (1000 kg/m^3) × (9.8 m/s^2) × (0.05 m) = 49 N/m^2[/tex] (or Pascals).

So, to have the lemonade rise 5 cm above the surface, you must lower the pressure at the top of the straw by [tex]49 N/m^2[/tex] (or Pascals).

for such more question on pressure



Sam drives 20 miles North, 10 miles East, 20 miles South and 10 miles West.


Sam traveled a total distance of 60 miles, but his displacement is zero, as he ended up back at his starting point after all of his movements.

How to measure the distance?

The distance that Sam has traveled is the total length of the path he took, regardless of the direction. In this case, the distance can be calculated as follows:

Distance = 20 miles (North) + 10 miles (East) + 20 miles (South) + 10 miles (West)

Distance = 60 miles

Therefore, Sam has traveled a total of 60 miles.

The displacement, on the other hand, is the shortest distance between the starting point and the ending point. It is the distance between the initial and final position of an object, measured in a straight line. To calculate the displacement, we need to find the net vector sum of all the individual movements.

Starting from the origin, Sam moved 20 miles to the north and then 20 miles to the south, which means he ended up back at the starting point. Next, he moved 10 miles to the east and then 10 miles to the west, which also means he ended up back at the starting point.

Therefore, the displacement of Sam's journey is zero.

In summary, Sam traveled a total distance of 60 miles, but his displacement is zero, as he ended up back at his starting point after all of his movements.

To know more about distance visit :-



what is the voltage reading vr(t) given by the voltmeter across the resistor (figure 2) at time t after t


The voltage reading V,(t) across the resistor at time t after t = 0 is equal to the current I(t) multiplied by the resistance R, since V = IR. Therefore, V,(t) = RI(t).

What is resistor?

A resistor is an electrical component that reduces the flow of current in a given circuit. It is made from a conductive material, generally either carbon or metal, that has been treated to produce a specific resistance value. The resistance value of a resistor is measured in ohms, and is generally marked on the component itself. Resistors are used to limit the amount of current flowing through a circuit, which in turn can control the voltage and power levels in the circuit. They can also be used to create voltage dividers which divide the voltage of a circuit into different levels, or to provide stability to a circuit by providing a fixed current. Resistors are a fundamental component of all electronic circuits and are used in a wide range of applications.

To learn more about resistor

Complete Question:

S18-MP4 roblem 26.23 K) 8 of 10 How far does the proton travel before reaching its turning point? Express your answer with the appropriate units. View Available Hint(s) Constants | Periodic Table on an infinite charged plane is -1.60x10-6 C/m2 . A proton is shot straight away from the plane at 2.30x106 m/s Hint 1. How to approach this problem When the proton has reached its farthest point, it is standing still. This means that the work done on the proton by the electric field of the infinite sheet has exactly canceled the original kinetic energy of the proton. Hint 2. What is the work done by the sheet Recall that the electric field near an infinite sheet of charge density ? is given by E Since the electric field strength is independent of the distance from the sheet, the force is constant along the path of the proton and the work done is simply equal to the force times the distance traveled. Value Units Submit


The electric field strength near an infinite sheet of charge density σ is given by E = σ/2ε0, where ε0 is the electric constant.

The force on the proton due to the electric field of the sheet is F = qE, where q is the charge of the proton.

The work done by the sheet on the proton is W = Fd, where d is the distance traveled by the proton before reaching its turning point.

When the proton has reached its turning point, its kinetic energy is zero, so the work done by the electric field of the sheet must equal the initial kinetic energy of the proton, which is given by KE = (1/2)mv^2, where m is the mass of the proton and v is its initial velocity.

Setting these two expressions for work equal to each other, we have:

F d = (1/2)mv^2

Substituting F = qE and E = σ/2ε0, we get:

qd/2ε0 = (1/2)mv^2

Solving for d, we get:

d = mv^2/(qσε0)

Substituting the given values for m, v, q, and σ, and the value of ε0 from the constants, we get:

d = (1.67x10^-27 kg)(2.30x10^6 m/s)^2/(1.60x10^-6 C/m^2)(2ε0) ≈ 1.59x10^-5 m

Therefore, the proton travels a distance of approximately 1.59x10^-5 meters before reaching its turning point.

