Revolution is a dynamic process with consequences no one can anticipate. What were the causes of the American Revolution? Explain the initial goals of the colonists in 1765 at the time of the Stamp Act and the evolution of their ultimate decision to declare independence in 1776.


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

What were the causes of the American Revolution? Explain the initial goals of the colonists in 1765 at the time of the Stamp Act and the evolution of their ultimate decision to declare independence in 1776.

The initial causes of the Revolutionary War of Independence were the following. The American colonists were sick and tired of the unfair laws and legislation imposed by the British government. Colonists were tired of the heavy taxation imposed by the English monarchy such as the Navigation Acts, the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act, or the Tea Act, among many others.

The ultimate decision came when these colonists were angry and upset about the fact that they had no voice or representation in the British Parliament. Colonists knew that by then, they were capable of establishing their own form of government.

Pamphlets such as Thomas Pain's "Common Sense" invited Patriots to support the Revolutionary War. And so it was.

The war started and prominent colonists such as Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and John Adams drafted the Declaration of Independence that was promulgated on July 4, 1776.

Related Questions

4. What are some potential benefits of growing up in a
Soviet/Communistic society? What are some potential


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Potential benefits of growing up in a Communistic society.

-Great educational system. Communist is characterized for having an excellent school system.

-Education is free in Communist systems.

-Excellent public health system. And it is also free.

-Communism can create a kind of equality in a society that is totally the opposite of de inequality created in Capitalist systems.

-Great physical education development that forges true sports competitors, as it has been seen in the Olympic Games.

Potential downsides.

-People cannot own property.

-It limits your aspirations to grow and prosper. Under communism, every individual has the same.

-There is no entrepreneurship spirit.

-The state owns the means of production, and dictates what to produce, when to produce, and at what price.

-Generally speaking, there is no freedom of speech in Communist systems.

What does the term McCarthyism mean? OA. Allowing Communism to influence the government B. Serving a term in the Senate without being elected O. Accusing people of supporting Fascism D. Accusing people of disloyalty without proof



The postwar Red Scare is often called “McCarthyism,” a name derived from one of the era’s most notorious anti-Communists, Senator Joseph McCarthy. Yet the anti-Communist crusade of the late 1940s and 1950s extended both in time and scope well beyond the activities of the junior senator from Wisconsin. Its roots can be traced to the mid-nineteenth century. As far back as 1848, when Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, many Americans viewed communism as an alien ideology. The Bolshevik Revolution only added to such anxieties, fueling an earlier Red Scare in 1919.


Write about India and Indians?​


Indians are the nationals and citizens of India, the second most populous nation in the world, containing 17.50% of the world's population. In India, the term "Indian" refers to nationality, rather than a particular ethnicity or language; the Indian nationality consists of dozens of regional ethno-linguistic groups, reflecting the rich and complex history of the country. Due to emigration, the Indian diaspora is present throughout the world, notably in other parts of Asia, North America, Europe, the Caribbean, Oceania, and Africa. The demonym Indian applies to nationals of the present-day Republic of India, but also to people residing outside of India, who are called Overseas Indians.

[tex] \\ [/tex]


Indians are the nationals and citizens of India, the second most populous nation in the world, containing 17.50% of the world's population. In India, the term "Indian" refers to nationality, rather than a particular ethnicity or language; the Indian nationality consists of dozens of regional ethno-linguistic groups, reflecting the rich and complex history of the country. Due to emigration, the Indian diaspora is present throughout the world, notably in other parts of Asia, North America, Europe, the Caribbean, Oceania, and Africa.[4] The demonym Indian applies to nationals of the present-day Republic of India, but also to people residing outside of India, who are called Overseas Indians.

Charles Lindbergh is best known for expanding:
O A. the social status of immigrants.
B. the popularity of Populism.
C. possibilities in the field of aviation.
D. the cause of civil rights.



