the most inferior region of the pharynx is the _______.


Answer 1




The laryngopharynx, which runs from the hyoid bone to the lower border of the larynx, is the most inferior part of the throat. Only air can travel through the throat's top portion, the pharynx.

The Pharynx is the tube or cavity, with its surrounding membrane and muscles, that connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus.

The Most Inferior Region Of The Pharynx Is The _______.

Related Questions

Given the information below, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
Protein Molecular Weight (kDa) pI
A 55 6.0
B 13 5.9
C 57 9.6
A) Given a mixture of Protein A and Protein B, ion exchange chromatography can be used to separate the two proteins
B) Given a mixture of Protein A and Protein C, gel filtration chromatography can be used to separate the two proteins
C) Given a mixture of Protein B and Protein C, gel filtration chromatography or ion exchange chromatography could be used to separate the two proteins
D) Given a mixture of Protein B and Protein C, gel filtration chromatography can be used to separate the two proteins but ion exchange chromatography could NOT be used to separate the two proteins


The following statements about proteins A, B, and C are:

statement A is not correctstatement B is not correctstatement C is correctstatement D is not correct

Ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography statement A

Ion exchange chromatography separates proteins based on their net charge. The pH of the buffer can be used to control the polarity and magnitude of a protein’s charge. The pH at which a molecule has no net charge is called its isoelectric point (pI).

In this case, Protein A has a pI of 6.0 and Protein B has a pI of 5.9. Given that their pIs are very close, it would be difficult to separate these two proteins using ion exchange chromatography alone. Therefore, statement A is not correct.

statement B

Gel filtration chromatography separates proteins based on their size. The separation is achieved using a porous matrix that allows smaller molecules greater access while larger molecules are excluded from the matrix.

In this case, Protein A has a molecular weight of 55 kDa and Protein C has a molecular weight of 57 kDa. Given that their molecular weights are very close, it would be difficult to separate these two proteins using gel filtration chromatography alone. Therefore, statement B is not correct.

statement C

Given a mixture of Protein B and Protein C, gel filtration chromatography could be used to separate the two proteins based on their size. Protein B has a molecular weight of 13 kDa while Protein C has a molecular weight of 57 kDa. The difference in their molecular weights is significant enough for gel filtration chromatography to effectively separate them.

On the other hand, ion exchange chromatography separates proteins based on their net charge. Protein B has a pI of 5.9 and Protein C has a pI of 9.6. Given that their pIs are significantly different, ion exchange chromatography could also be used to separate these two proteins. Therefore, statement C is correct.

statement D

A mixture of Protein B and Protein C, gel filtration chromatography could be used to separate the two proteins based on their size. Protein B has a molecular weight of 13 kDa while Protein C has a molecular weight of 57 kDa. The difference in their molecular weights is significant enough for gel filtration chromatography to effectively separate them.

On the other hand, ion exchange chromatography separates proteins based on their net charge. Protein B has a pI of 5.9 and Protein C has a pI of 9.6. Given that their pIs are significantly different, ion exchange chromatography could also be used to separate these two proteins. Therefore, statement D is not correct.

learn more about chromatography


coenzymes are nonprotein compounds that are required for the activity of certain enzymes. one critical coenzyme central to metabolism is nad . in fact it is one of 5 coenzymes required by______ , the critical enzyme for producing acetyl-coa. nad is synthesized from_____ as was discovered to be critical for health by two american scientists, ______ , in the early 20th century. dietary lack of this critical molecule produces pellagra, characterized by the following symptoms: _____ . people with these problems were found in parts of the u.s. where diets lacked vegetables and consisted principally of corn. interestingly, soaking the corn in ____, a common practice in mexico, releases the critical coenzyme from proteins, making it bioavailable,


