The following is a simple C++ program called “My First Program”. Explain the meaning on each line briefly.

#include using namespace std;
int main() {
// Display My First Program cout << "My First ";
cout << "Program";
cout << endl;
return 0; }


Answer 1



This C++ program is a simple example of how to output text to the console.

Here is a brief explanation of each line:

#include: This is a preprocessor directive that tells the compiler to include a library or header file in the program. In this case, the iostream library is being included, which contains functions for input and output.

using namespace std: This line is using the namespace std, which is the standard namespace used in C++ programs. This allows us to use functions and objects defined in the std namespace without having to type out the namespace each time.

int main(): This is the main function of the program. It is the entry point of the program and where the execution of the program begins.

// Display My First Program: This is a single-line comment. It is used to document the code and is ignored by the compiler.

cout << "My First ";: This line uses the cout object to output the string "My First " to the console.

cout << "Program";: This line continues the previous line by outputting the string "Program" to the console.

cout << endl;: This line outputs a newline character to the console, which moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

return 0;: This line returns a value of 0 to the operating system, indicating that the program has executed successfully.

Related Questions

Which of the following lists the measuring devices that are needed to determine the change in momentum of the cart? Timer, mass balance, and meterstick.


Option-A : The measuring devices that are needed to determine the change in momentum of the cart are Timer, Motion Sensor, and Cart.

Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. It is denoted by the letter p and is expressed in units of kilogram-meters per second (kg · m/s). Momentum is a vector quantity, which means that it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of the momentum is the same as the direction of the velocity.The change in momentum of an object is determined by applying the principle of conservation of momentum.

According to the principle, if two objects interact, their combined momentum will remain constant as long as no external forces act on them. In other words, the total momentum of the system remains constant in the absence of external forces. Therefore, the momentum of one object can be used to determine the momentum of another object after a collision.The measuring devices that are needed to determine the change in momentum of the cart are Timer, Motion Sensor, and Cart. Thus,the correct answer is option-A:Timer.

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Given integer variables seedVal and sidesVal, output two random dice rolls. The die is numbered from 1 to sidesVal. End each output with a newline.

Ex: If sidesVal is 6, then one possible output is:

how would I code this in c++?




Here's an example code in C++ that generates two random dice rolls based on the input sidesVal:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int seedVal, sidesVal;

   cout << "Enter seed value: ";

   cin >> seedVal;

   cout << "Enter number of sides: ";

   cin >> sidesVal;


   // Seed the random number generator with the user-input seed value



   // Generate two random numbers in the range of 1 to sidesVal

   int roll1 = rand() % sidesVal + 1;

   int roll2 = rand() % sidesVal + 1;


   // Output the results

   cout << roll1 << endl;

   cout << roll2 << endl;


   return 0;


This code prompts the user to enter a seed value and the number of sides on the die. It then seeds the random number generator with the user-input seed value, generates two random numbers using rand() % sidesVal + 1 to ensure the numbers fall within the range of 1 to sidesVal, and outputs the results on separate lines with a newline character.

Which of the following is the best example of how the life cycle of a program should work? Idea→algorithm→write code→execute code→debug→maintain.


The best example of the life cycle of a program is Idea → Algorithm → Write Code → Execute Code → Debug → Maintain. This process is a standard method for developing software applications and ensures that the program runs effectively and efficiently.

The life cycle of a program refers to the series of steps involved in the development of a software program. It comprises of several stages, including planning, design, development, testing, and maintenance. It's a framework for managing the development of software applications.

Each phase of the software development cycle has a unique set of goals and outcomes. The steps in the life cycle of a program should be followed in order to ensure that the program is developed successfully.

The algorithm specifies the inputs, processes, and outputs of the software program. Write code: The next step is to write the code that will implement the algorithm that was created. This involves using programming languages such as Java, C++, or Python to write the code that will run on the computer.

Maintain: The final step in the life cycle of a program is to maintain the program. This involves making updates to the program as needed to keep it working properly.

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Research shows that people tend to find negative information more salient than positive information. This leads to a negativity bias.


Negativity bias refers to our proclivity to “attend to, learn from, and use negative information far more than positive information

How to avoid negativity bias

Human nature is rife with negativity bias. As a result, overcoming it takes some practise. The following strategies can assist you in this endeavour:Recognize your bias. The first step, as with other types of bias, is to become aware of negativity bias. Take note, for example, of when you have negative thoughts or engage in negative self-talk.

