please help with english ixl! its ninth grade and im only in 7th I have to finish it by tomorrow for class

Please Help With English Ixl! Its Ninth Grade And Im Only In 7th I Have To Finish It By Tomorrow For


Answer 1


Most likely the bottom one.

Answer 2
I would choose the last one (C)

Related Questions

Then, in one to two sentences, identify what thing the author has given a human quality and what that human quality is. of this tongues applaud as Casey steps into the batter's box and wipes his hands on his shirt.



The similes used in the stanza which describes Casey's physical appearance create an excited mood.


Chinese new year:
When is the holiday?
what does the holiday celebrate?
How is this holiday celebrated?
Why is xijinping famous for (overall)?
ow did they accomplish what they’re famous for (tell me 2 specific actions)?



When is the holiday?

Chinese new year is between January 21 and February 20

What does the holiday celebrate?

Chinese new year celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.

How is this holiday celebrated?

Chinese new year is celebrated by putting up decorations, offering sacrifices to ancestors, eating reunion dinner with family on New Year's Eve,  giving red envelopes 红包 ( Money)  and other gifts, firecrackers and fireworks(焰火) , and watching lion and dragon dances.

What are they famous for (overall)?

Xi JinPing(习近平) is a chinese politician who has been serving as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and as well as  Chairman of the Central Military Commission

How did they accomplish what they’re famous for (tell me 2 specific actions)?

Xi JinPing(习近平) abolished presidential term restriction. Xi JinPing(习近平) is the first CCP General Secretary born after the start of the People's Republic of China. (习近平) has introduced  enforce party discipline and to impose internal unity.




Chinese calendar is a lunar calendar based on Moon's motion across the sky. So it is different from the Roman calendar used in the West. Chinese New Year is the beginning of a new year. It is typically in February and celebrates arrival of spring season. Xijinping is the current Premier of China. He shutdown many cities in China during the pandemic. He managed to limit its spread in China. He also increased military spending in China. Now China has not only the largest standing army in the world; it is also quite modernized in technologies.

here is my discussion to help anwser this question

What is the conflict in the story? the queen bee wants to kill the princess so she can stay the queen

What is the theme of the story? the theme is that hard work could pay off and what you give is what you get

How do the characters of the story influence the theme and conflict? the bees don't want to work because if beatufull outside

How does the setting influence the theme and conflict The setting is that everyone wants to be lazy and rest instead of work since it looks so beautiful outside
How does the plot influence the theme and conflict? The plot influences the theme and conflict because the queen bee wants to kill the princesses so that is what makes the conflict and what influences the theme is that the larvae keeps thinking and acting like she is queen and then she becomes queen which implies the message "Fake it till' you make it".

and this is the queiston yall have to anwser pls help. What evidence did you cite to support your opinion? Did you provide relevant comments and how did you move the discussion to a deeper level?



The theme of "The Queen Bee"by Carl Ewald was on Hardwork. This is because, the other bees wanted not to work for the farmer but to go out there in the field for other things but was called back by the Queen bee.

The theme of a story is what the author is trying to convey — in other words, the central idea of the story. Short stories often have just one theme, whereas novels usually have multiple themes.

The Secret Life of Bees demonstrates the irrationality of racism by not only portraying black and white characters with dignity and humanity but by also demonstrating how Lily struggles with—and ultimately overcomes—her own racism.


I need help with an argumentative essay on wether college should be free for students who keep their grades up.
this assignment grade lvl is 8th



Collage students should be able to.


Sometimes people dont have the money but they put the work in. They should be awarded by getting to go for free if there grades are B or higher. At least most of there grades should look like that to be awarded free collage.

Answer:The downside can affect the student’s own life.  If college is free, students would not focus seriously on their college education. They just go to college because it is free. The results could be dropping out of college and graduation rate would be lower. Or another effect that students are not well prepare enough for the real world because they just try to get the degree to graduate and actually not learn anything. If going to college is free, it is similar of students go to elementary, middle or high school, they are just going to school and are not really think ahead of their future. But when students get to college, hopefully they are old enough to realize what is best for them. If free college could happen, students should be thankful for that and try their best to achieve what they want.