Check the correctness of the following equation , a=v^2/r, where a=acceleration, v=velocity, r= radius





Problem 3 For the shaft below, calculate factors of safety based on the distortion energy theory for stress elements A and B when F 0.55 kN, P 4 kN, and T = 25 N.m. The shaft is made of AISI 1006 cold-drawn (CD) steel 15-mm D


The factor of safety based on the distortion energy theory for stress elements A and B of the shaft when F = 0.55 kN, P = 4 kN, and T = 25 N.m and made of AISI 1006 cold-drawn (CD) steel 15-mm D is 66.67 and 26.66, respectively.

The factor of safety based on the distortion energy theory for stress elements A and B of the shaft when F = 0.55 kN, P = 4 kN, and T = 25 N.m and made of AISI 1006 cold-drawn (CD) steel 15-mm D can be calculated as follows:

For stress element A:

Factor of Safety = [tex](2τ_allowable\times L)/(F\times d)[/tex]

Where τ_allowable is the allowable shear stress for the material, L is the length of the element, F is the force acting on the element, and d is the diameter of the element.

For this example, τ_allowable = 55 MPa (from AISI 1006 CD steel data), L = 0.15 m, F = 0.55 kN, and d = 0.015 m.

Therefore, Factor of Safety = [tex](2 \times 55 \times 0.15) / (0.55 \times 0.015) = 66.67[/tex]

For stress element B:

Factor of Safety =[tex](τ_allowable\times L^2)/(T\times d^3)[/tex]

Where τ_allowable is the allowable shear stress for the material, L is the length of the element, T is the torque acting on the element, and d is the diameter of the element.

For this example, τ_allowable = 55 MPa (from AISI 1006 CD steel data), L = 0.15 m, T = 25 N.m, and d = 0.015 m.

Therefore, Factor of Safety =[tex](55 \times 0.15^2) / (25 \times 0.015^3) = 26.66[/tex]

for such more question on factor of safety



You have been called to testify as an expert witness in a trial involving a head-on collision. Car A weighs 1515
lb and was traveling eastward. Car B weighs 1125
lb and was traveling westward at 41.0
mph. The cars locked bumpers and slid eastward with their wheels locked for 18.5
ft before stopping. You have measured the coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the pavement to be 0.750

What speed
(in miles per hour) was car A traveling just before the collision? (This problem uses English units because they would be used in a U.S. legal proceeding.)



Solve for force:

Ff = UFn

Ff = 0.75(Fn)

Ff = 0.75(1515 + 1225 * g)

Ff = 20550N

Solve for acceleration:

F= ma

20550N = (1515 + 1225) a

a = 7.5m/s^2

solve for time:

a = d / t^2  --->  7.5m/s^2 = 18.5/ t^2  ----> t = 0.85s

solve for velocity final

Impulse = F * t = 20550N * 0.85s

mv^2 = Impulse = 17467.5

(1515 + 1125)v^2 = 17467.5

vf = 2.5m/s

Plug in stuff:

1515 * v1 + 1125 * (-18.3m/s) = (1515 + 1125) * 2.5m/s

v1 = 9.23

Note: I converted 41mph(v2) to 18.3m/s, which is negative because "westward" is in the negative direction.

Explanation: Inelastic collision

I'm not sure but my guess is we can solve for the force of friction using the coefficient of friction. With that, we can solve for the acceleration in F = ma, and use that to solve for the time the two cars slide. And using that we can solve for the impulse, which is just the Force of friction times that time, which is also our momentum. Since we know the momentum, we can solve for the velocity of the two objects after the collision. Using that velocity, we can use the equation( m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1+m2)vf ), plug in the known quantities and solve for v1.(Note: don't forget to convert mph to mps and 18.5ft to meters)

Extra: I'm guessing because the two cars slide, the only force acting on them is the force of friction(so it's our net force), hence the Fnet = ma.

why big tractor can plough many fields than small tractor​


A big tractor is more efficient and productive than a small tractor, allowing it to plow through more fields and cover more ground with less time and effort.

A big tractor can plow many fields than a small tractor due to several reasons:

Engine Power: Big tractors have larger and more powerful engines than small tractors, which allow them to generate more torque and power to pull heavy loads and work for longer periods of time without overheating or breaking down. This means they can work more efficiently and cover more ground than small tractors.

Size and Weight: Big tractors are usually larger and heavier than small tractors, which gives them more stability and traction on the ground. This allows them to plow through tough and uneven terrain with less effort and more control, reducing the time and effort needed to complete the task.

