The process in plants that uses the glucose from photosynthesis to release energy to grow is called what?


Answer 1

Photosynthesis is a process by which plants turn energy from the

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

Answer 2


Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities, and they always need to use sunlight, water and CO2 for this process.

Related Questions

why does the cell membrane being thrown up in many folds along one side?​


This folding allows a greater amount of membrane to be packed into the mitochondrion.

It's not clear what you mean by "the cell membrane being thrown up in many folds along one side". However, one possible explanation for a folded cell membrane is the process of endocytosis.

Endocytosis is a cellular process by which the cell takes in material from the outside environment by engulfing it with a section of the plasma membrane. This section of the membrane then folds inward and forms a small pouch, which eventually pinches off to become a vesicle within the cell. This process can occur in several forms, including phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis.

During endocytosis, the cell membrane is temporarily folded or invaginated to form the vesicle that contains the material being taken in. This can result in the appearance of a folded membrane, as observed under a microscope. Once the vesicle is formed, it can be transported to other parts of the cell for various purposes, such as digestion, recycling, or secretion.

Overall, endocytosis is an important process for maintaining the homeostasis of the cell and is involved in a variety of cellular functions, including nutrient uptake, immune defense, and cell signaling.

What type of hybrid zone involves a weakening of reproductive barriers?




Once it enters the cytoplasm of a host cell and sheds its capsid, replication of HIV begins when _____ _____ is used to synthesize a double strand of DNA from the viral RNA.


Once it enters the cytoplasm of a host cell and sheds its capsid, replication of HIV begins when reverse transcriptase is used to synthesize a double strand of DNA from the viral RNA.

Once it enters the cytoplasm of a host cell and sheds its capsid, replication of HIV begins when reverse transcriptase is used to synthesize a double strand of DNA from the viral RNA.

What is HIV?HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus that attacks and weakens the immune system of humans. HIV replicates in the host cell cytoplasm after shedding its capsid, and it is called replication. When the reverse transcriptase enzyme is used to create a double-stranded DNA from the viral RNA, replication begins. HIV attacks the T-helper cells in the immune system, which are in charge of defending the body against foreign invaders. HIV gets into the bloodstream and travels to the CD4 T-helper cells after being contracted. The virus begins to reproduce after it has entered the host cell's cytoplasm. The viral RNA then acts as a template for reverse transcriptase, an enzyme that catalyzes the creation of a DNA copy of the RNA. The RNA template is destroyed and a second DNA strand is created by the same enzyme, reverse transcriptase. This second DNA strand is complementary to the first and forms a double-stranded DNA molecule.

To know more about HIV, click on the below link:


What does collagen do in the extracellular matrix?


Collagen is the abundant protein that found in the body. Its fiber-like structure is used to make the connective tissue. This type of tissue connects other tissues and is also a major component of bone, skin, muscles, tendons and cartilage.

What does collagen do in extracellular matrix?

Collagen is protein molecules that made up of amino acids. Collagens constitutes the main structural element of the ECM. It provides tensile strength, regulate cell adhesion, support chemotaxis and migration, and also direct tissue development

The extracellular matrix is rich in collagen and elastic fibers and provides tissues with tensile strength to resist any deformation. Elastin provides tissues with elasticity to withstand the repetitive stress.

To know more about collagen, refer


Mating of an organism to double recessive in order to determine whether it is homozygous or heterozygous for a character is called ____________.a. Dihybrid crossb. Back crossc. Test crossd. Reciprocal cross


Answer: Test cross


The process of translation involves all of the following EXCEPT:A) charging tRNA molecules with amino acidsB) initiation directed by specific sequencesC) elongation relying on base pairingD) termination controlled by proteins recognizing stop codonsE) actually, all of these are key parts of translation


The translation procedure entails the right choice E) Really, these are key pieces of interpretation.

The messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid) nucleotide sequence determines the primary structure of the protein during translation, a protein synthesis activity. This happens in the cytoplasm with the help of ribosomes and other cell hardware.

Charge of tRNA molecules by proteins, initiation by specific sequences, elongation by base pairing, and control of termination by proteins that recognize stop codons are all required for this process.

A messenger RNA (mRNA) is "decoded" during translation, and the information it contains is then used to construct a polypeptide, or chain of amino acids. A polypeptide is essentially a protein for most purposes, with the technical distinction being that some large proteins are composed of multiple polypeptide chains.

