The persistence and perseverance of American homesteaders in the late 1800s


Answer 1

Answer: The persistence and perseverance of American Homesteaders in the late 1800s, led to of the frontier.


Answer 2


The persistence and perseverance of American Homesteaders in the late 1800s, led to of the frontier.


Related Questions

What is an Interest group?



I would think it is answer B, People who pay interest on on loans recieved from banks. :)

I hope this helps!!

Have an amazing day!!

Please rate and mark brainliest!!


An interest group is an organization whose members share common concerns and try to influence government policies affecting those concerns

Identify major events leading
to the elimination of apartheid.



"Years of violent internal protest, weakening white commitment, international economic and cultural sanctions, economic struggles, and the end of the Cold War"


What’s the answer????





What were the major economic, humanitarian, political, and social arguments for and against Indian removal?



The major arguments for indian removal were that due to an increase in cotton production because of the newly invented cotton gin farmers needed more land for their plantations which put pressure on Indian land, another argument for Indian removal was that most Americans felt that they were superior to the Indians

What is the best example of voter intimidation?




Federal law, and many states’ laws, prohibit voter intimidation. Federal law makes clear that "no person … shall intimidate, threaten, coerce … any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of [that] person to vote or to vote as he may choose."


If someone is interfering or attempting to interfere with your right to vote, or with anyone else’s right to vote, that may be voter intimidation and a violation of federal law.

Voter intimidation is not common. But here are some examples:

Aggressively questioning voters about their citizenship, criminal record, or other qualifications to vote , in a manner intended to interfere with the voters’ rights;

Falsely presenting oneself as an elections official;

Spreading false information about voter requirements, such as an ability to speak English, or the need to present certain types of photo identification (in states with no such requirement);

Displaying false or misleading signs about voter fraud and the criminal penalties related thereto; and

Other forms of harassment, particularly harassment targeted towards non-English speakers and voters of color.

Compare and contrast the approaches of Freud and Nietzsche to the nonrational. 50 pts!!! please help



throughout the course of life


hope i helped

Which statements describe actions taken by Japan before the Pearl Harbor attack that resulted in strained relations
with the United States? Check all that apply.
It entered into an alliance with Germany and Italy.
It placed an embargo on imports from the United States.
It occupied French Indochina.
It torpedoed American ships in the Pacific.
It invaded China to gain control.
It allied itself with Britain and France.
World history



It entered into an alliance with Germany and Italy.
It occupied French Indochina.

It invaded China to gain control.


This is because, The Pearl Harbor attack was a surprise aerial attack launched by the Japanese against the American naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

After the Pearl Harbor attack, the United States was dragged into the second world war.

Please help me I really need help



aDrag the events of the civil rights era into chronological order from top to bottom.= Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" Speech Drag the events of the civil rights era into chronological order from top to bottom.= Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" Speech


Health and safety issues
Description/Definition of Issue.



issue means an important topic or problem for debate or discussion.


some health and safety issues are

communicable disease, transportation accidents

What are the Different aspects of the u.s constitution ?


First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states. And third, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens.

In WW2 the Axis powers consisted of the Germans, the Italians, and who?



The Japanese.


Hope that helps!

Why did the French decide to help
the Colonists fight in the
American Revolution?
A. to secretly spy for the British
B. to get revenge for the war they had lost again
the British
C. to gain the trust and allegiance of the



I could be wrong, but I believe that it is C.



B. to get revenge for the war they had lost again

the British

How did Armijo handle land grants when he was in power?

(40 points)



He granted land to American traders to establish a peaceful resolution.


Why did President Kennedy call for a naval blockade of Cuba in the fall of 1962?


Answer: Kennedy agreed to erect a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba after many lengthy and contentious talks.

The goal of this "quarantine," as he referred to it, was to keep the Soviets from bringing in additional military supplies.

He commanded that the missiles that were already on the ground be removed and that the missile installations be destroyed.