Coenzymes are nonprotein compounds that are required for the activity of certain enzymes. one critical coenzyme central to metabolism is nad . in fact it is one of 5 coenzymes required by pyruvate dehydrogenase, the critical enzyme for producing acetyl-coa. nad is synthesized from niacin (vitamin B3) as was discovered to be critical for health by two american scientists, Joseph Goldberger and Tom Spies, in the early 20th century. dietary lack of this critical molecule produces pellagra, characterized by the following symptoms: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death. people with these problems were found in parts of the u.s. where diets lacked vegetables and consisted principally of corn. interestingly, soaking the corn in alkaline, a common practice in mexico, releases the critical coenzyme from proteins, making it bioavailable,

NAD is required by pyruvate dehydrogenase. Joseph Goldberger and Tom Spies discovered niacin (vitamin B3). Symptoms of pellagra include dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death. Corn is soaked in alkaline.Coenzymes are nonprotein compounds that are required for the activity of certain enzymes. One critical coenzyme central to metabolism is NAD. In fact, it is one of the 5 coenzymes required by pyruvate dehydrogenase, the critical enzyme for producing acetyl-CoA. NAD is synthesized from niacin (vitamin B3) and was discovered to be critical for health by two American scientists, Joseph Goldberger and Tom Spies, in the early 20th century. Dietary lack of this critical molecule produces pellagra, characterized by the following symptoms: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death.People with these problems were found in parts of the U.S. where diets lacked vegetables and consisted principally of corn. Interestingly, soaking corn in alkaline, a common practice in Mexico, releases the critical coenzyme from proteins, making it bioavailable.

Learn more about Coenzymes:


helicase is an enzyme responsible for unwinding the double helix of the dna during dna replication. in which phase of the cell cycle is helicase performing this function?


During the cell cycle, DNA replication occurs during the S phase or synthesis phase.

In this phase, the DNA is replicated and the cell makes a copy of its genetic material to prepare for cell division. Helicase is an enzyme that plays a critical role in the process of DNA replication by unwinding the double-stranded DNA. Helicase acts during the initiation stage of replication, where it helps to separate the two strands of the DNA double helix, creating a replication fork.

This allows other enzymes involved in DNA replication, such as DNA polymerase, to access the strands and begin synthesizing new DNA strands. Therefore, helicase performs its function during the S phase of the cell cycle.

To learn more about enzyme refer to


In a typical Gram-negative bacterium such as E. coli, proteins known as cytochromes (which are sometimes part of larger complexes known as oxidoreductases) are localized to the ______?


In a typical Gram-negative bacterium such as E. coli, proteins known as cytochromes (which are sometimes part of larger complexes known as oxidoreductases) are localized to the INNER MEMBRANE. Cytochromes are sometimes part of larger complexes called oxidoreductases that catalyze electron transfer reactions, they are essential for various metabolic pathways, including respiration and photosynthesis.

Gram-negative bacteria are a type of bacteria that do not stain well in the Gram staining procedure due to their cell wall structure. They have a thin peptidoglycan layer that is surrounded by an outer membrane with lipopolysaccharides in their cell walls. Cytochromes are heme-containing proteins that are important for electron transfer processes in various organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. These proteins are found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. In Gram-negative bacteria like E. coli, cytochromes are localized to the inner membrane.

Learn more about gram-negative bacteria:


1. Discuss Dr. Lustig’s response when asked if sugar is toxic.2. Summarize the subsidy and insurance models described by Dr. Lustig, why they are at odds with each other, and what he suggests is the solution to changing the food supply in the United States.3.Explain what differential subsidization is and summarize the example Dr. Lustig provides, as well as how it can be put into action in the United States.


Dr. Lustig believes that sugar is a toxic substance. He believes that sugar is the cause of many chronic diseases that are rampant in the United States.

He also believes that sugar is a drug that is as addictive as cocaine. He suggests that sugar be regulated like alcohol and tobacco to control its usage. Dr. Lustig described the subsidy and insurance models that are at odds with each other. The subsidy model supports the production of crops such as corn and soybeans, which are used to produce junk food. The insurance model supports the treatment of chronic diseases that result from the consumption of junk food.