To know more about Translation visit:


the rectus abdominus runs horizontally like a girdle is called


Answer:Transversus Abdominis


How do i graph this as a natural selection graph????




Create a scatter plot with "Allele Frequency" on the y-axis and "Generation" on the x-axis. Label the x-axis "Generation" and the y-axis "Allele Frequency".
Plot the data points for each generation on the graph. For example, for the "Parents" generation, plot a data point at (0, 531) on the y-axis. For the "F1" generation, plot a data point at (1, 304) on the x-axis. Continue this for each generation, plotting a data point for the Allele Frequency value in each generation.
Connect the data points for each generation with a line. This will show the trend of how the Allele Frequency changes over time.
Add a legend to the graph to show which line represents each generation. For example, you can use a different color or line style for each generation.
If desired, you can also add a title to the graph and include any additional information or context that may be helpful in interpreting the data.

BZ 2008 jun
(a) The dig show a section dugh a heally hag anda secti
drough a discased long
red Mood
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Name the structures labelled A and B
deva to the
Diseased long
State the name of the disease shown in the diagram and explain your reasons for this
Name of disease
(i) Explain the effects that the disease will have on the process of gaseous exchange in
the diseased lung.



(a) The structures labelled A and B in the diagram are:

A - Capillaries

B - Alveoli

(1) Healthy lung

(2) Diseased lung

The disease shown in the diagram is emphysema.

(3) Explanation:

Emphysema is a respiratory disease that affects the alveoli, the tiny air sacs in the lungs responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the bloodstream. In emphysema, the walls of the alveoli are damaged, leading to the formation of larger, less efficient air spaces. This causes a reduction in the surface area available for gas exchange, leading to impaired breathing and reduced oxygen supply to the body.

As the walls of the alveoli break down, the lungs lose their elasticity and become less able to expel air. This results in a buildup of air in the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms. In addition, the capillaries around the alveoli may become damaged, leading to reduced blood flow to the lungs and further reducing the efficiency of gas exchange.

Overall, emphysema reduces the efficiency of the process of gaseous exchange in the lungs by reducing the surface area available for gas exchange and impairing the ability of the lungs to expel air. This can lead to reduced oxygen supply to the body and other respiratory symptoms.

(please mark my answer as brainliest)

The major mechanisms that regulate the body balances of water and many of the inorganic ions that determine the properties of the extracellular fluid are the reflexes that alter excretion via the _____


The major mechanisms that regulate the body balances of water and many of the inorganic ions alter excretion via the kidneys.

What are reflexes?

A reflex is an automatic and immediate response to a stimulus by a muscle or gland. A reflex occurs without conscious thought or effort, allowing the body to respond swiftly to a stimulus. The reflex arc is the nerve pathway that mediates a reflex action. Because of their quickness, reflexes are essential survival mechanisms that protect the body from harm, allowing it to react quickly and effectively when danger arises.

The reflexes that alter excretion via the kidneys are the major mechanisms that regulate the body balances of water and many of the inorganic ions that determine the properties of the extracellular fluid.

Learn more about Reflexes here:


Arrange the following in order from smallest to largest: fascicle, myofilament, muscle cell, myofibril, sarcomere
Myofilament, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle


The order from smallest to largest is myofilament, myofibril, sarcomere, fascicle, and muscle cell.

Myofilaments are made up of the proteins actin and myosin, which are the smallest components of the muscle.

Myofibrils are made up of a bundle of myofilaments and are the next smallest.

Sarcomeres are the next smallest and are made up of alternating thick and thin filaments that overlap to create a repeating pattern.

Fascicles are the next smallest and are a bundle of muscle fibers.

Lastly, muscle cells are the largest and contain multiple fascicles.

Thus, the order, from smallest to largest is Myofilament, myofibril, sarcomere, fascicle, and muscle cell.

Learn more about myofilament here:


What is feedback regulation of endocrine system?


To ensure that these processes are properly regulated, the endocrine system employs a feedback mechanism to regulate hormone levels.

What is Feedback regulation?

Feedback regulation is the process by which hormone levels are regulated in the endocrine system. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body to regulate various physiological processes. This feedback mechanism operates through a series of feedback loops that monitor hormone levels in the blood and adjust hormone secretion accordingly.

Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced by the endocrine glands and secreted into the bloodstream. These hormones travel to target cells in the body, where they bind to specific receptor proteins on the surface of the cell. The binding of a hormone to its receptor triggers a series of signaling pathways within the cell that ultimately lead to changes in gene expression and other cellular processes.

Feedback regulation is critical to maintaining proper hormone levels in the body. When hormone levels become too high or too low, the feedback mechanism responds by adjusting hormone secretion to restore balance. This ensures that the body's physiological processes remain properly regulated and functioning efficiently.

To know more about endocrine system:


an opioid addiction occurs via pathways involving opioid receptors. these membrane-bound receptor proteins first bind to opioids and then send a signal to various locations in the body. first determine with what types of biomolecules these opioid receptor proteins are likely closely associated while embedded within the cell membrane. then sort the following according to whether the membrane-bound opioid receptors are closely associating and interacting with that type of biomolecule while embedded within the cell membrane.


The opioid receptor proteins, which are membrane-bound receptor proteins, are closely associated with the lipid biomolecules while embedded within the cell membrane.

Therefore, sorting the given biomolecules according to whether the membrane-bound opioid receptors are closely associating and interacting with that type of biomolecule while embedded within the cell membrane is mentioned below:

Lipid biomolecules are closely associated and interact with membrane-bound opioid receptors while embedded within the cell membrane. Protein biomolecules are not closely associated and interact with membrane-bound opioid receptors while embedded within the cell membrane.

Carbohydrate biomolecules are not closely associated and interact with membrane-bound opioid receptors while embedded within the cell membrane.

To know more about biomolecules, refer here:


An inbred strain of plants has a mean height of 24 cm. A second strain of the same species from a different country also has a mean height of 24 cm. The F1 plants from a cross between these two strains are also 24 cm high. However, the F2 generation shows a wide range of heights; the majority are like the P1 and F1 plants, but approximately 4 of 1000 are only 12 cm high, and 4 of 1000 are 36 cm high.

(a) What mode of inheritance is occurring here?

(b) How many gene pairs are involved?

(c) How much does each gene contribute to the plant height?

(d) Indicate one possible set of genotypes of the P1 and F1 plants that could explain their heights.

(e) Indicate one possible set of genotypes to account for F2 plants that are 18 cm or 33 cm high


(a) The inheritance pattern that is occurring here is most likely incomplete dominance or codominance, where the phenotype of the heterozygous F1 plants is intermediate between the two homozygous parental strains.

(b) Since there are three distinct phenotypic classes (short, intermediate, and tall) in the F2 generation, it is likely that two gene pairs are involved in the control of plant height.

(c) Each gene likely contributes equally to the plant height, with the intermediate phenotype of the F1 generation resulting from a heterozygous genotype at both gene loci.

(d) One possible set of genotypes for the P1 and F1 plants that could explain their heights is:

P1: Homozygous tall (TT) and homozygous tall (TT)

F1: Heterozygous (Tt) and heterozygous (Tt)

(e) One possible set of genotypes to account for F2 plants that are 18 cm or 33 cm high could be:

18 cm: Homozygous short (tt) at both gene loci

33 cm: Homozygous tall (TT) at both gene loci

It is important to note that these are only hypothetical sets of genotypes, and other combinations of alleles at these gene loci could also result in the observed phenotypic ratios in the F2 generation.

To know more about Phenotype, visit:


Making Inferences Former grasslands are among the most productive farming regions. Read the description of temperate grasslands in this section and explain why this statement is true.


Temperate grasslands have fertile soil and receive adequate rainfall, making them ideal for agriculture. This productivity is enhanced by the fact that grasses grow quickly and can be harvested frequently.

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating land, raising animals, and producing food, fiber, and other products for human use. It encompasses a range of activities, including crop production, livestock farming, forestry, and fishing, and plays a crucial role in providing food and livelihoods for people around the world.

What is the importance of agriculture?

Agriculture is essential for food production, economic growth, and job creation. It also contributes to the development of rural areas and provides raw materials for various industries.

To know more about agriculture visit:


which type of codon would lead to the placement of a specific amino acid such as leucine into the polypeptide sequence?


The type of codon that would lead to the placement of a specific amino acid, such as leucine, into the polypeptide sequence is the "anticodon."

Anticodons are the set of three nucleotides located at the base of a tRNA (transfer RNA) molecule that are complementary to the mRNA (messenger RNA) codons, allowing the correct amino acid to be placed into the polypeptide chain's correct position.

