Select all the statements that correctly describe how an equilibrium system containing gases will respond to changes in volume or pressure. Assume that the temperature remains constant in each case.a. If an inert gas that does not participate in the reaction is added to a system, it will have no effect on the equilibrium position.b. If the number of moles of gas is the same for the reactants and products, a change in the system volume will not affect the equilibrium position.c.If the volume of a system initially at equilibrium is decreased, the equilibrium will shift in the direction that produces fewer moles of gas.


Answer 1

The statement(s) that correctly describe how an equilibrium system containing gases will respond to changes in volume or pressure are Options (a), (b), and (c) all are correct statements.

Let's understand each statement in detail:

a) If an inert gas that does not participate in the reaction is added to a system, it will have no effect on the equilibrium position. If an inert gas that does not participate in the reaction is added to a system, the total number of moles of gas increases, but the partial pressure of each gas remains constant. Hence, the equilibrium position is not disturbed by the addition of an inert gas.

b) If the number of moles of gas is the same for the reactants and products, a change in the system volume will not affect the equilibrium position. If the number of moles of gas is the same for the reactants and products, the change in volume doesn't affect the concentration of each gas. Hence, the equilibrium position is not affected by changes in volume.

c) If the volume of a system initially at equilibrium is decreased, the equilibrium will shift in the direction that produces fewer moles of gas.If the volume of a system is reduced, the concentration of each gas increases.

Therefore, according to Le Chatelier's principle, the equilibrium will shift in the direction that produces fewer moles of gas to compensate for the increase in the concentration.

So, all the options a, b, c are correct.

Learn more about "equilibrium" : 'Le Chatelier's principle' at:


Related Questions

Which of the following is NOT a reason that Malcolm Gladwell wrote this book? (Outliers)

A. To talk about men and women who do things that are out of the ordinary

B. To convince his readers that people do not reach success by themselves

C. To provide examples of historical events that demonstrate how people rose to success

D. To encourage readers to ask where these successful people are from rather than looking at what these people are like


C is the answer….i really hope this helps you


Option C is NOT a reason that Malcolm Gladwell wrote the book Outliers. The book primarily focuses on examining the factors that contribute to high levels of success, and uses real-life examples and data to support the author's argument. The book does not provide examples of historical events that demonstrate how people rose to success.

My brother
well……… how to play with ankle bones.
A. is knowing
B. know
C. is know
D. knows



D. Knows





a cannot be the answer. c cannot be the answer. and and b cannot be the answer

what research does the author include that supports his view that women are more socially connected than men? based on your experience, do you agree or disagree with this view?


The author includes a study by D. Agresti and A. Finlay [1] in his writing to support his view that women are more socially connected than men.

According to the author, the research shows that women are more connected than men. The study concludes that women are more likely to create and maintain social connections by engaging in more extended conversations. Women create more robust networks, and they also provide better support to their friends and family. While men, on the other hand, have fewer social connections and less support to provide to their friends and family.

Overall, based on my experience, I would agree with the author that women are more socially connected than men. I have observed that women are more likely to build relationships and keep in touch with their friends, family, and coworkers. Women are also more likely to provide emotional support to people they care about, which is an essential aspect of social connections. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to focus on work and other individual activities, which can result in fewer social connections. While this is not always the case, it is the observation that I have made in my personal life.

Learn more about "author" and "research" at :


Riddle: Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters. What is it?


Riddle: Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters. It is a Wind.

Riddle is a type of question or statement that requires a creative or clever answer. It is often used as a form of wordplay or puzzle that requires a person to think laterally in order to find the answer. Riddles can range from simple and straightforward, to complex and perplexing.

To solve the riddle, we have to follow:

1. Read the riddle carefully. Take your time to understand the riddle, and make sure you don't miss any key words or information.

2. Think about the riddle. Think about the clues provided and consider what the answer might be.

3. Brainstorm ideas. Write down any ideas you have about the answer, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.

