Read and choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

________ es un ejemplo de un desastre natural.

El volcán
El ecoturismo
El clima
El terremoto


Answer 1



El terremoto.

Answer 2


D: El terremoto

Explanation: It is basically asking which of the following is a natural disaster. B means ecotourism and A means volcano (according to internet, it is not a natural disaster), C means climate/weather. That leaves with D, which means earthquake.

Related Questions

1. Find the S.I. and the amount on :
(0) * 150 for 4 years at 5% per year.​



principle (p) = 150

time (t) = 4

rate (r) = 5%

simple interest = ( p × r × t )÷ 100

= (150 × 5 × 4)÷100

= 3000 ÷ 100

Conjugate the verb to match the following sentence in Spanish:

English: You wake up at 6.

Tu ____ ________ a las seis.

Blank 1: me , te , nos , se
Blank 2: despiertas ,despierto , despartamos , hablamos
Pick one for each blank



Tú te despiertas a las seis.


You wake up at 6.

Tu __te__ ____despiertas____ a las seis.


blank 1:  te

blank 2: despiertas

Guys pls help me!!!!!!


answer: lees

conjugate leer to lees using tú

does someone know this?



1. Tu

2. Su

3. Nuestro

4. Vuestro

5. Sus

6. Mis

7. Nuestros

8. Sus

Guys pls help me!!!!!!



The definition of a breakfast food is a food that is eaten primarily for the first meal of the day commonly including: cereal, toast, eggs, pancakes, waffles, pastries, sausage or bacon. Lunch, an abbreviation for luncheon, is a meal eaten around midday. Lunch is commonly the second meal of the day, after breakfast. A liquid to consume, usually excluding water; a drink. This may include tea, coffee, milk, juice, or soft drinks. Pepsi or Coke are examples of a beverage.

Describe la organización política y la administración del reino de Castilla utilizando las siguientes expresiones:

Rey – Regalías – Cortes – Consejo real – Derecho Romano



describe the Politic organisation  and the administration of the king from castilla, using the following expressions.


! will give brainliest answer ! the questions come from the video Festival de merengue en la República Dominicana.



hmm seems im even trying to see the answer and other ppl re tryin g figger it out allso


Traduzca la siguiente frase al espatol,
The passengers show their passports to the immigration officer,
A. Los pasajeros le muestran su tarjeta de embargue al agente de
B. Los pasajeros le muestran su pasaporte al agente de inmigración,
C. Los pasajeros le muestran su pasaporte al agente de viaje,
D. Los pasajeros le muestran tu pasaporte al agente de inmigración,


B sorry if I’m wrong but I believe it’s B


B. Los pasajeros le muestran su pasaporte al agente de inmigracion.


Traduzca la siguiente frase al espanol = Translate this sentence into Spanish
If you translate "The passengers show their passports to the immigration officer, you end up with the answer of B.




1. tia

2. abuelo

3. hermanastro

4. primos

5. tio

6. abuelos

7. hermanastra

8. primo


I'm a native speaker btw

Anyone know how to make these into sentences using the designated words


2. Tú bebes
3. La maestra bebe
4. Los Chicos comen
5. Nosotros comemos
6. mi familia y yo bebemos

You can use Spanishdict to find the translation of the words and add it in there.

Fix the mistakes in each sentence and rewrite it in spanish.

Me encanta las galletas. -

Helen y yo corren en el parque. -

Yo mucho como pizza. -

José y tú leemos para español. -

Nosotros vivemos en New Hampshire. -



Me encantan las galletas.

- Helen y yo corremos en el parque.

- Yo mucho como pizza.

- José y tú lean para español.

- Nosotros vivemos en New Hampshire. -


Llegar a cualquier parte del mundo puede ser un gran problema si no organizas las cosas. Lo primero que hay que
tener en cuenta es llamar a la compañia donde compraste el pasaje para saber si no hay atrasos en los vuelos. A tu
llegada al aeropuerto no olvides registrar tu equipaje. Después asegurarte que tienes tu pasaporte, tu boleto y
alguna forma de identificación. Luego, te subes al avión y vas a comprobar que tu asiento es el correcto. Despues,
relájate y que tengas un buen viaje!
What types of documents do you need to present before you can get on the plane?





