Read the story and answer briefly the following :

1. Give two virtues that were exemplified by the father in the story and discuss how he acted them out.
2. Inspired by the son in the story, how should you decide and act in accordance with your best intentions and goals in life?

My Favorite Love Story

Among the Navaho Indians was an initiation rite for young boys before they were accepted into the tribe as warriors. The moment a boy was between the ages 13 and 14, his father would take him to the jungle for his initiation. There would only be the two of them and they would bring nothing except the horse that they would be riding on. The forest is dense. Sometimes it is very hot in the jungle.

Then as night fell and as darkness descended, they were already there in the jungle. The father told the boy, “You have to pass this test my son or else I will be ashamed before our tribesmen. You will never be recognized as a grown-up man and, if you are not initiated, they will not make you a soldier.”

The boy could not do anything but obey his father. But you know he was trembling in fear. He could not complain as the father told him, “I will leave you now my son. There is no food, and there is no weapon for defense. Fend for yourself.” In that empty darkness, the father left the boy.

Now, the boy, alone, stayed there against a trunk of a big tree, shivering in a cold night, yet sweating beads of hot perspiration because of fear. Every rustle of the leaves made him tremble because it might be the movement of a snake. Every crack in the branch of a tree, within his mind, looked like a leopard ready to pounce on him. Every footstep might be the footstep of a lion ready to devour him. So he was not able to sleep for many hours. He was shivering there thinking “What kind of father is he? If he loves me, why does he conform to the laws of the tribe and leave me here to die? Why does he have to abandon me for the sake of his pride?” But then he could not even cry a complaint because he was afraid if he cried the wolves would come and tear him to pieces. He was even very careful with his breathing because his breathing might attract the snakes. But he was there. He could not even move because when he moved he was afraid it was not his movement. It might be something else. Finally, he was very sleepy and the poor boy fell asleep terrified with fear.

The morning came and the sun emerged from the mountain beyond the forest, casting resplendent beams like the illumination of the thousand diamonds reaching the earth. The streaks of light sparkling on the dewy leaves of the trees. The boy was speechless. Wondering how he survived the night as he beheld a glorious morning, in exultation, he shouted, “I am alive.” As his eyes wandered around, he realized there were no wolves, no tigers, no pythons. And as he looked farther, about 9 feet away from him, what did he see? All along his father was there guarding him with his bow and arrow and his hunting knife. In tears of joy he ran to his father, embraced him, and said, “Oh father, I thought you had abandoned me.” The father whispered, “No my son, I cannot do that because even when you were struggling in the night, I was there with my bow and arrow ready to attack any kind of wild animal that may come near you. How could I do that to you? Even when you were so afraid in the dark, I was there with my eyes searching through the darkness and intensely watching you there. I was always there!

Multiply that a million times and that is how God takes care of us even in our doubts and fears. Multiply that a million times and that is how God loves you and me. In return He only asks us to love others. He says, “If you love the very least of these, my brethren, you have loved me in return. “

Moral life must be considered not as a system of do’s and don’ts or as a reaction to a set of laws or commandments imposed from the outside, but as a dynamic process of becoming a person. A person who acts as a human being ought is virtuous. He acts with reason; he is in control; he directs his actions to the best ends to achieve his potential as a human being. A person who is truly human directs his actions by bringing into play four cardinal virtues and three theological virtues. Let us now look into the meaning of these virtues.


Answer 1

The two virtues that are acted out by this father to his son are


How love is acted out in the question

The father has love for his son that is why he felt the need to stay with him through the dangerous experience.

Also the father is a protector of his son. WShile the son slept, the man was up with his weapons ready to attack anything that may harm the boy.

2. The best way to go through you intentions in life is with love for others and also having the ability to face our fears.

Read more on the Navajos here:

Related Questions

y did the cow cross the road​



i don't know..............


one reason is that Farmer John's farm simply has a lot of roads, making it impossible for his cows to travel around without crossing many roads.


