Which of these is a situation in which there's a bad bias?

A. When a story is based on one person's understanding of the facts

B. When a story is distorted to appeal to a specific target audience

C. When only one tool is used to produce a media text

D. When a media text is supported by advertisers


Answer 1

Answer: B I think


Related Questions

magma rises towards the surface of the earth because of its?​



heated by the Earth's heat

Which opinion has strong support? A. The Stafford Metropolitan Airport should be moved, not expanded. B. The Stafford Metropolitan Airport must be expanded. C. Neither argument is well supported



im believing it may be the last one


He had a fabulous career in high school , what is the simple subject ?





The subject is He because he is being described in the sentence or is talked about.

I hope it helps! Have a great day!

Muffin ^^




The subject would be he. He is getting described and they are talking about him so that would make him the subject.

I hope it helps! Have a great day!

Le fawking Moron~

write a short story which begins with the sentence He couldn't believe his dream had finally come true . 100 words


He couldn’t believe his dream had finally come true. “MUM, DAD!” he called out, but nothing. The young boy ran downstairs, noticing that everything had looked like a lovely expensive palace “wow” he said in shock, he ran to the enormous kings chair in the living room proudly and started asking for a maid as a joke, but to his surprise “mum, is that you?”…

Please help quickly

You have been praying for a ministry opportunity at church. You would really like to work on one of the puppets for the children's ministry or be on the youth council. The pastor announces that next Saturday would be a "spring cleaning" day at the church. You usually work at your part-time job on Saturday, but your boss gave you the day off this Saturday because business was slowing down.

You evaluate the situation like this:
1. you want to work with the puppets, but really, your heart's desire is to participate in any church ministry
2. the Bible teaches it is good to be a servant (Ephesians 6:7, Mark 10:44)
3. circumstances have made you available this Saturday

Based on the evaluation and what you have learned from God's Word about knowing God's will, should you help clean the church?




Yes, you should help clean the church. You should take small steps in helping out the church, and maybe one day, you will be able to work at the children's ministry like you have been praying for. In your evaluation plan, circumstances have made you available on that particular Saturday, so why not go help clean the church?


Hope this helps! :)


please help it is very important​



Can you rotate the picture I can read what is written

1. This refers to the beliefs, philosophies, and principles that drive your business. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Values

C. Vision

D. Needs

2. It is a detailed description of your company, including the opportunity (aka market problem addressed) and your solution. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Needs

C. Values

D. Vision

3. What is the purpose of a vision statement? *

1 point

A. To identify key employees.

B. To develop pricing strategies.

C. To convey what you want to accomplish.

D. To talk about why you started the business.

4. It is a clear statement of values critical to the culture, integrity, and activities of the business. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Needs

C. Values

D. Vision

5. It is a description or statement of what the proponent sees if the problem/need is solved. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Needs

C. Values

D. Vision

6. A clear description of goals and objectives that presents practical steps to achieve the vision is known as___________. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Needs

C. Values

D. Vision

7. The following are the purpose of a mission statement EXCEPT__________. *

1 point

A. It is a concise explanation of the organization’s reason for existence.

B. It describes the organization’s purpose and its overall intention.

C. It supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction.

D. It describes what the proponent sees if the problem/need is solved.

8. "To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. " Is an example of a company’s_______________. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Needs

C. Values

D. Vision

9. "to make the best products on earth, and to leave the world better than we found it, Is an example of a company’s______________. *

1 point

A. Mission

B. Needs

C. Values

D. Vision

10. The following are ingredients of a product mix except______________. *

1 point

A. Advertising

B. Public relation

C. Personal selling

D. Personal relation

11. Out of 4ps in marketing mix three are product, promotion, and price, which is the 4th P? *

1 point

A. Purpose

B. Promotion

C. Place

D. Pursuit

12. __________________ deals with the specification of the actual good or service and how it relates to the target customer. *

1 point

A. Price aspect

B. Promotion aspect

C. Product aspect

D. Place aspect

13. It is part of marketing that means spreading information about a product, product line, brand, or company. *

1 point

A. Buying

B. Hosting

C. Promotion

D. Selling.

14. Marketing Mix or 4p’s of marketing are: *

1 point

A. Product, Price, Place, Promotions

B. Political, Place, Publication, Price

C. Product, Political, Place, Publication

D. Publication, Place, Price, Purchasing

15. Which part of a business plan explains how you are going to get your customers to buy your products or services? *

1 point

A. Executive summary

B. Location of the Business

C. Marketing plan

D. Production Plan


A mission, D to talk about why you start business

Choose two of the poems from this unit:
"Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson
"The Death of the Hired Man" by Robert Frost
"Out, Out–" by Robert Frost
Explain how these poems convey similar themes or topics. How do they reflect the time period in which they were written? Use textual evidence to support your answer. Help asap please!



the first poen is talk about life and death . and the second poem is the answer of who is die

Writing Prompt

You have just read two passages about students who developed science research projects. Write an informational essay that explains the various reasons that students participated in science research.

