The courage acts by ______________ had an impact on history because???


Answer 1


The courage acts by individuals or groups had an impact on history because they often challenged the status quo, fought against oppression and injustice, and helped to bring about significant social, political, and cultural changes. Examples of such courageous acts include the Civil Rights Movement, the Suffragette Movement, and the actions of individuals such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela, who used nonviolent resistance to bring about change and inspire movements for social justice around the world. Courageous acts have played a significant role in shaping history and continue to do so today.

Related Questions

Which unexpected event and the crisis defined the era of Donald Trump, for better or worse?
A. The Civil War
B. The Great Depression
O D. The Second World War


COVID-19 is the unexpected event and the crisis that defined the era of Donald Trump for better or worse. The correct option is C.

What crisis is COVID-19?

Given the health, economic, and social issues it brings up, the COVID-19 dilemma has governments all over the world functioning in a climate of utter unpredictability and forced to make painful trade-offs. The newly discovered coronavirus turned into a pandemic during the first three months of 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the United States during Trump's presidency, both in terms of public health and the economy. Trump's handling of the pandemic was heavily criticized, and the situation had an impact on his presidency, including his re-election campaign.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about COVID-19 here:


How high-ranking or prestigious of a job someone hopes to gain when they get older is a way to describe someone's:

socioeconomic status

economic motivation

occupational aspirations

social capital



Occupational Asperirations.


Answer: yes


reason being, yes

In a paragraph, identify and analyze the causes and effects of the space and
arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. In your response,
provide at least ONE cause and effect on the space and arms race between the
two countries.



The Space and Arms race was caused by the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the US. The US invented a nuclear weapon, which would have caused them to lead the war, but then the Soviet Union started to make nuclear weapons. Each time the Soviet Union made one weapon, the US made 2, and then the Soviet Union made 5.

The Space Race started when the Soviet Union sent Sputnik, which was the first artificial satellite. A few weeks later, the US sent the first American Rocket to space.

swing music did not include which of the following: walking bass call and response large instrumentation collective improvisation


Swing music did not include large instrumentation. It was characterized by a walking bass, call and response between musicians, and collective improvisation.

Swing music is a form of popular jazz that originated in the United States in the 1930s and became a dominant musical style during the 1930s and 1940s, characterized by a strong rhythm section and improvisation in a jazz band that plays dance music. It was particularly popular in the big band era when it was the main form of American music for dance events such as ballrooms and nightclubs.

During this era, jazz bands were primarily led by big bands, which featured a larger number of musicians, sometimes including more than twenty players, in contrast to smaller jazz combos. The larger ensembles were required to provide rhythmic and harmonic support for dancing couples, and they were characterized by a powerful rhythm section consisting of drums, bass, and piano or guitar that maintained a solid beat while soloists took turns improvising. Collectively, they made swing music unique and stand out.

For more such questions on Swing music  , Visit:


I need help on deciding which of these topics to pick,please give resources as to which one​


The question chosen is:1. Native American reservation education

• Central Question: How does federal American Indian policy continue to affect Native American education on reservations today?

What is the central question about?

The federal American Indian policy has had a significant impact on Native American education on reservations. Historically, the federal government has been responsible for providing education to Native American children on reservations through the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). However, the quality of education provided by BIE schools has been criticized for decades, with concerns about inadequate resources, outdated curriculum, and lack of culturally relevant instruction.

In addition, the federal government's policies of forced assimilation and boarding schools have had a lasting impact on Native American communities and their approach to education. Many Native American families have been hesitant to send their children to BIE schools, which they view as continuing the legacy of forced assimilation.

Overall, the federal American Indian policy continues to affect Native American education on reservations today, with many Native American communities still struggling to provide their children with quality education that is culturally relevant and meets their unique needs.

The general tips on how to self-check the news and get the facts:

   Check the source: Make sure the source is reputable and reliable. Check if the website has a clear editorial policy and if the author of the article is qualified to write on the topic.

   Look for supporting evidence: Check if the article provides supporting evidence, such as links to research studies, data, or quotes from experts.

