The local board of education wants to prohibit students from bringing cell phones to school. What new evidence might be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position?


Answer 1

One evidence that can be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position on prohibiting students from bringing cell phones to school is the use of cell phones for educational purposes.

Schools can take advantage of the technology and use it to their advantage. Here are some reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school:1. Emergency situationsCell phones can be beneficial in emergency situations. For instance, if a student has a medical condition, the teacher can easily contact the parent, guardian, or healthcare provider.2. Educational purposesCell phones can be used as a source of information. They can help students conduct research, complete assignments, and learn.3. CommunicationCell phones can be used to communicate with teachers and other students.

They can be used to ask questions, clarify information, and collaborate with other students.4. Parental supervisionCell phones can be used by parents to monitor their children. They can use apps to check their children's location and make sure they are safe.5. ProfessionalismCell phones can teach students how to be professional.

Learn more about potential evidence here:


Answer 2

As the local board of education wants to prohibit students from bringing cell phones to school, the new evidence that might be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position is students who have cell phones at school are more likely to be picked up on time from after-school events. Therefore, the correct option is D

The option D is the most useful evidence that could make board of education rethink their decision prohibiting students from bring cell phones to school. This is because it presents a benefit of having cell phones in school. If students are more likely to be picked up on time from after-school events, it can alleviate some stress on the school's resources and help ensure students' safety.

However, it is important to note that if the school has valid reasons for prohibiting cell phones, such as avoiding distractions during classes or preventing cheating, then it may not be appropriate to allow them based solely on the fact that it can help with after-school events. Ultimately, it would depend on the specific circumstances and the school's policies.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: The local board of education wants to prohibit students from bringing cell phones to school. What new evidence might be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position? (A) Students rely on their cell phones too much to leave them at home. (B) Students depend on their phones to stay up-to-date on current events. (C) Students who bring cell phones to school use them to secretly communicate with each other (D) Students who have cell phones at school are more likely to be picked up on time from after-school events.

Learn more about Board of education:


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How does the perspective affect the plot of the story?
The reader knows what Charlie's mother feels about Charlie.
The reader knows only what the narrator thinks and sees.
The reader knows only what Charles sees and believes.
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Please only answer with A, B, C, or D



B. The reader knows only what the narrator thinks and sees.


Point of view is important in a story because it helps the reader understand characters' feelings and actions. Each character will have his or her own perspective, so whoever is telling the story will impact the reader's opinion of other characters and events.


What are the 4 steps in the MBO process?


The four steps in the Management by Objectives (MBO) process are:

1. Establish Objectives: Set the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

2. Develop Action Plans: Identify the specific tasks and activities that need to be accomplished to achieve the objectives.

3. Monitor Performance: Measure performance and compare it to the objectives to assess progress and take corrective action as needed.

4. Appraise Performance: Evaluate performance and reward employees for successful completion of objectives.

To learn more about this visit - What are the 4 steps in the MBO process? :


Hello everyone I've never written a novel before, however, have tried to due to the persuasion of my friend I hope you guys will give it a look and offer me some feedback on the writing and the development the characters in the comment section of we novel or here in Brainly! P.S. Will my chances of becoming a writer appear promising?

If available please share my novel! I hope it can inspire someone one day :)


Hello I think the novel is great in my opinion but try adding as much detail as you can

Remembering that the Latin root “nunci” means “to speak or carry a message” and the prefix “de” means “from or against,” use the context clues provided in the passage to determine the meaning of denunciation. Write your definition of denunciation here.


Based on the given Latin root and prefix, denunciation can be defined as the act of publicly condemning or accusing someone or something, typically as a way of expressing disapproval or rejection.

What is denunciation?

The Latin root "nunci" means "to speak up or carry a meaning," while the prefix "de" means "from or against." When you combine these two, you get the word "denunciation." In this context, "denunciation" means publicly condemning or accusing someone or something. It is usually an expression of disapproval or rejection. For example, if a public figure is caught doing something unethical, their actions might be denounced by the media or by other public figures. Denunciation is a way of speaking out against something or someone that is seen as wrong or unacceptable.

To find out more about prefixes, visit:


Do we live in a violent society


The fact that we as a society cannot deny the violence that exists all around us is a frightening reality. The state of the world in which we now live has led to daily exposure to senseless acts of violence. Asking if we live in a violent society and, if so, why is this the case depressing?