College should be free because of it can makes a big effect on student 's lives. If college can be free, more students would go to school and to get a higher degree for themselves. Then after graduating college without debt, students can be able to think about their own life such as doing business, buying house, etc. Also a better - educated population can make positive effect on the society. There could be downside of the situation but students could be able to overcome it because going to college is for their own education and life. Going to college is for changing the student 's own futures and also Long ago, there have been massive arguments about whether or not community college should be free. Nowadays, a college education has become fundamental in today's society. Each year, education is becoming challenging in today's marketplace. Thus, many people, including students question whether community college tuition should be free given. I firmly believe free community college should be provided and financed by the U.S. government. It will encourage learners to concentrate on their studies, and encourage them to work harder in school. In result, a significant increase in student grades will rise. Therefore, the opportunity will create student, specifically low-income student to have more advantages.

Firstly, college should be granted to students freely because it will encourage them to concentrate on their educations. Some college students are working part-time jobs and are full-time students. Perhaps, working through college will not always cover all of a student's education expenses including books, supplies, room and board. If free tuition is given, students will have further time to educate themselves. Moreover, college tuition and prices are at an all-time high. Each year, prices are rising higher and higher. For 2015-16 academic year, the average cost of tuition, fees, room, and board cost

There are few states that are providing programs with no internal tuition or fees such as Tennessee, Oregon, Minnesota, and Kentucky. This could be a great opportunity to raise employment by removing the expense limitations throughout. For example, students would finish their college education and ultimately be educated enough to later become doctors, lawyers or teachers. As a result, this could build incredible job opportunities. Our country will develop the power for high employment rate and build further

Explanation: And this is 530 words long.

Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?
Select one:

Sometimes I see a cardinal in the tree, where I saw the other birds.

The robin has built a nest in the tree, but the sparrow lives on the roof.

I know the bird calls of both species and, I also know what they look like.

I saw a sparrow, and a robin outside in the tree.



I think I saw a sparrow, and a robin outside in the tree. is the correct answer.


Sorry if I got it wrong

I think the first one is correct ( Sometimes I see a cardinal in the tree , where I saw the other birds

Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” develops the theme that making decisions is difficult. Which stanza from the poem helps to develop this theme?

A. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

B. Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

C. And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

D. I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.


the correct answer should be c i think!

In this unit, you analyzed how authors develop characters within their stories. Authors often try to create characters that readers will find relatable. These characters often have qualities that readers may already have or wish they had. Imagine that you're writing a novel in your favorite genre (for example, adventure, science fiction, mystery). Describe the characters, setting, and plot of the novel. Who would be the protagonist, or main character, of your story? What qualities would this character have? Do you possess any of these qualities? Do you wish you had any of these qualities.


I don’t really know the format for this but I’ll try to give some ideas.
The genre could be whatever you like but for me it’s fantasy.
The plot is about demons conquering the realm and the character is a very powerful magic holder.
The character that I always dreamt of is someone who is kind, brave and always puts others first. They are calm and rarely gets angry. When they are angry they would be very quiet, almost not saying a word. They are also very funny when they are with their friends. They are good listeners and they are smart. They are diligent students and respectful.
I know it’s not much but I hope I donated some ideas to you

Research a volcano that formed near a convergent boundary. What is the name of the volcano and what type of volcano is it?



Japan and the Aleutian Islands are located on convergent boundaries.


Volcanoes at convergent plate boundaries are found all along the Pacific Ocean basin, primarily at the edges of the Pacific, Cocos, and Nazca plates. Trenches mark subduction zones. The Cascades are a chain of volcanoes at a convergent boundary where an oceanic plate is subducting beneath a continental plate.

Hope this helped! :))

Which of the following sentences contains a metaphor?

A. My oatmeal looks like dirt.
B. My English teacher is a witch.
C. The frog was loud.
D. Her hair was like silk.



option C

the frog was loud

C. The frog was loud

This is because every other answer choice has like, or is

12 Read. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
Saturn has always been a fascinating planet. At about 1.2 billion km (746 million mi.)
from Earth, it was the most distant of the worlds recognized by ancient sky watchers.
If they
(study) it the way we are able to today, they
(be) amazed. They
(find) that its
rings consisted of billions of icy particles. They
(discover) that
these rings are extremely thin-only 10 m (33 ft.) thick. And they
(learn) that some of the planet's small moons play an important part in controlling the
orbits and spacing of the rings. If you
(study) Saturn's moons
today, you
(observe) that some of its 62 moons orbit in
opposite directions. You
(see) that some moons even exchange
orbits. Most importantly you
(learn that two of the moons
have the potential for life!



