Select the correct answer. Which two countries contain over one-third of all people on the planet? a. France and albania b. China and india c. United states and canada d. New york and hong kong


Answer 1
B the two countries both have a population of 1.4billion, which add up to about 2.8 billion.

Related Questions

In pre-colonial Africa, government systems did not exist.





In pre-colonial Africa, some primitive versions of government systems were used.


Explain the processes that have transformed Tongariro overtime (including weathering and erosion)


Over time sand and silt eroded down the Gondwana land mass. This compacted and formed a sedimentary rock called graywacke.

Formation process of Tongariro Volcano Centre

The Tongariro complex of volcanic cones and craters was formed by eruptions from at least 12 vents over more than 275,000 years. Erosion during the last Ice Age has worn away what was once a substantial mountain into the world famous hiking destination that it is today.

The Pacific plate subducted under the Australian plate and volcanism began. This process resulted in magma forming 150km below the Tongariro Volcanic Centre.

learn more about Tongariro complex:

How many seismometers are needed to determine the location of an epicenter of an earthquake?




Three seismographs

Three seismographs are needed. A circle is drawn from each of the three different seismograph locations, where the radius of each circle is equal to the distance from that station to the epicenter. The spot where those three circles intersect is the epicenter (Figure 13.12).

what scale is used to measure the intensity of a hurricane?



Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale


Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating based only on a hurricane's maximum sustained wind speed. This scale does not take into account other potentially deadly hazards such as storm surge, rainfall flooding, and tornadoes. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale estimates potential property damage.

is a lizard a invertebrate or a vertebrate?



A lizard is a vertebrae


"Reptiles are vertebrates that have scales on at least some part of their body, leathery or hard-shelled eggs, and share a number of other features."

Which statement best descibes the overall message conveyed in this political cartoon? Climate change is something the Earth can predict. The future effects of global climate change could be devastating if we do not address it. Climate change will affect our weather patterns in the future. The future effects of global climate change will not be seen for hundreds of years.


The basic idea presented in this political cartoon is that if we do not handle global climate change, the consequences could be disastrous.

What happens if we don't address climate change?

Climate Change and Its Consequences are more frequent wildfires, prolonged drought periods in some locations, and an increase in the number, duration, and severity of tropical storms are all possible future implications of global climate change.

If we do nothing, heat waves will become more common and severe over the planet, harming hundreds of millions—if not billions—of people.

Therefore, option (b) or (ii) is the correct answer.

As the question seems to be incomplete with missing cartoon images, the possible answer is given. The political cartoon by Andy Singer is attached below for reference.

For more information about global climate change, refer below

what is a relationship between the wavelength radiation and the engery of the wave?



inversely proportional


Certain steps in the mineral extraction process can often have a lasting impact on Earth. Which of the following three choices best describe possible impacts when land is cleared for mining and drilling of minerals?

Risk of flooding in the area decreases.
Concentration of minerals in the ground increases.
Local vegetation is damaged or removed.
Animals move to new locations in search of food sources.
Local vegetation becomes over abundant as soil is placed elsewhere.
Flooding increases as a result of lower water absorption within compacted soils.


Things that happen when land is cleared for mining and drilling are:

C. Local vegetation is damaged or removed.D. Animals move to new locations in search of food sources.F. Flooding increases as a result of lower water absorption within compacted soils.

What happens when land is cleared for mining?

Local vegetation will be damaged and removed by the clearing of the land which would lead to animals leaving the area to find newer food sources to replace the cleared plants.

There will also be an increase in flooding because the removal of plants affects the ability of water to be absorbed by soil.

Find out more on effects of land clearing at

Public Domain

The map shows the Korean Peninsula separated into North and South Korea after the Korean War.

Identify the root of conflict displayed in the map below.

Describe a centripetal force in the map displayed below.

Describe a centrifugal force in the map displayed below.

Define political boundaries.

Compare the types of government in North and South Korea.