   Check for bias: Look for any potential bias in the article, such as political or commercial interests. Try to read articles from a variety of sources to get a balanced view.

     Lastly,   Fact-check the information: Use fact-checking websites, such as Snopes or, to verify the accuracy of the information presented in the article.

Learn more about reservation education from


See text below

Native Americans Today Project

Choose one of the following five topics for your research slide presentation. Make sure your research answers the central question for each topic.

1. Native American reservation education

• Central Question: How does federal American Indian policy continue to affect Native American education on reservations today?

2. Native American land conflicts

• Central Question: How does federal American Indian policy continue to affect conflicts over Native American land today?

3. Native American reservation poverty

• Central Question: How does federal American Indian policy continue to affect poverty on Native American reservations today?

4. Native American public health on reservations


Central Question: How does federal American Indian policy continue to affect public health on Native American reservations today?

5. Native American culture and traditions

• Central Question: How does federal American Indian policy continue to affect Native American culture and traditions today?

Scholar Research Guidance

Read the article "Fake or Real? How to Self-Check the News and Get the Facts" by Wynne Davis on the NPR website.

In addition, use these websites as a starting point for research:

The History Channel

Gilder Lehrman Institute

• Newsela



• The Huffington Post

15. What was the impact of the murders and arrests of Black political leaders in the '60s &



15. What was the impact of the murders and arrests of Black political leaders in the '60s &




The murders and arrests of Black political leaders in the '60s and '70s had a significant impact on the Civil Rights Movement and Black communities in the United States. These events sparked outrage and fear, leading to increased activism and demands for change. The assassinations of figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers had a profound effect on the movement and the broader society. The loss of these leaders resulted in a leadership vacuum, and many activists struggled to find new leaders to fill their shoes. The arrests and imprisonment of Black Panther Party members and other activists also had a chilling effect on political organizing and activism. However, the persecution of Black political leaders also galvanized support for the movement and highlighted the urgent need for systemic change in the United States.

FILL IN THE BLANK.In the Renaissance painters were often commissioned to ______ tapestries.


In the Renaissance, painters were often commissioned to design tapestries.

During the Renaissance, tapestries were a popular form of decorative art and were often used to adorn the walls of wealthy individuals and institutions such as churches and palaces.

While tapestries were traditionally woven, Renaissance painters were often called upon to design the original cartoon or full-scale drawing, that would serve as a guide for the weavers.

This was because painters were considered experts in composition, color, and narrative, and their designs could transform a tapestry from a mere decorative object into a work of art. Some of the most famous Renaissance painters who designed tapestries include Raphael, Michelangelo, and Pieter, Paul Rubens.

Learn more about the Renaissance Painters at


Prince Henry initiated a program of exploration to find a route to the East Indies, by sailing around _____.





Response to political cartoons and photos: Great Depression
Must write in complete sentences and full paragraphs.

1. List five historical items in the political cartoons/photos that you think are important or interesting.
2. How do these cartoons illustrate about the Great Depression in society?
3. Describe the tone/emotion in the political cartoons/photos.
4. Name the symbols in the cartoons. What do they mean? How do they convey the cartoons meaning?
5. What are your thoughts and questions about the political cartoons/photos? You might
reflect upon the artwork, the people, the title or other ideas.



1. Five historical items in the political cartoons/photos that are important or interesting include:

Unemployment lines: the long lines of people waiting for employment opportunities or government assistance were a common sight during the Great Depression.Breadlines: people standing in lines for free or discounted bread at soup kitchens or other charitable organizations were also common during this time.Hoovervilles: makeshift communities of shacks and tents built by homeless people, named after President Herbert Hoover, who many blamed for the economic crisis.Bank failures: the collapse of banks and the loss of people's savings was a significant issue during the Great Depression.Dust Bowl: the severe drought and soil erosion in the Great Plains region of the United States, which caused massive crop failures and forced many farmers to abandon their land and homes.

2. These cartoons illustrate the extreme economic and social hardship faced by Americans during the Great Depression. They show the desperation and struggle of people to find work and food, and the failure of the government to provide adequate assistance.

