Sự kiện tạo nên bước ngoặt xoay chuyển cục diện của chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai với ưu thế thuộc về phê đồng minh là


Answer 1


Stalingrad was a watershed moment in the Soviet–German War, a battle that eclipsed the Allied operation in Western Europe in terms of both numbers and severity in 1944–45.

This fight was a defining moment because it resulted in a large number of casualties, radically changed Germany's attitude toward the war, and the Germans had ultimately lost a major battle, which shifted the battle to both the Allies' advantage.

Related Questions

Which item is an example of a secondary source?





Al the other sources are directly from Abraham, or directly quoted. A biography is written by a different person who didn't know him first hand

I'm a history majoy btw lol!

___ provides health care for people over the age of sixty-five.
O a. Medicare
O b. Welfare
O c. Social Security
O d. none of the above





All of the following are associated with the construction of the Panama Canal
1) French attempt
2) disease
geographic obstacles
4) William Howard Taft



The answer Is 1)


Considering the available options, all the options are associated with the construction of the Panama Canal. Hence, it is "none of the above."

Panama Canal Construction

The Panama Canal Construction was first attempted by the French in 1881 by a French company under Ferdinand, viscount de Lesseps but stopped the construction in 1889 due to lack of finance or investors.

During the construction of the Panama Canal that lasted between 1904 to 1914, there was a series of yellow fever and malaria incidents that killed many workers. Approximately 22,000 workers died during the construction.

Also, there were geographical obstacles during the construction attributed to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans that the canal sought to connect.

Again, William Howard Taft played a significant role in constructing the Panama Canal. First, as the Secretary of War under Theodore Roosevelt when the construction started, and later as the President of the United States when the construction ended.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "None of the above."

Learn more about Panama Canal here: https://brainly.com/question/2154914

what did adam smith meant by “natural laws”


Answer: adam smith meant laws that we were born with and that exist in nature regardless whether people accept them or not. They will always exist and are standards of all other laws.


Competition makes people better

White collar jobs expanded post World War II because ?


They paid well and provided secure jobs

White-collar jobs were jobs that had people working in an office, this started becoming more and more prevalent after World War II. Blue-collar jobs were jobs that usually had people doing manual labor, like working in a factory for example.

After World War II and even during the Cold War, technology was advancing and becoming more widespread in facilities and workplaces. More advanced and automated technology was becoming more common in factories, which caused many blue-collar workers to be out of jobs and they needed to find something elsewhere.

Since things were becoming more automated and advanced, the jobs in factories were dwindling down, while office work was expanding. Many of the blue-collar workers that were losing their jobs ended up working in the office and becoming white-collar workers.

Which event resulted from a missed meeting between British generals Howe and Burgoyne?
the British victory at Princeton
the surrender of General Howe
the surrender of Lord Cornwallis
the Continental army’s victory at Saratoga



I'd go with D. the Continental army’s victory at Saratoga


They both existed when the Revolutionary war in Independence (July 4th) was in the time of their lives. So both must have fought in the Contintential US at the time.




todo está en wikipedia solo busca la era de Rivada, ¡espero que esto te ayude!


Why have ethnic rivalries and communal violence been a major problem in decolonized
African and Asian nations?

a. African and Asian societies were not developed at the time of colonization.

b. Westerners' introduction of slavery in the late 19th century led to African and Asian
dependency on Europeans for financial support.

c. African and Asian ethnic groups engaged in ongoing warfare prior to colonization

d. Europeans established boundaries without consulting with ethnic groups and considering
cultural similarities.



The answer is D


Describe the economic activities of the Late Iron Age Societies in Southern Africa​



In Southern Africa, there was activities such as: collecting water from far away water holes, helping `clean the house` even though it was basically a wooden hut. and several other activities like helping your parents find food like vegatation or meat such as chicken or cattle. But also others was out in East Africa sorting out alliances for if anyone broke out war because of the early `slaves`. But also there was a very special job made for the strongest of man kind. Iron mining, it was early iron age and they had made a new discovery. They had to find more, and they did. But it was hard work for them and also for the kids trailing back and forth for large buckets of water for the men to hydrate. But also for the women cooking food for them and cleaning. ETC.


