Read the excerpt from Chapter 4.
Anne of Green Gables

by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla had decided to adopt a boy to help on their farm called Green Gables. When a girl, Anne, arrives, they are surprised. In this excerpt, Anne has just awoken after her first night at Green Gables.

Anne could evidently be smart to some purpose for she was down-stairs in ten minutes’ time, with her clothes neatly on, her hair brushed and braided, her face washed, and a comfortable consciousness pervading her soul that she had fulfilled all Marilla’s requirements. As a matter of fact, however, she had forgotten to turn back the bedclothes.

“I’m pretty hungry this morning,” she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her. “The world doesn’t seem such a howling wilderness as it did last night. I’m so glad it’s a sunshiny morning. But I like rainy mornings real well, too. All sorts of mornings are interesting, don’t you think? You don’t know what’s going to happen through the day, and there’s so much scope for imagination. But I’m glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day. I feel that I have a good deal to bear up under. It’s all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it’s not so nice when you really come to have them, is it?”

“For pity’s sake hold your tongue,” said Marilla. “You talk entirely too much for a little girl.”

Thereupon Anne held her tongue so obediently and thoroughly that her continued silence made Marilla rather nervous, as if in the presence of something not exactly natural. Matthew also held his tongue,—but this was natural,—so that the meal was a very silent one.

As it progressed Anne became more and more abstracted, eating mechanically, with her big eyes fixed unswervingly and unseeingly on the sky outside the window. This made Marilla more nervous than ever; she had an uncomfortable feeling that while this odd child’s body might be there at the table her spirit was far away in some remote airy cloudland, borne aloft on the wings of imagination. Who would want such a child about the place?

Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things! Marilla felt that he wanted it just as much this morning as he had the night before, and that he would go on wanting it. That was Matthew’s way—take a whim into his head and cling to it with the most amazing silent persistency—a persistency ten times more potent and effectual in its very silence than if he had talked it out.

When the meal was ended Anne came out of her reverie and offered to wash the dishes.

“Can you wash dishes right?” asked Marilla distrustfully.

“Pretty well. I’m better at looking after children, though. I’ve had so much experience at that. It’s such a pity you haven’t any here for me to look after.”

“I don’t feel as if I wanted any more children to look after than I’ve got at present. You’re problem enough in all conscience. What’s to be done with you I don’t know. Matthew is a most ridiculous man.”

“I think he’s lovely,” said Anne reproachfully. “He is so very sympathetic. He didn’t mind how much I talked—he seemed to like it. I felt that he was a kindred spirit as soon as ever I saw him.”

“You’re both queer enough, if that’s what you mean by kindred spirits,” said Marilla with a sniff. “Yes, you may wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and be sure you dry them well. I’ve got enough to attend to this morning for I’ll have to drive over to White Sands in the afternoon and see Mrs. Spencer. You’ll come with me and we’ll settle what’s to be done with you. After you’ve finished the dishes go up-stairs and make your bed.”

Anne washed the dishes deftly enough, as Marilla who kept a sharp eye on the process, discerned. Later on she made her bed less successfully, for she had never learned the art of wrestling with a feather tick. But it was done somehow and smoothed down; and then Marilla, to get rid of her, told her she might go out-of-doors and amuse herself until dinner time.

Question 1
Part A

What is a theme of Anne of Green Gables?

Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances.

It's easy to adhere to a decision once one has committed to it.

It's difficult to imagine possibilities when life has been hard.

Children should be given the opportunity to express themselves.
Question 2
Part B

Which detail from the story best supports the answer to Part A?

“‘I’m pretty hungry this morning,’ she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her.”

“Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things!”

“‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”

“Who would want such a child about the place?”



Answer 1

Answer:  Question 1 ) Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances

Question 2) “‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”

Explanation: Anne, is in indeed a kindred spirit. She's delightful and outgoing. Her loving nature and bold attitude makes her the light of the room. despite the odds she finds happiness and joy in most anything.

