Read the passage.

We ran through our circle of friends, trying to think of a single person who would fit in well with our "family." It wasn't difficult to hit on someone.

Which best identifies what the term hit means?

series of 4 radio buttons

to decide on

to strike by action

to indulge excessively

to affect in a negative way


Answer 1


To strike by action


When you get "hit" that is physical contact to someone of something.

Answer 2


to indulge excessively


i think the passage is referring to finding someone in the friend group without a partner to add to the family.

Related Questions

What are the possible consequences of being unable to predict an eruption? Do you know any “real life” examples from history? If so, explain how the nearby population was affected.


There are many eruptions that have happened and has affected the population extremely. La Soufriere volcano eruption that took place in 1902-2021 has affected many people that lived nearby. Many houses were destroyed and over 1600 lives were taken during the 1902 eruption. With modern science Volcano eruptions can be predictable and this has been very useful to notify people that they may be in danger in case of a volcano eruption but unfortunately not all volcano eruptions are always predictable because It is very difficult to gather enough data to find clear patterns in this wide range of volcanic behaviors. My predictions for unpredictable eruptions is that there would have been more people that died and this can also affect the earth's climate and weather because the gases and dust particles thrown into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions can influence the Earth's climate.

help me with this graphic organizer




we don't have information to help you out sorry we need more than that or I do I would if I could I'm sorry

Explanation: oh wait nvm so u put it about u and how u was a baby until ur first day of school

EXAMPLE: On January 21 I was born that's for the first triangle part so just put about you i think that's how is goes look at this

add information so we can know what you help in lol

The next question refers to This Mystery Rocks! by Cynthia Schlagel.
The sentences have been numbered to help you identify them more easily.

This Mystery Rocks! By Cyntha Schlagel

1The Drifting Rocks are a strange phenomenon still unexplained by science. 2Located in Death Valley, California, the rocks sit on hot, flat ground. 3Unlike normal rocks, they have trails etched behind them as if they have traveled across the sand. 4Some trails are only a few feet. 5Some trails are over a half a mile long. 6Each trail is as baffling as the next.

7The variety of rock movement has baffled scientists for decades. 8Some rocks seem to roll as they move forward. 9Some take unexplainable routes. 10Large ones have traveled past small ones that have stayed still. 11Some scientists suggest that the rocks are pushed by wind. 12Others believe they slide on small amounts of ice or mud. 13So far, research has not confirmed any theory.

Which choice best describes how the author organized information? (4 points)

a. Cause and effect
b. Chronological order
c. Fact by fact
d. Problem-solution

(i will give 30 points and i will give brainiest if you have the answer but no links please)



c.Fact by fact



Cronalogical Order


I hope this helps

Use the excerpt from the story "True Reign" to answer the question.

Liana’s hands had been in the hot dishwater for so long, her fingertips were puckered. Blowing a strand of damp hair from her face, she wiped crusted food off a platter and handed it to Winnie, who struggled to keep up with the drying. Poor Winnie. At 14, she was just one year younger than Liana, but she was so skinny, she looked only 10. Sometimes, Liana snuck her food from her own plate, but they all got so little, there wasn’t much to share. Now, Cook clanged two pots into the basin, splashing Liana’s apron, which was already soaked.

“Winnie!” Cook yelled, one large hand holding a bowl of whipped cream. “Get yourself out to the dining room and help clear the dinner dishes!”

Liana watched Winnie go, wishing Cook had sent her, instead. The Prince was in the dining room this very minute. But Liana had a plan to set eyes on him one way or the other. She schemed as she scrubbed and scoured and sweated.

Suddenly, a girl’s scream came from the dining room. Then the double doors banged open and Mrs. Thorpe entered, dragging a girl by the shoulder. It was Winnie. All the color had drained from her face, and she could barely walk.

“You’re worthless!” Mrs. Thorpe shouted at her. “Can’t even bus dishes without getting in your own way.” She gave Winnie a little shove, letting go of her shoulder. Winnie crumpled to the floor—but Liana, who was coming toward the commotion, caught her.

