The Separate but equal decision of Plessy v Ferguson is an example of which of the
De jure segregation
De facto segregation


Answer 1


De facto segregation


The term "De facto segregation" refers to a type of segregation that is not maintained by laws and legal concepts, but rather maintained by society's prejudice and personal choices. The "Separate but equal" doctrine is an example of this type of segregation, as it was created out of people's conviction that blacks and whites could not share the same public environment. This doctrine was not created by laws, but by prejudice rooted in society.

Related Questions

What is mentioned as a particularly relevant heading for analyzing sustainable projects?



project sustainability


Panuto: Punan ang mga kahon ng kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng kaalaman sa pagbibigay
ng pangunang lunas.
Kahalagahan ng
ng kaalaman sa
Pagbibigay ng
Pangunang Lunas

4 example​



Great importance in order to create a healthy environment.


There is great importance of having knowledge of giving of first aid because this knowledge can save the life of humans. Knowledge of first aid promotes a healthy and a safer environment for the people. It creates confidence amongst people, their families, their colleagues and associates. First aid knowledge is very helpful in dealing with trauma situations so being trained in first aid is useful and important for himself as well as for the society.

which of following is an example of accidental plagiarism


Answer: Not citing somebody's work/ not having permission of using it.

four ways In which this violence harm South Africa citizens of of gender based violence​



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Gender-based violence or sexual identity causes psychological distress and it can have behavioral, social, emotional, and physical effects for survivors or individual on a personal level. Many individuals are unable to obtain the treatment they require due to a lack of official psychological or even medical assistance in many regions of the nation.

what are the diet for hepatic precoma and coma?​




A low protein diet is recommended because when proteins break down they create ammonia. A diseased liver cannot break down the ammonia that has been produced. You can eat chicken without the skin and fish. You need to reduce your salt levels. You also need to limit the carbohydrates. They put fatty layers on the liver which cause issues while functioning. You can consume whole fresh food such as vegetables and fruit.

three ways in which the local government should provide services that promote safe and healthy living​



1. safe drinking water

2. promote organic products by providing subsidiary products

3. create a place for selling the organic products

concequences of corruption in public sector​


Answer:potential negative effects of corruption Public sector corruption has both direct and indirect effects on the institutions of a country. The direct costs of corruption include not only bribes, but also funds wasted oninflated procurement contract prices, and stolen public assets.


and yea

Question 1 Below is a list of body systems- complete the following: -
• Sensory function
• Cardiac function
• Respiratory function
• Neurological function
• Musculoskeletal function
• Genitourinary function
• Endocrine function
• renal function
• skin integrity
a. List 2 age related physiological changes for each system
b. Discuss how these identified changes can affect the client’s ability to perform activities of daily living.

Age-related Physiological changes
Give two examples Effect on ADLs (client’s daily functioning)
Give one example
Sensory Function

Cardiac Function

Respiratory Function

Neurological Function

Musculoskeletal function

Genito-urinary Function

Endocrine Function

Renal Function

Skin Integrity Function



Physiological changes occur with aging in all organ systems. The cardiac output decreases, blood pressure increases and arteriosclerosis develops. The lungs show impaired gas exchange, a decrease in vital capacity and slower expiratory flow rates. The creatinine clearance decreases with age although the serum creatinine level remains relatively constant due to a proportionate age-related decrease in creatinine production. Functional changes, largely related to altered motility patterns, occur in the gastrointestinal system with senescence, and atrophic gastritis and altered hepatic drug metabolism are common in the elderly. Progressive elevation of blood glucose occurs with age on a multifactorial basis and osteoporosis is frequently seen due to a linear decline in bone mass after the fourth decade. The epidermis of the skin atrophies with age and due to changes in collagen and elastin the skin loses its tone and elasticity. Lean body mass declines with age and this is primarily due to loss and atrophy of muscle cells. Degenerative changes occur in many joints and this, combined with the loss of muscle mass, inhibits elderly patients' locomotion. These changes with age have important practical implications for the clinical management of elderly patients: metabolism is altered, changes in response to commonly used drugs make different drug dosages necessary and there is need for rational preventive programs of diet and exercise in an effort to delay or reverse some of these changes.

the final stage of stress according to hand selye's stress model is​



the final stage of stress according to hand selye's stress model is the -exhaustion stage- I think, hope this helps

After an extended period of stress, the body goes into the final stage of GAS, known as the exhaustion stage.

define and describe gender based violence ​



GBV involves violence committed against women, men, boys or girls, as a result of the roles and behavior expected of each gender. Examples: Child marriage & Trafficking for sex or slavery.