C. possibilities in the field of aviation.


In winning the Mexican War, the United States achieved its primary goal of



The war officially ended with the February 2, 1848, signing in Mexico of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty added an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory, including the land that makes up all or parts of present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.

What impact did British settlement and policies have on the black population of South Africa between the 1820s and 1914 ?



the impact of racism


both physical and mental labour are important in the development of Civilization express in 300 wordsmmmkjjjjj

haircuts are an example of inelastic supplu true or false


Answer: False


The elasticity of Supply refers to how each supplier can respond to a change in price by changing how much he produces. If a business can´t change its output level quickly, the supply is inelastic.

A company that provides haircuts is an example of a highly elastic supply because haircut suppliers can easily expand or reduce production.

An increase in the price of haircuts can lead to an increase in the quantity supplied, even in the short term. If the price of haircuts rises, hair salons can quickly hire new personnel or extend the working hours, and new salons could open.

And, in the case of a drop in the price of haircuts, they can reduce the working hours, and some will leave the market for a job somewhere else, so the supply can also fall quickly.

either a decrease in population or a de rease in income will cause consumers to demand goods and services at each price level.



decrease in income



In the case of normal goods, income and demand are directly related, meaning that an increase in income will cause demand to rise and a decrease in income causes demand to fall.


Why did King George, II discourage the Plan of Union with consideration that the Empire was in desperate need for military assistance?



Because he want them to be strong


name and explain 5 causes of the CUBAN REVOLUTION



1.  Batista regime:  Political causes of the revolt during the Batista administration. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar gained control of the Cuban government on September 4, 1933, in an uprising known as the "Revolt of the Sergeants." The coup ousted Gerardo Machado's liberal government, signaling the commencement of military control over the country. Under the government of Ramón Grau San Martin, Batista rose to become a self-appointed chief of the military forces and a US-friendly figure. In April 1933, US Ambassador Benjamin Sumner Welles was dispatched to Cuba and found a friend in Batista.

2.  In 1940, Batista was elected president in a free and fair election, the first under the new Cuban constitution. During Batista's administration, the following things happened:  Trade relations with the United States improved; War taxes placed on Cubans grew.

3.  Economic corruption was a hallmark of the Batista era. Foreign industry ownership, industries not held by Cubans in Cuba, U.S. reliant 1928, 75 percent sugar mills controlled by the U.S.

4.  In 1953, the 26th of July Movement was attacked. General Martin Tamayo was commanded by Batista to "kill ten rebels for every soldier killed" in the attack. The "ten-for-one" law was enacted as a result of the order.

5.  Movement of the 26th of July the revolution (1953) Fidel Castro's failed guerilla campaign against the Moncada Barracks in Oriente Province, Cuba's easternmost province, chose July 26 because it coincided with a large celebration in Santiago de Cuba celebrating the city's patron saint, Apostle James the Elder, as well as the end of the sugar harvest.



sino si Franciso Balagtas Baltazar​



Francisco Balagtas y de la Cruz, commonly known as Francisco Balagtas and also as Francisco Baltazar, was a prominent Filipino poet during the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines. He is widely considered one of the greatest Filipino literary laureates for his impact on Filipino literature.

Pretest: Unit 3
Question 6 of 20
What causes the national debt to increase?

What causes the national debt to increase?



In general, government debt increases as a result of government spending.

some examples include include continued federal budget deficits, the government borrowing from the Social Security Trust Fund, the steady Treasury lending from other countries, low interest rates that promote increased investment, and raised debt ceilings.

Match the explorer with their most important accomplishment. Samuel de Champlain explored North America and the Arctic James Cook explored Mississippi Robert La Salle established colony of Quebec Henry Hudson discovered Australia

the answers
-explored North America and the Arctic
-explored Mississippi
-established colony of Quebec
-discovered Australia​



Samuel de Champlain - established colony of Quebec

Robert La Salle - explored Mississippi

James Cook - discovered Australia​

Henry Hudson - explored North America and the Arctic


Explorers play a key role in discovering new places and land outside Europe. France chose to send its voyages to seek a route to the Pacific Ocean and wealth after many European nations founded colonies in the New World.