Gently, Liana lowered her to the floor. “You’re burned! She’s burned,” Liana said to the innkeeper, examining Winnie’s arm, where a large red welt was already starting to blister. “How did this happen?”

“Girl didn’t have the good sense to step out of the way of a hot pan,” said Mrs. Thorpe. The innkeeper shifted her glare to Liana. “And you’ll find out soon enough what happens to girls who take that tone with me. Don’t you have a job to do?”

In Liana’s arms, Winnie was whining softly. “It’s all right, Winnie,” Liana whispered.

Now, the innkeeper leaned down to grab Liana’s arm. “I said—”

“Excuse me?” A young man was standing at the doors, which were still propped open. The innkeeper straightened, drawing in a breath as she realized the kitchen was in full view. “My sergeant has a salve that should ease the girl’s burn.”

“Thank you,” said Liana. The man was tall, with dark hair that curled to his shoulders and piercing green eyes. His trousers and tunic were simply styled, but well-made of rich, purple cloth. The buckles on his tall brown boots were forged in real silver.

“Thank you, my Lord,” said Cook, bending down to sweep Winnie into her arms. Bowing her head, she gave a brief curtsy. “This kitchen’s got no shortage of salve.” Cook turned to whisper in Winnie’s ear. “Cook will take care of you now, lovey.”

As Cook trudged from the kitchen, Liana stood, noticing for the first time that everything around her had stopped. The kitchen girls, the busboys, even the innkeeper stood, turned toward the man in the doorway, their heads bowed.

“Liana!” hissed one of the girls.

Liana looked around, then back at the man, who was staring at her, a half-smile on his lips. An amused look sparkled in his eyes. And then it dawned on her. She had laid eyes on the Prince, after all. Horrified, she bowed her head, giving herself a view of her soaked apron and general disorderly appearance. Keeping her head lowered, she snuck a look up at the Prince through her bedraggled hair.

He was still looking at her—and then he spoke to her. “What’s your name?”

Write a 3–5 sentence analysis explaining the story structure, whether the action moves the plot forward, and how the characters are developed.(4 points)


The story "True Reign" follows a linear plot structure where events unfold in a chronological sequence. The action in the excerpt moves the plot forward by introducing the characters, establishing their circumstances, and setting up conflicts.

The characters are developed through their actions and interactions, revealing their roles and relationships within the story. Liana is depicted as compassionate and resourceful, willing to share her food with Winnie and take care of her when she gets injured.

Mrs. Thorpe is portrayed as harsh and cruel, while the Prince is introduced as a mysterious and potentially significant character.

The dialogue and descriptions provide insights into the characters' personalities and motivations, setting the stage for further development and potential conflicts in the narrative.

Know more about story:


Near the end of "Better Wait Till Martin Comes," when all the cats repeat the phrase, "Better wait till Martin comes,” it creates a feeling of

A. dread.
B. boredom.
C. impatience.
D. sorrow.



When the large cat repeats the same words 'Better wait till Martin comes' It creates excitement and curosity in the readers mind that who this Martin is? So, the effect that this repetitive words give to the story is that it pushes the story to it's most exciting part.


When all the cats repeat the phrase, "Better wait till Martin comes," it creates a feeling of dread, as expressed in option A and explained below.

What is dread?

Dread is a feeling of fear or anxiety, and it is often the goal of authors who write scary stories. That is precisely the case with "Wait Till Martin Comes." The story is supposed to be scary, and the repetition of "Better wait till Martin comes" causes a feeling a dread.

With the information above in mind, we can select option A as the correct answer.

Learn more about feelings here:

Do you think someone should have to be 17 or older to download and social media apps, or do you think it should stay the way that it is where 12+ is the limit?





because its not right to take peoples dreams away until their 17 and anyway its fine for 12 year old to have tt and stuff like that <3Tami      hope this helped

Yes I think you should be 17 and older to download these social apps, a lot of pediphile using these app to socialize with children.

