// perform one step of span measurement:
// determine and return the span of the given day and price using recordStack
// additional updates to perform:
// add the measured span to the back of spanList
// add the pair of to the top of recordStack
// update priceSpanMap as needed to ensure it always records the max span
// of each price we have processed
// Assume day and price are always non-negative
// With your implementation of this method, the updating loop in runPrograms()
// should be O(n) in non-debug mode (i.e. excluding printing overhead)
// where n is the number of prices processed
// assume hashMap updating and searching is O(1)
method should be O(n)
//default return, remove or updated as needed
public int stepProcess(int day, int price) {


Answer 1

By using the record stack to keep track of the last day and price for each price, you can compute the span for the current price by subtracting the last day from the current day and adding 1.

To perform one step of SPAN measurement, you need to determine and return the span of the given day and price using the record stack. You also need to add the measured span to the back of the span list, add the pair of  to the top of the record stack, and update the price span map as needed to ensure it always records the max span of each price that has been processed.

Assuming day and price are always non-negative, and that the hashmap updating and searching is O(1), your implementation of this method should be O(n) in non-debug mode (i.e. excluding printing overhead), where n is the number of prices processed.

Here is an example of what the method should look like:

public int stepProcess(int day, int price) {
   int span = 0;
   if (!recordStack.isEmpty()) {
       Pair top = recordStack.peek();
       span = day - top.getKey() + 1;
   recordStack.push(new Pair<>(day, price));
   if (!priceSpanMap.containsKey(price) || span > priceSpanMap.get(price)) {
       priceSpanMap.put(price, span);
   return span;

In this method, you first check if the record stack is empty. If it is not empty, you get the top element of the stack and compute the span. You then add the span to the span list, add the  pair to the record stack, and update the price span map if needed. Finally, you return the span.

By keeping track of the maximum span for each price in the price span map, you can quickly find the max span for any price.

To know more about span measurement :https://brainly.com/question/777464


Related Questions

This calculates the total current value of an investment with a fixed rate, a specified number of payment periods, and a series of identical payments that will be made in the future. a. CV
b. PMT c. PV d. VALUE


The financial calculation that is used to determine the total current value of an investment with a fixed rate, a specified number of payment periods, and a series of identical payments that will be made in the future is called c.PV.

PV is an abbreviation for "present value." The present value is the current value of future cash flows. The current value of future cash flows is calculated using the present value formula, which is based on the time value of money concept. The present value formula calculates the total current value of an investment that generates a fixed return at a fixed rate, assuming that the investment is held for a fixed period of time.The present value formula is: PV = PMT x [(1 - (1 / (1 + r)n)) / r]Where:PMT = the amount of each paymentr = the interest raten = the number of payment periods.

Learn more about financial calculation: https://brainly.com/question/26554785


which of the following are characteristics of teredo tunneling? (select three.) answer a. is configured between individual hosts can be used to send data over the internet b. is configured between routers at different sites c. has dual-stack hosts uses an ipv6 address static association for the ipv4 address d. has dual-stack routers can't be used to send data over the internet


The following are characteristics of teredo tunnelling:

-Can be used to send data over the internet.

- Has dual-stack hosts.

- Static association for the IPv4 address.

Teredo tunnelling is a protocol used to enable communication between computers with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. It is configured between individual hosts and is used to send data over the internet. It has dual-stack hosts, meaning it has both an IPv4 address and a static association for the IPv6 address. Additionally, it has dual-stack routers, meaning it is able to support both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
The Teredo Tunneling is an IPv6 transition technology that provides full IPv6 connectivity for IPv6-capable hosts that are on the IPv4 Internet but which have no direct native connection to an IPv6 network. Teredo is capable of tunnelling IPv6 traffic over UDP/IPv4, which allows it to go through network address translation (NAT) devices that may have been placed on the IPv4 Internet. Teredo will automatically encapsulate and decapsulate the IPv6 packets in IPv4 datagrams, ensuring that the packets are delivered as needed.

Learn more about IPV4 here: https://brainly.com/question/29316957


1. write a program that reads text from the user and returns a list of the characters that are in the text together with a count of how many times each character appears. ignore white spaces and punctuation marks. (hint: use a char array to keep track of the characters and another array to store the counts for each corresponding character.) below is a sample run: enter the text to analyze: this is a sample text to analyze. the characters in the text are: t 1 h 1 i 2 s 3 a 4 m 1 p 1 l 2 e 3 t 3 x 1 o 1 n 1 y 1 z 1


The program takes user input text, removes whitespace and punctuation marks, and generates a list of characters along with their respective count. It uses a character array and count array to keep track of each character and its count.

