the solid, outer layer of earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle is definition of?


Answer 1


The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of Earth. The lithosphere includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth's structure

Related Questions

21) Which of the following is evidence for supermassive black holes in active galaxies? A) the discovery of powerful jets coming from a compact core.


According to the given question, the evidence for supermassive black holes in active galaxies is the discovery of powerful jets coming from a compact core. This means option A is the correct answer.

What is a supermassive black hole?

A supermassive black hole (SMBH) is a type of black hole with a mass ranging from millions to billions of times that of the Sun. These enormous black holes are found at the centers of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way.

They can be observed indirectly by their gravitational influence on surrounding stars, gas, and dust.Theoretical models suggest that active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are powered by supermassive black holes, which release energy by accretion.

These supermassive black holes' gravitational fields are so strong that they can absorb entire stars and gas clouds, creating powerful jets that emit X-rays, gamma rays, and radio waves.In active galaxies.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

Which of the following is evidence for supermassive black holes in active galaxies? A) the discovery of powerful jets coming from a compact core

B) rapid changes in the luminosity of the galaxy nucleus

C) quasars emit approximately equal power at all wavelengths from infrared to gamma rays

D) very high speed orbital motions around galactic nuclei

E) all of the above

Learn more about SMBH at


if you have a sedimentary rock that is mostly composed of rounded grains, what is the transport that the rock undergoes?


The transport process that a sedimentary rock composed of rounded grains undergoes is known as sediment transportation. Sediment transportation is the movement of sediment from its original location to a new deposition site, and it can occur through various agents, such as water, wind, ice, or gravity.

In the case of a sedimentary rock with rounded grains, the most likely transport agent is water. When sediments are carried by water, they undergo a process called abrasion, in which they collide with other particles and surfaces, gradually smoothing and rounding their edges. This process takes time and occurs as the sediments travel long distances, indicating that the rock has experienced significant transportation.

As the water transports the sediments, the size, shape, and density of the grains can influence their movement. Larger, denser, and more angular grains tend to settle first, while smaller, lighter, and more rounded grains are carried farther. Once the water loses its energy, the sediments are deposited, forming layers that eventually become sedimentary rocks.

In summary, a sedimentary rock composed mostly of rounded grains has likely undergone a significant amount of transport through water, with abrasion playing a crucial role in rounding the edges of the grains. The rounded grains indicate a longer transport distance, as they have had more time and opportunities to collide with other particles and surfaces, ultimately becoming smoother and more rounded in shape.

For more about sediment transportation:


Please someone explain how to do this



i just need pnts


im sorry

why are dwarf planets considered planets despite being smaller than some moons?



They do not orbit anything other than the sun.


Planets only orbit the sun and nothing else while moons orbit planets.

The establishment of maquiladoras by the United States corporations for the production of electronics components is an example of which of the following?
Exploration of union labor
New International division of labor


The establishment of maquiladoras by the United States corporations for the production of electronic components is an example of neo-colonialism.

What is neo-colonialism?

Neocolonialism is a policy by which the main world powers exert their control over less powerful nations in the post-colonial era. It entails economic, political, and social control over the country rather than direct political control. Its characteristics include the economic exploitation of poorer nations by richer ones, often under the guise of international trade or the provision of foreign aid.

Maquiladoras are foreign-owned plants in which imported raw materials are made into finished goods for export back to the country of origin. The majority of maquiladoras were built in Mexican border towns in the 1960s and 1970s to produce low-cost products for US consumers. The US corporations benefited from low-cost labor, fewer environmental restrictions, and lower taxation. Hence, the establishment of maquiladoras by the United States corporations for the production of electronic components is an example of neo-colonialism.

Learn more about neo-colonialism at


which planet has the shortest period of revolution around the sun?




The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it travels. Since Mercury is the fastest planet and has the shortest distance to travel around the Sun, it has the shortest year of all the planets in our solar system – 88 days.