Dr. Lustig suggests that the solution to changing the food supply in the United States is to subsidize the production of healthy foods and to tax junk food. Differential subsidization is the practice of providing subsidies to specific crops that are healthier than others. Dr. Lustig provides the example of a subsidy for broccoli. Broccoli is a healthy vegetable that is rich in nutrients and has a low glycemic index. A differential subsidy for broccoli would encourage farmers to grow it and would make it more affordable for consumers.

Dr. Lustig believes that sugar is a toxic substance. He believes that sugar is the cause of many chronic diseases that are rampant in the United States. Differential subsidization can be put into action in the United States by providing subsidies to farmers who grow healthy crops and by increasing the price of junk food through taxes.

To know more about Chronic disease please visit :


which of the following statements about archaea is false? which of the following statements about archaea is false? some are thermoacidophiles; others are extreme halophiles. they are prokaryotes. they evolved before bacteria. some produce methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. they lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls.


The false statement regarding archaea is that they evolved before bacteria. They actually evolved after bacteria.

The archaea are a type of prokaryotic organism that can survive in extreme environments. These organisms are found in places where other forms of life cannot survive, such as hot springs, salt pans, and deep-sea vents.

Some examples of archaea include Methanogens that are known to produce methane gas by metabolizing carbon dioxide. Methanogens are involved in anaerobic decomposition processes in sewage and marshes.

Thermoacidophiles are another example of archaea, which are known to grow in extremely hot, acidic environments. Halophiles, on the other hand, are known to survive in extremely salty environments.

Archaea are prokaryotic organisms, which means they lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. They have a unique cell wall that lacks peptidoglycan, which is the main component of the cell walls in bacteria.

Therefore, the correct answer is that archaea evolved before bacteria.

Learn more about Archaea here:


Two pairs of mucosal folds are found in the larynx. Which pair are the true vocal cords(superior or inferior)?


The true vocal cords are the pair of inferior mucosal folds located in the larynx which are made up of layers of elastic fibers and muscle fibers.

These pair of inferior mucosal folds are responsible for producing sound when air is expelled from the lungs. The superior mucosal folds are false vocal cords, which are not involved in sound production. Instead, they are located higher up in the larynx and are responsible for protecting the true vocal cords from injury or damage. The superior vocal cords are composed of a thicker and more elastic tissue than the false vocal cords. The true vocal cords vibrate to produce sound when air is forced through them.

To learn more about mucosal folds click here


What is the relationship between the direction of the ocean current and the coastal


Some currents take warm water away from the equator, influencing coastal climates near the poles. Others take colder water from the poles or the deep ocean and move it towards the equator, creating cooler coastal climates.

During the process of protein synthesis, _____ is the step in which messenger RNA is decoded into an amino acid sequence at the cell's ribosome.a. transcription.
b. translation.
c. deamination.
d. denaturation.




How can a change in a DNA nucleotide lead to a change in the protein?


A change in a single nucleotide in DNA can lead to a change in the corresponding protein.

This is because the nucleotides in DNA code for the amino acid sequence of a protein, which then determines its function. When a single nucleotide changes, the resulting protein may be altered in terms of shape, stability, and function. For example, if the protein is a receptor for a hormone or other signaling molecule, it may no longer be able to interact with that molecule. Alternatively, a single nucleotide change may result in a structural change to the protein, which can affect its folding and overall structure, resulting in a loss of its activity. Ultimately, the ultimate consequence of a single nucleotide change can depend on the context of the gene, but in all cases, a single nucleotide change can have major impact on the resulting protein.

To learn about Protein :


what sequences are in a cdna but not present in genomic dna


Because cDNA is synthesized from mRNA, it lacks introns, which are non-coding regions of DNA found in genomic DNA.

cDNA might also have some sequences that are absent from genomic DNA in addition to not having introns. These movements consist of:

Untranslated regions (UTRs) are parts of mRNA that are not translated into proteins yet are crucial for the regulation of gene activity. UTRs, which are absent from genomic DNA, are added to cDNA after it is created from mRNA.

