Read the following excerpt from William Shakesphere’s The Tempest.
Abhorred slave,
Which any print of goodness wilt not take,
Being capable of all ill! I pitied thee,
Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour
One thing or other: when thou didst not, savage,
Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like
A thing most brutish, I endow'd thy purposes
With words that made them known. But thy vile race,
Though thou didst learn, had that in't which good natures
Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou
Deservedly confined into this rock,
Who hadst deserved more than a prison.
Apex Learning - Exam
You taught me language; and my profit on't
Is, I know how to curse. The red plague rid you
For learning me your language!
Discuss two of this excerpt's themes. How does Shakespeare develop these two themes over the
course of the entire play? Support your argument with evidence from the text. (30 points)


Answer 1

Two of the themes in this excerpt from The Tempest by William Shakespeare are power and colonialism.In this excerpt, Prospero, who has power over Caliban, accuses him of being inherently evil and incapable of goodness. He claims to have tried to teach Caliban language and better behavior, but ultimately sees him as unworthy of redemption and deserving of punishment. This demonstrates the theme of power, as Prospero wields power over Caliban and uses it to judge and punish him.

Additionally, this excerpt also touches on the theme of colonialism, as Prospero is an outsider who has taken control of the island and subjugated its native inhabitants, including Caliban. Prospero views himself as superior to Caliban and the other islanders, and sees it as his duty to civilize them and make them conform to his own cultural norms.

These themes are developed over the course of the entire play as Prospero's motivations and actions are further revealed. He uses his magic to control and manipulate not just Caliban, but also the other characters on the island. The play also explores the complex power dynamics between different characters, such as Prospero and his daughter Miranda, as well as his relationship with the spirit Ariel. As the play progresses, it becomes clear that Prospero's desire for power and control has driven many of his actions, including his colonization of the island and his treatment of Caliban.

Overall, Shakespeare uses the themes of power and colonialism to explore complex issues of identity, culture, and oppression in The Tempest. Through the characters of Prospero and Caliban, he highlights the destructive consequences of unchecked power and colonialism, while also raising questions about the nature of morality and redemption.

Related Questions

determine the truth or falsehood of a proposition or predicate including compound or negated statements.


To determine the truth or falsehood of a proposition or predicate, you need to evaluate the statement in question based on its logical structure and the truth values of its constituent parts.

Simple statements: Simple statements are those that express a single idea or assertion. To determine their truth value, you need to examine the statement and assess whether it corresponds to reality. For example, the statement "The sky is blue" is true on a clear day but false during a storm.

Compound statements: Compound statements are those that express a relationship between two or more ideas or assertions. These statements can be joined together using logical operators such as "and," "or," and "not." To determine their truth value, you need to evaluate the truth values of each of the constituent parts and then apply the relevant logical operator. For example, the statement "It is raining and the sun is shining" is false because it is contradictory.

Negated statements: Negated statements are those that express the opposite of a given idea or assertion. To determine their truth value, you need to examine the statement and evaluate its logical structure. For example, the statement "It is not raining" is true if it is not currently raining but false if it is.

Overall, the process of determining the truth or falsehood of a proposition or predicate requires careful attention to the logical structure of the statement and an assessment of whether it corresponds to reality.

Learn more about falsehood


which word best describe how Ravi acts?





He doesn't want to go so he reluctantly gets into the car

4. Reread lines 38-45. What does the old woman's advice
suggest about the theme, or central idea, of the myth?



A option just to good


Which word could best combine these two sentences from the passage? I had always been interested in painting. I didn't think I had the ability to do it well. A. and B. since C. because D. but


Answer: D. But


Where do we see aspects of Transcendentalism in Fahrenheit 451? that is, what does Bradbury convey about being an individual in society?


Transcendentalism is a philosophical and literary movement that emphasizes individualism, self-reliance, and the importance of nature.

How is Transcendentalism seen in  Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 contains several elements of Transcendentalism, particularly in its portrayal of the struggle for individualism in a society that values conformity and censorship.