Manage your time carefully so you can

plan your essay and do some prewriting using your scratch paper. write your essay

Be sure to:

use evidence from both passages.

avoid over-­relying on one passage

Your written response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph informational essay



Tires. Every vehicle needs them, but eventually they wear out. Roads wear out too, and they often need to be repaired. But new research by a pair of teens suggests that the rubber from worn ­out tires could boost the lifetime of asphalt pavement. A second benefit: Roads made with this material might need fewer patches. .  but use key idea and evidence and  then use your own words

Explanation:key idea, eidence,

. In the sentence The stew simmered on the stove turned out to be delicious, the phrase simmered on the stove is ambiguous because it is missing certain function words. This grammatical structure is known as a ...


In this sentence, the word "simmered" can be classified as a reduced relative clause.

What is a reduced relative clause?

This refers to a clause that has been reduced, which means some words of it had been omitted, which can create an ambiguous meaning. The most common is this clauses do not include words such as:


Why is "simmered" a reduced relative clause?

Because the complete clause would be "the stew that simmered in the stove" but this has been reduced to "simmered in the stove".

Learn more about relative clause in:

knowing that we must die enables us to lead happier lives. Is it true or , in other words, how does this happen ?​



TRUE; Knowing that you'll die someday, you 'fight' within yourself to live life happily and enjoy the short time you have here on earth. Some people live life happily that the thought of death never even crosses their mind. They then end up dying very peacefully. However, if you keep on thinking of death, you become miserable; stressed up of the life ahead of you thinkingthat all you do and work hard for is eventually meaningless that even when your time to die reaches, you die miserable.



is "two dozen times a hyperbole?



Yes, It would be a hyperbole


Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. In rhetoric, it is also sometimes known as auxesis. In poetry and oratory, it emphasizes, evokes strong feelings, and creates strong impressions. As a figure of speech, it is usually not meant to be taken literally

Find someone, your relative, friend, or acquaintance who has been to a second hand shop. Ask him/her about the experience of visiting the second hand shop and prepare a report in about one hundred words​


Essay writing is given to students in order to test their writing and reading skills.

How to write an essay?

Based on the information given, the way to write the essay will be given. Firstly, it's important to decide on your topic. In this case, it is to ask the person about the experience of visiting the second hand shop.

Research should be done on the topic and create an essay outline. Set your argument in the introduction and develop it with evidence.

Finally, check the content, grammar, formatting, spelling, of your essay.

Learn more about essays on:

This is my sis's please help y'all
Every night, my father and I read a story before bed, he does the best character voices.

Which of the following fixes the error?

Every night, my father and I read a story, before bed and he does the best character voices.
Every night, my father and I read a story before bed. He does the best character voices.
Every night, my father and I read a story before bed he does the best character voices.
Every night, my father and I read a story before bed, so he does the best character voices.



Every night, my father and I read a story before bed. He does the best character voices.


It makes sense that these are separated into two sentences. without any pause, this would be a run-on sentence. Adding the word "and" also makes it a run-on sentence. The comma before "bed" in the last one is in the wrong place.


The second one


Every night, my father and I read a story before bed. He does the best character voices.

How does orwell prepare the reader for mollie’s actions in animal farm ?



Mollie is one who likes material things.  Her ribbons and her sugar cubes are something she uses to make others look at her and admire her.  She was not concerned with what was happening to the animals, due to her vanity.  What can I get out of this - her mantra.  


She eventually is a traitor - she is lured by the farmer near to animal farm due to the fact that he was providing her with sugar, etc.  She could still have her material possessions and she no longer cared about the animals and how they were struggling.

Find the error with subject-verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and type it correctly.



The trails in Salem Open Space Preserve ARE lined with thick patches of wild blackberry bushes.


ARE refers to trails, which is plural. When something is plural, it should be followed by "are" rather than "is"

please help im begging the two article names are "each in his place" and "who were the maya"

you have read two articals about maya society. write an essay in which you identify a common central idea of both articles and analyze the way the idea is developed in each article. be sure to use details from both article to support your analysis.


The essay you have been asked to write is analytical in nature. In order to write an effective essay, you will need to follow the steps below:

What are the steps to writing an effective essay?

Every well-structured essay must have an:

IntroductionBody and Conclusion.

The effectiveness of this essay will depend on how much research you have done about the two articles.

In the introduction is where you state the "Central Idea" that you identified.

The body is where you analyze how it was developed.