Codons are the sequence of three nucleotides in a strand of mRNA (messenger RNA) that code for a specific amino acid. Amino acids, on the other hand, are the building blocks of proteins; these proteins are created by combining a chain of amino acids with peptide bonds.

To know more about Anticodons here:


what is the correct order of stages of the cell cycle, ordered longest to shortest, in mammalian cells in culture ?


The cell cycle in mammalian cells in culture takes approximately 24 hours to complete, with the length of each stage varying depending on the type of cell and environmental factors.

The correct order of stages of the cell cycle, ordered longest to shortest, in mammalian cells in culture is:

1. Interphase - This stage is further divided into three phases: G1 (gap 1), S (synthesis), and G2 (gap 2). Interphase is the longest stage of the cell cycle and is characterized by growth and DNA replication.

2. Mitosis - This stage is the shortest and involves the division of the cell's nucleus into two daughter nuclei.

3. Cytokinesis - This stage is the division of the cytoplasm and organelles between the two daughter cells, resulting in the formation of two identical daughter cells.

Learn more about cell cycle here:


if there is a problem with the citric acid cycle (krebs cycle), which biophysical response would occur?


If there is a problem with the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle), there will be a decreased production of ATP. This is because the citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle, is the primary source of ATP production in aerobic respiration. The Krebs cycle takes place in the mitochondria of the cell and produces ATP, carbon dioxide, and water.

The citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle, is a metabolic pathway that occurs in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. It is the primary source of ATP production in aerobic respiration. The cycle begins with the oxidation of acetyl-CoA and ends with the production of ATP, carbon dioxide, and water.

Each turn of the Krebs cycle generates one molecule of ATP, three molecules of NADH, and one molecule of FADH2. These molecules are then used in the electron transport chain to produce additional ATP. If there is a problem with the citric acid cycle, there will be a decreased production of ATP, which will lead to a decrease in energy production in the cell.

This can have a range of biophysical responses, depending on the type of cell and the severity of the problem. Some possible responses might include a decrease in cell growth and division, a decrease in protein synthesis, or an increase in oxidative stress.

Here you can learn more about the citric acid cycle


The data show the age and location of rocks on the sea floor.

Distance from mid ocean ridge, 10 kilometers, age, 300,000 years. Distance, 25 kilometers, age, 1 million. Distance, 40 kilometers, age 1 million 625,000 years.

Describe the relationship between the age of the rocks and their distance from the mid-ocean ridge.
Determine whether the rate of plate movement is a slow or fast process.


Based on the given data, there is a clear relationship between the age of the rocks and their distance from the mid-ocean ridge.

What is the relationship between the age of rocks and their distance and is the rate of movement slow or fast?

The rocks closer to the mid-ocean ridge are younger than the rocks farther away from it. Specifically, the rocks that are 10 kilometers from the ridge are 300,000 years old, while the rocks that are 25 kilometers away are 1 million years old, and the rocks that are 40 kilometers away are 1,625,000 years old.

This pattern of younger rocks closer to the mid-ocean ridge and older rocks farther away is consistent with the theory of plate tectonics.

The rate of plate movement can be estimated by dividing the distance between two points on the sea floor by the difference in their ages. Based on the given data, the rate of plate movement between the 10-kilometer and 25-kilometer marks is (25 km - 10 km) / (1 million years - 300,000 years) = 15 km / 700,000 years ≈ 0.021 km/year. Similarly, the rate of plate movement between the 25-kilometer and 40-kilometer marks is (40 km - 25 km) / (1,625,000 years - 1 million years) = 15 km / 625,000 years ≈ 0.024 km/year.

To know more about rock movements, visit:


a population of arctic hares burrows into the snow for shelter. it is found that the hares on the smaller side are able to burrow between rocks, as well, providing extra protection from predators. over time, the hare population becomes smaller in size, shifting the normal distribution curve for hare size. selection type: 8. limpets are a snail species that can often be found on the seashore. they come in 3 variations: dark, light and intermediate. the dark and light colors are easier for sea gulls to spot, and therefore they are more commonly hunted. selection type: 9. if there was a great flood and lemurs that had longer tails were better able to climb and live in trees, while the other phenotypes were not able to survive as well, which type of selection would this be? selection type: 10. in a population of spiders that were hunted by sparrows, the large spiders were easy to spot, but moved very quickly; the small spiders were not very easy to spot; the average size spiders were easier to spot than the small ones, but moved more slowly than the large ones, thus making them the most hunted, which type of selection would this be? selection type: 11. in a wild leopard population, cubs that are born with low birth weights lose heat more quickly and tend to die, while babies that are too large are not able to deliver through the pelvic bones of the mother leopard. this leads to a high mortality rate for cubs that are born too


Directional selection is the term used to explain the type of selection illustrated in the arctic hare scenario. Due to their ability to burrow into tighter areas, the smaller hares have an edge.