Change your focus. Because we pay more attention to negative information and events, we develop negativity bias. We can intentionally seek out positive experiences, emotions, or information in our daily lives to redirect our attention to what is positive around us.

Exercise mindfulness. According to research, mindfulness can reduce negativity bias while increasing positive judgements. Meditation practises such as mindful breathing can assist us in focusing our attention on the present moment.

To know more about Research,click on the link :


read file lines this function takes filename as a parameter. and returns a list whose elements are representative of the lines in the file.


Write a Python function that reads a file and returns a list where each element represents a line in the file.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for various purposes such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility.

Here's an example Python function that takes a filename as input and returns a list of lines from the file:

def read_file_lines(filename):

   with open(filename, 'r') as file:

       lines = file.readlines()

   return lines

You can call this function by passing the name of the file you want to read as a parameter, like this:

lines = read_file_lines('example.txt')

This will return a list where each element represents a line from the file. Note that the function assumes that the file is in read mode and that the lines are separated by newline characters. If the file is in a different format or if the lines are separated by a different character, you may need to modify the function accordingly.

To know more about programming language visit:

Upload the software you wish to review for this project's submission and the detailed, professional-quality code review for the case study that you chose. You can upload a PDF, a program source file, a zip of several source files, or a URL to this assignment GitHub repository.

Prepare a detailed code review and analysis of the code that you have selected. The syllabus contains the details and requirements for this (see the CASE STUDY section). Be sure to cover, at minimum, each bullet point shown in the syllabus. Your submission must be in Microsoft Word format.

The case study involves a detailed, professional-quality code review. Students should take some time to find source code (not written by them) they wish to review. (This is a great opportunity to participate in open source development; you can review some code found on GitHub (or elsewhere), and if you find any improvements, you can submit them as pull-requests.)


I’m not sure about the answer

Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
Despite the poor weather, I was planning on attending the festival with her. No error


The sentence is already correct. No error is present in the sentence. The sentence has no underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed.

Syntax in grammar refers to the study of the rules governing the structure of sentences. The rules that govern the way words are combined to form phrases and sentences in a language are known as syntax.

The order of words in a sentence, how words function in relation to one another, and how different sentence structures convey meaning are all aspects of syntax. Therefore, syntax is concerned with the grammatical structure of a sentence.

A well-constructed sentence must have the proper subject-verb agreement and proper use of modifiers, pronouns, and tenses, among other things. Sentences that are not constructed properly are said to be grammatically incorrect. It is critical to have good syntax in writing and speaking in order to clearly convey a message.

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A mathematical statement in a spreadsheet or table that calculates a value using cell references, numbers, and arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, and /.


A mathematical statement in a spreadsheet or table that calculates a value using cell references, numbers, and arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, and / is known as a formula.A formula is a mathematical equation that calculates a value by using the data that is already in the spreadsheet.

It is formed by using cell references and mathematical operators such as +, -, *, and /. A formula can include cell references, constants, and mathematical operations, and it can perform a wide range of calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.To use formulas in a spreadsheet, you first need to know how to reference cells. Each cell has a unique address, which is based on its location within the worksheet.For example, cell A1 is located in the first row and first column of the worksheet, while cell C3 is located in the third row and third column of the worksheet.To reference a cell in a formula, you simply type its address into the formula. For example, if you want to add the values in cells A1 and A2, you would type =A1+A2 into the formula bar.This would calculate the sum of the two cells and display the result in the cell where the formula was entered.Formulas can also be used to perform more complex calculations, such as averaging a range of values or finding the maximum value in a set of cells. These calculations are performed using functions, which are built-in formulas that are designed to perform specific tasks, such as calculating a sum or average. To use a function, you simply type its name into the formula and specify the range of cells that you want to include in the calculation.

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Which of the following events or actions has a chance to call an IT security risk with business impact? O a. Infection of computers with a computer virus O b. Putting off antivirus software O c. Sharing a critical business password- encryption O d. All​




All of the options listed have a chance to call an IT security risk with business impact.

(a) Infection of computers with a computer virus can lead to the loss of data or system functionality, which can disrupt business operations and result in financial losses.

(b) Putting off antivirus software can increase the risk of malware infections, which can lead to data breaches, theft of sensitive information, and other security incidents.

(c) Sharing a critical business password without proper encryption can compromise the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data, potentially resulting in data breaches and other security incidents.