What do you do first when you decide to take a trip by plane?

call the airport

get your luggage

let your friends know you are leaving

call the company you bought the ticket from to check on flight changes

D is correct

What do you do when you arrive at the airport?

check the weather

buy souvenirs

register your luggage

call your mom

C is correct

What types of documents do you need to present before you can get on the plane?

your luggage

your purse

your passport, your ticket, and a form of ID

your Social Security card

C is correct

The correct option about the types of documents to present before to get on a plane, taking into account the text in Spanish is:

Passport, ticket, and a form of ID.

Travel by airplane.

When a person travels by plane, especially to another country, they must carry their passport, which usually carries their photo and the stamps of some countries they have visited their ID, since it allows the identity of the passenger to be corroborated together with the passport.

Finally, they must carry the ticket, which indicates the place of origin and destination, as well as the category of the flight and stopovers.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link:

(04.01 MC)
Lee el párrafo y escoge la palabra que completa la frase. Read the paragraph and choose the word that completes the sentence.
Los caprichos por Goya eran una serie de ochenta grabados con tinta. Al principio, eran un fracaso total. Este género fue una nueva expresión para
Goya quien dejó sus pinturas para las estampillas críticas. Cada reproducción representaba un movimiento de indole filosófica, política y cultural. El
artista no pudo realizar su colección entera de estampas satíricas en contra el ambiente político. Hoy en día, esta colección es conocida por ser la
desviación de sus obras tradicionales y marca su entrada al modernismo. No hay otra colección de la litografía de comentario social que sea tan
Según la lectura. Los caprichos son parte de una colección de raras de Goya. (1 point)
O esculturas
O pinturas
O murales
O impresiones


Pinturas (it’s under the word limit ignore thsi)

En ecuador no se practica el voleibol V o F​?


Answer: v



A continuación, te presentamos un texto informativo
con una postura diferente sobre el mismo tema.
Subraya las palabras que no conozcas y anota las
ideas centrales ayuda doy corana a la respuesta correcta​


I don’t speak Spanish

Answer: ayuda means help


_ es un ciclón tropical caracterizado por mucha lluvia y viento.

El tornado
El granizo
El huracán
La inundación




El huracán


The answer it’s C

I hope this helps

es probable que _______



Ana llegue tarde hoy : ))))))



Ana llegue tarde hoy

Took the test


¿Qué van a hacer todos antes de salir de la casa? Usa las palabras para
escribir oraciones completas.
modelo: Francisco / bañarse
Francisco va a bañarse. (Francisco se va a bañar.)

1. Daniela / secarse el pelo

5. Rodrigo / ponerse la camisa

2. tú / cepillarse los dientes

6. yo / vestirse

3. los niños / ponerse los zapatos

7. tú / lavarse la cara

4. nosotros / lavarse las manos

8. Eduardo / ducharse



1) Daniela se secara el pelo

5) Rodrigo se pondra la camisa

2) Tu te cepillaras los dientes

6) Yo me vestire

3) Los niños se pondrán los zapatos

7) Tu te lavaras la cara

4) Nosotros nos lavaremos las manos

8) Eduardo se duchara


I hope this helps!



Daniela va a secarse el peñoTú te vas a cepillar los dientesLos niños se van a poner los zapatosNosotros nos vamos a lavar las manosRodrigo va a ponerse la camisaYo voy a vestirmeTú vas a lavarte la caraEduardo va a ducharse

12. ¿Tu mamá te
salir en la nieve sin gorra o guantes?
No, tenía que llevar mi abrigo, gorra y guantes cuando hacía frío.
a. obedecía
b. ofrecía
c. permitía
d. divertia





lo siento si me equivoco





Rewrite the following sentences using the appropriate direct object pronouns. Pay attention to the
pronoun order.