If this helps please mark me as brainliest.

What The highest court in South Africa? ​


The Supreme Court of Appeal

The High Court of South Africa is a superior court of law in South Africa.

How did the German Americans react to the way they were treated in World War 1



German Americans began intentionally “assimilating” to avoid becoming targets.

Select the type of goal that best describes each example.

Holden wants to learn how to use a new program on his computer.

Cadence wants to go to business school, to prepare her for starting her own company.

Amir wants to become a Lawyer.



Select the type of goal that best describes each example.

Holden wants to learn how to use a new program on his computer.

✔ short-term goal

Cadence wants to go to business school, to prepare her for starting her own company.

✔ intermediate goal

Amir wants to become a Lawyer.


there u go

Holden wants to learn how to use a new program on his computer - Process based goal.

Cadence wants to go to business school, to prepare her for starting her own company - Outcome based goal

Amir wants to become a Lawyer - Performance based goal

What is process based goal?

A process goal is an outcome that is based on specific actions and tasks that you complete. Setting a process goal means you have to identify what you actually have to do achieve a larger goal. As an example, a you could set a process goal of going to the gym 4 times a week.

What is an outcome based goal?

Outcome goals focus on the end-point of an event, for example a competitive result such as winning a match or specific event e.g. winning a gold medal at the Olympics. Achieving these goals depends not only on an athlete's own efforts but also on the ability of their opponent.

What is performance based goal?

Performance goals are what employees work to achieve. They are based on the goals and priorities of an organization and are tied to specific job positions. They focus on the job duties and productivity of an employee, and are designed to integrate an employee's achievement with the overall goals of the company.

To learn more about types of goal and goal setting refer



What is the difference between nomads and hunter-gatherers of ancient times?



What is the difference between nomads and hunter-gatherers of ancient times? ... Nomads were people who moved in search of food, while hunter-gatherers got food by gathering wild food sources and hunting. Nomads were the first people to migrate out of Africa to search for food, while hunter-gatherers never left Africa.

What kind of government was enacted by the Athenian assembly



One where the people got to directly chose their legislation vote, kind of like voting now.

Did this help?


Who destroyed the twin towers?? ​


Al-Qaeda a terrorist cell from Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries

Answer: I hope this helps you


The 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City were carried out by 19 terrorists associated with the extremist group al-Qaeda.

Should the reconstruction era of the United States be taught in the schools today?



when Black men won the right to vote. Voting rights of Black people have been under attack ever since. A recent example is the 2018 election of Brian Kemp, who narrowly defeated Stacey Abrams for the Georgia governorship. As Georgia’s secretary of state, during the campaign, Kemp closed more than 200 polling places, suspended 53,000 voter registrations, and purged thousands of Black and Brown Georgians from the voter rolls. But far from being an anomaly, this type of voter suppression is commonplace throughout the United States.

“After Obama’s victory, 395 new voting restrictions were introduced in 49 states from 2011 to 2015,” wrote Ari Berman in Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America. “The sudden escalation of efforts to curb voting rights most closely resembled the Redemption period that ended Reconstruction, when every Southern state adopted devices like literacy tests and poll taxes to disenfranchise African American voters.”

It is unfortunate that in all the coverage given to voter suppression, there has been little attention devoted to the struggles that led to the 15th Amendment in the first place. Reconstruction, the era immediately following the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, is full of lessons for students, teachers, and activists.

Reconstruction was the first era of Black Power. Black people across the South took the lead in defining the meaning of freedom. Blacks and poor whites began to chip away at the racist ideology that had justified slavery for nearly two centuries, by taking the reins of state governments across the South from the old slave-owning elite. Together, they wrote new state constitutions and attempted to use their new political power to benefit the poor and working classes. Reconstruction governments abolished imprisonment for debt and property qualifications for holding elected offices, outlawed discrimination by hotels and railroads, and took actions to protect agricultural workers and sharecroppers. A key achievement of these governments was the establishment of free public education throughout most of the South (though most of these schools were segregated).


do people living in the U.S. today believe in nationalism or sectionalism? Explain..