Complete the description of convergent evolution Match the terms in the left column to the appropriate blanks on the right. Terms can be used once, more than once, or not at all. Reset Help analogous features in distantly Convergent evolution is the evolution of lineages. It occurs when related organisms obtain a needs. Such resemblance is said to be that appeared convergently do not have a trait due to Therefore, species with traits dependent closely shared tralt common ancestor Independent different + similar homologous


Convergent evolution is the process of evolution in which unrelated or distantly related organisms evolve similar traits. This happens as a result of similar environmental pressures, causing the organisms to develop analogous features in order to survive.

Such resemblance is said to be homologous and is independent of any shared ancestry. Traits that appear convergently do not have a closely shared common ancestor, but are instead the result of similar needs resulting in similar traits being formed in different species.

Therefore, species with traits dependent on similar environmental pressures can develop similar characteristics, even if they are distantly related. This process helps to explain why similar features can be seen in distantly related species and helps to recognize the importance of environment over ancestry in the formation of traits.

Know more about Convergent evolution here


Why do the tributaries in landscapes (fold mountains) join the main stream at a 90° angle? ​


The tributaries in landscapes with fold mountains generally join the main stream at a 90° angle because the folding of the mountains creates a series of ridges and valleys that are perpendicular to the direction of the main stream. As a result, the tributaries flow down the ridges and valleys and meet the main stream at right angles. This is also known as a trellis drainage pattern, which is common in regions with folded topography.

In a case study, a particular individual, program, or event is studied in depth over a defined period of time. a. phenomenology b. ethnography c. grounded


In Ethnography, a particular individual, program, or event is studied in depth over a defined period of time.

Ethnography is a qualitative research method used in social sciences, anthropology, and other related fields. It involves the in-depth study of a particular individual, group, culture, or community over a defined period of time. The goal of ethnography is to gain an in-depth understanding of the social, cultural, and behavioral aspects of a particular group or community.

Ethnographers typically conduct participant observation, where they immerse themselves in the daily activities and routines of the group or community they are studying. They may also conduct interviews, focus groups, and other forms of data collection to gather information about the group's beliefs, values, and practices.

Ethnography can take various forms depending on the research question and the context of the study. Some examples of ethnographic research include the study of a particular subculture within a larger society, the exploration of a particular phenomenon or event, or the examination of a particular organization or institution.

Overall, ethnography provides a unique and valuable perspective on human behavior and social phenomena. By providing a detailed and nuanced understanding of the contexts in which people live and work, ethnography can inform policy and practice in a range of fields, including education, healthcare, and social work.

Learn more about  Ethnography:


The question is incomplete but probably the complete question is

In ______, a particular individual, program, or event is studied in depth over a defined period of time.

a. phenomenology

b. ethnography

c. grounded theory

d. content analysis

Identify from the following list possible environments or conditions that can lead to the formation of clay or silt deposits- chemical weathering of soils- windblown material generated by glaciers- floodplains of river systems- bottoms of lakes- wave action along a beach


Clay or silt deposits can be formed in different environments or conditions. These include floodplains of river systems, bottoms of lakes, wave action along a beach, chemical weathering of soils, and windblown material generated by glaciers.

The floodplains of river systems are environments where clay or silt deposits can form. River floods can carry a significant amount of silt and clay materials, and when the water slows down, these materials can settle and form deposits. This process can occur repeatedly over time, resulting in the accumulation of thick clay or silt layers.

Silt and clay deposits can also form in the bottoms of lakes. The deposition of silt and clay materials in lakes is usually influenced by the volume and velocity of water entering the lake and the nature of the lake basin. When silt and clay materials settle to the bottom of the lake, they can form thick layers over time.

The wave action along a beach can lead to the formation of clay and silt deposits. Wave action can move sediments along the shore and carry them offshore. When the waves slow down, the sediments can settle and form deposits.

Clay and silt deposits can also form due to the chemical weathering of soils. When minerals in the soil are exposed to water and oxygen, they can undergo chemical reactions that transform them into clay and silt materials.