1. La profesora me lo da.

2. Tu los pides.

3. Ella las trae.

4. Mi madre me la dio.

5. Yo se las doy.

No estoy segura de cómo llegar al centro. ¿Me ayudas? Sí, ________ ayudo.



yo te



yo te

Explanation: i will

Highlight the subject in yellow, verb in red and the direct object in blue.

1. Tú escribes una carta a Jaime.



Verb (red) should be "escribes"

Subject (yellow) is "Jaime"

Direct object (blue) is "carta"

Answer the following questions in complete sentences in Spanish.

1. ¿Que piensas hacer esta noche? (go to a party)
2. ¿A que hora tienen Uds. que estudiar? (at 7 o'clock)
3. ¿Que vas a traer a la fiesta? (games)
4. Tell a friend to read the correct answer.
5. Tell your friends to wake up.



1. Esta noche voy a ir a una fiesta.

2. A las siete de la noche estudiamos.

3. Yo voy a llevar juegos a la fiesta.


1. Esta noche voy a una fiesta
2. A las 7 de la noche vamos a estudiar
3. Yo voy a llevar juegos a la fiesta
4. Dile a un amigo que lea la respuesta correcta
5. Dile a tus amigos que se levanten

Fill in the missing question words in the following dialog.
DIANA: ¡Hola Pablo! ¿
PABLO: Muy bien, Diana. ¿Y tú?
DIANA: Bien. ¿A
hora es la fiesta de
PABLO: La fiesta es mañana a las ocho.
está la casa de Paco?
PABLO: La casa está en el centro. ¿
años tiene Paco?
DIANA: Quince. ¡Y mañana dieciséis!
PABLO: Bueno, hasta mañana.
DIANA: Adiós.


It should be

1. “¿Como estás?”
2. “¿A qué hora es la fiesta de Paco?”
3. “¿Donde está la casa de Paco?”
4.”¿Cuantos años tiene Paco?”

I’m from Venezuela so I’m pretty sure this is correct

Empareja el cuadro con la descripción apropiada. Match the work of art with the correct description. (4 points)
Image 01:
Image 03
© 2017 The Associated Press
Public Domain
Image 02:
Image 04:
SuperStock /Universal Images Group / Image Quest 2017
Public Domain
Select 1
Las meninas por Velázquez es un ejemplo clásico de la pintura óleo en lienzo.
Select 1
Select 1
Dali dibujó con tinta una imagen del personaje Don Quijote en el estilo impresionista.
El arte expresionista de Barceló fue inuido por los grandes como Picasso y Miró, pero su
arte siempre refleja las convenciones de la pintura clásica.
Goya fue considerado el padre del expresionismo cuando empezó a pintar los hechos de la



Las Meninas por Velázquez es un ejemplo clásico de la pintura óleo en lienzo. Image 02.Dalí dibujó con tinta una imagen del personaje Don Quijote en el estilo impresionista. Image 01.El arte expresionista de Barceló fue inuido por los grandes como Picasso y Miró, pero su arte siempre refleja las convenciones de la pintura clásica. Image 04.Goya fue considerado el padre del expresionismo cuando empezó a pintar los hechos de la guerra. Image 03.


Velazquez painted Las Meninas on three canvas sewed together. The painting is a combination between reality and illusion. This is what makes this artwork one of the most famous regarding this type of paintings.

Salvador Dali drew images of Don Quixote due to the connection that he felt with the character.

Barcelo is an expressionist painter who used techniques, such as action painting, to express movement and Miro's inspirations in his first paintings. Later on, he started to paint more traditional paintings in combination with his style.

Since expressionism portraits pessimists and sadness, Goya is the father of this movement because he painted what happened in the war.

Conjugate the verb to match the following sentence in Spanish:

I wash my hair

Yo _____ _____ el pelo

First blank: me or se
Second blank: lavo or lava



Yo me lavo el pelo.


I wash my hair

Yo ___me__ __lavo___ el pelo.

Enrique quiere ir al teatro también.


Enrique wants to go to the theater too.


Translation is "Enrique wants to go to the theater too"

Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb given.
19. Maria ________________________________ (abrir) las ventanas.
20. Carols y yo _________________________________ (discutir) las noticias.
21. Juan ______________________________ (vivir) en las afueras.