What is the purpose of camouflage for the Arctic hare?

They have a bright white coat that serves as good concealment in the region of ice and snow throughout the winter. The hare's colours change to a blue-gray hue in the spring to resemble nearby rocks and flora.

What behavioural adaptations do Arctic hares have?

Although Arctic hares are solitary animals, during the colder months they wander and gather in large groups with up to 100 members to avoid predators and stay warm. They gather behind a tree for comfort during snowstorms.

To know more about Directional selection visit:-


Match the following statements with either Adrenal Medulla (Nervous System), Adrenal Cortex (Endocrine System) or Both.




don't know

Adrenal Medulla (hormones secreted are epinephrine and norepinephrine)

Gregor Mendel described several traits in pea plants in which a dominant trait masked a recessive trait. Two such traits were plant height (T = tall, t = short) and seed shape (R = round, r = wrinkled). Match each genotype below with its expected phenotype.
tall and round


The genotypes match with phenotypes as follows in the plant pea experiments:

Short and Wrinkled = ttrrTall and Round = TTRR, TtRr, TTRrTall and wrinkled = TTrr; Ttrr.Short and round = none

Mendel's Experiments in pea plants

Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an organism, while phenotype refers to the outward expression of an organism's genetic makeup. Dominant refers to an allele that masks the effect of another allele, while recessive refers to an allele that is only expressed in the homozygous state (when two copies are present). Therefore, in the given question, T and R are dominant alleles while t and r are recessive alleles.

Given the Genotype above, the expected Phenotype is as follows:

Short and Wrinkled = ttrr

Tall and Round = TTRR, TtRr, TTRr

Tall and wrinkled = TTrr; Ttrr

Short and round = none

learn more about mendelian inheritance


indentify if the following is: an independant clause, a dependent clause, or a phrase. smashing into the care


""Smashing into the car" is a phrase. It does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence.

What is a sentence ?.

It typically includes a subject, which is the person, place, thing, or idea the sentence is about, and a predicate, which is the action or description that is being performed or stated about the subject. A sentence can be simple, containing just one independent clause, or it can be complex, containing multiple clauses joined together. Sentences can be used to make statements, ask questions, give commands, or express strong emotions.

What is a Smashing ?

As a verb, "smashing" means to break or crush something violently into small pieces.

As an adjective, "smashing" means excellent, impressive, or attractive.

To know more about sentence visit :


what is the term for the part of a dna strand that produces a protein that causes a stem cell to differentiate?


The term for the part of a DNA strand that produces a protein that causes a stem cell to differentiate is differentiation-inducing factor or  differentiation signal.

What is differentiation-inducing factor?

This protein is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes involved in cell differentiation, leading to development of specialized cell types.

Cell fate means that stem cell makes a decision to differentiate into mature cell type. Signals from environment—chemicals, extracellular proteins/hormones/factors, neighboring cells, physical environment—converge on the cell, activating a signaling cascade that leads to gene expression.

Cell that differentiates into all cell types of adult organism is known as pluripotent and such cells are called meristematic cells in higher plants and embryonic stem cells in animals.

To know more about stem cells, refer


A mutation that actually interferes with the function of the wild-type allele by specifying polypeptides that inhibit, antagonize, or limit the activity of the wild-type polypeptide is known as:


A mutation that actually interferes with the function of the wild-type allele by specifying polypeptides that inhibit, antagonize, or limit the activity of the wild-type polypeptide is known as Dominant negative mutation.

Dominant negative mutation refers to a genetic alteration that can disrupt or prevent the action of a typical (wild-type) protein. A protein's structural or functional properties may be affected by the mutation, reducing the effectiveness of the gene. This mutation's influence can be demonstrated in a heterozygous organism, where the presence of a wild-type allele may be suppressed by the mutated allele. The allele's adverse effect is so strong that it will overcome the wild-type phenotype, making the recessive allele's influence irrelevant. Their polypeptides function by inhibiting, antagonizing, or limiting the action of a typical (wild-type) polypeptide.