Whether or if our society is violent is a complex question. As proof of the widespread of violence, one could mention the steadily rising crime rate, international terrorism, or domestic violence, among other things. Another can respond with data that demonstrates how the world is getting safer, how violent crime and homicide rates are declining globally, and how more and more people are living peaceful lives.

The two sides do agree that violence is all around us and that we witness and hear about it frequently. We cannot escape the spread of violence in our society, from the films we watch—which frequently portray violent crimes or wars—to social media pages that broadcast violent incidents throughout the world or even close. Also, this trend is influenced by the way we interact and communicate in society. Social media and other platforms have created a climate that is favorable to the development of online bullying, hate speech, and rude interactions.

Even while some could argue that it has improved, one of the reasons we live in a violent society is that we are unable to resolve problems peacefully. Instead, we use aggression and violence to settle disputes, whether they be political or personal. We suffer from a chronic failure to resolve conflicts in a healthy way through compromise, discussion, and dialogue. Instead, we frequently use anger and violence to show our dominance and force our opinion.

The image of a violent society is also affected by socioeconomic and cultural factors. Violence is encouraged by increasing social prejudice, poverty, and inequality. As an example, poverty causes a lack of resources, authority, and control as well as resentment, desperation, and fear, all of which can result in violence. Violence in media is normalized culturally, and its effects are frequently ignored, making violence common in society.

In conclusion, there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not we live in a violent culture. Unfortunately, it is impossible to escape the fact that violence infects our society. This trend has been driven by our society's failure to resolve disputes amicably, cultural and socioeconomic reasons, violent media, and online platforms. We must all try to develop a culture of peace, equality, and respect if we are to create a society where violence is unacceptable.

Mark my answer as the brainliest!

Learning Task 2 This time, read an excerpt from President Manuel L. Quezon's speech. In your pad paper, write down three statements indicating factual information and three statements expressing subjective content from the speech. ​


Learning Task 2 President Manuel L. Quezon was a Filipino statesman who served as the President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines from 1935 to 1944.

He was a lawyer who had previously served as the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States, and he was one of the most influential political figures in the Philippines during his time. In his speeches, President Quezon often spoke about the importance of democracy, nationalism, and social justice. His speeches were passionate and persuasive, and he was widely admired for his eloquence and leadership skills. The following are three statements indicating factual information from President Manuel L. Quezon's speech: "We are gathered here today to celebrate the birth of a new era in the history of our people.

The Filipino people have suffered for too long under the yoke of foreign domination." "We must work together to build a better future for ourselves and for our children." The following are three statements expressing subjective content from President Manuel L. Quezon's speech: "I am filled with hope and optimism for the future." "We must never forget the sacrifices of our ancestors." "We must be prepared to fight for our freedom and our rights."

To learn more about Manuel L. Quezon :


The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov found that sounding a bell every time a dog was about to be given food eventually caused a reflex flow of saliva, which later persisted even when no food was produced. Elaborations of this habituative type of reflex are regarded by some physiologists and psychologists as an important basis for many behaviors, both voluntary and involuntary.

Q.What is the style of the passage?



The correct answer is C. Scholarly.

amaze your friends at any party or event with a show from magician magnus. a one-hour show for up to ten guests is only fifty dollars! what is the text's most likely purpose? qizzlet


The most likely purpose of the text "amaze your friends at any party or event with a show from magician Magnus. a one-hour show for up to ten guests is only fifty dollars!" is to advertise or promote a magician's show or services.

Advertising is a marketing communication that entails a paid message concerning the product or service by an individual seller or a company that is conveyed through various media outlets. It is also known as a form of marketing communication. The aim of advertising is to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. It is a communication aimed at persuading audiences to make or take some action. Advertising is carried out via various platforms like the internet, social media, billboards, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, or even word of mouth, and so on.

Promotion is one of the key components of marketing that includes communication that aims to encourage and inform consumers about a product or service or a particular brand. The primary purpose of promotion is to increase awareness of a product or service, attract new customers, and retain existing customers. Promotional activities are used to help businesses build a positive brand image and reach out to customers who might not be aware of their products or services. It can be done via various platforms like advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and so on.

You can learn more about Advertising at:


3/2 - Write the definition of each word


The expression " [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] " is a fraction which has a numerator (the number on the top) of 3 and a denominator (the number on the bottom) of 2.