3. The tone and emotion in the political cartoons/photos are often somber and bleak, with images of long lines, poverty, and despair. There is also a sense of anger and frustration directed towards the government and the wealthy elite who are seen as responsible for the economic crisis.

4. Symbols in the cartoons include the breadlines and unemployment lines, which represent the massive unemployment and poverty that affected so many Americans. The Hoovervilles and bank failures symbolize the failure of the government and financial institutions to provide aid and stability. The Dust Bowl symbolizes the natural disaster that compounded the economic crisis.

5. These political cartoons/photos provide a powerful and poignant reminder of the devastating impact of the Great Depression on American society. They raise questions about the role of government in times of crisis, and the responsibility of the wealthy and powerful to help those in need. They also highlight the resilience and determination of ordinary people in the face of incredible hardship.

1. Discuss the difference between Teddy Roosevelt's "NEW NATIONALISM" and Woodrow Wilson's "NEW FREEDOM".

Also, discuss the impact that the 2. ELECTION OF 1912 had upon the nation's future.


The difference between Teddy Roosevelt's New Nationalism and Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom is that they were based on different political philosophies and ideology.

What is the difference between New Nationalism and New Freedom?

1. Teddy Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" and Woodrow Wilson's "New Freedom" were both political philosophies that emerged during the Progressive Era in the United States, but they had different approaches to achieving social and economic reform.

Teddy Roosevelt's New Nationalism was an approach that emphasized the power of the federal government to regulate big business and protect the interests of workers and consumers. Roosevelt believed that government intervention was necessary to ensure fairness and prevent monopolies from dominating the economy. His policies included regulating corporations, protecting workers' rights, and establishing a minimum wage.

On the other hand, Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom focused on breaking up monopolies and promoting competition in the market. Wilson believed that the government's role should be limited to enforcing antitrust laws and protecting individual rights, rather than actively regulating the economy. He advocated for a smaller federal government and supported policies that promoted small businesses and free enterprise.

2. The Election of 1912 had a significant impact on the nation's future because it marked a turning point in the country's political and economic landscape. The election was a four-way race between incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft, Democrat Woodrow Wilson, former President Teddy Roosevelt running on the Progressive Party ticket, and Socialist Eugene V. Debs.

The election highlighted the growing divide between progressives and conservatives in the country, with Roosevelt and Wilson both running on platforms that advocated for major reforms. Roosevelt's New Nationalism and Wilson's New Freedom presented two distinct visions for the future of the country.

Ultimately, Woodrow Wilson won the election and his administration implemented many of the reforms he had advocated for during his campaign. His policies, including the creation of the Federal Reserve System and the Clayton Antitrust Act, had a lasting impact on the nation's economy and helped to shape the regulatory framework that still exists today.

The Election of 1912 also marked the rise of the Progressive movement, which sought to address many of the social and economic problems facing the country at the time. The election paved the way for a new era of reform and government intervention in the economy, which would shape the country's future for years to come.

Learn more on new nationalism here;


What effect did Francis Cabot Lowell have on textile manufacturing?

Question 5 options:

Lowell hired British immigrant Samuel Slater to work in a Rhode Island textile mill.
Lowell developed a piecework system so weaving could be completed at home.
Lowell copied designs of powered looms in England and transformed mill organization.
Lowell encouraged workers to protest the system that created a gap between the rich and poor.


Francis Cabot Lowell's influence on the textile industry. Lowell changed the way that mills were run by stealing English powered loom designs.

How could Francis Cabot Lowell transform the textile business in the United States?

Even if manufacturing operations were restricted to carding and spinning, the textile industry had already been created. It was left to Francis Cabot Lowell that develop a practical power loom and also the unified factory, which houses every stage of the textile production process.

Who created the system of textile factories?

Samuel Slater is sometimes named the "Founder of both the American Industrial Revolution," since he was accountable for the initial American-built textile milling machines in Rhode Island. The mill he constructed is now a museum devoted to the development of textiles.

To know more about Textile visit:


The courage acts by ______________ had an impact on history because???


