Rebecca would like to add a direct quotation about voting to her narrative. Which is the BEST choice to include?
A) "The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office." - Will Rogers
B) "Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong." - Richard Armour
C) "Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. " - George Bernard Shaw Eliminate
D) "The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predicated on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well." -Alan Keyes


Answer 1


Your answer would be:

D) “The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predicated on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well.” -Alan Keyes


Have a great rest of your day

Rebecca Would Like To Add A Direct Quotation About Voting To Her Narrative. Which Is The BEST Choice
Answer 2
The answer is D
“The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predictable on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well”

Related Questions

IDENTIFY what figure of speech each of these sentences/phrases have in them?

"Even become his own rain cloud and somehow has stormed on him flooding him in sweat and swelter and his skin got a dull gleam to it, like it's glowing"

"Like trying to hide thunder under thankful"

"Like trying to mute the blues trumpet

"And it's more like he's swallowed the sun and it's burning bright"



personification, simile, simile, simileExplanation: :)

What is the narrator’s orientation (ie. distance, interest, sympathy, voice, orientation, sense of audience)?​

The Ransom of Red Chief



I didn't understand your questionquestion


A scientist comes up with an idea to reintroduce a shark that eats lionfish into the Atlantic Ocean. What are the possible benefits and risks of this idea? In your answer, state two questions you’d ask the scientist before agreeing to the plan.



Some risks would be endangerment to species of pray. Also if i had a question then i would ask, "Why would we need them to eat lion fish," and "What if it is possible us humans could be greatly affected by this decision?


Fill the gaps with the correct preposition


1. out

4. on

5. in

6. for

7. to

8. to

Match the correct words:



Brutal, Annual, fines, Oath, Cellar, fake, Warned, Bonfire, Nickname, Rebel

(Hope this helps)

Can you use Chicano english and Chicano/mexican slang if you arent chicano?
answer pls


you Definitely can not, since Chicano’s have had many racist jokes made about them and using their slang would be a intrusion in their culture

Is there a degree in welding ?


I think there is a degree in welding but if not I know there's a degree in mechanics.
You don’t need a degree for welding but if you do happen to want on go to a trade school.

Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in person
A. If one follows the directions carefully, you should be able to find the location without getting lost.

B. When I asked my best friend for twenty dollars, he gave it to me without hesitation.

C. The film maker made a documentary about butterflies and hoped it would receive good reviews.

D. For the first time, our school's baseball team won all of its games this season.


A- if one follows the directions carefully, you should be able to find the location without getting lost
The answer is A. It follows the directions carefully

Read the paragraph below, look for the big idea.

Many flowers are what we call annuals. Their entire life cycle — from seed to death — takes just one year. They might leave behind sleeping seeds that could sprout again in the future, but the flowers, roots, stems and leaves all fade away as soon as the season is done. Sunflowers and petunias are examples of annuals. Some plants technically last a little longer, but not in a way humans can truly appreciate. Biennials take two years to start flowering instead of shooting up in a single spring. But they still wither and die once the flowers are gone. One to look for is a foxglove, a tall plant with clusters of bell-shaped blooms, often in pink or purple. Then there are perennials, which can survive for years. Scientists believe these types of plants came first.

What is the main idea the author is trying to make about plants?

Perennials are a special type of plant

Scientists think perennials are the first type of plant that existed.

Plants have different life cycles depending on the type of plant.

There are different names for plants



I think the answer that makes most sense to me is C


How does the information in your model differ from the food web? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each model?

here is mine



Food Web

Advantage: The food web shows specific relationships between species using arrows.


The food web doesn’t indicate the energy levels.

The food web doesn’t show that the energy initially comes from the Sun.

The food web doesn’t show the presence of decomposers.



The pyramid shows the source of energy as the Sun. It also indicates a decrease in energy retention as it progresses to higher levels.

The pyramid shows decomposers at every level.

Disadvantage: The pyramid lumps the organisms into producers, consumers, and decomposers without showing their specific diets.


When Katniss and Peeta decide to eat poison berries rather than fight and kill each other, the announcer Claudius Templesmith stops them and announces that they can both be winners after all.