Therefore, all of these actions have the potential to cause IT security risks with business impact, and organizations should take appropriate measures to mitigate these risks.

FILL IN THE BLANK A field whose data type is ____ can store an OLE object, which is an object linked to or embedded in the table.


A field whose data type is OLE object can store an OLE object, which is an object linked to or embedded in the table.

What is OLE full form and definition?

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a proprietary technology developed by Microsoft that allows you to embed and link documents and other objects.

It provides  developers with the OLE Control Extension (OCX), a way to create and use custom user interface elements Technically speaking, an OLE object is any object that implements the Ole Object interface, possibly along with many other interfaces depending on the object's needs

Where is OLE object present?

OLE collection contains OLE object in it.

The OLE Objects collection contains all  OLE objects in a single sheet.

To know more about OLE visit:


am trying to write a Python program that would accept the grades for a student. Each assessment type has a weight that would also be entered. The assessments are as follows: 2 tests, 3 quizzes, 4 assignments, 1 participation, and 2 projects. Calculate and display the final grade by multiplying the average of each assessment type by its weight and then all points.


Here's a Python program that calculates the final grade for a student based on the grades and weights of various assessments:

# Define the weights for each assessment type

test_weight = 0.2

quiz_weight = 0.15

assignment_weight = 0.25

participation_weight = 0.05

project_weight = 0.35

# Prompt the user to enter the grades for each assessment type

test1_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for test 1: "))

test2_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for test 2: "))

quiz1_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for quiz 1: "))

quiz2_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for quiz 2: "))

quiz3_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for quiz 3: "))

assignment1_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for assignment 1: "))

assignment2_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for assignment 2: "))

assignment3_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for assignment 3: "))

assignment4_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for assignment 4: "))

participation_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for participation: "))

project1_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for project 1: "))

project2_grade = float(input("Enter the grade for project 2: "))

# Calculate the final grade

test_average = (test1_grade + test2_grade) / 2

quiz_average = (quiz1_grade + quiz2_grade + quiz3_grade) / 3

assignment_average = (assignment1_grade + assignment2_grade + assignment3_grade + assignment4_grade) / 4

project_average = (project1_grade + project2_grade) / 2

final_grade = (test_average * test_weight) + (quiz_average * quiz_weight) + (assignment_average * assignment_weight) + (participation_grade * participation_weight) + (project_average * project_weight)

# Display the final grade

print("The final grade is:", final_grade)

How does the above program work?

This program first defines the weights for each assessment type. It then prompts the user to enter the grades for each assessment type.

Using the entered grades and weights, it calculates the average for each assessment type and then multiplies it by its weight. Finally, it adds up all the weighted averages to calculate the final grade and displays it.

Learn more about Python programs:

c'est quoi le business intelligence ?


I’m not quite sure about the answer

Marcus recently had his cell phone stolen. All of the following are security features that should help him locate his stolen phone EXCEPT which one?
Introduction to Information Systems


He can use remote wiping to retrace the thief's steps

What is Tracking?

Tracking is a method of obtaining data about a marketing campaign that has been conducted, both online and offline.This allows you to not only understand how current campaigns are performing, but also to identify opportunities for improvement, make decisions, and design future strategies. We have tools like  Analytics for this.It also enables you to track a user's movements on a website. We can do it with cookies, JavaScript or  HTTP codes, or with tools like eye tracking, mouse tracking, or event tracking.Another feature is the ability to compare the movements of different domains using Analytics.To summarise, tracking is used to determine how campaigns generate more sales and whether the resources established generate the expected return on investment.

 To know more about Tracking, click on the link :


FILL IN THE BLANK The ___ utility is used to edit the type of errors that are logged and where the messages are displayed


The Log Utility is used to edit the type of errors that are logged and where the messages are displayed.

Log Utility is a feature that allows users to manage their logs by deleting old logs and grouping similar logs. It's a Windows utility that displays information about important events that have occurred on your computer.

Applications and system processes can generate these events in the form of error messages, warning messages, and informational messages. You can use the Event Viewer log to display the logs generated by applications and the operating system.

This utility is especially useful when troubleshooting issues with an application or the operating system. Event Viewer log allows users to diagnose problems, track security violations, and analyze system health over time.

Delete: This feature is used to delete logs. You can delete logs that are no longer needed or that contain sensitive information.

Clear Log: This feature is used to clear a log. You can clear a log if you want to start over with a clean log.