A fraction is a mathematical expression that represents a part of a whole or a ratio between two numbers. Fractions are typically written in the form of a numerator and a denominator separated by a horizontal line, or a slash.

The numerator represents the number of parts being considered, while the denominator represents the total number of equal parts in the whole. For example, in the fraction [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex], the numerator is 3 and the denominator is 4, indicating that we are considering 3 out of 4 equal parts of a whole.

Learn more about Fraction:


5) Why did the producers and director decide to have the girls run outside to the

water during the climactic moments of Act Three? What is significant about John

Proctor's pose during that scene?


Without additional context or information about the specific play or movie being referred to, it is difficult to provide a specific answer to this question. Please provide more information or context about the work in question.

make a coherent report about scam alert




Scam Alert: Protecting Yourself from Online Scams

In today's digital age, scams are becoming increasingly common. With the rise of online shopping, banking, and social media, scammers are finding new ways to take advantage of people's trust and steal their money or personal information. It is important to be aware of these scams and know how to protect yourself.

Types of Scams:

There are many different types of scams, but some of the most common ones include phishing scams, fake websites, and fraudulent emails. Phishing scams involve sending emails or messages that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or social media platform, but are actually designed to trick you into giving away your personal information. Fake websites are created to look like legitimate ones, but are designed to steal your information or money. Fraudulent emails may ask you to click on a link or download an attachment, which can infect your computer with malware.

How to Protect Yourself:

There are several things you can do to protect yourself from online scams. First, always be cautious of emails, messages, or websites that ask for your personal information, especially if they seem suspicious or unfamiliar. Never click on links or download attachments from unknown sources. When shopping online, only use trusted websites and never enter your credit card information on an unsecured website. Be sure to keep your computer and antivirus software up to date to protect against malware and viruses.

What to Do if You Are a Victim:

If you believe you have been a victim of a scam, it is important to act quickly. Contact your bank or credit card company to report any unauthorized charges or transactions. If you have given out personal information, such as your Social Security number or credit card information, contact the appropriate authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission or your local police department. It is also important to change your passwords and monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity.


Online scams are a serious threat in today's digital age, but by taking the necessary precautions and being aware of the different types of scams, you can protect yourself and your personal information. Always be cautious when sharing personal information online and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. By staying informed and alert, you can avoid falling victim to online scams.

Arrange the events in the development of drama in order from earliest to latest.a. festivals of Dionysusb. mystery and morality playsc. tragedies written by Senecad. tropes added to church servicee. plays of Aristophanesf. performances by traveling minstrels


1. festivals of Dionysus 2. plays of Aristophanes 3. tragedies written by Seneca 4. performances by traveling minstrel 5. tropes added to church service 6. mystery and mortality plays

The Dionysia was an enormous celebration in old Athens to pay tribute to the god Dionysus, the focal occasions of which were the dramatic exhibitions of sensational misfortunes and, from 487 BC, comedies. It was the second-most significant celebration after the Panathenaia. The Dionysia really comprised two related celebrations, the Provincial Dionysia and the City Dionysia, which occurred in various pieces of the year. They were likewise a fundamental piece of the Dionysian Secrets.

Since the different towns in Attica held their celebrations on various days, it was workable for observers to visit more than one celebration for each season. It was additionally a chance for Athenian residents to go external to the city in the event that they didn't have the potential chance to do as such during the remainder of the year. This likewise permitted going organizations of entertainers to act in more than one town during the time of the festival.

The comic writer Aristophanes ridiculed Country Dionysia in his play The Acharnians.

to know more about mortality click here:


George Mikan was voted by the Associated Press as the most outstanding college basketball player of the first half of the 20th century. He was born in Joliet, Illinois, and educated at DePaul University, Chicago. While playing center on the DePaul basketball team, Mikan was a three-time All-American selection (1944-1946) and led the team to the 1945 National Invitational Tournament (NIT) title. He became a member of the Chicago American Gears professional team in 1947. Mikan then played for eight seasons with the Minneapolis Lakers (1947-1956), leading the team to five league championships (1949, 1950, 1952-1954). One of the first dominant centers in the National Basketball Association (NBA), he scored a record 11,764 points in 520 games and led the NBA in scoring three times (1949-1951).