A single gene may occasionally encode several mRNA transcripts through a procedure known as alternative splicing, which enables the synthesis of several protein isoforms. Sequences from certain splicing variants that are not found in the genomic DNA may be found in cDNA that was created from mRNA.

Signals of polyadenylation can be found in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of mRNA and are crucial for mRNA stability and translation.

TO know more about cDNA click here


The fertiary structure of a protein is a complex wangement formed as the polypeptide chain folds and twists. The folding and twisting of the polypeptide chain is caused by different interactions hotween the side chains of the amino acids. The side chains of the amino acids also interact with the surrounding aqueous environment. Identify the different types of active forces interactions present in the given tertiary structure of a proton moleculo Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.


The types of active force interactions present in the given tertiary structure of a protein molecule are as follows: Hydrogen bonding, ionic interactions, and van der Waals forces.

Hydrogen bonding: Hydrogen bonding is a type of chemical bond in which hydrogen atoms are bonded to an electronegative atom, such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for holding together the helixes and sheets in proteins. Ionic interactions: Ionic interactions are the forces of attraction between two ions with opposite electrical charges. They are responsible for maintaining the stability of the tertiary structure of the protein molecule. Ionic interactions occur between charged side chains of amino acids in a protein.

Van der Waals forces: Van der Waals forces are weak attractive forces between molecules. They arise from the interaction of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom with the nucleus of another atom. Van der Waals forces are responsible for stabilizing the tertiary structure of the protein molecule. They occur between nonpolar side chains of amino acids in a protein.

The tertiary structure of a protein is a complex arrangement formed as the polypeptide chain folds and twists. The folding and twisting of the polypeptide chain are caused by different interactions between the side chains of the amino acids. The side chains of the amino acids also interact with the surrounding aqueous environment.

To know more about Protein please visit :


is o2 less toxic than co2 when it remains inside plants for specific time ?
and why?​


Yes, O2 (oxygen) is less toxic than CO2 (carbon dioxide) when it remains inside plants for a specific time.

What is oxygen?

Oxygen is a chemical element with the symbol "O" and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements, as well as with other compounds. In its pure form, oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that makes up about 21% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume. It is essential for life, as it is involved in the processes of respiration, combustion, and oxidation. Oxygen is also used in many industrial applications, such as in the production of steel, chemicals, and fuels.


This is because oxygen is required by plants for respiration, whereas carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration. During photosynthesis, plants use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This process releases oxygen into the atmosphere, which is then available for respiration by the plant's cells. If there is an excess of oxygen inside a plant for a prolonged period of time, it can lead to a process called photorespiration, which can reduce the efficiency of photosynthesis. However, this only occurs under certain conditions, such as high temperatures or low carbon dioxide levels. On the other hand, if there is an excess of carbon dioxide inside a plant, it can lead to carbon dioxide toxicity, which can inhibit the plant's growth and development. This is why it is important for plants to maintain a balance of gases inside their cells.

Overall, oxygen is less toxic than carbon dioxide when it remains inside plants for a specific time because it is required for respiration and photosynthesis, whereas carbon dioxide is a waste product that can be harmful in excess.

To know more about oxygen,


Choose all descriptions in the following list that apply to regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation 1. Depends on concentration of etfector Requires an enzyme to activate or inactivate the protein 3. Uses single enzyme for activation and inactivation of the protein 4. Involves non-covalent binding of regulating molecule 5. Involves covalent bond(s) Is always positive; that is, having the effector or phosphate group bound to the protein activates the protein 7. Involves binding of something to site different from the functional (active) site of the protein 8. Causes conformational changes in the protein affecting the functional (active) site_ A 1,24,6 B. 2,3.7.8 C.2,3,5,8 D.1,4,7.8 E. 2.5,7,8


The correct choice for descriptions that apply to regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation is option C: 2, 3, 5, 8. The following descriptions apply to regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation.

They are: Depends on the concentration of the effector, Requires an enzyme to activate or inactivate the protein, Involves non-covalent binding of regulating molecules, Causes conformational changes in the protein affecting the functional (active) site.

Regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation is a significant post-transcriptional modification of proteins. The process includes the addition of phosphate groups (phosphorylation) to protein molecules by protein kinases and their subsequent removal (dephosphorylation) by protein phosphatases.Protein kinases and protein phosphatases are in charge of regulating protein activity by adding or removing phosphate groups. The functional activity of the protein is altered when these enzymes alter the state of phosphorylation of a particular protein. For a protein to be phosphorylated, it must have a phosphorylation site. The amino acids serine, threonine, and tyrosine are typical sites of protein phosphorylation.

More on phosphorylation/dephosphorylation:


Lymph vessels are vessels that are separate from the circulatory system but are closely associated with capillary beds. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the role that lymph vessels play in bulk flow?a. Lymph vessels actively pump proteins into the interstitial fluid to create the diffusion gradients that power bulk flow.b. Lymph vessels absorb extra fluid from the interstitial fluid that is not returned to the blood through the capillaries via bulk flow.c. Lymph vessels secrete extra fluid into the interstitial fluid to encourage the p


The statement (b) "Lymph vessels absorb extra fluid from the interstitial fluid that is not returned to the blood through the capillaries via bulk flow" correctly describes the role that lymph vessels play in the bulk flow.

Lymph vessels are those vessels that are separate from the circulatory system but are closely associated with capillary beds. These vessels carry a fluid called lymph. The lymph is a fluid that comes from the plasma of the blood and is composed of immune cells and cell debris.

Lymph vessels are the conduits through which lymph flows. They help to maintain the balance of fluids in the body by absorbing extra fluid from the interstitial fluid that is not returned to the blood through the capillaries via bulk flow. This helps to prevent the buildup of excess fluid in the body's tissues and to maintain the proper balance of fluids in the body.

Learn more about lymph


How do you think living systems such as bats carry out life functions and respond to changes in their environment?


Living systems like bats carry out life functions and respond to changes in their environment through various biological processes. Bats have unique adaptations that allow them to carry out life functions such as feeding, respiration, circulation, and reproduction.

They have specialized wings that enable them to navigate and hunt in the air with precision, and a highly developed echolocation system that helps them locate prey and avoid obstacles in the dark. Bats are able to respond to changes in their environment through behavioral and physiological mechanisms such as adjusting their flight patterns and foraging behavior, modifying their body temperature, and metabolism in response to changes in temperature or other environmental stressors. These mechanisms allow bats to survive and thrive in their habitats despite changes in their environment.

To know more about adaptations click here:


simple spinal reflexes occur independent of the brain.truefalse


Simple spinal reflexes occur alone in the brain. Harm to the ventral foundation of a spinal nerve would imply that the tactile gift of the reflex circular part would be raided. For the spinal cord to process a reflex arc, interneurons must be involved. The correct answer is true.

Control centers in the brain have a significant impact on spinal reflexes. Axons originate in a variety of brainstem and cerebral cortex centers and synapse primarily with spinal interneurons, with some providing direct input to motor neurons.

The brain does not participate in a reflex action. These automatic actions are controlled by the spinal cord, which response to stimuli without considering how to respond. The brain does not respond in any meaningful way to it.

To learn more about spinal reflexes here


when red flowered snapdragons are crossed with white flowered snapdragons, all the f1 plants will ave pink flowers. if mendel had used snapgragons instead of pea plants he would have had difficulty in formulating his principle of


When red flowered snapdragons are crossed with white flowered snapdragons, all the F1 plants will have pink flowers. If Mendel had used snapdragons instead of pea plants, he would have had difficulty in formulating his principle of incomplete dominance.

Incomplete dominance is a type of inheritance where one allele for a specific trait is not entirely dominant over the other allele. Incomplete dominance is described as a type of gene interaction where both the dominant and recessive alleles are expressed as a blended phenotype in the F1 generation.

Incomplete dominance was first described by Carl Correns, Erich von Tschermak, and Hugo de Vries. They studied snapdragon flowers, which produced a pink color when the dominant red allele was crossed with the recessive white allele. Because Mendel's pea plants only exhibited complete dominance, he would have had difficulty formulating his principle of incomplete dominance if he had used snapdragons instead of pea plants to study genetic inheritance.