To write a program that reads text from the user and returns a list of the characters that are in the text together with a count of how many times each character appears and ignore white spaces and punctuation marks:



           printf("%c %d\n",(i+'a'),count[i]);



Below are the steps the write the program:

-Enter the Text to analyze: Take input from the user and store it in a string str[].

-Iterate the string and check for the characters (A to Z or a to z).

-Ignore white spaces and punctuation marks.

-If a character is uppercase, change it to lowercase.

-Then, count the frequency of each character using an array of integers count[] (one count array for each corresponding character).

-Display the characters and the number of times each character appears.

The characters in the text are: x 1 s 3 a 4 l 2 i 2 h 1 t 3 m 1 n 1 o 1 p 1 e 3 y 1 z 1

Learn more about input text here: https://brainly.com/question/14311038


1. Write a program in assembly language that divides the screen into two equal horizontal colors using BIOS services. The colors of the upper and lower halves should be black and magenta respectively.
2. Print your ID at the center of the lower half. All the text in the lower half should blink except the ID.
ID is BC123456789
3. Print star characters in the upper half using loops; first incrementing from one to five and then decrementing from five to one


1) To write a program in assembly language that divides the screen into two equal horizontal colors using BIOS services, 2) To print your ID at the center of the lower half, and 3) to print star characters in the upper half using loops  you can use the INT 10h BIOS service.

1-To write a program in assembly language that divides the screen into two equal horizontal colors using BIOS services, you can use the INT 10h BIOS service. You will need to use the AH=0Ch function to set the video mode to a mode that supports dividing the screen into two halves. Then, you can use the AH=10h function to set the color of the upper and lower halves of the screen. For example, to set the upper half to black and the lower half to magenta, you can use AH=10h, AL=06h, BH=00h, BL=00h, CX=00h, and DX=0Fh. This will set the color of the upper half to black and the lower half to magenta.

2-To print your ID at the center of the lower half, you can use the INT 10h BIOS service to set the cursor position to the center of the lower half of the screen. Then, you can use the BIOS services to print your ID at that position. To make all the text in the lower half blink except the ID, you can use the AH=10h function with the BL=08h parameter to enable blinking. You can then disable blinking for the ID by using the AH=10h function with the BL=07h parameter.

3-To print star characters in the upper half using loops, you can use the INT 10h BIOS service to set the cursor position to the upper left corner of the screen. Then, you can use nested loops to print stars in the upper half. To print stars first incrementing from one to five and then decrementing from five to one, you can use nested loops with different step values.

Find out more about BIOS services



Jiro is working on a research project. His topic is a programming language that was designed to teach programming and was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Which of these is MOST likely his topic? a. Pascal b. FORTRAN c. Hexadecimal d.Procedural


Jiro is working on a research project. His topic is a programming language that was designed to teach programming and was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s. The most likely programming language that Jiro is researching is Pascal.

What is Pascal?

Pascal is a computer programming language that is named after Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher. It is an imperative, procedural programming language that was created in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth. Pascal was designed to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring. Pascal was initially designed to teach programming, and it quickly became a popular programming language because of its simplicity and ease of use.

Pascal was also widely used for scientific research, engineering, and business applications. Pascal was developed to improve on the shortcomings of the earlier programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL. It was developed with a focus on simplicity and readability. Pascal features, including data structuring, data types, and syntax, allowed the creation of reusable and scalable software.

Why is Pascal important?

Pascal is important because it was one of the first programming languages that used procedural programming, which means that programs are divided into reusable and smaller subroutines. It is still used today, although it has been largely replaced by other programming languages, like C++. Pascal's impact can still be seen in modern programming languages, including Java, Python, and C++. Pascal has influenced many languages in a variety of ways. The significance of Pascal can be traced to its impact on the future of programming languages.

Learn more about Pascal here:



a person's security clearance is a personnel security structure in which each user of an information asset is assigned an authorization level that identifies the level of classified information he or she is cleared to access. true or false?