One of the most significant ways in which Transcendentalism is reflected in Fahrenheit 451 is through the character of Clarisse McClellan. Clarisse is portrayed as an individual who values her own thoughts and experiences, and she encourages the protagonist, Guy Montag, to do the same. She asks Montag if he is happy, and when he struggles to answer, she tells him, "I am. I'm mad about the way things are. I just can't seem to get mad about them anymore. I don't know why."

This conversation between Clarisse and Montag highlights the importance of individuality and self-reflection in a conformist society. It emphasizes the need to question the status quo and to think independently, rather than blindly accepting what is presented by the government or other authority figures.

To know more about Transcendentalism, visit:


I have to write thirty different works about “happiness”. I am only allowed to use a genre 3 times. Any recommendations on what to write about would be greatly appreciated!




Sure, here are some ideas for you:

Personal experiences that brought happiness into your life.

The importance of gratitude and how it can lead to happiness.

Strategies for finding happiness during difficult times.

The connection between physical exercise and happiness.

The role of relationships in creating and maintaining happiness.

The importance of self-care for happiness.

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness for happiness.

The link between financial stability and happiness.

The impact of social media on happiness.

The role of spirituality and religion in creating happiness.

The benefits of travel for happiness.

The science behind happiness and how to increase it.

The impact of diet on happiness.

The role of hobbies and interests in creating happiness.

The benefits of laughter and humor for happiness.

The impact of work-life balance on happiness.

The connection between creativity and happiness.

The role of pets in creating happiness.

The benefits of nature and outdoor activities for happiness.

The impact of music on happiness.

The role of volunteering in creating happiness.

The connection between learning and happiness.

The impact of sleep on happiness.

The role of art and beauty in creating happiness.

The benefits of forgiveness for happiness.

The impact of community involvement on happiness.

The connection between personal growth and happiness.

The role of optimism and positive thinking in creating happiness.

The benefits of being present in the moment for happiness.

The impact of service and helping others on happiness.

Remember, you can use each genre only three times, so try to mix it up and find different ways to approach each topic!

What is the meaning of "recognized only firmness, power and force and reflects primitive instincts and reactions entirely devoid of the restraints of civilization"?



That they only understood power and unless they were forced and bullied, in a sense, they would keep pushing the limits. This behavior was uncivilized and primitive, not what is expected from a civilized government.


_Without a doubt_, we would never have known about her suspicious behavior if it had not been for you.

What role does the underlined linking phrase in this sentence play?
It emphasizes the point made in the sentence.
It shows the reader comparison in the sentence.
It helps introduce examples of suspicious behavior.
It draws the sentence to a complete conclusion.


A) In the statement "Without a doubt, we would never have known about her suspicious behavior if it had not been for you," the underlined linking word "Without a doubt" serves to emphasize the argument being made.

what is underlined link?

An underlined link is a hyperlink that appears on a website as underlined text, typically in the color blue. It is a link that can be clicked, and doing so will direct the user to either a different website or a particular page within the current website.

Links that are italicized or bolded on web pages are frequently used to provide more details or direct users to other pertinent resources. They can appear as a simple text link or can be styled with additional design elements such as color or hover effects.

Learn more about the underlined link with the help of the given link:


How does humanity help and hinder nature​



Humanity has a complex relationship with nature. On one hand, humans have made significant advancements in technology, medicine, and other areas that have improved the quality of life for many people. However, this progress has often come at the expense of nature. Pollution, deforestation, and overfishing are just a few examples of how humans have negatively impacted the environment.

On the positive side, many people and organizations are now working to preserve and protect the environment. There is a growing awareness of the need to reduce our carbon footprint, conserve resources, and find sustainable solutions to the problems facing the planet. These efforts have led to the creation of national parks and protected areas, the development of renewable energy sources, and the implementation of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

However, much more needs to be done. Human activities continue to cause environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. The challenge is to find ways to balance the needs of people with the needs of the planet. This requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about and interact with nature. It means recognizing that we are part of the natural world, not separate from it, and that we have a responsibility to protect it for future generations.




Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

evaluate the impact that ongoing changes in parents or guidian relationships of Grade 11s could have on their ability to achieve academic goals​




Changes in parents or guardian relationships of Grade 11 students can have a significant impact on their ability to achieve academic goals. The level of support and stability that students receive from their parents or guardians is crucial to their academic success.

If a student's parents or guardians are going through a divorce, separation, or any other significant change in their relationship, the student may experience emotional distress, which can affect their ability to concentrate and learn. They may become more withdrawn or exhibit behavioral issues, and their academic performance may suffer as a result. Additionally, if the family is relocating, the student may have to adjust to a new environment and school, which can also impact their academic performance.

Furthermore, changes in parents or guardian relationships can also impact a student's financial stability. For example, if the family is going through a divorce or separation, the student may experience a decrease in financial resources and face additional financial burdens. This can limit their access to resources such as tutoring, academic support, or educational materials, which can impact their academic performance.

To mitigate the impact of changes in parents or guardian relationships, it is essential to provide students with emotional support and resources. School counselors, teachers, and other professionals can help provide emotional support and guidance to students who are experiencing challenging family situations. Additionally, schools can provide resources such as tutoring, academic support, and educational materials to ensure that students have access to the resources they need to achieve their academic goals despite the challenges they may be facing at home.

Direct and indirect speech 6std icic


Direct speech is when the exact words spoken by someone are quoted. Indirect speech is when the gist of what was said is reported without using the exact words.

Direct speech, also known as quoted speech, is when we report someone's exact words. It is enclosed in quotation marks, and the speaker's exact words are repeated, often including details such as tone and emphasis. For example, if someone said, "I am going to the store," the direct speech would be: "I am going to the store," he said.

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is when we report what someone said without using their exact words. Instead, we convey the general meaning of what was said, often changing the tense, pronouns, and other details to reflect the new context. For example, if someone said, "I am going to the store," the indirect speech would be: He said that he was going to the store.

Indirect speech is often introduced by verbs such as "said," "told," "asked," or "inquired" and may require changes in verb tense and word order. It is commonly used in news reports, stories, and other forms of writing where the original speaker's exact words are not necessary or cannot be accurately quoted.

Learn more about Direct speech:


Sometimes dreams become reality. ​



Yes, that is true.


Dreams can become a reality if we work hard and take the necessary steps towards achieving them. While some dreams may seem impossible or far-fetched, with perseverance and dedication, we can overcome obstacles and turn our dreams into reality. It is essential to have a clear vision of our goals and take small steps towards them every day. By staying focused and believing in ourselves, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, even if it initially seems impossible. Therefore, it is important to dream big, work hard, and never give up on our aspirations, as they can turn into a reality.

Mrs. Van Daan had to sell her fur coat because they ran out of money. How much did she sell it for?


Mrs. Van Daan sold his wife's fur coat for 325 Florins.

The Diary of Anne Frank

Anne's fourteenth birthday is marked by small gifts from her "family in hiding," as she refers to them, as well as a poem from her father. This was a German tradition, and because Anne's family had originally come from Germany, moving to Holland only after the Nazis rose to power in Germany, her father wrote the poem in German. Anne's sister, Margot, translated it "brilliantly" into Dutch, and the English translator did an excellent job as well.The Nazis have begun to move quickly, imposing new regulations. All civilians are ordered to hand in their radio sets (listening to stations other than those of the Nazis has been prohibited since the beginning of the war, but the Dutch have gotten around this).

To know more about Anne Frank,click on the link :


It has been said that entrepreneurship is contextual and that it will manifest in different countries and regions. Explain the meaning of the above statement and outline 3 possible factors that could determine the contextual variation in the manifestation of entrepreneurship.



The statement "entrepreneurship is contextual" suggests that entrepreneurship will vary depending on the specific cultural, economic, social, and political context in which it occurs. In other words, the way entrepreneurship is expressed and perceived will differ across countries and regions due to various factors that shape the local environment.

Here are three possible factors that could determine the contextual variation in the manifestation of entrepreneurship:

1. Cultural norms and values: Different cultures have unique attitudes toward risk-taking, innovation, and individualism, which can influence the type and frequency of entrepreneurial activities. For example, in some countries, starting a business may be seen as a risky and unconventional career path that is discouraged by family and social pressures. In contrast, other cultures may place a high value on entrepreneurship and view it as a legitimate way to achieve success and status.