Learn more about allele at:


what part Located in depressions of mucous membranes of the throat and pharynx


The part located in depressions of mucous membranes of the throat and pharynx is the tonsils.

Tonsils are masses of lymphatic tissue located in the throat that play a role in the immune system. They help to trap and filter out bacteria and other foreign substances that enter the body through the nose and mouth. There are three types of tonsils: pharyngeal tonsils, palatine tonsils, and lingual tonsils.

The pharyngeal tonsils, also known as the adenoids, are located in the upper part of the throat, behind the nose, and above the soft palate. The palatine tonsils are located on either side of the back of the throat, while the lingual tonsils are located at the base of the tongue.

Tonsillitis is a common condition in which the tonsils become inflamed and swollen due to infection. Symptoms of tonsillitis include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. Treatment may involve rest, fluids, pain relievers, and antibiotics if the infection is bacterial. In some cases, a tonsillectomy (surgical removal of the tonsils) may be necessary if the condition is chronic or severe.

In summary, the tonsils are located in the depression of mucous membranes.

To know more about Tonsils, refer here:


hybridization and inbreeding are important methods used in selec-tive breeding. evaluate these methods to deter-mine how they are similar and different.


Hybridization and inbreeding are important methods used in selective breeding. These methods differ in the procedure however achieve similar goals.

What is hybridization and inbreeding?

Hybridization and inbreeding are important methods used in selective breeding to produce desired traits in a species. While these methods can achieve similar goals, they have distinct differences. Hybridization involves combining two purebred plants or animals of different varieties to produce a hybrid. This can lead to increased vigor, productivity, and other desirable traits in the resulting offspring.
Inbreeding is a process of selectively breeding individuals of the same variety or breed to maintain or accentuate specific desired characteristics. This can result in a decrease in vigor, fertility, and other traits, but can also lead to increased homozygosity, which can make it easier to identify and select for desired traits.

Learn more about Selective breeding here:


describe the relationship between climate and biodiversity.


Every degree of warming raises the likelihood of the extinction of a species. Temperatures rising in the ocean make it more likely that marine and coastal ecosystems will disappear forever.

For instance, the number of live coral reefs has decreased by nearly half in the past 150 years, and further warming poses a threat to almost all of the remaining reefs.

Both biodiversity loss and climate change are intertwined. Biodiversity adds to and upgrades environment moderation and variation while environmental change can prompt corruption and loss of land and marine biodiversity.

The diversity of living things and the ecological systems of which they are a part is called biodiversity. Long-term shifts in local or global climate patterns are referred to as climate change. Both biodiversity loss and climate change are influenced by one another.

To learn more about ecosystems here


1. Dominating the scene of the 1800s, were two competing positions. The first was a belief that God created one form of human from which all humans descended, which was called ______________. The other form, _______________, that the diverse human populations of the earth were unrelated to other forms, which excused ideologies like slavery.2. The proponent of "Inheritance of acquired characteristics" was _________________, and his hypothesis could be explained as ____________________ (define in your own words).3. Charles Darwin argued that Descent with Modification was dependent on the environments’ controls. This principle is called ______________ ___________________.4. Darwin also noted that for some species, some features are not adaptive to the environment, such as a peacock’s tail. What did he call this form of selection? ________________.5. This is a functional protein, also known as a ________. It codes the trait that your body will express. It often has variant forms, and these are called _______________.


Dominating the scene of the 1800s, were two competing positions. The first was a belief that God created one form of human from which all humans descended, which was called  Monogenism.

The other form, Polygenism, believed that the diverse human populations of the earth were unrelated to other forms, which excused ideologies like slavery.2. The proponent of "Inheritance of acquired characteristics" was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and his hypothesis could be explained as the ability of an organism to pass down certain traits to its offspring that it had acquired during its lifetime.3. Charles Darwin argued that Descent with Modification was dependent on the environments’ controls. This principle is called Natural Selection.4. Darwin also noted that for some species, some features are not adaptive to the environment, such as a peacock’s tail. What did he call this form of selection? Sexual selection.5. This is a functional protein, also known as a Gene. It codes the trait that your body will express. It often has variant forms, and these are called Alleles.