Describe a social OR economic consequence related to the map below.

Describe another contemporary border conflict elsewhere in the world.


The root of the conflict that led to the Korean War was the division of Korea along Communist and Democratic lines.

A centripetal force in the map would be the fact that people of both nations are Koreans. A centrifugal force, is the different political ideologies that both nations follow.

The political boundaries between North and South Korea are determined by the Military Demarcation Line.

The North Korean government is Communist while the South Korean government is free market democratic.

An economic consequence of the map given is that people in North Korea are economically backward compared to South Korea.

Another contemporary border conflict was that of North and South Vietnam which was resolved by the Vietnam War.

What does the map say about the Korean War?

The Korean War happened because the United States and the Soviet Union divided it along political lines with the North being communist and the South being democratic.

Centripetal forces are those that pull people together which in this case, is the shared ethnicity of being Korean. Centrifugal forces pull people apart so in this case refers to the different political ideologies of both Koreas.

When a ceasefire was called, the political boundary became the military demarcation line. With the North closed off, they became economically backward while the South prospered.

Find out more on the Korean War at

What is transportation



Transportation is when you move an object from one place to another.


For example, when you transport a rock from Egypt to Africa you are changing the position of the rock by transporting/moving it.

(100 points) Describe the stages of economic development described in Rostow's theory of modernization and growth. Then, give an example of at least two ways countries may face challenges when following this model.

Note: This has to be a unique writing. If you copy and paste from a website, uhhh- YOu suck :V



1.Traditional society: Is an agricultural economy of mainly subsistence farming little to which is traded.

2.Pre-conditions for take off: Agriculture become more mechanized and more output is traded.

3. Take-off: manufacturing industry assumes greater importance.

4.Drive to maturity: The growth of the industry spread to different parts of the country.

5.Age of mass consumption: Output levels grow enabling increased consumer expenditure.

Hope this helps!

0° of latitude is found at the ______ and the 90° of latitude is found at the _____.



equator, north pole


the South Pole is 90 degrees South too

0° of latitude is found at the equator and 90° of latitude is found at the north pole.

What is the Equator?

A ring that circles a planet or other celestial body's axis is said to be its equator. The northern and southern hemispheres are separated by the Equator. The South Pole is 90 degrees S latitude, and the North Pole is 90 degrees N latitude.

With a latitude of 0 degrees, it is midway between the north and south poles. All year long, the climate is warm in towns and cities near the equator. The reason for this is that the sun is nearly always straight overhead.

The Equator is the place on Earth where it is the largest. The Equator heats up more quickly than the poles because sunlight strikes a smaller surface area there. There are few seasonal temperature variations close to the equator.

Learn more about the Equator, here:


Science notebook activity in this exploration, you will identify the prevailing winds and ocean currents that exist on earth, as well as the directions they travel. use the wind and ocean map to answer the questions in your science notebook. procedure using a red-colored pencil, trace the patterns of the prevailing winds on the map. be sure to include the following prevailing winds: prevailing westerlies trade winds northern subtropical gyre southern subtropical gyre doldrums draw arrows on each pattern to show which direction the wind blows. label the various prevailing winds with their appropriate names. sketch the major ocean currents onto the map using a blue-colored pencil. be sure to include the following ocean currents: japan current northern equatorial drift southern equatorial drift gulf stream west wind drift brazil current draw arrows on each pattern to show which direction the surface current flows. label each ocean current pattern with its correct name. in the box provided, create a legend, being sure to key the different colored lines. finally, label your map with an appropriate title. answer the following questions. questions compare the direction of the currents in the north pacific ocean with those of the south pacific ocean. how are they alike and similar? explain the reason for the similarities and differences. what relationship between wind and ocean currents do you notice after observing your map?