2. Economic conditions: The economic environment, including factors such as access to capital, infrastructure, and market demand, can greatly impact the opportunities and challenges faced by entrepreneurs. For instance, in countries with high levels of income inequality or limited job opportunities, entrepreneurship may be seen as a necessary means of economic survival, while in countries with robust social safety nets, entrepreneurship may be more of a choice than a necessity.

3. Political and legal frameworks: The regulatory and legal environment, including factors such as tax laws, intellectual property protections, and government support for small businesses, can have a significant impact on the ability of entrepreneurs to launch and grow their ventures. For example, in countries with cumbersome bureaucratic processes and high taxes, starting a business may be more difficult, while in countries with favorable policies and supportive government programs, entrepreneurship may be more encouraged and accessible.

Overall, entrepreneurship is influenced by a complex set of contextual factors, and understanding these factors is critical to developing effective policies and strategies to support entrepreneurship and foster economic growth.



Read the poem "John Adams," written by Robert Blackwell. Then, read the sample analysis and answer the question that follows.

"John Adams"
By Robert Blackwell

Just read his name ye wise and great,
Our Patriot did all tyrants hate;
He loving Freedom said that he
Never would bow to Kings the knee.

And while all streams their courses keep,
Directing as where thousands sleep,
And stars shine in the azure deep;
Men who prize true worth and fame
Should e'er rejoice to read his name

What error did the writer make in the analysis?
A) The writer's voice is unclear.
B) The writer put the phrases "wise and great" and "loved freedom" in quotation marks.
C) The writer did not use parentheses for citations.
D) The writer did not introduce the author and title of the poem.


Answer: option (C)
Hope it helps u




yesterday i___(go) to a party: all my friends___(be) there and we___(have) a lot of fun.​



Yesterday I went to a party: all my friends were there and we had a lot of fun.

Yesterday I WENT to a party: all my friends WERE there and we HAD a lot of fun.

6. Choose the option that best explains and corrects the faulty parallelism in the following sentence: The play was lively, entertaining, and ended quickly.
Faulty parallelism occurs when the subject is modified by adjectives and a verb/adverb combination instead of all adjectives. Correction: The play was lively, entertaining, and short
There is no faulty parallelism in the sentence; therefore, it does not require a correction.
Faulty parallelism occurs when the modifiers appear after the subject. Correction: Lively and entertaining, the play ended quickly.
Faulty parallelism occurs when the subject is modified more than once. Correction: The play was lively.


When a subject is modified by a verb/adverb combination in addition to an adjective rather than just an adjective, the parallelism is flawed. The play was brief, vibrant, and entertaining.

What does a bad parallelism mean?

When the structure of a sentence is not grammatically parallel, it is referred to as a flawed parallelism (also known as a parallel structure error or a parallel construction error). List-containing sentences are the ones where this mistake happens most frequently.

What determines a sentence's parallelism?

Verify that you've paired nouns with other nouns, verbs with other verbs, prepositional phrases with other prepositional phrases, and so on, as this is a quick way to determine whether your writing has parallelism. To ensure that each part in a sentence has the same grammatical form, underline each component and examine it.

To know more about faulty parallelism visit:


Would the tell tale heart be different if it was told in a 3rd person pov? Explain how


Yes, "The Tell-Tale Heart" would have been different if it had been narrated from a third-person point of view.

In this short story, the narrator tells the tale in the first-person point of view. His storytelling is filled with personal emotions and his perspective. Because of this, the story would have had a different tone and mood if it had been narrated in a third-person point of view.

The third-person point of view gives the author more flexibility in telling the story. It allows the author to show more characters' perspectives and use more omniscient narration, which makes the story more objective.

In "The Tell-Tale Heart," a third-person point of view would have allowed the author to show what the other characters thought of the narrator. It would have allowed the readers to see the narrator's actions and thoughts from an objective point of view, and they would be able to decide for themselves if the narrator is a reliable source of information. Additionally, the third-person point of view allows for a more formal tone, which could have influenced the overall tone and mood of the story.