For such more question on log:


Is the use of technology to control human behavior a necessary evil or an
unethical breach of privacy and freedom?



The use of technology to control human behavior is a very contentious topic and the answer to this question depends on the individual's opinion and values. Some may argue that technology can be used to limit freedom, however, it can also be used to protect people from harm, such as in the case of automated speed cameras limiting the speed of drivers to prevent accidents. Others may argue that the use of technology to control behavior is an unethical breach of privacy and freedom as it can be used to monitor and restrict people's actions. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether the use of technology to control human behavior is a necessary evil or an unethical breach of privacy and freedom.

Write a program that reads the student information from a tab separated values (tsv) file. The program then creates a text file that records the course grades of the students. Each row of the tsv file contains the Last Name, First Name, Midterm1 score, Midterm2 score, and the Final score of a student. A sample of the student information is provided in StudentInfo.tsv. Assume the number of students is at least 1 and at most 20.

The program performs the following tasks:

Read the file name of the tsv file from the user. Assume the file name has a maximum of 25 characters.
Open the tsv file and read the student information. Assume each last name or first name has a maximum of 25 characters.
Compute the average exam score of each student.
Assign a letter grade to each student based on the average exam score in the following scale:
A: 90 =< x
B: 80 =< x < 90
C: 70 =< x < 80
D: 60 =< x < 70
F: x < 60
Compute the average of each exam.
Output the last names, first names, exam scores, and letter grades of the students into a text file named report.txt. Output one student per row and separate the values with a tab character.
Output the average of each exam, with two digits after the decimal point, at the end of report.txt. Hint: Use the precision sub-specifier to format the output.
Ex: If the input of the program is:

and the contents of StudentInfo.tsv are:

Barrett Edan 70 45 59
Bradshaw Reagan 96 97 88
Charlton Caius 73 94 80
Mayo Tyrese 88 61 36
Stern Brenda 90 86 45
the file report.txt should contain:

Barrett Edan 70 45 59 F
Bradshaw Reagan 96 97 88 A
Charlton Caius 73 94 80 B
Mayo Tyrese 88 61 36 D
Stern Brenda 90 86 45 C

Averages: midterm1 83.40, midterm2 76.60, final 61.60


def compute_grade(score):
if score >= 90:
return 'A'
elif score >= 80:
return 'B'
elif score >= 70:
return 'C'
elif score >= 60:
return 'D'
return 'F'

def compute_average(scores):
return sum(scores)/len(scores)

# Read the filename of the tsv file from the user
filename = input("Enter the tsv filename: ")

# Open the tsv file and read the student information
students = []
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
fields = line.strip().split('\t')
last_name, first_name, midterm1, midterm2, final = fields
midterm1 = int(midterm1)
midterm2 = int(midterm2)
final = int(final)
students.append((last_name, first_name, midterm1, midterm2, final))

# Compute the average exam score and assign a letter grade for each student
with open('report.txt', 'w') as f:
for student in students:
last_name, first_name, midterm1, midterm2, final = student
avg_score = compute_average([midterm1, midterm2, final])
letter_grade = compute_grade(avg_score)

# Compute the average of each exam
exams = {'midterm1': [], 'midterm2': [], 'final': []}
for student in students:

f.write(f"\nAverages: midterm1 {avg1:.2f}, midterm2 {avg2:.2f}, final {avg3:.2f}")

Write a SELECT statement that pulls all of the rows from a single field called LAST_NAME in a table called EMPLOYEE.


The following SELECT statement can be used to pull all rows from a single field called LAST_NAME in a table called the EMPLOYEE:





Stream processing in a relational data stream management system or the managing data housed in a relational database management system are two uses for the domain-specific language known as a SQL, also known as the structured query language.

The SELECT statement is an very important part of Structured Query Language (SQL). By using SELECT statements, you can pull data from the tables in a a database to meet your needs.

For more such questions on SQL query


Attempting to write a pseudocode and flowchart for a program that displays 1) Distance from sun. 2) Mass., and surface temp. of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, depending on user selection.


Below is a possible pseudocode and flowchart for the program you described:

What is the pseudocode  about?


Display a menu of options for the user to choose from: Distance, Mass, or Surface Temperature.Prompt the user to select an option.If the user selects "Distance":a. Display the distance from the sun for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.If the user selects "Mass":a. Display the mass for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.If the user selects "Surface Temperature":a. Display the surface temperature for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.End the program.