The conclusion is where you summarize your points. It is key to ensure that there are no grammatical errors.

Learn more about analytical essays at:

please anyone who knows……….



1 a

2 f

3 b

4 e

5 c

6 d


these things are common things you can use your brain to think of i don't study computer but i know these things

White an report to the head of your school on any event that took place recently in your school and state at least two effects it had on the students in your school​



you can say something like a prominent leader came and said that there will be scholarships to students who are going through poverty and some of the rich pupils started bullying the ones who are on scholarship


hope i helped

rules and regulations for visitors in park​




Don't fish with live bait. No burning” applies to your lungs, as well.

if the neighboring campsite can hear your music, then it's too loud.

Think again, stoners. Leave the firecrackers at home.

Put a leash on your dog.

Brainliest if correct





Literature Review Please Help
Why might film makers or directors try to make the main character more likeable in the film than than in the book version of the story?


Well, authors usually tell the reader the main character's thoughts, the reader can empathize and still support the main character. In a movie,however, the audience doesn't get the "backstage pass" to the main character's thoughts. In order to make the movie more appealing, the filmmakers need to make the main character more likable.



 In a movie,however, the audience doesn't get the "backstage pass" to the main character's thoughts. In order to make the movie more appealing, the filmmakers need to make the main character more likable.

Iggy is revising the following excerpt from his research-based essay on the effectiveness of animal shelters

behaviorists studied sheltered animals to determine whether these animals showed increased signs of stress. these clinicians hypothesized that behaviors such as whale eye are much more prevalent in shelter inhabitants.

which revisions should iggy make to best improve the readability for his audience (tenth grade classmates and his teacher)?

a) iggy should include personal perspective of owning a shelter pet.

b) he should combine the sentences to make the text easier to read.

c) he should include extended definitions for more challenging vocabulary.

d) he should include all behaviors of the stressed dogs observed by the clinicians.

the answer is c on edg​


To improve readability Iggy should include extended definitions for a more challenging vocabulary, as shown in option C.

What is textual readability?It is the ease of reading a text.It is the fluidity of the text.It is the way the text presents itself to the reader.

By showing extended definitions, Iggy makes the text more detailed and informative, showing that he was committed to the reader's understanding. He also shows how he knows how to manipulate the language, and present more elaborate sentences and more efficient text.

More information about readability is at the link:





Use the paragraphs to complete the activity

Patrick lived in Emoryville, but every Saturday morning he rode two city buses to his uncle's bookstore in Northview where he worked. He didn't mind the
commute because he loved his job. He loved spending time with his uncle, but he also loved going to work because he had become friends with Andrew,
one of his co-workers. The boys would talk about everything from baseball scores to movies to favorite pizza toppings
So this Saturday, when Patrick got to work, he and Andrew got to talking as they always did.
"Hey, Pat" Andrew said casually
"Hey," said Patrick. "Did you have a good week?"
"Yeah," he said "Great week. My basketball team made it into the semifinals. The game is tonight. We're playing Emoryville, our nemesis
Before Patrick could say another word, Andrew continued. "I don't like Emoryville: I don't think I could ever be friends with someone from that town Our
schools are such rivals
Patrick was speechless
'Where are you from, Pat? I can't believe I've never asked you that before!"
Patrick fumbled over his words "Not too far from here," he said before he quickly changed the subject to the new shipment of graphic novels

Write a paragraph explaining the structure of the story and how the structure contributes to the meaning of the story


The text structure was pivotal to the story as it laid out the sequence of events that occured in the story.

What is text structure?

A text structure simply means the way that an author organizes the information in a text.

In this case, the text structure was pivotal to the story as it laid out the sequence of events that occured in the story.

The text structure was important to illustrate that the two boys can not be friends since Patrick was from Emoryville.

Learn more about structures on:

Type your response in the box.
review the essay you wrote, and look for five words that you struggled to spell correctly. list those words and
provide a definition for each one.


ok and ok and ok and ok and ok and

Which detail in the excerpt suggests that the narrator
may be unreliable?
The narrator suggests that he has remembered every
The narrator suggests that he is not very intelligent.
The narrator suggests that he is lying to the audience.
The narrator suggests that he is exaggerating.


Answer:  its c The narrator suggests that he is not very intelligent.


The detail in the excerpt that suggests that the narrator may be unreliable is when the narrator suggests that he is exaggerating. So the correct option is D.

This suggests that the narrator may occasionally embellish or embellish the reality to make their story seem more impressive or engaging. The storyteller casts doubt on the veracity and credibility of their account by acknowledging embellishment.

The storyteller is probably exaggerating if they say they caught a fish that was "as big as a whale," for instance. This calls into question the narrator's veracity and calls into question the veracity of the additional information they present.

Exaggeration can also be a hint that the narrator is trying to influence or amuse the audience rather than give an unbiased and accurate account of what happened. So the correct option is D.

To learn more about embellishment link is here


These are the steps that you should follow when taking a reading test. Which one is the first step? A. Decide if the text is narrative or expository. B. Read quickly if the text is expository; read carefully if it is a narrative. C. Refer to the passage in the reading if the question is detailed; infer theanswer if the passage is general.



The answer should be C


Because if the question is detailed then it would be in a specific place in the reading.

Have a good day..

anyone can answer this for me please


Answer: four


Can someone please help me? :(



should be B



B. A newspaper article about teen's attitudes toward social media


Secondary sources can include books, journal articles, speeches, reviews, research reports, and more. Generally speaking, secondary sources are written well after the events that are being researched.

Sample response: jack is concerned with making sure that gwendolen is happy, but lady bracknell is concerned only with whether jack can prove he has important family members. lady bracknell’s response is ridiculous because it is impossible to expect jack to miraculously find one of his parents. jack’s offer to produce the handbag as a suitable substitute for his parents highlights how ridiculous her request is. what did you include in your response? check all that apply. the victorian view that is being critiqued an explanation of what makes the passage funny an explanation of how the humor makes the critique effective


The context clues show that the thing that makes the importance of being earnest a comedy is the way it satrized the behavior of the Victorian aristocracy.

What are context clues?

It should be noted that context clues are the hints that are given in a literary work.

In this case, the context clues show that the thing that makes the importance of being earnest a comedy is the way it satrized the behavior of the Victorian aristocracy.

Learn more about inference on:

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What is the distance from the origin to point A graphed on the complex plane below? Which of the following terms describes the 3 in the expression 3x+7? Bonjour !Please solve My maths problem.If X = 2y +6, then find the value of x - 8y - 36xy -216.Hint - answer is 0Kindly Show steps I desperately need help with this question.Correct person will be appreciated and brainlist will be awardedIrellevant answer won't be tolerated and will be reported immediately.Thank you in. advance ! Hello people ~change into passive voice"The crew paved the entire stretch of highway." Make a title about this short paragraph ! ! !!!PLS DON'T JUST TRANSLATE IT YOU HAVE TO USE SER Because Japan felt disrespected by the provisions of the Treaty of Portsmouth, it would most likely lead Japan to Jaylah started with $200 in her savings account to go to Disneyland. She wanted to increase her savings so she started babysitting. She earns $10 an hour and deposits it in her savings account. What is Jaylah's initial value and rate of change? What is the definition of the word PER? The height of a triangle is six times the base. Write an expression for the area of the triangle and let x be the base. 1. Three friends are at a restaurant for dinner. They decide to split the $90. 00 check equally among the three of them. A. If they decide to leave a 20% tip, what will the total bill be?b. What will each person pay if the total bill including tip is divided by three? Lara uses the standard mileage method for determining auto expenses. During 2021, she used her car as follows: 18,400 miles for business, 3,680 miles for personal use, 5,520 miles for a move to a new job, 1,840 miles for charitable purposes, and 920 miles for medical visits. Presuming that all the mileage expenses are allowable (i.e., not subject to percentage limitations), what is Lara's deduction for? Two old RSM students were standing ten feet apart when they ran in opposite directions with speeds of 180 feet per minute and 160 feet per minute respectively, how many minutes would pass before they were 1870 feet apart? 1. Select ONE of the following (a through g).a. A professional sports teamb. A gaming system companyc. An airline companyd. A consumer retail storee. An automobile companyf. A computer company2. Select a specific example of that category. For example, if you chose a professional sports team, you could select one of the following: Giants, Jets, Mets, Nets, Yankees, etc. Indicate the specific example you selected:American AirLines 3. Analyze the external organizational environment for your choice. Identify at least TWO and preferably THREE aspects of EACH of the following that your choice must consider:a. General environmenti. International dimension1.American Airlines is the largest airline in 2020. 2. American Airlines traveled 240 destinations in the U.S, Canada, The Caribbean and Mexico. 3.American airlines headquarters is in dallas fort worth. ii. Technological dimension1.Electronic wallet 2. Mobile ID 3.Virtual Assistant iii. Sociocultural dimension1.Ethics and human rights(provide the director with a report for unethic) 2.Sustainability and climate change 3.Give customer a great experience (continued)iv. Economic dimension1.Boarding with 1 carry on & one personal item. 2.AAdvantage credit card member. v. Legal-political dimensionb. Task environmenti. Customersii. Competitorsiii. Suppliersiv. Labor market(continued)4. Conduct a situation analysis using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis that assesses the environment for your selected organization.A SWOT analysis is categorizing the information that you gathered in the environmental analysis that you performed in the first half of this case. 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