Maria abre (abrir) las ventanas.

Carols y yo discutiamos (discutir) las noticias.

Juan vive (vivir) en las afueras.


uhm pls someone translate it for me i need it by tonight and im no good at spanish :((





Answer: Back to the old mill,

chases the reddish leaves

who get up from the ground,

while imagining that

it's part of that family.

It frustrates the very very very

strong and concentrates with

all his strength up

see your dream fulfilled...,

how good it is to have

Hope! His heart was

full of joy, so much...

that there's no room left

for sadness!


Alazia siempre _____ coca-cola con su comida.



bebe / toma



Alazia siempre bebe coca-cola con su comida


beber is drink in spanish

Other Questions
Help me please please help me 3. A kite is aloft at the end of a 1500 foot string. The string make an angle of 43 with theground. How far above the ground is the kite?Do not calculate! Please provide your answer in calculator ready form. For example: h -237cos(3129) The points D(9, 8)and E(3, 13) are on a coordinate plane. What is theapproximate distance between points D and E? Olivia, the food stand manager, spends $210 per week on vegetable sandwich ingredients. She wants to earn $1870 per week.Write an equation that can be used to determine x, the number of vegetable sandwiches Olivia needs to sell in order to earn $1870 per week. Required:1. & 2. Prepare journal entries to record the transactions for April and post them to the ledger accounts in Requirement 6b. The company records prepaid and unearned items in balance sheet accounts.3. Using account balances from Requirement 6b, prepare an unadjusted trial balance as of April 30.4. Journalize the adjusting entries for the month and prepare the adjusted trial balance.5a. Prepare the income statement for the month of April 30, 2017.5b. Prepare the statement of retained earnings for the month of April 30, 2017.5c. Prepare the balance sheet at April 30, 2017.6a. Prepare journal entries to close the temporary accounts and then post to Requirement 6b.6b. Post the journal entries to the ledger.7. Prepare a post-closing trial balance.April 1 Nozomi invested $47,000 cash and computer equipment worth $40,000 in the company in exchange for common stock 2 The company rented furnished office space by paying $2,200 cash for the first month's (April) rent 3 The company purchased $2,000 of office supplies for cash 10 The company paid $2,200 cash for the premium on a 12-month insurance policy. Coverage begins on April 11 14 The company paid $1,300 cash for two weeks' salaries earned by employees 24 The company collected $14,000 cash on commissions from airlines on tickets obtained for customers 28 The company paid $1,300 cash for two weeks salaries earned by employees 29 The company paid $300 cash for minor repairs to the company's computer 30 The company paid 1,100 cash for this month's telephone bill 30 The company paid $2,000 cash in dividends. The company's chart of accounts follows: 101 Cash 106 Accounts Receivable 124 office Supplies 128 Prepaid Insurance 167 Computer Equipment 168 Accumulated Depreciation-Computer Equip 209 Salaries Payable 307 Common Stock 318 Retained Earnings 319 Dividends 405 Commissions Earned 612 Depreciation Expense Computer Equip 622 Salaries Expense 637 Insurance Expense 640 Rent Expense 650 Office Supplies Expense 684 Repairs Expense 688 Telephone Expense 901 Income Summary Use the following information: a. Two-thirds (or $122) of one month's insurance coverage has expired b. At the end of the month, $600 of office supplies are still available c. This month's depreciation on the computer equipment is $400. d. Employees carned $580 of unpaid and unrecorded salaries as of month-end e. The company carned $2,250 of commissions that are not yet billed at month-end What is the importance of social dance ? Give a brief example of an Impression Management. How do you know the example is Impression Management? ANSWER ASAP!!!!!!!Which statement best describes licensed characters?A. They are based on real-life characters from past periods in history.B. They are given human qualities, and star in games for young children.C. They are based on preexisting media.D. They are based on legend and folklore.E. They are characters specifically created for a game. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!!!!!!! A t-shirt cannon is fired into a crowd at a baseball game. 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