Implements: Big tractors can accommodate larger and more advanced implements, such as wider plows, cultivators, and seeders, which allow them to cover more ground with each pass. These implements can also be customized to match the specific needs of the soil and crops, increasing the efficiency and productivity of the tractor.

Learn more about tractor at:



if the speed increase and wavelength stays the same what will happen to energy?



If frequency is constant, wavelength will get longer as speed increases. Here is an animation of a wave changing speed. The green dots and line show that frequency is constant on both mediums, but the speed and wavelength both change.

Complete the following statement: The polarization direction of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation. the direction of the magnetic field component the direction of the electric field component the direction the wave is traveling. the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation.


The polarization direction of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the direction of the electric field component.

What is an electric field ?

Electromagnetic waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave's propagation. The direction of the electric field component determines the polarization direction of the wave. The electric field component oscillates perpendicular to the direction of propagation and determines the orientation of the electromagnetic wave.

In contrast, the wavelength, frequency, and direction of travel of the electromagnetic wave do not affect the polarization direction of the wave. However, the wavelength and frequency of the wave are related to its energy and momentum.

To know more about electric field, visit:



Complete statement is: The polarization direction of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the direction of the electric field component.

What is the magnitude of the total charge of all the electrons in 2.6 L
of liquid water?


The total charge of all electrons in 2.1 liters of liquid water would be zero as the number of electrons and protons in a neutral sample of water are equal

Two balls collide and bounce off of each other. Ball A has a mass of 4.00kg and an initial velocity of 10.0m/s. Ball B has a mass of 6.00kg and an initial velocity of
A. What is the initial momentum of the system?
B. Ball B bounces off with a velocity of 7.00m/s. What is the velocity of Ball A?
C. Prove if this is a perfectly elastic collision or not.


For Answer refer to the attached image

a tennis ball is dropped from a height of 1.21 m above the ground. calcualte its velocity when it is 0.27m from the ground


The velocity of the tennis ball when it is 0.27m from the ground is approximately 3.39 m/s.

What is velocity?

To calculate the velocity of the tennis ball when it is 0.27m from the ground, we can use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, which states that the total mechanical energy of an object is conserved when it moves through a conservative force field, such as gravity.

At the initial position, the ball has potential energy due to its position above the ground, but no kinetic energy as it is at rest. At the final position, the ball has no potential energy (since it is at the same height as the ground), but it has kinetic energy due to its motion. Assuming that air resistance is negligible, the initial potential energy is converted into final kinetic energy, so we can equate these energies:

mgh = (1/2)mv²

where m is the mass of the ball, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the initial height of the ball above the ground, and v is the velocity of the ball when it is 0.27m from the ground.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for v:

v = √(2gh)

Substituting the given values, we get:

v = √(2 x 9.81 m/s² x (1.21 m - 0.27 m)) = 3.39 m/s

Therefore, the velocity of the tennis ball when it is 0.27m from the ground is approximately 3.39 m/s.

To know more about velocity, visit:



when a ray of light hits a surface, the angles made by the reflection and refraction of the ray must all be measured from the normal, which is


When a ray of light hits a surface, the angles made by the reflection and refraction of the ray must all be measured from the normal, which is perpendicular to the surface at the point where the light ray hits it.

Reflection occurs when light rays hit a surface and bounce back whereas Refraction, occurs when light travels through a medium of a different density or refractive index.

The laws of reflection and refraction states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is constant. This ratio is known as the refractive index of the material from where the light is passing through.

To know more about reflection and refraction refer to:



The magnitudes of the current density and the diameters for wires 1 and 2 are given in the table. The current directions are indicated by the arrows.
Find the current I3 in wire 3.
Express your answer in amperes to two significant figures. Call current out of the junction positive and current into the junction negative.
The magnitudes of the current density and the diam
Wire Current density
(A/mm2) Diameter
1 2.1 1.7
2 3.9 2.4


To solve for the current I3 in wire 3, we can apply the principle of conservation of charge, which states that the total current flowing into a junction must equal the total current flowing out of the junction. This can be expressed mathematically as:

I1 + I2 = I3

where I1 and I2 are the currents in wires 1 and 2, respectively, and I3 is the current in wire 3.

