Prove that root 2 as irrational number​


Answer 1
To prove: √2 is an irrational number. Proof: Let us assume that √2 is a rational number. So it can be expressed in the form p/q where p, q are co-prime integers and q≠0. √2 = p/q. ...
Solving. √2 = p/q. On squaring both the side we get, =>2 = (p/q)2

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¿En qué medida la guerra civil de 1829 representa una lucha ideológica?



Ideology is described as a collection of more or less structured concepts that identify a community, the goals sought on their behalf, and a course of action. Ideology is significant in two ways.

To begin with, it is useful for armed organisations in socialising soldiers with disparate objectives into a cohesive group, reducing principal-agent issues, and prioritising competing aims.

Some individuals of terrorist organizations act on moral convictions in ways that are not reducible to utilitarian reasoning, while others limit their strategic options for altruistic purposes, which are frequently normative considerations dictated by their ideology.

As a religious faith, Candomblé appropriates beliefs from both __________.
African faiths and Catholicism
Hinduism and Catholicism
Hinduism and Islam
Buddhism and Catholicism



A. African faiths and Catholicism




got it right on edge!! stay safe!

what is absolute location



A place at it's exact place on earth



Here's what absolute location is and how to find your location at any time. Absolute position refers to a specific, fixed point on the surface of the Earth represented by a scientific coordinate system. It is more accurate than relative location, describing the location of a place using other nearby locations

How did the building of pyramids lead to advances in science and mathematics in Ancient Egypt



The great pyramid reveals phi, pi, Euler's constant, the speed of light, the Fibonacci series, the golden mean and much more, all embedded within its sacred geometry. It seems our science and mathematics are not as advanced as they were when the pyramids were built.

Explain how the earth rotates and how long it takes for the earth to rotate.​



the earth rotates about it's axis,just as a top spins around it's spindle.the earth rotates from the north pole to the south takes 24hours for the earth to make one complete rotation.

I hope this helps

Which of the following statements best describes a similarity between dry climate zones and high latitude zones?
Both have warm temperatures all year.
Both occur only on one continent.
Both experience low levels of precipitation.
Both occur only in coastal areas.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.






Both experience low levels of precipitation.

What language is spoken by the largest number of Indian people?










C.Hindi is the most spoken language in India


C. Hindi


Over 528 million native speakers

ACT scores of a sample of UTC students are shown below. Student ACT Score A 22 B 28 C 20 D 21 E 28 F 23 G 26 a. Compute the mean and the variance. B. At 95% confidence, test to determine whether or not the variance of the ACT scores of the population of UTC students is significantly more than 8.


Solution :

a). Let  x denotes ACT scores.

ACT scores = [tex]$\{ 22,28,20,21,28,23,26 \} ; n = 7$[/tex]

Mean, [tex]$(\overline x)=\frac{\sum x_i}{n}$[/tex]


Sample variance, [tex]$S^2=\frac{1}{n-1}\left(\sum x_i^2-n\overline x^2 \right)$[/tex]

                                  [tex]$=\frac{1}{6}(4098-7 \times 24^2)$[/tex]


                                   = 11

b). To test whether or not variance of ACT scores of population (say [tex]$\sigma^2$[/tex]) of the UTC students is significantly more than 8.

Consider the hypothesis :

[tex]$H_0: \sigma^2 \leq8$[/tex]  vs [tex]$H_a: \sigma^2 >8$[/tex]

It is a right tailed test and α = 0.05

We have

[tex]$x^2_{n-1} = \frac{(n-1)s^2}{\sigma^2}$[/tex]

So test statics is


   [tex]$=\frac{6 \times 11}{8}$[/tex]

   = 8.25

Since our [tex]\text{test statistics is less than the critical value }[/tex]and it falls in a acceptation region, hence we fail to reject [tex]$H_0$[/tex] and conclude that variance is not greater than 8 significantly.

Climate zones result in specific vegetation types developing in a region. Which climatic region is hot and wet all year round, resulting in tropical rainforest Vegetation?


Places with a tropical wet climate are also known as rainforests. These equatorial regions have the most predictable weather on Earth, with warm temperatures and regular rainfall. Annual rainfall exceeds 150 centimeters (59 inches), and the temperature varies more during a day than it does over a year.

what is map scale?
what is map?
Difference between small scale map
and large scale map ?
Answer like this 1.
like this

Question By:-
Anant Kumar​


A map is a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc. Basically, a small-scale map covers a larger geographic region such as the world; whereas, a large-scale map covers a relatively small geographic area, such as a 7.5' quadrangle map.