To get to the udder side


To go to the moo-vies

7. a) In scene ii, why does Caliban promise to serve Stephano and Trinculo?


To help man’s get a girl

is chaos good to have in life





chaos can shape who you are and the decisions you make.


Nope never especially when chaos mixes with relationships, and problems


Romeo and Juliet

Explain how Tybalt's character creates tension and suspense. Give specific details from the play to support your answer.​


 The tension is mounting  because the audience knows that Romeo is guilty of killing Tybalt and they know that the Prince has said that whoever is caught fighting will be killed. The tension is heightened by Lady Capulets plea for Romeo's death. "Romeo slew Tybalt. Romeo must not live." This is especially dramatic because it shows that the feud runs so deep that even the women are ruthless and vicious because of it. The tension is relieved slightly when the Prince and Lord Montague reasons that Romeo killed Tybalt who would have been killed anyway by the law.

What is the theme of chapter 13 Bud, Not Buddy?


Answer: Bud does not plan on going back to his life of loneliness and hardship in Flint. He tries to explain this to Jimmy to give him a sense of what he can't go back to, but Bud's story seems to be too much for Jimmy.

Read the excerpt from "If—” by Rudyard Kipling.

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

How do the capital letters affect the meaning of the poem?

A They emphasize experiences that everyone faces.

B They suggest that challenges can ruin even the best-laid plans.

C They highlight the shared abilities of successful people.

D They contrast sincerity and dishonesty.


The words in capital letters from the poem by Rudyard is used to show the experiences that everyone faces.

How does this show experiences in the poem?

The poem made mention of the Triumph and Disaster in first bold letters. These are two experiences that people face in their lifetime.

People are known to triumph sometimes and other times they may not have a  pleasant experience. That is when the disaster comes in.

Read more on experiences here:


Q-How do the capital letters affect the meaning of the poem?

A-They emphasize experiences that everyone faces

Explanation: Got it correct on EDGE

Priyanka wrote a paper in a course EH 102 and earned an A. Two years later, she was assigned to write a paper in her Sociology class on the same topic. She found her paper from EH 102 and changed only a few sentences. She did not provide a citation for the EH 102 because it was her own work. Which type of academic misconduct did Priyanka commit?


The kind of misconduct that Priyanka committed is called Self-Plagiarism. This is because she copied her own work without providing a proper citation.

What is Self-plagiarism?

Self-plagiarism is commonly described as recycling or reusing one's own specific words from texts that were previously published without properly citing them.

Other forms of plagiarism are:

Paraphrasing plagiarismSource PlagiarismDirect PlagiarismMosaic PlagiarismAccidental Plagiarism

Learn more about Plagiarism at:

Topic: Reading
Question 10: 615023
The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero) depending on your answer
Which of the following is a formal definition?
O To forgive means that you let go of negative emotions about someone else.
When you forgive someone, you actually free yourself. If you cannot find a way to forgive, you hold negative emotions
that only damage you, not the other person.
To forgive is a verb that means you stop feeling anger or resentment toward someone who has offended or hurt you, or for
a mistake or flaw.
Mark Twain wrote this thought-provoking definition of what it means to forgive: "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the
violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."


A because forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds in the heel that has crushed it, due to the fact that you have gone left instead of right

Identify the meaning of the suffix underlined within the following word: meteorology
condition of
process of
study of



D. study of

Hope this helps!

Please Mark me Brainleast!!

Which two statements describe the main conflict in the story?

1.Tina does not pack warm clothes.

2.Tina is too excited to sleep the night before the trip.

3.Tina packs her clothes in a hurry.

4.Grandma Rose reminds Tina to pack winter clothes.

5.The weather turns out to be snowy.



1. Tina does not pack warm clothes.

5. The weather turns out to be snowy.

hope it helps

brainliest please

Answer: sentence 1 and 5


I stopped buying scented candles because I am allergic to fragrance.underline the main clause?