This statement given "a person's security clearance is a personnel security structure in which each user of an information asset is assigned an authorization level that identifies the level of classified information he or she is cleared to access. " is true because a security clearance is a process that verifies an individual's trustworthiness and suitability for access to classified information.

The clearance level assigned to an individual corresponds to the level of sensitive information they are allowed to access. This personnel security structure ensures that classified information is only accessible by those who have a need to know and are deemed trustworthy to handle such information. This helps to protect national security and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

You can learn more about security clearance at



Suppose you want to estimate the win rate of a slot machine using the Monte Carlo method. MONTE CARLO BET WIN MAX BET After playing the machine for 700 times, the error between the estimated win rate and the actual win rate in the machine's setting is 10-4. If we want to further reduce this error to below 10-?, approximately how many total plays do we need? total number of plays number (rtol=0.01, atol=14-08)


19.2 million plays` are required to further reduce the error to below 10-14.08.

Let's discuss more below.
To estimate the win rate of a slot machine using the Monte Carlo method and reduce the error between the estimated win rate and the actual win rate to below 10-8, approximately 7,000 total plays are needed.

This is calculated using the relative tolerance (rtol) and absolute tolerance (atol) given in the question:

rtol = 0.01 and atol = 10-8.
let suppose you want to estimate the win rate of a slot machine.

After playing the machine for 700 times. The error between the estimated win rate and the actual win rate in the machine's setting is 10-4. If it is further reduce this error to below 10-?,

The total number of plays is represented by the variable `N`. Therefore, we can calculate it using the below formula:`

N = ((1.96/(atol/sqrt(N)))**2*(0.5*0.5))/((rtol)**2)` Here,`atol = 0.0001`rtol = `0.01` And we are to find `N`.

Substitute the given values in the above formula:`

N = ((1.96/(0.0001/sqrt(N)))**2*(0.5*0.5))/((0.01)**2)`

Simplify and solve for `N`.`N = ((1.96*2)**2)/((0.0001/sqrt(N))*(0.01)**2)`

Solving this expression further and taking the square root of both sides gives:

sqrt(N) = (1.96*2)/(0.0001*0.01)`

Hence, `N = ((1.96*2)/(0.0001*0.01))**2 = 19201600 ≈ 1.92*10^7

Therefore, approximately `19.2 million plays` are required to further reduce the error to below 10-14.08.

Learn more about Monte Carlo method.



A free online encyclopedia contains articles that can be written and edited by any user. Which of the following are advantages the online encyclopedia has over a traditional paper-based encyclopedia?
Select two answers.
The ability to easily check that the encyclopedia is free of copyrighted content
The ability to ensure that encyclopedia content is the same every time it is accessed
The ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content
The ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available


The two advantages the online encyclopedia has over a traditional paper-based encyclopedia are the ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content and the ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available. All of the options are correct.

What is an encyclopedia?

An encyclopedia is a reference work that contains information on numerous topics or many aspects of one subject. It provides access to information in a variety of formats, including text, pictures, maps, and diagrams.

A traditional paper-based encyclopedia is a book that contains information on a variety of subjects in alphabetical order. The pages of the encyclopedia contain articles with pictures, diagrams, and maps, as well as text.

An online encyclopedia is a website that contains articles on various topics. It may include a mix of original content and user-generated content. In contrast to traditional paper-based encyclopedias, online encyclopedias are frequently updated, and users can easily access the information from any device that has an internet connection.

The advantages the online encyclopedia has over a traditional paper-based encyclopedia are as follows:

The ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content.

The ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available.

The ability to ensure that encyclopedia content is the same every time it is accessed is an advantage of traditional paper-based encyclopedia, not online encyclopedia.

The ability to easily check that the encyclopedia is free of copyrighted content is an advantage of both online and traditional paper-based encyclopedia, not just online encyclopedia.

Learn more about Online encyclopedia here:



1. ReType the Following Javascript Code. * //My name is onEvent("bigButton", "click", function(){ setProperty("bigButton", "background-color", "red"); console.log("You clicked the reset button"); setScreen("screenMain"); playSound ("sound://category_animals/cat.mp3")

2. Describe what the following code does?




The following code will create a button that is clickable and will be in the color red however i dont see any font size or type....

I'm used to more of a code along the lines of .....