The first position was called Creationism and the second was called Polygenism.
2. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was the proponent of Inheritance of acquired characteristics and his hypothesis was that organisms can pass down acquired traits to their offspring.
3. Natural Selection.
4. He called this form of selection "Survival of the Fittest".
5. This is a gene. It codes the trait that your body will express. It often has variant forms, and these are called Alleles.

To know more about Natural selection please visit :


Which of the following molecules best describes the primary form in which plants stockpile extra sugar produced by photosynthesis?a. oxygen, ATP, and NADPH
b. Autotrophs, but not heterotrophs, can nourish themselves beginning with CO2CO2 and other nutrients that are inorganic.
c. H2O→ NADPH → Calvin cycle
d. starch


Answer: Starch


duplication of the chromosomes to produce sister chromatids _____.


Duplication of the chromosomes to produce sister chromatids occurs in both mitosis and meiosis.

Chromosomes are thread-like structures located in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells that carry genetic information in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). They are composed of DNA molecules tightly coiled around proteins called histones, which helps in the compact organization of the genetic material within the nucleus.

Chromosomes play a crucial role in the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next during cell division. They undergo replication and segregation during the cell cycle to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. Abnormalities in chromosome number or structure can lead to genetic disorders and diseases, such as Down syndrome and cancer.

To learn more about Chromosomes visit here:


Examine the model of a plant's shoot system and root
What is happening in the top section of the diagram?
A. Water exits through a stoma by transpiration and helps
pulls up the water in the stem.
B. Water made by photosynthesis is stored in a vacuole
for later use in the leaf.
O c. Water flows between the xylem and ground tissue and
in and out of a stoma.
O D. Water flows in through a stoma to xylem in the leaf,
where it is used for photosynthesis.


I think the answer is A.

Water exits through a stoma by transpiration and helps pull up the water in the stem.

Option (a) is correct.

In the top section of the diagram, water exits through a stoma by a process called transpiration. Stomata are small openings on the surface of leaves that regulate gas exchange, including the release of water vapor. As water evaporates through the stomata, it creates a negative pressure gradient, known as transpiration pull, that helps in the upward movement of water in the stem.

Transpiration pull occurs due to the cohesion and adhesion properties of water molecules. Water molecules are cohesive, meaning they stick together, and they also adhere to the walls of the xylem vessels in the stem.

As water evaporates from the leaf, it pulls on the column of water in the xylem, causing a continuous flow of water from the roots to the leaves. This process is known as the transpiration stream and is responsible for the upward movement of water and nutrients in plants.

So, option A is the correct answer as it accurately describes the movement of water through transpiration and its role in pulling up water in the stem.

To learn more about transpiration  here


List in order the parts of the respiratory system
that air passes through as it is breathed out. ( AS IT BREATHE “out”)



nasal cavities (or oral cavity) > pharynx > trachea > primary bronchi (right & left) > secondary bronchi > tertiary bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli (site of gas exchange)


the air is passed out from alveoli to Bronchioles to bronchi to trachea to larynx to pharynx to nasal cavity to nostrils and the breathed out

Here are the parts of the respiratory system that air passes through as it is breathed out:

LungsBronchial tubesBronchiolesAlveoliTracheaPharynxNasal cavityMouth

What is the respiratory system?

The respiratory system is a complex network of organs, tissues, and structures that work together to facilitate the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the body and the environment. Its main function is to provide oxygen to the body's cells while removing carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, from the body.

The respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and lungs. When we inhale, air enters through the nose or mouth and passes through the respiratory tract, where it is filtered, warmed, and humidified.

Learn about The respiratory system here


select all of the following that are typically or always heterotrophs.


Animals, fungi, and certain bacteria are typically or always heterotrophs.