Samuel de Champlain became the first to establish colonies as Quebec and New France.

La Salle was an explorer and trader who begin an expedition in the Mississippi rivers and claimed the region for the French and named it La Louisiane.

James Cook was an English naval captain who explored the Pacific Ocean and discovered Australia which became part of the British Empire.

Henry Hudson was an explorer from England who explored North America (Canada and northeastern part of the U.S.) and the Arctic.

Tensions for the Cold War began at what meeting during WWII? (This was the only time Truman and Stalin would meet.


Answer: The last meeting of the “Big Three”; Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, occurred at Potsdam in July 1945.

Which statement is true about an early European explorer and the route he took?



Vasco da Gama


Vasco da Gama had been a historical European explorer who journeyed to India using this route.

The uncovering of the maritime route to India by the Portuguese was the very first documented journey from Europe to India through the Cape. It was done underneath the reign of Emperor Manuel I in 1495–1499. It was led by Vasco da Gama.

A historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis might ​



interview civilians who are currently living in a war zone


A primary source refers to the source that provides the primary information of the incident. Primary information involves information received first hand. The civilians are the primary source of the information about the war. They have witnessed the evils of the wars and they would prove to give the first hand information. The historian approaching the civilians and is using the the thinking skills of the primary source analysis.

What are THREE WAYS that Johnson’s “war on poverty” helped poor people find work and increase their income?
by lending money to large corporations
by passing the Economic Opportunity Act
by starting the Peace Corps
by raising the minimum wage
by establishing the Job Corps


Three ways that Johnson’s “war on poverty” helped poor people find work and increase their income are-

bypassing the Economic Opportunity Actby starting the Peace Corpsby establishing the Job CorpsWhat is Poverty?

Poverty is referred to as a situation when an individual is unable to meet his necessities of life which include, food, shelter, and cloth due to having a lack of financial resources.

The law President Lyndon B. Johnson introduced in 1964 was known as the "War on Poverty." The legislation was designed to address the issue of poverty in the entire nation.

The president has introduced various policies like Economic Opportunity Act, peace Corps and Establishing the Job Corps which help to support the Poor People.

This policy helps them to look for opportunities that help them in finding resources to strengthen financial stability.

Learn more about the “war on poverty”, here:


What are the two (2) main reasons the Roman Empire, the Han Dynasty, and the Gupta Empire fell?



1. What are the Two main reasons the Roman Empire fell?

•Invasion of Barbarian Tribes.

•Government Corruption and Political Instability.

2. What are the Two main reasons the Han Dynasty fell?

•Bad rulers.

•The influence of empresses and court eunuchs over child emperors too young to rule by themselves.

3. What are the Two main reasons the Gupta Empire fell?

•The Gupta empire was continuously attacked by Huns.

•Dynastic Dissensions And Weak Rulers.

Hope this helps...... :)


All three fell because of internal conflicts and external invaders.



After our discussion in class of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, chose ONE of the titles or provisions listed below and search the internet for a CURRENT (within the last five years) article that deals with a modern-day problem related to it.

Areas to choose from:
Civil Rights Act of 1964:

Title I—voting rights: This title barred unequal application of voter registration requirements.
Title II—public accommodation: Discrimination based on race in busses, movie theaters, etc.
Title III—desegregation of public facilities
Title IV—desegregation of public education
Title V—Commission on Civil Rights: Expanded commission formed in 1957
Title VI—nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs: Prevents discrimination by programs and activities that receive federal funds.
Title VII—equal employment opportunity
Title VIII—registration and voting statistics
Title IX—intervention and removal of cases: Made it easier to move discrimination cases to federal court
Voting Rights Act of 1965

Vote denial
Vote dilution (gerrymandering)
Civil Rights Act of 1968

Title I - Hate crimes
Titles VIII-IX - Fair Housing Act



Hate crime is a prejudice motivated crime when a perpetrator attacks a victim of a certain race and religion.