1. 746 million miles away (?)

2. studied

3. would be/will be

4. found

5. discovered

6. learned

7. would study/studied

8. would observe

9. would see

10. would see

11. would learn


Not sure what's about the how thick/numbered verbs.


Choose the correct possessive form of the noun below.

A. musics
B. musics'
C. music's





the ' before the s shows that this word is possessive




Question 10 of 10
Which information would beat be supported with graphica?
A. The main steps needed to clean neighborhoods of pollution to
improve people's health
B. A detailed explanation of why living in areas with higher pollution
can harmagople's health
C. An accountof how city leaders have ignored the problem of
pollution for decades
D. The locations in a city where researchers found the highest levels
of pollution










I believe the answer is B

What are central ideas in "Eileen Collins – NASA's First Female Shuttle Commander to Lead Next Shuttle Mission"?

Select the two correct answers.

Collins supports space tourism because she thinks people are weary of traditional vacations.

Collins feels the most exciting thing about spaceflight is completing a mission.

Collins finds it difficult to wait for upcoming space missions.

Collins is the first female Shuttle commander.


Collins finds it difficult to wait for upcoming space missions. Collins is the first female Shuttle commander.


Choose the correct possessive form of the noun below.


A. pupil's
B. pupils
C. pupils'





since pupils is already plural, the apostrophe goes after the s.




The possessive form of pupils is pupils'

Possessive nouns are used to show possession or ownership of something.

Ex: Lucy's backpack.

Ex: The pupils' books.

pupil's is the possessive form of one pupilpupils is just the plural of pupilpupil's is the possessive form of many pupils.

Hope this helps!




A or D    
Hope this helps





What is considered good or bad propaganda?



The objectives of the propagandist are sometimes positive. The Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign is a form of propaganda. These advertisements make an emotional plea – don’t be careless with fire or cute woodland creatures may be harmed. The campaign was incredibly successful in preventing forest fires, but it may also have contributed to the public’s aversion to controlled burning.

No matter how harmless it appears, propaganda should always be scrutinized, as it promotes decision making and action based on limited, sometimes false, information and emotional appeal. Propaganda targets and manipulates our emotions without the benefit of two-way communication or fact-based debate.


Read the passage.

We ran through our circle of friends, trying to think of a single person who would fit in well with our "family." It wasn't difficult to hit on someone.

Which best identifies what the term hit means?

series of 4 radio buttons

to decide on

to strike by action

to indulge excessively

to affect in a negative way



To strike by action


When you get "hit" that is physical contact to someone of something.


to indulge excessively


i think the passage is referring to finding someone in the friend group without a partner to add to the family.

Which of the following was NOT a hardship or challenge that pioneer women faced?
A. packing the wagon
B. death of a child
C. disease
D. threats from animals
E. threats from Native Americans
F. These are all hardships and challenges


F. a hardship is a challenge/a situation someone has to go through. all things listed can be considered a hardship. The pioneer women faces these struggles.

When are sentence fragments used in stage directions?

when the play is written for a very young audience

when the action is more physical than mental

when they appear between a character’s name and the character’s line



Please give brainliest.


Use Sentence Fragments Sparingly and When the Story Calls for It. Sentence fragments in fiction can be a useful way of conveying pace, tone, and intensity. However, overuse can lead to lazy writing—fragments should be used sparingly, and for a good storytelling purpose. I think it’s when the cast of characters includes just two characters I’m not 100% right on this

Where are original photo graphs, pers onal letters and genealogical informa tion stored?

O Newspapers
O Periodicals

O Archives

O Goo gle​



The answer would be archives


This is because the litteral deffinition of archives is

a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people

The answer would be Archives because archives are documentation of historical items and writings. Your Welcome.


Read the paragraph below. What is the paragraph’s main message?

I learned to swim when I was six years old. My mother took me to the local pool and left me there for an hour every week. At first, I was worried that I would not pass the class. I knew I would be embarrassed if I had to take it again the next summer. After a few weeks, though, I stopped worrying and started having fun with the other kids. The instructor let us play for a while every week after our lesson. Before I knew it, I could swim halfway across the pool.