4. Talk it out. Discuss the riddle with others and listen to their ideas. This can help you come up with new perspectives.

5. Use the process of elimination. If you have multiple ideas, narrow them down by eliminating the options that don't fit the clues.

6. Test your answer. If you think you have the answer, test it against the clues in the riddle to make sure it works.

To learn more about Riddle link is here


An illusion is an indirect reference to something that the audience is expected to know. In his speech, King makes more than one allusion to the Declaration Of Independence. Identify the allusions and how they advance King's arguments


The allusions to the Declaration of Independence help King's arguments because they show the audience the unfulfilled promise of freedom and equality for Black Americans that the document claimed.

In Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, he makes a few allusions to the Declaration of Independence to advance his arguments.

The allusions include the following:

1. "This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."- This is an allusion to the Declaration of Independence that argues that the promise made in the document was not fulfilled because of the continued racial discrimination against Black Americans.

2. "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice."- This is another allusion to the Declaration of Independence that compares the Emancipation Proclamation with the Declaration of Independence to show the gradual process of justice for Black Americans. King also highlights the fact that the Declaration of Independence was written at a time when slavery was still in practice.

To learn more about Declaration :


Task 1
Briefly explain your point of view in regards to the following statement: 'Homework
serves not purpose and should not be necessary.


My opinion is Students learn the value of preparing, remaining organized, and acting through their homework. Independent work is a skill that homework teaches pupils.

What function does homework serve?

Assignments help pupils how to be responsible. Students get the chance to practice and improve their skills through homework. As a result of our parents' demands, we assign homework. Our neighborhood associates rigor with homework.

What are the drawbacks to homework?

Students are more likely to discontinue their extracurricular activities, spend less time with friends and family, and cease engaging in their hobbies.

To know more about Homework visit:


What is the best way to change this sentence from passive voice to active voice?

The multitalented guitarist, Francisco, was chosen by the band to be their lead singer


Answer: The band chose Francisco, the multitalented guitarist, to be their lead singer.


A passive voice tells us what is done to someone or something:

"Francisco was chosen by the band"

While an active voice tells us what a person or thing does:

"The band chose Francisco"

Hope it helps!

amaze your friends at any party or event with a show from magician magnus. a one-hour show for up to ten guests is only fifty dollars! what is the text's most likely purpose? qizzlet


The most likely purpose of the text "amaze your friends at any party or event with a show from magician Magnus. a one-hour show for up to ten guests is only fifty dollars!" is to advertise or promote a magician's show or services.

Advertising is a marketing communication that entails a paid message concerning the product or service by an individual seller or a company that is conveyed through various media outlets. It is also known as a form of marketing communication. The aim of advertising is to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. It is a communication aimed at persuading audiences to make or take some action. Advertising is carried out via various platforms like the internet, social media, billboards, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, or even word of mouth, and so on.

Promotion is one of the key components of marketing that includes communication that aims to encourage and inform consumers about a product or service or a particular brand. The primary purpose of promotion is to increase awareness of a product or service, attract new customers, and retain existing customers. Promotional activities are used to help businesses build a positive brand image and reach out to customers who might not be aware of their products or services. It can be done via various platforms like advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and so on.

You can learn more about Advertising at:


The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov found that sounding a bell every time a dog was about to be given food eventually caused a reflex flow of saliva, which later persisted even when no food was produced. Elaborations of this habituative type of reflex are regarded by some physiologists and psychologists as an important basis for many behaviors, both voluntary and involuntary.

Q.What is the style of the passage?



The correct answer is C. Scholarly.

Work in group find some elderly couples or a widow/widower staying apart from their children because they are abandoned.ask them what they had expected from their children and what actually happened.prepare a story


TitIe - OId Age and Abandoned

This report is based on the interview of peopIe who are attaining their oId age, or are widow and widower staying apart from their chiIdren as they are abandoned by them.

Contents- Introduction

Expectation vs ReaIity



Meet Roopchand and his wife Sucheta, who is abandoned by their chiIdren so that they can settIe in foreign without any responsibiIities of their oId parents.