Using Thomas Jefferson as an example, his courage acts had an impact on history because he was one of the principal architects of the American Revolution and the subsequent formation of the United States.

What was Thomas Jefferson importance in U.S. history?

Jefferson was a man of great courage who was not afraid to stand up for his beliefs, even when those beliefs were unpopular. One of his most significant acts of courage was drafting the Declaration of Independence, which declared that the American colonies were no longer subject to British rule and were now free and independent states.

This act set the stage for the American Revolution and ultimately led to the formation of the United States of America. Additionally, Jefferson was a vocal opponent of slavery and advocated for its abolition, even though it was a deeply ingrained institution in American society. His courage in speaking out against slavery helped to lay the groundwork for the eventual abolition of slavery in the United States.

Read more about Thomas Jefferson


Who is Bangladesh's prime minister?


Sheikh Hasina Wazed served as the prime minister of Bangladesh since January 2009.


Sheikh Hasina


50. What was the name of the Sorority's official media source before known as the Archon
which Grand Basilei's administration was it first introduced? Who was the first editor?


Answer: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. (ΖΦΒ) is a historically African American sorority. In 1920, five women from Howard University envisioned a sorority that would raise the consciousness of their people, encourage the highest standards of scholastic achievement, and foster a greater sense of unity among its members. These women believed that sorority elitism and socializing overshadowed the real mission of progressive organizations. Since its founding, Zeta Phi Beta has historically focused on addressing social causes.[2]

Explanation: which Grand Basilei's administration was it first introduced? Who was the first editor?

On November 23, 1911, Edgar A. Love became the first Grand Basileus (National President). Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman were selected to be the Grand Keeper of the Records (National Secretary) and Grand Keeper of Seals (National Treasurer), respectively.

Please Please Please and this question?
Why has China ‘s path to development been so complex? Answer this ques 300 words. Provide main points to answer.



The Economic Issues series aims to make available to a broad readership of nonspecialists some of the economic research being produced in the International Monetary Fund on topical issues. The raw material of the series is drawn mainly from IMF Working Papers, technical papers produced by Fund staff members and visiting scholars, as well as from policy-related research papers. This material is refined for the general readership by editing and partial redrafting.

The following paper draws on material originally contained in IMF Working Paper 96/75, "Why Is China Growing So Fast?" by Zuliu Hu and Mohsin S. Khan of the IMF's Research Department. Rozlyn Coleman prepared the present version. Readers interested in the original Working Paper may purchase a copy from IMF Publication Services ($7.00).

Why Is China Growing So Fast?

In 1978, after years of state control of all productive assets, the government of China embarked on a major program of economic reform. In an effort to awaken a dormant economic giant, it encouraged the formation of rural enterprises and private businesses, liberalized foreign trade and investment, relaxed state control over some prices, and invested in industrial production and the education of its workforce. By nearly all accounts, the strategy has worked spectacularly.

While pre-1978 China had seen annual growth of 6 percent a year (with some painful ups and downs along the way), post-1978 China saw average real growth of more than 9 percent a year with fewer and less painful ups and downs. In several peak years, the economy grew more than 13 percent. Per capita income has nearly quadrupled in the last 15 years, and a few analysts are even predicting that the Chinese economy will be larger than that of the United States in about 20 years. Such growth compares very favorably to that of the "Asian tigers"--Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan Province of China--which, as a group, had an average growth rate of 7-8 percent over the last 15 years.

Curious about why China has done so well, an IMF research team recently examined the sources of that nation's growth and arrived at a surprising conclusion. Although capital accumulation--the growth in the country's stock of capital assets, such as new factories, manufacturing machinery, and communications systems--was important, as were the number of Chinese workers, a sharp, sustained increase in productivity (that is, increased worker efficiency) was the driving force behind the economic boom. During 1979-94 productivity gains accounted for more than 42 percent of China's growth and by the early 1990s had overtaken capital as the most significant source of that growth. This marks a departure from the traditional view of development in which capital investment takes the lead. This jump in productivity originated in the economic reforms begun in 1978.