The movement of glaciers can create windblown materials that can form clay or silt deposits. When glaciers move, they can grind rocks into fine-grained sediments. These sediments can be transported by wind and deposited in different environments to form clay and silt deposits.

Learn more about  silt deposits at


Place the following regions of the sun in order of increasing radius a. corona b. core c. radiative zone d. convective zone e. chromosphere f. photosphere


The following regions of the sun in order of increasing radius, from the inside out  they are the core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona.

From smallest to largest, the order of these regions is the core, radiative zone, convective zone, photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. The core is the innermost layer and is the hottest part of the sun, with temperatures ranging from 10-15 million degrees Celsius.

This is where nuclear fusion takes place, converting hydrogen into helium and releasing tremendous amounts of energy. The radiative zone is the layer surrounding the core, and temperatures here range from 1-2 million degrees Celsius. This is where energy produced in the core is transported outward. The convective zone is the layer below the photosphere, and temperatures here range from 1-2 million degrees Celsius.

This is where hot gas is transported to the surface in a process called convection. The photosphere is the visible layer of the sun and is the brightest part of the sun. Temperatures here range from 5,000-6,000 degrees Celsius.

The chromosphere is the layer above the photosphere and is much hotter than the photosphere, with temperatures reaching 20,000 degrees Celsius. The corona is the outermost layer of the sun and is the hottest part, with temperatures reaching 2-3 million degrees Celsius. This layer is composed of hot, ionized gas and is the source of solar winds.

Know more about the sun here:


a (bring your own device) byod policy is a statement concerning employees' permissions and responsibilities when they use their own device for organizational business.


A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy is a statement that describes employees' permissions and responsibilities when they use their own device for organizational business.

What is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy?

A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy is a statement that describes employees' permissions and responsibilities when they use their own device for organizational business. A BYOD policy aims to assist employees in properly using their own devices in the workplace while also maintaining the security and privacy of sensitive information on them

A BYOD policy includes the following information:

Employees' devices that are acceptable and those that are not acceptable. Operating systems and software versions that are up-to-date and supported Passwords and security procedures that are safe .Corporate data should be kept separate from personal data. Regular backups should be performed on the device.

How to securely handle corporate data when it is not required? What employees should do if their device is lost or stolen. How personal devices are authorized to access the corporate network. What will happen if a device violates the BYOD policy? These are just a few examples of the information that may be included in a BYOD policy.

BYOD policies must be tailored to meet the specific requirements and concerns of each organization, and they must be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to maintain the highest possible level of protection against new and emerging security threats.

To know more about organizational policy refer here:


if you feel significant seismic shaking from a large subduction zone earthquake, about how much time do you have before the tsunami wave will hit?


In general, the time between the earthquake and the arrival of the tsunami wave can range from just a few minutes to several hours, depending on the distance from the earthquake epicenter and the characteristics of the earthquake and the ocean floor.

If the earthquake is located close to the coast and the tsunami is generated nearby, the wave may arrive within minutes of the earthquake, leaving little time for warning or evacuation. In such cases, it is critical to immediately move to higher ground or inland, following any tsunami evacuation guidelines or orders that may be in place.

If the earthquake is located farther offshore, or if the tsunami is generated by a series of smaller earthquakes rather than a single large one, there may be more time before the tsunami wave reaches the coast. However, even in these cases, the time between the earthquake and the arrival of the wave may be only 30 minutes to an hour, which highlights the importance of taking immediate action to move to higher ground or inland as soon as strong shaking is felt.

Learn more about  tsunami wave


partly because unconformities are in the rock record, early estimates of the age of the numerical age of rocks based on layer thickness and depositional rates were .


The early estimates of the age of the numerical age of rocks based on layer thickness and depositional rates were inaccurate, partly because unconformities are in the rock record.

Unconformities occur when rock layers are not deposited in their original sequence, or when sedimentary layers are missing completely. This means that the ages of the layers cannot be accurately determined by their thickness or rate of deposition.