The following that are typically or always heterotrophs are organisms that rely on other organisms for energy and nutrients. They are unable to produce their own food and must consume organic material produced by other living organisms. Examples of heterotrophs include animals, fungi, and some bacteria. Animals are typically heterotrophs, relying on plants or other animals for food. Fungi are also heterotrophs and obtain their energy from decaying organic matter. Certain species of bacteria, such as those in the genus Vibrio, also rely on organic matter for their energy needs. Photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and some bacteria, are typically autotrophs, meaning they can synthesize their own organic compounds using energy from sunlight or inorganic substances.

To learn more about Heterotrophs :


_____ Drugs that prevent the formation of the bacterial cell wall are: a) quinolones b) beta-lactams c) tetracyclines d) aminoglycosides e) macrolides.


Drugs called beta-lactams stop the bacterial cell wall from forming.

Which medication stops the bacterial cell wall from forming?

Patients are dying from infections brought on by germs that are now resistant to even last-resort medications like vancomycin, like penicillin and vancomycin, which are antibiotics that prevent the formation of the bacterial cell wall.

Which medications target the bacterial cell wall?

Vancomycin, teicoplanin, telavancin, bleomycin, ramoplanin, and decaplanin are important glycopeptide antibiotics. By preventing the formation of peptidoglycan, this family of medications prevents susceptible microorganisms from producing cell walls. They either eradicate bacteria or stop them from proliferating and spreading. Viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics.

To know more about bacterial cell visit:-


dna analysis indicates that the genes for antibiotic resistance are not normally present in bacterial chromosomal dna. which of the following statements best explains how the genes for antibiotic resistance can be transmitted between bacteria without the exchange of bacterial chromosomal dna? responses the antibiotic-resistant bacteria release a hormone that signals neighboring bacteria to become resistant. the antibiotic-resistant bacteria release a hormone that signals neighboring bacteria to become resistant. the genes for antibiotic resistance are located on a plasmid that can be passed to neighboring bacteria. the genes for antibiotic resistance are located on a plasmid that can be passed to neighboring bacteria. the antibiotic-resistant bacteria are the result of bacteria that specifically modify their own chromosomal dna to neutralize the antibiotics. the antibiotic-resistant bacteria are the result of bacteria that specifically modify their own chromosomal d n a to neutralize the antibiotics. the antibiotic alters the bacterial genome of each bacterium, which results in an antibiotic-resistant population.


The suitable option is "the genes for antibiotic resistance are located on a plasmid that can be passed to neighboring bacteria'.

Genes for antibiotic resistance are not normally present in bacterial chromosomal DNA, so they must be transmitted between bacteria without the exchange of chromosomal DNA. This is achieved through a plasmid, which is a piece of extrachromosomal DNA that is capable of autonomous replication, meaning it can be passed from one bacterium to another. The plasmid is capable of carrying genes for antibiotic resistance, which is then transmitted between bacteria.

Learn more about antibiotic resistance here.


Proteins need to be denatured using an anionic detergent such as SDS before gel electrophoresis because: Select all that apply. (0.5pts) Multiple answers: Multiple answers are accepted for this question Select one or more answers and submit. For keyboard navigation... SHOW MORE a most proteins have a uniform positive charge b the overall charge of a protein depends on the amino acid composition of the protein and can vary greatly c most proteins have complex three dimensional structures that can impact their movement through the gel most proteins have a uniform neutral charge


Proteins need to be denatured using an anionic detergent such as SDS before gel electrophoresis because:

a) most proteins have a uniform positive charge,

b) the overall charge of a protein depends on the amino acid composition of the protein and can vary greatly, and

c) most proteins have complex three dimensional structures that can impact their movement through the gel.

Denaturing proteins with an anionic detergent like SDS neutralizes the charge of the proteins, allowing them to move evenly through the gel in a consistent pattern during the electrophoresis process.

Without the anionic detergent, the proteins would not move evenly and the results of the gel electrophoresis would not be accurate.

To know more about electrophoresis click on below link:


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