Roopchand is of 65 years and his wife Sucheta is 62 years oId. They have 1 chiId named RahuI. Roopchand is from PaIakkad, KeraIa. He had a ration shop near his home. They have onIy one chiId, RahuI. RahuI studied in abroad ( USA) and work as an Engineer in reputed MNC and want to settIe down there after seIIing aII of his ancestraI property.

Expectation vs ReaIity

After compIeting his studies, Roopchand want his son to work in India and stay with them. But RahuI was not convinced by his father and opined to settIe in USA. They refused and he Ieft them without saying a proper goodbye. It's been 5 year to taIk to him said Sucheta. They reaIIy misses him in every occasion and prayed for his weII being.

It is very easy to Ieft your parents after they are getting oIder. ActuaIIy, generation today are asking anything to be quick just Iike a mobiIe network. They considered their parents as a burden because now they became master of their own destiny.

At Ieast, think once before taking such moves as you are the onIy ray of hope for your parents in the time when they need you the most i.e OId age.

Learn more about widow


How does the author's use of third-person omniscient point of view affect the story?
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to only see the thoughts and feelings of Meg and Jo.
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to only see the thoughts and feelings of Amy.
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to see the thoughts and feelings of the girls' mother.
Third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to see all of the girls' thoughts and feelings



Why Use a Third Person Omniscient Narrator? When an author writes in third person omniscient, the audience is able to know and see everything about each character. Because of this, we are able to see into the minds of multiple characters and create a stronger relationship and bond with them

World History
Critical Thinking Activity: A Letter From the Front
Imagine that you are a Scottish soldier on the western front during World War I. A few weeks ago you wrote your mother a letter, and you are very excited because you’ve just received a response. In the following two letters, fill in the blanks with the correct information.
August 20, 1917
Dear Mother,
I hope this letter finds you well. Things here are about as bad as ever. Remember how enthusiastic we were back in ’14? Most people showed a great sense of (nationalism, communism, or pacifism)! However, 1917 has been terrible for us. We are (retreating, bored, or marching) most of the time, as we are often (rebelling against our officers, in trenches, or on the move). We also have to put up with (packs of wild dogs, sabotage of communists, or swarms of rats).
The only excitement is when the Germans attack, and that’s not the kind of excitement I like. They've started using (poison gas, dive bombers, or heat-seeking missiles) on us, the devils. I also hear that morale at home has become (low, enthusiastic, or average). Anyway, I should probably go. It’s time for lights out, and you never know if the Germans will attack tomorrow.
Your Billy
August 29, 1917
Dear Billy,
I’m so sorry to hear of your difficulties at the front. Here in England, people are very upset. The government has decided to (devalue the currency, institute a draft, or surrender to the Germans), which has never been done here before. And you know that since the beginning of the war the government (has privatized the industry, has fled to Canada, or can arrest dissenters). This is creating a very tense situation. It’s ironic that we are fighting to remain a free country, yet we have no freedom since the war started. Your sister Anne is doing well. With all the men at the front, she has found it easy to (get married, get a job in the government, or get a job in the factory). Well, I should go. Take care of yourself.
Your Mother
Please and Thank You!


In the question with the help of critical thinking the correct blanks in the letter 1 are: nationalism, retreating, swarms of rats, poison gas, low enthusiastic. In letter 2 are: institute a draft, can arrest dissenters, get a job in the factory.

How to apply critical thinking?

Apply the following stages to apply the fundamentals of critical thinking:

The analysis of data to grasp a subject or issue from several angles.Logically connecting concepts; providing your own viewpoint on the subject based on your assessment of the data at hand.Identify the issue, collect evidence, analyze and evaluate, identify postulates, set up importance, decide, and communicate.

In the following blanks, critical thinking applied on the basis of:

In letter one:

Nationalism: A political and economic philosophy is communism, so

nationalism is appropriate in the blank.