For question 2, Anne expresses her points of view on the mornings weather. Her babbling is actually just her being herself and voicing her own thoughts.  This point of view shows, even on a rainy morning she can still find the joy others may lack in seeing.

Hope this is helpful :)

Answer 2


Answer:  Question 1 ) Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances

Question 2) “‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”


I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I could be totally wrong. Again, sorry if I'm wrong.

Related Questions

What is the purpose of transition words and phrases? (1 point)
A. to tie together part of a narrative logically
B. to help reveal theme in a narrative
C. to reveal a character's personality in a narrative
D. to reveal key vocabulary in a narrative



The answer is a


Which detail from "Malala the Powerful conveys the central idea that Malala stood up to the Taliban?

'A.Malala and her classmates stopped wearing their school uniforms and began hiding their books under their clothing."

B.The Taliban soon took credit for the assassination attempt, saying it was a warning to other girls not to follow Malala's

"C.She wrote about her dream of becoming a doctor one day, her fears of the terrorists, and her fierce determination to get
the education she needed, no matter what the Taliban did or how afraid she was."

"D.Attendance at Malala's school decreased by more than 60 percent. But what could Malala do? What could one girl do but
watch helplessly as her freedoms were taken away?"



Its the one were she wanted become a doctor trust me :)


Hope i helped

(!) The answer is C (!)

(you can trust that person btw that said it was the doctor one)


Schindler's Night

Quote Analysis Worksheet

Choose any 5 quotes from Night and write them below:






An author can describe important events in a story by telling you about them. Sometimes what the character says (and how he says it) is just as important as what happens. It can tell us what the person is like, and what has happened in the past or will happen in the future.

Pick one of your 5 quotes and answer the following questions:

1.Write the quote and the page it comes from. Put it in quotation marks.

2.Explain who said those words, and to whom they were talking (one to two sentences).

3.Paraphrase the quote. (two to four sentences)


Answer: Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.... ...

I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions.”


Please answer only if you have read Julie of the Wolves! Give a reasonable explanation! I will give brainliest to the first correct answer that has an explanation!
Which sentence best describes the importance of the setting of Julie of the Wolves?

It is so harsh that it may cause the protagonist's death.

It represents the way the protagonist feels about life.

It will teach the protagonist key things about her past.

It provides a pleasant backdrop for a difficult situation.


Answer: it is so harsh that it may cause the protagonist's death.


The sentence that best describes the importance of the setting of Julie of the Wolves is option A "it is so harsh that it may cause the protagonist's death".

Julie was faced with a predicament. It was very cold and freezing and a mistake from her could lead to her death. Also, I he setting shows that the only individual was Julie as there was no one else except the animals.

Do you feel like there places you can't say what you really think? Or do what you really want? Example: in the book they aren't allowed to read books. They will be killed. Is there a place in this world where that happens? Where people aren't free. Tell me about what you know about that. ​

please answer it with 7-15 sentences

will give brainliest ​



Yes there are places like that. Yes.


In some places u are not given the opportunity to go out and do wat ever u want. Unlike the Christians in some countries, the Muslims over there do not want to see them holding a bible or even saying that they are Christians. If u ate caught, u will either pay a fine or u will be killed. So the Christians do not come out of their rooms most at times. I might not know the country's name but it is happening, like right now some where on earth.

According to the text, what is the meaning of the word coveting



Coveting is to have a desire for something, or to want to be in possession of something.

please complete it....​


Answer: 1 is preheat 2 is recycle 3 misspelled 4 is untie 5 is disagree 6 is forecast 7 is submarine 8 is prepare 9 is return 10 is retake


Can somebody please help me write a narrative writing essay it’s got to be made up it can’t be paraphrased and the prompt is you show up too school and all the teachers are zombies PLEASE HELP ME due by tomorrow



well today I went into school and went to my favorite teachers class room and seen random blood splatters on the wall and when I went to go sit down I smelt the nasty smell of decaying flesh looked and seen my favorite teacher was a zombie I ran out of the class and heard some growling seen another zombie!! I am freaking out I pull out a stick I forgot about in my bag I start slowly approaching the zombie and peirce the brain and the zombie dies then I run out of the school to live to fight another day