<button id="run" class="ms-Button">

   <span class="ms-Button-label">Run</span>


to begin, will the guest network be wired or wireless?to begin, will the guest network be wired or wireless?


In this scenario, it is more appropriate to set up a wireless guest network for the customers to use.

What is the network  about?

As the bookstore chain is planning to make the environment more inviting for customers to linger, adding a coffee shop to some of the stores, it is likely that customers will want to use their laptops, tablets or smartphones to access the internet. A wireless network would allow customers to connect to the internet using their own devices, without the need for additional hardware or cables.

In addition, setting up a wireless guest network would provide greater flexibility for the store locations, as customers can connect from anywhere within the store, rather than being limited to a specific location with a wired connection.

Note that the security is a critical consideration for any wireless guest network. It is important to ensure that the guest network is completely separate from the main business network, with appropriate access controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to business resources.

Read more about network here:



See full question below

You've been hired as an IT consultant by a company that runs a moderately sized bookstore chain in a tri-state area. The owners want to upgrade their information systems at all six store locations to improve inventory tracking between stores. They also want to add some new IT-related services for employees and customers. The owners are doing additional, moderate building renovations to increase the space available for seating areas as well as adding a small coffee shop to four of the stores. They want to make the environment more inviting for customers to linger while improving the overall customer experience.

Your first target for improvements is to upgrade the networking infrastructure at each store, and you need to make some decisions about how to design the guest network portion for customers to use.to begin, will the guest network be wired or wireless?

I recently upgraded our SonicWall TZ215 appliances to the latest firmware ( Since then my Log Monitors have become flooded by "Unhandled link-local or multicast IPv6 packet dropped" notice messages. These are originating from multiple workstations at 5 locations. I'm having a hard time finding documentation on the actual error message and trying to determine how concerned I should be with them. Has anyone else seen this issue?



The message "Unhandled link-local or multicast IPv6 packet dropped" means that either link-local or multicast IPv6 packets are being dropped by the SonicWall firewall. Most of the time, these types of packets are used to talk between devices on the same network segment. They are not meant to be sent to other parts of the network.

Even though firewalls often drop these kinds of packets, it is possible that the firmware update changed the way the firewall works, which is why more of these messages are being logged.

If you don't have any problems with your network's connection or performance and don't see any signs of bad behavior on your network, it's likely that you can safely ignore these messages. But if you are worried about the number of messages being sent or if you are having other problems, you might want to contact SonicWall support for more help.

there are a number of options available today for listening to online music, including such as pandora. a. internet radio stations b. media plug-ins c. open-source stores d. peer-to-peer sites


There are a number of options available today for listening to online music, including internet radio stations such as Pandora. The correct option is (a) internet radio stations.

What are the available options for music?

The different options can be internet radio stations, media plug-ins, open-source stores, and peer-to-peer sites among others.

Pandora is an internet radio station that allows its users to create their own stations according to their music tastes. They can listen to music free of cost by using the Pandora platform. It is one of the most popular internet radio stations worldwide.

There are numerous internet radio stations available worldwide that can be accessed through the internet. Therefore, the correct option is (a) internet radio stations.

Learn more about radio stations here:



consider the blue vertical line shown above (click on graph for better view) connecting the graphs and . referring to this blue line, match the statements below about rotating this line with the corresponding statements about the result obtained. 1. the result of rotating the line about the -axis is 2. the result of rotating the line about the -axis is 3. the result of rotating the line about the line is 4. the result of rotating the line about the line is 5. the result of rotating the line about the line is 6. the result of rotating the line about the line is 7. the result of rotating the line about the line is 8. the result of rotating the line about the line is a. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius b. a cylinder of radius and height can annulus with inner radius and outer radius d. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius e. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius f. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius g. a cylinder of radius and height h. a cylinder of radius and height


Just draw a vertical line through the graph to count the instances when it crosses the graph of the function. if at each given location, the graph is only crossed by the vertical line once.

How can you tell which graphs don't represent functions using the vertical line test?

The graph of a relation is said to reflect a function if a vertical line drawn anywhere on the graph only intersects the graph once. In the event that a vertical line can cross the graph at two or more locations,

Is it possible to tell if a function is one to one using the vertical line test?

A graph's function representation can be determined using the vertical line test.

To know more about function visit:-



Derek wants to remove columns from Query he doesn't need. To do so, he can select the columns he wants to remove with Ctrl+Click. Then he can select Remove Columns > Remove Columns in the Query Editor ribbon.True False


The given statement "Derek wants to remove columns from Query he doesn't need. To do so, he can select the columns he wants to remove with Ctrl+Click. Then he can select Remove Columns > Remove Columns in the Query Editor ribbon" is True.

In Microsoft Office Access, the ribbon is the strip of tabs and icons that sits above the work area. It contains the fundamental commands for working with a database. The Ribbon is a context-sensitive tool that displays the commands that are relevant to the task being performed, such as table design or form creation.

The Query Editor Ribbon, located at the top of the Microsoft Power Query editor window, provides quick access to various commonly used commands. To remove columns from Query in Microsoft Power Query Editor, you can select the columns you want to remove with Ctrl+Click.

Then, in the Query Editor Ribbon, you can select Remove Columns > Remove Columns. The selected columns will be removed from the Query.

You can learn more about Query Editor at: brainly.com/question/30154538


For C++
Assume the int variables i and result, have been declared but not initialized. Write a for loop header -- i.e. something of the form
for ( . . . )
for the following loop body: result = result * i;
When the loop terminates, result should hold the product of the odd numbers between 10 and 20. Just write the for loop header; do not write the loop body itself.
No other homework question I have is like this one, I've gotten the rest of them right so far. But for hints I keep getting that "you should consider using a comma".


The for loop header in C++ that iterates the loop from the values 10 to 20 is as follows:for (int i = 10; i <= 20; i++) { }

Note that the loop starts at 10 and ends at 20.

Let's discuss more below.

As soon as the loop initializes, the integer i is equal to 10. It then compares i to 20 in the loop header to see if it should terminate. If i is less than or equal to 20, the loop body is executed. The loop header's final expression (i++) increments i by one after each iteration to prepare for the next iteration.Here is how the loop body should be completed:

result = result * i;

This line will set the result equal to the product of the current value of i and the current value of result.

Learn more about loop.



Mr. Anderson had to set up an Ethernet network segment that can transmit data at a bandwidth of 1000 Mbps and cover a distance of 2000 m per segment. The available fiber-optic cable in the market was an SMF cable. Analyze and discuss which of the following fiber Ethernet standards he should follow under such circumstances.
a. 100BASE-SX
b. 1000BASE-SX
c. 1000BASE-LX
d. 100BASE-FX


Mr. Anderson should follow the b) 1000BASE-LX fiber Ethernet standard in this scenario.

The 1000BASE-LX standard supports data transmission at 1000 Mbps and can cover distances of up to 10 km with single-mode fiber (SMF) cable, which is suitable for the 2000 m distance requirement.

The 100BASE-SX and 100BASE-FX standards are designed for slower data transmission rates of 100 Mbps and operate over multimode fiber (MMF) cables with shorter transmission distances, making them unsuitable for this scenario.

The 1000BASE-SX standard also operates over MMF cables, which may not be able to support the necessary distance of 2000 m. Therefore, 1000BASE-LX is the most appropriate standard for this Ethernet network segment setup.

For more questions like Ethernet click the link below:



You are troubleshooting a problem with a blank LCD display. You have verified that it is connected to the computer and has power. What's the most likely problem?A. Incorrect driverB. Faulty CRT tubeC. Failed backlightD. Dead pixels


The most likely troubleshooting problem is a blank LCD display, which has been confirmed to be connected to the computer and has power, is a failed backlight.

An LCD is a flat-panel monitor that uses liquid crystal displays to generate images. When a computer's LCD display goes blank, it's usually caused by one of two things: either the backlight has failed or the monitor's LCD flat-panel display has become damaged.  You have verified that it is connected to the computer and has power. However, this could be attributed to any number of things, including faulty drivers, damaged hardware, and so on. The most common cause is a failed backlight because it is the component that produces the necessary light for the display to function properly. A dead backlight can cause a blank display, and it is the most likely cause of the problem. A faulty CRT tube is a monitor component, but it isn't applicable in this case. Dead pixels and incorrect drivers are not the most likely cause of a blank LCD display.

To know more about troubleshooting:https://brainly.com/question/28508198


Which of the following statements about algorithms is true?

Algorithms should be designed so that others will be able to modify them.
You can only have one algorithm for the same activity.
The best algorithm uses the most number of steps possible.
You must always follow the same steps to solve a problem.


The truth about algorithms is that two programmers can use various algorithms and yet produce a program that runs. Thus, choosing is the right one.

What is meant by programmer?Writing, modifying, and testing scripts and code by computer programmers ensures that software and applications run correctly. They convert the blueprints created by engineers and software developers into commands that a computer can understand. With high starting pay and significant opportunity for growth, software developers are well compensated. A software developer's median pay in 2020 was $110,140, and the lower range of entry-level incomes in the tenth percentile had a median of $65,210, according to the BLSs.Computer designers, coders, systems analysts, and programmers are all terms used to describe computer programmers.One of the hardest disciplines to learn, programming has a reputation for being challenging.

To learn more about programmer, refer to:


gulliver is trying to determine why one of the computers at work cannot connect to the network. he thinks it might be dhcp related but wants to rule out the computer itself as being the problem. gulliver manually configures the network settings that will allow the computer to connect to the network. what three values does he configure? select three.


IP Address is used to uniquely identify a machine on a network and must be set up with a working IP address that is appropriate for the network.

Are workstations on a network able to access a computer that provides services access to data files, applications, and peripheral devices?

Server: A computer that provides workstations on a network with services including access to data files, software, and peripheral devices.

Which of the following describes the third step in a network troubleshooting technique?

The third stage is to put the idea of probable causality to the test. If the theory is confirmed, the technician should move on to the next step. A new foundation needs to be built if it turns out that the theory is incorrect.

To know more about IP Address visit:-



what is the sdlc? select one. question 2 options: a. the software development life cycle is the time frame defined for the ideation, development, and release of a software product. b. the software design life cycle is a schema for the tasks associated with designing a software product. c. the software development life cycle is a framework that defines tasks performed at each step in the software development process. d. the software design life cycle is a framework that defines tasks performed at each step in the software design process.


The SDLC is "the software development life cycle is a framework that defines tasks performed at each step in the software development process". The answer is c.

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a methodology used by software development teams to design, develop, test, and deploy high-quality software. The SDLC provides a framework for software development teams to follow throughout the development process, from requirements gathering to design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

The SDLC typically includes various phases such as planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. By following the SDLC, software development teams can ensure that software projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet the desired quality standards.

You can learn more about SDLC at



Highest Values in List Write a function called highest_values that accepts as arguments a list of numeric values and a single integer (n). The function should return a list made up of the largest n values from the argument list in order from lowest to highest. For example, if the argument list is [46, 82, 25, 61, 70, 33, 54] and n is 3, the return value should be [61, 70, 82]. Assume that the argument list contains at least n elements.


Here's a possible implementation of the highest_values function in Python:

def highest_values(values, n):

   sorted_values = sorted(values)

   return sorted_values[-n:]

How does the above function work?

The function first sorts the input list of values using the sorted function, which returns a new sorted list without modifying the original one.

Then, it selects the last n elements of the sorted list using the slicing syntax [-n:], which returns a new list containing only the last n elements of the original list.

This should output [61, 70, 82], which are the three highest values in the input list [46, 82, 25, 61, 70, 33, 54] sorted in ascending order.

Learn more about Phyton Functions:


an array index cannot be of the double, float or string data types. (true or false)


True, a data type other than a double, float, or string cannot be used as an array index. The majority of computer languages require that array indexes, which are used to refer to particular members inside the array, be integers.

A numerical value called an array index is used to identify a particular element within an array. A type of data structure called an array enables the storage of several values in a single variable, each of which is given a distinct index. The position of each element in the array is indicated by the index, which is normally an integer starting at 0. A programme can access and modify the value stored at a certain point by supplying an array index. Programming with arrays requires an understanding of how array indexes function since they enable effective and ordered data storage and retrieval.

Learn more about array index here:



The following statements discuss the relationship between media technologies and society. Which of the following statements is not an example of a "technologically determinist" argument?
The invention of television created an obsession with visual culture and caused the decline in the seriousness of rational public discourse.


According to the statement given, the following statements discuss the relationship between media technologies and society. The statement that is not an example of a "technologically determinist" argument is given below: "The invention of television created an obsession with visual culture and caused the decline in the seriousness of rational public discourse.

Detailed explanation of answer.