However, A dominant negative mutation interferes with a protein's activity, frequently causing it to lose its ability to interact with other proteins or DNA. This results in the formation of dysfunctional protein complexes that can result in a variety of illnesses.

To know more about Dominant negative mutation please visit :


What the definition of genetic mutations?


Genetic mutations refer to changes or alterations in the DNA sequence that can occur naturally or as a result of external factors such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or certain viruses.

Mutations can occur at the level of a single nucleotide or can involve larger segments of DNA.A genetic mutation may change an organism's behavior, susceptibility to disease, and physical characteristics, among other traits. Some mutations may be neutral or even advantageous, giving an advantage in specific locations or conditions. Other mutations are detrimental and can result in genetic illnesses or raise the risk of getting particular diseases.

Genes, regulatory sections, and non-coding portions of DNA sequences can all experience mutations. The location and kind of the mutation will determine whether it has an impact on chromosome structure, protein function, or gene expression.

To know more about mutations click here


if the allele frequency of p is 0.6, what is the allele frequency of q assuming that the population is at hardy-weinberg equilibrium?


In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, if the frequency of the p allele is 0.6, the frequency of the q allele is 0.4.

What is the frequency of the q allele assuming a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the frequency of each allele can be calculated using the formula:

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

where: p² is the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype, 2pq is the frequency of the heterozygous genotype q² is the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype.

Since there are only two alleles in a population, p and q, the sum of the frequencies of p and q must equal 1. Therefore, we can simplify the equation: p + q = 1

Given that the frequency of the p allele is 0.6, we can substitute this value for p:

p + q = 1

0.6 + q = 1

q = 1 - 0.6

q = 0.4

Therefore, the frequency of the q allele in a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium when the frequency of the p allele is 0.6 is 0.4.

Learn more about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium here:


Which of the following reactions produces the majority of the CO2 released by the complete oxidation of glucose?


The majority of the CO2 released by the complete oxidation of glucose is produced by the Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle. the correct option is a.

During the Krebs cycle, acetyl CoA (produced from pyruvate oxidation) reacts with oxaloacetate to form citrate. Citrate then undergoes a series of reactions, ultimately regenerating oxaloacetate and producing CO2 as a byproduct. The complete oxidation of glucose occurs in three main stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. Glycolysis produces a net yield of 2 ATP, 2 NADH, and 2 pyruvate molecules. The pyruvate then undergoes a series of reactions that result in the formation of acetyl CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle.

The Krebs cycle produces 2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, and 4 CO2 molecules. Finally, the electron transport chain uses the NADH and FADH2 produced in the earlier stages to produce a proton gradient that drives the synthesis of ATP through chemiosmosis.

The oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA during the Krebs cycle produces CO2 as a product. Therefore, the correct option is a. the Krebs cycle.

To know more about Glucose please visit:


Which of the following processes is (are) required for the complete oxidation of glucose? a. The Krebs cycle b. Glycolysis c. Pyruvate oxidation d. All of the choices are correct.

You need to determine whether an unknown plant is an angiosperm or a gymnosperm. Which of the following features would be the best to examine? Roots Leaves Seeds Stems 3-In a fern life cycle, which of the following structures is not present in the sporophyte generation? Indusium Prothallus Crozier Annulus 6-A researcher who studies the internal cell structure of ancient plants would gather the most information from which type of fossil? Petrifaction Compression Mold Cast 7- A seed is more likely than a spore to survive a long drought because it has which structure? A seed coat A cuticle A hypodermis A strobilus 9-When you eat a peach, what are you eating? Gametophytic tissue composed of haploid cells Sporophytic tissue composed of diploid cells Gametophytic tissue composed of diploid cells Sporophytic tissue composed of haploid cells


The correct options are (1) seeds, (2) prothallus, (3) petrifaction fossil, (4) seed coat, and (5) sporophytic tissue composed of diploid cells.

The best feature to examine to determine an unknown plant as an angiosperm or a gymnosperm is seeds.

In the life cycle of a fern, the prothallus structure is absent in the sporophyte generation.

A researcher who studies the internal cell structure of ancient plants would gather most information from the petrifaction fossil.