In letter two:

Low, enthusiastic: It is a state of having no interest,  so low, enthusiastic is appropriate in the blank.

Therefore, by using, sources and arguments the critical thinking is used in the above blanks.

Learn more about critical thinking, here:


You should have created a draft of this assignment in the writing a
"Prepare a Research Project, Part I."


Yes, I have created a draft of this assignment in the writing a “Prepare a Research Project, Part I”. I have chosen a character from The Importance of Being Earnest .

What are the skills need for writing?

Communication Skills: Writing is a form of communication, and being able to communicate effectively is essential. This includes using proper grammar, punctuation, and syntax to convey ideas clearly.

Critical Thinking Skills: Writing involves analyzing and synthesizing information, evaluating arguments, and making logical conclusions based on evidence. Critical thinking skills are important to form coherent and compelling arguments.

Research Skills: Writing often involves research to gather information and support arguments. Being able to identify and locate credible sources, analyze data, and integrate research into one's writing is essential.

Time Management Skills: Writing takes time and requires setting realistic goals and deadlines, managing time effectively, and staying organized.

Creativity: Good writing requires creativity to make arguments compelling, engaging, and memorable. Writers must be able to think outside the box and develop unique and innovative ideas.

Discussed his/her identity (or identities) and explored how this character's identity (ies) influence the play.

I have also written a rough draft of an essay (at least four paragraphs long) exploring how this character and his/her identity (ies) affect the play, and given a quick summary of my ideas about that character and his/her identity (or identities).

Learn more about Writing from given link


From their sweet feeding in the fruit; / The drowning of the bees and flies / Rises gradual as a lute;


This line is from the poem "Tears, Idle Tears" by Alfred Lord Tennyson. In this line, Tennyson describes the gradual rising of the sound of drowning bees and flies as resembling the gradual sound of a lute.

What is the main subject matter of the poem "Tears, Idle Tears"?

"Tears, Idle Tears" is a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson in which the speaker reflects on the nature of tears and their ability to evoke memories and emotions. The poem begins with the speaker observing the tears that come to his eyes unbidden, and wondering what has caused them. He then reflects on the fact that tears can come from both joy and sorrow, and that they can evoke memories of loved ones who are now gone. The speaker concludes by lamenting the transience of life, and the fact that even the most beautiful moments must eventually come to an end.

To know more about Alfred Tennyson's works, visit:


Ari is revising her essay to include more precise language. Which words should she replace? Select 3 options
specific words
D misused words
repeated words
© vague words
• scientific words



misused words

vague words

repeated words


I don't really know I'm guess that's what would make a more precise essay

a team of six members have been asked to work together on a report. they are deciding whether one of the members should do all the writing while the others gather information, or whether the entire team should work on the writing together. in this scenario, the team is in the stage of their collaborative writing project.


The group is currently at the stage of their group writing assignment in this scenario. A six-person team has been invited to collaborate on a report. They are debating whether the entire team should collaborate on the writing or whether one person should handle all the writing while the others gather information.

Collaborative writing is a term used to describe any writing project that involves two or more individuals working together to produce a single document. Collaborative writing is the method of several writers working together to produce a document or report.

When working on a collaborative writing project, it's important to establish objectives, roles, responsibilities, and deadlines. It's essential to establish the guidelines to ensure that everyone is aware of their role and what is expected of them.In this scenario, the team is in the stage of their collaborative writing project. The team is deciding on whether one person should write the report, and others should gather the data, or everyone should work together on the writing. It's important to understand that collaborative writing is a collective effort, and everyone must be on the same page to achieve a successful outcome.

Learn more about "collaborative writing project" at :


Do we live in a violent society


The fact that we as a society cannot deny the violence that exists all around us is a frightening reality. The state of the world in which we now live has led to daily exposure to senseless acts of violence. Asking if we live in a violent society and, if so, why is this the case depressing?