Learning to swim is something that everyone should do.

Learning to swim is more fun when you have friends in the class.

Learning to swim can be a very frightening experience.

Learning to swim was easier than the writer thought it would be.



Learning to swim was easier than the writer thought it would be.

Hey hun!!! the answer would be D!!! Have an amazing day




the answer your looking for is C


the passage uses all past tense verbs bus brushes is a present tense, thus changing the tenses.

the answer is c because of the verb

Hi!! Help please

Read the excerpt from "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" by Patrick Henry.

And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

How does the arrangement of questions and answers in this excerpt support Henry’s purpose?

It suggests that the colonists have avoided any confrontation with the British.
It explains that the colonists must try harder to reason with the British.
It emphasizes that fighting the British is the only option left for the colonists.
It shows that previous disputes with the British have been successful.


Answer: It emphasizes that fighting the British is the only option left for the colonists.


They have tried reasoning with the British for 10 years, but it is just not working. Also, the previous tries have NOT been successful, so the only other answer we have a B.

The answer to you question is b

1) Which sentence BEST states why the boy enters the forest?
A) He is homesick.
B) He needs to find shelter.
C) He is drawn by the sound of the music.
D) He is frightened of the drivers on the road.


D) he is frightened of the drivers on the road


C. He is drawn by the sound of the music


This excerpt from The Lightning Thief ends on a cliffhanger—that is, the reader is left wondering what will happen to Percy next. Will he make it to summer camp? Will more unusual things happen to him? Pretend you are the author, and write the next chapter of Percy’s story. Use details from the text for inspiration.



As he leaves, the scorpion stings Percy, and Percy nearly dies. Later that day, once Chiron's medicine has worked its magic, Percy decides that he will go home and live with his mom for his seventh grade year rather than staying at Camp Half-Blood.:

Which of these sentences is an adage?

Birds start feeding early each morning.

Morgan hoped to arrive first.

The early bird gets the worm.

Wherever you go, go early.


its most likely C but it could be D

according to the article, what are the social costs of cell phone usage? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Watch Out: Cell Phones Can Be Addictive



According to the article, The Social costs of cell phone usage is Cell phone can  interfere with normal day to day activities. I know because in the text it says  What’s not so well known: “People can be addicted to behaviors,” says James Roberts. Cell phone usage can cause conflicts with family and other people. I know because in the text it states that For such people, losing a phone or having its battery die could cause anxiety or panic. That’s withdrawal, says Roberts.Too much phone use can interfere with normal activities or cause conflicts with family and other people, he adds. Cell phone usage can lift our moods and this may take more and more time out of the day to reach that level of enjoyment.



According to the article, The Social costs of cell phone usage is Cell phone is unhealthy addiction, interfering with ordinary activities in daily life including causing conflicts among family members or relationships in the society. For example: people when uses phone for much time, they have the symptoms that an addict may have. They rely on phones to lift their moods. due to this dependence, when there is no phone in their sight, they may have anxiety or be in panic, which is the major cause for their bad attitude, temper influencing negatively their daily life and relationships.

The following  are social costs of cell phone:

Cell phone use can interfere with normal day to day activities.Cell phone usage can cause conflicts with family and other people.Cell phone usage can lift our moods and this may take more and more time out of the day to reach that level of enjoyment.


5) What new information from the passage "NASA and the Thermometer Pill" is available to be synthesized regarding the thermometer pill?
A) It is used to monitor temperature.
B) It was first developed for astronauts.
C) It transmits an alert when temperature is too high.
D) It is used to prevent heatstroke in young athletes.
20 points





PLEASE HELP TYSM GOD BLESS U * No links pls correct answer*



Your answer is correct. D.

You picked the right one D

when writing a story, should you look somewhere to find inspiration for your characters?



That depends on what your writing your story about, but I would look it up.


Personal reach


What I always did is look into my personal life and find people with similar backstories or who look like they'd execute that well. I never use their real names, but I use the first letter or two of their names. To find the actual storyline get creative. Mix and match shows you've thought always were fun. Without plagiarism.

i.e - Kelly - Kelson

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