Answer: Nationalism


" Nationalism in the United States is a tricky issue which has come to the forefront in recent years. Nationalism, which is a political system that puts one’s nation above all others, should be separated from patriotism, particularly as nationalism is often driven more by racial and ethnic superiority than a love of country. While patriotism can be seen in 63 percent of Americans reporting being either extremely or very proud to be an American, it should also be noted that 55 percent of people felt that white nationalism posed a very or somewhat serious threat to the U.S. Nationalism can be seen in many aspects of America today, from politics to the economy to right-wing extremism."


in what ways was the British rule before 1857 causing disconnect and resentment among the indias



Your answer is here but you have to mark it as brainliest answer as it will also give you 3 pts


The reasons for the confidence of the British rulers about their position in India before May, 1857 were as described below:

There were several riots, rebellion and revolts which occurred before May, 1857. But all these were localized and were suppressed by the British then and there.

In the mid 18th century, the powers of Nawabs, rajas, zamindars etc. were eroded. The freedom of the Indian rulers was reduced, their armed forces were disbanded, and their revenue and territories were taken by stages.

The Mughal Emperor had lost its control over the provinces. The traditional rulers fought among themselves and could not present a united front against a powerful foreign rule.

Residents had been stationed in many courts by the British as their representatives. These residents kept informing the governors about the important developments in every kingdom.

Indian princes and chiefs whom the British had allowed to continue used to side with the British during revolts before May, 1857.


the British empire was a significant part of Indian history. they were part of India when it gained its independence in 1947.they came to Indian at the invitation of the mughal rulers ,which whom they had a strong connection. these rulers gave them many rights and advantages. even the Indians who were not under their control became part of this empire . through treaties and were signed by Indian rulers.


the British who had conquered large tracts of the country ,divided them into princely states. they were given a lot of power and they enjoyed all kinds of privileges. British imperialists came to Indiafor the purpose of extracting gold and they wanted to rule India for their own profit




ok say the question plssssssssss

Which is true of the 1912 presidential election?



Democratic Governor Woodrow Wilson unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran under the banner of the new Progressive or "Bull Moose" Party. The Socialist Party renominated its perennial standard-bearer, Eugene V. Debs.

Both nationalism and romanticism
A )celebrated heroes and folk traditions
B. )rejected the middle-class social order
C. )emphasized imagination and emotion
D.) emphasized the importance of religion



B hope I helped  

plz give brain-ly-est





The hundreds of American Indian groups that had developed by the late 1400s were


A. shaped by the geographic conditions in which they lived hope that helps!!

Describe the immigration trend between 1881 and 1920?.



Immigration heavily increased in the United States due to industrialization and the emergence of job opportunities all around the country, as well as political and religious unrest all around the world.






Under what circumstances should a country (like USA) go to war? (1 paragraph please)



A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified. The country that wishes to use millitary force must demonstrate that there is a just cause to do so

Why did Spain create missions in the colonies?

to create forced labor using American Indians
to adapt to American Indian traditions
to assimilate American Indians
to return land to American Indians



C. To assimilate native Americans


- Todo ❤️️‍


To assimilate with a group is to practically force them to be a part of your religion or customs and completely forget theirs




To assimilate American Indians

5. How do you think the blockade affected the South's ability to win the war?



They couldn't import or export any resources


what even caused the boston tea party



Many factors including “taxation without representation,” the 1767 Townshend Revenue Act, and the 1773 Tea Act. ... Additionally, colonists believed Parliament did not have the right to tax them because the American colonies were not represented in Parliament.

Answer:high taxes


5.) Based on your knowledge of history, why did labor strikes become more common in the
late 1800's?
A. Increases in child labor led to an increase in strikes.
Workers were inspired by global labor movements and wanted to cause trouble for their
C. Many workers were becoming increasingly frustrated with their low wages and poor
working conditions.
Workers lost jobs due to technological advancements.



c. many works were becoming increasingly frustrated with their low wages and poor working conditions.