Whether or if our society is violent is a complex question. As proof of the widespread of violence, one could mention the steadily rising crime rate, international terrorism, or domestic violence, among other things. Another can respond with data that demonstrates how the world is getting safer, how violent crime and homicide rates are declining globally, and how more and more people are living peaceful lives.

The two sides do agree that violence is all around us and that we witness and hear about it frequently. We cannot escape the spread of violence in our society, from the films we watch—which frequently portray violent crimes or wars—to social media pages that broadcast violent incidents throughout the world or even close. Also, this trend is influenced by the way we interact and communicate in society. Social media and other platforms have created a climate that is favorable to the development of online bullying, hate speech, and rude interactions.

Even while some could argue that it has improved, one of the reasons we live in a violent society is that we are unable to resolve problems peacefully. Instead, we use aggression and violence to settle disputes, whether they be political or personal. We suffer from a chronic failure to resolve conflicts in a healthy way through compromise, discussion, and dialogue. Instead, we frequently use anger and violence to show our dominance and force our opinion.

The image of a violent society is also affected by socioeconomic and cultural factors. Violence is encouraged by increasing social prejudice, poverty, and inequality. As an example, poverty causes a lack of resources, authority, and control as well as resentment, desperation, and fear, all of which can result in violence. Violence in media is normalized culturally, and its effects are frequently ignored, making violence common in society.

In conclusion, there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not we live in a violent culture. Unfortunately, it is impossible to escape the fact that violence infects our society. This trend has been driven by our society's failure to resolve disputes amicably, cultural and socioeconomic reasons, violent media, and online platforms. We must all try to develop a culture of peace, equality, and respect if we are to create a society where violence is unacceptable.

Mark my answer as the brainliest!

What should you read first when previewing a reading assignment?
answer choices
Title of the chapter
Learning objectives
Chapter summary
Headings within the chapter


You read first when previewing a reading assignment headings within the chapter. So the option D is correct.

This allows you to get an idea of the topics that are covered and the key points of each section. Additionally, you can read through the table of contents, which will give an overview of the entire chapter and the topics that are discussed.

You can also skim through the chapter and look for any terms, concepts, or ideas that stand out to you. Finally, you can read through the chapter, taking notes and highlighting important points as you go. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about reading assignment link is here


Use context to determine the meaning of the word unabated as it is used in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Write your definition of unabated here and tell how you found it.


Answer: The word "unabated" is used in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave in the following sentence: "The fatal poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced its infernal work. That cheerful eye, under the influence of slavery, soon became red with rage; that voice, made all of sweet accord, changed to one of harsh and horrid discord; and that angelic face gave place to that of a demon." In this context, "unabated" can be inferred to mean "continuing without any reduction in intensity or strength."

The author is describing how the slaveholder's power over the slaves has a corrupting influence on her character, causing her previously kind demeanor to transform into one of rage and discord. The use of "unabated" emphasizes the unrelenting and persistent nature of this transformation, and suggests that it is unlikely to diminish or fade away.

I found the meaning of the word "unabated" by analyzing the surrounding context and considering its common usage. In general, "unabated" is used to describe something that continues without any decrease in intensity or strength, and in this sentence, it fits well with the author's description of the slaveholder's transformation.


3/2 - Write the definition of each word


The expression " [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] " is a fraction which has a numerator (the number on the top) of 3 and a denominator (the number on the bottom) of 2.

A fraction is a mathematical expression that represents a part of a whole or a ratio between two numbers. Fractions are typically written in the form of a numerator and a denominator separated by a horizontal line, or a slash.

The numerator represents the number of parts being considered, while the denominator represents the total number of equal parts in the whole. For example, in the fraction [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex], the numerator is 3 and the denominator is 4, indicating that we are considering 3 out of 4 equal parts of a whole.

Learn more about Fraction:


The book “Eragon” Chapters “Thieves in the Castle” through “The Ra’zac’s Revenge”

What does Saphira say may be the safest thing to do after the Ra'zac are killed?
(a) Go to the Varden
(b) Leave the Empire and all it's cities
(c) Join the Empire
(d) Hide


After Razac are killed, the Saphira say hiding may be the safest thing to do

What does it mean to go into hiding?