Partly because unconformities are present in the rock record, early estimates of the age of rocks based on layer thickness and depositional rates were inaccurate. An unconformity is a gap in the geologic record that represents a time gap during which no deposition occurred.

Layers of rock are the result of deposition, which occurs over long periods of time.

An unconformity is a period of missing time in the rock record that has not been properly recorded. As a result, early estimates of the age of rocks based on layer thickness and depositional rates were inaccurate because they failed to account for unconformities that were present in the rock record.

Learn more about unconformities here:


which of the following plots most accurately shows the temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation?graphs: A. steadily increasing line. B. steadily decreasing line. C. straight line. D. increasing


The steadily decreasing line most accurately shows the temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation. The correct option is B.

The temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation is best represented by the steadily decreasing line.

The steadily decreasing line accurately shows the temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation, where the temperature was steadily decreasing.

The temperature in the solar system, at the time of planet formation, was steadily decreasing due to the absence of the sun.

The Sun, which is the primary source of heat in the solar system, had not yet formed, and the temperature was cold.

The temperatures in the solar system were very low, and dust and gas were slowly cooling. It was at this time that the dust and gas began to collapse into clumps, which later led to the formation of planets.

The steadily decreasing line represents the temperature distribution of the solar system at the time of planet formation.

TO KNOW ABOUT planet formation:


Look again at the map. Bear in mind that all the earthquake locations that are not inland are on a convergent plate boundary (subduction zones).-All of the locations except 9 could produce tsunamis, as all are subduction zones involving at least one oceanic plate.- All locations (except 9) could benefit from an alert that an earthquake occurred at location 2, as they are near the ocean and might experience a resultant tsunami.- Most of the people living at location 2 probably are aware that they live in a location where earthquakes are likely


Location 2, which is located on a convergent plate boundary, is an area that is particularly prone to earthquakes.

As such, the people living in this area are likely to be aware that earthquakes are a possibility.

All of the locations on the map, except for location 9, are on a convergent plate boundary, meaning that they have the potential to produce tsunamis.

Therefore, all of these locations, except for location 9, could benefit from an alert that an earthquake occurred at location 2, as it is likely that the earthquake could produce a tsunami and the other locations could be affected.

Given the proximity of the other locations to the ocean, it is important for them to be aware of the potential for a tsunami resulting from the earthquake at location 2.

Know more about convergent here


which of the following statements is false?. mylonite: group of answer choices forms by recrystallization in a fault zone. is produced by shear stress on softened rock. has pronounced foliation parallel to the direction of faulting. is a product of gneiss melting to produce felsic magma and solid mafic rock.


The statement that is incorrect regarding Mylonite is: "is a product of gneiss melting to produce felsic magma and solid mafic rock." Therefore, option 4 is the correct answer to the question.

What is mylonite?

A mylonite is a type of rock that forms by the process of mylonitization, which involves the recrystallization of pre-existing rocks in a fault zone or shear zone in response to deformation or pressure. In other words, when rocks are subjected to intense pressure, they tend to deform or become softened, resulting in a mylonite. Mylonites are a type of foliated rock, which means they have pronounced foliation and alignment of minerals parallel to the direction of faulting or shear stress. They can be distinguished from other types of rocks by their fine-grained texture and strong alignment of minerals. These rocks can be found in various settings, including tectonic fault zones, shear zones, and zones of intense deformation.

More about Mylonite:


The photograph below shows a roadcut, a human-made outcrop (rock exposure) alongside the highway. The gray layers are shale and the tan layers are sandstone. The students studying this outcrop made the following observations: 1. Fossils of marine invertebrates occur in the dark shale at the base of the outcrop. 2. Fossils of plants that grow in swamps occur in the sandstone near the top. 3. The lowermost sandstone layer fills a channel cut down into the shale below. Which of the following are reasonable interpretations of depositional environments of the sediments from which these rocks formed?there are two correct answers The sandstone was deposited near the coast. The shale was deposited on a floodplain. The shale was deposited in a lake. The sandstone was deposited in a mountainous, rocky environment. The sandstone was deposited in an inland desert. The shale was deposited in the ocean.