"The labor movement in the United States grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers. For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired." - https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/labor

I think the answer is A

Tema IV: Busca información sobre el canal de panamá y redacta un breve 20 puntos informe en el que explique el proyecto de construcción, la pugna entre los paises y su administracion​



demos los


• A plague is an infectious disease that spreads among a
large population of people.
• Plagues can be spread in one of two ways: through
direct physical contact, or by airborne transmission.
• The spread of Bubonic Plague, or Black Death,
originated in Asia. Mongol armies spread the disease
throughout China as they conquered cities during the
• As the Mongols expanded the boundaries of their
empire into Europe, they carried the plague with
• The Italian trading city of Caffa, located on the Black
Sea, was...




A plague is an infectious disease that spreads among a

large population of people.

• Plagues can be spread in one of two ways: through

direct physical contact, or by airborne transmission.

• The spread of Bubonic Plague, or Black Death,

originated in Asia. Mongol armies spread the disease

throughout China as they conquered cities during the


• As the Mongols expanded the boundaries of their

empire into Europe, they carried the plague with

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3.1Cht im chuyn ng thng vi phng trnh: x = 1 + 3t2 2t3(h SI, vi t 0). Cht im dng li i chiu chuyn ng ti v tr c ta : Preliminary, non-experimental, research that gathers information about behavior is called _______research. a method of carrying a patient out of tight quarters without equipment Noel and Casey both start at the same place. Noel walks due south and Casey walks due east. After some time has passed, Noel is 6 miles south and Casey is 8 miles east. At this time, Noel is walking at a rate of 2 mph and Casey is walking at a rate of 1 mph. How fast is the distance between them increasing at this time The owner of Leonardo's Pizza recently decided that Gainesville was too small for his business; he needed to expand. He has decided to open a new pizza parlor in Trenton so new people will be exposed to his famous pizzas, which until recently had only been enjoyed by the lucky people who live in Gainesville. Leonardo is trying to extend the life cycle of his brand so he can be in business for a very long time. Which strategy is Leonardo using to do this Which narrative technique does the author include in this excerpt, and how does it support the author's purpose? O The author uses dialogue to evoke a sense of happiness. O The author uses characterization to show bitter feelings. O The author uses structure to show the sequence of events. O The author uses setting to show a sense of accomplishment im losing my mind over this question :,) help asap would be amazingfind the length of c.- 12sqrt3- 16sqrt3- 12sqrt6- 16sqrt6 What do you think is more important eating health or doing exercise Vit mt on vn ngn khong 150 t Convert log_8 1=0 into an exponential equationo 1^0=8O 0^8=1o '8^0=1o '8^=8 describe the effect of temperature on transpiration rate the federal government can control states in matters of The triangle has area of 72cm^2 and base of 18cm find the perpendicular height of the triangle what kind human resource do you want to be future? give reason. add negative 4 plus negative 6 should i microwave a browney Complete the following passage by choosing the correct options, answer any four : the rag pickers of india (a) ----------- a pitiable sight. it is poverty that goads them to resort to rag picking. Day in and Day out they may be (b) ----------- on the roads, on the lanes and by lanes of a city or town looking for cast off clothes or something else showy and shoddy that may sell. More often than not, it is children who (c) ------ to rag picking. but some young men and women are also (d) ----------to take up the trade to make both ends meet. Why should innocent children (e) ------------ should be at this school at this age do this filthy job? It is because their parents are too poor to support them. (a) (i) presented (ii) present (iii) will present (iv) may present(b) (i) see (ii) seen (iii) were being seen (iv) are been seen (c) (i) have taken (ii) will take (iii) take (iv) shall take (d) (i) force (ii) forced (iii) will force (iv) may force (e) (i) whom (ii) who (iii) which (iv) that Harry collects data from a random sample of seventh-graders. Out of 25 respondents, 10 ride the bus home. Of the 150 seventh-graders who attend Harrys school, how many would be expected to ride the bus to school? Group leaders/ get/ Do/ free/ travel/ accommodation/ and? In one area, the lowest angle of elevation of the sun in winter is 20 degrees. Find the distance x that a plant needing full sun can be placed from a fence that is 10.5 feet high. Round your answer to the tenths place when necessary. Which step in the solution contains the first error ?? Please helpp