Explain why they did this, and why the Capitol felt it had to stop them. What did this moment show readers about Katniss's and Peeta's characteristics? What theme (moral or message) does this part of the story hint at?

Explain in a paragraph of at least 4 complete sentences.



They did it out of love. they loved each other and developed a bond. they had been through so much together that they couldn't even imagine life without each other, so the capitol felt like they had to stop them because they were breaking the rules that they had set for them. the message of this story is to take care of one another and love them as much as you can. your welcome, and hope this makes your day just a little bit better. ;)

examine figure 1 below. For each numbered location, identify which part of photosynthesis it represents, then describes how each part enters or exits the plant


Answer:no it is not some animals need plants to eat and if they the other one don’t got nothing to eat and they die and we don’t nothing to eat and we die.


Item 4
Read the paragraph.

Jacobi was having a hard time coming up with the final verse of a song he was writing. His older brother, Anton, was coming home after two years away serving in the military. Jacobi wanted to welcome him home with a song. He called his little sister over and asked her what she missed most about Anton. The two started sharing funny stories and, in no time, Jacobi knew how he would finish his song. As it turned out, two heads were better than one.

What is the meaning of the adage in the paragraph?

When facing a challenge, one can either give up, or one can stay with it to have a chance at success.

The longer someone is away, the more that person is missed.

There are no bonds stronger than the bonds of family.

Some tasks may be accomplished more easily by two people working together than by one working alone.


The answer to the question is the last option


The answer to the question is the last option


What is the predicate, subject, direct object, indirect object, and object of preposition in this sentence
“Throughout human HISTORY, progress is inevitable.”
(Their might not be an object of preposition but I just want to know which ones are there)30 POINTS



"Throughout human history, progress is inevitable"

Subject = progress

Predicate = inevitable

Direct object = inevitable

Object of preposition = human history

Indirect object = N/A


These answers should be correct! Good luck

Predicate; Inevitable
Subject; Progress
Direct object; Inevitable
Indirect object; (none)
Object of preposition; Human history

How many years does a welder do in college?



you just need your post - secondary welding training that takes 7 months to 2 years & on job training and lastly a welding certificate so not that long to no college really


my uncle does welding as his job

About 2-4 years in college

Can Someone Pls Help Me With This





Helping them understand why technology has its benefits is the best reason.

The answer will be D

When writing a descriptive essay, what writing practices should be used?

O Include quotes

O Include dialog

O Include sensory words

O Both A and B​



i think that the answer would be c include sensory words

Both A and B,
Include quotes
And include dialog

Read this sentence from the passage.

These Caribbean natives are classified as an invasive exotic species that is currently threatening Florida's ecosystem and biodiversity.

How does this sentence fit into the overall structure of the text and help contribute to the development of ideas?
A. The sentence supports the ideas that the Cuban treefrog is a Caribbean native and that it has a limited impact in Florida.
B. The sentence supports the ideas that the Cuban treefrog is taking over Florida and threatening the natural habitats of other animals in Florida.
C. The sentence supports the ideas that the Cuban treefrog is native to Cuba and creates fear about the safety of the ecosystem in Florida.
D. The sentence supports the ideas that the Cuban treefrog is a species that will take over Florida's ecosystem and change it permanently.


Answer: the answer is b


I would say C for this answer

What do the underlined words and words suggest about LIDAR technology?



LIDAR technology is currently too dangerous to be used wisely.


The word unproven means not demonstrated by evidence, so it could not be safe.

“Lidar technology is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to mesure ranges (variable distances) to the earth.”

You read this poem at the beginning of this module. Read it again, looking for examples of internal rhyme.
I am glad daylong for the gift of song,
For time and change and sorrow;
For the sunset wings and the world-end things
Which hang on the edge of to-morrow.
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
Are the entrance-place of wonders,
Where dreams come in from the rush and din
Like sheep from the rains and thunders.

George Reginald Margetson

Which lines from this poem include internal rhymes? (Select all correct answers.)
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
Are the entrance-place of wonders,
Like sheep from the rains and thunders.
Where dreams come in from the rush and din



Have a good day!