A seed is more likely than a spore to survive a long drought because it has a seed coat.

The seed coat is a protective layer that prevents the desiccation of the embryo and protects it from harmful factors.

When we eat a peach, it is the sporophytic tissue composed of diploid cells that we are eating.

The flesh of a peach is the mature ovary of the flower and it develops from the diploid tissue of the sporophyte generation.

Learn more about fern:


Please help. In the male, each of four different nuclei created through meiosis will become a sperm true or false





Because each nuclei has a different meiosis

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1. Discuss the difference between Teddy Roosevelt's "NEW NATIONALISM" and Woodrow Wilson's "NEW FREEDOM".Also, discuss the impact that the 2. ELECTION OF 1912 had upon the nation's future. The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 22 cm. Find the dimensions for which the area is a maximum. The triangle with maximum area has a height of_____cm and a base of cm_____. After 6 new students entered the Happy Hearts Childcare Center and 2 students exited, there were 3 times as many students as before. How many students were present before students entered and exited the center? Fill in the table with the terms that best describe these landforms plains and Plateaus How do I solve this? The belief that a divine higher power will intervene, and reveal and punish the guilty while protecting the innocent is known as which of the following?a. Distributive justiceb. Procedural justicec. Retributive justiced. Immanent justice ZOO The graph shows the number of visitors at the 200 during different hours of one day.a. Find the rate of change in the number of visitors between 10 A.M, and 12.P.M. and describe its meaning in the context of the situation.b. Find the rate of change in the number of visitors-between 1 P.M. and 2 P.M. and describe its meaning in the context of the situation. solve please and thank you itll help a lot. 15 points. which of the following is not a conflict resolution style? group of answer choices avoiding compromising internalization competing WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST HELP state the third congruence statement that is needed to prove that FGH is congruent to LMN using the ASA congruence therom Part III: Short Answer Items (Worth 3 points) Instruction: Write the most simplified answer on the blank space provided for each of them. 11. If the price of an item is Birr 9,500 before VAT, then the total cost of the item including VAT Which of the following selections best explains Reys attitude towards his little brother?Answer choices for the above questionA. Rey doesnt think his little brother is mature enough to take care of himself.B. Rey wishes his little brother were a better student.C. Rey is close with his little brother and counts on him for support.D. Rey is annoyed when he has to do things for his little brother. A box with a square base and open top must have a volume of 62500 cm3. We wish to find the dimensions of the box that minimize the amount of material used. First, find a formula for the surface area of the box in terms of only x, the length of one side of the square base. [Hint: use the volume formula to express the height of the box in terms of x.] Simplify your formula as much as possible. A(x) = Next, find the derivative, A'(x). A'(x) = Now, calculate when the derivative equals zero, that is, when A'(x) = 0. [Hint: multiply both sides by x .] A'(x) = 0 when x = Find the following values. Compounding/discounting occurs annually. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to the nearest cent.a. An initial $500 compounded for 10 years at 7%.$b. An initial $500 compounded for 10 years at 14%.$c. The present value of $500 due in 10 years at 7%.$d. The present value of $1,865 due in 10 years at 14% and 7%.Present value at 14%: $Present value at 7%: $e. Define present value.The present value is the value today of a sum of money to be received in the future and in general is less than the future value.The present value is the value today of a sum of money to be received in the future and in general is greater than the future value.The present value is the value today of a sum of money to be received in the future and in general is equal to the future value.The present value is the value in the future of a sum of money to be received today and in general is less than the future value.The present value is the value in the future of a sum of money to be received today and in general is greater than the future value.-Select-IIIIIIIVVItem 6How are present values affected by interest rates? what is the source of the capital held by each district bank? A shipping company is packing a box with one cubic centimeters blocks. The box is 14 centimeters long. 12 centimeters wide and 16 centimeters high. How many one cubic centimeter blocks will fill the box ? What does property mean as a component of social class and how does it contribute to a person's social class standing? to make findings of cross-country market research projects meaningful, it is paramount to pursue different countries should have the same meaning and interpretation).(where scores from measures of subjects ofo a. time evaluationo b. scalar equivalenceo c. polar equivalenceod. bias equivalenceo e. focus equivalence A middle school teacher estimates that 170 parents will attend the back to school informational meeting. A total of 147 parents actually attended the meeting. What is the percent error of the teacher's estimate rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent