please help!!! I will Mark you as BRAINLIEST. ​

Please Help!!! I Will Mark You As BRAINLIEST.


Answer 1
1. odysseus excessive pride is what brings all misfortune in the beginning. his thirst for expansion and power causes him to clash with gods and ultimately hinder him from seeing his wife again. but he becomes to come back to his senses and upon returning home he kills all of the suitors who wanted to take his place and who were badgering his wife displaying selflessness rather than selfishness.

2. he treats the cowherd very fairly and respectfully. he promises as long as they stand beside him they will each get a wife and property next to his. and the response is their continuous loyalty, some even waiting for his return to ithaca

3 the odyssey, despite it’s ancient age, still holds a remarkable amount of relevancy, as it preaches some of the most fundamental lessons that hold up to this day. these messages, more or less simple ideas, of commemoration and the destructive trait of arrogance are still important to know. Today we live in a world of heavy self-interest, where status and power are desired more than ever. we see a lot characters throughout the text that exhibit hubris but in particular the suitors who want the title of king, display the lesson precisely. they clash with each other for the spot and frighten penelope. in the resolution, odysseus slays them for doing killing elpenor, the most disrespectful first.

4 it would be overwhelming. they would experience ephemerality because ultimately people would move on along with the family. odysseus partner would move on much quicker in modern times because it’s common practice.

5 from odysseus’ perspective he went through his entire journey to ultimately return to his wife. the idea of someone replacing him and being with his wife was evidently enough to massacre them.

a argo was very excited to see him but immediately after he greeted odysseus flattened his ears and died

b the test of bow was created by penelope: whoever could string and shoot odysseus’ bow through 12 axe heads they would be granted her hand in marriage.

c eumaeus and philoetius. he needed them to execute his plan

d i have no images but odysseus asks for the bow, penelope insists he gets a chance, odysseus examines his bow as other snicker, he strings it, he shoots it.

e she tells her servant to move their marriage bed. this causes odysseus to be upset as he explains he made the bedroom out of ancient olive tree and he used the tree in the bedpost. he is angry because he was afraid the removed the olive tree bed and replaced it with a removable one thus confirms it is odysseus.

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The important thing she said was on the way which she answered the question thrown to her by the people.



Now you will put what you learned into practice. Remember, some ways to improve word choice include:

Use a thesaurus to find synonyms

Use words that are specific, not vague

Stay away from using verbs like: is, was, were, & are

Rewrite the paragraph below to include more descriptive and colorful language that suggests a mood of exuberance or excitement. Specifically, edit this paragraph for word choice. Feel free to use a thesaurus, but try to maintain your own personal voice. For example, don’t use words you wouldn’t normally use. Make sure to edit for errors in conventions before turning it in.

Paragraph to rewrite:

"I had the best day ever. First, I woke up. Then, I got a package in the mail. I opened it. It was the best gift ever. Then, my aunt came over with a birthday cake and presents for the party. All my friends arrived and we had a good time. I’ll always remember this day."


I had the most wonderful day ever. First and foremost, I awoke. After then, I received a parcel in the mail. It was opened by me. It was the best present I'd ever received. After that, my aunt arrived with a birthday cake and party favours. All of my pals showed there, and we had a great time. This is a day I'll never forget.

Paragraphs exist as groups of sentences that transfer a standard idea. They are all written about a particular topic, just like friends usually share a typical interest.

What is a Paragraph?

Each paragraph in the body of the paper should contain a topic sentence, supporting attributes to support the topic sentence, and a concluding sentence. The paragraph's meaning and scope will specify its length, but most paragraphs include at least two complete sentences.

A suitable example of a paragraph includes a topic sentence, details, and a conclusion. 'There are many various types of animals that live in China.

Paragraphs exist as groups of sentences that transfer a standard idea. They are all written about a particular topic, just like friends usually share a typical interest. Paragraphs often contain examples or proof to support a topic, idea, or opinion.

The rewrite paragraph is,

I had the most wonderful day ever. First and foremost, I awoke. After then, I received a parcel in the mail. It was opened by me. It was the best present I'd ever received. After that, my aunt arrived with a birthday cake and party favors. All of my pals showed there, and we had a great time. This is a day I'll never forget.

To learn more about paragraph refer to:


How should a reader analyze indirect characterization? Select four options.

by noticing adjectives that provide details describing the character
by noticing how the character interacts with other characters
by noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinks
by noticing how the other characters perceive the character
by noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character
by noticing statements the narrator makes about the character’s personality
by noticing statements the narrator makes about the character’s appearance



B, C, D, and E. (By noticing how the character interacts with other characters), (by noticing details about what character says, does, thinks), (by noticing how the other characters perceive the character), and (by noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character)



Answer:B C D E


How does creon feel about the state law?



He feels that the State Law is submissive to him and therefore, he must be obeyed at all costs because everything he decides and says is law.


Hi. Although you did not submit the text this question refers to. It is possible, from the context of the question and the name of the character presented, that this question is related to the playwright "Antigone."

This play seeks to present the fate of each of Oedipus Rei's children. The sons of Oedipus are Eteocles, Polynices, Antigone and Ismenia and it is they who must dominate the kingdom, however a conflict between Eteocles and Polynices causes one to kill the other, causing their uncle Creon to take over throne.

For Creon, who has the privilege of ascending the throne has complete control of all political, economic and social power. Furthermore, he believes that all elements that make up a realm must be subject to it, even to states law. Creon believes that the states law is under his rule and for that reason, all the things he speaks must be obeyed by all citizens regardless of the circumstances. Creon acts like a dictator and causes the death of anyone who dares disobey him.

List four ways a student can be more effective in studying.



-Listening to their choice of music

-have a quiet place

-Make the room comfortable

-Have a certain motivation


1. Select where you will study so that you are not distracted.

2. Plan deadlines for each required project. A calendar with space to write deadlines for reading reports, tests, and projects is helpful for spacing study time efficiently.

3. Develop the ability to concentrate well. When reading, underline or take notes on important statements, including dates, facts, or important thoughts and ideas. Making outlines is especially helpful, as is asking for clarification on anything not understood.

4. Begin studying for a test a few days in advance rather than cramming the night before. By studying in advance of a test, you are able to review the material and make sure it is understood

Read the sentence. The media criticized Governor Dunham's callous behavior, noting that the politician regularly ignored the struggles of the people who had voted for her. What is the definition of "callous" in this context? immature impolite unenthusiastic unsympathetic



It's most likely unsympathetic.

Based on the provided information,  the definition of "callous" in this context is unsympathetic.

According to this question, we were to analyze the given sentence and determine the context that callous is been used.

As a result of this we can awe that it is used as unsympathetic, which is act of not sharing the feelings or not been care.

Learn more about sentences at:

He said that his daughter was going to fly to Florida for a business meeting. (into direct speech)​



"My daughter is going to fly to Florida for a business meeting," he said.

please help me yo interpret this​



where are the questions?


An article detailing the many uses of a new multi-purpose tool. It explains how the
tool can perform the tasks of a hammer, screwdriver, wrench, and knife. It is four
tools in one, so you will always have the tool you need when you have one of these.
a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade



b. To inform.


An article may be written according to the requirement of either providing information, to appeal to the people, to entertain, or even to simply state facts. And such texts help in disseminating information to people.

In the given article, we can understand that the article is about a "new multi-purpose tool ... [that] can perform the tasks of a hammer, screwdriver, wrench, and knife." Based on the given information about the new tool, we can assume that it is written to inform the public or readers about the new tool.

Thus, the correct answer is option b.

Locate the indefinite pronoun in the following sentence.
We owe the success of the project to everyone.






it's a singular indefinite pronoun because it isn't referring to a specific person, place or thing like a regular pronoun does.

what skin color is martin luther king jr.



he is a american who minister and social rights



Hiii you can help me pliss :(



1. am watching

2. is not listening

3. are sitting


All of those above is at present continuous tense.

am watching

is not listening

are sitting

The purpose of learning about your audience, asking questions before presenting, and analyzing the diversity of your audience is to be able to:



tailor your speech to meet the audience's needs


Audience analysis is the term that is used to describe the process of analyzing the audiences beliefs, thoughts, perception and interests before delivering any speech before them. This helps in better representation of the ideas of the speaker by given the appropriate references. Understanding the audiences perspective is also important to help in better delivery of ideas and speech and in proper manner.

which senario most accuratly represents james greens reasoning


Answer: i can only say this: C. Paying a woman the same as a man will make it harder for the

man to support his family. Thng

Explanation: this just makes sense since if both the man and woman were paid the same, they would earn the same salary and both could support the family, kinda a win-win

Why do the men fall silent as they pass the Japanese cities?
They are told to quiet down by the lieutenant, who fears that the Japanese will retaliate if they celebrate
too hard.
They realize the horrible destruction that happened, and even though it's what ultimately freed them, they
recognize how horrific and fatal this war was for both sides.



The United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of ... to look into the possibility of developing a nuclear weapon after he received a letter ... the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would shorten the war and thereby save the bomb and its moral implications: Would the United States have acted so.By the end of 1945, the atomic bombings of Japan had killed an estimated 140000 people at Hiroshima and 74000 at Nagasaki


200words​ Essay​ my​ dream​ country​ (New​ Zealand)​


New Zealand is a land of magnificent and unordinary beauty. This is a wonderful place to learn English, enjoy nature and go mountain-skiing. It is no secret that “The Lord of The Rings” was shot in New Zealand – the nature of New Zealand so closely resembles the magical country! If you are keen on active tourism, you can find all the necessary facilities for hiking, mountain-skiing, rafting and many other kinds of sports here. The country’s distinguishing characteristic is the beauty of its nature. Make your dreams come true! Swim together with dolphins, admire whales, and go fishing! New Zealand is an island country but the sizes of the islands are not large, so it is quite easy and pleasant to travel about/around (not really sure of ‘about/around) regardless of what means of transport you use – a car, a bus, or even a bicycle.

New Zealand culture is quite unordinary. New Zealanders represent a mix of Europeans and the Maoris. They are very friendly and hospitable. A foreigner will be surprised by being greeted on the street by complete strangers. The atmosphere of relaxation and peacefulness prevails everywhere in New Zealand. The murder rate is extremely low compared to any other country of the world and the bribery rate among governmental workers is the lowest in the world (supposedly, there is no such thing as bribes in New Zealand at all). By the way, governmental ministers do not have body guards or escorts. Naturally, making an appointment with one of them is quite easy. Sometimes you can even meet a minister while standing in line in a supermarket. Another practical thing you should know about when you are in New Zealand – you should not give tips in hotels, restaurants etc. because tips are uncommon here.

The local art and culture originated by combining things that cannot normally be combined, hence their passing resemblance to common cultures and arts.

Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is situated in the wonderful harbor on the edge of the “Northern” island. Guidebooks recommend paying particular attention to the following sights. These are: the modernistic building of the executive branch of the Parliament – Beehive, the ancient building of the government (one of the biggest buildings in the world made completely from wood), the National Library with an excellent collection of literature, Catherine Mansfield’s Memorial, and more. There are a few interesting museums such as the Maori Museum called “Te Papa” in Wellington. But the place that is definitely worth a visit is located not far from the capital. It is Mount Victoria. You can come in sight of the mountain from the city’s streets. What an impressive sight!

What is the best time to go to New Zealand? Owing to the favorable location, New Zealand’s climate is fairly mild the whole year, so you can visit the country any time of the year. However, they usually emphasize the “main” season – November through April. There are a lot of tourists arriving at this time of the year, so it is quite reasonable to reserve a hotel room in advance. If you like mountain-skiing, the best time for you to come is winter – June through August. In general, if you can come any time of the year, we advise you come before or after the main season. The weather is pretty warm but there are no crowds of tourists and you can go sightseeing anywhere you want without having to care about the availability of tickets.

was that too long

I hope this

How does the rewriting of history concerning Snowball grow increasingly ridiculous? What change do you detect in the animals' reaction to each new revision of the "facts"?


Answer and Explanation:

This question concerns the allegorical novella "Animal Farm", first published in 1945. Its author is the British novelist George Orwell (1903-1950), who famously wrote it to criticize the Soviet regime in Russia.

In the novel, the animals take over the farm where they live by kicking out their human owners. The pigs, who are the most intelligent among them, are the ones who take the leadership and who organize the new society. Snowball is the most active and inspired of the pigs and, for that reason, is much admired by the other animals. Napoleon, another pig, grows jealous. Being greedy, he plots against Snowball and has his dogs chase Snowball out of the farm.

After that, Napoleon works hard to taint Snowballs reputation. Let's take a look at what Snowball really did and what Napoleon claims to be the truth:

- Snowball fought alongside the other animals during the battle against the humans who came to recover the farm. --> Napoleon first claims this story was exaggerated. Later, he even says that Snowball actually fought against the animals.

- Snowball made plans to improve the farm and make the animals' lives easier. He even designed a windmill to be built by the animals. --> Napoleon claims the windmill idea was originally his and that Snowball never wanted it to be built.

- After being chased out of the farm, Snowball disappears. --> Napoleon constantly tells the other animals that Snowball is sabotaging and spying on them.

Each time a new lie is told about Snowball, the animals are confused. They still remember a little of what really took place. But, since they are not as clever as the pigs, they doubt their own memories, half-believing what Napoleon claims to be the truth. Confused, the animals go on being deceived and exploited by Napoleon.

I want to climb the mountain closest to me, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. Select the sentence that uses a demonstrative pronoun correctly. I want to climb that mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. I want to climb these mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. I want to climb this mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. I want to climb those mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away.



I want to climb this mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away

To convince readers that censors have unjust motives the author uses rhetoric appeals mostly to what


To convince readers that censors have unfair motives, the author uses rhetoric to appeal primarily to emotion.
The author is using the manipulation of the receiver's feelings as a way of convincing him of the validity of his argument. The appeal to emotion can be done in very different ways, causing your recipient a good feeling, such as joy and excitement, or bad, like fear and guilt. In appeal to emotion, the validity of arguments is ignored, taking into account only those that seem pleasing to him, being considered an irrational way of playing something
This can be perceived when the author says that reading is a path to freedom, that nobody should prevent this path, however, this impediment is increasingly frequent in the country.




Although I don't have my driver's license.
Which error does the sentence above make?
sentence fragment
fused sentence
O comma splice
independent clause





The error that makes the sentence wrong is the word of "Although." It makes the sentence like a fragment. It looks like it need another clause to make it a complete one.


Sentence fragment


A sentence fragment is like an unfinished sentence. To fix the sentence, "although i don't have my driver's license," you would need to say that although I don't have my driver's license, I can still go where I want to go because my mom takes me or you could also say Although I don't have my drivers license, I have my permit and will soon take the drivers test to get my license.

Read the following excerpt from “The Gift of the Magi” and answer the question.

For there lay The Combs--the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims--just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least hope of possession. And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone.

But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim! And them Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, "Oh, oh!" Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him eagerly upon her open palm. The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and ardent spirit."Isn't it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it."

Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled."Della," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. They're too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops on."

The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, their gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.

The excerpt above is an example of which story element?
initiating event
plot complications


I I which I could help I tho it was c


C) Climax


Which statement should Sarai use if she wants to appeal to emotion in her argument?

I plan to ask my aunts and uncles if they will consider spaying or neutering their pets.
The director of the city shelter says she is looking for 125 foster families.
My best friend went to the shelter and adopted a neutered cat that made him smile every day.
People who can ignore our pet crisis have no heart.



I plan to ask my uncle or cousin's.the director says nothing

Complete with the right adjective pronoun
My father read ____ comic book (He)
What do you want to buy for _____ birthday (THEY

My dog sleeps in _____ it

How much do you need to buy _______

Why dont you want to visit ______ country (we)



his, their, it, it, our.


My father read his comic book

what do you want to buy for their birthday

my dog sleep in it

why don't you want to visit our country

Find an example of a Hyperbole



A "coin large enough to buy the world with" would be an example of a hyperbole.

Addressing the families of the astronauts is mainly an appeal to





Ronald Reagan's address on the space shuttle Challenger appeals to emotions.

Looking at the address, we discover that he sympathizes with the families of the astronauts that lost their loved ones.  He stated "For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy. But we feel the loss, and we're thinking about you so very much". Those lines in the address actually invoke feelings of pity and sympathy in the audience.

So, it is an appeal to emotions.





Accountability means all group members are held responsible for adhering to the
group norms and working toward the group's goal.



Yes! That is essentially what accountability means. Holding yourself responsible.

Definition of Accountability:

the quality or state of being accountable

especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions




Read the short speech.

Operating a motor vehicle requires a driver’s undivided attention. Navigating the roads, attending to road signs, and anticipating the behavior of others demands focus. Young drivers must ignore distractions that hinder their concentration, such as texting. Texting while driving is a blindfold that obstructs views and destroys caution. In the worst situations, it leads to destruction and can be fatal.

Identify the metaphor in the speech.

“a driver’s undivided attention”
“anticipating the behavior of others”
“young drivers must ignore distractions”
“texting while driving is a blindfold”






“young drivers must ignore distractions”


Correct on Edge2022

Study the timeline of Russian history, and read the passage from chapter 1 of Animal Farm.

A timeline of Russian history from 1890 to 1940. On Bloody Sunday, the imperial guard massacres protestors in 1905, Lenin leads the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Lenin and Stalin establish the U S S R in 1922, and agriculture is collectivized by the Communist Party in 1928.

They were so delighted with the song that they sang it right through five times in succession, and might have continued singing it all night if they had not been interrupted.

Unfortunately, the uproar awoke Mr. Jones, who sprang out of bed, making sure that there was a fox in the yard. He seized the gun which always stood in a corner of his bedroom, and let fly a charge of Number 6 shot into the darkness. The pellets buried themselves in the wall of the barn and the meeting broke up hurriedly.

Which historical event is this passage most reminiscent of?

Bloody Sunday
the Bolshevik Revolution
the rise of Lenin


The historical event is this passage most reminiscent of is the Bolshevik Revolution. Thus the correct option is B.

What is Inference?

Inference in a piece of literature is the process of reaching a conclusion about a given topic using the facts and evidence that are specific to that work of literature.

The historical occurrence that this chapter most closely resembles is the Bolshevik Revolution, about which the author informs the reader and gives evidence.

The socialist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin headed the Bolsheviks, who overthrew the czarist tradition during the Russian Revolution. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union would ultimately evolve from the Bolsheviks informing the reader in the passage.

Therefore, option B the Bolshevik Revolution is appropriate.

Learn more about Inference, here:


Answer: it is b on edge

Explanation: inst-httpskota

What do the readings of voices of an emerging nation reveal about diversity within the new nation use at least three specific examples from the text your answer should be at least once complete paragraph


Answer and Explanation:

"Voices of an Emerging Nation" addresses how the population of the American colonies organized and structured the country we know today. This was not an easy task, much less a calm one to be structured, because in addition to the vast territory and the large number of individuals on American soil, these individuals were different from each other and had cultures, religions, customs and wills different from each other. Although all this difference made the country a highly diverse and culturally rich place, this diversity became dangerous at times, as each former colonia, within its own culture, had its own opinions on how the country should be managed. This diversity could cause separation of colonies and disorganization, for this reason, it was necessary to listen to everyone's opinion and look for a comprehensive way to meet them, without seeming that any culture was being left behind and thus creating a unified country, even that diversified.

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