Later or tommorow
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
For the sunset wings and the world-end things
Where dreams come in from the rush and din

what does MALALA YOUSAFZAI mean when she thanks her father for " not clipping my wings and for letting me fly" and how does this contribute to the overall meaning of the text?



She means that he did not restrict her and allowed her to prosper. This statement establishes the reason for Malala's success/motives and helps us understand why it is so essential to protect girls' right to an education.


Hope this helps!

She means that she is grateful that her father never restricted her or held her back, he let her explore and do amazing things in life. This statement leads to
Malalas future and the reason she went on to protect women’s rights and spark feminism for woman all over the world.

Hope this helps!

This verb means to separate a whole into its parts and then look more closely at those parts.
What's the word
Please Hurry
20 points and BRAINLEST



The answer is to analyse


The deffinition of analyse is to separate a whole into its parts and then look more closely at those parts.


The answer is Analyze. It is a verb and it is breaking things into parts and looking more closing. Analyzing takes a whole and breaks it down.


An example of analyzing would be writing an essay on turtles for example. You would analyze, break it down into parts, where turtles are located, their eating habits, species, various kinds, etc.

Hope this helps you!

Argumentative Writing:

If the Apollo 11 moon landing is real, what would be your counterargument?



Yes, the Apollo 11 moon landing is real. I am not going to argue with your statement because I know you are correct.



Yes, the Apollo 11 moon landing is real. .


Match each statement with the part of the blog's viewpoints it represents



Claim - Communities should encourage young people to volunteer

Reason - Volunteerism actually makes people feel good about themselves

Rebuttal - Connections are created by joining together to solve common problems

Evidence - Statistics show that many connected communities require volunteerism

Counterclaim - Volunteerism is a waste of time, and people dislike it

Rebuttal- 2
Evidence- 1
Counterclaim- 3

Sebastian is writing an argument for his social studies class about the use of the atomic bomb by the United States during World War II while Harry Truman was president. Read this excerpt from his introduction:

During World War II, the United States became the first—and only—country to drop an atomic bomb. Two planes dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki. The damage was immense: Between one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand people died. Many more would die in the coming months from various injuries caused by the bombing.

Which sentence could serve as the statement of the claim for Sebastian’s argument?A.The decision to drop the atomic bomb ultimately belonged to the U.S. president, Harry S. Truman.
B.President Harry Truman was right to drop the bomb because, in the end, he saved the lives of thousands of U.S. troops
.C.The atomic bomb caused immense destruction, destroying both the lives of Japanese people and the environment they lived in.
D.The decision to drop the bomb has long been debated by scholars, who still cannot agree whether President Truman made the right choice.



I’m pretty sure the answer is B I

Find the Prepositional Phrase, the Adverb (Phrase), and the Adjective (Phrase): Some medical specialists assert that spit from spiders in Spain and Japan will relieve the common cold faster than aspirin can.



Prepositional Phrase: assert that spit from spiders

Adverb Phrase:  in Spain and Japan will relieve

Adjective Phrase: faster than aspirin can

I could be really wrong if I am I'm sorry


Which words describe what our brains use to fill in gaps in memory? (10 points) (Brainliest)

1. Blurry image

2. General knowledge

3. Individual memories

4. True picture


Individual memories


Because it received the single

The individual memories are the word describing to fill the gaps in the memory of a brain.

The third option is correct.

What is a memory?

Memory is one of the ability of an individual to remember the things, acts, feelings, emotions and thoughts experienced.

Whatever the memories are being remembered by an individual throughout his/her life which could be bad or good can be used to filled up the spacings arise the memory of a brain.

Therefore, the individual memories are being one of the thing that completes the brain's memory.

Learn more about the brain's memory in the related link:


Complete each sentence with a word from the box



1: execute

2 kidnap

3 propose

4 throne



Pls help i need this fast Which prompt would be best addressed with a cause-and-effect structure?





You explain the cause of the great depression, then relay the effects of it.


Read the selection from the section “Types Of Myths.”

Some perform superhuman actions, usually in an effort to save the world from evil and destruction. Many hero myths contain fantastical details. They feature characters who are larger than life and who are often fatally flawed.

What does using the phrase “fantastical details” suggest about the types of myths?