The observations made by the students indicate that the sediments from which the rocks formed were deposited in different environments. Based on their observations,

the reasonable interpretations are that the sandstone was deposited near the coast and the shale was deposited on a floodplain.

The presence of marine invertebrates in the shale suggests that it was deposited in a lake, while the presence of plants that grow in swamps suggests that the sandstone was likely deposited in a humid environment near the coast.

The lowermost sandstone layer filling a channel cut down into the shale also suggests that it was deposited near the coast. The sandstone was not deposited in an inland desert or the shale in the ocean, as these environments do not match the observations made by the students.

Know more about interpretations here


the polar cell is formed by air sinking at the and rising at mid-latitudes.


The given statement that "the polar cell is formed by air sinking at poles the and rising at mid-latitudes" is false.

The polar cell is defined as a system of atmospheric circulation which is characterized by air rising at 60° to 70° latitude and sinking at the poles. This sinking air creates a high-pressure zones at the poles, it is because  in the polar regions tend to be dry and cold. The air that sinks at the poles moves towards the equator, where it is deflected by the coriolis effect and becomes the prevailing westerlies. The rising air at the 60° to 70° latitude creates a low-pressure zone, which is why this region tends to be stormy and wet.

Therefore, the polar cell is formed by air sinking at the poles and rising at 60° to 70° latitude, not the other way around.

Learn more about  atmospheric circulation :


The complete question is :

"The polar cell is formed by air sinking at the poles and rising at mid-latitudes. " The statement is true or false ?

fog can form through each of the following ways except
a. By cooling the air until it reaches the dew-point (or frost-point) temperature
b. Increasing the moisture content until vapor presure reaches the water-vapor capacity
c. A combination of cooling and increasing humidity
d. Decreasing the moisture content of the air and increasing temperature


The fog can be formed in a few ways, including cooling the air, increasing humidity, or a combination of the two. Fog cannot be formed by decreasing the moisture content of the air and increasing temperature. Therefore the correct answer is D.

Fog is a type of cloud that forms on the earth's surface. It's often formed when warm, moist air cools and drops its moisture as a result of contact with a cold surface.

Fog can be formed in a few ways, including cooling the air until it reaches the dew-point temperature, increasing humidity until vapor pressure reaches the water-vapor capacity, or a combination of cooling and increasing humidity.

Decreasing the moisture content of the air and increasing temperature is not a way in which fog can form. To create fog, moisture must be present in the atmosphere and it must be able to cool and condense onto a surface, forming tiny water droplets that create the cloudy appearance.

For such more question on fog:


Which is NOT true of the Anthropocene
A. Describes a period in Earths's history when forces of human activity have begun to exceed those of wild nature
B. It is the term in Anthropology referring to the first humans to walk on land
C. Is evidenced by the effects of plowing, tilling, littering, and disturbing soils across the surface of the Earth
D. Is expected to extend long into the future


Option B. It is the term in Anthropology referring to the first humans to walk on land is NOT true of the Anthropocene.

What is Anthropocene?

The term Anthropocene is used to refer to the current geological epoch, characterized by the significant impact of human activity on the Earth's ecosystems and geology. It is thought that human activity has been so extensive and profound that it is changing the planet's natural systems permanently.

The word "Anthropocene" is derived from the Greek word for "human" and "new."

Option A: Describes a period in Earths's history when forces of human activity have begun to exceed those of wild nature is true of the Anthropocene.

Option B: It is the term in Anthropology referring to the first humans to walk on land is NOT true of the Anthropocene.

Option C: Is evidenced by the effects of plowing, tilling, littering, and disturbing soils across the surface of the Earth is true of the Anthropocene.

Option D: Is expected to extend long into the future is true of the Anthropocene.