Therefore, the Flowchart:

[start] --> [Display menu of options] --> [Prompt user to select an option]

--> {If "Distance" is selected} --> [Display distance from sun for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars]

--> {If "Mass" is selected} --> [Display mass for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars]

--> {If "Surface Temperature" is selected} --> [Display surface temperature for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars]

--> [End program] --> [stop]

Read more about pseudocode  here:


true/false. ubnet masks tell computers what part of an IP address is to be used to determine whether a destination is in the same subnet or in a different subnet.


The statement "subnet masks tell computers what part of an IP address is to be used to determine whether a destination is in the same subnet or in a different subnet" is true because a subnet mask is a sequence of numbers that serves as a border for network and host sections of an IP address.

To compare network and host information, IP addresses and subnet masks are frequently utilized. They're normally shown in "dotted decimal" format, such as, which signifies that the first three segments of an IP address are used to identify the network, while the final segment is used to identify the host.

IP addresses with the same network number are in the same network, according to the concept of subnets, which are separate networks that exist within a larger network.

The subnet mask is used to specify the network number and host number parts of the IP address. When a computer receives a packet from another computer on the same subnet, it recognizes that the packet came from a device on the same network because of the subnet mask.

When a packet is received from another computer on a different subnet, the computer sends the packet to the default gateway for forwarding.

For such more question on IP address:


for what values of integer x will branch 3 execute? if x < 10 : branch 1 else if x > 9: branch 2 else: branch 3


For an integer x to execute branch 3, the value of x must be equal to 9. This can be seen by examining the given statement "if x < 10 : branch 1 else if x > 9: branch 2 else: branch 3".

The statement is an example of an if-else statement, which is a type of conditional statement used in programming. This statement is read as: "If the condition 'x < 10' is true, execute branch 1; otherwise, if the condition 'x > 9' is true, execute branch 2; if both of these conditions are false, execute branch 3." As the condition 'x > 9' is false if x is equal to 9, branch 3 will execute when x = 9.

To sum up, for an integer x to execute branch 3, the value of x must be equal to 9.

for more such question on integer


12. Which function converts a text string to uppercase, or capitalization, for all the text in a string?



The Answer: B. UPPER

The answer is B.UPPER

Lab 4-2: Computing Tax
The United States federal personal income tax is calculated based on filing status and taxable income. There are four filing statuses: single filers, married filing jointly, married filing separately, and head of household. The tax rates vary every year. Table 3.2 shows the rates for 2009. If you are, say, single with a taxable income of $10,000, the first $8,350 is taxed at 10% and the other $1,650 is taxed at 15%. So, your tax is $1,082.5.
Table 1
2009 U.S. Federal Personal Tax Rates
Marginal Tax Rate
Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er)
Married Filing Separately
Head of Household
$0 – $8,350
$0 – $16,700
$0 – $8,350
$0 – $11,950
$8,351– $33,950
$16,701 – $67,900
$8,351 – $33,950
$11,951 – $45,500
$33,951 – $82,250
$67,901 – $137,050
$33,951 – $68,525
$45,501 – $117,450
$82,251 – $171,550
$137,051 – $208,850
$68,525 – $104,425
$117,451 – $190,200
$171,551 – $372,950
$208,851 – $372,950
$104,426 – $186,475
$190,201 - $372,950
You are to write a program to compute personal income tax. Your program should prompt the user to enter the filing status and taxable income and compute the tax. Enter 0 for single filers, 1 for married filing jointly, 2 for married filing separately, and 3 for head of household.
Here are sample runs of the program:
Sample 1:
Enter the filing status: 0
Enter the taxable income: 100000
Tax is 21720.0
Sample 2:
Enter the filing status: 1
Enter the taxable income: 300339
Tax is 76932.87
Sample 3:
Enter the filing status: 2
Enter the taxable income: 123500
Tax is 29665.5
Sample 4:
Enter the filing status: 3
Enter the taxable income: 4545402
Tax is 1565250.7


Here's a Python 3 program that prompts the user to enter the filing status and taxable income, and computes the personal income tax based on the 2009 U.S. Federal Personal Tax Rates in Table 1:

# define the tax rates

tax_rates = [

   [0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.28, 0.33, 0.35], # Single filers

   [0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.28, 0.33, 0.35], # Married filing jointly

   [0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.28, 0.33, 0.35], # Married filing separately