Q.What is the style of this passage?



The correct answer is D. Informational.

Provide some examples of effective ways to use social media for advancing social change campaigns


There are several efficient methods to utilize social media for social change, including starting blogs for a cause, supporting causes on social media, hosting an event, hosting a fundraiser, and using your smartphone to capture and share information on your social media accounts.

The use of social media is crucial for enacting social change. Before the invention of social media, quick, real-time communication was not possible. It has eliminated communication barriers and made it simple for individuals to express themselves freely. Social media also became a tool for promoting causes, exchanging ideas, setting up meetings, and talking about social concerns.

Social media is now a platform that helps us voice out our concerns and brings the necessary changes required. It is the most instantaneous way of bringing the change that is needed.

To learn more about social change, refer to:


An illusion is an indirect reference to something that the audience is expected to know. In his speech, King makes more than one allusion to the Declaration Of Independence. Identify the allusions and how they advance King's arguments


The allusions to the Declaration of Independence help King's arguments because they show the audience the unfulfilled promise of freedom and equality for Black Americans that the document claimed.

In Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, he makes a few allusions to the Declaration of Independence to advance his arguments.

The allusions include the following:

1. "This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."- This is an allusion to the Declaration of Independence that argues that the promise made in the document was not fulfilled because of the continued racial discrimination against Black Americans.

2. "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice."- This is another allusion to the Declaration of Independence that compares the Emancipation Proclamation with the Declaration of Independence to show the gradual process of justice for Black Americans. King also highlights the fact that the Declaration of Independence was written at a time when slavery was still in practice.

To learn more about Declaration :


According to research, which of the following personality dimensions have significant effects on perceptions of leader charisma?
A) conscientiousness
B) openness to experience
C) agreeableness
D) extraversion


According to research, the personality dimensions that have significant effects on perceptions of leader charisma are

A) conscientiousness,

B) openness to experience,

C) agreeableness, and

D) extraversion.

Step by step explanation:

Research has demonstrated that these personality traits are associated with greater charisma as a leader. For example, conscientiousness reflects a tendency for organization and diligence, which can result in greater trust and confidence from followers.

Openness to experience reflects the willingness to learn and adapt to new situations, which can result in better problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.

Agreeableness reflects the ability to get along with others and build relationships, which can make followers feel appreciated and heard.

Finally, extraversion reflects the ability to draw energy from being around other people, which can lead to a more positive, engaging presence in the workplace.

Learn more about personality, research and perceptions at:


use the credit card summary statement to answer the questions below what is the maximum amount of money that tom is able to charge to his credit card



use the credit card summary statement to answer the questions below what is the maximum amount of money that tom is able to charge to his credit card


Without seeing the credit card summary statement, it is impossible to determine the maximum amount of money that Tom is able to charge to his credit card.

The maximum amount of money that Tom is able to charge to his credit card will depend on his credit limit, which is set by the credit card company based on various factors such as his credit score, income, and payment history.

Tom's credit limit should be listed on his credit card summary statement. He should refer to that statement to determine his maximum spending limit.

Which is correct?

The man, whose name was Bob, left the store quickly.
Whose this man named Bob?



The man whose name was Bob left the store quickly

the passage is primarily characterized by a anecdotal evidence grounded in second-hand accounts b a series of arguments based on historical precedent and tradition c a meticulous and deliberate avoidance of opposing arguments d rational arguments that appeal to reason and logic


Option d . The passage is primarily characterized by rational arguments that appeal to reason and logic.

A passage is a specific portion of a text, usually a piece of writing, that is used to communicate a certain idea or concept. These concepts can include anything from personal opinions to objective facts.

Characterization is a literary term that refers to the techniques and tools that writers use to describe and develop the personalities of their characters. A good author uses characterization to help readers understand and connect with their characters, so it's an essential part of any well-written story.

Arguments are a type of writing used to persuade others to believe or do something. Arguments can be based on facts, personal experience, or other evidence, and they can be used to support or oppose a particular idea, opinion, or belief.

In conclusion, the passage is primarily characterized by rational arguments that appeal to reason and logic. Therefore the option is d.