According to Gentile, an important goal for the learner during the first stage of learning is to acquire a movement pattern that will allow the person some degree of success at achieving the action goal of the skill.
A. True
B. False


True(A) this should be right

What should be done to treat a secound degree burn?


Running the skin under cool water for 15 minutes or longer .
Applying antibiotic cream

The concept of overall _____ includes a person's emotions, social skills, and mental state as well as his physical well being.


i think it’s health

Name the products removed by the kidneys.

Carbon dioxide

(You can pick more than one)



urea and water


one of the kidneys function is to remove or excrete unwanted waste in form of urea is excrered as they are poisonous to our body.and water is always released

the answer is urea and water

Explain the anatomy and physiology of brain contusion



Contusion causes bleeding and swelling inside of the brain around the area where the head was struck. Contusions may occur along with a fracture or other blood clots.


hoped this helped in any way :D

Which of the following would be considered a sterile preparation



Sterile preparation means any dosage form of a drug, including parenteral products free of viable microorganisms, made using currently accepted aseptic compounding techniques under acceptable compounding conditions.

A 60-year-old man is brought to the ER by ambulance because of slurred speech and left side weakness. His wife states they went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 5am when she noticed his symptoms. He is right handed with a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia and a heart attack at age 50. He currently is unable to move his left arm and leg. He had an episode of amaurosis fugux (blindness)in his right eye one month ago that lasted for 5 minutes. Around 3 months ago his wife states he had bilateral pain in his legs while they were on a walk that lasted about 15 minutes. He is taking a baby aspirin a day an ACE inhibitor, and statin as well. He does have a history of alcohol use and smoking in the past but stopped after his heart attack. His blood pressure is 195/118 Pulse 106, Respiratory rate 18, Temperature 99.8, o2 sat is 97% on room air. Although his pupils are equal and reactive, and the ocular movements are intact, he is unable to turn his eyes voluntarily toward the left side. The neck is supple, there is no jugular vein distension, and there are no bruits. The lungs are clear heart sounds regular without murmurs, and abdomen is normal. The limbs are not well perfused distally. The neurologic examination reveals that he is alert and oriented, although he does not recognize he is sick. He shows loss of awareness and attention with respect to objects or stimuli on his left side. He has mild dysarthria but, his speech is fluent, and he understands and follows commands very well. There is mild weakness on the left side of the face and left sided homonymous hemaianopsia, but there is no nystagmus or ptosis, and no tongue or uvula deviation. He is not able to move his left arm and leg, has hyperreflexia, and the left great toe is upgoing.1) What are two questions you would ask this patient?2) Identify the subjective data for this patient.3) Identify the objective data for this patient.
4)What is the likely diagnosis?



The potential question which can be asked is when he first noticed left-side weakness. The subjective data of the patient include previous medical history.

The objective data of the patient include his blood pressure, pulse, temperature oxygen levels, and some other vitals. This patient is most likely suffering from an ischemic stroke that has targeted the right middle cerebral artery

1. Two questions you could ask this patient are:

"When did you first notice the slurred speech and left side weakness?"

"Have you experienced any other symptoms leading up to this event, such as headaches or dizziness?"

2. Subjective data for this patient:

Slurred speech and left-side weakness were noticed by the wife.

The previous episode of amaurosis fugax (temporary blindness) in the right eye was one month ago.

Bilateral leg pain during a walk three months ago.

History of coronary artery disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and a previous heart attack.

History of alcohol use and smoking in the past, but stopped after the heart attack.