¿que es la migración y por que se da?



Uhm, sir, this is a english app, search a spanish app

uhhh, señor, esta es una app en ingles, busca una en español


que es la migración y por que se da?

I think is:

What is migration and why does it occur?

In English -

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Migration can be within a country or between countries. Migration can be permanent, temporary or seasonal. ... Migration impacts both the place left behind and on the place where migrants settle.

People migrate for many different reasons. These reasons can be classified as economic, social, political or environmental: social migration - moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer to family or friends. political migration - moving to escape political persecution or war.

En español

La migración es el movimiento de personas de un lugar a otro. La migración puede ser dentro de un país o entre países. La migración puede ser permanente, temporal o estacional. ... La migración impacta tanto en el lugar dejado atrás como en el lugar donde se asientan los migrantes.

Las personas migran por muchas razones diferentes. Estas razones pueden clasificarse en económicas, sociales, políticas o ambientales: migración social: mudarse a algún lugar para una mejor calidad de vida o para estar más cerca de la familia o los amigos. migración política: moverse para escapar de la persecución política o la guerra.

I hope this helps! >3

¡Espero que esto ayude! >3

What is the biggest earthquake



Valdivia Earthquake


A sudden breaking in the rocks along a roughly 560–620-mile (900–1,000-km) stretch of the Nazca Plate caused the earthquake

Hoped this helped :D

In two or more sentences describe a procedure to increase the deposition of sediments at the mouth of a stream. Write your answer in your own words



A sediment is any solid material that is moved and deposited in a new place and can be anything from rocks, or the remains of plants and animals.

Therefore, one way of increasing the deposits of sediments at the mouth of a stream is by reducing the amount of vegetation living near the stream.

By doing this, there is no more cover for the soil and this causes erosion to occur and then the stream carries the loose sediment.

This is for Astronomy help pls
Does an asteroid need to hit the Earth to do damage? Why or why not?



No.for example the tunguska event in asteroid entered the atmosphere,exploded and sent pieces flying down 3-6miles to the surface

I hope this helps

witch is considered the first stage of the cell cycle



The normal cell cycle consists of 2 major stages. The first is interphase, during which the cell lives and grows larger. The second is Mitotic Phase. Interphase is composed of three sub phases.

discuss whether you would buy a product if it is not recycled or recyclable​



i would


it doesn't really matter if it's recyclable or not. I'm buying a product to use it, not to recycle it.

Topic - Industry

1. Define - What is industry?

2. Name the different types of infustries based on size.

3.Name the different types of industries based on ownership.

4. Give 2(two) examples of Private sector industry.​



1.)An industry is a group of companies that are related based on their primary business activities.

2.) there are four types of industries on the basis of size they are:

1. large scale industries,

2.small scale industries, 3.medium industries 

4.cottage industries.

3).the different types of industries based on ownership are:

1. private sector,

2.public sector,

3.joint sector operative sector.

4)two examples of Private sector industry are:apple,designers

Approximately what percent of the world's population owns half of all global personal wealth?
O2 percent
O 5 percent
O 10 percent
o 20 percent


2% is the correct answer not 10 :)

Why does air pressure always decrease with increasing height above the surface?


Air molecules colliding with a surface cause atmospheric pressure. ... Atmospheric pressure decreases as the height of a surface above ground level increases. This is because, as the altitude increases: the number of air molecules decreases.

If a map has a scale of 1 cm: 500 kilometers and the distance from Kingston to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti is 8 centimeters, then how far is the actual distance between Kingston and Port-Au-Prince?



4000 kilometers


1 cm equal 500 kilometers

8 cm equals 4000 km

Explain how overgrazing can increase the risk of flooding.​


Answer: Grass holds soil together which keeps everything together. If overgrazing occurs, plants would be gone meaning only soil is left in the open. This will make the risk of flooding to increase drastically.


Order the nine kinds of climate in terms of latitude from the equator to
the poles. Start with the climate type that is closest to the equator.
Please help me..​


Tropical. In this hot and humid zone, the average temperatures are greater than 64°F (18°C) year-round and there is more than 59 inches of precipitation each year.

Dry. These climate zones are so dry because moisture is rapidly evaporated from the air and there is very little precipitation.

Temperate. In this zone, there are typically warm and humid summers with thunderstorms and mild winters.