To go into hiding means to conceal oneself from others, typically because of a threat or danger. This may involve finding a safe location where one can avoid being seen or found by others, and taking steps to cover one's tracks or avoid leaving evidence of one's whereabouts.

People may go into hiding for various reasons, such as to evade arrest or persecution, to protect themselves from harm or danger, or to carry out covert activities or operations. In some cases, going into hiding may involve changing one's identity or assuming a new name in order to avoid detection or recognition.

Read more on Eragon here:


5) Why did the producers and director decide to have the girls run outside to the

water during the climactic moments of Act Three? What is significant about John

Proctor's pose during that scene?


Without additional context or information about the specific play or movie being referred to, it is difficult to provide a specific answer to this question. Please provide more information or context about the work in question.

Initially hell-bent on revenge, Hamlet prevaricates. This is one of the central riddles of the play, which has intrigued readers and scholars for 400 years. Why do you think Hamlet waffles in fulfilling his promise to the ghost? What does it suggest about his nature? Does Hamlet have justification to delay?


In the play "Hamlet," the protagonist Hamlet is initially determined to seek revenge against his uncle, King Claudius, for killing his father and marrying his mother.

What are Scholars?

Scholars are people who specialize in a particular field of study and have a high level of knowledge and expertise in that area. They often conduct research, analyze data, and publish their findings in academic journals or books. They may also teach at universities or other academic institutions and share their knowledge and expertise with students. In general, scholars are highly respected for their contributions to their field and for advancing our understanding of various topics.

Hamlet's delay in fulfilling his promise to the ghost suggests that he is a complex and nuanced character who is grappling with deep philosophical and moral questions. While he may have some justification for delaying his revenge, his indecision ultimately leads to tragic consequences for himself and those around him.

Learn more about Scholars from given link


Arrange the events in the development of drama in order from earliest to latest.a. festivals of Dionysusb. mystery and morality playsc. tragedies written by Senecad. tropes added to church servicee. plays of Aristophanesf. performances by traveling minstrels


1. festivals of Dionysus 2. plays of Aristophanes 3. tragedies written by Seneca 4. performances by traveling minstrel 5. tropes added to church service 6. mystery and mortality plays

The Dionysia was an enormous celebration in old Athens to pay tribute to the god Dionysus, the focal occasions of which were the dramatic exhibitions of sensational misfortunes and, from 487 BC, comedies. It was the second-most significant celebration after the Panathenaia. The Dionysia really comprised two related celebrations, the Provincial Dionysia and the City Dionysia, which occurred in various pieces of the year. They were likewise a fundamental piece of the Dionysian Secrets.

Since the different towns in Attica held their celebrations on various days, it was workable for observers to visit more than one celebration for each season. It was additionally a chance for Athenian residents to go external to the city in the event that they didn't have the potential chance to do as such during the remainder of the year. This likewise permitted going organizations of entertainers to act in more than one town during the time of the festival.

The comic writer Aristophanes ridiculed Country Dionysia in his play The Acharnians.

to know more about mortality click here:


PART B: which TWO sections form the text best support the answer to Part A?

A. "These attacks on Western ideas serve a double purpose. First,
they promote the Russian thesis that Western culture and
achievements are inferior to those of the Soviet Union"
(Paragraph 7)
8. "Zhebrak in espousing Mendel's theory of heredity and Morgan's
theory of the gene sinned not only because he advocated
Western doctrines but also because he did not accept the
contrary opinions of the Russian scientist, Michurin
(Paragraph 12)
C. "The Academy of Agriculture quickly showed it had grasped this
lesson when, in promising to purge itself of Mendelian theories"
(Paragraph 17)
D. "During the great purges of the Thirties Russian leaders of
thought were so shaken by denunciation, criticism, discharge,
exile and execution that Stalin finally came to the rescue,
admonishing his colleagues publicly that an intellectual was not
bad" (Paragraph 24)
E. "Who wants his name bandied in Pravda's editorials or made the
subject of resolutions by the party central committee?"
(Paragraph 29)
F"For the West there is substantial encouragement to be drawn
from the fact that after thirty years of Marxian indoctrination and
party propaganda the Kremlin still finds it necessary to launch a
thought purge" (Paragraph 35)