Learn more about "Characterization" at :


What's dimension?
Most precise ans will be marked brainliest ​



Dimension can have different meanings depending on the context. According to OxfordDictionaries¹, dimension can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it can mean:

- a measurable extent of a particular kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height

- a mode of linear extension of which there are three in space and two on a flat surface, which corresponds to one of a set of coordinates specifying the position of a point

- an expression for a derived physical quantity in terms of fundamental quantities such as mass, length, or time, raised to the appropriate power

- an aspect or feature of a situation

As a verb, it can mean:

- form or shape to particular measurements

- mark with measurements

Some examples of using dimension as a noun are:

- The dimensions of the room are 26 feet by 15 feet.

- The drawing must be precise in dimension.

- We must focus on the cultural dimensions of the problem.

Some examples of using dimension as a verb are:

- The seats and backrests are dimensioned to withstand high loads from items such as unsecured luggage.

- The tube itself is precisely dimensioned.

- The goal is to dimension the drawing clearly so that the parts are built to your specification.

I hope this helps you understand what dimension means.

pls mrk me brainliest

suppose the position of a particle along the -axis is given by where is measured in seconds. suppose that on , on , and . which of the following statements are true? there may be more than one true statement.


The only true statement is: The particle is moving to the left when `t = 2`.The position of a particle along the -axis is given by `s(t) = 4t3 − 3t4`, where t is measured in seconds.

Suppose that on t = 0, s = 0, on t = 1 s = 1, and on t = 2 s = - 16. There are different ways to approach this problem, but one possible method is to find the velocity and acceleration functions from the position function and use them to answer the questions.

Alternatively, we can use the given values of t and s to check which statements are true.

Let's first verify the given values.

When `t = 0`, `s(0) = 4(0)3 − 3(0)4 = 0`.

When `t = 1`, `s(1) = 4(1)3 − 3(1)4 = 1`.

When `t = 2`, `s(2) = 4(2)3 − 3(2)4 = - 16`.

Therefore, these values are correct.

We can also plot the graph of the position function to visualize the motion of the particle. The graph should show a curve that passes through the points (0, 0), (1, 1), and (2, - 16).

Based on the graph, we can make some observations about the motion of the particle. For example, we can see that the particle moves in the negative direction (to the left) between `t = 1` and `t = 2`.

The particle is moving to the left between `t = 1` and `t = 2`, so it cannot be moving to the right at `t = 1.5`.Therefore, the only true statement is: The particle is moving to the left when `t = 2`.

Learn more about position


In a well-structured paragraph (3-5 sentences) describe an animal adaptation from an animal in Yellowstone National Park. Please use complete sentences and proper grammar.


Yellowstone National Park is home to a wide variety of animals, which have developed an adaptation to survive in their natural habitats. The pika is a good example of such an animal.

The pika is a small mammal in Yellowstone National Park and has adapted to the harsh alpine environment by being able to survive the cold temperatures and store fat for the long winter season.

The pika has also developed fur that is thicker than many other mammals, allowing it to stay warm in the cold climate.

Additionally, the pika can collect and store grasses and other plants during the summer months to be eaten in the winter. This adaptation helps the pika to survive in Yellowstone’s alpine environment.

Learn more about adaptation:


Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question.

The ultramodern building blended in well with the surroundings.

What is the root of the underlined word above?


C) The ultramodern structure complemented the surroundings beautifully. The word "ultramodern" has "modern" as its source.

What is an ultramodern building?

A building or other architectural object that is designed and built using the most cutting-edge and modern methods, materials, and aesthetics is referred to as an ultramodern construction. It frequently includes high-tech elements and sleek, minimalist designs that are meant to improve functionality, energy efficiency, and sustainability.

The term "ultramodern" can be used to characterize a broad range of structures, from commercial and residential buildings to public monuments and works of art. It conveys a strong feeling of modernity and inventiveness.

Innovative technology like smart home systems, green roofs, and cutting-edge lighting and HVAC systems might be included in ultramodern buildings. An ultramodern building is created to be both aesthetically stunning and extremely functional.

Learn more about prefixes with the help of the given link:


melinda's grades are poor because of all of the following reason except?

this is about the book “speak”



there is no example


what are the "following reasons"?

Sample Response: Shelley’s poem “Mutability” shows some of the ideas he expresses in his essay “A Defence of Poetry.” In his essay, Shelley claims that poetry can preserve life’s brief moments of beauty and emotion. His poem describes how these moments fade quickly. The poem preserves the fleeting moments that he describes. The poem, therefore, models one of his ideas about poetry.