Think about it this way:

A clause has a verb and a subject in it.

A subject and a verb make up one whole sentence. You need to split that whole 'sentence' into two different sentences. Each sentence should have a verb and a subject.

4. Unless people are conscious of pollution, the world will be destroyed by the year 2050.





we will work on that otherwise we will faced different problems


True, pollution is the second leading cause in glaciers melting, because pollution can make the world become heated, literally. Pollution also disturbs the eco footprint dramatically. It is messed up.

What is the first thing you notice about a person?
What are some challenges you think the next generation will face?



The first thing I notice about a person is their personality and looks.


The first thing i notice about a person is their personality. Some challenges That i think the next generation is how to be social (as my mom says)


Explain in your own words why and how earthquakes occur. ​



Earthquakes occur when the tectonic plates start moving back and forth, causing a friction. When this happens, the ground will start to shake, and can cause buildings to be damaged or destroyed. They occur because the tectonic plates shift back and forth, causing the ground to shake.

The earthquakes happen mostly in California because the plates are located in the Pacific Ocean. However, they can also happen other places too. I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Look at Ernesto's description of his new school in California and his old school in mazatlan. What do you notice about his choice of words and expressions? How does his language reveal his feelings?​


I dont know if its right but answer:

The first thing that Ernesto mentions is the size of the school, which took up a half block and was three stories tall. The wooden building was also new and painted yellow. He mentions a specific difference from his former school in Mexico: the roof of Lincoln School high. He mentions aw.

Hope it helps!

What does the author suggest about the first season of Dancing with the Stars?

A) It helped propel the reality show genre. B) The celebrities weren't all that famous.

C) Everyone in Hollywood was eager to

make an appearance on the show. D) It sparked a ballroom dancing craze across America.


The author suggest that the first season of Dancing with the Stars will A) help to propel the reality show genre.

What is first season of Dancing with the Stars all about?

The show of the first seasons with stars pairs celebrities with professional dancers.

This was done to create awareness about the show, because fans of all the celebrities will be eager to be available for the show.

Learn more about Dancing with stars at;

Science Mysteries: Why Do People Yawn?

Recent studies suggest that we yawn when we get tired as a way to encourage our brains. The theory is that yawning helps cool the brain, allowing it to work more efficiently. According to WebMD's article about these studies, when you yawn, your jaw muscles get stretched, increasing blood flow to your neck, face, and head. Also a deep breath during the yawn forces spinal fluid and blood down from the brain. The cool air then cools down these fluids.

Which line shows the main idea of the paragraph?

We yawn when we get tired as a way to encourage our brains

When you yawn, your jaw muscles get stretched

Also a deep breath during the yawn forces spinal fluid and blood down

The cool air then cools down these fluids.


“According to WebMD’s article about these studies, when you yawn your jaw muscles get stretched increasing blood flow to your neck and face and head”

the key is to find the information that says it has an article because when information is in an article it was proven to be true and that’s also where the main idea of the article would be.

There is no about why the shop had to close down



The correct sentence is

=> there is no DOUBT about why the shop had to close .

Hope it helps



What is one common characteristic of legends?

They take place in modern times.
They contain exaggerated facts.
They take place in a different universe.
They explain how to do or make something.





C and D can be eliminated. You don't create legends by making something. And a legend does not have to take place in outer space.

Legends were born long before modern times, although modern times does have its own set of legends.

What is an exaggerated fact? A fact really cannot be exaggerated. It is just a fact.

I would pick out of these horrible choices a choice of the worst from a set of even worse choices.

I'd pick B even though I don't know what an exaggerated fact is.


b They contain exaggerated facts.


I got a one hundred on the quiz

Misinformation about homeless veterans



I'm sorry what? I cant understand the question you want answered.

library is a good source of information why​


Answer & Explanation:

There are many reasons but here are a few.
1) A Libary has quality Control Compared to the Internet
2) Not everything is on the internet
3) Sources on the Internet can be harder to verify.
4) Not everything on the Internet is free.