In conclusion, the point of view plays a significant role in shaping the reader's experience of a story. If "The Tell-Tale Heart" were narrated from a third-person point of view, it would have been a different story with different tones and moods.

More about Point of View:


A close friend of yours has met someone that he/she likes very much. Unfortunately, your friend is very shy and cannot hold a conversation with him/her. He/She has come to you for advice. Write the dialogue. ​


A fair coin is tossed 7 times. Compute the probability of tossing 7 heads in a row.

Enter your response as a reduced fraction.

Answer: sit by him for lunch


"what kind of music do you like" have the friend ask for his snap

Identify the central idea of the text below.

from The Pond in Winter

Every winter the liquid and trembling surface of the pond, which was so sensitive to every breath, and reflected every light and shadow, becomes solid to the depth of a foot or a foot and a half, so that it will support the heaviest teams, and perchance the snow covers it to an equal depth, and it is not to be distinguished from any level field. Like the marmots in the surrounding hills, it closes its eye-lids and becomes dormant for three months or more. Standing on the snow-covered plain, as if in a pasture amid the hills, I cut my way first through a foot of snow, and then a foot of ice, and open a window under my feet, where, kneeling to drink, I look down into the quiet parlor of the fishes, pervaded by a softened light as through a window of ground glass, with its bright sanded floor the same as in summer; there a perennial waveless serenity reigns as in the amber twilight sky, corresponding to the cool and even temperament of the inhabitants. Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads..




The central idea of the text is the transformation of a pond during winter, as it becomes frozen and dormant, but still maintains its serene beauty and peacefulness. The text describes the process of the pond's freezing, as well as the experience of cutting through the ice to look down at the fish and their tranquil surroundings. Through the author's observations and descriptions, the text conveys a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world even during its quietest and seemingly dormant seasons.

Change the statement “she laughed” in a question form



she laughed?


What do you mean she laughed at you?

. Strategies to deal with unhealthy sexual behaviour. Many teenagers choose .1. way to be 100% protected from STI's and pregnancy. If you have made decisions in the past that you are not happy with, it is
not too late 2​


The most important strategy to deal with unhealthy sexual behaviour among teenager is the practice of abstinence.

How does abstinence improve healthy lifestyle?

Abstinence, or the practice of refraining from engaging in certain activities or consuming certain substances, can improve a person's healthy lifestyle in various ways. For example, abstinence from smoking, excessive drinking, or drug use can help reduce the risk of developing various diseases and health conditions, including cancer, liver disease, and addiction.

Abstinence from unhealthy foods or excessive calorie intake can also help manage weight and reduce the risk of obesity and related health problems. Additionally, abstinence from certain activities or behaviors, such as engaging in risky sexu/al behaviors, can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. Overall, abstinence can help individuals maintain a healthier lifestyle by reducing the risk of negative health outcomes and promoting positive habits.

Read more about abstinence


2. What is the main idea or argument of the Pew Research Center source, or what information does it
contain? Did it help you identify any reasons to support your claim? Did you find evidence you might be able
to use in your argument? If so, what? (2 points)


As a generalization, it is widely held that the Pew Research Center offers reliable information on the world economy and other social indicators, such as religion, social index, etc.

Provide an explanation of the evidence in light of the argument?

a. It is said that Pew research data contains information from reliable sources.

b. This information is used for a variety of things, including as a reliable source of information in any type of writing about the economy or society.

c. Because it contains accurate data and makes predictions about the future that are based on that data, it can also be used as a source of argument.

To know more about Pew Research Center visit:


History of English language in Nigeria
History of English language as a second language
History of English language as a mother tongue
History of English language as a first language
History of English language as a foreign language


1) English language in Nigeria has a complex history, being used as both a first language and a second language due to colonization and the influence of education and globalization.

2) The English language has been widely used as a second language in Nigeria due to its colonial history and the influence of education, resulting in English being used as a lingua franca.

3) English language was introduced to Nigeria through colonization and missionary activities, leading to its use as a mother tongue by a small population of Nigerians who had English-speaking parents.