   [0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.28, 0.33, 0.35]  # Head of household]

# define the tax brackets

tax_brackets = [

   [8350, 33950, 82250, 171550, 372950], # Single filers

   [16700, 67900, 137050, 208850, 372950], # Married filing jointly

   [8350, 33950, 68525, 104425, 186475], # Married filing separately

   [11950, 45500, 117450, 190200, 372950] # Head of household]

# get input from user

filing_status = int(input("Enter the filing status: "))

taxable_income = float(input("Enter the taxable income: "))

# compute the tax

tax = 0

i = 0

while taxable_income > tax_brackets[filing_status][i]:

   if i == 0:

       tax += tax_brackets[filing_status][i] * tax_rates[filing_status][i]


       tax += (tax_brackets[filing_status][i] - tax_brackets[filing_status][i-1]) * tax_rates[filing_status][i]

   i += 1

tax += (taxable_income - tax_brackets[filing_status][i-1]) * tax_rates[filing_status][i]

# display the tax

print("Tax is", format(tax, ".2f"))

The program defines the tax rates and tax brackets for each filing status as lists. It prompts the user to enter the filing status and taxable income. It then computes the tax by iterating through the tax brackets and adding the appropriate tax based on the tax rate for each bracket. Finally, it displays the tax.

To learn more about Federal click the link below:


For which of the following Windows versions, Microsoft has stopped providing support services? [Choose all that apply.] Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows XP Windows 7 Submit iii 6 of 7


Microsoft has stopped providing support services for Windows XP and Windows 8.

What are the  Windows versions?

When Microsoft provides support services for a Windows operating system, it means that they continue to provide technical assistance, software updates, security patches, and bug fixes to users of that operating system. This helps to keep the operating system secure and up-to-date with the latest features and functionality.

However, Microsoft has a support lifecycle for each of its products, which includes specific end-of-support dates. When an operating system reaches its end-of-support date, Microsoft stops providing support services, including technical assistance and software updates, for that operating system.

Windows XP reached its end-of-support on April 8, 2014, and Microsoft ended support for Windows 8 on January 12, 2016. Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 are still supported, although support for Windows 7 is set to end on January 14, 2020.

Read more about Windows versions here:


fill in the blank. one aspect of___programming is to check for improper data before an attempt is made to process it further.


One aspect of defensive programming is to check for improper data before an attempt is made to process it further.

Defensive programming is a technique that is used in software engineering to ensure that programs function correctly under unexpected circumstances. The purpose of defensive programming is to build fault-tolerant software systems that can manage exceptions, unexpected input, and other forms of unforeseen problems.

Defensive programming is a programming approach that anticipates the occurrence of errors and exceptions in software design and architecture so that they can be addressed proactively. In the context of programming, one aspect of defensive programming is to check for improper data before an attempt is made to process it further.

This can be achieved using techniques such as input validation and data checking, which are intended to prevent errors and other problems that may occur when data is processed or manipulated by software.

For such more question on programming:


Given integer variables seedVal, smallestVal, and greatestVal, output a winning lottery ticket consisting of three random numbers in the range of smallestVal to greatestVal inclusive. End each output with a newline.

Ex: If smallestVal is 30 and greatestVal is 80, then one possible output is:


how do I code this in c++?




Here's an example code in C++ that generates three random numbers within the range of smallestVal and greatestVal inclusive, using seedVal as the random seed:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int seedVal, smallestVal, greatestVal;

   // get input values for seedVal, smallestVal, greatestVal


   // set the random seed



   // generate three random numbers and output them

   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

       int randNum = rand() % (greatestVal - smallestVal + 1) + smallestVal;

       cout << randNum << endl;



   return 0;


In this code, the srand() function is used to set the random seed to seedVal, so that each time the program is run with the same seedVal, the same set of random numbers will be generated. The rand() function is then used to generate a random number within the range of smallestVal and greatestVal, and the result is output to the console using cout. The loop is used to generate three random numbers.

Which of the following data archival services is extremely inexpensive, but has a several hour data-retrieval window?


The data archival service that is extremely inexpensive but has a several hour data-retrieval window is Amazon Glacier.

Amazon Glacier is a low-cost data archiving service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows users to store data for an extended period of time. It is one of the most affordable cloud data storage options, with prices starting at just $0.004 per gigabyte per month.