If you wrote a summary of the paragraph below, which idea would NOT be part of the summary?

1. how to treat a cold at home—without antibiotics
2. what patients can do to make antibiotics work better
3. the effects of misusing antibiotics
4. ways that antibiotics are misused



the effects of using antibiotics


Answer: how to treat a cold at home—without antibiotics


How did Maniac pay for Russell and Piper’s education every week? Novel:Maniac Magee


Maniac actually makes a series of deals with Russell and Piper in order to get them to attend school. He begins by "promising to show them the shortcut to Mexico on Saturday" if they go to school faithfully for the rest of the week.

In "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas" what happens to Bruno and Shmuel at the end of the story?



They die in one of the gas chambers in Auschwitz


In the end of 'The Boy In the Striped Pajamas', both Bruno and Shmuel enter into a gas chamber in the concentration camp and are killed.


hope it helps :)

José had looked forward to his first day of high school for as long as he could remember. Not only would he get to experience interesting classes and a stimulating social life, but he would also be able to enlist in the Student Activities Coordination Committee, which his older sister had been raving about for years.
On the first day of day of school, José spied a banner for the Student Activities Coordination Club and rushed over to investigate. He found a sign-up sheet for the group and scrawled his name on the list, pondering which activities he wished to plan.
At the committee’s annual inaugural meeting, the president and committee officers introduced themselves and detailed their plans for many of the committee’s regular activities. Then the president announced that she wanted to create a new activity this year, something to get the group more involved with volunteering and with the community. José inquisitively listened to the president’s request.
The president asked the members to think of a few ideas to tell at another meeting later in the week. José departed from the meeting pondering how his group could positively affect the community. José and his family had volunteered many times in the past. His parents had always instilled in him the idea that volunteering is invaluable because it makes the community a better place.
José tried to draw on his volunteering experiences to help him think of an activity for the committee. José reminisced about the time he doled out piping hot meals at a soup kitchen. He contemplated the time he and his dad had planted lush, green trees in the park. Suddenly, José recalled another volunteering experience. A number of years ago, he and his family had volunteered at the Bristol County Animal Shelter. While volunteering there, José had prepared food, washed animals, and cleaned the cages. He remembered that it was one of his favorite volunteering experiences.
José realized that the shelter had meager operating funds and that it relied on the generosity of the public to survive. This gave José a wonderful idea. He decided to suggest that the committee commence a walk-a-thon to raise money for the animal shelter!
At the committee meeting, members presented their ideas to the group. José wasn’t certain that his idea would be chosen because there were so many worthy causes mentioned by other students. When José had his chance to speak, he relayed his experiences volunteering at the shelter and gave a brief overview of his idea for the walk-a-thon; everyone adored his idea.
Upon hearing the news of the committee’s plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed. They asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, José led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.
On the day of the event, hundreds of people—and a few animals—arrived at the school’s track field to complete the walk. The turnout alone almost took José’s breath away, not to mention the enormous sum of money raised for the animal shelter; the event was a huge success. At the end of day, José gazed at the scene before him and smiled with pleasure, wondering if anything to come during the rest of his high school career could possibly provide him with a more valuable experience.
Upon hearing the news of the committee’s plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed, and they asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, José led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.
1) Read this paragraph from the draft. Which would be the appropriate ending for this paragraph?
A) José was excited that the workers were attending the event, and he hoped to see some of his friends from the shelter.
B) The plans for the walk were coming together, and José and the other committee members waited with anticipation.
C) Some of the committee members put together a radio ad about the walk and played it on local stations.
D) The committee decided to have some food and drinks available at the walk for the participants.





i believe after analyzing the story that this is the outcome

Grave of the Fireflies 5-6 sentence summary. Please put it in your own words. Very Appreciated!