The Earth is known to have five prevailing wind zones. They are:

Polar easterlies is known to flow from polar high-pressure belt in the direction of the temperate low-pressure belts and it is said to blow from the east.Westerlies moves from from the west toward the east.Horse latitudes,  found in the north and south and moves or flow toward the prevailing westerlies or equator.Trade winds flows mainly from east to west that is north and south of the equator.The doldrums starts at low pressure or weak pressure gradients, and moves in the direction of the trade wind of North and south.

Some of the examples of ocean Currents in the world are:

North Equatorial Current is known to be a westward wind-driven current Kuroshio Current is known as north-flowing and also a warm ocean current .North Pacific Current is known to flow from west-to-east .Alaskan Current  has its current flowing counterclockwise.Counter Equatorial Current is known as an eastward flowing and also a wind-driven current South Equatorial Current is known to flow from east-to-west. etc.

What is the link between wind and ocean currents?

The winds is known to be a weather condition that carries surface water with them which therefore forms  currents.

Note that as these currents are said to flow westward, the Coriolis effect which is a force that emanates from the rotation of the Earth is said to lower their intensity which can make the currents to bend to the right, facing the north.

Learn more about Current from

Which of the following is an example of how climate might have changed in a region?

Tropical plant fossils in Antarctica indicate it used to be closer to the equator.

The plates are moving about 2.5 cms per year.

All of the rivers are now frozen.

Fossils were not found on any continent, proving there was no life.




As these fossils suggest, Antarctica hasn’t always been as cold as it is now. Before Captain Scott and his team perished during their return journey from the South Pole in 1912, they had collected a number of important fossils from near the Beardmore Glacier in the Transantarctic Mountains. When this collection was retrieved and analysed, it was found to contain fossils of an ancient ‘seed-fern’ tree (Glossopteris). Not only did this prove that the continent must have been much warmer in the past to support such vegetation, but the similarity with Glossopteris fossils found in South America, South Africa, and Australia gave strong support to the emerging idea, championed by Alfred Wegener, that the continents were once joined and have since moved apart – the theory of ‘continental drift’.During the 1960s, the mechanisms behind continental drift finally became understood and our modern theory of plate tectonics was born. As with other continents, sea floor spreadingin some places and subduction in others has caused Antarctica’s position to change over geological time; and hence Antarctica hasn’t always been located over the South Pole. Indeed in the distant geological past, the pattern and configuration of tectonic plates has been very different from today. For example, about 450 million years ago the crust that makes up England was in the Southern Hemisphere while crust making up Antarctica straddled the equator!Some 200 million years ago, Antarctic continental crust was joined with South American, African, Indian, and Australian continental crust making up a large southern land mass known as Gondwana (the southern part of the supercontinent called Pangea). After this time, Gondwana slowly split apart to create Antarctica as a separate continent, and Antarctica has gradually moved away from the other southern continents towards its present polar position.

when occurring in the atlantic ocean they are known as hurricanes. what are they known as when occurring in the western pacific?


typhoon. Which always affects countries like China Japan and Philippines


Levees are structures built around rivers to control and prevent flooding. In Louisiana, massive levees have been built around the Mississippi River. Prior to the levees being built, seasonal floods would deposit sediment rich in nutrients throughout the wetlands and floodplains in Louisiana. Now, the sediment is carried out to sea, and areas around the levees are rarely flooded.

What is a solution that reduces the impact of levees on the environment in Louisiana?

Redirect water in the continental U.S. to other rivers and coasts.
Increase the height of the levee's walls to prevent all possible flooding.
Divert, or distribute, river sediment from the state's coastal areas into wetlands.
Build levees that go further upstream on the Mississippi River.


A Levee is a characteristic or fake wall that blocks water from going where we do not believe it should go. It's choice C.

An answer that lessens the effect of levees on the climate in Louisiana is to Deflect, or circulate, stream dregs from the state's deep-water regions into washes.

The levees have kept sand front washes from getting the ordinary food of riverine water, supplements and residue that are introductory to deep-water swamp abidance.

Levees are constructed to alleviate flooding pitfalls; still, they don't fully exclude the threat. It's constantly conceivable that a flood tide will surpass the limit of a levee, anyhow of how well the construction is fabricated.