explain the history of "old imperialism" in Guyana and Venezuela


Guyana and Venezuela were both colonized during the period of "old imperialism" in the Americas. Christopher Columbus claimed Guyana for Spain in 1498, and the Spanish established settlements in the region, but were ultimately unsuccessful in maintaining a permanent presence. The Dutch established a colony in Guyana in the 17th century, which they called Essequibo, and the British also established colonies in the 18th century. Guyana remained a British colony until it gained independence in 1966. Venezuela was also colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century, with a focus on mining gold and silver, but they also established plantations and imported enslaved Africans to work on them. In the early 19th century, Venezuela gained independence from Spain, but struggled with political instability and economic challenges. The histories of both countries reflect the impact of "old imperialism" on these territories, including the exploitation of indigenous peoples, the importation of enslaved Africans, and the establishment of colonial economies based on plantation agriculture. These legacies continue to shape the social, economic, and political landscapes of both countries.

After the War of 1812, the American people:
A. were thrown into a period of political chaos.
B. had difficulty choosing their next president.
C. were more politically unified than ever.
D. had a hard time defending their borders.


C. were more politically unified than ever.

The War of 1812, also known as America's "Second War of Independence," was a pivotal moment in American history. Despite the challenges and setbacks faced by the young nation during the conflict, the experience of fighting together against a common enemy served to unify the American people and strengthen their sense of national identity. After the war ended in 1815, Americans emerged with a greater sense of pride and patriotism, and a renewed commitment to defending their young republic from external threats. This newfound political unity helped lay the foundation for the development of a strong, centralized federal government and paved the way for America's emergence as a global superpower in the decades to come.

Do you think Japan’s closed country policy effectively kept Western ideas and customs out of Japan? Think about: the attitude toward European presence, reaction to past restrictions on Christianity and trade, and the role of Nagasaki.


Japanese culture frequently emphasizes the opposition between "native" and "foreign," yet it also emphasizes integration and absorption.

How did the closed country policy influence Japan?

Japan adopted a policy that kept the entire nation cut off from the outside world from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Sakoku refers to this protracted period of national isolation. No Japanese could leave the country during Sakoku without risking their lives, and very few foreigners were allowed to enter and conduct business with Japan.

Why did Japan want to be a closed country?

Conventional wisdom holds that the shogunate implemented and enforced the sakoku policy to counter perceived colonial and religious influence from, in particular, Spain and Portugal. as being a danger to the peace in the archipelago and the stability of the shogunate.

To know more about country policy visit:-


Let's assume that most principals and teachers begin their jobs with the intentions of providing good educations for their students. Summarize two factors for principals and two factors for teachers discussed in this course that may reduce those good intentions over time.


Oversee daily activities οf the schοοl. οrganize finances and schοοl οperatiοns. Based οn natiοnal curriculum, establish learning οbjectives fοr bοth students and teachers.

What can schοοl leaders dο tο inspire teachers?  

Praise their Cοntributiοn and Wοrk. Praise is οne οf the simplest and mοst efficient strategies tο inspire teachers.

Be accessible.Cοnstruct a rewards scheme.Stress reductiοn.Inspire them tο express their thοughts and οpiniοns.

What dο schοοl principals want frοm their teachers?  

Respect, time, and resοurces radiate οut frοm the center οf trust. The grοwth οf trust, teacher efficacy, and schοοl im- prοvident all depend οn each οf these. The staff respοnds with trust when an administratοr instills respect and οffers time, resοurces, and attentiοn. οversee daily activities οf the schοοl. οrganize finances and schοοl οperatiοns, Based οn natiοnal curriculum, establish learning οbjectives fοr bοth students and teachers.

To Know more about staff responds


What point is Ridge making when he describes a Native American who is educated in the sciences, classics, astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy?




It is unclear which "Ridge" is being referred to, as there are several people with that name. However, if we assume that you are referring to the Cherokee writer and leader John Rollin Ridge, who wrote "The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta," then we can attempt to answer your question.