What did you include in your response? Check all that apply.

a discussion of Shelley’s ideas about poetry
an example from “Mutability”
an example from “A Defence of Poetry”


In my response, I included the following: 1. a discussion of Shelley’s ideas about poetry 2. an example from “Mutability” 3. an example from “A Defence of Poetry”

Shelley’s poem “Mutability” shows some of the ideas he expresses in his essay “A Defence of Poetry.” In his essay, Shelley claims that poetry can preserve life’s brief moments of beauty and emotion. His poem describes how these moments fade quickly. The poem preserves the fleeting moments that he describes. The poem, therefore, models one of his ideas about poetry. In my response, I included a discussion of Shelley’s ideas about poetry, an example from “Mutability,” and an example from “A Defence of Poetry.”

You can learn more about “A Defence of Poetry” at:


In your opinion, how has the Internet changed our society? Has it been a positive change? Could we ever do without it? Would you be able to do without it?


Answer: My honest opinion: I think, that the internet is both a positive change and a negative one.

Explanation: For starters, the internet is a good thing because we can do things like research things that are important and learn new and interesting things. But it can also be a bad thing because sometimes you can get too addicted to being on there and it starts to become a habit, and eventually rot your brain. Yes, we could do without the internet, but it would be very hard to find info about things without the internet to help us. But for me, I probably wouldn't be able to do without it because I get a lot of info on there, And I mean a LOT, and I don't know if I could be able to get that info without it.

The participle inflectional morpheme ending is used only with.

A. Conjunctions
B. Adjectives
C. Adverbs
D. Nouns
E. Verbs


The participle inflectional morpheme ending is used only with verbs.

A morpheme is the smallest unit of language capable of conveying meaning. A morpheme is a grammatical element that cannot be broken down into smaller pieces that have meaning. A morpheme is a minimal language unit, and it is the smallest segment of a word that can be spoken or written.

The statement, "The participle inflectional morpheme ending is used only with" implies that the inflectional morpheme ending is only used with verbs. Verbs are words that indicate an action, event, or state of being and they can be used as adjectives.

For more such questions on morpheme, click on:


"The central practice of personal mastery involves learning to keep both a personal vision and a clear picture of current reality before us. Doing this will generate a force within ourselves called "Creative Tension." Tension, by its nature, seeks resolution, and the most natural resolution of this tension is for our reality to move closer to what we want. It's as if we have set up a rubber band between the two poles of our vision and current reality. People who are convinced that a vision or result is important, who can see clearly that they must change their life in order to reach that result, and who commit themselves to that result nonetheless, do indeed feel compelled. They have assimilated the vision not just consciously but unconsciously, at a level where it changes more of their behavior. They have a sense of deliberate patience--with themselves and the world-- and more attentiveness to what is going on around them. All of this produces a sustained sense of energy and enthusiasm . . . produces some tangible results, which can then make the energy and enthusiasm stronger." Who made that statement ?


This statement was made by Peter Senge in his book "The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization". \

He emphasizes the importance of "Creative Tension" in his work, which is created when a person combines a clear vision and current reality.

This "Creative Tension" compels people to strive for their vision and produces a sense of energy and enthusiasm.

To learn more about this visit - The central practice of personal mastery :


On page 87, Orwell writes: Clover "knew that, even as things were, they were far better off than they had been in the day of Jones." Evaluate Clover's claim and explain why you agree or disagree. BIU​


While Clover's claim may have been true in the beginning of the story, it is no longer accurate by the end.

Who is Clover?

In George Orwell's Animal Farm, Clover is a female horse who is one of the most loyal and hardworking animals on the farm. She is described as being strong, motherly, and sympathetic to the other animals' plight. Clover is also portrayed as being intelligent and thoughtful, and she often questions the decisions made by the pigs, who have taken control of the farm after the overthrow of Mr. Jones.

Clover the mare claims that the animals are better off under the new regime of Animal Farm than they were under the rule of Mr. Jones, the previous human owner. The accuracy of this claim can be evaluated based on various factors.

Learn more about Clover from the given link


what do you call four spanish speaking men standing in quicksand



Quatro sinko Merry mexican.