4) English language is used as a first language by a small population of Nigerians who are part of the English-speaking community, usually as a result of intermarriage or having grown up in English-speaking countries.

5) The English is considered a foreign language and is taught as a subject in schools, with varying degrees of proficiency depending on the level of education and exposure to English-speaking environments.

The history of the English language in Nigeria is complex due to the country's colonial past and the influence of education and globalization. English was introduced to Nigeria through colonization and missionary activities, and has been widely used as a second language due to its importance in education and as a lingua franca for communication among different ethnic groups.

A small population of Nigerians also use English as a mother tongue or first language, either as a result of education or intermarriage. Additionally, English is taught as a foreign language in schools, with varying degrees of proficiency depending on the level of education and exposure to English-speaking environments.

Learn more about English in Nigeria



1) English language in Nigeria has a complex history, being used as both a first language and a second language due to colonization and the influence of education and globalization.

2) The English language has been widely used as a second language in Nigeria due to its colonial history and the influence of education, resulting in English being used as a lingua franca.

3) English language was introduced to Nigeria through colonization and missionary activities, leading to its use as a mother tongue by a small population of Nigerians who had English-speaking parents.

4) English language is used as a first language by a small population of Nigerians who are part of the English-speaking community, usually as a result of intermarriage or having grown up in English-speaking countries.

5) The English is considered a foreign language and is taught as a subject in schools, with varying degrees of proficiency depending on the level of education and exposure to English-speaking environments.


Hope this helps

The cycle of violence begins with a tension-building stage, and continues to a violent episode. Which is the last stage of the cycle


The cycle of violence begins with a tension-building stage and continues into a violent episode. The last stage of the cycle is the honeymoon or calm stage.

The cycle of violence is a cycle in which an individual experiences recurring and escalating episodes of violence, which can be physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual. The cycle of violence is a common pattern seen in domestic abuse and other forms of violence. The cycle of violence consists of three stages:

Tension-building stage, Violent episode, and Honeymoon or calm stage.

Stage 1: The first stage of the cycle of violence is the tension-building stage. During this stage, the abuser will frequently become moody and irritable. They become critical and use verbal abuse to express their dissatisfaction with the victim. They might become increasingly possessive and jealous, or the victim might feel isolated and alone. They might experience feelings of anxiety or dread.

Stage 2: The second stage of the cycle of violence is the violent episode. During this stage, the tension reaches a climax and the abuser becomes violent. This violence can be physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual. The violence usually results in physical injury, but it can also result in emotional or psychological damage.

Stage 3: The third stage of the cycle of violence is the honeymoon or calm stage. During this stage, the abuser becomes contrite and seeks forgiveness from the victim. They might make promises to never hurt the victim again, shower them with gifts, or show them increased affection. This stage gives the victim the hope that things will change and that they can have the relationship they once had. However, this stage is short-lived and the cycle of violence begins again.

You can learn more about violence at:


1. Before a company can sell a new drug, they have to ............. tests and trials to make sure it’s safe.

a) conduct
b) provide
c) invent
d) proceed


Before a company can sell a new drug, they have to conduct tests and trials to make sure it’s safe. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

The statement given in the question is that a company needs to conduct tests and trials to ensure the safety of the new drug before it can sell it. This is because selling an unsafe drug can have severe implications on the users' health and cause potential harm to the population. Conducting tests and trials also help in determining the efficiency of the drug, the optimal dosage, and identify any side effects. Therefore, it's necessary for a company to conduct tests and trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the new drug.

"Providing" tests and trials is not correct because the company shouldn't "provide" but instead "do" their own test.
"Invent" isn't correct because the company isn't inventing the test and trials.
"Proceed" isn't correct because the context doesn't line up.

Learn more about conduct at


the break between the soviet union and the chinese was caused by china's


The Sino-Soviet split was the breaking of political ties between the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union as a result of doctrinal differences resulting from their disparate interpretations.

When did China and the Soviet Union break apart?

During the Sino-Soviet split (1956–1966), which took place during the Cold War, relations between the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China deteriorated. Mao Zedong, the leader of China, ultimately made the decision to sever ties with the Soviet Union.