To know more about  Anthropocene refer here :


What are gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming?


The gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming are known as greenhouse gases. They trap heat from the sun and cause the Earth's temperature to increase.

What is global warming?

Global warming refers to the phenomenon of Earth's average surface temperature increasing due to human activities that increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise. This is referred to as the greenhouse effect.

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs when certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, referred to as greenhouse gases, trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping into space. As a result, the Earth's temperature is kept within a range that is conducive to life as we know it.

However, human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes have led to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, intensifying the greenhouse effect and causing global warming. This is a significant concern, as global warming can have a range of negative impacts on the environment and human societies.

Learn more about global warming at


Todd surveyed 25 7th grade students in the art club to determine what movies 7th grade students prefer Explain why this is not an appropriate sample to infer the preferences of all 7th grade students


Surveying only 25 7th grade students in the art club is not representative of the entire population, as their preferences may differ from those not in the club.

What is a Sample?

A sample is a subset of a larger population that is used to infer characteristics or trends of the entire population.

Surveying only 25 7th grade students in the art club is not an appropriate sample to infer the preferences of all 7th grade students because the sample is not representative of the entire population. The art club students may have different preferences compared to students who are not in the club.

Additionally, the sample size is too small to capture the diversity and variability of preferences among all 7th grade students. Therefore, any conclusions drawn from this sample may not be accurate or generalizable to the entire population of 7th grade students. A larger and more diverse sample that is randomly selected would be needed for more accurate results.

Learn more about sample on:


which of the following is true about the nitrogen cycle? A. the form of nitrogen present in significant levels in the atmosphere is easily assimilated by most organisms B. most of the nitrogen in the atmosphere exists as organic molecules C. all organisms can incorporate atmospheric nitrogen into their proteins and nucleic acids D. the activity of specific types of microorganisms is important to convert atmospheric nitrogen molecules into usable forms


D. The activity of specific types of microorganisms is important to convert atmospheric nitrogen molecules into usable forms, is true about nitrogen cycle.

The nitrogen cycle is a complex process that plays an important role in regulating the global environment. The activity of specific types of microorganisms is critical to the nitrogen cycle, as they are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen molecules into usable forms.

The form of nitrogen present in significant levels in the atmosphere is molecular nitrogen (N2), which is not easily assimilated by most organisms.

To make it usable, nitrogen must be "fixed" into more accessible forms, such as nitrates and ammonia, which can then be taken up by plants and other organisms.

Other microorganisms are able to convert nitrates and ammonia back into molecular nitrogen, completing the cycle. Thus, the cycle is powered by the activity of microorganisms, which are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms and then back again.

Therefore, correct option is D.

Know more about global environment here


Cada entidad federativa en México desarrolla las actividades económicas que sus recursos naturales y

económicos le permiten.

Anota una en las actividades económicas en que destaca cada entidad.

Actividades económicas


Agropecuaria Pesquera Minera Industrial Comercio Servicios

Distrito Federal


Nuevo León

Estado de México




Translation-Each federal entity in Mexico develops the economic activities that its natural resources and economical allow you. Write down one in the economic activities in which each entity stands out. Economic activities Entity Agriculture, Fishing, Mining, Industrial, Commerce Services. federal District Jalisco, New Lion, Mexico state Tabasco, Veracruz.

In Mexico's free market economy, prices for goods and services are established through a free market system. Services, manufacturing, commerce, agriculture, mining, energy production, and the financial sector make up the bulk of the Mexican economy.

Mexico's economy is a growing example of a mixed-market economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, its nominal GDP ranks it as the 15th largest in the world, and its purchasing power parity ranks it as the 13th largest. The macroeconomic stability of the Mexican economy, which has led to historically low levels of inflation and interest rates, has been unprecedented. Mexico is a participant in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

Mexico is one of the world's top producers of wood, natural gas, oil, silver, copper, gold, lead, and zinc. Mexico trades goods with many other nations, including the USA, Spain, Germany, the UK, France, and Japan, as well as chemicals, metals, textiles, and leather goods.