To find I1 and I2, we can use the formulas for current (I = J x A), where J is the current density and A is the cross-sectional area of the wire. The cross-sectional area can be calculated from the diameter using the formula A = π/4 x d^2, where d is the diameter.

For wire 1:

I1 = J1 x A1 = 2.1 A/mm^2 x π/4 x (1.7 mm)^2 = 4.52 A

For wire 2:

I2 = J2 x A2 = 3.9 A/mm^2 x π/4 x (2.4 mm)^2 = 13.21 A

Substituting these values into the conservation of charge equation, we get:

4.52 A + 13.21 A = I3

Simplifying, we get:

I3 = 17.73 A

Therefore, the current I3 in wire 3 is approximately 17.73 amperes (or amps) to two significant figures.

What is a current ?

Current can be thought of as the rate at which electric charges flow through a circuit. It is caused by the movement of electrons, which are negatively charged particles, in response to an electric field. In a metallic conductor, such as a wire, electrons can move freely through the material, which allows current to flow easily.

Current can be either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). DC flows in one direction, whereas AC changes direction periodically. DC is commonly used in batteries and electronic devices, while AC is used for power transmission over long distances.

To know more about Current visit :



A certain Tesla car has a 400 V battery which stores 2.9x108 J. The car can travel 402 km (250 miles) at 105 km/hr (65 mph = 29 m/s) on just the battery before it is depleted. The steps below will let you determine the current delivered by the battery.A. How long does it take to deplete the battery?B. What is the power delivered by the battery (P=E/dt)?C. Power in a circuit is related to the potential difference, current and resistance in the circuit. What is the current delivered by the battery?D. What is the resistance of the circuit?


A. Baterry takes time = 2.9x[tex]10^{8}[/tex] J / power to deplete.

What is time taken?

To determine how long it takes to deplete the battery, we can use the formula:

time = energy / power

where energy is the energy stored in the battery (2.9x[tex]10^{8}[/tex] J) and power is the power delivered by the battery (which we will determine in part B).

time = 2.9x[tex]10^{8}[/tex] J / power

B. Power delivered by the baterry is 20864.5 W

What is the power?

To determine the power delivered by the battery, we can use the formula:

power = energy / time

where energy is the energy stored in the battery (2.9x[tex]10^{8}[/tex] J) and time is the time it takes to deplete the battery (which we will determine in part A).

First, let's convert the distance traveled from kilometers to meters:

402 km = 402,000 m

Now, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

where distance is the distance traveled (402,000 m) and speed is the speed of the car (105 km/hr = 29 m/s).

time = 402,000 m / 29 m/s = 13896.6 s

Now we can calculate the power delivered by the battery:

power = 2.9x[tex]10^{8}[/tex] J / 13896.6 s = 20864.5 W

C.  The current delivered by the battery is 52.2 A.

What is current?

The power delivered by the battery is related to the current and potential difference in the circuit by the formula:

power = potential difference x current

The potential difference in the circuit is given as 400 V. Therefore, we can rearrange the formula to solve for the current:

current = power / potential difference

current = 20864.5 W / 400 V = 52.2 A

Therefore, the current delivered by the battery is 52.2 A.

D. We cannot directly determine the resistance of the circuit from the given information.

To know more about the power, visit:



calculate the GPE of a 15 kg wooden block 6m above the ground​


потенциальная енергия - E=mgh, g = ускорение свободного падения, всегда равна 9.81, примерно 10: g=10. Единица измерения енергии - Джоул: [E] = Дж

от этого, E=15×10×6=900 J

ответ: 900 Дж

jason weighs 150 n and sits on his big brother's shoulders. his big brother weighs 400 n. the support force supplied by the floor must be


Jason weighs 150 N and sits on his big brother's shoulders. Big brother weighs 400 N. the support force supplied by the floor must be 500N.

Force can be defined as any influence that causes an object to undergo a change in motion, direction, or shape. In physics, force is represented as a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction. The standard unit of force is the newton, which is defined as the force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared.

Force can be categorized into two types: contact force and non-contact force. Contact force is a force that is exerted through direct contact between two objects, while non-contact force is a force that is exerted without any physical contact between two objects, such as gravity or electromagnetic force. Force plays a crucial role in the study of physics, as it governs the behavior of all objects in the universe.