A. Some of the myths include events and characters could not realistically exist.

B. Some of the stories in myths include events that do not have happy endings.

C.Most of the descriptions in the myths are written with great skill and talent.

D.Most of the heroes in myths are based on true historical facts and figures.

Read the following sentence from the section “Types Of Myths.”

Icarus's excitement at his achievement compels him to fly closer and closer to the sun.

Which of the following words, if it replaced the word "compels" in the sentence above, would CHANGE the meaning of the sentence?






i don't know but it is d

icarus's excitement at his achievement compels (causes) him to fly closer and closer to the sun.

Icarus's excitement at his achievement compels him to fly closer and closer to the sun. if it replaced the word "compels" in the sentence above, would CHANGE the meaning of the sentence, option D is the correct answer.

What is sun ?

Sun, star around which Earth and the other components are revolve, is the dominant body of the system, constitute more than 99 percent of its entire mass.

The Sun is the source of a large  amount of energy, a portion of which provides Earth with the light and heat necessary to support life.

The Sun is classified as G2 V star, where G2 is the second hottest stars of the yellow G class where the surface temperature about 5,800 kelvins and the V representing a main sequence, or dwarf, star, the typical star for this temperature class.

For more details sun,  visit


Other Questions
Which subtraction equation shows how to subtract 42122812 using equivalent fractions? A. 42122812 B. 18122212 C. 50123212 D. 48122412 What is the name given to hills with flat tops and steep sides located in the Badlands of the Midwest region? I have worked in the field for many years and have a strong background in the field . why is sentence ineffective? 2 Which set of side lengths will form a triangle?16 ft, 4 ft, 21 ft.6 30 ft, 30 ft, 60 ft12 ft, 12 ft, 20 ft3ft, 5 ft, 10 ft True or false? Prokaryotic cells are significantly smaller then eukaryotic cells.Answer: False He said to her "was I really that easy to forget" Convert the sentence into indirect speech! Blake went shopping for a new pair of pants because of a sale. The store was offering a 10% discount. If the price on the tag was $40, what would be the price after the discount but before tax, to the nearest dollar and cent?Please don't send a link! What is question c in the question? PLS HELP OMG I CANT FIND ITGiven a graph for the transformation of f(x) in the format g(x) = f(x) + k, determine the k value.Fix)X0-910k= -3k = 3k = 5k = 8graph below pls help 100 points i will give brainlist Examine the graph below.If the gross primary productivity of a salt marsh is 13,000 gC/m2/year, how much productivity is lost to cellular respiration? 1,750 gC/m2/year 11,250 gC/m2/year 13,000 gC/m2/year 14750 gC/m2/year Find the value of x.? Read this excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, delivered on April 10, 1865.With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan -- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.Which sentence correctly uses Lincoln's ideas and avoids plagiarism?He insisted that the defeated Confederate states needed to be treated with "malice" and no charity. (Lincoln)He encouraged Americans to "strive on and finish what they started" to win the Civil War (Lincoln).He wanted people to act with firmness in the right, meaning confidence and faith in their own moral compass. (Lincoln)He urged all Americans to act "with malice toward none" and "with charity for all" once the Civil War ended (Lincoln). Please I really need help!? NOW!! Will give brainest!! PLEASE READ THE PICTURELet g be a reflection in the x-axis, followed by a translation 4 units down of f(x). Write a rule for g described by the transformations of the graph of f. Please show work and I will mark Brainliest! You work in the mayors office and you are providing the mayor with a list of talking points for a speech. In your town, 1313 of the residents live in rented dwellings. Of those who live in rented dwellings, 1212 are in families with school-age children. On your list of talking points, what fraction of the residents should you list as living both in rented dwellings and in families with school-age children? LGBTQ Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics all organized to advocate for their civil rights during the 1960s.What inspired them?A.) books promoting their causesB.) the womens movementC.) the African American civil rights movementD.) new legislation What things should you consider when you visit America? Write any three things. 6-5 additional practice properties of special parallelograms 2. east of the continental divide, water flows where? What is the subject of this sentence? Roger walks three miles daily.a) walksb) three milesc) Roger