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in addition to activating or inhibiting enzymes through allosteric regulation, which of these mechanisms do cells also use to control enzymatic activity? Place the semicolons where needed in the following sentences. Cross out any misplacedsemicolons. If the sentence is correct as written, indicate with a "C." An answer key follows.The first few years the campers consisted of mostly relative therefore mr and mrs caldwell acquired the titles of uncle max and aunt marion Write a story in 1 person like you were Daisy and she felt when Myrtle was run over what she felt and make her point of view a maximum of 500 and a minimum of 300 in Great Gatsby and eBay are popular market spaces that facilitate the online exchange of goodsand information in the form of ______ online marketing. A journal provides the balances for each account. information about a transaction in several different places. a list of all accounts used in the business. a chronological record of transactions Determine whether each anion is basic or neutral. For those ions that are basic, write an equation that shows how the anion acts as a base. a. C7H5O2- b. I- c. NO3- d. F- A triangle has an area of 144 square feet. The height is 24 feet. What is the length of the base (in feet)? Can some one help me? Its three parts but the questions states use the interval notation to write the intervals over which f is (a) increasing, (b) decreasing, and (c) constant. The last question also says topics related to if its constant or not. 1)The burning times of scented candles, in minutes, are normally distributed with a mean of 249 and a standard deviation of 20. Find the number of minutes a scented candle burns if it burns for a shorter time than 80% of all scented candles.Use Excel, and round your answer to two decimal places.2) The number of square feet per house have an unknown distribution with mean 1670 and standard deviation 140 square feet. A sample, with size n=48, is randomly drawn from the population and the values are added together. Using the Central Limit Theorem for Sums, what is the mean for the sample sum distribution? which of the following are functions of dietary fat? a. become stored as glycogen for use during aerobic activity b. dissolve and transport micronutrients c. carry fat-soluble substances through the digestive process, improving intestinal absorption and bioavailability d. contribute to flavor, odor, and texture of food a tennis ball is dropped from 1.0 m, bounces off the ground, and rises to 0.85 m. what kind of collision occurred between the ball and the ground? From an operational perspective yield management is least effective under which of the following circumstances? Multiple Choice 0 The product can be kept to be sold when demand is stronger 0 The product can be sold in advance 0 Demand is highly variable 0 Demand can be segmented by customer O Fixed costs are high and variable costs are low "I don't think that Cheetahs are cheating. And I am uncomfortable with the talk of cyborgs and transhumans thatsurrounds this case. These stories will get harder, not easier, over the next years.But as a fan of Masazumi Soejima, I don't think that racing on a separate track is an insult. It's still the right place forthe fastest man on no legs.""Which statement correctly summarizes the author's views on Oscar Pistorius using the "Cheetah" prosthesis tocompete in the Olympics?A. The author agrees the Olympics would beThe ideal competition for Oscar Pistorius.B.The author feels that Oscar Pistorius should d. not compete in the Olympics.C. The author feels that any athlete who relies on technology is cheating.D.The author does not have an opinion about Oscar Pistorius competing in the Olympics. imani is 45 years old. she recently met with her financial planner to review her contributions to her roth ira, a retirement account. the financial planner also mentioned to imani that she should consider purchasing long-term care insurance since a high proportion of consumers will likely spend one to two years in a nursing home or assisted living space before the end of their lives. the financial planner said that premiums usually increase after age 50, and that there were several good plans imani should consider. imani was somewhat familiar with the term long-term care insurance, but she had never thought about purchasing the product. thus, for imani, long-term care insurance would be a(n)____product. Identify three features of non-academic language from the text and justify why each of your chosen features are non-academic? Bonny has 3 cards and a standard rolling cube. She wants to pick a card and spin the rolling cube at random. How many outcomes are possible? Conversion is the unlawful taking of personal property from the possession of another.true or false? when you change altitude, or go deep underwater, the change in air pressure may cause tension and discomfort in this membrane.a) eardrumb) cochleac) helix Your company is looking at securing connectivity between an internal server and workstations on the local area network. The network infrastructure does not support VLAN technology to compartmentalize network traffic, so they ask you for an overall design plan using Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security. Computers are required to confirm their identity when they communicate with one another using IPSec. For which of the following should your plan reference specific rules? (Choose all that apply.)a. IPSec token rulesb. Connection security rulesc. Inbound rulesd. Routing table rulese. Outbound rules true/false. for contraction of smooth muscle which of the following is true troponin is required tropomyosin is required k activates myosin light chain kinase