To know more about Levees,


if you wanted to make the amount of sunlight received in your town the same length, what would you have to do ?


Answer:change the shape of the Earth's orbit

Explanation:The distance between the Earth & the Sun and the amount of solar radiation at various times of the year varies more when the orbit is more elongated.

All of the following are indicators of an advanced ancient civilization except
A. stepped pyramids or other sophisticated structures
B. organized religion
C. little trade with outsiders
D. advanced bureaucracy and written language
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Answer: A is your awnser



A is your answer i think


please mark me the brainiest

What are some pros and cons of megaregions? Would you want to live in a megaregion?


Pros: Sustainable urban development in mega-cities will depend on the creation and maintenance of efficient land and property markets; the development of more and better housing finance options; a greater emphasis on municipal finance and institution building; strengthening of urban utility systems

Cons: over consumption, using too many resources, currently the water demand is high in china. light pollution, too much artificial light, animals can't tell day from night, disturbs sleeping patterns and migration. potential increase in taxes, government needs to repair, build something and raises taxes.

Different regions can combine their services, resources, and costs. megaregion can be more efficient. there is overpopulation in some areas, which can lead to poverty and there is a significant loss of agricultural land.

What are Megaregion?

Megaregion places with large markets and significant economic. capacity, substantial innovation, and highly skilled talent, as well as large overall populations.

There are more job opportunities available in the city than in the village or the countryside. Furthermore, you will come across a wide range of opportunities. Anything you've studied will almost certainly land you a job that matches your qualifications. This is because i want to live in a megaregion.

Therefore, I want to live in a Megaregion.

Learn more about Megaregion, here;


50 PTS!!! An abundance of liquid water is unique to planet Earth. Why is it not common on
other planets in our solar system? Write your answer below in complete sentences.


The thing that’s special about Earth isn’t the amount of water. Jupiter and even Enceladus have more.

The thing that’s special is that Water exists at all three states on our planet, gaseous, liquid, and solid form. Which means that a lo of different environments friendly for life are possible.

This doesn’t happen to our knowledge anywhere else in the Solar System that we’ve found to date.

Explain why the nutrient cycle is slower in a desert than a tropical rainforest



Leaching removes nutrients from the soil. The nutrient cycle is slower than in the tropical rainforest as temperatures are not as high, so decomposition is slower, and there is less rainfall.

What ideas do you have about how two places could have the same amount of sunlight but different skin cancer rates?​



Skin cancer among people who are sensitive to sunlight is more common in regions with stronger sunlight. People with genetic diseases that make them more sensitive to sunlight have a greater chance of developing skin cancer. Studies show that ultraviolet radiation similar to sunlight causes skin cancer in animals.

Which one is it a b c or d


After a lot of research, the answer is B or Energy fro the Sun drives weather and sometimes climate. The Sun pretty much controls all of the weather on the Earth, if its hot or cold, sunny or cloudy.

HOPE THIS HELPS! & good luck <3

(the website cleanet is a great place to read up on if you want more information on the topic btw)

A plate is considered a major plate if it covers an area of more than __________ square kilometers.



20 million km^2


20 million km2 is the answer

Which of the letters represents the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere?.



The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its vertical axis. During the northern hemisphere's spring and summer, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. During the northern hemisphere's autumn and winter, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.Jan 4, 2022

Explanation:hope this answers your question!

To what does chen attribute the high-risk image of derivatives?.



here it is


A number of spectacular financial failures from 1994 to 2008. I hoped this helped you!

important of litosphere to man​


[tex] \huge\bf\blue{Answer \pink{✓}}[/tex]

Lithosphere provides us forests and grasslands for grazing land for agriculture and human settlements and also rich source of minerals. The lithosphere contains different types of rocks such as the igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, it helps to provide the necessary nutrients required to plants.