The two sections that best support the answer to Part A are:

A. "These attacks on Western ideas serve a double purpose. First,

they promote the Russian thesis that Western culture and

achievements are inferior to those of the Soviet Union"

What is Soviets Union?

The Soviet Union, officially known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a federal socialist state that existed from 1922 to 1991. It was located in Eurasia and covered a vast territory that stretched from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia. The Soviet Union was governed by the Communist Party, which was led by a General Secretary, and its economy was based on a system of state ownership and central planning. During its existence, the Soviet Union was one of the world's two superpowers, along with the United States, and played a major role in international affairs.

C. "The Academy of Agriculture quickly showed it had grasped this

lesson when, in promising to purge itself of Mendelian theories"

(Paragraph 17)

These sections support the idea that the Soviet Union believed Western ideas and theories were inferior to their own, and that they were actively trying to suppress Western ideas in favor of their own. The first section suggests that the attacks on Western ideas were designed to promote the idea that Soviet culture and achievements were superior. The second section highlights the Academy of Agriculture's promise to purge itself of Mendelian theories, which were Western ideas that contradicted the Soviet Union's own beliefs.

Learn more about Soviets Union from given link


Define the term public participation and also mention three ways in which the community to attempt to be piblic participants



Public participation can be any process that directly engages the public in decision-making and gives full consideration to public input in making that decision. Public participation is a process, not a single event


Public participation can be any process that directly engages the public in decision-making and gives full consideration to public input in making that decision. Public participation is a process, not a single event. It consists of a series of activities and actions by a sponsoring agency over the full lifespan of a project to both inform the public and obtain input from them. Public participation affords stakeholders (those that have an interest or stake in an issue, such as individuals, interest groups, and communities) the opportunity to influence decisions that affect their lives.


Effective public participation depends in part on a sponsor agency’s willingness and ability to involve the public in the decision process. While it is critical that sponsor agencies develop the skills to think through, plan for, and implement a public participation process, it is no less important that the public develop the capacity to participate effectively in decision processes. A well-designed and sincere participation process will not fulfill its potential if the public lacks the necessary participation skills. Hence, it is important for government agencies to build the public’s participation capacity.

Building participation capacity can be achieved in several ways:

Modeling the behaviors that you want to see exhibited throughout the processDeveloping and sharing with the public guidance documents that promote the core values of public participation  and delineate best practicesProviding training to community leaders and stakeholder representatives in foundational public participation and communication skillsGiving special consideration and attention to vulnerable populations and marginalized communities.Identifying facilitative leaders within sponsor agencies to mentor community groups/leaders by partnering with them during the planning and implementation of public participation processes. Inviting the public to participate in planning the process can create a sense of ownership among the publicHiring professional third-party facilitators to provide instruction at the project outset to sponsor agency staff and external stakeholders on participatory behaviors and techniquesWhere appropriate, use deliberative forums that encourage more active forms of participation instead of selecting forums that are viewed by sponsor agencies as being more “safe” because they control participationProviding technical assistance to the public or community groups to help them understand technical information relevant to the decision.

These strategies can help build the public’s capacity for participation. Ongoing interest in public participation, however, will depend on the extent to which public participation processes result in the opportunity for meaningful public input and influence on projects, and the degree to which sponsoring agencies are accountable for these results.

Hope it helped! :)

Argumentative speech : Money is the root of all evil​




Money is any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.

It could also be just paper money, currency in paper form, such as government and bank notes, as distinguished from metal currency.

I don’t think money is the root of all evil. But “the love of money is the root of all evil”.