3. Objective data for this patient:

Blood pressure: 195/118 mmHg

Pulse: 106 beats per minute

Respiratory rate: 18 breaths per minute

Temperature: 99.8°F

Oxygen saturation: 97% on room air

Pupils equal and reactive

Inability to voluntarily turn eyes toward the left side

Limbs not well perfused distally

Mild weakness on the left side of the face

Left-sided homonymous hemianopsia (loss of vision on the left side of both eyes)

Left-sided arm and leg paralysis

Hyperreflexia (exaggerated reflexes)

Upgoing left great toe (Babinski sign)

4. This patient is most likely suffering from an ischemic stroke that has targeted the right middle cerebral artery. Speaking slurredly, having left-sided weakness, having left-sided homonymous hemianopsia, and being unable to swivel one's gaze to the left are all stroke symptoms.

A vascular event like a stroke is more likely in patients with a history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and prior heart attacks.

To know more about ischemic stroke:


After talking with the patient, Dr. Penningworth has approved the request for one refill. What is Susan’s next step?


Answer: Susan then drives to her local pharmacy and shows her prescription (sometimes there’s a wait)


An 18-year-old primigravid woman comes for her initial prenatal visit at 16 weeks' gestation. She is not sure about the date of her last menstrual period but says that the pregnancy probably occurred immediately after she stopped taking oral contraceptives 5 months ago. Maternal serum α-fetoprotein (MSAFP) level is increased to 3 multiples of the median. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

a. Repeat measurement of MSAFP level
b. Triple screening for MSAFP, serum β-hCG, and serum estriol levels
c. Ultrasonography
d. Amniocentesis for measurement of α-fetoprotein level
e. Amniocentesis for chromosomal analysis



The answer is D

Why do AED pads need to be placed 1 inch away from jewelry or pacemakers


Because the metals will heat up and cause burns.

If an employee gets injured when while preparing food, bandages should be:


is there options? otherwise the answer should be: local so the injury can be cared for as soon as possible without contaminating or affecting the food product
The food that was contaminated should be disposed of. The person who was injured needs to rinse the area off with water and soap and then put a bandage on on top of the Band-Aid there should be a glove.

"Counseling is a relationship between an expert and a learner or student."

A. True
B. False



b. false


counseling is for every one that have problems or issues shares it with someone they trust

He is right it’s false

Which of the following nerve fiber types is NOT found in human spinal nerves?





special sensor y i think so

special sensory fiber nerve fiber types is NOT found in human spinal nerves

what is the function of spinal nerve ?

Spinal nerves are the major nerves of the body and it is the part of human peripheral nervous system, these are 31 symmetrical pairs of spinal nerves which emerge from different segments of the spine.

Each spinal nerve have both sensory and motor nerve fibers, it mainly involve in  motor (movement), sensory (sensation), and autonomic (involuntary functions) signals between the spinal cord and other parts of the body.

the problem in Spinal nerves can lead to  medical conditions, resulting in pain, weakness, or decreased sensation. A pinched nerve, which occurs when there is pressure on or compression of a spinal nerve, is a common issue.

To know more about spinal nerve, visit here


Name 3 common STDs, their symptoms for both males and females, and how they are treated.


gonorrhea - medication (antibiotics) , painful urination and abnormal discharge
syphilis -penicillin, antibiotics , painless sore , rash ,damage to the nerves , brains etc
chlamydia -antibiotics, rarely have symptoms if do it genital pain, discharge from area

hope this helps :)

Stress is defined as a "nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it." What is meant by "nonspecific"?


Not a specific response can cause stress ,,
stress can be caused by anything .

You are in the process of inoculating biochemical tests to identify a gram negative bacillus. So far, you have determined that it is oxidase +. Indicate the two most helpful biochemical tests that will enable you to identify this bacterial isolate. (check two)

a. urease test
b. SIM medium
c. phenol red glucose broth
d. citrate agar
e. nitrate broth
f. MR-VP broth



The answer is A and D.

Two tests that enable the identification of the bacterial isolate are the urease test and MR-VP broth. The correct options are a and d.

What is gram-negative bacillus?

Gram-negative bacteria are those bacteria that do not stain in the violet color stain. The bacterial differentiation method is done to differentiate bacteria from each other.

The test urease and MR-VP broth is tests done to identify gram-negative bacteria.

Thus, The correct options are a and d with regard to identifying gram-negative bacteria.

Learn more about gram-negative bacillus, here:


Which hygiene practices can help prevent gum disease?