This animated story follows Seita (Tsutomu Tatsumi), a teenager charged with the care of his younger sister, Setsuko (Ayano Shiraishi), after the two children are separated from their parents due to an American firebombing during World War II. Their survival story is both heartbreaking and true to life. The siblings are completely reliant on one another and fight against all odds to remain together and alive.

1. Before finding Shmuel in his house, Bruno had never noticed how thin Shmuel’s fingers were, like “dying twigs.” Why do Shmuel’s and Bruno’s hands look so different? ues evidence from the text to support your answer

2. why isn't Bruno afraid of Lieutenant Kotler at first? ues evidence from the text to support your answer



Bruno, being the son of the Commandant of the Nazi army who is in control of the concentration camp that housed the Jewish prisoners, he is a healthy boy. On the other hand, Shmuel was sickly and thin, being a prisoner of the camp.

When Shmuel was taken int the house of the Commandant to help in the kitchen work. It was there that Bruno saw Shmuel for the first time outside of the fence. He had been taken "to polish the glasses [.... for] they needed someone  with tiny fingers". And once Shmuel held out his hand to show how "tiny" his fingers are, Bruno noticed how different their hands looked. His "appeared healthy and full of life" while "Shmuel's hand, however, told  a very different story".

Explanation: someone else already answered this question,  but I'm giving you the answer that was already provided

Make a claim about your topic. Write about evidence. Address counterclaims and respond to them. Conclude your blog post by offering solutions to a problem your blog entry suggests. (about high gas prices)



well it really depends on how you feel about gas prices. in my opinion, high gas prices are too over the top and too expensive to pay for. first off, it could be difficult for some people to pay for gas, when they are struggling with money.
the best thing to do is lower the gas prices so people can actually afford food and pay their bills. if they don't lower the gas prices, consider taking a bus, walking, getting a side job, or maybe even owning an electric car.


im so sorry if this doesnt help, but i wasnt sure on what to write because it doesnt give enough information.  

(Keep in mind that you can use a claim in many ways, in this case I assume it’s argumentatively so this is a loose sample! I hope it helps. You could use it as foundation for whatever you’re writing.)

Claim: High gas prices are inefficient and have a negative impact

Brief evidence topics:
- Less money to spend on other goods and services
- Inflation
- Potential recession
- Just generally being inconvenient for most of the working class

Counterclaim: High gas prices are good for the economy
** you already strengthened your first claim with all of the evidence above. Do not make this second claim stronger than the first, just refute your point

“However, despite the inconvenience of high gas prices, there are budget friendly solutions…”
- Switching to bicycles or electric vehicles

I wish I could give you a more specific and thorough answer. I hope this helps in getting some ideas formulating at least :)

I NEED THIS FAST!!!! NO LINKS PLEASE Read the passage from "Names/Nombres" by Julia Alvarez.

By the time I was in high school, I was a popular kid, and it showed in my name. Friends called me Jules or Hey Jude, and once a group of troublemaking friends my mother forbade me to hang out with called me Alcatraz. I was Hoo-lee-tah only to Mami and Papi and uncles and aunts who came over to eat sancocho on Sunday afternoons – old world folk whom I would just as soon go back to where they came from and leave me to pursue whatever mischief I wanted to in America. JUDY ALCATRAZ, the name on the "Wanted" poster would read. Who would ever trace her to me?

Which main idea is conveyed in this passage?

Julia’s nicknames help her fit into her new culture.
Julia is determined to hold on to her Dominican identity.
Julia is happier when she is with her family.
Julia’s Dominican name makes it difficult to fit in.



I think it is A



Julia’s nicknames help her fit into her new culture.


Julia is called different names between each group of friends/family. Its how they see her and also hints at how they interact with her.

What do you do to an irregular verb to put it in the past tense?
Make it possessive.

Change the spelling.

Change the quantity.

Change the meaning.


Answer: B: Change the spelling

Explanation: Let’s use an example: sing will be our irregular verb. usually you add -Ed, or -d but in this case you can’t.