For more help on this question comment your question and I will help you out to the best of my knowledge.

Hope This Helps! :)

let them begin the song
change into passive voice
it has 10 points
pls help me​




The song must start let them begin.

Which two words from the story are opposites?

A. jeered/impressed
B. saying/joining
C. chirping/playing
D. cheered/booed


The best answer is A , I looked it up

Which of the following sentences is a claim?

A) Insects have six legs.
B) Many people are frightened of insects.
C) Bees are social insects that live in hives.
D) Insects are fascinating creatures.



D. Insects are fascinating creatures.


"Insects are fascinating creatures" is a claim because it's an opinion while the other options are facts.

D. Insects are fascinating creatures.

What’s the answer ?????



Explanation: A their family

You are going to write an essay in which you express and support your opinion.

Your local library wants to encourage kids to learn about the past and is trying to decide which resources to use: historical fiction books OR movies about historical events. Which would you choose to get kids to learn about the past, and why?

Write an essay in which you give reasons for your choice and explain why your choice is better than the other option. Be sure to include details and examples to support your reasons. What should i do help me ill gve you brianlyest



i'll help you out with this one rather than writing an entire essay. i think you may be able to figure out the rest


if your local library wants to encourage kids to learn about the past, they're going to want them to learn about events that really did take place, rather than educating them on events that didn't necessarily happen.

the best resource to use between fictional stories and movies based on historical events, would be the movies.

the reason why this would be a reliable source is because some historical movies show not only what happened, but they can give the viewer an inside perspective of what life was like during some of these events. although historical fiction books may do the same, sometimes events are made up to fit a literary element the author wants recognized by the reader in the book.

the reason why choosing fictional books for kids to learn from isn't necessarily a good idea most of the time is because given that the story would be fictional, some events can and most likely would be made up and may not be true to the historical event being discussed, as i had previously hinted at. furthermore, given that the audience here would be kids, they may take the story literally, so rather than educating them on true events they're being made to believe something that may have not exactly happened.

another reason why movies about historical events may be the best resource to choose between the two, is because although the movies can be fictional as well, the term "movies" is very broad. although it does include fictional movies based off of historical events, it can include things such as documentaries as well which is incredibly educational and can be far more accurate than historical fiction books.

i hope this helped (: let me know if something doesn't make sense so i can try and clear it up for you. good luck

I need help with this assignment


Number two is cause and number one is effect


Number 2 number 1


cause it's telling what the effect was and how it was caused

what does “the good life is built with good relationships” mean to you?


Not only will you have a happier life if it's built around positive relationships, you'll live a healthier and longer life as well: “The people who were the most satisfied in their relationships at age 50 were the healthiest at age 80.”

Read the following passage from Senator Smith's "Declaration of Conscience":
Today our country is being psychologically divided by the confusion and the suspicions that are bred in the United States Senate to spread like cancerous tentacles of "know nothing, suspect everything" attitudes.

How does this simile support Smith's purpose?
A. It puts McCarthy and the Republican Party in a positive light.
B. It conveys technical information that Smith uncovered in her research.
C. It illustrates the extent of the damage that McCarthy's accusations have caused.
D. It casts a negative air on Smith's message.​




It certainly doesn't do D. She would never stand before other senators and say something that would make her look bad.

She is describing McCarthy (who was from Wisconsin) when she does not put him in a positive  light. It is he whom she describes as knowing nothing suspect everything. So the answer is either A or C. She is not speaking of him positively. He truly was a disgrace to America.

There is nothing very technical nor provable in B

The answer is C


C. It illustrates the extent of the damage that McCarthy's accusations have caused.


i took the test!

REM sleep is referred to as a __________ - it's deep sleep so it seems like there should be low brain activity, but in fact, the brain is very active, almost like you're awake.






Explanation:because you think there will be no brain activity but REM stands for rapid eye movement

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