I hope that explains it

2. Which evidence best
supports the idea that
citizens can only be tried
once for a capital crime?
O ... and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by Oath or affirmation ..." (paragraph 5)
O nor shall any person be subject for the same offence
to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb..." (paragraph 6)
O "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of
the State and district wherein the crime shall have been
committed ..." (paragraph 7)
O "... the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact
tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any
Court of the United States, than according to the rules of
the common law." (paragraph 8)



"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the

right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of

the State and district wherein the crime shall have been

committed ..." (paragraph 7)

• Write a report analyzing the Cold War policy of containment

Many Americans have questioned whether fighting a full-scale war against China or a war of containment was the best policy for fighting the Korean War. Using the Internet, library, and other sources, research how Truman and MacArthur differed over strategy in fighting the Korean War. After analyzing each position, determine whether MacArthur or Truman had the best strategy. In a report of 300-400 words, state your reasons and arguments for the position you have chosen. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in the essay. Make your arguments as strongly convincing as possible.




Truman thought it nothing less than “rank insubordination,” and five days later he delivered the shocking news to the American people that he had relieved MacArthur of his command and replaced him with General Matthew Ridgway. “With deep regret I have concluded that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is unable to give his wholehearted support to the policies of the United States Government and of the United Nations in matters pertaining to his official duties,” the president said.

The tension that had been mounting for months between the modest president and the egotistical general went beyond mere personality differences. Still upset that MacArthur had mistakenly assured him during a face-to-face meeting on Wake Island that the communist government of China would not intervene on behalf of North Korea, Truman favored a “limited war.” MacArthur, however, publicly advocated the more expansive use of American military power, including the bombing of China, employment of Nationalist Chinese forces from Formosa (Taiwan) and the possible use of nuclear weapons. Fearing that such an approach risked a massively expanded war in Asia and even the start of World War III—with the Soviet Union coming to the aid of China—Truman clashed repeatedly with MacArthur before finally dismissing him.

in stallins opinion why did the usssr decide to go to war with germany?



Explanation:  Hitler had always wanted to see Germany expand eastwards to gain Lebensraum or 'living space' for its people. After the fall of France Hitler ordered plans to be drawn up for an invasion of the Soviet Union.

and the Nazi Germany invading the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa

June 22 1941. and that's what I know

Which of the following describes the communist or socialist industrial nations?

Question 4 options:

First world

Second world

Third world

Fourth world


The communist or socialist industrial nations is describing second world countries

Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match the treaty to its description.



an alliance between Germany and Italy- The Pact of Steel

an agreement between Germany and the Soviets dividing eastern Europe- The Molotov– Ribbentrop Pact

an agreement between Germany, France,

Italy, and Britain granting Germany a small

part of Czechoslovakia in return for peace- The Munich Agreement


The treaties are being matched with their description are as follows:

SALT I should be matched with a groundbreaking treaty between the country of US and the Soviet Union to limit build-up of nuclear weapons.Camp David Accords should be matched with the agreement between the Egypt and the Israel to foster peace in the Middle East.Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty should be matched with required all signatories to pledge not to develop nuclear weapons.Algiers Accords must be matched with the Iran Hostage Crisis brought to an end.

What is a treaty?

An agreement entered between the nations which binds them in accordance with the rules of an global law is called as treaty.

A groundbreaking treaty which was initiated for limiting the nuclear weapons called SALT I. It was entered between the Soviet Union and the US country. An agreement entered among the countries of Israel and Egypt to maintain peace in the Middle East region is called as Camp David Accords.A treaty defining the pledge being taken by all the signatories to not to develop any nuclear weapons for the warfare was named as Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.The crisis of Iran Hostage came to an end from the treaty of Algiers Accords.

Therefore, the descriptions are perfectly matched with their respective treaties as explained above.