Technological determinism is a theory that states that technology, more than any other factor, shapes human life, and the way individuals interact in society. In this sense, technological determinism asserts that people's behavior is primarily determined by the tools and machines they use. According to this approach, technological development is the driving force of social change.

The invention of television created an obsession with visual culture and caused the decline in the seriousness of rational public discourse. This statement is not an example of a "technologically determinist" argument, as it does not emphasize technology's influence on society. Instead, it highlights how television has impacted public discourse by producing an obsession with visual culture and causing a decline in rational discourse.

In this case, the technology, the television, is seen as a tool that has significant cultural and social impacts on society.

Learn more about technology.



(d) State three uses of the Start menu​


Accessing installed applications, Customizing the desktop, Searching for files and folders

What is Start menu​?

The Start menu is a user interface element used in Microsoft Windows operating systems. It provides a central launching point for computer programs and performing other tasks. It can be accessed by clicking the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen.

The Start menu provides a convenient list of all installed applications, so users can quickly launch their favorite programs. The Start menu also allows users to customize the desktop by changing the wallpaper, adding gadgets, and changing other settings.

Users can also search for files and folders using the Start menu, making it easier to locate files quickly.

Learn more about Start menu​ here:



What will be the pseudo code and flow chart for this?

If the salary is 9000 or greater, tax of 15% should be applied. If the salary is less than 9000, no tax is applied.
Show the gross salary at the end.



Sure! Here's a possible pseudo-code and flow chart for this program:

Pseudo code:

Ask the user for their salary.

If the salary is greater than or equal to 9000, apply a tax of 15% and calculate the net salary.

If the salary is less than 9000, do not apply any tax and set the net salary equal to the gross salary.

Display the gross and net salaries.

Flow chart:


  |    Start Program     |





  | Ask for salary input |





  | Check if salary >= 9000 |




         |         |

         v         v

  +----------------+  +----------------+

  | Apply 15% tax |  | Set net salary  |

  +----------------+  +----------------+

         |                    |

         v                    v

  +----------------+  +----------------+

  | Calculate net  |  | Display results |

  +----------------+  +----------------+




  |     End Program      |



Goodwill is recognized only when it is purchased. this statement is true or false?


The given statement "Goodwill is recognized only when it is purchased" is false because goodwill is an intangible asset that represents the excess amount of purchase price over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired in an acquisition.

These intangible factors contribute to the company's ability to generate profits, making them an asset for the company that possesses them. Goodwill is not something that is purchased; rather, it is something that arises naturally as a consequence of a successful business or a well-known brand.

However, goodwill is recognized as an asset on a company's balance sheet if it is acquired through an acquisition for a price higher than the fair value of the assets acquired.

If the fair market value of the goodwill asset falls below its carrying value, an impairment loss is recognized in the income statement.

For such more question on intangible:



besides using existing graphics, what is one other approach to procuring graphics, according to chapter 8?


According to Chapter 8, besides using existing graphics, another approach to procuring graphics is creating new graphics.

This can be achieved using a variety of tools and software to create unique visual elements that are tailored to the needs of the project at hand. The use of new graphics can help to enhance the visual appeal of a project and communicate complex ideas more effectively.

Creating graphics involves the following stages and approaches:

Conceptualization - This stage entails coming up with an idea for the graphic and refining it to suit the specific requirements of the project. This is where one decides the look and feel of the graphic.

Design - This stage involves creating a detailed plan or sketch of the graphic, including elements such as colors, fonts, shapes, and composition. A rough draft of the graphic may also be created at this stage.Implementation - This stage involves the actual creation of the graphic using software such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, or Inkscape. The graphic is refined and polished until it meets the desired quality standards.

Testing - This stage involves testing the graphic in different scenarios to ensure that it performs as intended. Feedback is sought and any necessary modifications are made.

To learn more about graphics, click here:



Which of the following packages will provide you with the utilities to set up Git VCS on a system?A. GitHubB. GitC. BitbucketD. Gitlab


The package that will provide utilities to set up Git VCS on a system is Git. Thus, Option B is correct.

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git can be easily installed on various operating systems and provides a command-line interface and GUI tools to manage version control of projects.

While GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab are web-based Git repository hosting services that offer additional features such as issue tracking, project management, and collaboration tools, Git is the underlying tool that is used for version control.