In that novel, Ridge describes a Native American named Joaquin Murieta who becomes educated in the sciences, classics, astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. Ridge's point in doing so is to challenge the prevailing stereotype of Native Americans as uncivilized and ignorant. By depicting a Native American who is educated in these subjects, Ridge is demonstrating that Native Americans are just as capable of intellectual achievement as people from other cultures.

Furthermore, by showing a Native American character who is educated in a range of subjects that were traditionally associated with Western culture, Ridge is also suggesting that Native Americans can and should participate in the broader cultural and intellectual discourse of the world. In this way, Ridge is advocating for the recognition of Native American intellectual and cultural contributions, and for the integration of Native American perspectives into the broader fabric of human knowledge.

FILL IN THE BLANK ___ is the extent to which an organization and its members follow basic ethical and legal standards of behavior.


The answer is ethical compliance

15. The Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights are areas associated
with Israel and what other political entity?



15. The Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights are areas associated

with Israel and what other political entity?


The Gaza Strip and West Bank are associated with the State of Palestine, while the Golan Heights are associated with Syria.

Prag the events to the correct boxes.
The golden age
of Greece came
to an end.
conquered all
of Greece.
Causes of the Peloponnesian War
The Spartan
army laid siege
to the city of
Athens and
Sparta formed
Effects of the Peloponnesian War




The two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta, went to war with each other from 431 to 405. The Peloponnesian War marked a significant power shift in ancient Greece, favoring Sparta, and also ushered in a period of regional decline that signaled the end of what is considered the Golden Age of Ancient Greece.

The Jim Crow Laws had a huge impact on the Civil Rights movement because??



The Jim Crow Laws were state and local laws in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans from the late 1800s until the mid-1960s. These laws had a significant impact on the Civil Rights movement for several reasons:

Legalized segregation: The Jim Crow Laws legalized segregation in all aspects of public life, including schools, public transportation, restaurants, and even restrooms. This created a separate and unequal society, where African Americans were denied basic human rights and opportunities.

Limited political power: The Jim Crow Laws limited the political power of African Americans by implementing poll taxes, literacy tests, and other barriers that prevented them from voting. This effectively silenced their voices and prevented them from advocating for their rights.

Sparked resistance: The Jim Crow Laws sparked resistance and protests from the African American community and their allies. Civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and many others organized boycotts, sit-ins, and other nonviolent demonstrations to challenge these discriminatory laws and demand equal rights.

Led to federal intervention: The Civil Rights movement, fueled by the injustices of the Jim Crow Laws, eventually led to federal intervention. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were landmark pieces of legislation that prohibited discrimination on the basis of race and removed many of the barriers that prevented African Americans from voting.

Overall, the Jim Crow Laws played a significant role in the Civil Rights movement by sparking resistance, highlighting the injustices faced by African Americans, and ultimately leading to significant legislative and social change.


#trust me bro #never wrong #warstep8 i need ur help bro

The Jim Crow Laws were state and local statues that legalized racial segregation and impacted the Civil Rights movement due to African Americans wanting inalienable rights.

According to Eric Foner, the consumer culture of the Progressive Era, “became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom as access to the cornucopia of goods made available by modern capitalism”. Do you agree? Why or why not?



Eric Foner's assertion that the consumer culture of the Progressive Era became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom as access to goods made available by modern capitalism has some validity. The rise of consumerism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries coincided with a period of significant social and economic change, including the growth of industrialization, urbanization, and mass production. As a result, Americans increasingly defined their identities through their consumption habits and the goods they owned.

The availability of consumer goods also became a symbol of progress and prosperity, as it provided access to a wider range of products and services. The desire for material wealth and comfort became a marker of success and an expression of individualism, which was central to the concept of freedom in American society.

However, it is important to note that this understanding of freedom was not universally accepted. Many critics of consumer culture argued that it promoted superficial values and undermined traditional values such as thrift, hard work, and self-reliance. They also argued that the emphasis on consumption perpetuated inequalities and encouraged people to define their worth based on their purchasing power, rather than on their inherent qualities as human beings.

Overall, while the consumer culture of the Progressive Era did contribute to a new understanding of freedom as access to goods made available by modern capitalism, this view was not universally accepted, and remains the subject of ongoing debate.


