Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Interest groups, businesses, and
individuals can____ public policy by _____ lawmakers. PART A OPTIONS influence, create, repel, vote on. OPTIONS FOR PART B opposing, electing, lobbying, hiring


Answer 1
Part A vote on part B hiring
Answer 2


A. Influence B. Lobbying

Individuals can influence public policy by lobbying lawmakers.

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Summarize how the political parties began in the unites state?be specific (4-5sentences)



The first 2 political parties were the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. The Federalists supported a strong central government. The Democratic Republicans supported a common people run government. The founder of the Federalists party was Alexander Hamilton but the Democratic Republicans were founded by Thomas Jefferson.



The political parties in the United States began to take shape in the late 1700s during the presidency of George Washington. At that time, two main factions emerged: the Federalists, who favored a strong central government and close ties with Britain, and the Democratic-Republicans, who supported states' rights and closer ties with France. These factions eventually developed into the modern Democratic and Republican parties, respectively. The development of the political parties was influenced by a range of factors, including debates over the interpretation of the Constitution, foreign policy, and economic issues such as the role of the federal government in regulating commerce.

what is the difference between enslavement and indentured servitude?


indentured servants ultimately attained their freedom once they completed their contract, while enslaved people were permanently denied their freedom unless they could obtain the means to purchase themselves or successfully escape.


Despite some similarities to enslavement, indentured servants ultimately attained their freedom once they completed their contract , while enslaved people were permanently denied their freedom unless they could obtain the means to purchase themselves or successfully escape

How were Japanese Americans impacted by wartime policies during World War II?



Japanese Americans were forcibly removed from their homes and communities and incarcerated


That's your answer.

Japanese Americans were forcefully removed from there own homes and put into internment camps. While in there they had churches schools and farms. Some people where separated from there families and some were not. While being in there a lot of the Japanese Americans weren’t even get meals cause of how many people were in the camps they couldn’t feed every single one of them. ( They were sent to the camps because many American citizens worried that the Japanese Americans were spies for the Japanese government)

How did new technologies change the way cloth was manufactured in the United States and elsewhere?


Producing cloth became faster and required less time and far less human labor.

The production of cloth in the United States and other parts of the world has undergone tremendous change as a result of new technology. Some ways in which technology revolutionized cloth production are:

Automation and Mass production: New technologies enabled mass production of textiles. It increased efficiency, higher production volumes, and reduced costs.Mechanization of Textile Production: The Industrial Revolution, led to the the development of machines like the spinning jenny, water frame, and power loom. These inventions increased production efficiency and output.Transportation and Communication: Improvements in transportation, facilitated the movement of raw materials, finished goods, and ideas across regions. Better communication tools, like the telegraph, made it possible to coordinate textile manufacturing more quickly and effectively. Better communication tools, like the telegraph, made it possible to coordinate textile manufacturing more quickly and effectively.

The industry underwent a revolution as a result of the introduction of these new technologies, which raised output capacity while lowering costs and improving quality.

Learn more about new technologies in cloth manufacture

The Renaissance radically changed the way of life for millions of Europeans. Which change did you find the most significant? Write a short essay explaining why this change captured your attention. Be sure to support your explanation with details from this week’s edition and your own research. HELP!!!!!!!!



See below.


Renaissance is the name given in the 19th century to a broad cultural movement in Western Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. It was a period of transition between the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age. Renaissance before was the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.

What was the impact of renaissance on the people of Europe?

The Renaissance was a time of great intellectual growth and rebirth -- in fact, the word Renaissance literally means "rebirth" in French. This new era of enlightenment for Europeans began in Florence towards the end of the 14th century, following the Middle Ages, and after the Black Death wiped out nearly half of Europe's population. During the Renaissance, a revolution in philosophy, science and mathematics dramatically changed arts and culture in Europe.

It affected the people in the following ways:-

Rise of Humanism

During the Middle Ages, individuals were expected to devote their lives to the church above all else. In stark contrast, Renaissance humanists broke free from medieval tradition to put focus on personal interests instead of religious demands.

Humanists emphasized the importance of worldly pleasures and studied classic texts from philosophers like Plato and Aristotle for inspiration.

Spreading of Knowledge

Around 1450, German citizen Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, and with it came an increasingly informed society. Prior to the Renaissance, education was reserved to wealthy citizens who could afford such luxury.

The printing press revolutionized communication -- suddenly, the middle classes were able to educate themselves and now they understood that Christianity was rather a simple religion.

New ideas spread quickly throughout Europe and allowed for widespread educational reform among the European people.

Realism in Art

The Renaissance is best known throughout popular culture for its contribution to the arts. Instead of focusing on traditional depictions of religious figures and iconography.

Influenced by the humanists, Renaissance painters drew inspiration from ancient Greece and Rome.

Renaissance painters experimented heavily with texture and depth, and artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Titian got a chance to come up to show their talent and painted studies of the human body in detail.

Reliance on Observation

With the Renaissance came an increasing divide between science and religion as a new era of discovery swept through Europe. Scientists began to focus on practical observation instead of religious teachings and viewed their work with renewed skepticism.

Answer: Free open economy

Explanation: The Renaissance didn't have the free capitalist ideas we have today in society, they were run by the feudal system. Our science, history, art, and architecture has modernized. I would recommend watching Crash Course European History by John Green, who explains this particular subject with more detail.

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