Learn more about the Iran Hostage crisis in the related link:


Question's missing part:

The treaties are given below and down their related descriptions:


2 Camp David Accords

3 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

4 Algiers Accords

A ) groundbreaking treaty between the United States

and the Soviet Union to limit build-up of nuclear


B ) brought the Iran Hostage Crisis to an end

C ) required all signatories to pledge not to develop

nuclear weapons

D ) agreement between Israel and Egypt to foster

peace in the Middle East

In The Decameron by Boccaccio...
In Florence, despite all that human _________________ and _____________________ could invent
...they were unable to prevent the devastating effects of the pestilence. Shows striving against fortune
Who did Boccaccio say called the tumors gavoccioli? Shows literacy and Scientific Interest in Nature

What did Boccaccio think was the problem with many of the men and women who practiced healing?

What does Boccaccio call the plague when describing how it spread by speech, association or by
touching the clothes of the sick or anything else they had touched or used? This shows his feelings


In Florence, despite all that human wisdom and forethought could invent, they were unable to prevent the devastating effects of the pestilence.

Boccaccio sees women in The Decameron as a little bit hardier than men. He stated that though they may not have good social standing, women still have an upper hand in most areas of the male-female relationship.

How do Boccaccio see men and women?

He believe that merges that women are stronger, lustful, hardier and cunning than men

He stated that the male character may seems to be the winner or surpass the woman, but the fact is that the men usually achieve victory via the help of the women.

Learn more about The Decameron from

What was the significance of the Huang River to the ancient Chinese ?? please answer fast



it made the land be feritle


it made the land be fertile but it often came with wrong for example if flooded china often

What happened to former eastern bloc states after the fall of the Soviet Union?
A. Some adopted democratic governments.
B. Some maintained communist governments.
C. Some experienced civil eats
D. All the above


The fall of the former eastern bloc led to some political changes which include

Some members of the former soviet union adopted democratic government.some experienced Civil eats.

What was the Eastern bloc?

The Eastern Bloc was a term that was used to describe a group of Communist nations in Europe and Asia.

These countries were under the control of the Soviet Union until the events of 1989 which led to the fall of the Berlin wall and subsequently the collapse of the soviet union.

Learn more about the soviet union at


all of the above


Which of the following is not a characteristic of most state



which of the following is not characteristic of most state

The characteristic that is not typically associated with most state constitutions is that they are generally longer than the national document.

The claim that state constitutions are generally longer is untrue because they are frequently shorter and more concise than the federal text. In general, state constitutions are more adaptable than the federal one making it simpler to amend them and make changes to them in response to circumstances that change.

State constitutions also frequently address both policy issues and structural aspects of government such as the arrangement and authority of branches. Furthermore statutory provisions which directly incorporate particular laws or regulations into the text of the constitution are frequently included in state constitutions. These features set state constitutions apart from the federal one and highlight the distinctive features of state government in a federal structure.

learn more about state constitutions here


Where did the French colonial Take over in the 1900s



A lot of countries : In africa - Gambia, Chad, Mali, Togo, Sudan, Gabon, Tunisia, Nige r, Republic of Congo, Cameroon.

New France region, Newfoundland, and resent day Haiti.



the French colonist took over Africa's north, west, and central regions


I hope this helps

Which of the following was part of the slave codes?
A) hours enslaved people could work
B) numbers of children permitted on the plantation
C) permission to learn to read and write
D) written passes to leave the property


It is a because slaves were treated better in house

Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars" program
was carried out in which of the
following ways?
A. NASA was in charge of the program.
B. The Senate was in charge of the program.
C. The CIA was in charge of the program.
D. The President was in charge of the program.



I think the answer will be:


The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were based on the assumption that the United States could stay out of the war by?


Answer: d. banning arms sales to countries at war.


What are the Advantages to single member executive and disadvantages?



obviously, he/she could hold to much power.

What is an example of how arts and heritage work together to conserve and promote each other's interests in relation to tourism.


Cultural heritage serves as example of how arts and heritage work together to conserve and promote each other's interests .

What is cultural heritage?

Cultural heritage serves as the arts and cultures, customs that some group of people believe in.

Examples of Cultural heritage are;

customsbeliefsrites ritualsceremonies

Therefore, cultural heritage are in relation to tourism.

Learn more about culture at;

can anyone help me with this question please? 23 points!


Answer: Romesh Chunder Dutt


the weaver and the merchant.

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