Continental. These regions have warm to cool summers and very cold winters. In the winter, this zone can experience snowstorms, strong winds, and very cold temperatures—sometimes falling below -22°F (-30°C)!

Polar. In the polar climate zones, it’s extremely cold. Even in summer, the temperatures here never go higher than 50°F (10°C)!

when the national forest policy was formed in india​



the national forest policy was formed in india in 19th October 1894

have a nice day

Which of the following is an accurate description of the climate and vegetation in the tundra?
a. hot with prairie grasses
c. hot with mosses and lichens
b. cold with mosses and lichens
d. cold with prairie grasses



An accurate description of the climate and vegetation in the tundra is...

c. cold with mosses and lichens


Vegetation of the tundra is made up of dwarf shrubs, cotton grass, mosses and lichens. The tundra biome is a cold frozen landscape.

In the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Coriolis effect changes the direction of wind circulation, affecting the weather. Identify the arrows of circulation that most influence the weather in the United States.



The arrows of circulation that most affect the US climate are the arrows on the left side of the northern hemsphere. In the attached image below you can see these cetas highlighted by a pink square.


As shown in the question above, the Coriolis Effect is an atmospheric phenomenon that modifies the direction of wind circulation in the terrestrial globe, completely modifying the climate of the regions. This phenomenon occurs due to the rotation of the earth on its own axis, which has the ability to create a reference system for this rotation.

The Coriolis effect has the ability to change the direction of winds within the hemispheres. This causes winds in the southern hemisphere to turn clockwise while winds in the northern hemisphere turn counterclockwise.

The US is located in the northern hemisphere, on the left side of the globe, as shown in the attached figure below.


how it should look


How Is Wasting Water Bad for the Environment?



Kindly check explanation


Even though the water revolves around a cycle such that used water can still be reused, water flowing through the surface may flow into water bodies,such as rivers, some percolate down the surface down to water aquifers, while some evaporate to the atmosphere to form clouds. However, water wasting could occur when, usable amount of water undergoes this cycle process without it being useful for human use. This could occur during pumping of water, when reservoirs are over filled, this overfilled water which travel as run off is just more than the amount needed by some to perform their daily chores of washing, drinking and watering their plants. Therfore, wasting of water could be the lack of adequate or appropriate channeling, hence, leading to deficiency in some part of the environment and excessive in others. Areas wit deficiency will suffer from poor growth of plant, residents will also suffer from dehydration and so on.

The amount of accessible water within the environment is diminished.

write a paragraph explaing why collect a can is an example of sustainable development​


Sustainable development means utilizing the resourses carefully and developing the nation without damaging the environment. So , Collecting a can is an eg of sustainable development bcuz you can recycle the can n get new things from it & recycling saves the environment as well as develops the needs.

Collecting cans is an example of sustainable development because it is more environmental friendly and helps in recycling.

What is sustainable development?

This  is a term that has to do with all sorts of developments that would lead to having a better and more sustainable future.

Recycling used cans is sustainable for the environment and also a wise use of resources.

Read more on sustainable development here:


which of these would be indications that a given mountain range was not formed by subduction?


There are no volcano
I hope it helps

The bottoms of _______ clouds typically form at altitudes below 2,000 meters.
Dark, low-hanging clouds that tend to block out the sun and may produce precipitation are called _______ clouds.
_______ clouds often resemble white, wavy bands or ripples or create patterns of patchy, cottony clouds.
A "thunderhead" is another name for a/an _______ cloud.
Chunks of ice that form as raindrops and are repeatedly dropped and lifted by strong updrafts are known as _______.
Explain the different types of precipitation that are found in low clouds, middle clouds, and high clouds.



1. Stratus

2. Nimbostratus clouds



According to the bar chart in 2005, private houses in Singapore consumed 33 cubic meters
of water per month. On the contrary, 1 to 3 rooms high density building (HBD) flats
consumed less than the half amount. What do you think what was the reason behind this?



Good city planning, money and population per capita.


I believe this has to do with better city planning and the other reasons above. This is because Singapore is one of many cities to implement a more greener approach to city building compared to other cities, especially when it comes to high density buildings. These buildings are better known for their efficient use of things like water and power, while most privately owned residences are not. Depending on who owns these homes, there are a few more reasons.

If you had the money, hiring maids is an option. It was found that house maids use up a lot of water for things like washing dishes and laundry. These use water and therefore increase the household use of it.

Another final reason is based on how many people live in these homes and flats. Depending on size, more or less persons could be living in these areas, decreasing the amount of water used.

Hope this helps.

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