Therefore, to set up Git on a system, one needs to install the Git package and then use it to manage the project's version control. Option B holds true.

Learn more about GIT https://brainly.com/question/19721192


How do you insert a VLOOKUP formula in Excel?


In order to insert a VLOOKUP formula in Excel, Click on the cell , Type the equal sign, Type VLOOKUP, select the lookup value,   select the range of cells, select the column number, type "FALSE" or "0, and Press Enter.

To insert a VLOOKUP formula in Excel, follow these steps:

Click on the cell where you want the result of the VLOOKUP formula to appearType the equal sign (=) to start the formula.Type "VLOOKUP(" without the quotes, to indicate that you want to use the VLOOKUP function.Type or select the lookup value or cell reference that you want to use as the first argument of the VLOOKUP function, followed by a comma.Type or select the range of cells that contain the data you want to search, followed by a comma.Type or select the column number or letter from which you want to retrieve the data, followed by a comma.Type "FALSE" or "0" to indicate an exact match or "TRUE" or "1" to indicate an approximate match, followed by a closing parenthesis.Press Enter to complete the formula.

Here's an example of a VLOOKUP formula that searches for the value "apples" in column A of a range named "Fruits" and retrieves the corresponding value from column B:


Learn more about  VLOOKUP formula :https://brainly.com/question/30154209


application software is? group of answer choices tasks like the operating system and utilities specific tasks like word processors, web browser, email, applications, games, etc keyboard and mouse patches


Application software is B: specific tasks like word processors, web browsers, email clients, applications, games, etc.

Unlike the operating system and utilities, which are responsible for managing and maintaining the computer system, application software is designed to provide users with tools to perform specific tasks. Application software can range from simple programs like text editors and calculators to complex applications used in industries like healthcare, finance, and engineering.

Application software is designed to interact with the operating system and other system resources, such as input/output devices, memory, and storage, to perform its tasks. It can be developed for a variety of platforms, including desktop computers, mobile devices, and cloud-based systems.

Keyboard and mouse are input devices used to interact with application software, while patches are updates to software programs designed to fix bugs and vulnerabilities or add new features.

You can learn more about Application software at



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Required Resources Implement in Packet tracer using the following resources: - 1 Router (Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 16.9.4 universal image or comparable) - 1 Switch (Cisco 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable) - 2 PCsi - Console cables to configure the Cisco los devices via the console ports - Ethernet cables as shown in the topology Instructions Part 1: Develop an IP Addressing Scheme Total points: 20 Time: 25 minutes a. Subnet one network belowifyour choice)to provide IP addresses to two subnets that will support the required number of hosts. No subnet calculators may be used. All work must be shown using the IP Addressing worksheet below. IP Addressing Worksheet b. Record your subnet assignment in the table below. 1) Assign the first IPv4 address of each subnet to a router interface (i) subnet A is hosted on R1G/O/1 (ii) subnet B is hosted on R1GO/0/0 40. 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(select two.) public class RowvColumn{public static void main(String[] args){/**This program compares the run-time between row-major and column major* ordering.*///creating a 2d Arrayint[][] twoD = new int[5000][5000];long start = System.currentTimeMillis();for (int row = 0 ; row < twoD.length; row++){for (int col = 0; col < twoD[row].length; col++){twoD[row][col] = row + col;}}long mid = System.currentTimeMillis();for (int row = 0; row < twoD.length; row++){for (int col = 0; col < twoD[row].length; col++){twoD[col][row] = row + col;}}long end = System.currentTimeMillis();System.out.println("Speed to traverse Row-Major (Milliseconds): " + (mid - start));System.out.println("Speed to traverse Column-Major (Milliseconds): " + (end-mid));}}Using the example code from Row vs. Column Major, answer the following questions in complete sentences:Is Row-Major or Column-Major order faster? Why do you think that is. Please explain using execution counts.In what scenario would you use Row-Major ordering when traversing a 2D array? In what scenario would you use Column-Major ordering? Which religion dominated the German states? according to John Stuart mill _____ had resigned in England because the English government had held total authority over it's people A) Despotism B) Romanticism C) Socialism D) Realism convert the following linear programming problem to standard form: maximize 2^i -f x2 subject to 0 < x\ < 2 x\ %2 < 3 x\ 2x2 < 5 x2 >0 .