A never sharing food

B seeking regular
professional dental cleanings

C washing your hands
regularly with soap

D keeping your hands away from your mouth





A has no impact on your health, C is about general immune health, and D doesnt make sense

Direction: Share an experience/ make a reaction of any sports event happened in your barangay (before the pandemic) run by the Sangguniang Kabataan.​



Explanation: I'm just trying to get more brainly points

Chauncey is a nursing student who is doing her clinical rotation at the local hospital on the medical-surgical unit. Chauncy's preceptor is Marge, who has been a registered nurse for 25 years. During the shift Marge tells chancy that she serves on the hospital ethics committee and that she has an ethics committee meeting at lunch in the boardroom. Marge invites Chancy to attend to learn about ethical issues that hospitals and health care professionals face. Chancy accepts Marge's invitation and attends the meeting with Marge.
1. During the meeting the committee discusses ethical theories such as demonology. Which of the following terms are associated and mean that the value of something is determined by its usefulness?
A. Accountability
B. Consequentialism
C. Advocacy
D. Telephony
E. Utilitarianism



B. Consequentialism

D. Teleology

E. Utilitarianism


Consequentialism is a theory that proposes that a particular action is right or wrong depending on the consequences of such action. Thus, consequentialism puts the principal emphasis on the outcome and/or consequence of the action. Moreover, teleology can be defined as the final causality, thereby the presence/occurrence of a particular event can be explained by the end to which such event contributes. Finally, utilitarianism can be defined as a theory of morality that advocates the right action is the one that produces the greatest amount of happiness on the greatest number of individuals.

A biohazard is:
1)An environmental crisis.
2)A living organism.
3)A scientific term.
4)A man made organism.


Answer: 1


an environmental crisis

A biohazard is a living organism. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

Biohazards are living organisms or biological substances that endanger humans or the environment. It includes pathogenic germs, viruses, bacteria, poisons, blood, and body fluids. In scientific, medical, and environmental contexts, "biohazard" emphasises the risks of handling and exposure to these substances.

Biohazards are present in hospitals, labs, factories, and even nature. Biohazardous items must be handled, contained, and disposed of properly to prevent infection, contamination, and pollution.

Healthcare personnel, researchers, and anyone who handle biohazards must follow safety measures, use protective gear, and follow disposal requirements. We can protect persons and the environment by understanding and managing biohazards. Therefore, option (A) is correct

Learn more about biohazard, here:


Other Questions
There was a burglary in a nearby house and the police are taking an inventory of missing items. Listen to the audio and write down the rooms and the missing items in the exact order you hear them. Indicate whether each of the following transactions represents the purchase of a final good. a. the purchase of wheat from a wheat farmer by a bakery. b. the purchase of an aircraft carrier by the federal govermentc. the purchase of frenche wine by a U.S. consumerd. the purchase of a new airliner by American Airlinesa Give an example of each of the following chemical changes.(a) A photochemical reaction involving (i) silver salt(ii) water(b) A reaction involving (i) blue solution (ii) formation of dirty green precipitate (c) Two gases combine to form white solid. (d) A reaction where colour change is noticed. Cody Mountain Sports is an outdoor sporting goods guiding service located in northern Wyoming. Cody Mountain Sports (CMS) primarily provides guiding for common outdoor sporting activities such as rock climbing, hiking, and skiing. CMS completed the following adjusting transactions during March of 2021:Mar. 1 CMS began operations by receiving $100,000 in cash. The business issued shares of common stock in exchange for this contribution.Mar. 1 CMS paid $1,200 cash for a 12 month insurance policy. The policy begins Mar. 1.Mar. 4 CMS guided a small rock climbing trip, receiving $20,000 payment in cash. Mar. 15 CMS guided a hiking adventure, billing the customer $3,000 and receiving a promise of payment within one week.Mar. 18 Accrued employee salaries of $10,000. Mar. 19 Purchased fuel for vehicles on account, $1,000Mar. 22 Collected $3,000 cash from customer on account.Mar. 24 Paid rent on their property, $4,000 cash. Mar. 27 Paid $1,000 cash on account. Mar. 31 Cash dividends of $2,500 were paid to stockholders. Required:Post these transactions to the T-accounts. Que actor va a _____ el papel de Hamlet?A. hacerB. cantarC. tocarD. estrenar what is the film genre of himala? please tell me how a guy who is quote on quote "in love with you" can't wait till you get out of lockup to "love" you and has to get someone else??????? If y=2x+5, then determine the value of y if x=4. PLEASE CHECK MY WORKThe function given in the table is quadratic:true***false Andria Treat is a 68-year-old woman in reasonably good health, although overweight. She takes a daily multivitamin supplement and almost daily over-the-counter antacids for heartburn. She says she eats mainly lean meat, chicken, fish, and seasonal fruit and fresh vegetables from her garden. She now reports having severe heartburn. Also, over the past two days, she has had painful stomach cramps and diarrhea. She reports that she attended a family reunion picnic two days earlier.1. Based on her history, which of the following is a likely explanation for Mrs. Treat's sudden onset diarrhea?a. her age b. spending time outdoors c. foodborne illness d. being overweight e. the multivitamin 2. What might be a cause of Mrs. Treat's ongoing heartburn?a. her age b. spending time outdoors c. foodborne illness d. being overweight e. the multivitamin 3. Mrs. Treat notes that her heartburn got worse while she was at the family reunion. Why might that be?a. She took a 1-mile walk. b. She was wearing loose clothes. c. She ate slower than usual because she was busy talking to family members. d. She was playing with her grandchildren. e. She ate too much. 4. Mrs. Treat's niece, a registered dietitian nutritionist, or RDN, upon learning that her aunt takes antacids almost daily, advises her to quit relying on them so much because, in her professional opinion:a. Antacids don't work. b. Antacids cause gastroesophageal reflux. c. Antacids cause ulcers. d. Antacids are best for treating belching. e. Regular use of antacids may mask a serious problem. 5. For treatment of the diarrhea, Mrs. Treat's doctor advises several strategies. Which of these strategies would the doctor not advise?a. resting b. drinking fewer liquids c. avoiding strenuous activity d. calling for medical help if diarrhea persists e. drinking extra liquids 6. The doctor refers Mrs. Treat to a gastroenterologist for the reported heartburn and daily use of antacids she's using to treat it. What is a concern the doctor may have?a. that she may be harming her esophagus b. that she has ulcers c. that she needs treatment for belching d. that she may need to reduce her activity e. that she may be harming her teeth 7. Mrs. Treat's niece, the RDN, offers her aunt some strategies for heartburn that she gives her patients with heartburn. Which of these strategies would be among those recommended?a. Eat three main meals daily, no snacks. b. Don't worry about eliminating any foods. c. Wait 3 hours after eating before lying down. d. Drink liquids with meals. e. Keep head flat while sleeping. 8. The doctor asks Mrs. Treat why she thinks she has heartburn. He's looking to see if she has the usual heartburn symptoms, which include:a. belching b. pain on the lower left side of the abdomen c. constipation d. flatulence e. acid taste in the mouth Name the marked angle in 2 different ways. Answer this PLZZZZZZ Which of the following human activities uses the most energy per year?A - Electrical PowerB - TransportationC - Heating 15 friends want to order pizza for dinner. If each friend can eat 1/3 of a pizza, how many pizzas should they order? Identify the isoelectronic elements.i. Cl-, F-, Br-, I-, At-ii. Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Heiii. N3-, S2-, Br-, Cs+, Sr2+iv. N3-, O2-, F-, Na+, Mg2+v. Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+,Cs+ Question 18 of 28 Which of the following equations can be used to find the length of EF in the triangle below? A. (EA)2 = 242-122 B. (ER2 = 242 +122 O C. EF = 24 - 12 D. EF = 24 + 12 How might new innovations have enabled European countries to dominate other countries or regions Jaheem has a goal running a total of 125 miles this month. Each day that he ran, he ran 7 miles. Which expression could Jaheem use to determine how many miles he has left to run after running for d days?x a.125 7dx b.7d + 125x c. fraction numerator 125 over denominator 7 d end fractionx d.7d Which describes the electromagnetic force only? Check all that apply. is attractive is repulsive has an infinite range has a very small range produces light produces electricity Following the international trade model of development works best when countries are able to