 A: let’s make it possessive, sing to sing’s, it does not work because verbs aren’t able to become possessive unlike nouns

B: Let’s change the spelling, instead of sing we change it to sang, and we can see that it works.
C: if you change the quantity it won’t make it to past tense at all, just sing to sings

D: it doesn’t matter how many times we change the meaning it won’t make it past tense

Meaning that B is the correct answer!!

change spelling, past tense words usually have -ed at the end, example pass > passed




fingerprints do not change over time, but there is a catch: they do not change as we grow old, but they can be affected by certain external conditions.  A person’s fingerprints usually form in the 17th week of pregnancy. These prints are set in stone before we are even born. As a person grows, the prints get bigger while retaining the same pattern. Essentially, the prints just scale up gradually. Although fingerprints do not change with age, it can be more difficult to capture them in older people. This is because the skin loses elasticity with age, and the patterns become less prominent, especially due to the thickening of ridges and furrows. Construction workers, especially bricklayers and people who often wash dishes by hand, lose some details in their fingerprints. Once they stop these activities, the ridges will grow back. People who work with chemicals such as calcium oxide can also lose some of the details in their fingerprints. However, once such activities are stopped, the worn-out patterns tend to grow back over time. In other words, even in such cases, the change in the appearance of fingerprints is only temporary. Certain skin diseases destroy the dermis and epidermis of the skin. Consequently, it becomes challenging for fingerprint recognition systems to recognize the prints of these individuals. Adermatoglyphia is a sporadic genetic disorder that causes a person to have no fingerprints. People with this disorder have completely smooth fingertips, palms, toes, and soles.  In rare cases, cancer treatment can also cause you to lose your fingerprints. In 2008, a Singaporean man was detained at an airport for a routine fingerprint scan. However, it turned out that he had none. He was on chemotherapy to keep cancer in his head and neck in check. As it turns out, a drug called capecitabine had given him a moderate case of something known as hand-foot syndrome, which can cause swelling, pain, and peeling on the palms and soles of the feet – and apparently the loss of fingerprints.


which prompt would be best addressed with a cause-and-effect structure?


The correct answer to this is B

Fill the gaps with the correct preposition


Answer: out, up, to, on, with, for, ?, to, to

(Sorry about number 7)

1. Out
4. On

Helpppp me
Match the correct words



A. knights

B. feature

C. circumstances

D. admire

E. distinctive

F. literacy





pls mark brainlist it would really help

do what it says on the image (3 MIMUTES LEFT)​



B.Bouncing Off


Reverberate is like an echo that bounces off of things.

lol mimutes made me laugh :D

Was the barber either right or wrong in his decision to not kill Captain Torres?

Please include Logos (intellectual appeal of your argument) and Ethos (ethical appeal of your argument)

Please write as much as you can, maybe a paragraph form if you can?

Book: Just Lather, That's All



I Disagree with the Barbers decision not to kill Captain Torres. True it would be difficult to take the life of another human. However, would it not be worse to let a man live so that he or those who he commands may mutilate, torture and then kill an infinite number of people under his command. Put in the barbers position i would not view the death of this man as murder, rather that of an act of retribution. He was a sadistic man who gained pleasure from the death of the rebels. He proves this when he tells the Barber when he says, "Without any effort I could go straight to sleep." Despite the horrible deaths he saw and was responsible for. Also when asked what he plans for the 14 remaining rebels he reply's with, "I don't know yet. But we'll amuse ourselves," as if it is a game. I believe that this man deserved to die so that others may live despite the consequences for the greater good.


Liza needs to explain that she emailed Jeremiah. What should she say?
“I write an email.”

“I wrote an email.”

“I writed an email.”

“I will write an email.”



I wrote an email


Wrote is past tense since she already wrote it.