            Well it started as a wierd day my clock would not go off, but that aside what I found out later that day was what really shocked. Suddenly my clock not going off was the least of my of my worries well it turs out that there was this really wierd explosion last night.Beacuse some one spilt water all of this really high tech gear and well it let of this detonation that effected every technilogially advanced object the whole city.Now mind you the city thehy lived  in was New York City one of the BIGGEST CITIES IN THE WORLD.

        The whole city was pich black.It did not bother Nick because he was sleeping but that is why his clock did not go off well after he was ready he met up with some of his friends while he was walking to school when he came in everyone was moper then usaul. Nick thought hey It is a monday I know how you feel but later he realized it was not because it was a monday it was because of the detonation. He realized that when he was almost bitten  by the teacher he lost his friends because they were bitten and they had turned .

Explanation: sorry I ran out of Ideas but that is a solid two paragraphs can you give me a little more details on how long it has to be

what does the word maternal mean in the paragrapph



in general the word  maternal would mean Definition of maternal. 1 : of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother : motherly maternal love maternal instincts. 2a : related through a mother his maternal aunt. b : inherited or derived from the female parent maternal genes.


hope this helps for better information try putting the paragraph :))))

The word maternal means people, character, or things related or belong to the mother or meter side. For example, maternal uncle.

What is the meaning of maternal?

Maternal word is used to describe the feelings, actions, characters which are related to a mother.

Maternal love, actions, or maternal relations, are some example of maternal words.

Thus, the word maternal means people, character, or things related or belong to the mother or meter side. For example, maternal uncle.

Learn more about maternal


Question 20
When they went to the fields together, Gary's mother reminded him not to lose his
O pants
O balance
O jug of water





Gary's mother told them to not lose his Balance

"What did you do last year—what use did you make of the time as it went by? What did you do yesterday? What are you going to do today? You possess a mind organized for practically unlimited thinking and studying. How many of your hours do you live as a thinking, studying man? How many do you live on a par with an ox chewing his cud in the field?"

Why does the author ask a series of rhetorical questions in paragraph 11?

to point out the similarities between animals and human beings

to encourage readers to think about the meaning of time

to suggest specific ways to utilize time most wisely

to make readers evaluate their use of time



D. to make readers evaluate their use of time


The rhetorical question is used to force reflection on readers or listeners, as it does not require answers, but it does require people to make an assessment of the topic it is addressing. In relation to the above text, we can say that rhetorical questions seek to reflect on the use of readers' time, allowing them to evaluate and reflect on whether they are using their time productively and progressively, or whether they are playing time. out with super nice things.

Appreciation of the height of ridiculous



yah ikr


Yeah, I know right..

Jim Crow summary I can use for a book talk.



Jim Crow laws were a series of laws passed in the 1800's. It made sure that blacks and whites were separated. All these laws went on until Martin Luther King Jr. put an end to them in 1963.

Have a great day!

Q1 Read the following poem carefully:
The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel
And the former called the latter "Little Prig.
Bun replied
*You are doubtless very big,
But all sorts of things and weather
Must be taken in together
To make a year
And a sphere
And I think it no disgrace​



1. c) the mountain and a squirrel.

2. b) the squirrel.

3. False.

4. c) big.


From the passage we can deduce the following points;

I) The quarrel was between the mountain (former) and a squirrel (latter).

II) Little Prig' is the squirrel. According to the passage, the latter is the squirrel.

III) The mountain didn't say, ''If I cannot carry forest on my back." This phrase wasn't stated in any part of the passage.

IV) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is big because it qualifies a noun such as the mountain.

The parts of the rhetorical triangle are in a ______________ relationship.

A. static

B. adversarial

C. dynamic

D. fixed





C. dynamic

C. dynamic

C. dynamic

Read the sentence.