Who was responsible for the dissolution of the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union's demise was predetermined by the botched August 1991 coup against Gorbachev. The coup, which was organized by hard-line Communists, reduced Gorbachev's influence and elevated Yeltsin and the democratic forces to the forefront of Soviet and Russian politics.

To know more about Sino-Soviet split visit:


The break between the Soviet Union and China was caused by China's refusal to follow Soviet leadership in world communism.

Afterward, China withdrew from the Soviet-dominated World Communist Movement and formed its own bloc, the Third World. China's refusal to follow Soviet leadership in world communism caused the break between the Soviet Union and China. The following factors contributed to the China-Soviet split:

China's refusal to follow Soviet leadership in world communism. Soviet insistence on having a single line of world communism that all communist countries must adhere to.

In 1962, Mao Zedong's criticisms of Soviet communist ideology began to surface. A brief border battle between China and the Soviet Union in 1969 exacerbated the political rift. The Soviet Union sided with Vietnam in the Sino-Vietnamese War, while China sided with Cambodia. The Soviet Union eventually suspended aid to China in 1969, and the situation worsened.

The Soviet Union and China had various clashes on both political and military levels. The Soviet Union and China were the two most important communist countries during the Cold War era. The split resulted in China moving closer to the United States and the West in general, resulting in the opening of the country's economy in 1978 under the policy of "reform and opening up."

You can learn more about Soviet leadership at:


Reread lines 95–104. Notice how Jefferson uses the first-person plural pronouns we and our to identify with his audience and to inspire unity of purpose. Examine Jefferson’s diction, or choice of words. How does the language of these closing paragraphs support the writer’s inspirational tone or attitude toward the idea of independence? Support your answer with evidence from the Declaration.


In lines 95-104 of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson uses the first-person plural pronouns "we" and "our" to emphasize the unity of the American people in their quest for independence. This use of inclusive language is intended to rally his audience and inspire them to act collectively in pursuit of their shared goal.

The language in these closing paragraphs is highly inspirational and uplifting. Jefferson uses powerful and emotive words and phrases such as "unalienable Rights," "sacred Honor," and "mutual Pledge to each other." These words are designed to evoke a strong emotional response from the reader and inspire them to join the cause for independence.

For example, Jefferson writes: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Here, Jefferson is emphasizing the sacrifice and commitment that is required of the American people in order to achieve their goal of independence. He is also invoking the idea of divine providence, which suggests that their cause is just and that they will ultimately be successful in their endeavor.

Overall, Jefferson's diction in the closing paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence is intended to inspire and motivate his audience to join together in pursuit of their shared goal. His use of inclusive language and powerful, emotive words is designed to create a sense of unity and purpose among the American people, and to encourage them to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve their independence.

Why does Captain Smollett keep the Union Jack Flag flying in chapters 16-18 Treasure Island?
A. The Captain thinks it is good luck.
B. It is a signal to Jim to let him know where they are.
C. It is a symbol to the pirates how much they hate them.


Source: Trust me bro

Why is listening important in business organization



Why is listening important in business organization


Listening is important in business organizations for several reasons:

Better Understanding: Listening allows managers, employees, and other stakeholders to better understand the needs, opinions, and perspectives of others. This helps to build stronger relationships and fosters an environment of trust and respect.

Problem Solving: Listening to others can help to identify problems and issues that need to be addressed in the organization. This can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving, which can improve productivity and profitability.

Enhanced Communication: Active listening can enhance communication within the organization, leading to improved collaboration and teamwork. By listening to feedback and suggestions, employees can work together more effectively to achieve common goals.

Customer Service: In businesses where customer service is important, listening is crucial. Listening to customer feedback can help organizations to better understand their needs and expectations, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Employee Engagement: Listening to employees can help to improve employee engagement and job satisfaction. When employees feel that their opinions are valued and heard, they are more likely to feel invested in the organization and to work harder to achieve its goals.

Overall, listening is an important skill in business organizations because it helps to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and foster an environment of trust and respect.


Explanation:. Listening increases productivity, boosts confidence and reduces errors.

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