Knowing which direction is east, west, south or north is__________
Relative Location



Step-by-Step explanation:
Because it runs north south east and west

Knowing which direction is east, west, south or north is Orientation. It refers to the act or process of determining one's position or direction relative to a particular reference point. Thus option (B) is correct.

What is Orientation?

Orientation refers to the act or process of determining one's position or direction relative to a particular reference point, usually with regards to cardinal directions . Orientation can also refer to the process of becoming familiar with a new environment, situation, or set of circumstances.

It involves understanding and aligning oneself with the spatial relationship of objects or locations in relation to a fixed point or reference, such as a compass, map, or landmark.

Orientation is knowing which direction is east, west, south or north. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about Orientation here:


Which best completes the chart above



The answer seems to be B.


An expert in demography is asked to predict changes to the population size of a small country. Which data about the country would be most useful for the expert to analyze?


The lionfish population will continue growing exponentially indefinitely.
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1) A prize is divided in the ratio 15:1 if the smaller share is 5 what is the total prize? Last one i promise but i need help Simplify the expression.The cost of renting a community center is $100, with an additional cost of $10 per guest.Which graph has the most appropriate scales and units for this situation? What approximate percentage of land is used for housing worldwide?a. 2%b. 26%52%d. 100%please select the best answer from the choices provided Peat is a mixture of partially decomposed plant and animal material found in waterlogged, acidic, anaerobic environments. people debate whether peat is a fossilfuel. to be considered a fossil fuel, a material must be of biologic origin, be used as a source of energy, and replenish on a time scale greater than humanlifetimes. peat reserves have declined over time. however, peat harvesters claim that a restoration processcan make peat a renewable resource and allow it tobe classified as a biofuel. the restoration process is outlined in the table.stages of peatland restorationstage descriptiontimerewetting makes surface wet again 3-5 yearsrenaturation replaces vegetation several decadesregeneration accumulates new peat 100 years or morewhich conclusion can be drawn based on the information in the table?..peat is a fossil fuel because rewetting it takes only 3-5 years.peat is a fossil fuel because the total time for restoration is lengthy.peat is not a fossil fuel because it has blologic origins, making it a biofuel.peat is not a fossil fuel because humans can promote the replenishment of peat..od 7Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.she became anSarah started out her life in impoverished circumstances butextremely wealthy and successful businesswoman.howeverBbecausecfirstDeventually If the area of a circle is 64 pie square centimeters, then what is its radius Based on the excerpt, what inferences can be made about the storys setting? it is located on a farm with many field hands and employees. It is located on a wide, isolated expanse of farmland. It is in a small town where everyone is friendly toward one another. It is in a deserted town in which mysterious events occur The prelude according to the Speaker where do the events described in line 1 through 40 Take Pl. utopia heaven or the real world Do you need to get permission to cite a song title can someone please help!! I need the answer and explanation pls For what values of x is x3+23x2+162x+360=0 a true statement? WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!Which statements describes American life after World War II?Soldiers who returned from war bought new homes and started families.thMost of America's factories closed because weapons were no longer needed.More people wanted to move to large apartments inside cities.A lot of women left their factory jobs and returned to work at home.Automobiles and home appliances were highly desired.Television, movies, and radio became more popular. Compound a and compound b are both aromatic esters with molecular formula c8h8o2. When treated with bromine in the presence of iron tribromide, compound a is converted into only one product, while compound b is converted into two different monobromination products. (20 POINTS PLS HELP!!) Right equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line Y equals negative 3X +8 and passes through the point -2, 3. Right equation in point slope form According to Jude 1:7, Sodom and Gomorrah were Old Testament towns that serve as a ___________________________________. Paul's education was important because later in life he would witness to the best debaters in the world, the: Egyptians Romans Greek why do badminton players use rubber shoes while playing Consider the net of a triangular prism where each unit on the coordinate plane represents four feet. If a sheet of plywood measures 4 ft x 8 ft, how many sheets of plywood will a carpenter need to build the prism?