Successful athletes have a supply of strength to draw on when necessary.
Which word could replace the underlined word without changing the meaning of the sentence? Supply is the underlined word.












Successful athletes have a reservoir of strength to draw on when necessary.

Hi, can u help me pls ?​



7. b) Amtrak

8. a) The Apprentice

9. c) California

10. b) White House

11. c) absentee

12. a) Mike Pence

13. b) Kamala Harris

14. c) 18

15. a) POTUS


(1) Oliver's students were pretty bad off. (2) Some of the
chefs-in-training were without families or homes. (3)
Others fought drug problems. (4) Many of them had lost
How should the underlined words be written so that
sentence 1 has the right tone?
A. Had all kinds of troubles
B. Had not had easy lives
C. Were in a world of hurt
D. Were totally messed up


Answer: Difinintely B


Which organizational pattern is used in the passage
A. Compare and contrast
B. Cause and effect
C. Problem-solution
D. Sequential



A is the correct answer. have a good day, mate.

The organizational pattern we can identify in the passage attached about Athens and Sparta is:

A. Compare and contrast.

We say a text uses the compare and contrast organizational pattern when it points out similarities or differences between two people, places, things, organizations, etc.The passage we are analyzing here is comparing and contrasting the cities of Athens and Sparta in Ancient Greece.The similarity between the two cities is that they both relied on agriculture.The differences lie in their governing system - Athens was democratic while Sparta was not - and the military service - optional in Athens, mandatory in Sparta.With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the best option to describe the text is A. Compare and contrast.

Learn more about the topic here:

Who is the protagonist, (good guy) and what do they want? -in the book "all summer in a day"-



The protagonist is Margot, and she wants to see the sun again.


PROMPT: What are the most important things you consider when choosing a book to read?


Normally the cover, or the short summary on the back of the book

The most important things to consider when choosing a book to read are the name, the summary on the back, and the length. The name of the book should grab your attention. The summary will give you insight on what the books holds, to see if you're interested in reading it or not. The length of the book is important to consider, because you need to decide whether or not you're willing to read that much/that little about whatever the book is about.
hope this helps!

What gives lyric poetry its musical nature?

A. prose

B. sound devices

C. metaphors

D. figurative language


The answer is metaphors


B. sound devices


Lyric poetry resembles a musical composition with elements like alliteration, consonance, rhyme, and meter. They often consist of free verse which are rich in music of vowel and consonant sounds. Wording your emotions with a lyrical poem can thus transform a simple string of words into a legendary piece of art.

Which or what game is this?



I am guessing a guessing game cause u didnt add anything?



what you are talking about





to rely on something.


for example, we are dependent on our phones, we need them or we rely on them.

Somebody helpppp meee pleaseeeeeeeeee



b is the answer


hope it helps


The answer is B


Can you help me with this.​


Answer: I think it's the first one


Sorry if I'm wrong

When you read a peer's reflective essay for the purpose of providing feedback, what should you do first? A Read the essay through once to see if you can iden… B Look for ways that the author can improve spelling… C Identify the anecdote and reflections and make sur… D Identify where the author should include additiona…


Answer: Read the essay through once to see if you can identify the author's claim.


The first read-through should focus on what the writer is trying to say.

Please selected me BrainlIest.

Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. Describe what you learned about Ancient China, including the dynasties, philosophers, inventions and many other great facts you may have discovered. The letter should be at four to five paragraphs long, neatly printed or typed 10 OR 11 FONT.


Philosphers are Buddha, Lao Zi, Shang Yang, Confucius
Dynasties are Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty



explain more so i can write it.


What line shows that Banquo suspects that Macbeth was involved
Duncan's demise? Re-write it to the side.






Could someone PLEASE help me out with this person?? They keep like harassing me for not explaining an answer. I know I should have explained it but the person seemed urgent for an answer. Just please help, this is getting out of control and wt.f to do.



I just started using brainly, you could report him and if there's an option, block him.


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