The data retrieval window for Amazon Glacier is several hours, which means that it may take up to several hours for your data to be available for retrieval. This is because Amazon Glacier is optimized for archival and backup use cases, rather than immediate access to data.

Amazon Glacier is suitable for businesses and organizations that need to store large amounts of data for extended periods of time, but don't need to access it frequently. It is ideal for long-term data backup, archiving, and disaster recovery purposes.

For such more question on data:


The following question may be like this:

Which of the following data archival services is extremely inexpensive, but has a 3-5 hour data-retrieval window?

Glacier offers extremely inexpensive data archival, but requires a 3-5 hour data-retrieval window.Several hour data-retrieval window is Amazon Glacier.

true/false. collaborating with a social scientist to provide insights into human bias and social contexts is an effective way to avoid bias in your data.


The given statement "Collaborating with a social scientist to provide insights into human bias and social contexts is an effective way to avoid bias in your data." is true because human bias refers to the tendency of individuals to make judgments and decisions based on their own values and perceptions, rather than objective facts.

Human bias can arise due to a variety of factors, including cognitive limitations, cultural norms, personal experiences, and social influences.

Social contexts refer to the various social, cultural, and environmental factors that shape the behavior and experiences of individuals and groups.

These contexts can include things like the social norms, beliefs, and values of a particular community or culture, as well as broader societal factors such as economic, political, and environmental conditions.

Overall, by collaborating with social scientists who have expertise in human bias and social contexts, data scientists can gain a deeper understanding of how these factors may influence their data and analysis, and can take steps to minimize or avoid bias in their work.

This can help to ensure that their findings and conclusions are more accurate, reliable, and useful.

For such more question on Collaborating:


during the shaping process, you closer steps to a target behavior and previous steps:


During the shaping process, steps are taken to move closer to the desired target behavior and away from the previous steps. Shaping is an operant conditioning technique used to gradually train a behavior.

In this process, a reward is given for behavior that approximates the desired behavior. Over time, the response is shaped into the desired behavior. For example, if an animal is trying to learn to jump, they can be rewarded for hopping up and down. Then, they can be rewarded for jumping higher.

Finally, the animal is rewarded for jumping over the obstacle. Each step brings the behavior closer to the desired outcome, the target behavior. When shaping, it is important to use reinforcement. Reinforcement helps to strengthen desired behaviors and should be used strategically.

Rewards should be given as soon as the desired behavior is demonstrated. The reward can be a treat, a toy, or a gesture like petting. Reinforcement helps the animal understand what behavior is desired and helps the animal move closer to the target behavior.

Shaping is a useful training technique that allows a behavior to be molded into the desired target behavior. Through the use of reinforcement and the gradual shaping of the behavior, the target behavior can be reached.

for more such question on shaping


What is Moore's Law?



Moore's Law is a prediction made by Gordon Moore that the number of transistors on a microchip would double approximately every two years, while the cost of manufacturing would decrease. It has been a driving force behind the development of new technologies, exponential growth in computing power, and a decrease in the cost of computing. However, as the size of transistors approaches the atomic scale, there are physical limitations that make it more difficult to continue doubling the number of transistors, and some experts believe that Moore's Law will eventually come to an end.


Moore's Law is a prediction made by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, in 1965 that the number of transistors that can be placed on a microchip would double approximately every two years, while the cost of manufacturing the chips would decrease.

This prediction has proved to be remarkably accurate and has held true for several decades, leading to exponential growth in computing power and a decrease in the cost of computing. The law has been a driving force behind the development of new technologies and has been a key factor in the growth of the computer industry.

However, as the size of transistors approaches the atomic scale, there are physical limitations that make it more difficult to continue doubling the number of transistors on a microchip every two years, and some experts believe that Moore's Law will eventually come to an end.

Pressure on an object is given by forceApplied/contactArea. Write a program that reads double variables forceApplied and contactArea from the input, respectively, and computes objectPressure using the formula. Then, outputs "Object pressure is " followed by the value of objectPressure to four digits after the decimal point. End with a newline.

Ex: If the input is 1.25 2.0, then the output is:

Object pressure is 0.6250


// Use at least C++11 when compiling

#include // Needed for input output operations
#include // for 4 decimal places
#include // for converting input from string to decimal stod()
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
double forceApplied = std::stod(argv[1]);
double contactArea = std::stod(argv[2]);

double pressure = forceApplied/contactArea;

std::cout << “Object pressure is “ << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << pressure << “\n”;

return 0;
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