B: I wrote an email, A and C are grammatically incorrect and D is not past tense

The sleepy hungry infant cried out for his mother's attention.
What is the best way to rewrite this sentence?
A. The sleepy hungry, infant cried out for his mother's attention.
B. The sleepy, hungry infant cried out for his mother's attention.
C. The sleepy, hungry, infant cried out for his mother's attention.
D. The sleepy hungry, infant, cried out for his mother's attention.



B. The sleepy, hungry infant cried out for his mother's attention. 


A comma goes between "sleepy" and "hungry" because they are two adjectives being listed. No comma goes between "hungry" and "infant" because it is describing the noun.

Hope this helps!

Your answer should be b



i believe that the answer would be D.) Go

Finleyville has grown a lot in recent years, and there are fewer open spaces to share between more people. The only place for children to play outside at the moment is at the school playground. There is a large forest in the center of town that is protected by law. What is the best solution for the people of Finleyville?

a: Petition the government to add nature paths through Finley Forest.
b: Tear down one of the buildings to build a park.
c: Build houses with larger backyards.
d: Make the school playground bigger.
THANKS!!! your the best!



A Petition the government to add nature paths through Finley Forest


There is already a protected area of nature that people can use with a little improvement.

A would be the correct response!

help pls I suck in english

According to MLA, which is the correct format for listing the book Curving River, Endless Road in a bibliography?

O 2012 Bookhouse. Marnie Sandi. Curving River. Endless Road.

O Bookhouse. Curving River, Endless Road. Marnie Sandi: 2012

O Curving River. Endless Road. Sandi, Marnie. Bookhouse 2012

O Sandi, Marnie. Curving River, Endless Road. Bookhouse, 2012.​



The right citation woud be

O Sandi, Marnie. Curving River, Endless Road. Bookhouse, 2012.​


The others do not work correctly in MLA. A good place to look for citing sources is Owl Perdue, they have lots of resources for MLA and other versions of citing sources including books and websites.

 Hope this helps :)

O Sandi, Marnie. Curving River, Endless Road. Bookhouse, 2012.

Use the paragraphs to complete the activity.

Patrick lived in Emoryville, but every Saturday morning he rode two city buses to his uncle’s bookstore in Northview where he worked. He didn’t mind the commute because he loved his job. He loved spending time with his uncle, but he also loved going to work because he had become friends with Andrew, one of his co-workers. The boys would talk about everything from baseball scores to movies to favorite pizza toppings.

So this Saturday, when Patrick got to work, he and Andrew got to talking as they always did.

“Hey, Pat,” Andrew said casually.

“Hey,” said Patrick. “Did you have a good week?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Great week. My basketball team made it into the semifinals. The game is tonight. We’re playing Emoryville, our nemesis.”

Before Patrick could say another word, Andrew continued. “I don’t like Emoryville. I don’t think I could ever be friends with someone from that town. Our schools are such rivals.”

Patrick was speechless.

“Where are you from, Pat? I can’t believe I’ve never asked you that before!”

Patrick fumbled over his words. “Not too far from here,” he said before he quickly changed the subject to the new shipment of graphic novels.

Suppose Patrick's uncle enters the scene. In 3–5 sentences, explain how the additional point of view might add humor or suspense to the scene.

(4 points)



i haven't understood your question well


Which revised research question best responds to the information found in the source

Original research:question: are student busy schedules creating to much stress

Finding in source: according to out minds on media, getting bored can encourage creativity and reduce stress


The answer is C , Students spend more time




it is

What have you learned about history from a movie, play, novel, or story? Check all that apply to you personally.

what clothes people wore
how people in the past spoke
the traditions of different times and cultures
the roles of men and women
what people did for work or fun
what people of the time thought


all but the last answer


what foods they ate

what clothes they wore

what games they played

what jobs they had

what gods they worshipped

Explanation: I paid attention :)

How is change shown in the Count of Monte Cristo?



The Count of Monte Cristo, the transformed becomes the transformer.


Count of Monte Cristo, the transformed becomes the transform

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