According to the crime stats in America: The 2019 hate crimes data, submitted by 15,588 law enforcement agencies, provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes. Of these agencies who submitted incident reports, there were 7,314 hate crime incidents involving 8,559 offenses.

A recent example of hate crime can be against the Chinese for spreading the coronavirus. Chinese are being discriminated by others, especially in regions like America.

Another example is discrimination against blacks. This is also common in regions like America.


Which statement best describes the county system of government in Washington?

A. Counties join one large government that makes decisions for them.
B. Counties have their own governments that provide services to residents.
C. Counties are divided equally based on population to better serve residents.
D. Counties oversee large parts of the state that are not part of municipalities.​





b is the answer

According to the Slavery Today article, slavery still exists today but most people don’t know it because



It is a hidden crime


According to the Slavery Today article, slavery still exists today but most people don’t know it because "It is a hidden crime."

According to the Slavery Today article, modern-day slavery comes in various forms such as Labor slavery, sex slavery, forced marriage slavery, and child slavery, all of which are difficult to tracked or harder for the public to see.

The rise of modern slavery is a result of population, migration, corruption, and discrimination among the people.

Which of the following resulted from the relationship between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV of Germany?



Pope Gregory VII was given the power to raise armies and collect taxes. It banned the practice of lay investiture. Henry IV claimed supremacy over secular rulers, and the Church was now able to grant land to vassals



Explain why you believe Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin are so significant that they are deserving of "the most significant person in history award". give me a speech about it!​



Because they contribute the most to communism.


Which portion of the text reflects the Founding Fathers’ ideas about the natural rights all people are entitled to?



sim eu também preciso desta respota

Answer: for one People to dissolve the Political Bands

ano ang ideolohiyang niyakap ng thailand?​




Which generalization is best supported by the information on this map?

1)No trade occurred between East Africa and the Persian Gulf region.

2)The monsoon winds influenced trade between East Africa and India.

3)Trading states developed primarily in the interior of East Africa.

4)Trade encouraged the spread of Islam from East Africa to Arabia.



2). The monsoon winds influenced trade between East Africa and India.


As per the question, the conjecture that can most adequately be supported through the information provided by the given map would be that 'the monsoon winds affected the trade and commerce between East Africa and India.' This is because the directions of the monsoon winds determine the propelling of the trade ships to the coast. The northeast and southwest monsoon winds allow the traders to predict the right time for their trade and reduced the risk factors. Hence, option 2 is the correct answer.


it is india


Which phrase best completes the diagram?


D is the answer because I had the same hw and I got D

The sentiments expressed in the proclamation would have been most widely condemned by White residents of coastal South Carolina Answer A: coastal South Carolina A northern California Answer B: northern California B western New York Answer C: western New York C western Virginia



A. coastal South Carolina


The sentiments expressed in the proclamation would have been most widely condemned by White residents of "COASTAL SOUTH CAROLINA"

The above statement is based on the fact that following the split of North and South Carolina, South Carolina was characterized by the extensive cultivation of cotton, rice, tobacco, and indigo plantations near the sea islands and the Low Country of the South Carolina area. .These plantations were worked by African slaves.

The sentiment expressed in the proclamation stated that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."

Hence, the White residents of Coastal South Carolina would have most widely condemned the proclamation because they have a lot to lose. As they would lose their slaves if they act accordingly.


Selling my epic games acc ( $400 worth of games), Synapse X, and 10 OP scripts, all for $50 USD





im selling by toenails for 10 bucks a toenail. wow! ill even do half of if you click the crown, the heart and a five star rating!!! YAY!!!

Based on the text, what did Paine hope to achieve
through his writing?

-start a debate with critics

-insult the opposition

-change the opinion of his opposition



no veo el texto



1.  to persuade
2. change the position of the opposition
3. metaphors, hyperbole, persuasive language (1, 2 and 4)


pictures below

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