Learn more about free market economy at:


Which of the following statements is NOT true?
a) The larger the area integrated into a single political, economic, and cultural network, the larger the scale of that network
b) Scales are independent of one another.
c) Geographic scales are over-lapping, hierarchical, and interlinked
d) Each successive over-lapping scale is higher than the one below it


The statement that is NOT true is Scales are independent of one another. Option B

What is Geographic scales about?

Geographic scales are not independent of one another but rather interlinked and hierarchical, with each level influencing and affected by the others.

The concept of scale in geography refers to the size of a phenomenon being studied, and the larger the scale, the greater the area or extent of the phenomenon.

Hence, the different scales in geography are overlapping and interdependent, and each successive scale builds upon the one below it.

Learn more about scales  from


in north america, which of the following frequently consumed items is most likely to be supplied by a trans-national corporation?a. Milk
b. Water
c. Coffee
d. Electricity


In North America, the most likely product to be supplied by a transnational corporation among the frequently consumed items is coffee.

The correct answer is C.

Transnational corporations are businesses that have headquarters in one country and subsidiaries in multiple other countries. These corporations are big enough to affect local economies, politics, and people’s lives in a significant way

North America is one of the largest coffee-consuming regions globally, and it's produced in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica. The vast majority of coffee traded internationally is produced by small farmers and then sold to intermediaries for processing and roasting.

The commodity chain of coffee is increasingly being dominated by TNCs (Transnational Corporations) such as Starbucks, Nestlé, and Jacobs Douwe Egberts, among others. These corporations buy large amounts of coffee beans to process, package, and distribute to retail outlets globally. Therefore, the most likely product to be supplied by a transnational corporation among the frequently consumed items in North America is coffee.

Learn more about transnational corporations at


which description of the earth's magnetic field is most accurate for a person living in champaign-urbana?


The magnetic field of the earth is measured using magnetic poles that are located at the earth's North and South Poles. The magnetic field of the earth is generated by the earth's molten core.

There are a few different ways in which the earth's magnetic field is measured. One of the most common ways is by using a magnetic field strength meter.

For a person living in Champaign-Urbana, the earth's magnetic field would be described as being generally weak. This is because Champaign-Urbana is located relatively close to the earth's equator.

As a result, the magnetic field is not as strong in this region as it is in regions closer to the earth's poles.

In general, the earth's magnetic field is weaker near the equator than it is near the poles. This is because the magnetic field lines are more spread out at the equator, and the magnetic field is less concentrated.

In contrast, near the poles, the magnetic field lines are more tightly packed together, and the magnetic field is more concentrated.

It is important to note that the strength of the earth's magnetic field can also be affected by a number of different factors, such as solar activity and changes in the earth's magnetic field itself.

As a result, the strength of the earth's magnetic field can vary somewhat over time.

In summary, the earth's magnetic field is generally weaker near the equator, which means that a person living in Champaign-Urbana would experience a relatively weak magnetic field.

However, the strength of the earth's magnetic field can also vary over time due to a number of different factors.

To know more about magnetic field here


Explain why the Middle East is so compact in regards to population


The Middle East is a region with a long history of human settlement, which has led to the development of complex societies and cultures.

What is the region home to?

The region is home to some of the world's earliest civilizations and has been a center of trade and commerce for thousands of years. In addition, the Middle East has a strategic location, linking Asia, Europe, and Africa, which has facilitated the movement of people, goods, and ideas.

The region's arid and semi-arid climate has also limited the availability of water and arable land, leading to concentrated populations in areas with more favorable environmental conditions.

Read more about Middle East here:


what is the region where the quiche people live today. question 8 options: guatemala and the yucatan honduras and guatemala guatemala and costa rica belize and guatemala



The K’iche’ Maya, also known as the Quiché people, live in the central highlands of Guatemala.


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