To learn more about Force visit here:



Complete Question:-

Jason weighs 150 N and sits on his big brother's shoulders. Big brother weighs 400 N. the support force supplied by the floor must be

A photodetector has three polarizing films between it and a source of
unpolarized light. The first film is oriented vertically. At what angle should the
second polarizing film be oriented so that 37.5 percent of the original light
intensity reaches the detector?
Investigation 12 Electromagnetic Radiation


The angle between the polarization direction of the second film and the vertical direction should be approximately 51.4° so that 37.5% of the original light intensity reaches the detector.


Let's denote the angle between the vertical polarization direction of the first film and the polarization direction of the second film by θ. The transmitted intensity of the light after passing through the two films is given by Malus's law:

I = I₀ cos²θ

where I₀ is the initial intensity of the unpolarized light.

We want to find the angle θ that will result in 37.5% of the original light intensity reaching the detector. This means that we want to solve the equation:

I/I₀ = 0.375

Substituting the expression for I into this equation, we get:

cos²θ = 0.375 / I₀

Taking the square root of both sides and using the fact that cosθ is positive when 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2, we get:

cosθ = √(0.375 / I₀)

θ = arccos(√(0.375 / I₀))

Now we need to substitute the values of I₀ and evaluate the expression for θ. Let's assume that the intensity of the original light is I₀ = 1 W/m². Then we get:

θ = arccos(√(0.375 / 1)) = arccos(0.6124) = 51.4°

Therefore, the angle between the polarization direction of the second film and the vertical direction should be approximately 51.4° so that 37.5% of the original light intensity reaches the detector.

learn more about photodetector here



Based on observations (both images and spectra), which of the following statements are true about star-forming clouds?
A. Star-forming clouds are much hotter than most other interstellar material in the galaxy.
B. Star-forming clouds have the same overall chemical composition as the galaxy as a whole.
C. Most of the hydrogen in star-forming clouds is in the form of hydrogen molecules (H2).
D. The darkness of these clouds (in visible light) is due primarily to light absorption by tiny grains of interstellar dust.
E. The densest cloud regions appear dark to visible light telescopes but we can see into these regions with Infrared telescopes.
F. Young stars shine only in the infrared, which is why infrared observations are important.
G. Star-forming clouds glow with visible light in regions where the gas is heated by radiation from nearby stars.


Option B, C, D, E, and G: The chemical makeup of star-forming clouds is identical to that of the galaxy as a whole and the majority of the hydrogen in clouds that generate stars is present as hydrogen molecules (H₂).

Interstellar molecular clouds, which are opaque collections of extremely cold gas and dust, are where stars are formed. When some of those aggregates accumulate enough mass to collapse due to gravity alone, the process begins. The cause could even be as simple as random density changes within the cloud.

The correct statements are:

The chemical makeup of star-forming clouds is identical to that of the galaxy as a whole.

The majority of the hydrogen in clouds that create stars is present as hydrogen molecules (H₂).

The interstellar dust particles that make up these clouds' visual blackness absorb the majority of light.

Even though the densest cloud regions appear dark to telescopes using visible light, we can see inside them using infrared telescopes.

A region where the gas is heated by radiation from neighboring stars is where star-forming clouds are found.

To know more about the formation of stars, refer:



Estimat the number and wattage of lamps. which would be required to illuminate a workshop space 60x1.5 meteres by means of lamps mounted 5 metres above the working Plane The average illumination required is about 100 wt. coefficient of utilisation = 0.4 luminous efficiency 16 lumens per watt. Assume a space-height ratio of unity and a cundle Power depreciation of 20%​


The number and wattage of lamps required to illuminate the workshop would be approximately 8 lamps and 70 watts respectively.

Wattage calculation

To estimate the number and wattage of lamps required to illuminate a workshop space of 60x1.5 meters, we can follow these steps:

Calculate the area of the workshop:

Area = length x widthArea = 60m x 1.5mArea = 90 square meters

Determine the total lumens required:

Lumens = area x average illuminationLumens = 90 sq m x 100 luxLumens = 9000 lumens

Adjust for the coefficient of utilization and luminous efficiency:

Effective lumens = lumens / (coefficient of utilization x luminous efficiency)Effective lumens = 9000 / (0.4 x 16)Effective lumens = 1406.25 lumens

Adjust for space-height ratio and candle power depreciation:

Effective lumens per lamp = effective lumens x space-height ratio x (1 - depreciation)Effective lumens per lamp = 1406.25 x 1 x (1 - 0.2)Effective lumens per lamp = 1125 lumens

Determine the number of lamps required:

Number of lamps = total lumens required / effective lumens per lampNumber of lamps = 9000 / 1125Number of lamps = 8 lamps (rounded up)

Determine the wattage of each lamp:

Wattage per lamp = effective lumens per lamp / luminous efficiencyWattage per lamp = 1125 / 16Wattage per lamp = 70.3 watts (rounded up)

Therefore, approximately 8 lamps with a wattage of 70 watts each would be required to illuminate the workshop space.

More on wattage can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/14667843


what observations can you make if the string are released in the trolley


Without more specific details, it is difficult to determine exactly what observations might be made if strings are released in a trolley.

However, here are a few general possibilities:

If the strings are attached to objects or weights, releasing them may cause those objects to fall or move in some way. The motion of the objects could be observed.If the trolley is on a slope or incline, releasing the strings could cause the trolley to roll or slide down the slope. The speed and direction of the trolley's motion could be observed.If the strings are attached to other parts of the trolley itself, releasing them could cause some part of the trolley to move or shift. This could be observed visually or by measuring any changes in the trolley's position or orientation.

To know more about motion , visit :



A 1500-kg car is traveling at 21 m/s around a curve with a radius of 120 m. Determine the angular momentum of the car. Show your work.




Angular momentum of an object is given by L = Iω, where I is the moment of inertia and ω is the angular velocity.

To find the angular momentum of the car, we need to first find its moment of inertia about the axis of rotation (which in this case is the center of the curve).

The moment of inertia of a point mass m rotating around an axis at a distance r is given by I = mr^2.

The car can be thought of as a collection of point masses, so we need to integrate the moment of inertia of each point mass over the entire car.

Assuming the car is a uniform rectangular box with dimensions 4.5 m x 1.8 m x 1.5 m, we can divide it into smaller cubes of mass dm and volume dV. The moment of inertia of each cube is given by dI = dm(r^2), where r is the distance from the cube to the axis of rotation.

Integrating over the entire car, we get:

I = ∫(dm)(r^2) = ∫(ρdV)(r^2)

where ρ is the density of the car.

The volume of the car is V = (4.5 m)(1.8 m)(1.5 m) = 12.15 m^3, and assuming a density of 1000 kg/m^3 (typical for cars), the mass of the car is m = (1000 kg/m^3)(12.15 m^3) = 12150 kg.

We can express the distance r as the sum of the radius of the curve (120 m) and the distance between the center of mass of the car and the pivot point (which we can approximate as half the length of the car, or 0.75 m).

So, r = 120 m + 0.75 m = 120.75 m.

Substituting these values into the equation for I, we get:

I = ∫(ρdV)(r^2) = ρ∫dV(r^2) = ρV(r^2) = (1000 kg/m^3)(12.15 m^3)(120.75 m)^2 = 1.796 x 10^7 kg·m^2

To find the angular velocity of the car, we can use the formula v = ωr, where v is the linear velocity of the car and ω is the angular velocity.

The linear velocity of the car is given by v = 21 m/s, and the radius of the curve is 120 m. So,

ω = v/r = (21 m/s)/(120 m) = 0.175 rad/s

Finally, we can find the angular momentum of the car by multiplying the moment of inertia by the angular velocity:

L = Iω = (1.796 x 10^7 kg·m^2)(0.175 rad/s) = 3.145 x 10^6 kg·m^2/s

Therefore, the angular momentum of the car is 3.145 x 10^6 kg·m^2/s.

The angular momentum of the car in the given example is [tex]3,780,000 kg m^2/s.[/tex]

What is an Angular momentum?

The amount of rotational motion an object has around a certain axis is measured by its angular momentum. It is the result of an object's angular velocity and moment of inertia. It is a vector quantity with a direction and magnitude.

We need to apply the following calculation to determine the car's angular momentum:

L = I * ω

where L is angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity.

We must apply the following formula to determine the moment of inertia:

[tex]I = m * r^2[/tex]

where r is the curve's radius and m is the car's mass.

m = 1500 kg r = 120 m

[tex]I = m * r^2[/tex]

[tex]I = 1500 kg * (120 m)^2\\I = 21,600,000 kg m^2[/tex]

The following formula must be used to determine the angular velocity:

v = ω * r

where v denotes the car's speed.

v = 21 m/s r = 120 m


v/r = 21 m/s/120 m = 0.175 rad/s

We can now determine the angular momentum:

L = I * ω

[tex]L = 21,600,000 kg m^2 * 0.175 rad/s\\L = 3,780,000 kg m^2/s[/tex]

Therefore, the angular momentum of the car is [tex]3,780,000 kg m^2/s.[/tex]

Learn more about angular momentum, here:



An applied frictional force on this wheel (not shown) causes it to slow down until it comes to a complete stop after a time interval Δt, where: |ωo| = 34.28 rad/s, R = 0.29 m, |α| = 1.77 rad/s2.

a) Solve for the time interval needed for the wheel to come to a complete stop.


b) Solve for total angular distance traveled (in radians, not meters) by the wheel during this time interval.


We can use the formula for angular deceleration to find the time interval needed for the wheel to come to a complete stop:

α = (ωf - ωo) / Δt

where ωf is the final angular velocity, ωo is the initial angular velocity, and Δt is the time interval. Rearranging the formula, we get:

Δt = (ωf - ωo) / α

Since the wheel comes to a complete stop, the final angular velocity is zero:

ωf = 0

Substituting the given values, we get:

Δt = (0 - 34.28) / (-1.77) ≈ 19.37 s

What is the r total angular distance traveled?

The formula for angular displacement is:

θ = ωo t + (1/2) α t^2

where θ is the angular displacement, ωo is the initial angular velocity, α is the angular acceleration, and t is the time interval. When the wheel comes to a complete stop, the final angular velocity is zero, so the formula simplifies to:

θ = ωo t + (1/2) α t^2

Substituting the given values, we get:

θ = (34.28 rad/s)(19.37 s) + (1/2)(-1.77 rad/s^2)(19.37 s)^2 ≈ -2003.9 rad

The negative sign indicates that the wheel has rotated in the opposite direction of its initial motion.

To get the total angular distance traveled by the wheel during this time interval, we take the absolute value of θ:

|θ| = |-2003.9 rad| = 2003.9 rad

Learn more about angular distance from



Eating disorders that go untreated can lead to serious illness, unhappiness, depression, and even death.




A. Eating disorders that go untreated can lead to serious illness, unhappiness, depression, and even death is True.

Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder can have serious psychological consequences if left untreated.

What is depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. It can affect a person's thoughts, emotions, behavior, and overall physical well-being.

What is anorexia?

Anorexia, also known as anorexia nervosa, is a serious eating disorder characterized by a persistent restriction of food intake, an intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted body image. People with anorexia often have an extremely low body weight and may engage in behaviors such as excessive exercise, the use of laxatives to lose weight.

To know more about depression, visit:



Complete question is: Eating disorders that go untreated can lead to serious illness, unhappiness, depression, and even death is True.

5.32 calculate ix and vo in the circuit of fig. 5.70. find the power dissipated by the 60-k resisto


The power dissipated by the 60-k Ohm resistor is 3 mv and 24mv.

[tex]=V_1=V =4mv\\=I_{iN}=\frac{4mv}{10k}=0.4\mu A\\= \frac{V_1 - V+}{50k}=0.4\mu A\\V_1 - 4m= 20m\\V_1 = 24mv[/tex]

[tex]i_x=\frac{V_1}{20+(6 || 3)} =\frac{24*10^{-3}}{(20+2.857)*10^{3}}\\i_x=1.05\mu A\\i_0=\frac{i_x*60}{60+3}=1\mu A\\V_0=3k*1\mu=3mv\\V_0=3mv[/tex]

An Ohm resistor is a passive electrical component that restricts the flow of current in an electrical circuit. It is named after Georg Simon Ohm, a German physicist who discovered Ohm's law which states that the current flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points.

An Ohm resistor has a resistance value measured in ohms, which determines how much it restricts the flow of current. The higher the resistance value, the more it restricts the current flow. Ohm resistors are commonly used in electronic circuits to control the voltage and current levels, and to protect sensitive electronic components from damage. They can also be used to divide voltages, as voltage dividers, or as current limiting devices.

To learn more about Ohm resistor visit here:



Complete Question: -

Calculate i_x and v_o in the circuit of Fig. 5.70. Find the power dissipated by the 60-k Ohm resistor.

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