This phrase to me isn’t literal as you may think.

Yes, everyone ‘loves’ money because it is essential and serves our purposes in life.

That notion of the love of money is the root of all evil comes in place when we become possessive of money. Money is ‘everywhere’ but the undying zeal of having money as a must make us desperate.

Now, when desperation comes in place, it changes our thoughts and actions. We are desperate, thus we could do anything to make money - legally or illegally.

Most people go as far as doing rituals (this is mostly in Africa continent). They tend to join some secret societies, make human sacrifices and all that just to ‘make’ it in life.

For instance, the Gboys. Those involved in cybercrime and frauds. Some call them white paper boys. While others call them yahoo boys. They just go by different names. Majority of these people extend their practice to the spiritual realm in other to make fast money. They are given different assignments for sacrifices.

There has been many cases of girls in Nigeria being used for rituals by Gboys to make money.

The case of girls’ pants being used. Used Sanitary pads and in unlucky cases, killing the girls or killing their family members (all depends on what assignment given to them). Just to buy luxurious cars and build expensive houses.

However, money isn't the root of all evil. But THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

According to research, which of the following personality dimensions have significant effects on perceptions of leader charisma?
A) conscientiousness
B) openness to experience
C) agreeableness
D) extraversion


According to research, the personality dimensions that have significant effects on perceptions of leader charisma are

A) conscientiousness,

B) openness to experience,

C) agreeableness, and

D) extraversion.

Step by step explanation:

Research has demonstrated that these personality traits are associated with greater charisma as a leader. For example, conscientiousness reflects a tendency for organization and diligence, which can result in greater trust and confidence from followers.

Openness to experience reflects the willingness to learn and adapt to new situations, which can result in better problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.

Agreeableness reflects the ability to get along with others and build relationships, which can make followers feel appreciated and heard.

Finally, extraversion reflects the ability to draw energy from being around other people, which can lead to a more positive, engaging presence in the workplace.

Learn more about personality, research and perceptions at:


identify any errors in subject-verb agreement and if there is not write correct and explain why you answered this way,

Where's my gloves? Have you seen them anywhere? I can't find them.

Where's Kenya? Can you find it for me on the map?

Approximately 80 percent of all the data in computers around the world is in English.

Why are the police here?

Studying a foreign language often lead students to learn about the culture of the
countries where it is spoken.

Two hours is too long to wait, don't you think?

Some of the movie about the gangsters were surprisingly funny.

Some of the movies these days contain too much violence.

How many people is there in Canada?

What is the population of Canada?

Which one of the continents in the world are uninhabited?

One of the most common names for dogs in the United States are "Rover."

Everybody in my family enjoy music and reading.

Most of the mountain peaks in the Himalayan Range is covered with snow the year



Errors in subject-verb agreement:

"Lead" should be "leads"

"Is" should be "are"

"Are" should be "is"

"Enjoy" should be "enjoys"

"Is" should be "are"


Where's my gloves? Have you seen them anywhere? I can't find them.

Where's Kenya? Can you find it for me on the map?

Approximately 80 percent of all the data in computers around the world is in English.

Why are the police here?

Studying a foreign language often leads students to learn about the culture of the countries where it is spoken.

Two hours is too long to wait, don't you think?

Some of the movies about the gangsters were surprisingly funny.

Some of the movies these days contain too much violence.

How many people are there in Canada?

What is the population of Canada?

Which one of the continents in the world is uninhabited?

One of the most common names for dogs in the United States is "Rover."

Everybody in my family enjoys music and reading.

Most of the mountain peaks in the Himalayan Range are covered with snow the year round.

in details,write the difference between a movie story and story written​



A movie story can be referred to a story that can be filmed and play or watched on TV,laptop etc.based on realty or comedy, action etc which somehow inspire the viewers.

written story can happen to be something that a person can write about a particular thing,person event etc that can be published so that anyone who is interested on the story can buy the book that the story is written on

I hope it helps

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