There is something to get you started ^^

Final answer:

I agree with Eric Foner's view that the consumer culture of the Progressive Era formed the basis for a new understanding of freedom as access to goods provided by modern capitalism. This reflects the shift from producer to consumer society, suggesting that access and consumption of goods has become a critical aspect of freedom.


Yes, I would agree with Eric Foner's assertion that the consumer culture of the Progressive Era laid the groundwork for a new interpretation of freedom as access to the bounty of goods supplied by modern capitalism. This alternative concept of liberty reflects the shift from a society dominated by producers to one dominated by consumers. It suggests that the ability to access and consume goods and services has become an important aspect of freedom.

This aligns with the broader societal shifts that took place during the Progressive Era, a time of rapid industrialization and urbanization. The rise of mass production and advertising during this period, coupled with increased purchasing power, effectively transformed the relationship between citizens and the economy. As a result, people’s access to created goods and services, their choice, and their ability to participate in the market became markers of liberty.

Learn more about Consumer Culture of the Progressive Era here:


2.1.2 Name ONE micro-organism present in B




If someone dies in the living room is the living room still living?​





It's a room, not a living organism.

No its a dead room

Once you die in the living room, the room will die aswell

Your welcome

mexican revolutionary whose assaults on american citizens and territory provoked a u.s. expedition into mexico


The Mexican revolutionary whose assaults on American citizens and territory provoked a U.S. expedition into Mexico is Pancho Villa.

Francisco "Pancho" Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who was known for his military skill and tactics during the Mexican Revolution. Villa was born in 1878 and became a bandit in his early life, robbing and killing wealthy landowners to support the poor. He joined the revolutionary movement in 1910 and became a key figure in the fight against the government of President Porfirio Diaz. However, after the revolution, Villa's relationship with the US deteriorated.

In 1916, Villa led a raid on Columbus, New Mexico, killing 18 Americans. This led to a retaliatory expedition by the US Army under General John Pershing, who pursued Villa into Mexico. The expedition was ultimately unsuccessful in capturing Villa, and the US withdrew from Mexico in 1917. Villa continued to play a role in Mexican politics until his assassination in 1923.

Learn more about mexican revolutionary


Was the proclamation of 1763 created to help the American Indians or great Britain



The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British at the end of the French and Indian War to appease Native Americans by checking the encroachment of European settlers on their lands.

The Proclamation Line of 1763 was a British-produced boundary marked in the Appalachian Mountains at the Eastern Continental Divide. Decreed on October 7, 1763, the Proclamation Line prohibited Anglo-American colonists from settling on lands acquired from the French following the French and Indian War.

Please help will give brainliest!!!!

Envision that you have the opportunity to talk to James Madison, who was one of the main writers of the US Constitution. Based on what you learned about the articles of the Constitution, what questions would you have for him? For this question, you should write a few questions (2-3) that you would ask and then EXPLAIN why you would ask those questions. In your explanation, you should make specific references to what is in the articles of the Constitution to show your understanding of them.




If I had the opportunity to talk to James Madison, I would ask him the following questions:

Why did the Founding Fathers create the Electoral College? How does it work, and why is it important for presidential elections?

I would ask this question because it pertains to Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which outlines the process for electing the President of the United States. The Electoral College is a controversial topic, and I would be interested to hear Madison's thoughts on why it was included in the Constitution and how it functions.

What was the reasoning behind the division of power between the federal and state governments? Why is this balance of power important for the functioning of our democracy?

This question relates to the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution, which reserves powers not delegated to the federal government for the states. It also touches on the concept of federalism, which was a crucial component of the Constitution. Understanding why the Founding Fathers established this division of power is essential for comprehending how our government functions and why certain decisions are made at the federal versus state level.

How do the checks and balances outlined in the Constitution ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful? Can you provide examples of how these checks and balances have played out in practice?

This question pertains to the separation of powers outlined in Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers established this system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from dominating the others. I would be interested to hear Madison's thoughts on how effective this system has been in practice, as well as any examples he could provide of times when one branch of government checked the power of another.

Other Questions
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